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作者 王乙晴 左振鹏 《电影文学》 北大核心 2014年第11期87-88,共2页
电影《樱桃》主要讲述的是在农村发生的故事,对母爱赞扬,是地处山区的智障母亲对孩子那种渴望、养育与维护的表现。电影借助原生态的摄影方式,忽略摄影机下的完整画面,重点关注镜头,指出眼睛就是人类心灵的窗户,重点运用较为特别的角度... 电影《樱桃》主要讲述的是在农村发生的故事,对母爱赞扬,是地处山区的智障母亲对孩子那种渴望、养育与维护的表现。电影借助原生态的摄影方式,忽略摄影机下的完整画面,重点关注镜头,指出眼睛就是人类心灵的窗户,重点运用较为特别的角度来反映事情的进展,让观看者存在一定的遐想。影视写作的内容与材料都是基于实际情况而完成的。创作者将自身对生活的体会与体验借助一些工具、形式进行提取与创作,之后才会产生影视作品。文艺来源于生活,但又高于生活,它们的根基是现实生活。 展开更多
关键词 《樱桃》 创作修养 创作风格
作者 白钰 《黄河之声》 2024年第8期4-7,共4页
《樱桃好吃树难栽》作为一首深受欢迎的山西民歌,不仅承载着丰富的地域文化和民俗情感,还通过其朴实无华的语言和质朴深情的旋律,展现了人与自然、人与情感之间复杂而微妙的关系。文章分析了歌曲的情感主题、表达手法以及歌词和旋律在... 《樱桃好吃树难栽》作为一首深受欢迎的山西民歌,不仅承载着丰富的地域文化和民俗情感,还通过其朴实无华的语言和质朴深情的旋律,展现了人与自然、人与情感之间复杂而微妙的关系。文章分析了歌曲的情感主题、表达手法以及歌词和旋律在情感表达中的作用,进而探讨了歌曲的传承与创新对当代民歌的影响,展示了如何通过现代技术手段和跨界合作,使传统民歌在新时代背景下焕发出新的生命力。 展开更多
关键词 山西民歌 《樱桃好吃树难栽》 情感表达 传承与创新 当代民歌
太宰治创作调和期和颓废期的作品比较研究——以《富狱百景》和《樱桃》的对比研究为例 被引量:2
作者 沈日中 《佳木斯教育学院学报》 2010年第6期312-313,共2页
日本作家太宰治,是无赖派文学的代表,被称为"二十世纪的旗手"。1938年至1945年是太宰治创作生涯的调和期,其间他的精神状态安定,创作热情饱满。在《文体》杂志上发表了《富狱百景》。通过对富士景观的描写,向读者呈现了一幅... 日本作家太宰治,是无赖派文学的代表,被称为"二十世纪的旗手"。1938年至1945年是太宰治创作生涯的调和期,其间他的精神状态安定,创作热情饱满。在《文体》杂志上发表了《富狱百景》。通过对富士景观的描写,向读者呈现了一幅朴素、自然的富士景象。1946年至1948年则是其创作的颓废期,精神处于崩溃状态,内心痛苦,其间在《世界》杂志上发表了《樱桃》。两篇小说的比较研究有利于更好地把握太宰治的人生观及文艺观发展的历程。 展开更多
关键词 太宰治 《富狱百景》 《樱桃》
作者 徐爽 《电影评介》 北大核心 2016年第23期12-14,共3页
《樱桃的滋味》是伊朗导演阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米1997年的作品,该片因其独特的叙事手法、艺术风格和哲学思考,一上映就在世界影坛引起了巨大轰动,更摘得了第50届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,这是阿巴斯征战各大影节获得的最高奖项,也... 《樱桃的滋味》是伊朗导演阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米1997年的作品,该片因其独特的叙事手法、艺术风格和哲学思考,一上映就在世界影坛引起了巨大轰动,更摘得了第50届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,这是阿巴斯征战各大影节获得的最高奖项,也使他成为了伊朗首位获此殊荣的导演。在这部影片中,阿巴斯运用朴素而简约的视听语言,讲述了一名男子开车在山路间兜转,找寻在他自杀后能帮忙埋葬的人选的故事,表达了导演在伊朗电影限制和自由的矛盾中形成的生死观。 展开更多
关键词 《樱桃的滋味》 生死观 存在主义 戛纳电影节 视阈 寓言 荒漠 阿巴斯
作者 宋素红 许佳 《山东女子学院学报》 2020年第2期71-77,共7页
随着社交媒体的崛起和女性消费力量的增加,女性微信公众号的社会性别意识传播成为值得关注的问题。以《樱桃画报》为研究对象,通过内容分析法分析其文字、图片、广告和评论,发现其存在矛盾的性别意识。它一方面通过再现女性焦虑引发女... 随着社交媒体的崛起和女性消费力量的增加,女性微信公众号的社会性别意识传播成为值得关注的问题。以《樱桃画报》为研究对象,通过内容分析法分析其文字、图片、广告和评论,发现其存在矛盾的性别意识。它一方面通过再现女性焦虑引发女性情感共鸣,另一方面塑造刻板印象,以消费主义消解女性主义;同时刻意筛选用户评论以加固传者的意见,引发女性用户狂欢和性别意识扭曲。商业化女性公众号呈现精神慰藉的父权制本质、消费主义的价值引导以及用户社会性别意识的缺乏。女性微信公众号应成为两性共同参与的社会性别意识传播空间,这需要传者、用户、自媒体平台和政府的多方参与和共治。 展开更多
关键词 《樱桃画报》 微信公众号 社会性别意识
关于存在的寓言和焦虑——《樱桃的滋味》及其他 被引量:2
作者 许骧 《艺术广角》 2004年第2期33-36,共4页
我喜欢看诡异的、超现实的、充满奇思异想又不落俗套的电影,这些电影能拍出《变形记》的荒诞、类似鲁迅杂文般的犀利,还不乏格林纳威的华彩。这样的口味使我对巴赞和克拉考尔关于电影本性的探讨不以为然,但自从接触阿巴斯和基耶斯洛夫... 我喜欢看诡异的、超现实的、充满奇思异想又不落俗套的电影,这些电影能拍出《变形记》的荒诞、类似鲁迅杂文般的犀利,还不乏格林纳威的华彩。这样的口味使我对巴赞和克拉考尔关于电影本性的探讨不以为然,但自从接触阿巴斯和基耶斯洛夫斯基的作品以后,我发现普通的人群、琐碎的现实和平淡的故事在大师的摄影机下奇迹般地复活,我不得不重新注视它们。就拿阿巴斯来说。 展开更多
关键词 《樱桃的滋味》 观众 影片 阿巴斯 巴蒂 寓言 民间文学 镜头
浅析山西左权民歌《樱桃好吃树难栽》的艺术特点 被引量:1
作者 瞿杨 《戏剧之家》 2018年第8期82-82,共1页
山西左权民歌是山西民歌的代表,具有鲜明的地域特色,且山西左权民歌有很多知名的代表作品,词曲的创作都有一定的韵律,曲调比较优美,感情质朴自然。想要演唱好山西左权民歌,就必须了解其本身的艺术特点。其中《樱桃好吃树难栽》就是一首... 山西左权民歌是山西民歌的代表,具有鲜明的地域特色,且山西左权民歌有很多知名的代表作品,词曲的创作都有一定的韵律,曲调比较优美,感情质朴自然。想要演唱好山西左权民歌,就必须了解其本身的艺术特点。其中《樱桃好吃树难栽》就是一首典型的开花调。本文主要对《樱桃好吃树难栽》这首歌曲进行艺术特点的分析。 展开更多
关键词 左权民歌 《樱桃好吃树难栽》 演唱 艺术特点
爱神花园的戏仿、续写与重构——《樱桃盗贼》和《樱桃熟了》的互文性 被引量:1
作者 陈贵才 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期65-68,72,共5页
坎皮恩的《樱桃熟了》集音乐性与文学性于一体,是诗人音乐才能和诗歌才能的充分展示。劳伦斯的《樱桃盗贼》集绘画性与文学性于一体,是诗人的绘画才能和诗歌才能的鲜活再现。在充分施展个人才能和有效汲取西方文化优良给养的同时,坎皮... 坎皮恩的《樱桃熟了》集音乐性与文学性于一体,是诗人音乐才能和诗歌才能的充分展示。劳伦斯的《樱桃盗贼》集绘画性与文学性于一体,是诗人的绘画才能和诗歌才能的鲜活再现。在充分施展个人才能和有效汲取西方文化优良给养的同时,坎皮恩建构了一个人文主义主导下的神圣不可侵犯的爱神花园,而劳伦斯则在戏仿和续写坎皮恩的爱神花园,在巧妙套用英语俚语和充分记忆英国民歌的基础上,重构了一个女性主义主导下的三维立体的血腥爱神花园,重写了英国文艺复兴时期的人文主义文学和文化传统,有力地推进了女性主义文学书写。 展开更多
关键词 《樱桃熟了》 《樱桃盗贼》 人文主义 女性主义 互文性
作者 容容 《素质教育博览(小学中高年级版)》 2010年第1期20-23,共4页
关键词 《樱桃 那个丸子》 小学 作文 容容
作者 曾虹 《作文成功之路(中考冲刺)》 2011年第2期102-102,共1页
关键词 《樱桃情》 中学生 作文 语文学习
作者 沈顺英 《龙门阵》 2024年第6期83-85,共3页
关键词 宋代诗人 陈与义 李渔 黄鸟 《樱桃》 乡愁 樱桃
Effects of Controlled Atmospheres with High_O_2 or High_CO_2 Concentrations on Postharvest Physiology and Storability of "Napoleon" Sweet Cherry 被引量:27
作者 姜爱丽 田世平 徐勇 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第8期925-930,共6页
Sweet cherries ( Prunus avium L. cv. Napoleon) were stored in controlled atmospheres (CA) of high O(2) (70% O(2) + 0% CO(2)) or high CO(2) (5% O(2) + 10% CO(2)), in modified atmosphere package (MAP, (13% - 18%) O(2) +... Sweet cherries ( Prunus avium L. cv. Napoleon) were stored in controlled atmospheres (CA) of high O(2) (70% O(2) + 0% CO(2)) or high CO(2) (5% O(2) + 10% CO(2)), in modified atmosphere package (MAP, (13% - 18%) O(2) + (2% -4%) CO(2)) and in air (control) at 1 degreesC to investigate the effects of different O(2) and CO(2) concentrations on physiological properties, quality and storability of the fruits during storage. The results indicated that compared with other treatments, CA with high O(2) concentration decreased fruit decay and ethanol content, but increased the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and stimulated browning. CA with high CO(2) concentration inhibited polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, reduced MDA content, maintained vitamin C content and firmness, decreased fruit decay and browning. Soluble solids contents (SSC) were not significantly affected by different atmosphere treatments. 'Napoleon' fruits stored in 5% O(2) + 10% CO(2) for as long as 80 d were of good quality, but only 40, 20 and 30 d stored in MAP, 70% O(2) + 0% CO(2) and air, re-spectively. 展开更多
关键词 sweet cherry physiological properties quality STORABILITY high O(2) concentrations high CO(2) concentrations
Effect of Weak Light on the Peroxidation of Membrane_Lipid of Cherry Leaves 被引量:22
作者 黄卫东 吴兰坤 战吉 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第8期920-924,共5页
The effect of weak light on the peroxidation of membrane_lipid of one_year_old cherries ( Prunus pseudocerasus L. 'Laiyang') was studied by whole_tree shading. The results showed that the net photosynthetic... The effect of weak light on the peroxidation of membrane_lipid of one_year_old cherries ( Prunus pseudocerasus L. 'Laiyang') was studied by whole_tree shading. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate of cherry leaves under weak light was remarkably lower; the activity peroxidase (POD) increased when light intensity decreased; the activity of catalase (CAT) showed an opposite trend, and it was positively correlated with light intensity; the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased under 366 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 and 533.8 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 light intensity, but decreased under 228.8 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 and 83.9 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 light intensity. A remarkable increase of malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of membrane_lipid peroxidation, was also observed in cherry leaves when treated with weak light, indicating more serious peroxidation in the membrane. 展开更多
关键词 weak light CHERRY membrane_lipid peroxidation membrane_protecting enzyme
Effects of Probiotics on Growth Performance and Blood Biochemical Indexes of Cherry Valley Ducks 被引量:4
作者 李小芬 杨晓志 +3 位作者 陶勇 张玲 顾文婕 袁旭红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1732-1734,1740,共4页
In order to investigate the effects of probiotics on growth performance, blood biochemical indexes and economic benefits of Cherry Valley ducks, different probiotics were added into the feed of Cherry Valley ducks. To... In order to investigate the effects of probiotics on growth performance, blood biochemical indexes and economic benefits of Cherry Valley ducks, different probiotics were added into the feed of Cherry Valley ducks. Total 240 1-d-old Cherry Valley ducks were selected, and they were randomly divided into 4 groups, including 1 control group and 3 treatment groups. There were 3 replicates for each group and there were 20 ducks for each replicate. The ducks in the control group were fed the basal diet, and the ducks in the 3 treatment groups were fed the basal diet added with Lactobacillus, Bacillus natto and florfenicol, respectively. The test lasted for 42 d. The results showed that the addition of Lactobacillus and Bacillus natto could improve the average daily weight gain and final average weight (P〈0.05) of Cherry Valley ducks, and reduce the glutamic-pyruvic transaminase ac- tivity, alkaline phosphatase activity and serum urinary nitrogen content in duck blood (P〈0.05) and reduce the creatinine content and total cholesterol content in Cherry Valley ducks (P〉0.05); at the same time, adding probiotics to feed could also in- crease the grass economic benefits of Cherry Valley ducks. In overall, the effects of adding probiotics were better than those of adding antibiotic. 展开更多
关键词 Cherry Valley duck Probiotic Growth performance Blood biochemicalindex Economic benefits
Effects of Different Preservative Treatments on Physiological Metabolism and Preservation of Sweet Cherry 被引量:3
作者 朱向秋 陈茂全 邹昊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1373-1375,1380,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different preservative treatments on physiological metabolism and preservation of sweet cherry. [Method] Sweet cherry (Prunus avium var. Summit) was soaked ... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of different preservative treatments on physiological metabolism and preservation of sweet cherry. [Method] Sweet cherry (Prunus avium var. Summit) was soaked into benziothiazolinone (1 000 ppm), lysozyme (500 ppm), lysozyme (500 ppm) + NPS polysaccharide (5 000 ppm) and water for 5 min, respectively. Non-treated sweet cherry was set as control. All the sweet cherries were then put into 3 mm thick PE bags and preserved at (-0.5±0.5) ℃. [Result] The results showed that the malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activity of benziothiazolinone treatment researched a significant peak on the 14 th d, while the MDH activity of Lysozyme (500 ppm), Lysozyme (500 ppm) + NPS polysaccharide (5 000 ppm) and water treatments began to increase on the 20 th d; the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in various treatments showed a decreasing trend during the experiment, which researched a significant peak on the 14 th d, while that in water treatment was decreased consistently; on the 21 st d, the PPO activity in each treatment increased slowly; the titratable acid (TA) content in preservative treatments was higher than that in both water treatment and control; the soluble solid (SSC) content showed no significant difference between various treatments and between experimental treatment and control; on the 40 th d, the healthy fruit rate in preservative treatments was significantly higher than that in water treatment and control. [Conclusion] Benziothiazolinone, lysozyme and other preservatives show good effects on preservation of sweet cherry; lysozyme treatment can decrease the activity of malate dehydrogenase, maintain the relatively high content of organic acid and significantly improve the healthy fruit rate within a certain period of time. 展开更多
关键词 Sweet cherry PRESERVATION Malate dehydrogenase PRESERVATIVE Oxidase activity
被批量生产的文学——论新人类文学与媒体之关系 被引量:1
作者 于凤静 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 2006年第4期103-106,共4页
关键词 文学现象 新人类 批量生产 《葵花走失在1890》 《梦里花落知多少》 媒体 《樱桃之远》 《北京娃娃》 代表作 文学写作
Application of Landfill Composed of Biogas Residue and Slurry in Cherry Production
作者 张昌爱 姚利 +3 位作者 刘兆辉 王莉 单洪涛 辛淑荣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期611-614,共4页
In order to explore the effects of landfill composed of biogas residue and slurry on the improvement of soil nutrients and cherry fruit yield, three treatments: control (no landfill), landfilling with biogas residu... In order to explore the effects of landfill composed of biogas residue and slurry on the improvement of soil nutrients and cherry fruit yield, three treatments: control (no landfill), landfilling with biogas residue and water (BR), landfilling with biogas residue and slurry (BS) were conducted in a cherry orchard. The results showed that compared with the control, soil water content around the landfills with a radius of 60 cm within 30 d was increased in BR and BS treatments. The poment- age of short shoots and the total number of shoots of cherry trees were also signif- icantly increased by BR and BS treatments; the cherry fruit yield per tree and the single-fruit weight in BS treatment were increased by 21.76% and 28.89%, respec- tively. In addition, BS treatment obviously improved the contents of soil organic matter, soil available nitrogen, s0il available phosphorus, soil available potassium and other nutrients. The positive effects of BR treatment on the improvement of soil nutrients and cherry fruit yield were lower than those of BS treatment, indicating that the combined use of biogas residue and biogas slurry as landfill can improve the soil water and fertilizer status in orchards, and thus can be promoted in the cultivation of fruit trees. 展开更多
关键词 Biogas residue Biogas slurry LANDFILL CHERRY APPLICATION
Cluster Analysis of Characteristics of Different Sweet Cherry Varieties
作者 杨晓华 尹蓉 +6 位作者 庞传明 聂国伟 张倩茹 李凯 茹慧玲 籍艺文 段泽敏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2441-2445,共5页
In order to compare the characteristics of different varieties of sweet cherry and to formulate corresponding pruning scheme, hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted for the 14 sweet cherry varieties that were mai... In order to compare the characteristics of different varieties of sweet cherry and to formulate corresponding pruning scheme, hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted for the 14 sweet cherry varieties that were mainly planted in Shanxi Province. The results showed that the 14 varieties of sweet cherry could be divided into two types, Hongmanao and Rainier. Fruit setting rate, branching rate, medium fruit shoot proportion, spur proportion and yield per plant were significantly different between these two types of sweet cherry. The key points of pruning management, to improve the yield of Rainier type, were to increase the fruit setting rate and spur proportion, and to control properly the long and medium fruit shoot proportion. 展开更多
关键词 Sweet cherry Fruit-bearing branch group Cluster analysis YIELD
Study on Chilling Requirement of Different Fruit Branch of a Sweet Cherry Cultivar ‘Hongmanao'
作者 宋永宏 戴桂林 +4 位作者 聂国伟 李凯 田永强 石美娟 陈子润 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第10期2430-2433,共4页
With 'Hongmanao', a sweet cherry cultivar from central Shanxi Province, as the experimental material, the chilling requirements of different types of fruit branches (including mixed fruit branch, long fruit branch,... With 'Hongmanao', a sweet cherry cultivar from central Shanxi Province, as the experimental material, the chilling requirements of different types of fruit branches (including mixed fruit branch, long fruit branch, medium fruit branch, short fruit branch and blossom fruit branch) were studied by the 0-7.2 ℃ model in a solar greenhouse during 2012-2013. In the greenhouse, the fruit branches of 'Hongmanao' were cultured in water in a thermostatic environment. The results showed that the chilling requirement of leaf buds of 'Hongmanao' was lower than that of its flower buds; and the chilling requirements of the five types of fruit branches ranked as blossom fruit branch's〈short fruit branch's〈medium fruit branch's〈long fruit branch's〈mixed fruit branch's, 展开更多
关键词 'Hongmanao' Sweet Cherry Different fruit branch types Chilling requirements
Preliminary Report on the Introduction of Zaodaguo/Rootstock Gisela 5 into Chaoyang,Liaoning
作者 齐鹏春 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1513-1515,1557,共4页
The sweet cherry Zaodaguo/rootstock Gisela 5 was introduced from Insti- tute of Fruit Tree Research in Shandong Province in 2009. It was planted in sun- light greenhouse. The results showed Gisela 5 flowered as early ... The sweet cherry Zaodaguo/rootstock Gisela 5 was introduced from Insti- tute of Fruit Tree Research in Shandong Province in 2009. It was planted in sun- light greenhouse. The results showed Gisela 5 flowered as early as 2 years after transplanting and a small part fruited. In the 3~ to 5~ year, the annual productions reached 1 125, 2 940 and 6 300 kg/hm2 correspondingly. The main technical mea- sures for early good harvest included planting high-quality seedlings, reasonable fer- tilizer and water management, appropriate tree shape, reasonable pruning, reason- able regulation of temperature and humidity, protecting flowers and fruits, pest con- trol, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Sweet cherry: Zaodaauo: Gisela: Chaovana. Liaonina
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