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作者 谢景钺 《文教资料》 2010年第1期16-18,共3页
关键词 《毁》 叙事学理论 情爱主题
作者 杨仲友 《镇江高专学报》 2024年第1期31-34,40,共5页
郁达夫在《毁家诗纪》发表前为组诗添上注文,诗作抒情、注文叙事,诗文合璧,相得益彰;同时,国难与婚变的内容相互交织,形成了一组凄恻动人的自传体诗篇。郁达夫用旧体诗创作《毁家诗纪》,并用注文记录“毁家”的诸多细节,既是其“袒露自... 郁达夫在《毁家诗纪》发表前为组诗添上注文,诗作抒情、注文叙事,诗文合璧,相得益彰;同时,国难与婚变的内容相互交织,形成了一组凄恻动人的自传体诗篇。郁达夫用旧体诗创作《毁家诗纪》,并用注文记录“毁家”的诸多细节,既是其“袒露自怜”性格的体现,也是郁达夫作为一个“骸骨迷恋者”以诗为舌、以诗为伴的本能选择。《毁家诗纪》是了解“郁王婚变”的第一手资料,也是研究郁达夫旧体诗创作的重要文献。《毁家诗纪》中的自传体诗文书写推动了旧体诗自传体诗文的发展。 展开更多
关键词 郁达夫 《毁家诗纪》 自传体诗文
《毁家诗纪》的多维诠释——写在郁达夫遇难60周年之际 被引量:2
作者 许凤才 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期223-230,共8页
郁达夫的《毁家诗纪》记录了郁达夫1936—1938年间与妻子王映霞“情变”的史实,既鞭挞了当时国民党上层官僚阶层的腐败和反动,又真实而生动地反映了郁达夫作为一个爱国作家的高尚情怀和精忠报国的光辉人格。《毁家诗纪》可视为郁达夫的... 郁达夫的《毁家诗纪》记录了郁达夫1936—1938年间与妻子王映霞“情变”的史实,既鞭挞了当时国民党上层官僚阶层的腐败和反动,又真实而生动地反映了郁达夫作为一个爱国作家的高尚情怀和精忠报国的光辉人格。《毁家诗纪》可视为郁达夫的自传诗史。 展开更多
关键词 都达夫 《毁家诗纪》 自传诗史
陆羽《毁茶论》事实考辨 被引量:4
作者 朱华 《农业考古》 2015年第5期178-182,共5页
陆羽《毁茶论》散佚,后世学者因其内容无所考证,出现《毁茶论》系陆羽受辱后反对饮茶或陆羽未作此篇等不同的推测。通过梳理可以看出,在唐代饮茶风尚的普及中,常伯熊增益陆羽之法以及陆羽写作《毁茶论》对于饮茶风尚的普及有着重要的推... 陆羽《毁茶论》散佚,后世学者因其内容无所考证,出现《毁茶论》系陆羽受辱后反对饮茶或陆羽未作此篇等不同的推测。通过梳理可以看出,在唐代饮茶风尚的普及中,常伯熊增益陆羽之法以及陆羽写作《毁茶论》对于饮茶风尚的普及有着重要的推动作用,李季卿对陆羽和常伯熊的态度差异亦非源自二人的茶艺、茶道器具和程序,而是源自二人的装束,且陆羽在写作《毁茶论》后还对《茶经》进行过两次修改,并且继续从事相关的茶事活动。所以,《毁茶论》的主要内容当是反对李季卿之流重视茶人装束而忽视茶道本身的行为,而非反对饮茶。 展开更多
关键词 陆羽 《毁茶论》 李季卿 常伯熊 茶道
试析陆羽与《毁茶论》 被引量:1
作者 范国荣 《农业考古》 2018年第5期172-175,共4页
封演《封氏闻见记》记载陆羽著有《茶经》和《毁茶论》,这一说法造成当代一些人的困惑。然而,经过仔细分析,原来是以现代人的思维去理解古代人文字字句而造成的偏差。《毁茶论》其实是对《茶经》的补充和完善,可能也是现存《茶经》曾经... 封演《封氏闻见记》记载陆羽著有《茶经》和《毁茶论》,这一说法造成当代一些人的困惑。然而,经过仔细分析,原来是以现代人的思维去理解古代人文字字句而造成的偏差。《毁茶论》其实是对《茶经》的补充和完善,可能也是现存《茶经》曾经修改的间接证据。 展开更多
关键词 陆羽 《茶经》 《毁茶论》 《封氏闻见记》 茶道 李季卿
郁达夫《毁家诗纪》史料新证 被引量:1
作者 黄世中 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2011年第5期63-70,共8页
笔者与王映霞通讯与电话往来近二十年(1982-2000),并曾多次与王映霞交谈,存有王映霞致本人书简165封(1982-1994),以及许多第一手资料如访谈和照片等。对重新认识《毁家诗纪》,考证郁、王婚变的真相,郁达夫人格类型,以及对爱情婚姻的观... 笔者与王映霞通讯与电话往来近二十年(1982-2000),并曾多次与王映霞交谈,存有王映霞致本人书简165封(1982-1994),以及许多第一手资料如访谈和照片等。对重新认识《毁家诗纪》,考证郁、王婚变的真相,郁达夫人格类型,以及对爱情婚姻的观念也进行了论析,力图还历史以本来面目,以补现代文学史料之阙。 展开更多
关键词 郁达夫 王映霞 《毁家诗纪》
乳化炸药线型切割器对薄壳弹药销毁效果的数值模拟研究 被引量:4
作者 王敏 龙源 +1 位作者 钟明寿 谢兴博 《爆破器材》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第2期39-43,共5页
针对目前的弹药销毁状况,为了减轻直接爆破的环境压力,利用理论分析及数值模拟的方法,首先对设计的简易乳化炸药线型切割器的药型罩材料进行确定,数值模拟表明:铝质药型罩所形成的射流侵彻能力要比紫铜材质的提高28%,而后利用ANSYS数值... 针对目前的弹药销毁状况,为了减轻直接爆破的环境压力,利用理论分析及数值模拟的方法,首先对设计的简易乳化炸药线型切割器的药型罩材料进行确定,数值模拟表明:铝质药型罩所形成的射流侵彻能力要比紫铜材质的提高28%,而后利用ANSYS数值模拟得出该切割器最佳炸高为15 mm。最后对乳化炸药线型切割器切割薄壳弹药的过程进行数值模拟,证明该切割器可以达到切去弹药外壳而不产生剧烈爆轰及高速破片的效果。 展开更多
关键词 聚能射流 切割器设计 冲击起爆 数值模拟
作者 裴治国 《农业考古》 2019年第5期167-171,共5页
湖州的人文和地理环境,成就和丰富了陆羽的人生。但陆羽在湖州也遭遇了不容回避的失意一面,其一是大历前期,为摆脱生活困境欲投鲍防;其二是因建议李栖筠进贡紫笋茶导致贡茶制度设立,致湖常两州人民深受其害,陆羽也于心不安;其三是陆羽... 湖州的人文和地理环境,成就和丰富了陆羽的人生。但陆羽在湖州也遭遇了不容回避的失意一面,其一是大历前期,为摆脱生活困境欲投鲍防;其二是因建议李栖筠进贡紫笋茶导致贡茶制度设立,致湖常两州人民深受其害,陆羽也于心不安;其三是陆羽目睹唐王朝及其官吏对茶的索取与利用,完全违背他对茶的认识与理解,严重背离他在《茶经》中倡导的“精行俭德”精神,于是,愤然撰写《毁茶论》,抨击唐王朝为“口腹玩好”创立新制,索茶无度;各级官吏不顾人民疾苦,借贡茶制度横征暴敛,致茶区民不聊生。陆羽或于文中向茶区人民表达歉意。 展开更多
关键词 陆羽 《茶经》 《毁茶论》 湖州 颜真卿
高贵的忧伤与奇特的想象 被引量:1
作者 莫言 《青年思想家》 2004年第1期124-125,共2页
张悦然出生于80年代,现在还在念大二,但她已在小说创作的探索中走得比较远了。她的小说不以故事取胜,但凭靠对外在世界和个人心灵的敏锐体察和聪颖感悟,细细密密地串起了一串串梦想的文字珠链,便营造出了一个个五光十色、美仑美奂... 张悦然出生于80年代,现在还在念大二,但她已在小说创作的探索中走得比较远了。她的小说不以故事取胜,但凭靠对外在世界和个人心灵的敏锐体察和聪颖感悟,细细密密地串起了一串串梦想的文字珠链,便营造出了一个个五光十色、美仑美奂的奇景。 展开更多
关键词 张悦然 小说创作 《黑猫不睡》 《毁》 《葵花走失在1890》 悲剧意识 梦意象 爱情 想象力
忧伤的呓语 被引量:1
作者 别晓燕 《青年思想家》 2004年第1期125-126,共2页
张悦然这个名字,其实并不陌生,很久以前就读过她的《黑猫不睡》,很为那些简洁奇特而锐利的文字感动。现在我面前摊开的是整整一本书,收集了最初的《残食》和最近的《毁》,于是我有机会得到了更多的更琐碎而具体的信息,当然我这些... 张悦然这个名字,其实并不陌生,很久以前就读过她的《黑猫不睡》,很为那些简洁奇特而锐利的文字感动。现在我面前摊开的是整整一本书,收集了最初的《残食》和最近的《毁》,于是我有机会得到了更多的更琐碎而具体的信息,当然我这些都只不过是猜测。 展开更多
关键词 张悦然 小说创作 《黑猫不睡》 《残食》 《毁》 叙述手法 悲剧意识 思想感情 语言特点
Acute lesions of primary visual cortical areas in adult cats inactivate responses of neurons in higher visual cortices 被引量:1
作者 张辉 孟建军 +3 位作者 王珂 刘瑞龙 奚敏敏 华田苗 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期218-224,共7页
Psychophysical studies suggest that lateral extrastriate visual cortical areas in cats may mediate the sparing of vision largely by network reorganization following lesions of early visual cortical areas. To date, how... Psychophysical studies suggest that lateral extrastriate visual cortical areas in cats may mediate the sparing of vision largely by network reorganization following lesions of early visual cortical areas. To date, however, there is little direct physiological evidence to support this hypothesis. Using in vivo single-anit recording techniques, we examined the response of neurons in areas 19, 21, and 20 to different types of visual stimulation in cats with or without acute bilateral lesions in areas 17 and 18. Our results showed that, relative to the controls, acute lesions inactivated the response of 99.3% of neurons to moving gratings and 93% of neurons to flickering square stimuli'in areas 19, 21, and 20. These results indicated that acute lesions of primary visual areas in adult eats may impair most visual abilities. Sparing of vision in cats with neonatal lesions in early visual cortical areas may result largely from a postoperative reorganization of visual pathways from subcortical nucleus to extrastriate visual cortical areas. 展开更多
关键词 Acute lesion Primary visual cortical areas Neuronal response Areas 19 21 and 20
Eubiotic properties of rifaximin: Disruption of the traditional concepts in gut microbiota modulation 被引量:20
作者 Francesca Romana Ponziani Maria Assunta Zocco +2 位作者 Francesca D’Aversa Maurizio Pompili Antonio Gasbarrini 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第25期4491-4499,共9页
Antibiotics are usually prescribed to cure infections but they also have significant modulatory effects on the gut microbiota. Several alterations of the intestinal bacterial community have been reported during antibi... Antibiotics are usually prescribed to cure infections but they also have significant modulatory effects on the gut microbiota. Several alterations of the intestinal bacterial community have been reported during antibiotic treatment, including the reduction of beneficial bacteria as well as of microbial alpha-diversity. Although after the discontinuation of antibiotic therapies it has been observed a trend towards the restoration of the original condition, the new steady state is different from the previous one, as if antibiotics induced some kind of irreversible perturbation of the gut microbial community. The poorly absorbed antibiotic rifaximin seem to be different from the other antibiotics, because it exerts non-traditional effects additional to the bactericidal/bacteriostatic activity on the gut microbiota. Rifaximin is able to reduce bacterial virulence and translocation, has anti-inflammatory properties and has been demonstrated to positively modulate the gut microbial composition. Animal models, culture studies and metagenomic analyses have demonstrated an increase in Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Lactobacillus abundance after rifaximin treatment, probably consequent to the induction of bacterial resistance, with no major change in the overall gut microbiota composition. Antibiotics are therefore modulators of the symbiotic relationship between the host and the gut microbiota. Specific antibiotics, such as rifaximin, can also induce eubiotic changes in the intestinal ecosystem; this additional property may represent a therapeutic advantage in specific clinical settings. 展开更多
关键词 Intestinal bacteria Antibiotic RIFAXIMIN Gut microbiota Eubiosis DYSBIOSIS Gut microbiota modulation
从《现代汉语词典》标〈书〉词语看词义的演变 被引量:1
作者 柴红梅 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期22-27,共6页
《现代汉语词典》标〈书〉词语为我们探讨词义的发展、消亡及其动因提供了很好的参考语料。从该词典第五版所修订的标〈书〉词语(A、B、C三个字母条)中,可发现三类词义演变现象:词义转移、义位选择、词形替代。对各类所选取词条的相关... 《现代汉语词典》标〈书〉词语为我们探讨词义的发展、消亡及其动因提供了很好的参考语料。从该词典第五版所修订的标〈书〉词语(A、B、C三个字母条)中,可发现三类词义演变现象:词义转移、义位选择、词形替代。对各类所选取词条的相关义位作历时分析,可以看出该词典对于汉语史研究的语料价值,同时初步总结出词义演变的三种规律:词义转移主要通过隐喻的方式完成;语言的经济原则要求表示同一义位的词尽量减少,从而引发同义词之间的竞争,其中产生新义位的词更易退出竞争;在词形固定过程中,构词语素的语音起着重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 《现代汉语词典》 词义转移 义位选择 词形替代 “败绩” “半途” “谤
The effect of hamstring flexibility on peak hamstring muscle strain in sprinting 被引量:5
作者 Xianglin Wan Feng Qu +2 位作者 William E.Garrett Hui Liu Bing Yu 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第3期283-289,共7页
Background:The effect of hamstring flexibility on the peak hamstring muscle strains in sprinting,until now,remained unknown,which limited our understanding of risk factors of hamstring muscle strain injury(hamstring i... Background:The effect of hamstring flexibility on the peak hamstring muscle strains in sprinting,until now,remained unknown,which limited our understanding of risk factors of hamstring muscle strain injury(hamstring injury).As a continuation of our previous study,this study was aimed to examine the relationship between hamstring flexibility and peak hamstring muscle strains in sprinting.Methods:Ten male and 10 female college students participated in this study.Hamstring flexibility,isokinetic strength data,three-dimensional(3D)kinematic data in a hamstring isokinetic test,and kinematic data in a sprinting test were collected for each participant.The optimal hamstring muscle lengths and peak hamstring muscle strains in sprinting were determined for each participant.Results:The muscle strain of each of the 3 biarticulated hamstring muscles reached a peak during the late swing phase.Peak hamstring muscle strains were negatively correlated to hamstring flexibility(0.1179 ≤ R2≤ 0.4519,p = 0.001) but not to hip and knee joint positions at the time of peak hamstring muscle strains.Peak hamstring muscle strains were not different for different genders.Peak muscle strains of biceps long head(0.071 ± 0.059) and semitendinosus(0.070 ± 0.055) were significantly greater than that of semimembranosus(0.064 ± 0.054).Conclusion:A potential for hamstring injury exists during the late swing phase of sprinting.Peak hamstring muscle strains in sprinting are negatively correlated to hamstring flexibility across individuals.The magnitude of peak muscle strains is different among hamstring muscles in sprinting,which may explain the different injury rate among hamstring muscles. 展开更多
关键词 Hamstring flexibility Hamstring muscle strain injury Injury risk factor Muscle biomechanics Muscle strain Muscle strain injury
Vulnerability analysis of multimodal transport networks based on complex network theory 被引量:9
作者 Chen Jing Zhang Yong Liu Lei 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2021年第2期209-215,共7页
To explore the structural characteristics and vulnerability of multimodal transport networks,this study identifies the structural characteristics of a multimodal transport network on the basis of the complex network t... To explore the structural characteristics and vulnerability of multimodal transport networks,this study identifies the structural characteristics of a multimodal transport network on the basis of the complex network theory.Key nodes are clarified from the analysis of the structural characteristics.The characteristic path length and percentage of the largest subgraph are applied to analyze the vulnerability of the multimodal transport network after random and intentional attacks on the nodes.The network of a multimodal transport company is taken as an example in the empirical analysis.Results show that with more than ten nodes under a random attack,the percentage of the largest subgraph is less than 20%,and the characteristic path length is less than 2.The same performance is observed for more than seven nodes under an intentional attack.The multimodal transport network is more vulnerable under an international attack against key nodes.The results of the topology and node failure under random or intentional attacks would support the management of the multimodal transport network.Suggestions for the emergency transportation organization of enterprises under attacks are proposed accordingly.These suggestions should help improve network invulnerability and recovery from node failure. 展开更多
关键词 multimodal transport topology structure VULNERABILITY complex network
Gut microbial diversity analysis using Illumina sequencing for functional dyspepsia with liver depression-spleen deficiency syndrome and the interventional Xiaoyaosan in a rat model 被引量:27
作者 Juan-Juan Qiu Zhe Liu +6 位作者 Peng Zhao Xue-Jun Wang Yu-Chun Li Hua Sui Lawrence Owusu Hui-Shu Guo Zheng-Xu Cai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第5期810-816,共7页
AIM To investigate gut microbial diversity and the interventional effect of Xiaoyaosan(XYS) in a rat model of functional dyspepsia(FD) with liver depression-spleen deficiency syndrome. METHODS The FD with liver depres... AIM To investigate gut microbial diversity and the interventional effect of Xiaoyaosan(XYS) in a rat model of functional dyspepsia(FD) with liver depression-spleen deficiency syndrome. METHODS The FD with liver depression-spleen deficiency syndrome rat model was established through classic chronic mild unpredictable stimulation every day. XYS group rats received XYS 1 h before the stimulation. The models were assessed by parameters including state ofthe rat, weight, sucrose test result and open-field test result. After 3 wk, the stools of rats were collected and genomic DNA was extracted. PCR products of the V4 region of 16 S rD NA were sequenced using a barcoded Illumina paired-end sequencing technique. The primary composition of the microbiome in the stool samples was determined and analyzed by cluster analysis.RESULTS Rat models were successfully established, per data from rat state, weight and open-field test. The microbiomes contained 20 phyla from all samples. Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Tenericutes were the most abundant taxonomic groups. The relative abundance of Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria in the model group was higher than that in the normal group. On the contrary, the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes in the model group was lower than that in the normal group. Upon XYS treatment, the relative abundance of all dysregulated phyla was restored to levels similar to those observed in the normal group. Abundance clustering heat map of phyla corroborated the taxonomic distribution. CONCLUSION The microbiome relative abundance of FD rats with liver depression-spleen deficiency syndrome was significantly different from the normal cohort. XYS intervention may effectively adjust the gut dysbacteriosis in FD. 展开更多
关键词 Functional dyspepsia with liver depression-spleen deficiency syndrome Illumina sequencing Gut microbial diversity Xiaoyaosan
Influential Node Ranking and Invulnerability of Air Traffic Cyber Physical System 被引量:6
作者 WANG Xinglong HE Min 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2021年第2期288-297,共10页
To ensure flight safety,the complex network method is used to study the influence and invulnerability of air traffic cyber physical system(CPS)nodes.According to the rules of air traffic management,the logical couplin... To ensure flight safety,the complex network method is used to study the influence and invulnerability of air traffic cyber physical system(CPS)nodes.According to the rules of air traffic management,the logical coupling relationship between routes and sectors is analyzed,an air traffic CPS network model is constructed,and the indicators of node influence and invulnerability are established.The K-shell algorithm is improved to identify node influence,and the invulnerability is analyzed under random and selective attacks.Taking Airspace in Eastern China as an example,its influential nodes are sorted by degree,namely,K-shell,the improved K-shell(IKS)and betweenness centrality.The invulnerability of air traffic CPS under different attacks is analyzed.Results show that IKS can effectively identify the influential nodes in the air traffic CPS network,and IKS and betweenness centrality are the two key indicators that affect the invulnerability of air traffic CPS. 展开更多
关键词 complex network air traffic cyber physical system improved K-shell algorithm influential node ranking INVULNERABILITY
Gut barrier failure biomarkers are associated with poor disease outcome in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis 被引量:6
作者 Tamas Tornai Eszter Palyu +13 位作者 Zsuzsanna Vitalis Istvan Tornai David Tornai Peter Antal-Szalmas Gary L Norman Zakera Shums Gabor Veres Antal Dezsofi Gabriella Par Alajos Par Peter Orosz Ferenc Szalay Peter Laszlo Lakatos Maria Papp 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第29期5412-5421,共10页
To assess the prevalence of a panel of serologic markers that reflect gut barrier dysfunction in a mixed cohort of pediatric and adult primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) patients. METHODSSera of 67 PSC patients [med... To assess the prevalence of a panel of serologic markers that reflect gut barrier dysfunction in a mixed cohort of pediatric and adult primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) patients. METHODSSera of 67 PSC patients [median age (range): 32 (5-79) years, concomitant IBD: 67% and cirrhosis: 20%] were assayed for the presence of antibodies against to F-actin (AAA IgA/IgG) and gliadin (AGA IgA/IgG)] and for serum level of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) by ELISA. Markers of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure [LPS binding protein (LBP)] and various anti-microbial antibodies [anti-OMP Plus IgA and endotoxin core IgA antibody (EndoCAb)] were also determined. Poor disease outcome was defined as orthotopic liver transplantation and/or liver-related death during the follow-up [median: 99 (14-106) mo]. One hundred and fifty-three healthy subjects (HCONT) and 172 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients were the controls. RESULTSA total of 28.4%, 28.0%, 9% and 20.9% of PSC patients were positive for AAA IgA, AAA IgG, AGA IgA and AGA IgG, respectively. Frequencies of AAA IgA and AAA IgG (P < 0.001, for both) and AGA IgG (P = 0.01, for both) but not AGA IgA were significantly higher compared to both of the HCONT and the UC groups. In survival analysis, AAA IgA-positivity was revealed as an independent predictor of poor disease outcome after adjusting either for the presence of cirrhosis [HR = 5.15 (1.27-20.86), P = 0.022 or for the Mayo risk score (HR = 4.24 (0.99-18.21), P = 0.052]. AAA IgA-positivity was significantly associated with higher frequency of anti-microbial antibodies (P < 0.001 for EndoCab IgA and P = 0.012 for anti-OMP Plus IgA) and higher level of the enterocyte damage marker (median I-FABP<sub>AAA IgA pos</sub><sub>vs</sub><sub>neg</sub>: 365 vs 166 pg/mL, P = 0.011), but not with serum LBP level. CONCLUSIONPresence of IgA type AAA identified PSC patients with progressive disease. Moreover, it is associated with enhanced mucosal immune response to various microbial antigens and enterocyte damage further highlighting the importance of the gut-liver interaction in PSC. 展开更多
关键词 Primary sclerosing cholangitis Gut barrier dysfunction Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein Anti-F-actin antibody Anti-gliadin antibody
Impact of Climate Change and Deforestation on Stream Discharge and Sediment Yield in Phu Luong Watershed, Viet Nam 被引量:3
作者 D.B. Phan C.C. Wu S.C. Hsieh 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第8期1063-1072,共10页
The purpose of this paper is to apply "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the impacts of climate change and deforestation on stream discharge and sediment yield from Phu Luong watershed in Nort... The purpose of this paper is to apply "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the impacts of climate change and deforestation on stream discharge and sediment yield from Phu Luong watershed in Northern Viet Nam. Among the three climate change scenarios B 1, B2, and A2, representing low, medium, and high levels of greenhouse gas emission, respectively were set up for Viet Nam, the B2 scenario was selected for this study. Two land use scenarios (S1-2030 and $2-2050) were formulated combination with climate change in WSAT simulation. In B2 climate change scenario, mean temperature increases 0.7℃(2030) and 1.3 ℃ (2050); annual rainfall increases 2.1% (2030) and 3.80% (2050) respect to baseline scenario. The results show that the stream discharge is likely to increase in the future during the wet season with increasing threats of sedimentation. 展开更多
关键词 SWAT climate change DEFORESTATION sediment yield stream discharge
Crown Fuel Characteristics and Carbon Emission from Japanese Red Pine Stands Burned by Crown Fire in Mt. Palgong, South Korea 被引量:1
作者 Byungdoo LEE Myoung Soo WON +1 位作者 Yohan LEE Myung Bo LEE 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期656-664,共9页
Carbon emissions from forest fires are considered an important factor of ecosystem carbon balance and global climate change. Carbon emissions from Japanese red pine stands (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) burned by crown... Carbon emissions from forest fires are considered an important factor of ecosystem carbon balance and global climate change. Carbon emissions from Japanese red pine stands (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) burned by crown fire were estimated at Mt. Palgong in Daegu Metropolitan City, and crown fuel characteristics, including crown bulk density, crown base height, and fuel moisture content of Japanese red pine, were analyzed. Total biomass combusted was calculated by subtracting the biomass of burned stands from that of unburned stands exhibiting similar stand structures and site environments. Ten trees in the unburned area and five trees in the burned area were cut by using direct harvesting techniques to estimate crown layer biomass. All biomass sampled was oven-dried and weighed. The dry weight ratios of stems, branches, and needles were 7o%, 21%, and 9%, respectively. The available fuel load susceptible to combustion during the crown fire spread was equivalent to 55% of the crown layer biomass. The crown bulk density was 0.24 kg/m3 on average. The estimated amount of CO2 was 23,454 kg CO2/ha for the crown layer. These results will be useful for calculating the amount of CO2 emitted from forest fires and for developing a forest carbon model in P. densiflora forests. 展开更多
关键词 Biomass burning Crown fire Fuelcharacteristics Bulk density Pinus densiflora
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