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作者 易奇志 《新闻知识》 北大核心 2009年第8期28-30,共3页
21世纪,我国新闻传媒事业的发展已经进入了“品牌时代”,品牌战略已成为众多杂志类媒介在市场竞争中立于不败之地的法宝。教育类杂志的办刊思路也必须适应时代发展,积极实施品牌战略,提升自己的生命力和竞争力,这是现代教育类杂志... 21世纪,我国新闻传媒事业的发展已经进入了“品牌时代”,品牌战略已成为众多杂志类媒介在市场竞争中立于不败之地的法宝。教育类杂志的办刊思路也必须适应时代发展,积极实施品牌战略,提升自己的生命力和竞争力,这是现代教育类杂志生存和发展的必由之路。 展开更多
关键词 品牌战略 办刊实践 教育类 杂志 《求学》 运作 新闻传媒事业 品牌时代
作者 吕鹏 冯然 《声屏世界》 2005年第5期35-36,共2页
关键词 中国 纪录片 审美 全球化 《求学》
作者 廖丽星 《出版发行研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第10期64-67,共4页
《中华读书报》一篇盘点2001年国内期刊业的文章《2001年,期刊年》这样说:"《求学》实现了当年创刊,当年赢利,提前进入了期刊成熟期,为现代报刊快速进入成熟期提供了可资借鉴的营销模式。"在以后的短短几年里,《求学》杂志独... 《中华读书报》一篇盘点2001年国内期刊业的文章《2001年,期刊年》这样说:"《求学》实现了当年创刊,当年赢利,提前进入了期刊成熟期,为现代报刊快速进入成熟期提供了可资借鉴的营销模式。"在以后的短短几年里,《求学》杂志独特的盈利模式在高考生、中学、老师、家长中的影响力日益增强,尤其是对考生选择高等教育资源的直接影响力;引起了包括民办高校在内的国内高等学校的重视,它们开始将《求学》杂志作为宣传推广的平台,投放学校形象和招生广告,他们开始演变成为《求学》的原始资讯提供者和广告载体的消费者双重角色,从而形成了《求学》特有的闭环自增强盈利模式,《求学》也改写了中国教辅类杂志广告版面少的历史。 展开更多
关键词 《求学》 盈利模式 创新设计 高等教育资源 期刊业 营销模式 现代报刊 高等学校
《出版广角》 北大核心 2013年第4期95-95,共1页
2013年,广西新闻出版局黄健副局长一行走进广西出版杂志社指导工作。黄健副局长先后参观了《求学》编辑部、《出版广角》编辑部、设计部等部门,与青年编辑亲切探讨网络时代的期刊出版和发行特点,并对杂志的发展进行了敦促和鼓励。《... 2013年,广西新闻出版局黄健副局长一行走进广西出版杂志社指导工作。黄健副局长先后参观了《求学》编辑部、《出版广角》编辑部、设计部等部门,与青年编辑亲切探讨网络时代的期刊出版和发行特点,并对杂志的发展进行了敦促和鼓励。《求学》杂志是广西新闻出版局主办的杂志, 展开更多
关键词 《求学》 杂志社 广西新闻出版局 《出版广角》 期刊出版 网络时代 青年编辑 副局长
《出版广角》 北大核心 2007年第3期F0004-F0004,共1页
关键词 《求学》 书店 广西壮族自治区 重工业 新闻出版局 诚信服务 经营理念 品牌优势
作者 刘振宁 《政工学刊》 2004年第10期60-61,共2页
关键词 《求学路上 我一路高歌》 刘振宁 小说 当代 中国
现代期刊抢滩新招 被引量:1
作者 朱胜龙 《传媒》 2002年第8期27-27,共1页
期刊市场的饱和度是相对的,而空白是绝对的,饱和度是指在期刊市场的某一坐标点上,特定读者群的需求在一定时期内得到了较好的满足,空白则是指整个期刊市场的需求无时无刻不处在发展变化之中,不断产生新的需求点,随着社会经济的发展和经... 期刊市场的饱和度是相对的,而空白是绝对的,饱和度是指在期刊市场的某一坐标点上,特定读者群的需求在一定时期内得到了较好的满足,空白则是指整个期刊市场的需求无时无刻不处在发展变化之中,不断产生新的需求点,随着社会经济的发展和经济成分、利益主体的多样化,读者的需求出现了多色彩、多层次、多元化的发展趋势,需求不断向新的领域延伸,新的读者群不断形成,为新刊的诞生提供了市场基础.近年来,一些期刊频频使出抢滩新招数,从期刊市场"饱和"的表象中寻找市场空档,挖掘期刊市场"扩容"的潜质,在空档的"夹缝"开创出新的驰骋空间. 展开更多
关键词 期刊市场 饱和度 市场定位 《求学》 《咬文嚼字》 市场空间
2014年高考“语序不当”例句解析辨正 被引量:1
作者 张蕾 李冲 《语文教学研究》 2015年第6期33-34,44,共3页
《求学》(理科版)2015年第2期刊出孔令元老师的《病句题“病情”档案》一文,该文从高考病旬题中梳理出四种常见的典型“病情”,指导考生“抓住标志性词语,分类突破”,以期“让考生达到举一反三、触类旁通的解题效果”。从总体上... 《求学》(理科版)2015年第2期刊出孔令元老师的《病句题“病情”档案》一文,该文从高考病旬题中梳理出四种常见的典型“病情”,指导考生“抓住标志性词语,分类突破”,以期“让考生达到举一反三、触类旁通的解题效果”。从总体上看,该文形式新颖,条理清晰,所提方法便捷实用,具有较强的可操作性。然而细读第一种病情“语序不当”,两个例句的“病理剖析”疑有“误诊”。请看“案例”及其“病理剖析”: 展开更多
关键词 例句 语序 高考 辨正 解析 标志性词语 《求学》 举一反三
汉语中的拒绝 被引量:3
作者 东平 《白城师范高等专科学校学报》 1999年第2期22-23,共2页
汉语中,把被人拒绝叫“碰钉子”“碰一鼻子灰”等等,可见,中国人把被人拒绝看成是很难堪的事儿。而中国人又最讲究“和为贵”,所以在拒绝别人时,常常不宜接说“不”,而是采取委婉的方式,让被拒绝的人比较容易接受。当然,有的时候也不需... 汉语中,把被人拒绝叫“碰钉子”“碰一鼻子灰”等等,可见,中国人把被人拒绝看成是很难堪的事儿。而中国人又最讲究“和为贵”,所以在拒绝别人时,常常不宜接说“不”,而是采取委婉的方式,让被拒绝的人比较容易接受。当然,有的时候也不需要委婉,那么,什么时候需要委婉,委婉时采取什么方式,本文就来探讨一下这个问题。 展开更多
关键词 说“不” 《小说月报》 汉语 人与人的关系 中国人 “和为贵” 张大民 拒绝看 《求学》 高等专科学校学报
Analyses of English demand in employment units 被引量:6
作者 戴立黎 曾玲琴 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期5-14,20,共11页
By using investigative means of marketing, this paper collects and analyzes the data of English demand of employment units for newly-graduated .graduates. Its research and analysis include six parts, namely, an overal... By using investigative means of marketing, this paper collects and analyzes the data of English demand of employment units for newly-graduated .graduates. Its research and analysis include six parts, namely, an overall analysis, an analysis of English demand according to the kind of employment units, according to trade, according to job, according to specialty and the five skills of "listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation". The supplied data tell the reality of the current English demand of employment units in China, which would also reflect the trend in the coming few years. The analysis of the data embodies the reality of college English teaching, discusses its advantages and disadvantages and puts forward reasonable suggestions on college English teaching and evaluation system. 展开更多
关键词 EMPLOYER English demand college English teaching
《语文世界(中旬刊)》 2018年第1期F0003-F0003,共1页
本书是“生命语文”首倡者熊芳芳继引爆语文界媒体圈的《高考徽作文》一书之后的又一力作.28年的写作教学实践和深度思考,连续多年在《语文世界》《求学》等知名杂志撰写作文指导专栏,指导学生发表文章五百余篇……作者以灵感创意、... 本书是“生命语文”首倡者熊芳芳继引爆语文界媒体圈的《高考徽作文》一书之后的又一力作.28年的写作教学实践和深度思考,连续多年在《语文世界》《求学》等知名杂志撰写作文指导专栏,指导学生发表文章五百余篇……作者以灵感创意、审题立意、选材内容、构思章法、语言技巧、考场策略六个方面为基本构架,紧扣作文写作的要点和高考作文的脉络,用灵动的语言、深邃的思想、丰厚的文学底蕴、鲜活的时代气息,唤醒学生的写作潜能.突破写作瓶颈,提高作文得分能力。作者的阐述大开大合,舒卷自如,游刃有余,高屋建瓴;学生的文章文思泉涌,青春激荡.个性高扬,值得借鉴。本书手把手教你写作文,更帮助你发现自己,发现文学,发现人生;是一本关于写作的书,更是中外文学精华荟萃的读本;探讨写作方法,硬引导你发现文学创作审美规律;提供海量精彩原创.更注重发掘你内在刨作潜质。在这里,你会发现作文之美,好作文原来是这样写就! 展开更多
关键词 好书推荐 作文指导 作文写作 文学底蕴 语言技巧 高考作文 教学实践 《求学》
Challenges and Demands for College English Teachers Raised by Training All-round Qualified Persons
作者 江庆心 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期1-4,共4页
The latest issue of College English Curriculum Requirements has posed challenges and demands for teachers in terms of linguistic competence, academic knowledge, language skills, professional morality, emotional and at... The latest issue of College English Curriculum Requirements has posed challenges and demands for teachers in terms of linguistic competence, academic knowledge, language skills, professional morality, emotional and attitudinal qualifications, etc., which requires teachers to embrace and handle with active and open-minded responses. Hence, teachers ought to strive to develop and improve their own overall qualifications in collaboration with the long-term development of the subject and of the national higher education, with the need of qualified persons demanded by social development and the students' learning. Teachers also ought to form a notion of scientific development by keeping pace with the time, so as to discern the trend of subject development, to form appropriate judgments concerning the social development and to properly regulate their own development. 展开更多
关键词 all-round qualified persons teaching requirements teachers' overall qualifications CHALLENGES DEMANDS
Quality of effluents from Hattar Industrial Estate 被引量:1
作者 SIAL R.A. CHAUDHARY M.F. +2 位作者 ABBAS S.T. LATIF M.I. KHAN A.G. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第12期974-980,共7页
Of 6634 registered industries in Pakistan, 1228 are considered to be highly polluting. The major industries include textile, pharmaceutical, chemicals (organic and inorganic), food industries, ceramics, steel, oil mil... Of 6634 registered industries in Pakistan, 1228 are considered to be highly polluting. The major industries include textile, pharmaceutical, chemicals (organic and inorganic), food industries, ceramics, steel, oil mills and leather tanning which spread all over four provinces, with the larger number located in Sindh and Punjab, with smaller number in North Western Frontier Province (NWFP) and Baluchistan. Hattar Industrial Estate extending over 700 acres located in Haripur district of NWFP is a new industrial estate, which has been developed with proper planning for management of industrial effluents. The major industries located in Hattar are ghee industry, chemical (sulfuric acid, synthetic fiber) industry, textile industry and pharmaceuticals industry. These industries, although developed with proper planning are discharging their effluents in the nearby natural drains and ulti- mately collected in a big drain near Wah. The farmers in the vicinity are using these effluents for growing vegetables and cereal crops due to shortage of water. In view of this discussion, there is a dire need to determine if these effluents are hazardous for soil and plant growth. So, effluents from different industries, sewage and normal tap water samples were collected and analysed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total soluble salts (TSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen, cations and anions and heavy metals. The effluents of ghee and textile industries are highly alkaline. EC and TSS loads of ghee and textile industries are also above the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS), Pakistan. All the effluents had residual sodium carbonates (RSCs), carbonates and bicarbonates in amounts that cannot be used for irrigation. Total toxic metals load in all the effluents is also above the limit i.e. 2.0 mg/L. Copper in effluents of textile and sewage, manganese in ghee industry effluents and iron contents in all the effluents were higher than NEQS. BOD and COD values of all the industries are also above the NEQS. On the whole, these effluents cannot be used for irrigation without proper treatment otherwise that may cause toxicity to soil, plants and animals as well add to the problems of salinity and sododicity. Similarly, these effluents cannot be used for fish farming. 展开更多
关键词 Industrial effluents Biological oxygen demand (BOD) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) pH Residual salts Lead Zinc Copper Nickel MANGANESE SEWAGE
Optimal production lot sizing model in a supply chain with periodically fixed demand considering learning effect 被引量:1
作者 熊中楷 SHEN Tiesong 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2002年第2期86-88,共3页
This paper presents an optimal production model for manufacturer in a supply chain with a fixed demand at a fixed interval with respect to the learning effect on production capacity. An algorithm is employed to find t... This paper presents an optimal production model for manufacturer in a supply chain with a fixed demand at a fixed interval with respect to the learning effect on production capacity. An algorithm is employed to find the optimal delay time for production and production time sequentially. It is found that the optimal delay time for production and the production time are not static, but dynamic and variant with time. It is important for a manufacturer to schedule the production so as to prevent facilities and workers from idling. 展开更多
关键词 learning curve capacity expansion supply chain optimal production policy.
Spatial distribution and diurnal variation of chemical oxygen demand at the beginning of the rainy season in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary 被引量:3
作者 高学鲁 宋金明 +1 位作者 李宁 李学刚 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期254-260,共7页
A field observation was carried out in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary from May 19 to 26, 2003. A total of 29 stations, including 2 anchored stations, were occupied through almost the whole salinity gradient. B... A field observation was carried out in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary from May 19 to 26, 2003. A total of 29 stations, including 2 anchored stations, were occupied through almost the whole salinity gradient. Based on the observation data, biogeochemistry of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was examined. Spatial distribution pattern of COD shows that it decreased downstream. The COD concentration varied generally within a narrow range of 1.24–1.60 mg/L in the zone around the river mouth, beyond which it decreased rapidly to 0.20 mg/L. In the mixed water zone, the fluctuation in COD was smaller at 2 m above the bottom layer than at the surface layer in 48 h. In the seawater zone, the 48-h fluctuation at the surface was the largest, followed by that of 5 m below the surface and 2 m above the bottom layers in a range of from 2.50 to 0.55 mg/L. Freshwater discharge was the dominant source of COD in the estuary. The average COD beyond the river mouth was 2.7 mg/L, which accorded with the Chinese seawater quality Grade I. Relationships between dissolved oxygen and biogeochemical parameters such as suspended particulate matter, dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll-a were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 spatial distribution diurnal variation chemical oxygen demand the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary
The spirit of Henry Norman Bethune and gastroenterology 被引量:1
作者 Hugh J Freeman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期174-179,共6页
Henry Norman Bethune was a physician and surgeon from Canada. He had a highly impressive medical career in Montreal but did his most important work in China where he cared for soldiers on the battlefield. He died in 1... Henry Norman Bethune was a physician and surgeon from Canada. He had a highly impressive medical career in Montreal but did his most important work in China where he cared for soldiers on the battlefield. He died in 1939 and was recognized as a hero, but only much later received recognition in Canada. He was a skilled doctor, both as a physician and as a surgeon. However, he was much more and will serve as an inspiration for this series. He was an innovator, an idealist and a perfectionist. It is hoped that this series will gather expert commentaries on a range of issues critical to the subspecialty from fundamental science to clinical care so that future directions can be defined. 展开更多
关键词 Bethune GASTROENTEROLOGY China CANADA Battlefield surgery
A novel hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm for solving hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machine 被引量:9
作者 孙泽文 顾幸生 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1779-1788,共10页
The hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machine is a typical NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, and it exists widely in chemical, manufacturing and pharmaceutical industry. In this wor... The hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machine is a typical NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem, and it exists widely in chemical, manufacturing and pharmaceutical industry. In this work, a novel mathematic model for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machine(HFSPUPM) was proposed. Additionally, an effective hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm was proposed to solve the HFSPUPM, taking advantage of the features in the mathematic model. In the optimization algorithm, a new individual representation method was adopted. The(EDA) structure was used for global search while the teaching learning based optimization(TLBO) strategy was used for local search. Based on the structure of the HFSPUPM, this work presents a series of discrete operations. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid algorithm compared with other algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm teaching learning based optimization strategy hybrid flow shop unrelated parallel machine scheduling
New Approach for Solving Master Equations in Quantum Optics and Quantum Statistics by Virtue of Thermo-Entangled State Representation 被引量:11
作者 FAN Hong-Yi HU Li-Yun 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期729-742,共14页
By introducing a fictitious mode to be a counterpart mode of the system mode under review we introduce the entangled state representation (η|, which can arrange master equations of density operators p(t) in quant... By introducing a fictitious mode to be a counterpart mode of the system mode under review we introduce the entangled state representation (η|, which can arrange master equations of density operators p(t) in quantum statistics as state-vector evolution equations due to the elegant properties of (η|. In this way many master equations (respectively describing damping oscillator, laser, phase sensitive, and phase diffusion processes with different initial density operators) can be concisely solved. Specially, for a damping process characteristic of the decay constant k we find that the matrix element of p(t) at time t in 〈η| representation is proportional to that of the initial po in the decayed entangled state (ηe^-kt| representation, accompanying with a Gaussian damping factor. Thus we have a new insight about the nature of the dissipative process. We also set up the so-called thermo-entangled state representation of density operators, ρ = f(d^2η/π)(η|ρ〉D(η), which is different from all the previous known representations. 展开更多
关键词 master equation fictitious mode thermo-entangled state representation damping oscillator and laser phase sensitive and phase diffusion processes
Application of Extended Projective Riccati Equation Method to(2+1)-Dimensional Broer-Kaup-Kupershmidt System 被引量:1
作者 LU Bin ZHANG Hong-Qing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期814-820,共7页
In this paper, extended projective Riccati equation method is presented for constructing more new exact solutions of nonlinear differential equations in mathematical physics, which is direct and more powerful than pro... In this paper, extended projective Riccati equation method is presented for constructing more new exact solutions of nonlinear differential equations in mathematical physics, which is direct and more powerful than projective Riccati equation method. In order to illustrate the effect of the method, Broer Kaup Kupershmidt system is employed and Jacobi doubly periodic solutions are obtained. This algorithm can also be applied to other nonlinear differential equations. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear- partial differential equations extended projective Riccati equation method exact solutions Broer- Kaup Kupershmidt system
Forecasting Model of Coal Requirement Quantity Based on Grey System Theory 被引量:10
作者 孙继湖 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第2期192-195,共4页
The generally used methods of forecasting coal requirement quantity include the analogy method, the outside push method and the cause effect analysis method. However, the precision of forecasting results using these m... The generally used methods of forecasting coal requirement quantity include the analogy method, the outside push method and the cause effect analysis method. However, the precision of forecasting results using these methods is lower. This paper uses the grey system theory, and sets up grey forecasting model GM (1, 3) to coal requirement quantity. The forecasting result for the Chinese coal requirement quantity coincides with the actual values, and this shows that the model is reliable. Finally, this model are used to forecast Chinese coal requirement quantity in the future ten years. 展开更多
关键词 coal requirement quantity FORECAST grey system theory
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