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作者 陈超南 《新闻记者》 CSSCI 2002年第5期15-17,共3页
关键词 新闻周刊 隐性采访 暗访 新闻采访 《海口色情交易大曝光》 职业道德
作者 林红松 《中国地市报人》 2000年第8期20-21,共2页
关键词 《海口晚报》 记者 寒冰 助残事迹
作者 杨一兵 《珠江水运》 2004年第11期58-59,共2页
关键词 《海口港人与海口港》 杨一兵 中国 当代 新诗
《广告主》 2005年第1期15-15,共1页
关键词 《海口晚报》 海口 报纸特点 读者
The Occurrence of Longfengshania in the Early Cambrian from Haikou, Yunnan, China 被引量:4
作者 徐兆良 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第10期1250-1254,共5页
Well preserved Early Cambrian small individual megascopic carbonaceous algal fossils have been found from the Chengjiang Biota. This paper deals with the new megascopic algal fossils in the Early Cambrian also from Ch... Well preserved Early Cambrian small individual megascopic carbonaceous algal fossils have been found from the Chengjiang Biota. This paper deals with the new megascopic algal fossils in the Early Cambrian also from Chengjiang Biota at Ercai Village, Haikou, Kunming, Yunnan, southwest China. Two new taxa, Longfengshania cordata sp. nov. and Plantulaformis sinensis gen. et sp. nov. are described here in detail. These new findings show that the Chengjiang Biota is high in species diversity of fossil algae and might offer new evidence for a better understanding of the Cambrian explosive biological evolution. Moreover, the fossils described here might belong to the megaalgal fossils according to detailed morphological study on the relationships of Longfengshania. Additionally, the occurrence of Longfengshania in the early Cambrian and the Neoproterozoic probably indicates a wide ecological tolerance and flexibility and apparently reflects its evolutionary conservation and a high degree of inherent genetic stability. 展开更多
关键词 Haikou of Kunming Early Cambrian algal fossils
Coastal Current Systems and the Movement and Expansion of Suspended Sediment from Changjiang River Estuary 被引量:5
作者 李四海 恽才兴 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第1期22-33,共12页
This paper, with NOAA/AHHRR data for 2 years, discusses the expanding path and extent of suspended sediment from the Changjiang River, and the relationship between the suspended sediment expanding and coastal current ... This paper, with NOAA/AHHRR data for 2 years, discusses the expanding path and extent of suspended sediment from the Changjiang River, and the relationship between the suspended sediment expanding and coastal current systems by analyzing the thermal infrared imagery with the sediment imagery, which is acquired by correlating the atmosphere corrected AVHRR imagery with in-situ suspended sediment data. The coastal current systems affecting the sediment dispersal mainly include: the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC), the Huanghai Sea Mixed Water (HSMW), North Jiangsu near-shore current, and Zhejiang near-shore current etc. In winter, the current systems are stable. Their distribution affects the sediment from north Jiangsu expanding toward the Changjiang estuary in some degree .The front between Zhejiang coastal current and TWC blocks the expanding of sediment toward the sea. In the flood season, apart from the limitation by coastal current systems, the spatial and temporal distribution of suspended sediment is also affected by the runoff, which shows as the jet stream and fresh water. Spring and autumn are the transitional periods of the forming of expanding patterns of flood season and winter respectively. In addition, the re-suspended sediment caused by the wind wave may make the expanding range of near-shore sediment larger. 展开更多
关键词 NOAA/AVHRR Changjiang estuary suspended sediment coastal current systems
作者 王伟 《中国地市报人》 2010年第9期68-69,共2页
实在是出乎意料,1998年我(与李勇合作)采写的通讯《让外来工安居乐业——访振东区群上村外来工新村》(刊登于《海口晚报》1998年7月5日头版二条),1999年荣获第七届全国社会治安综合治理好新闻二等奖。尽管事隔12年,但是当年采写... 实在是出乎意料,1998年我(与李勇合作)采写的通讯《让外来工安居乐业——访振东区群上村外来工新村》(刊登于《海口晚报》1998年7月5日头版二条),1999年荣获第七届全国社会治安综合治理好新闻二等奖。尽管事隔12年,但是当年采写《让外来工安居乐业》的前后情景,依然历历在目,记忆犹新。 展开更多
关键词 安居乐业 外来工 采写 社会治安综合治理 1998年 挖掘 《海口晚报》 头版
走基层 深思考 做专家型记者——对新闻媒体开展“走、转、改”活动的几点感受
作者 符青云 《中国地市报人》 2012年第5期46-47,共2页
2011年以来,由中央宣传部、中央外宣办、国家广电总局、国家新闻出版总署、中国记协等五部门组织的“走基层、转作风、改文风”活动,在全国新闻战线广泛开展,社会反响强烈。《海口晚报》总编辑带队,开展了全体采编人员的“走、转、... 2011年以来,由中央宣传部、中央外宣办、国家广电总局、国家新闻出版总署、中国记协等五部门组织的“走基层、转作风、改文风”活动,在全国新闻战线广泛开展,社会反响强烈。《海口晚报》总编辑带队,开展了全体采编人员的“走、转、改”活动。大量来自基层一线的鲜活报道,给报纸版面带来清新之风。如何借助“走、转、改”活动,进一步提升新闻报道质量,改变目前“万金油”记者现状?这些是我们需要思考的问题。 展开更多
关键词 专家型记者 新闻媒体 国家新闻出版总署 感受 国家广电总局 《海口晚报》 新闻报道质量 中国记协
Modeling air gun signatures in marine seismic exploration considering multiple physical factors 被引量:10
作者 李国发 曹明强 +1 位作者 陈浩林 倪成洲 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期158-165,194,共9页
Based on analyzing the limit of Ziolkowski's bubble oscillation formulation,a new model with various physical factors is established to simulate air gun signatures fo marine seismic exploration.The practical effects ... Based on analyzing the limit of Ziolkowski's bubble oscillation formulation,a new model with various physical factors is established to simulate air gun signatures fo marine seismic exploration.The practical effects of physical factors,such as heat transfe across the bubble wall,air gun port throttling,vertical rise of the bubble,fluid viscosity,and the existence of the air gun body were all taken into account in the new model.Compared with Ziolkowski's model,the signatures simulated by the new model,with small peak amplitude and rapid decay of bubble oscillation,are more consistent with actual signatures The experiment analysis indicates:(1)gun port throttling controls the peak amplitude of ai gun pulse;(2)since the hydrostatic pressure decreases when the bubble rises,the bubble oscillation period changes;(3)heat transfer and fluid viscosity are the main factors tha explain the bubble oscillation damping. 展开更多
关键词 heat transfer port throttling fluid viscosity marine exploration air gun signature
作者 任国伟(整理) 《人民法治》 2019年第18期50-51,共2页
白天出现在日报的头版头条,晚上就被宣布接受调查,海口市委书记张琦的落马显得突如其来、毫无征兆。两天后,当张琦的名字再次出现在省委书记的会议上时,已经成为'引以为戒''警钟长鸣'的典型。当天出现在日报头条晚上市... 白天出现在日报的头版头条,晚上就被宣布接受调查,海口市委书记张琦的落马显得突如其来、毫无征兆。两天后,当张琦的名字再次出现在省委书记的会议上时,已经成为'引以为戒''警钟长鸣'的典型。当天出现在日报头条晚上市委书记突然落马.9月6日19点30分,中央纪委国家监委网站发布消息,海南省委常委、海口市委书记张琦涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受中央纪委国家监委纪律审查和监察调查。 展开更多
关键词 纪律审查 反腐败斗争 党风廉政建设 《海口日报》
《科学投资》 2007年第2期85-86,共2页
《海口晚报》2007年1月5日 一勺”杨枝金露”入口,爽而不腻.犹如甘露,这种类似于流质或者膏状的甜品在广州和香港被称为糖水。糖水虽然在海口还是个新鲜事物,但在香港和广州得到普遍认可,是餐前饭后之佳饮,最重要是能吃出健康。... 《海口晚报》2007年1月5日 一勺”杨枝金露”入口,爽而不腻.犹如甘露,这种类似于流质或者膏状的甜品在广州和香港被称为糖水。糖水虽然在海口还是个新鲜事物,但在香港和广州得到普遍认可,是餐前饭后之佳饮,最重要是能吃出健康。位于泰龙城美食街的思味甜品引入粤港的健康饮食概念,做海南第一家专业的糖水店,这家小店开业不足半年,已有了不少的回头客。 展开更多
关键词 《海口晚报》 点子 创业 健康饮食 美食街 回头客 香港
作者 天涯笛音 《师道(人文)》 2011年第10期12-12,共1页
据《海口晚报》报道,在今年海南省高考评卷过程中.不少学生因字迹潦草被扣分。这引发网友热议.不少人感叹“年轻人字写得越来越差了”。上周,中国青年报社会调查中心通过民意中国网和搜狐新闻中心.对4448人进行的在线调查显示。52... 据《海口晚报》报道,在今年海南省高考评卷过程中.不少学生因字迹潦草被扣分。这引发网友热议.不少人感叹“年轻人字写得越来越差了”。上周,中国青年报社会调查中心通过民意中国网和搜狐新闻中心.对4448人进行的在线调查显示。52.6%的人支持对字迹潦草的高考试卷扣分。 展开更多
关键词 基本功 孩子 《海口晚报》 中国青年报 高考评卷 在线调查 新闻中心 社会调查
作者 杜颖 《中国合作经济》 2008年第3期6-6,共1页
据《海口晚报》报道“美国经销商想在海南采购有机食品却买不到的尴尬状况将不会出现了。”海南省农业交流协会秘书长周大卫这样评价在海南省启动推广有机农产品一事。3月14日下午,海南省与国家环保总局有机食品发展中心签署合作推广... 据《海口晚报》报道“美国经销商想在海南采购有机食品却买不到的尴尬状况将不会出现了。”海南省农业交流协会秘书长周大卫这样评价在海南省启动推广有机农产品一事。3月14日下午,海南省与国家环保总局有机食品发展中心签署合作推广协议并举行了首次培训,这意味着海南将打破全省至今没有一家有机食品企业的现状,有机农产品种植将实现零的突破。目前,全球有机农产品总销售额为400亿美元,并且以年均20%以上的速度增长。 展开更多
关键词 有机农产品 海南省 种植 《海口晚报》 国家环保总局 有机食品 农业交流 发展中心
Comparison between BCR sequential extraction and geo-accumulation method to evaluate metal mobility in sediments of Dongting Lake, Central China 被引量:8
作者 姚志刚 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期14-22,共9页
The form in which a metal exists strongly influences its mobility and thus, the effects on the environment. Operational methods of speciation analysis, such as the use of sequential extraction procedures, are commonly... The form in which a metal exists strongly influences its mobility and thus, the effects on the environment. Operational methods of speciation analysis, such as the use of sequential extraction procedures, are commonly applied. The Dongting Lake, the second largest fresh-water lake in China, contains three China wetlands of international importance, the East Dongting Lake, South Dongting Lake, and West Dongting Lake. In this work, an optimized BCR sequential extraction procedure was used to assess the environmental risk of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in contaminated sediment of the Dongting Lake. The procedure was evaluated by using a certified reference material, BCR701. The results of the partitioning study indicated that in the lake sediments, more easily mobilized forms (acid exchangeable) were predominant for Cd, particularly in the samples from the East Dongting Lake. In contrast, the largest amount of Pb was associated with the iron and manganese oxide fractions and Cu, Zn, Cr, and Ni analyzed were mainly distributed in residual phase at an average percentage greater than 60% of the total metals. The potential risk to the lake's water contamination was highest in the East Dongting Lake based on the calculated contamination factors. On the other hand, the total metal content was determined as well by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and assessed by using geo-accumulation index. The assessment results using geo-accumulation index were compared with the information on metal speciation. Both were correspondent with each other. 展开更多
关键词 Dongting Lake SEDIMENT geo-accumulation index SPECIATION contamination factor heavy metals
作者 陈吉余 陈沈良 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期174-181,共8页
Estuaries and coasts are conjunctions of four spheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere) and important matter and energy convergence/divergence zones, where developed economy, dense population and hi... Estuaries and coasts are conjunctions of four spheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere) and important matter and energy convergence/divergence zones, where developed economy, dense population and highly intensive exploitation induce adverse environmental changes and serious destruction of resources, which have great impacts on coastal sustainable development, especially as the highly intensive development in river basins has direct and pronounced effects on estuaries and their adjacent coasts. In the new century, China’s estuaries and coast are faced with four main challenges: sharp decrease of sediment discharge into the sea, rapid increase of pollution matter into the sea, loss of coastal wetland, and the impacts of global sea level rise on the coastal lowlands of China. Therefore, it is undoubtedly very important and urgent to carry out studies on estuarine and coastal environmental changes, in order to resolve the issue of national sustainable development, especially that of rational use of coastal zone resources. 展开更多
关键词 estuaries and coasts anthropogenic activities environmental changes resource utilization great challenges
Foraging areas of Rousettus leschenaulti on the Hainan Island of China 被引量:3
作者 Zhanhui TANG Zhong CHEN +4 位作者 Jie MA Guangjian ZHU Xunfeng MA Lianxi SHENG Yuchun LI 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期479-484,共6页
We investigated the foraging area of three individuals (1 female and 2 males) of Rousettus leschenaulti (Chiroptera,Pteropodidae) in suburban Haikou City, Hainan Province, South China from November 2005 to January 200... We investigated the foraging area of three individuals (1 female and 2 males) of Rousettus leschenaulti (Chiroptera,Pteropodidae) in suburban Haikou City, Hainan Province, South China from November 2005 to January 2006 using radio telemetry.These animals left the daytime roosting sites about 90 min after sunset with no significant difference in departure time betweenthe male and female bats. The average active times were 391.8 min for males and 533.7 min for the female, respectively.By reconstructing 93 radio-telemetry recording positions, we found that the long axis of foraging area of the bats ranged from7.45 to 11.70 km. The foraging area of the female (3867 ha) was larger than that of the males (1138 ha), and there was overlapbetween the foraging areas of different individuals. These bats usually kept the same flight routes across a few successive daysfrom the daytime roosting site to the foraging areas. Our findings suggested that female R. leschenaulti may explore a larger foragingarea than males. No obvious territorial behaviors were observed in our studied area. 展开更多
关键词 Rousettus leschenaulti Foraging behavior RADIO-TRACKING Hainan Island
Relocation of the Yellow River Estuary in 1855 AD Recorded in the Sediment Core from the Northern Yellow Sea 被引量:3
作者 ZHOU Xin JIA Nan +2 位作者 CHENG Wenhan WANG Yuhong SUN Liguang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期624-628,共5页
Relocation of the Yellow River estuary has significant impacts on not only terrestrial environment and human activities, but also sedimentary and ecological environments in coastal seas. The responses of regional geoc... Relocation of the Yellow River estuary has significant impacts on not only terrestrial environment and human activities, but also sedimentary and ecological environments in coastal seas. The responses of regional geochemical characteristics to the relocation event, however, have not been well studied. In the present study, we performed detailed geochemical elemental analyses of a sediment core from the northern Yellow Sea and studied their geochemical responses to the 1855AD relocation of the Yellow River estuary. The results show that TOC/TN, Co/A1203, Cr/A1203, Ni/A1203 and Se/A1203 ratios all decreased abruptly after 1855 AD, and similar decreases are observed in the sediments of the mud area southwest off the Cheju Island. These abrupt changes are very likely caused by the changes in source materials due to the relocation of the Yellow River estuary from the southern Yellow Sea to the Bohai Sea, which the corresponding decreasing trends caused by the changes in main source materials from those transported by the Liaohe River, the Haihe River and the Luanhe River to those by the Yellow River. Because the events have precise ages recorded in historical archives, these obvious changes in elemental geochemistry of sediments can be used to calibrate age models of related coastal sea sediments. 展开更多
关键词 relocation of the Yellow River estuary muddy sediments northern Yellow Sea elemental geochemistry
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Coastal Wetlands and Reclamation in the Yangtze Estuary During Past 50 Years(1960s–2015) 被引量:14
作者 CHEN Lin REN Chunying +3 位作者 ZHANG Bai LI Lin WANG Zongming SONG Kaishan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期386-399,共14页
Reclamation is one of the fastest-growing land use type developed in coastal areas and has caused degradation and loss of coastal wetlands as well as serious environmental problems. This paper was aimed at monitoring ... Reclamation is one of the fastest-growing land use type developed in coastal areas and has caused degradation and loss of coastal wetlands as well as serious environmental problems. This paper was aimed at monitoring the spatiotemporal patterns of coastal wetlands and reclamation in the Yangtze Estuary during the 1960s and 2015. Satellite images obtained from 1980 to 2015 and topography maps of the 1960 s were employed to extract changes of reclamation and coastal wetlands. Area-weight centroids were calculated to identify the movement trend of reclamation and coastal wetlands. The results show that from the 1960 s to 2015, the net area of natural wetlands declined by 574.3 km^2, while man-made wetlands and reclamation increased by 553.6 and 543.9 km^2, respectively. During the five study phases, the fastest areal change rate natural wetlands was –13.3 km^2/yr in the period of 1990–2000, and that of man-made areas was 24.7 km^2/yr in the same period, and the areal change rate of reclamation was 27.6 km^2/yr in the period of 2000–2010. Conversion of coastal wetlands mainly occurred in the Chongming Island, Changshu City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Reclamation was common across coastal areas, and was mainly attributed to settlement and man-made wetlands in the Chongming Island, Lianyungang City and the east coast of Shanghai Municipality. Natural wetlands turned into farmlands and settlement, and man-made wetlands gained from reclamation of farmlands. The centroid of natural wetlands generally moved towards the sea, man-made wetlands expanded equally in all directions and inland, and the centroid of reclamation migrated toward Shanghai Municipality. Sea level rise, erosion-deposition changes, and reclamation activities together determine the dynamics of the Yangtze Estuary wetlands. However, reclamation activities for construction of ports, industries and aquaculture are the key causes for the dynamics. The results from this study on the dynamics of coastal wetlands and reclamation are valuable for local government to put forward sustainable land use and land development plans. 展开更多
关键词 coastal wetlands reclamation remote sensing dynamics driving forces the Yangtze Estuary
Observed residual currents off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth in wintertime of 1959 and 1982 被引量:3
作者 朱建荣 胡敦欣 肖成猷 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期244-249,共6页
Data taken in the two large-scale ocean investigations in China in winter 1959 and 1982 are used to analyze the residual current off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth in this paper. The current in wintertime off th... Data taken in the two large-scale ocean investigations in China in winter 1959 and 1982 are used to analyze the residual current off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth in this paper. The current in wintertime off the river mouth consist of the Changjiang runoff, wind-driven current, coastal current, density-driven current and Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). The TWC occurs in wintertime off the mouth. The surface TWC reaches only to the east side of Dinghai, then turns southeastward. The bottom TWC can flow to the area off the Changjiang mouth along west slop of the submerged river valley (SRV) and to the area off the Subei coast. The simulated currents by 3D model are basically consistent with the observed currents, although the model was run with climatological forces and the observations was done in episodic time manner. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth residual current wind runoff coastal current Taiwan Warm Current
Changes in Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary since artificial re-routing in 1996 被引量:4
作者 樊辉 黄海军 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期299-305,共7页
With the combination of historical data, field observations and satellite remotely sensed images (Landsat TM/ ETM+ and CBERS), changes in Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary since 1996 when artificial Chahe distributary wa... With the combination of historical data, field observations and satellite remotely sensed images (Landsat TM/ ETM+ and CBERS), changes in Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary since 1996 when artificial Chahe distributary was built up were studied, mainly including water and sediment discharge from the river, tides, tidal currents, suspended sediment diffusion, coastline changes and seabed development. During following six and half years (up to the end of 2002), runoff and sediment loads into the river mouth declined dramatically. At the beginning of the re-routing, abundant sediment loads from the river filled up nearshore shallow water areas so that the newborn delta prograded quickly. With rapid decrease of sediment loads transported to the estuary, the delta retrograded. In 1997, subaerial tip of the abandoned delta receded 1.5km; its annual mean recession rate was about 150 m in following years. In addition, marine dynamic condition near the artificial outlet had also changed. Under the interaction of ocean and river flow, most of incoming sediment loads deposited in the vicin- ity of the outlet. Seabed erosion occurred at the subaqueous delta front. Between 1999 and 2002, erosion thick- ness averaged at 0.3 m in the subaqueous delta of 585.5 km2. 展开更多
关键词 Chahe distributary Huanghe River estuary sedimentation coastline remote sensing
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