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作者 刘云燕 《乐府新声(沈阳音乐学院学报)》 2014年第2期67-70,共4页
时值40年的沉淀,再回顾与讨论,京剧现代戏《海港》仍带给我们许多思考。尤其是唱腔音乐创作,《海港》继承并发展了此前京剧现代戏的优秀成果并进行了再创造。该剧主要"核心"人物方海珍的唱腔音乐,体现了作曲家更为大胆的探索... 时值40年的沉淀,再回顾与讨论,京剧现代戏《海港》仍带给我们许多思考。尤其是唱腔音乐创作,《海港》继承并发展了此前京剧现代戏的优秀成果并进行了再创造。该剧主要"核心"人物方海珍的唱腔音乐,体现了作曲家更为大胆的探索。其成功与失败,都为此后京剧现代戏唱腔音乐创作提供了有意义的经验,成为京剧现代戏发展过程中承上启下的一部作品。 展开更多
关键词 京剧现代戏 《海港》 唱腔音乐
现代京剧音乐的经典杰作——《海港》“战斗动员”唱腔音乐简析 被引量:1
作者 庄永平 《音乐探索》 2018年第1期56-58,共3页
现代京剧《海港》是20世纪70年代极富时代气息的一部作品,其中的第四场"战斗动员"幕前曲及唱腔是现今最为脍炙人口的京剧乃至戏曲唱腔音乐之一。此曲的写作是传统与现代、东方音乐与西方音乐结合的典范,作曲家屡有创新,为我... 现代京剧《海港》是20世纪70年代极富时代气息的一部作品,其中的第四场"战斗动员"幕前曲及唱腔是现今最为脍炙人口的京剧乃至戏曲唱腔音乐之一。此曲的写作是传统与现代、东方音乐与西方音乐结合的典范,作曲家屡有创新,为我们提供了传统戏曲唱腔音乐改革发展的宝贵经验。 展开更多
关键词 现代京剧《海港》 【西皮宽板】 于会泳
作者 张节末 段廷军 《上海文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期100-110,127,共12页
《海港》是首出反映社会主义建设斗争和生活的"样板戏",从淮剧《海港的早晨》到京剧《海港》(1972年演出本),历经数年,几易其稿,两者剧情的最大区别在于增加了一个阶级敌人钱守惟,其性质演变为阶级斗争。《海港》的人物角色... 《海港》是首出反映社会主义建设斗争和生活的"样板戏",从淮剧《海港的早晨》到京剧《海港》(1972年演出本),历经数年,几易其稿,两者剧情的最大区别在于增加了一个阶级敌人钱守惟,其性质演变为阶级斗争。《海港》的人物角色设置遵循两极对立的原则,起初形象多元、比较生活化的诸人物逐渐向程式化的角色结构转变。根据人物在剧中的功能与行动,可将其分为四种角色类型:"保护者"、"协助者"、"需帮助者"和"破坏者",四者相互依存,构成一个整体。四种角色类型的形成并非仅仅应和于现实政治意识形态的需要,还是向古代戏剧传统回归的结果,乃两者之成功结合。 展开更多
关键词 《海港》 角色功能 角色类型 意识形态 戏剧传统
作者 张玄 陈誉洋 《中华艺术论丛》 2022年第1期131-138,共8页
现代京剧《海港》是诞生在20世纪六七十年代的“八大样板戏”之一。它开创了一系列新的音乐创作手法。其后很多戏曲作品受其影响,形成了音乐创作上的“套式”,还产生了一些“样板戏”音乐的“衍生物”。《海港》在创作中借鉴西方歌剧音... 现代京剧《海港》是诞生在20世纪六七十年代的“八大样板戏”之一。它开创了一系列新的音乐创作手法。其后很多戏曲作品受其影响,形成了音乐创作上的“套式”,还产生了一些“样板戏”音乐的“衍生物”。《海港》在创作中借鉴西方歌剧音乐创作手法,为主要角色设计了一系列人物主题音乐,并运用了《国际歌》《东方红》《码头工人之歌》等革命歌曲主题。唱腔音乐上对传统流派和行当唱法都有大胆突破,在成套板式唱腔上拓展了结构、丰富了板式。在乐队编制和配器技法上,《海港》打破了传统京剧乐队的编制和程式性伴奏,发挥了西洋乐器的功能,使音响更加立体和丰满。同时,在经典核心唱段中运用了精妙的转调手法。 展开更多
关键词 “样板戏” 《海港》 音乐特点 经验
海港总平面设计规范中的设计船型尺度修订特点 被引量:1
作者 罗刚 杨希宏 秦福寿 《港工技术》 北大核心 2003年第2期16-17,共2页
介绍《海港总平面设计规范》(JTJ2 1 1 - 99)附录 A“设计船型尺度”
关键词 《海港总平面设计规范》 船型 尺度设计 修订 船舶 港口工程
作者 李东东 《戏曲艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期20-29,共10页
从淮剧《海港的早晨》到京剧《海港早晨》再到京剧《海港》的发展过程,清晰勾勒出京剧《海港》的生成及其所带来的相关版本问题。而从淮剧到京剧,有关《海港》唱词、主题、道具等的探讨,呈现出戏曲跨剧种移植改编的问题。《海港》产生以... 从淮剧《海港的早晨》到京剧《海港早晨》再到京剧《海港》的发展过程,清晰勾勒出京剧《海港》的生成及其所带来的相关版本问题。而从淮剧到京剧,有关《海港》唱词、主题、道具等的探讨,呈现出戏曲跨剧种移植改编的问题。《海港》产生以后,其在京剧选本中的存在状态,反映出其传播的问题。 展开更多
关键词 京剧 《海港》 版本 移植改编 传播
作者 杨乡 《世纪》 2020年第2期80-84,共5页
我父亲杨村彬(1911年7月—1989年11月)一辈子献身艺术,喜爱歌德的名句:"浮生若梦,艺术千秋!"他弘扬民族文化,坚持现实主义创作方法,不断探索中国话剧民族化,创作、编导了许多观众欢迎的好戏,教育培养了大批艺术人才。1964年初... 我父亲杨村彬(1911年7月—1989年11月)一辈子献身艺术,喜爱歌德的名句:"浮生若梦,艺术千秋!"他弘扬民族文化,坚持现实主义创作方法,不断探索中国话剧民族化,创作、编导了许多观众欢迎的好戏,教育培养了大批艺术人才。1964年初,父亲刚为上海人民艺术剧院导演了3部参加华东话剧汇演的话剧《叶尔绍夫兄弟》《年青的一代》《一家人》,还为上海戏曲学校京剧毕业班导演了周总理指定的出国剧目《杨门女将》。 展开更多
关键词 戏曲学校 话剧民族化 《杨门女将》 艺术剧院 叶尔绍夫兄弟 《海港》 现实主义创作方法 毕业班
《现代交通技术》 2014年第3期8-8,共1页
2014—05-01,《海港总体设计规范》(JTS165—2013)正式实施,该规范是海港工程系列规范的纲领性规范,归并了《海港总平面设计规范》(JTJ211—99)、《开敞式码头设计与施工技术规程》(JTJ295—2000)和《海港集装箱码头设计规范》... 2014—05-01,《海港总体设计规范》(JTS165—2013)正式实施,该规范是海港工程系列规范的纲领性规范,归并了《海港总平面设计规范》(JTJ211—99)、《开敞式码头设计与施工技术规程》(JTJ295—2000)和《海港集装箱码头设计规范》(JTS165—4—2011)等11本单行本规范。 展开更多
关键词 《海港总平面设计规范》 海港工程 集装箱码头 技术规程 码头设计 开敞式
《中国船检》 2007年第1期85-85,共1页
关键词 《海港总平面设计规范》 大型集装箱船 修订内容 船型尺度 公告 勘察设计院 船舶大型化 航务工程
论京剧“样板戏”音乐的历时演进 被引量:4
作者 戴嘉枋 《音乐探索》 CSSCI 2013年第3期19-27,共9页
京剧"样板戏"数量众多,且具有一定的创新性,故引发了专家学者的广泛关注,然目前绝大多数关于京剧"样板戏"音乐方面的研究成果,多集中于对其音乐形态的探讨,而鲜见对京剧"样板戏"音乐的历时演进的研究成... 京剧"样板戏"数量众多,且具有一定的创新性,故引发了专家学者的广泛关注,然目前绝大多数关于京剧"样板戏"音乐方面的研究成果,多集中于对其音乐形态的探讨,而鲜见对京剧"样板戏"音乐的历时演进的研究成果。纵观京剧"样板戏"的音乐创作历程,可大致分为前期、中期和后期,且每一时期的京剧"样板戏"音乐在延续前一时期的部分音乐艺术手法的同时,又体现出各自鲜明的音乐特点。 展开更多
关键词 京剧“样板戏” 《红灯记》 《沙家滨》 《智取威虎山》 《海港》 《龙江颂》 《杜鹃山》
Distribution and ecological evaluation of heavy metals in multi-medium of the Dongzhai Harbor 被引量:2
作者 田海涛 曹玲珑 +2 位作者 王平 谢健 何远胜 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2013年第2期87-96,共10页
The distribution characteristics of heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg. As in seawater, superficail sediments and several marine organisms of Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan were analyzed. Index methods of the single f... The distribution characteristics of heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg. As in seawater, superficail sediments and several marine organisms of Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan were analyzed. Index methods of the single factor and geo-accumulation were used to assess the pollution degree of heavy metals. The results showed that the heavy metal levels in the seawater of Dongzhai Harbor accorded with the first category of the seawater except Pb, and were much lower than the fishery water quality standard; the concentration of the heavy metal in surface sediments did not exceed the national benchmark of the first-class of marine sediment quality basically, and the superficial sediments were essentially uncontaminated; the heavy metal content in wetland sediments was slightly higher than those in other typical mangrove wetland island of Hainan and marine sediments in Dongzhai Haibor, which indicated this area might has been affected by land-based pollution influence, and this should cause the attention of related departments; the heavy metal concentrations in marine organisms were up to the first category. All were not beyond the standard of non-environmental pollution aquatic products. 展开更多
关键词 seawater SEDIMENT marine organisms heavy metals Dongzhai Harbor
Environmental Impact of Artificial Harbors in Tropic Pacific Oceanic Islands 被引量:2
作者 XUEChunting RussellHoworth HEChaoxiong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2004年第1期99-105,共7页
For loading and unloading of boats or ships round the clock, the access channel and its expanded part-a port are excavated on the lagoon and ocean reef flats in the tropic Pacific oceanic islands. Without moles, the a... For loading and unloading of boats or ships round the clock, the access channel and its expanded part-a port are excavated on the lagoon and ocean reef flats in the tropic Pacific oceanic islands. Without moles, the access channel port traps sediment and further transports it to the ocean or lagoon, resulting in coastal erosion. The wide uneven reef flat with a large catchment area tends to cause the formation of tide currents in the channel port, while strong waves on the narrow even reef flat can give rise to rip currents. An access channel port with a mole on one side or two moles on both sides results in less erosion. A model is recommended as an artificial harbor on the ocean coast, which is an excavated port surrounded by a mole, connected with the ocean by an access channel and with the shore by a bridge shaped pier. 展开更多
关键词 artificial channel PORT sediment trap longshore current coastal erosion
Development and evaluation of a DNA microarray assay for the simultaneous detection of nine harmful algal species in ship ballast and seaport waters 被引量:1
作者 陈先锋 周前进 +6 位作者 段维军 周成旭 段丽君 张慧丽 孙爱丽 严小军 陈炯 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期86-101,共16页
Rapid,high-throughput and reliable methods are urgently required to accurately detect and monitor harmful algae,which are responsible for algal blooms,such as red and green tides. In this study,we successfully develop... Rapid,high-throughput and reliable methods are urgently required to accurately detect and monitor harmful algae,which are responsible for algal blooms,such as red and green tides. In this study,we successfully developed a multiplex PCR-based DNA microarray method capable of detecting nine harmful algal species simultaneously,namely A lexandrium tamarense,Gyrodinium instriatum,Heterosigma akashiwo,Karenia mikimotoi,Prorocentrum donghaiense,Prorocentrum minimum,Ulva compressa,Ulva ohnoi and Ulva prolifera. This method achieved a limit of detection(LOD) of 0.5 ng of genomic DNA(orders of magnitude of the deci-nanogram range) in the tested algae cultures. Altogether,230 field samples from ship ballast waters and seaport waters were used to evaluate the DNA microarray. The clinical sensitivity and specificity of the DNA microarray assay in detecting field samples were 96.4% and 90.9%,respectively,relative to conventional morphological methods. This indicated that this high-throughput,automatic,and specific method is well suited for the detection of algae in water samples. 展开更多
关键词 ballast waters DNA microarray harmful algae limit of detection multiplex PCR seaport waters
Effects of Salinity on Embryonic Development, Survival, and Growth of Crassostrea hongkongensis 被引量:9
作者 HUO Zhongming WANG Zhaoping +5 位作者 LIANG Jian ZHANG Yuehuan SHEN Jianping YAO Tuo SU Jiaqi YU Ruihai 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第4期666-670,共5页
This study examined the effects of salinity on embryonic development, survival, and growth of the Hong Kong oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis. The embryos, larvae, and juveniles of C. hongkongensis were held in artific... This study examined the effects of salinity on embryonic development, survival, and growth of the Hong Kong oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis. The embryos, larvae, and juveniles of C. hongkongensis were held in artificial seawater at three different salinities(low, 15; medium, 23; and high, 30) to determine the optimum hatchery and nursery conditions for mass production of the seeds. Results showed that the percentage production of straight-hinged larvae from fertilized eggs was significantly lower at the high salinity than at the low- and medium-salinities(P < 0.05). The survival rates of larvae and juveniles differed significantly among the three salinity trials, with the highest survival rate observed at the low salinity(P < 0.05). The shell height of larvae was significantly larger at the low salinity than at the high and medium salinities from days 9 to 15(P < 0.05), whereas that of juveniles was significantly larger at the low salinity than at the high and medium salinities on day 70(P < 0.05). These results indicate that the larvae and juveniles of C. hongkongensis are tolerant to a wide range of salinities(15 to 30), but show better growth and survival at relatively low salinities. Thus, it is recommended to use relatively low salinities in hatchery and nursery systems for improved yields of C. hongkongensis. 展开更多
关键词 SALINITY embryonic development SURVIVAL GROWTH Crassostrea hongkongensis
Research on changes of coastal land use intensity in bay area during past 30 years——A case study of Xiangshan Bay 被引量:4
作者 FENG Bai-xiang LI Jia-lin +1 位作者 HE Gai-li HUANG Ri-peng 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2018年第2期28-43,共16页
Taking the coastal zone of Xiangshan Bay as a study area,based on the information of four TM images of1985,1995,2005,and2015,this study divided the land use types into8categories.Then,through calculating4kinds of inde... Taking the coastal zone of Xiangshan Bay as a study area,based on the information of four TM images of1985,1995,2005,and2015,this study divided the land use types into8categories.Then,through calculating4kinds of index models:land-use dynamic index,conversion matrix,land use structure information entropy,and comprehensive index of land development and utilization intensity,the speed,structure,degree,and the spatial-temporal changes in the land development and utilization of Xiangshan Bay coastal zone from1985to2015are researched and analyzed.Results showed that:from1985to2015,the expansion speed of aquaculture land and salt pan of Xiangshan Bay coastal zone was the fastest,the highest dynamic degree could up to11.97%,construction land expansion rate of the second,with significant increase in the area.Intertidal zone reduced by a maximum speed,and the area of farmland decreased obviously.In that30years,the main land type change direction of Xiangshan Bay coastal zone was the farmland turn into construction land,followed by forest turn into farmland.Information entropy increased by period,the land use structure homogeneity constantly strengthened and regional development became gradually mature.The change rate of land use intensity in each period was greater than zero,and the intensity of land development and utilization in Xiangshan Bay coastal zone was enhanced continuously. 展开更多
关键词 land use development intensity spatial-temporal changes coastal zone of Xiangshan Bay
长江航道码头标准化研究探讨 被引量:2
作者 李红 倪德先 《中国水运》 2009年第9期40-41,共2页
研究依据:《内河航道维护技术规范》(JTJ287-2005)、《河港工程设计规范》(GB50192—93)、《海港总平面设计规范》(JTJ211—99)、《内河航道与港口水文规范》(JTJ214—2000)、《斜坡码头及浮码头设计与施工规范》(JTJ294—98... 研究依据:《内河航道维护技术规范》(JTJ287-2005)、《河港工程设计规范》(GB50192—93)、《海港总平面设计规范》(JTJ211—99)、《内河航道与港口水文规范》(JTJ214—2000)、《斜坡码头及浮码头设计与施工规范》(JTJ294—98)等现行规范、技术标准。 展开更多
关键词 码头设计 长江航道 《海港总平面设计规范》 标准化 工程设计规范 内河航道 维护技术 施工规范
China's Global Shipping Connectivity:Internal and External Dynamics in the Contemporary Era(1890–2016) 被引量:6
作者 Cesar DUCRUET WANG Liehui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期202-216,共15页
China's global shipping connectivity had been somewhat overlooked as the bulk of related studies predominantly focused on the throughput volume of its own port cities. This article tackles such lacunae by providin... China's global shipping connectivity had been somewhat overlooked as the bulk of related studies predominantly focused on the throughput volume of its own port cities. This article tackles such lacunae by providing a relational perspective based on the extraction of vessel movement archives from the Lloyd's List corpus. Two complementary analyses are proposed: long-term dynamics with all ships included(1890–2008) and medium-term dynamics focusing on container flows(1978–2016). Each analysis examines China's maritime connectivity in various ways and on different spatial scales, from the global to the local, in terms of concentration, vulnerability, and expansion. The main results underline the influence of technological, economic, and political factors on the changing distribution of connectivity internally and externally. In particular, China has managed to reduce its dependence upon external transit hubs, to increase the internal connectivity of its own port system, and to strengthen its dominance towards an increasing number of foreign nodes and trade partners through the maritime network. 展开更多
关键词 China CONNECTIVITY maritime network port system vessel movements
Spatio-temporal distribution of net-collected phytoplankton community and its response to marine exploitation in Xiangshan Bay 被引量:7
作者 江志兵 朱旭宇 +3 位作者 高瑜 陈全震 曾江宁 朱根海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期762-773,共12页
To explore the spatial-temporal distribution of the phytoplankton community and evaluate the combined effects of marine resource exploitation, net-collected phytoplankton and physical-chemical parameters were investig... To explore the spatial-temporal distribution of the phytoplankton community and evaluate the combined effects of marine resource exploitation, net-collected phytoplankton and physical-chemical parameters were investigated in the Xiangshan Bay during the four seasons of 2010. A total of eight phyla, 97 genera, and 310 species were found, including 232 diatom species, 45 dinoflageUate species and 33 other taxa. The phytoplankton abundances presented a significant (P〈0.001) seasonal difference with the average of 60.66x104 cells/m3. Diatoms (mainly consisting of Coscinodiscus jonesianus, Cerataulina pelagica, Skeletonema costatum, and genus Chaetoceros) dominated the phytoplankton assemblage in all seasons. We found great spatio-temporal variation in community composition based on the multidimensional scaling and similarity analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis show that temperature, nutrition, illumination, and salinity were the main variables associated with microalgal assemblage. Compared with the previous studies, an increase in phytoplankton abundance and change in the dominant species coincided with increased exploitation activities in this bay (e.g. operation of coastal power plants, intensive mariculture, tidal fiat reclamation, and industrial and agricultural development). The present findings suggest that the government should exercise caution when deciding upon developmental patterns in the sea-related economy. 展开更多
关键词 EUTROPHICATION PHYTOPLANKTON thermal discharge Xiangshan Bay
The Sediment and Hydrographic Characteristics of Three Horseshoe Crab Nursery Beaches in Hong Kong 被引量:2
作者 Helen M.C. Chiu Brian Morton 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2003年第1期35-43,共9页
Horseshoe crab juveniles have been recorded from sand and sandy-mud nursery beaches at Pak Nai (western New Territories), San Tau and Shui Hau (Lantau Island), Hong Kong. In order to provide a better understanding of ... Horseshoe crab juveniles have been recorded from sand and sandy-mud nursery beaches at Pak Nai (western New Territories), San Tau and Shui Hau (Lantau Island), Hong Kong. In order to provide a better understanding of these beaches and to identify those plausible factors which have made them preferred by spawning horseshoe crabs, environmental parameters, including temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen content of the water, and particle size distribution and organic matter content of the sediments at the three sites, were determined and compared. The hydrographic and sediment data obtained for the three study sites have revealed some common environmental features. The three nursery beaches are relatively remote, and far (in Hong Kong terms) from urbanized and densely populated areas. The beaches are generally well sheltered from strong wave action and inundated regularly by estuarine waters. Horseshoe crab adults tend to select these beaches for spawning as their protected features ensures the laid eggs are less likely to be washed out of the sand, and hatched juveniles can feed on the meiofauna and grow. Sediments of the three beaches largely comprise medium-sized sand particles and are moderately sorted, suggesting medium porosity and good water permeability. Such a sand type, with the generally high oxygen levels in incursing waters, may help create a well-oxygenated micro-environment for the normal development of horseshoe crab eggs, larvae and juveniles. Lantau Island beaches at San Tau and Shui Hau are relatively free from organic pollution, as reflected in generally high dissolved oxygen level, and low BOD 5 and ammonia nitrogen values. Pak Nai is, however, more polluted. 展开更多
关键词 SEDIMENT hydrography horseshoe crab nursery beaches Hong Kong
Seasonal Gametogenesis of Host Sea Anemone(Entacmaea quadricolor) Inhabiting Hong Kong Waters 被引量:1
作者 BI Ying ZHANG Bin +1 位作者 ZHANG Zhifeng QIU Jianwen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第1期143-148,共6页
Studying gonadal development of annual cycle can reveal the process of gametogenesis and reproductive period, and evaluate fertility and source utilization of a species. Host sea anemones are conspicuous members of tr... Studying gonadal development of annual cycle can reveal the process of gametogenesis and reproductive period, and evaluate fertility and source utilization of a species. Host sea anemones are conspicuous members of tropical and subtropical reef ecosystems, but little is known about its biology including reproductive seasonality. Here we reported a one-year study on the gametogenesis and reproduction of host sea anemone(Entacmaea quadricolor) inhabiting Hong Kong waters. E. quadricolor tissues were sampled in 12 occasions from 5 m and 15 m depths of water, respectively. Histological sectioning of the tissues showed that E. quadricolor was dioecious, and populational ratio of female to male was 1:1.6. The gonadal development was asynchronous within an annual cycle, which included proliferating, growing, maturing, spawning, and resting stages. The spawning occurred between August and October when surface seawater temperature reached the annual maximum(28℃), suggesting that temperature is an important factor modulating the gonadal development and mature of E. quadricolor. 展开更多
关键词 Entacmae aquadricolor GONAD annual cycle HISTOLOGY seawater temperature
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