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儿童剧的红色“火印” 谈儿童剧《火印》 被引量:1
作者 金莹 《上海戏剧》 2021年第3期36-37,共2页
“雪儿山头看大湖,坡娃梁上看雪儿,雪儿看雾浓雾淡,坡娃看湖大湖小……”伴随着轻灵悠扬的歌声,改编自儿童文学作家曹文轩同名小说的舞台剧《火印》于4月亮相上海保利大剧院,全场小观众在聚精会神、屏息静气的状态下,观看了这个抗日战... “雪儿山头看大湖,坡娃梁上看雪儿,雪儿看雾浓雾淡,坡娃看湖大湖小……”伴随着轻灵悠扬的歌声,改编自儿童文学作家曹文轩同名小说的舞台剧《火印》于4月亮相上海保利大剧院,全场小观众在聚精会神、屏息静气的状态下,观看了这个抗日战争中的传奇故事。《火印》通过一个北方村落野狐峪中骏马“雪儿”与男孩坡娃的传奇友谊,讲述了一段战火中的成长故事,也从一个独特的侧面呈现了抗战期间中华民众抗击日本侵略者的历史画卷。剧名“火印”则来源于“雪儿”落入侵华日军之后被烫上的烙痕,具有浓重的象征意味。 展开更多
关键词 《火印》 传奇故事 象征意味 曹文轩 儿童文学作家 野狐 日本侵略者 成长故事
作者 康晓丹 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2016年第4期89-93,共5页
《火印》是一部重视动物意象的呈现和动物叙事表达的战争题材小说。现实与神秘的动物意象共生并存,双重叙事和双重视角和谐互补,对向善向美人性和民族自由的不懈追求,形成了小说以动物为中心的独特叙事风格和表现战争的独特角度。此外,... 《火印》是一部重视动物意象的呈现和动物叙事表达的战争题材小说。现实与神秘的动物意象共生并存,双重叙事和双重视角和谐互补,对向善向美人性和民族自由的不懈追求,形成了小说以动物为中心的独特叙事风格和表现战争的独特角度。此外,作者在小说中还表现出了对以往文学理想的继承和开拓,对于动物小说和战争题材小说的创作都有着很好的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 《火印》 动物意象 双重叙事 双重视角 人文情怀
作者 杨涓涓 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2016年第9期52-55,共4页
《火印》是新世纪战争儿童文学的一个重要样本。非暴力书写主要表现在内容的非暴力化,叙述视角的多重运用。更隐蔽的指涉是对人性善的挖掘。《火印》的非暴力书写是曹文轩的文学观以及继承诗性小说传统的产物。但其成人精英主义的创作... 《火印》是新世纪战争儿童文学的一个重要样本。非暴力书写主要表现在内容的非暴力化,叙述视角的多重运用。更隐蔽的指涉是对人性善的挖掘。《火印》的非暴力书写是曹文轩的文学观以及继承诗性小说传统的产物。但其成人精英主义的创作心态不能触摸人性的底部,浮创伤的抚慰于台面,如马之缚缰绳,削弱了作品的思想内核。 展开更多
关键词 《火印》 创伤 人性 非暴力
作者 艾米佳 《今传媒》 2021年第9期99-101,共3页
儿童剧《火印》妙用舞台“留白”的艺术手法,在传承民族历史记忆的同时不散播民族仇恨,而是回归人性本身,向中国儿童讲好中国故事。艺术作品从来不缺乏对战争的书写,儿童剧《火印》向儿童观众传达历史事实的同时兼顾艺术作品的“可观性... 儿童剧《火印》妙用舞台“留白”的艺术手法,在传承民族历史记忆的同时不散播民族仇恨,而是回归人性本身,向中国儿童讲好中国故事。艺术作品从来不缺乏对战争的书写,儿童剧《火印》向儿童观众传达历史事实的同时兼顾艺术作品的“可观性”与“适龄性”。作品彰显着艺术家为儿童观众呈现国家历史与表达民族情感上的清醒与克制,并通过丰富的意象生产成功创造出舞台的诗意,这种清醒与克制,恰恰是舞台的“留白”。 展开更多
关键词 儿童剧 《火印》 “留白”
创作的“在意”与出版的“刻意”——《火印》编辑手记 被引量:2
作者 张昀韬 《中国编辑》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期93-95,99,共4页
关键词 《火印》 创作 编辑
大爱无疆 心存感动——论曹文轩《火印》的内涵与意蕴
作者 武文杰 《时代文学(下半月)》 2015年第9期196-198,共3页
曹文轩的新作《火印》,突破了其以往的写作姿态,在大草原上为读者展现了人与马的一段可歌可泣的故事。在战争的硝烟下,人性的善良与美好依然闪耀着独特的光芒,人与人、人与马的爱意表达,白马雪儿的抗争与救赎,仍然让人为之动容。曹文轩... 曹文轩的新作《火印》,突破了其以往的写作姿态,在大草原上为读者展现了人与马的一段可歌可泣的故事。在战争的硝烟下,人性的善良与美好依然闪耀着独特的光芒,人与人、人与马的爱意表达,白马雪儿的抗争与救赎,仍然让人为之动容。曹文轩探寻人性之美的创作思路,和精致的文字书写给人留下了深刻印象,同时也留下了无尽的思考空间,让人们反思,让人们回味。 展开更多
关键词 美学理论·影视评论及其它 《火印》 内涵 感动 思考
作者 李佳璐 《当代戏剧》 2022年第2期73-75,共3页
儿童剧《火印》改编自曹文轩同名长篇小说。近年来,曹文轩的作品被频频搬上舞台,前有首次搬上舞台的《山羊不吃天堂草》,此外还有话剧《根鸟》等,而《火印》的排演,更能让人看到,在其文学滋养下的戏剧所呈现的意义更为深远,层次更加多元... 儿童剧《火印》改编自曹文轩同名长篇小说。近年来,曹文轩的作品被频频搬上舞台,前有首次搬上舞台的《山羊不吃天堂草》,此外还有话剧《根鸟》等,而《火印》的排演,更能让人看到,在其文学滋养下的戏剧所呈现的意义更为深远,层次更加多元,意象也更为悠长。文学和戏剧的相互哺育成就了一个更为凝练的儿童剧《火印》,该剧整体遵照原著的情节脉络,以抗日时期的北方草原为历史大背景,讲述野狐裕里的男孩坡娃和他从狼群中救下的名为“雪儿”的这匹马之后的种种经历。 展开更多
关键词 曹文轩 文学经典 野狐 《火印》 北方草原 儿童剧 天堂草 凝练
作者 庞硕 《小学生导读》 2020年第1期60-61,共2页
《火印》是一部具有诗意与美感,充满了悲悯情怀,闪耀着人性光辉的儿童文学作品。故事的主人公雪儿是一匹聪慧的马,一匹具有尊严和品格的马。虽然雪儿曾被日本人俘虏,身体被日本人烙下了火印,遭受过非人的凌辱和虐待,但藏在雪儿心中的信... 《火印》是一部具有诗意与美感,充满了悲悯情怀,闪耀着人性光辉的儿童文学作品。故事的主人公雪儿是一匹聪慧的马,一匹具有尊严和品格的马。虽然雪儿曾被日本人俘虏,身体被日本人烙下了火印,遭受过非人的凌辱和虐待,但藏在雪儿心中的信念始终没有消减,它终于等到了复仇的机会,与一个负伤的骑兵一起纵横战场,冒着枪林弹雨,凭借英勇和智慧,洗雪了耻辱,赢得了尊严。 展开更多
关键词 曹文轩 人性光辉 《火印》 儿童文学作品 悲悯情怀 非人
Episodes of subaerial Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) linked to late Turonian/late Maastrichtian deep incursion of sea on the Indian continental block
作者 Syed A.Jafar 《Global Geology》 2016年第4期255-260,276,共7页
Late Cretaceous sea inundation of major continents, surprisingly did not affect Indian block except by two major subaerial events of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). Marion hotspot induced LIP of Mahajanga Flood Bas... Late Cretaceous sea inundation of major continents, surprisingly did not affect Indian block except by two major subaerial events of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). Marion hotspot induced LIP of Mahajanga Flood Basalt (ca. 92Ma) in Madagascar triggered high intensity earthquake along Narmada Lineament and permitted a short lived marine transgression during late Turonian with spectacular estuarine deposits of limited thickness, preserved as archive of “Greenhouse Climatic Record” ? Reunion hotspot induced LIP of Deccan Flood Basalt, stretching from western to eastern India around Rajahmundry area attracted worldwide attention for the unique fauna and flora preserved in the intertrappean beds straddling Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary. This massive subaerial LIP (ca. 66Ma) permitted fairly deep penetration of sea along collision facing Subathu-Dogadda Line-ament during late Maastrichtian-Danian, but due to thick vegetation cover, tectonic disturbance and scarce out-crops the evidence is less straightforward than along Narmada rift. 展开更多
关键词 LIPS marine incursions Indian Block late Turonian-Narmada Basin Lineament Late Maastrici- tian-Subathu Dogadda Lineament
The Impact of Fire Ants Solenopsis sp. on Upland Arthropods in Eastern India
作者 Chitta Ranjan Satpathi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第3期203-209,共7页
Solenopsis sp. is an important invader on upland arthropod of Eastern India. This study was conducted to evaluate the role of this insect as potential biocontrol agent against some major pests of rice. The ant populat... Solenopsis sp. is an important invader on upland arthropod of Eastern India. This study was conducted to evaluate the role of this insect as potential biocontrol agent against some major pests of rice. The ant populations were sampled before and during appearance of hibernating larva and pupa of rice yellow stem borer (YSB) Scirpophaga incertulas (Walk.) inside the rice plant. Species richness and diversity of other ant species were also assessed from YSB protected field with insecticides and the crop grown under natural biological control. The maximum value of Barger-Parker index (d = 0.245) indicated that fire ant constituted 24.55% of the total population. Besides, in natural as in agricultural ecosystems, interference between fire ants and mealy bug as well as aphids was also recorded in different altitudes of the Eastern Himalayas and found that the incidence of fire ants Solenopsis sp. decreased the abundance of borer pests, but in contrast it increased the hopper pests in the same ecological niche. 展开更多
关键词 Fire ant Solenopsis sp. rice yellow stem borer Barger-Parker index mealy bug aphid.
Chemical Weathering of New Pyroclastic Deposits from Mt. Merapi (Java), Indonesia
作者 Dian Fiantis Malik Nelson +2 位作者 Eric Van Ranst Jusop Shamshuddin Nikolla P. Qafoku 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期240-254,共15页
The Java Island, Indonesia with abundant amount of pyroclastic deposits is located in the very active and dynamic Pacific Ring of Fires. Studying the geochemical weathering indices of these pyroclastic deposits is imp... The Java Island, Indonesia with abundant amount of pyroclastic deposits is located in the very active and dynamic Pacific Ring of Fires. Studying the geochemical weathering indices of these pyroclastic deposits is important to get a clear picture about weathering profiles on deposits resulting from the eruption of Mt. Merapi. Immediately after the first phase of the eruption (March to June 2006), moist and leached pyroclastic deposits were collected. These pyroclastic deposits were found to be composed of volcanic glass, plagioclase feldspar in various propoitions, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, amphibole and titanomagnetite. The total elemental composition of the bulk samples (including trace elements and heavy metals) was determined by wet chemical methods and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses. Weathering of the pyroelastic deposits was studied using various weathering indices. The Ruxton ratio, weathering index of Parker, Vought resudual index and chemical index of weathering of moist pyroclastic deposits were lower than those of the leached samples, but the alteration indices (chemical and plagioclase) were slightly higher in the moist compared to the leached pyroelastic deposits. 展开更多
关键词 Weathering index Pyroclastic deposit ANDESITE MERAPI Indonesia
Constraining quantitatively the timing and process of continent-continent collision using magmatic record: Method and examples 被引量:28
作者 ZHU DiCheng WANG Qing ZHAO ZhiDan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1040-1056,共17页
Based on the main driving force of plate motion(the slab pull force generated by the descent of the oceanic plate in subduction zones) and the three primary mechanisms for magma generation(adding fluid, increasing tem... Based on the main driving force of plate motion(the slab pull force generated by the descent of the oceanic plate in subduction zones) and the three primary mechanisms for magma generation(adding fluid, increasing temperature, and decreasing pressure), the continent-continent collisional process has been divided into three stages, including initial collision, ongoing collision, and tectonic transition. These stages are characterized by normal calc-alkaline andesitic magma(dehydration of the oceanic crust to release fluids), the migration of calc-alkaline magma toward the trench(dehydration of the oceanic crust or an increase in temperature) or small-scale crust-derived peraluminous magma(heat from intra-crustal shearing), and extensive magmatism with compositional diversity induced by slab break-off(increasing temperature and decreasing pressure), respectively.On the basis of the obtained age of slab break-off, the timing of the initial continent-continent collision can be quantitatively back-dated using the convergence rate, depth of slab break-off, and subduction angle. The spatio-temporal migration of the magmatic activity of the Gangdese Batholith, the onset of magmatic flare-up, and the increase of magma temperature at 52–51Ma documented by the volcanic rocks of the Linzizong Pana Formation were most likely the result of the break-off of the Yarlung-Zangbo Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere at approximately 53 Ma. This proposed age of slab break-off suggests that the initial India-Asia collision likely occurred at approximately 55–54 Ma, which is consistent with the collision ages constrained by other abundant geological data(60–55 Ma). This magmatic method has been applied to the Bitlis orogenic belt in southern Turkey in the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone, yielding an age range of approximately 29–22 Ma for the initial Arabia-Asia continental collision that is close to the collision ages recently obtained by apatite fission-track dating(approximately20 Ma) and regional tectonic shortening(approximately 27 Ma). The intense folding of the Upper Cretaceous and the angular unconformity between the overlying Linzizong volcanic rocks in the southern Lhasa Terrane(90.69 Ma) are not related to the initial continental collision between India and Asia, but can be interpreted as the consequences of the strong coupling between the hot and young subducting oceanic crust immediately south of the spreading ridge and the overriding lithosphere or the subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic plateaux or seamounts. The tectonic event documented by the angular unconformity between the Linzizong Dianzhong Formation and the Nianbo Formation lasted approximately 3 Ma and likely marks the initial India-Asia collision. The significant deceleration of the Indian continent at approximately 51 Ma can be attributed to the disappearance of the slab pull force in the subduction zone due to the break-off of the Yarlung-Zangbo Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. The descent of the eclogitized lower crust of the northern Indian continent provides the main driving force for the current northward motion of Indian plate. The weak deformation of the lithospheric plate in the overriding plate of the India-Asia collisional zone between 60 and 40 Ma can be attributed to the high-angle subduction related to the rollback of the Yarlung-Zangbo Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere after the initial India-Asia continental collision, the presence of the thick crust and high elevation on the southern margin of the Lhasa Terrane, and the decoupling between the mid-upper and lower crust and between the lower crust and lithospheric mantle of the Indian continent. 展开更多
关键词 Magmatic record Slab break-off Timing of initial collision India-Asia collision Tethyan orogenic belt
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