改革开放以来,中国政治经济领域的显著成就令全球瞩目。《政府工作报告》的英译本作为展示中国政策与国情的重要平台,为翻译界提供了宝贵参考。本文以纽马克的成分分析翻译法为理论依据,探究2023年《政府工作报告》英译本中的中国特色...改革开放以来,中国政治经济领域的显著成就令全球瞩目。《政府工作报告》的英译本作为展示中国政策与国情的重要平台,为翻译界提供了宝贵参考。本文以纽马克的成分分析翻译法为理论依据,探究2023年《政府工作报告》英译本中的中国特色生态文化词汇、中国特色物质文化词汇与中国特色社会文化词汇的翻译方法。经过成分分析翻译法的解构、传译与重构三步骤原理进行案例分析,本文发现《政府工作报告》英译本多用直译与意译互为补充、意译、意译与增译相结合等英译方法再现中国特色文化词汇的意义成分,紧贴源语语境,易于受众理解,助推中华文化的国际传播。Since the reform and opening up, China’s remarkable achievements in the politics and economics have attracted global attention. The English version of the 2023 Government Work Report, as an important platform to showcase China’s policies and situations, serves as an invaluable source of reference for translators. This paper takes Newmark’s componential analysis as the theoretical ba-sis to explore the translation methods of the Chinese ecological, material, and social culture- specific items in the English version of the 2023 Government Work Report. After case studies based on the three-step principle of the componential analysis theory, namely, deconstruction, interpretation and reconstruction, this paper unfolds that such translation methods as free translation plus literal translation, free translation, and free translation along with augmentation are applied to the Eng-lish version of the 2023 Government Work Report, through which the sense components of Chinese culture-specific items are well demonstrated. Therefore, the English version is close to the source text and understandable to the target audience, thus promoting the dissemination of Chinese cul-ture to the world.展开更多
1《内经》英译概述《内经》即《黄帝内经》,是我国现存最早的中医经典古籍之一,作为一部百科全书式的医学著作,其对阴阳、经络、病症等诸多方面都有精辟的论述。近年来,随着中国对外交流的发展,作为中医之最的《内经》迅速吸引了世人的...1《内经》英译概述《内经》即《黄帝内经》,是我国现存最早的中医经典古籍之一,作为一部百科全书式的医学著作,其对阴阳、经络、病症等诸多方面都有精辟的论述。近年来,随着中国对外交流的发展,作为中医之最的《内经》迅速吸引了世人的目光。1925年,德国人Percy M.Dawson首次以论文的形式在《医学史年鉴》上发表了Su-wen,the Basis of Chinese Medicine;展开更多
文摘改革开放以来,中国政治经济领域的显著成就令全球瞩目。《政府工作报告》的英译本作为展示中国政策与国情的重要平台,为翻译界提供了宝贵参考。本文以纽马克的成分分析翻译法为理论依据,探究2023年《政府工作报告》英译本中的中国特色生态文化词汇、中国特色物质文化词汇与中国特色社会文化词汇的翻译方法。经过成分分析翻译法的解构、传译与重构三步骤原理进行案例分析,本文发现《政府工作报告》英译本多用直译与意译互为补充、意译、意译与增译相结合等英译方法再现中国特色文化词汇的意义成分,紧贴源语语境,易于受众理解,助推中华文化的国际传播。Since the reform and opening up, China’s remarkable achievements in the politics and economics have attracted global attention. The English version of the 2023 Government Work Report, as an important platform to showcase China’s policies and situations, serves as an invaluable source of reference for translators. This paper takes Newmark’s componential analysis as the theoretical ba-sis to explore the translation methods of the Chinese ecological, material, and social culture- specific items in the English version of the 2023 Government Work Report. After case studies based on the three-step principle of the componential analysis theory, namely, deconstruction, interpretation and reconstruction, this paper unfolds that such translation methods as free translation plus literal translation, free translation, and free translation along with augmentation are applied to the Eng-lish version of the 2023 Government Work Report, through which the sense components of Chinese culture-specific items are well demonstrated. Therefore, the English version is close to the source text and understandable to the target audience, thus promoting the dissemination of Chinese cul-ture to the world.
文摘1《内经》英译概述《内经》即《黄帝内经》,是我国现存最早的中医经典古籍之一,作为一部百科全书式的医学著作,其对阴阳、经络、病症等诸多方面都有精辟的论述。近年来,随着中国对外交流的发展,作为中医之最的《内经》迅速吸引了世人的目光。1925年,德国人Percy M.Dawson首次以论文的形式在《医学史年鉴》上发表了Su-wen,the Basis of Chinese Medicine;