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《电视节目主持》课程教学改革的“551”模式 被引量:1
作者 雷晓艳 《湖南科技学院学报》 2010年第10期203-204,共2页
关键词 《电视节目主持》 教学改革 “551” 新闻学
教育技术专业如何开好《电视节目制作》课程 被引量:1
作者 苟泽志 《保山师专学报》 2006年第4期77-78,共2页
高校技术性课程的教学,应遵循教育和学习的规律并善于从整个课程系统出发进行把握和设计。“任务驱动”教学法,就是为实现这个要求,把学生的角色从“让我学”变成“我要学,”并由此达到事半功倍的效果。就采用“任务驱动”教学法在高校... 高校技术性课程的教学,应遵循教育和学习的规律并善于从整个课程系统出发进行把握和设计。“任务驱动”教学法,就是为实现这个要求,把学生的角色从“让我学”变成“我要学,”并由此达到事半功倍的效果。就采用“任务驱动”教学法在高校的教育技术专业中开好《电视节目制作》课程,谈谈自己的心得和做法。 展开更多
关键词 任务驱动 教学方法 《电视节目制作》课程 实践能力 创新能力
作者 张捧 李峰 《西部广播电视》 2014年第7期82-83,共2页
《电视节目策划》作为编导专业高年级设置的课程,重在培养学生的创作能力,要求学生能够将所学的视听语言、新闻采写、摄影摄像等相关知识融会贯通,学以致用。这就需要学生具备丰富的联想和善于动脑的能力。笔者从课堂讲授、安排实践以... 《电视节目策划》作为编导专业高年级设置的课程,重在培养学生的创作能力,要求学生能够将所学的视听语言、新闻采写、摄影摄像等相关知识融会贯通,学以致用。这就需要学生具备丰富的联想和善于动脑的能力。笔者从课堂讲授、安排实践以及教学联合三个方面对本课程的教学方法和模式进行了详细探析。 展开更多
关键词 《电视节目策划》 改变传统教学 安排实践 课程联合
作者 周琢 荣姗珊 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2015年第4期84-85,88,共3页
在《电视节目制作》课程教学中,"播客"理念在构建教学体系、引导学生创作、提高教学效果等方面具有重要作用。文章从《电视节目制作》课程结构特点入手,重点论证了"播客"引入《电视节目制作》课程教学的几点要求,... 在《电视节目制作》课程教学中,"播客"理念在构建教学体系、引导学生创作、提高教学效果等方面具有重要作用。文章从《电视节目制作》课程结构特点入手,重点论证了"播客"引入《电视节目制作》课程教学的几点要求,即构建课程教学新框架,坚持"播客"教学新模式,推动虚拟学习社区建设。 展开更多
关键词 播客 《电视节目制作》 课程教学 教学模式
“讲好中国故事”背景下《电视节目策划》教学改革研究 被引量:1
作者 贾森 《今传媒》 2022年第10期43-46,共4页
《电视节目策划》作为广播电视学专业的核心课程,在完善学生知识结构、提高学生综合应用能力、建立系统理论实践体系等方面发挥着重要作用,其全面覆盖的课程环节和丰富多元的课程内容成为“讲好中国故事”的重要载体。本文旨在通过有针... 《电视节目策划》作为广播电视学专业的核心课程,在完善学生知识结构、提高学生综合应用能力、建立系统理论实践体系等方面发挥着重要作用,其全面覆盖的课程环节和丰富多元的课程内容成为“讲好中国故事”的重要载体。本文旨在通过有针对性的课程教学改革,让广播电视学专业人才符合新时代文化建设的内在要求,并能积极应对传媒技术和传播环境的变化,最终讲好中国故事,向世界展现真实、立体、全面的中国。 展开更多
关键词 “讲好中国故事” 《电视节目策划》 教学改革
基于OBE理念《电视节目策划》教学模式的改革研究 被引量:1
作者 王帅 《戏剧之家》 2023年第26期165-168,共4页
作为艺术门类的专业必修课程,“电视节目策划”力求理论性和应用性并重,兼顾素质教育和能力训练,努力培养学生形成先进的广播电视思维方式,使学生能够掌握各类节目形态的基本特征和创作规律,具备电视节目分析和电视节目策划的能力。本... 作为艺术门类的专业必修课程,“电视节目策划”力求理论性和应用性并重,兼顾素质教育和能力训练,努力培养学生形成先进的广播电视思维方式,使学生能够掌握各类节目形态的基本特征和创作规律,具备电视节目分析和电视节目策划的能力。本文以电视节目分析和电视节目策划的创作实例为支撑,论述基于OBE理念《电视节目策划》教学模式的具体优化策略和实践路径,希望能为《电视节目策划》课程的教学改革研究提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 OBE理念 《电视节目策划》 优化策略 实践路径
作者 汪洋 《教育界(高等教育)》 2015年第5期105-105,共1页
《电视节目制作》课程是一门集电视策划、电视摄像和电视编辑于一体的实践性极强的专业基础课,能为学生快速适应电视媒体工作环境、培养电视节目制作思维与实际操作技能发挥积极作用.本文在分析电视节目制作课程教学独特之处和教学过程... 《电视节目制作》课程是一门集电视策划、电视摄像和电视编辑于一体的实践性极强的专业基础课,能为学生快速适应电视媒体工作环境、培养电视节目制作思维与实际操作技能发挥积极作用.本文在分析电视节目制作课程教学独特之处和教学过程中存在的问题的基础上,提出了改革《电视节目制作》课程教学的方法. 展开更多
关键词 《电视节目制作》 教学模式 教学改革
作者 张彦华 靳晓珂 《采写编》 2017年第6期50-51,共2页
我国部分高校的《电视节目策划》课程教学建设目前存在教学缺乏系统性规划、知识相对落后于时代需求、信息获取相对滞后于本学科当代重要研究成果及前沿动态等问题。采用诸如制定科学的在地国际化教学任务、科学设计在地国际化的教学方... 我国部分高校的《电视节目策划》课程教学建设目前存在教学缺乏系统性规划、知识相对落后于时代需求、信息获取相对滞后于本学科当代重要研究成果及前沿动态等问题。采用诸如制定科学的在地国际化教学任务、科学设计在地国际化的教学方法和制定契合在地国际化的课程考核方式等,有利于促进《电视节目策划》课程教学质量的优化和学生国际化素质的提升。 展开更多
关键词 《电视节目策划》 在地国际化 授课模式
《家庭医学(上半月)》 2017年第4期34-34,共1页
关键词 幽默 文学作品 现代文学 《电视节目》
媒体融合与电视节目创新策划——评《电视节目策划》 被引量:5
作者 郑力 《中国广播电视学刊》 北大核心 2020年第4期128-128,共1页
策划是基于脑力的一种理性思维程序,它是对未来事物运行的有效规划,具体来说就是预测未来事物如何发展在当前情况下做好安排。其具体的思维过程就是找出事物之间的因果关系,衡量其在未来发展过程中所能够选用的各种有效途径。针对于电... 策划是基于脑力的一种理性思维程序,它是对未来事物运行的有效规划,具体来说就是预测未来事物如何发展在当前情况下做好安排。其具体的思维过程就是找出事物之间的因果关系,衡量其在未来发展过程中所能够选用的各种有效途径。针对于电视节目来说,就是要预先决定做什么、何时做、怎么去做。在这一过程中,电视节目策划就是一座连接当前节目制作和未来节目收视的有效桥梁——这是乔新玉所著的电视培训教材《电视节目策划》告诉我们的最简洁明了的关于该书的要义。 展开更多
关键词 电视节目创新 电视制作 《电视节目策划》 媒体融合
作者 李颖 《中国广播电视学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期80-80,共1页
我们已经进入了一个“知识经济”占主导地位的时代。知识经济时代是一个可以把知识作为资本来发展经济的时代。那么在这个时代中,作为现代化传媒的电视业将充当什么角色,电视节目经营又应怎样确立自己的目标和策略?周鸿铎先生所著的《... 我们已经进入了一个“知识经济”占主导地位的时代。知识经济时代是一个可以把知识作为资本来发展经济的时代。那么在这个时代中,作为现代化传媒的电视业将充当什么角色,电视节目经营又应怎样确立自己的目标和策略?周鸿铎先生所著的《电视节目经营策略》(以下简称《电》)对这些问题进行了及时的研究和回答。 展开更多
关键词 知识经济 《电视节目经营策略》 周鸿绎 书评 专题研究
信息化教学过程的内涵及其实证分析 被引量:3
作者 钟莲花 宓小土 《湖南第一师范学报》 2006年第2期43-44,112,共3页
信息化教学是一个互动、整合、实践的过程。在《电视节目编导》的信息化教学过程中,我们通过采取以下措施,完满地实现了教学目标:(1)确立新内涵观念的导向;(2)教学内容的全面整合;(3)教学形式与方法的多样化;(4)能力培养落实于全过程;(5... 信息化教学是一个互动、整合、实践的过程。在《电视节目编导》的信息化教学过程中,我们通过采取以下措施,完满地实现了教学目标:(1)确立新内涵观念的导向;(2)教学内容的全面整合;(3)教学形式与方法的多样化;(4)能力培养落实于全过程;(5)学习评价的全员参与。 展开更多
关键词 信息化 教学过程 《电视节目编导》 实证分析
Media and Peeping Tom Culture: Violating Familial Privacy and Communal Responsibility in the Evolution of Voyeurism
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第5期304-312,共9页
In the name of visual pleasure, there are different entertainments in today's media that instigate voyeurism among common viewers. In this study, the author intends to focus on two phases where the spectators are tur... In the name of visual pleasure, there are different entertainments in today's media that instigate voyeurism among common viewers. In this study, the author intends to focus on two phases where the spectators are turning voyeurs without their consent. In the first phase, the study reveals the process where film influences voyeuristic behavior. The urge to explore others' private matters starts through the way film reflects, reveals, and even plays on the straight, socially established interpretation of sexual difference which controls images, erotic ways of looking, and spectacle. Several voyeuristic means in films pursue set formation, and they all persuade the viewer to identify with the male character by allowing the viewer to see what he sees through different voyeuristic means. The use of devices as a telescope, magnifying glass, and keyholes is the motivation for the close-up shots. They turn the viewer into a participant and spectator and allow the viewer to look at previously unseen and hidden details, but they do not let the viewer become totally a part of the action. In this study, films like Peeping Tom and Sliver are analyzed to understand big screen voyeurism. In the second phase, this study presents the voyeurism initiated by television programs such as reality shows, "soap operas", daytime television, talk shows, real life documentaries, and "docudramas". At the pinnacle, there are the government, police, and the employers who are assisting to produce a new "watched" culture with the use of closed circuit TV devices. Some camera operators are known to have made "greatest hits" tapes and other material captured on CCTV has become the footage used to create television programs for entertainment purposes. Thus, they are influencing public voyeurism. Programs like "Big Daddy", "Big Brother", and "Big Boss" are disclosing personal activities of the characters through hidden cameras. They are considered as soft-core pornography on mainstream television and satellite channels. 展开更多
关键词 voyeurism Peeping Tom reality shows films and voyeurs regular voyeur
Exploring the Effect of Product Placement on the US TV Programs
作者 Shawna White Jinbong Choi 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第2期77-85,共9页
In this research, two television programs were analyzed to compare the type and frequency of the product placement within them, and to determine whether women or teenagers are more targeted by advertisers. The televis... In this research, two television programs were analyzed to compare the type and frequency of the product placement within them, and to determine whether women or teenagers are more targeted by advertisers. The television programs were Desperate Housewives, a program targeted toward females, and Blue Mountain State, a program targeted toward male teenagers. The results of the study were analyzed using social cognition research, and ultimately determined that teenagers have become the predominant target audience for advertisers than women. 展开更多
关键词 product placement Desperate Housewives Blue Mountain State social cognition
New Technologies Democratize TV Programs: NosOtros and the Citizen Participation of a Glocal Content
作者 Edson Capoano 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第3期161-167,共7页
This paper will present a television program based on glocal (global + local) culture and sustainability concepts, such as local production, social support and cultural diversity, done with virtual and social netwo... This paper will present a television program based on glocal (global + local) culture and sustainability concepts, such as local production, social support and cultural diversity, done with virtual and social networks. The result is NosOtros1. Its name is a play of words between Nos-we in Portuguese and Otros--other in Spanish. The purpose is to practice a journalistic and cultural production process which would understand local specificities and global themes. NosOtros used professional networks in journalism to compose a cultural, democratic, and balanced program, understood and accepted across all of Latin America. NrsOtros was recorded in four countries in 2007, co-produced by local journalists, using professional networks and new media technologies such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VolP) and peer-to-peer programs. 展开更多
Brand Development and Transmedia Production The Geofreakz Case Study
作者 Charles Falzon 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第9期925-938,共14页
This paper looks at how brand development and marketing communication rules are useful, if not essential tools in the transmedia storytelling process. After providing clarification on the meaning of true transmedia co... This paper looks at how brand development and marketing communication rules are useful, if not essential tools in the transmedia storytelling process. After providing clarification on the meaning of true transmedia content, the author suggests that this fi)rm of narrative necessitates a variety of techniques that are beyond those found in the traditional skill set of the linear storyteller. The paper introduces a multi-layered model to help provide a structure for the development of transmedia narrative. It also outlines various stages of development and their specific characteristics. These include the establishment of a core message, introductory, development, and mature narrative phases. It draws extensive]Ly from a case study in transmedia storytelling co-produced by the author. The project, entitled Geo Freakz is rooted in the family sport of geocaching and was initially released on a trial basis, in Canada. The project includes webisodes, multiplayer on line games, TV programming, and live events. Collaborative partners are drawn from several media modalities. Findings from the case to date are used to illustrate the model presented in the paper as well as outline challenges in transmedia storytelling yet to be dealt with. 展开更多
Tangents on TV: The Tangential Relationship of Narrative and Educational Content in Children's Television Through the Capacity Model
作者 Cynthia Nichols 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第10期975-988,共14页
Previous studies have shown that children learn from educational television; however, these studies have not explored how closely the educational content of the program is integrated to the narrative. The following st... Previous studies have shown that children learn from educational television; however, these studies have not explored how closely the educational content of the program is integrated to the narrative. The following study uses a systematic content analysis of 100 top-rated U.S. children's television programs to explore the tangential relationship (i.e., distance) of narrative and educational content through the lens of the capacity model--which is built upon three basic components: narrative content, educational content, and the distance between them. Programs were analyzed for distance by examining lesson clarity and integration, show type, target audience age, and station type. One-way ANOVAs indicates significant differences between the means of these variables. Programs targeting younger children presented educational content that was closely integrated into the plotline of the program and helped further the story. However, as the target audience aged, the educational content became more tangential to the narrative content and was less tied to the plotline of the program. 展开更多
关键词 capacity model educational television CHILDREN E/I programming DISTANCE
Motives of Arabic-Speaking Viewers for Watching English or Dubbed TV Programs
作者 Ahmed Ankit 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第11期705-717,共13页
This research studies the motives that lead Arabic-speaking university students to watch television programs in English or dubbed in Arabic, and diagnoses the possible effects of these programs on these young people. ... This research studies the motives that lead Arabic-speaking university students to watch television programs in English or dubbed in Arabic, and diagnoses the possible effects of these programs on these young people. A field study was conducted on a sample of viewers of the MBC2 and MBC4 Channels in the UAE. A questionnaire was used as a tool to cover a sample of the community comprised of 200 young people who attend various public and private universities in the UAE, aged generally between 18 and 30 years old. The applied study proves that there is no relationship between gender and audience preference, and that there is an independence of respondents' academic specialization and choice of channel. The study's results show that learning English is among the most important motives for the respondents to watch these programs and that 90% of respondents believe that watching foreign programs has negative effects on university youth. 展开更多
At the Crossroads: Examining a New Paradigm for Documentaries in the Twenty-First Century
作者 Thomas J. Brown Andrew J. Longcore +1 位作者 Laura Wilson Mary Beth Leidman 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第6期345-359,共15页
The culture and history of traditional documentaries carries a set of expectations about types and topics, which are covered by the genre. Documentaries are designed to push social agendas with few thoughts to the aud... The culture and history of traditional documentaries carries a set of expectations about types and topics, which are covered by the genre. Documentaries are designed to push social agendas with few thoughts to the audience reaction. They align more closely with the vision of the creators and producers, often delivering ideological expressions that present cultural, political, and historical content. However, this might be a voice from the past as television, film, and consumer-generated content finds easy voices for expression due to accessibility of technology in the digital era. The role of documentaries as a genre is in the process of changing. The challenges to this type of production are the result of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Production costs for creating documentaries have simultaneously soared and shrunk, depending on the accessibility of equipment, post-production facilities and distribution. Of course there are many exceptions to this rule given outlets such as film festivals and YouTube as well as Michael Moore-level auteurs. External influences center on the blurring of lines, caused by the proliferation of television programs under the "umbrella" of reality television. This, in turn, begs the question: Is reality programming the new documentary or is it a new separate genre? This discussion will explore the overlap and similarities that exist between documentary programming and reality television programming. Furthermore, it will develop a paradigm of comparisons that re-examines the role and character of documentary production and aesthetics within the landscape of the reality television genre. 展开更多
关键词 DOCUMENTARY reality television comparison paradigm TECHNOLOGY FUTURE
An Empirical Study of Applying English Films and TV Programs to English-Listening Teaching
作者 ZHANG Zhen 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第4期306-327,共22页
This is a study of the feasibility and effects of teaching listening with films and TV programs. The research is a part of the English Learning Program directed by ZHANG Zhen, which is sponsored by Academic Affairs Of... This is a study of the feasibility and effects of teaching listening with films and TV programs. The research is a part of the English Learning Program directed by ZHANG Zhen, which is sponsored by Academic Affairs Office of Leshan Normal University. The researcher of the program sought for theretical bases from Krashen's Input Hypothesis, the Motivation Theory, the Context Theory, and the Communicative Language Teaching Theory. Then the author introduced a pilot study conducted by utilizing films or TV programs to teach listening from September 2010 till now. The statistic results from the experiment suggest that there is indeed some correlations between teaching listening with films or TV programs and a learner's listening comprehension in general in language achievement tests at certain stages. The scores of the students from the experimental group are improved after two years of teaching with the new methods. Analyses and discussions have been done based on a questionnaire and an interview. The results showed that both the teachers and the students had positive attitudes towards teaching listening with films or TV programs. Most of them view this method as an effective way in ELT (English language teaching), because it provides more opportunities for contextual practice, lower their anxiety; it can also help to motivate them, stimulate their active participation and increase their activities as well. Therefore, this method can be used to cultivate students' communicative competence. Consequently, we can draw the conclusion that this method has some advantages over teaching listening with the pre-taped materials in New College English. It may play an important role in ELT, especially in listening teaching. Based on the statistic analyses and the survey, some activities and techniques are provided for the teacher on how to teach listening with films or TV programs. The roles that an English teacher plays in this method are illustrated at the end of the thesis. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language acquisition films/TV programs teaching English listening
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