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作者 田海虹 《艺术评鉴》 2024年第1期153-158,共6页
由戏剧导演王婷婷执导的诗意现实主义话剧《皮囊》改编自蔡崇达的散文集《皮囊》,从2022年7月首演以来就受到了媒体和观众的广泛关注。话剧《皮囊》在基本忠于原著的基础上,从叙事策略、人物形象和艺术风格上进行了多方面尝试与拓展,取... 由戏剧导演王婷婷执导的诗意现实主义话剧《皮囊》改编自蔡崇达的散文集《皮囊》,从2022年7月首演以来就受到了媒体和观众的广泛关注。话剧《皮囊》在基本忠于原著的基础上,从叙事策略、人物形象和艺术风格上进行了多方面尝试与拓展,取得了良好的舞台效果,实现了艺术和市场的双重突破,给观众带来丰富的视听体验和心灵震撼。 展开更多
关键词 话剧《皮囊》 诗意 现实主义 叙事 形象
论蔡崇达《皮囊》中父亲母亲形象的独特书写 被引量:2
作者 古大勇 连铃丽 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第5期119-122,共4页
《皮囊》作为80后作家蔡崇达创作的散文集,在不到6年的时间里完成高达400多万册的销售奇迹。《皮囊》中塑造的父亲、母亲两个人物形象内涵丰富而独特,他们具有“人活着就是为了一口气”,追求生命尊严的精神、“爱拼才会赢”的拼搏进取... 《皮囊》作为80后作家蔡崇达创作的散文集,在不到6年的时间里完成高达400多万册的销售奇迹。《皮囊》中塑造的父亲、母亲两个人物形象内涵丰富而独特,他们具有“人活着就是为了一口气”,追求生命尊严的精神、“爱拼才会赢”的拼搏进取精神、虔诚信仰神灵的精神、返璞归真,追求自然的精神等。《皮囊》中的父亲、母亲形象是闽南大地上卑微生活着的“小人物”的代表,是闽南的“福贵”;《皮囊》书写了感人肺腑的人伦之情,是朱自清《背影》母题的“后裔”。《皮囊》为当代文学画廊贡献了一个别具一格的父亲母亲形象,值得关注。 展开更多
关键词 蔡崇达 《皮囊》 父母 内涵 意义
蔡崇达《皮囊》的小城情结 被引量:1
作者 薛文卿 《金华职业技术学院学报》 2021年第1期67-71,共5页
小城作为乡村与城市的信息交流“媒介”,呈现着明显的过渡性色彩。蔡崇达《皮囊》里的泉州东石镇有属于闽南的独特地域风俗,体现了小城镇所共有的生存状态,在这里传统与现代共存,保守和开放同在,人们在新旧文化中“夹缝生存”,以游离的... 小城作为乡村与城市的信息交流“媒介”,呈现着明显的过渡性色彩。蔡崇达《皮囊》里的泉州东石镇有属于闽南的独特地域风俗,体现了小城镇所共有的生存状态,在这里传统与现代共存,保守和开放同在,人们在新旧文化中“夹缝生存”,以游离的生活状态寻找着自己的位置。本文以文本研究为方法,从小城景观建构、小城人物性格塑造、小城人物的精神困境三个方面分析作者在《皮囊》非虚构写作中表现出的小城情结。这些“城与小城的流浪者”是中国现代化进程中人们的生存处境与精神状态的缩影,集中了传统秩序与现代文明的矛盾冲突,具有一定的文化研究价值,具体的文本分析则有助于解锁蔡崇达文字的情感密码,完成作家文本的文化背景溯源。 展开更多
关键词 蔡崇达 《皮囊》 小城 游离
作者 刘思妤 《大观周刊》 2012年第5期20-20,共1页
关键词 《皮囊》《十三棵泡桐》青春残酷
作者 车若兰 《今古文创》 2022年第39期23-25,共3页
《皮囊》是当代文坛中不可忽略的散文作品,蔡崇达将其生命根源——泉州东石镇作为叙事的中心,他通过回忆故乡中的人、事、物,反映了闽南独特的地方风土人情和时代变迁。尽管这是在商业运作下精心呈现的文本,但其中仍然有可以估量的价值... 《皮囊》是当代文坛中不可忽略的散文作品,蔡崇达将其生命根源——泉州东石镇作为叙事的中心,他通过回忆故乡中的人、事、物,反映了闽南独特的地方风土人情和时代变迁。尽管这是在商业运作下精心呈现的文本,但其中仍然有可以估量的价值。本文试运用文学人类学的视角,研究《皮囊》所具有的多样化品格。 展开更多
关键词 《皮囊》 文学人类学 故乡 蔡崇达
作者 古大勇 《内江师范学院学报》 CAS 2021年第5期42-46,共5页
在文学作品销售量普遍低迷的当下,不到6年的时间里,蔡崇达的《皮囊》销售量超过400万册。《皮囊》成功的外因是得到一些名家的推荐以及果麦文化传播公司成功的营销策略等。但其根本原因是《皮囊》作为一部文学作品本身的优秀,《皮囊》... 在文学作品销售量普遍低迷的当下,不到6年的时间里,蔡崇达的《皮囊》销售量超过400万册。《皮囊》成功的外因是得到一些名家的推荐以及果麦文化传播公司成功的营销策略等。但其根本原因是《皮囊》作为一部文学作品本身的优秀,《皮囊》是一部卓越的纯文学(严肃文学)作品,或者说,《皮囊》表现出畅销书的外表和纯文学(严肃文学)的内核,这种纯文学的内核是《皮囊》之所以长销不衰的根本原因。《皮囊》作为畅销书的成功经验对于大众文化时代背景下畅销书的生存和发展具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 《皮囊》 畅销书 纯文学 借鉴意义
作者 蔡崇达 《人民周刊》 2016年第6期91-91,共1页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《皮囊》 个人
作者 严华 《走向世界》 2017年第44期60-61,共2页
韩寒为蔡崇达的《皮囊》写“按”:我会将这本书带上旅途,在每个静谧陌生的夜晚拿出来慢慢看,而不是红灯亮起或者堵车不动时。这本书他写了很久,我希望自己能读更久。慢一些,再慢一些,不争一些,也许得到更多,到达更快。拿到书,... 韩寒为蔡崇达的《皮囊》写“按”:我会将这本书带上旅途,在每个静谧陌生的夜晚拿出来慢慢看,而不是红灯亮起或者堵车不动时。这本书他写了很久,我希望自己能读更久。慢一些,再慢一些,不争一些,也许得到更多,到达更快。拿到书,先翻到这里,像走过了很远的路,敲开了一户有灯光的人家,以为误入了神话中的人间烟火岁月静好。在一次异域的旅途中,我决意带上这本书,就像一具皮囊打包携带着一颗心的羁旅。 展开更多
关键词 书刊 阅读 《皮囊》 蔡崇达
作者 何雨霏 《作文与考试(高中版)》 2019年第19期22-23,共2页
蔡崇达在《皮囊》一书中写道:'生活,从来就不是个太好的观看者,它就像一个苛刻的导演,用一个个现实对我们指手画脚,甚至加进很多戏码,似乎想帮助我们找到各自对的状态。'面对生活的指责,许多人开始不断地质问自己:到底该怎么做... 蔡崇达在《皮囊》一书中写道:'生活,从来就不是个太好的观看者,它就像一个苛刻的导演,用一个个现实对我们指手画脚,甚至加进很多戏码,似乎想帮助我们找到各自对的状态。'面对生活的指责,许多人开始不断地质问自己:到底该怎么做,人这一辈子才算值得?《皮囊》一书或许给了我们答案。提起这本书,第一个震撼到我的是主人公九十多岁的阿太——一个很狠、很舍得、很牛的人,一个曾把自己年幼的儿子扔进海里学游泳的“狠人”,一个在自己女儿的葬礼上只是平静地观看却丝毫不伤心的“舍得”之人,一个年近百岁却总是坚持自己从村里走到镇上的“牛人”. 展开更多
关键词 《皮囊》
Therapeutic effect of microencapsulated porcine retinal pigmented epithelial cells transplantation on rat model of Parkinson's disease 被引量:1
作者 张厚亮 邬剑军 +3 位作者 任惠民 王坚 苏雅茹 蒋雨平 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期137-144,共8页
Object To investigate the therapeutic effect of microencapsulated porcine retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE-M) transplantation on rat model of Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods Primary porcine RPE cells wer... Object To investigate the therapeutic effect of microencapsulated porcine retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE-M) transplantation on rat model of Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods Primary porcine RPE cells were harvested by enzyme digestion and expanded in culture medium. Determine the levels ofdopamine (DA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) by high performance liquid chromatography electrochemical (HPLC) assay, and the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) were detected by ELISA. Alginate-polylysine-alginate (APA) microencapsulated cells were produced by using a high voltage electrostatic system. PD rat model was established by unilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). After that, the RPE-M was transplanted into the corpus striatum of PD rat, and then the rotation test scores were recorded and biochemical changes of the corpus striatum were tested. Results The levels of DA, HVA, BDNF and GDNF secreted by RPE were stable in the RPE culture supernatant and were not changed by the microencapsulation. Eighty-three percent rats developed PD by unilateral lesion of 6-OHDA in the MFB. The RPE-M transplantation had therapeutic effect on 33% PD rats. Conclusion Porcine RPE cells grow actively in vitro and could secrete DA, HVA, BDNF, and GDNF constantly, which does not be affected by the passage culture and the APA miroencapsulation. RPE-M transplantation of may be a curative therapy for PD. 展开更多
关键词 retinal pigment epithelium DOPAMINE microcapsulations TRANSPLANTATION Parkinson's disease
A Study of Rabbit Lens Epithelial Cells Survival and Growth on the Rabbit Capsular Bag in Vitro 被引量:1
作者 黄瑾 谢莉娜 +1 位作者 卞春及 王林农 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第1期21-24,共4页
Objective: To study the proliferation, migration and metaplasm of residual rabbit lens epithelial cells (LECs) after extracapsular cataract extraction(ECCE)based on the rabbit capsular bag model in vitro. Methods:... Objective: To study the proliferation, migration and metaplasm of residual rabbit lens epithelial cells (LECs) after extracapsular cataract extraction(ECCE)based on the rabbit capsular bag model in vitro. Methods: Sham cataract surgery, including anterior capsulorhexis, nucleus hydroexpression and aspiration of lens fibers, was performed on 20 rabbit lens. The capsular bags were isolated and pinned to sterile non-toxic silicone rings on petri dishes. The capsular bags were incubated with Eagle's minimum essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and monitored for 3 weeks by phase-contrast microscopy, after which light microscopy was performed on them.Results: After a latent period of 2-3 d, outgrowth was observed across the posterior capsule. Growth proceeded rapidly so that the posterior capsule was totally covered by a confluent monolayer of cell at 6-8 day. Capsular wrinkles became increasingly apparent as time progressed, causing a marked rise in light scatter. An increase in capsular tension also came.Conclusion: This model exhibits many of the in vito characteristics of the lens capsule after extracapsular surgery and may prove useful in further elucidating the cellular mechanisms of posterior capsule opacification and developing strategies for inhibiting cell growth with this system. 展开更多
关键词 lens epithelial cell CULTURE capsular bag model posterior capsule opacification
作者 林清妹 《闽西职业技术学院学报》 2021年第3期56-59,64,共5页
蔡崇达的《皮囊》是一部采用"非虚构写作"的散文集,他用清淡、冷静的笔触书写生活的残酷与成长的烦恼,写亲人、朋友、小镇给予他的思考、痛与乐,借此不断反思和回望自己的成长道路。新闻写作经历、至亲影响、乡土滋养等,形成... 蔡崇达的《皮囊》是一部采用"非虚构写作"的散文集,他用清淡、冷静的笔触书写生活的残酷与成长的烦恼,写亲人、朋友、小镇给予他的思考、痛与乐,借此不断反思和回望自己的成长道路。新闻写作经历、至亲影响、乡土滋养等,形成蔡崇达散文真实书写、小说质感、人文关怀、原乡情结等文本特质。 展开更多
关键词 蔡崇达 散文 《皮囊》 文本特质
Ultrasound guided percutaneous cholecystostomy in high-risk patients for surgical intervention 被引量:15
作者 Huseyin Bakkaloglu Hakan Yanar +5 位作者 Recep Guloglu Korhan Taviloglu Fatih Tunca Murat Aksoy Cemalettin Ertekin Arzu Poyanli 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第44期7179-7182,共4页
AIM: To assess the efficacy and safety of ultrasound guided percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) in the treatment of acute cholecystitis in a well-defined high risk patients under general anesthesia. METHODS: The data of... AIM: To assess the efficacy and safety of ultrasound guided percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) in the treatment of acute cholecystitis in a well-defined high risk patients under general anesthesia. METHODS: The data of 27 consecutive patients who underwent percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy for the management of acute cholecystitis from January 1999 to June 2003 was retrospectively evaluated. All of the patients had both clinical and sonographic signs of acute cholecystitis and had comorbid diseases. RESULTS: Ultrasound revealed gallbladder stones in 25 patients and acalculous cholecystitis in two patients. Cholecystostomy catheters were removed 14-32 d (mean 23 d) after the procedure in cases where complete regression of all symptoms was achieved. There were statistically significant reductions in leukocytosis, (13.7 × 103 ± 1.3 × 103 μg/L vs 13 × 103 ± 1 × 103 μg/L, P < 0.05 for 24 h after PC; 13.7 × 103 ± 1.3 × 103 μg/L vs 8.3 × 103 ± 1.2 × 103 μg/L, P < 0.0001 for 72 h after PC), C -reactive protein (51.2 ± 18.5 mg/L vs 27.3 ± 10.4 mg/L, P < 0.05 for 24 h after PC; 51.2 ± 18.5 mg/L vs 5.4 ± 1.5 mg/L, P < 0.0001 for 72 h after PC), and fever (38 ± 0.35℃ vs 37.3 ± 0.32℃, P < 0.05 for 24 h after PC; 38 ± 0.35℃ vs 36.9 ± 0.15℃, P < 0.0001 for 72 h after PC). Sphincterotomy and stone extraction was performed successfully with endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) in three patients. After cholecystostomy, 5 (18%) patients underwent delayed cholecystectomy without any complications. Three out of 22 patients were admitted with recurrent acute cholecystitis during the follow-up and recoveredwith medical treatment. Catheter dislodgement occurred in three patients spontaneously, and two of them were managed by reinsertion of the catheter. CONCLUSION: As an alternative to surgery, percutan- eous cholecystostomy seems to be a safe method in critically ill patients with acute cholecystitis and can be performed with low mortality and morbidity. Delayed cholecystectomy and ERCP, if needed, can be performed after the acute period has been resolved by percutaneous cholecystostomy. 展开更多
关键词 Percutaneous cholecystostomy Acute cholecystitis ULTRASOUND High risk ELDERLY
Neutrophil depletion-but not prevention of Kupffer cell activation-decreases the severity of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis 被引量:22
作者 Catherine M Pastor Alain Vonlaufen +3 位作者 Fabianna Georgi Antoine Hadengue Philippe Morel Jean-Louis Frossard 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1219-1224,共6页
AIM: To determine whether neutrophil depletion and Kupffer cell inhibition might combine their protective effects to decrease the severity of acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Nice had cerulein administration to induce a... AIM: To determine whether neutrophil depletion and Kupffer cell inhibition might combine their protective effects to decrease the severity of acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Nice had cerulein administration to induce acute pancreatitis and were pretreated with either anti-mouse neutrophil serum or gadolinium chloride (GdCh) to prevent Kupffer cell activation, or both treatments. Injury was assessed in pancreas and lungs. Myeloperoxidases (MPO) assessed neutrophil infiltration. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-10 were measured in serum, pancreas, lungs and liver. RESULTS: In mice with acute pancreatitis, neutrophil depletion reduced the severity of pancreatitis and pancreatitis-associated lung injury. Kupffer cell inactivation by GdCh had less protective effect, although IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations were significantly decreased. The protective treatment brought by neutrophil depletion was not enhanced by Kupffer cell inactivation and both treatments did not combine their protective effects. CONCLUSION: Our results confirm the role of activated neutrophils in aggravating organ injury in acute pancreatitis while the role of Kupffer cell activation is less obvious. 展开更多
关键词 Acute pancreatitis CYTOKINES NEUTROPHILS Kupffer cells Pulmonary injury
Hyperlipidemia intensifies cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis associated with activation of protein kinase C in rats 被引量:15
作者 Ya-Jun Wang Jia-Bang Sun Fei Li Shu-Wen Zhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第18期2908-2913,共6页
AIM: To investigate the effects of hyperlipidemia on acute pancreatitis (AP) and the possible mechanisms. METHODS: Rat models of hyperlipidemia and AP were established by Triton WR1339 and cerulein respectively. H... AIM: To investigate the effects of hyperlipidemia on acute pancreatitis (AP) and the possible mechanisms. METHODS: Rat models of hyperlipidemia and AP were established by Triton WR1339 and cerulein respectively. Human albumin was used to treat AP complicated by hyperlipidemia. In each group, we compared the histological score, volume of ascites, ratio of pancreatic wet/dry weight, serum amylase (AMY) and pancreatic acinar cell apoptosis. The level of protein kinase C (PKC) membrane translocation in pancreatic tissue was detected by Western blot.RESULTS: In the hyperlipidemia model established by Triton WR1339, triglyceride (TG) increased remarkably and reached its peak 6 h after injection, and most rats developed mild acute pancreatitis. Histological score, volume of ascites, ratio of wet/dry weight and serum AMY in AP animals with hyperlipidemia were obviously higher than those in AP animals (P 〈 0.05) and decreased after albumin therapy but not significantly (P 〉 0.05). Apoptotic cells detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) increased in AP animals with hyperlipidemia and did not change distinctly after albumin therapy. PKC membrane translocation level increased in AP animals with hyperlipidemia and decreased remarkably after albumin therapy (P 〈 0.05).CONCLUSION: Hyperlipidemia may induce AP or intensify pancreatic injury. Albumin therapy can not alleviate pancreatic lesion effectively. PKC activation may be one mechanism by which AP is intensified by hyperlipidemia. 展开更多
关键词 Acute pancreatitis HYPERLIPIDEMIA Protein kinase C
A TEM study on pre-excystment cellular structures of Euplotes encysticus 被引量:5
作者 GUTUKANG JUNMEIXU 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第1期125-133,共9页
Right before the excystment of an Euplotes encysti-cus sawtooth-like folds appeared among the pellicle plas- malemma, the inner and outer alveolar membranes were still sticking together, and were not distinguishable. ... Right before the excystment of an Euplotes encysti-cus sawtooth-like folds appeared among the pellicle plas- malemma, the inner and outer alveolar membranes were still sticking together, and were not distinguishable. Mi- crotubular layers already formed at the sites beneath the dorsal cortical pellicle corresponding to vegetative cells,but they still proceed to be organized on the ventral struc-tures. Cristae, highly-tangled with tubular-type struc-tures, appeared on the mitochondria, and were morpho-logically similar to that of vegetative cells. In the cor-tical ciliatures, such as ciliary shafts, kinetosomes, sur-rounding fibrillar cirral baskets, and attached structures of ciliatures, etc., they are different from those in rest- ing cysts which are degenerated or lost. All the cilia- ture microtubules of ciliary shafts are of the 9+2 pattern,but the microtubule-like structure aggregates at triplet - microtubule centers of many kinetosmes, are still under various stages of differentiation. Microtubules beneath the kinetosomal rows are of a developmentally elongated stage; crowded chromatins of various shapes and sizes are found in macronucleus, but there are no nuclear pores (formed by nuclear membrane as in resting cysts) on the nuclear membrane where these chromatins attached. 展开更多
关键词 Euplotes encysticus EXCYSTMENT PELLICLE kinetosome MACRONUCLEUS
Results of percutaneous sclerotherapy and surgical treatment in patients with symptomatic simple liver cysts and polycystic liver disease 被引量:16
作者 Deha Erdogan Otto M van Delden +4 位作者 Erik AJ Rauws Olivier RC Busch Johan S Lameris Dirk J Gouma Thomas M van Gulik 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第22期3095-3100,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the results of the treatment of simple liver cysts (solitary and multiple) and polycystic liver disease (PLD) using percutaneous sclerotherapy and/or surgical procedures in a single tertiary referral ... AIM: To evaluate the results of the treatment of simple liver cysts (solitary and multiple) and polycystic liver disease (PLD) using percutaneous sclerotherapy and/or surgical procedures in a single tertiary referral centre. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 54 patients referred for evaluation and possible treatment of simple liver cysts (solitary and multiple) and PLD, from January 1997 to July 2006. RESULTS: Simple liver cysts were treated in 41 pts (76/) with a mean size of 12.6 cm. The most common reason for referral was abdominal pain or discomfort (85/). Percutaneous sclerotherapy was performed as initial treatment in 30 pts, showing cyst recurrence in 6 pts (20/). Surgical treatment was initially performed in 11 pts with cyst recurrence in 3 pts (27/). PLD was treated in 13 pts (24/) with a mean size of the dominant cyst of 13 cm. Percutaneous sclerotherapy for PLD was performed in 9 pts with recurrence in 7 pts (77.8/). Surgical treatment for PLD was undertaken in 4 pts (30.8/) with recurrence in all. Eventually, 2 pts with PLD in the presence of polycystic kidney disease underwent liver-and kidney transplantation because of deterioration of liver and kidney function. CONCLUSION: The majority of patients with simple liver cysts and PLD are referred for progressive abdominal pain. As initial treatment, percutaneous sclerotherapy is appropriate. Surgical deroofing is indicated in caseof cyst recurrence after percutaneous sclerotherapy. However, the results of percutaneous sclerotherapy and surgical treatment for PLD are disappointing. Partial liver resection is indicated when there is suspicion of a pre-malignant lesion. 展开更多
关键词 Simple liver cyst Polycystic liver disease Percutaneous sclerotherapy Deroofing COMPLICATIONS
Laparoscopic cystogastrostomy for the treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts: A case report 被引量:16
作者 Qin-song Sheng Da-Zhi Chen Ren Lang Zhong-Kui Jin Dong-Dong Han Li-Xin Li Yong-Jiu Yang Ping Li Fei Pan Dong Zhang Zhao-Wei Qu Qiang He 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第30期4841-4843,共3页
Pancreatic pseudocysts (PPs) are collections of pancreatic secretions that are lined by fibrous tissues and may contain necrotic debris or blood. The interventions including percutaneous, endoscopic or surgical appr... Pancreatic pseudocysts (PPs) are collections of pancreatic secretions that are lined by fibrous tissues and may contain necrotic debris or blood. The interventions including percutaneous, endoscopic or surgical approaches are based on the size, location, symptoms and complications of a pseudocyst. With the availability of advanced imaging systems and cameras, better hemostatic equipments and excellent laparoscopic techniques, most pseudocysts can be found and managed by laparoscopy. We describe a case of a 30-year-old male patient with a pancreatic pseudocyst amenable to laparoscopic cystogastrostomy. An incision was made through the anterior gastric wall to expose the posterior gastric wall in close contact with the pseudocyst using an ultrasonically activated scalpel. Then, another incision was made for cystogastrostomy to obtain complete and unobstructed drainage. The patient recovered well after operation and was symptom-free during a 6-mo follow-up, suggesting that laparoscopic cystogastrostomy is a safe and effective alternative to open cystogastrostomy for minimally invasive management of PPs. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic pseudocyst Laparoscopic cystogastrostomy Percutaneous drainage Endoscopic drainage LAPAROSCOPY PANCREATITIS
Effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand on inflammation of human gallbladder epithelial cells 被引量:3
作者 Guang-Dong Pan Hong Wu +5 位作者 Jiang-Wen Liu Nan-Sheng Cheng Xian-Ze Xiong Sheng-Fu Li Suo-Fu Zhang Lu-Nan Yan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第38期6061-6065,共5页
AIM: To investigate the effect of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) and its ligand, ciglitazone, on inflammatory regulation of human gallbladder epithelial cells (HGBECs) and to assess the... AIM: To investigate the effect of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) and its ligand, ciglitazone, on inflammatory regulation of human gallbladder epithelial cells (HGBECs) and to assess the effect of human epithelial growth factor (hEGF) on growth of HGBECs. METHODS: HGBECs were cultured in media containing hEGF or in hEGF-free media. HGBECs were divided into normal control group, inflammatory control group and ciglitazone group (test group). Inflammatory control group and ciglitazone group were treated with 5 μg/L of human interleukin-1β(hIL-1β) to make inflammatory model of HGBECs. The ciglitazone group was treated with various concentrations of ciglitazone, a potent ligand of PPAR-y. Subsequently, interleukin-8 (IL-8), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) concentrations in all groups were measured. The data were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: HGBECs were cultured in medium successfully. The longevity of HGBECs in groups containing hEGF was longer than that in hEGF-free groups. So was the number of HGBECs. The longest survival time of HGBEC was 25 d. The inflammatory model of HGBECs was obtained by treating with hIL-1β. The concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8 in ciglitazone group were lower than those in inflammatory conlyol group (P〈0.05). The secretion of IL-6 in inflammatory control group was higher (350.31±37.05 μg/L) than that in normal control group (50.0±0.00 μg/L, P〈0.001). Compared to normal control group, IL-8 concentration in inflammatory control was higher (P〈0.05). CONCLUSION: hEGF improves the growth of HGBECs in vitro. Ciglitazone inhibits the inflammation of HGBECs in vitro and has potential therapeutic effect on cholecystitis in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 PPAR-γ1 Human gallbladder epithelial cells INFLAMMATION EFFECT
The Gene of Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy with Subcortical Cysts is Mapped on Chromosome 22q13.3 with 250 kb Interval
作者 袁宝强 Peter AJ Leegwater +2 位作者 Andrea AM Konst Jan C Pronk Marjo S van der Knaap 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2003年第4期173-182,共10页
Objective: Vacuolating megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a recently described syndrome with autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Its possible gene was located on chromosomal 22q ... Objective: Vacuolating megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a recently described syndrome with autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Its possible gene was located on chromosomal 22q tel with 3-cM. The purpose of this study was to narrow down the genetical distance on chromosomal 22q tel with MLC. Methods: Thirty-nine MLC patients in 33 families were collected,and the linkage analysis and haplotype analysis of twelve informative families were done, using seven microsatellite markers and four SNP markers. Results: The maximum tow-point LOD score for marker 355c18 was 6.65 at recombination fraction 0.02. The haplotype analysis narrowed down the critical region of MLC to 250 kb on chromosomal 22q tel. Conclusion: One of the causing genes of MLC was located on chromosomal 22q tel with 250 kb. Four candidate genes were considered. The heterogeneity of one informative family indicated possible existence of a second locus for MLC. 展开更多
关键词 vacuolating megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts autosomal recessive mode of inheritance chromosome 22 linkage analysis position cloning microsatellite marker single-nucleotide polymorphisms
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