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青春不老在自我 活到老就学到老——访情系《石油知识》的老人 许文俞
作者 陈青 黄西雷 《石油知识》 2004年第3期55-55,共1页
早就听《石油知识》编辑部负责同志说过这样一件事:福建莆田有一位原先在福建省水利勘察设计院工作的退休干部许文俞,20年来坚持自费订阅《石油知识》,实属不易。作为这个行业的从业者和热心人,我们不能不产生一种立刻采访这位关心... 早就听《石油知识》编辑部负责同志说过这样一件事:福建莆田有一位原先在福建省水利勘察设计院工作的退休干部许文俞,20年来坚持自费订阅《石油知识》,实属不易。作为这个行业的从业者和热心人,我们不能不产生一种立刻采访这位关心《石油知识》,关心石油石化工业的退休干部的念头。因一时找不到许文俞先生的电话号码,那天,我们手里拿着写有“福建莆田三江口镇鲸山村,福建省水利勘察设计院退休干部许文俞”的字条,在当地村民的热心指引下,来到了许文俞家。 展开更多
关键词 许文俞 《石油知识》 杂志 读者
作者 辛岩 艺石 《石油知识》 2004年第1期60-60,共1页
当我们兴高采烈地迈进2004年的时候,首先想到了这件事:明年花红柳绿时,《石油知识》就满20岁了!日月如梭。10年前,当我们在西子湖畔庆贺《石油知识》10周岁生日时,觉得她离风华正茂的青年时代还有遥远,可就这么弹指一挥间,这一天却很快... 当我们兴高采烈地迈进2004年的时候,首先想到了这件事:明年花红柳绿时,《石油知识》就满20岁了!日月如梭。10年前,当我们在西子湖畔庆贺《石油知识》10周岁生日时,觉得她离风华正茂的青年时代还有遥远,可就这么弹指一挥间,这一天却很快就要到来了。在我们心仪着这一天的时候,脑海中不时的浮现着20年来用心血、智慧和汗水哺育《石油知识》成长的各级领导和广大的读者、作者朋友们。为表达对这些热心人的敬意和谢忱,我们住新年伊始特辟下《热心人面对面》这个栏目,希望大家喜欢,希望大家支持。本期向各位介绍的是《石油知识》的热心创办人之一石宝珩。 展开更多
关键词 石宝珩 《石油知识》 杂志 科普期刊
作者 阎振乾 《石油知识》 2005年第2期57-57,共1页
光阴似箭,岁月蹉跎,转眼间,《石油知识》已经创刊20周年了.到了风华正茂的年龄了.翻看今天的编辑精心,内容精彩,栏目精致,印制精美的大16开本,国内外发行的《石油知识》,让我们这些曾经亲历这个刊物的酝酿、诞生、试刊,创刊... 光阴似箭,岁月蹉跎,转眼间,《石油知识》已经创刊20周年了.到了风华正茂的年龄了.翻看今天的编辑精心,内容精彩,栏目精致,印制精美的大16开本,国内外发行的《石油知识》,让我们这些曾经亲历这个刊物的酝酿、诞生、试刊,创刊到今天全过程的老石油,老作者.老读者们的心绪难平,兴奋不已,也不由地追忆起当年的桩桩往事。 展开更多
关键词 《石油知识》 期刊 编辑工作 读者
作者 吴运建 《石油知识》 2015年第2期62-62,共1页
关键词 《石油知识》 期刊 编辑部 编辑工作 读者
作者 辛岩 《石油知识》 2004年第2期55-55,共1页
关键词 钱伯章 《石油知识》 期刊 传播技术
作者 杨克训 《石油知识》 2005年第3期62-62,共1页
关键词 《石油知识》 创刊时间 石油行业 科技论文
作者 张伯荣 《石油知识》 2005年第2期50-52,共3页
“科学·艺术·哲学”专栏已办三年,现由张伯荣编选成书,书名为《漫话科学与艺术》,将由石油工业出版社于近期出版发行。征得作者同意,将该书中的贺词、序言、前言三篇文章先期在本刊发表。这一组文章是对这一专栏的概括与... “科学·艺术·哲学”专栏已办三年,现由张伯荣编选成书,书名为《漫话科学与艺术》,将由石油工业出版社于近期出版发行。征得作者同意,将该书中的贺词、序言、前言三篇文章先期在本刊发表。这一组文章是对这一专栏的概括与总结,对我们很有帮助。希望广大读者继续关注这个专栏,提出您的建议,组稿撰稿,共同办好这个栏目。 展开更多
关键词 张伯荣 《漫话科学与艺术》 石油工业 《石油知识》 中国石油天然气集团公司
Prioritizing Alarms in Real-Time: Intelligent Alarms Advanced System
作者 Eduardo Navarra Satuf Mario Cesar Mello Massa de Campos Roberto Schirru 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第2期121-127,共7页
During the operation of complex process, such as oil production or refming, abnormal situations may occur, leading to an alarm flooding. Alarm flooding is the signalling of a large number of alarms in a few minutes, i... During the operation of complex process, such as oil production or refming, abnormal situations may occur, leading to an alarm flooding. Alarm flooding is the signalling of a large number of alarms in a few minutes, in such a way that it is impossible for the operator to attend to all alarms. On these occasions, it is usual that the operator leaves the alarm summary list and gets an analysis of the plant through the screens of the DCS (digital control system), seeking to understand the situation. The alarm summary list ceases to be a useful tool. In such cases, the operator might have the aid of a filter that would present the highest priority alarms and other information associated with them, enabling him to gain a better knowledge of the situation. This paper describes the interface of a system aimed to help the operator to have a more comprehensive knowledge of the process (a better situational awareness) during process upsets that cause alarm flooding, recovering the utility of the alarm layer to the safety of industrial processes. 展开更多
关键词 Alarm summary list alarm flood situational awareness ecological interface design.
A Computer-Assisted Corpus Analysis (CACA) of Professional Discourse
作者 K. Manvender H-Z Yasmin Sarimah Shamsudin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1236-1245,共10页
This paper presents CACA (computer-assisted corpus analysis) conducted by using a compiled representative corpus. As a descriptive study, it explores the written communicative events produced by engineers in the pet... This paper presents CACA (computer-assisted corpus analysis) conducted by using a compiled representative corpus. As a descriptive study, it explores the written communicative events produced by engineers in the petroleum industry in Malaysia. Language use is commonly analyzed for competence and performance. Competence is best described as the internalized linguistic knowledge as acquired by the learners while the notion of"performance" is best defined as the external evidence of language competence. Therefore, the core of this paper is reflecting actual language use of the language learners in Malaysia. The data are drawn from a sample corpus compiled from the written communicative events in three companies of the petroleum industry in Malaysia. The methodology applied is fundamental as it tends to investigate the linguistic constitutions in the genre-specific corpus of the professional discourse produced. Computer-based syntactical studies are limited as they require hard work and long hours in order to key-in the data and then there is the complex analytic method of describing the findings. In contrast, this paper will demonstrate an uncomplicated method of analysis and also encourage the use of existing POS (part-of speech) tagging software available online. 展开更多
关键词 profesional discourse written communicative events move analysis CACA (computer-assisted corpusanalysis) petroleum industry
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