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藏汉传统伦理思想比较——从《礼仪问答写卷》和《论语》谈起 被引量:3
作者 陆洋 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 2008年第1期49-54,共6页
吐蕃《礼仪问答写卷》是比较完整、系统地记录藏族传统伦理思想和道德规范的文本,是目前所知的唯一一部没有受过佛教影响的伦理著作,被称为藏族的《论语》。本文以《礼仪问答写卷》和《论语》为切入点,从家庭伦理、日常生活伦理、政治... 吐蕃《礼仪问答写卷》是比较完整、系统地记录藏族传统伦理思想和道德规范的文本,是目前所知的唯一一部没有受过佛教影响的伦理著作,被称为藏族的《论语》。本文以《礼仪问答写卷》和《论语》为切入点,从家庭伦理、日常生活伦理、政治伦理等多方面对藏汉传统伦理思想进行了比较。 展开更多
关键词 传统伦理 吐蕃 《礼仪问答写卷》 《论语》
嘉靖革新研究中的几个问题 被引量:4
作者 田澍 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2002年第5期105-110,共6页
嘉靖革新是明代历史上一次真正的变革活动。不了解这一革新 ,就不可能客观地认识“张居正改革”或“隆万大改革”。总结笔者的研究所得 ,可以认为 :明代改革应描述为“嘉隆万改革” ,其中核心是嘉靖革新 ,其余波延至万历前期。
关键词 嘉靖革新 大礼仪 即位诏书
吐蕃《礼仪问答写卷》中的藏族传统伦理思想 被引量:3
作者 陆洋 《北京印刷学院学报》 2004年第1期39-43,共5页
以土蕃王朝时期成文的《礼仪问答写卷》为原始资料,从善恶观、日常生活伦理、家庭伦理、经济伦理、政治伦理、因果报应观等方面,初步对未受佛教影响的藏族传统伦理思想进行了探究,从中不仅可以窥见佛教传入前藏族祖先的道德伦理范式和... 以土蕃王朝时期成文的《礼仪问答写卷》为原始资料,从善恶观、日常生活伦理、家庭伦理、经济伦理、政治伦理、因果报应观等方面,初步对未受佛教影响的藏族传统伦理思想进行了探究,从中不仅可以窥见佛教传入前藏族祖先的道德伦理范式和社会风尚的基本面貌,还可以发现中华民族道德的共同性在各兄弟民族之间是相通的。 展开更多
关键词 土蕃王朝 《礼仪问答写卷》 藏族 传统伦理思想 佛教 伦理学
作者 胡波 《汉字汉语研究》 2023年第4期43-47,126,共6页
文章综合运用语言学、校勘学、文献学的方法,考察和辨析了阮刻本《仪礼注疏·士冠礼》之“繐履”实为“繐屦”之误,《仪礼》无“以履为屦”的现象。这一个案表明,常用词由于字面普通,其发生讹误或窜改的情况极具隐蔽性。因此,从事... 文章综合运用语言学、校勘学、文献学的方法,考察和辨析了阮刻本《仪礼注疏·士冠礼》之“繐履”实为“繐屦”之误,《仪礼》无“以履为屦”的现象。这一个案表明,常用词由于字面普通,其发生讹误或窜改的情况极具隐蔽性。因此,从事汉语史研究时,应特别注意避免由于语料讹误导致例证失效的情况。 展开更多
关键词 仪礼 常用词 讹误
作者 贾齐华 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第3期89-91,共3页
在《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》“五经”中的《礼》到底指什么的问题上,人们有不同的认识,这与“三礼”的合称有关。本文从“三礼”的名称、形成时代和内容、取得儒家经典地位的时代等角度论证汉代“五经”中的《礼》当为《仪礼》... 在《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》“五经”中的《礼》到底指什么的问题上,人们有不同的认识,这与“三礼”的合称有关。本文从“三礼”的名称、形成时代和内容、取得儒家经典地位的时代等角度论证汉代“五经”中的《礼》当为《仪礼》,唐代以后“五经”中的《礼》当为《礼记》。 展开更多
关键词 五经 三礼 《仪礼》 《礼记》
作者 王志阳 《社会科学论坛》 2017年第12期29-40,共12页
黄榦是朱子嫡传弟子,有"紫阳正宗"之称。前人更多关注黄榦在理学方面对朱子学术思想的贡献,但是黄榦在礼学方面的贡献,尤其是在礼例方面对朱子礼学思想做出了巨大的贡献,为后代礼学的发展产生了产中影响,主要体现在三方面:第... 黄榦是朱子嫡传弟子,有"紫阳正宗"之称。前人更多关注黄榦在理学方面对朱子学术思想的贡献,但是黄榦在礼学方面的贡献,尤其是在礼例方面对朱子礼学思想做出了巨大的贡献,为后代礼学的发展产生了产中影响,主要体现在三方面:第一,黄榦强化礼例特征,创新发展了朱子礼学思想;第二,黄榦回归经学文本,树立礼例的典型性,弥补了朱子礼学随性变化的不足;第三,黄榦以现实关怀的思想来总结礼例,为礼例的实效性奠定了扎实基础,升华了朱子实用礼学思想。 展开更多
关键词 《礼仪经传通解》 礼例 文本 实效性.
《礼仪问答写卷》中伦理道德观初探 被引量:3
作者 班班多吉 史达 《西藏研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期88-93,共6页
《礼仪问答写卷》一文把外在的礼仪改变为内在的道德的自觉和自我意识 ,使人意识到他的个体的位置、价值和意义 ,就存在于与他人的一般交往之中 ,即现实世间生活当中。在这种日常现实生活的人群关系之中 ,便可以达到社会理想的实现 ,个... 《礼仪问答写卷》一文把外在的礼仪改变为内在的道德的自觉和自我意识 ,使人意识到他的个体的位置、价值和意义 ,就存在于与他人的一般交往之中 ,即现实世间生活当中。在这种日常现实生活的人群关系之中 ,便可以达到社会理想的实现 ,个人人格的完成 ,心灵的满足 ,情感的慰籍。这样 ,在人伦日用中实现人们的精神安顿问题 ,也就不需要舍弃现实世界、否定日常生活 ,而去追求灵魂的超度。 展开更多
关键词 《礼仪问答写卷》 伦理道德观 藏族 敦煌古藏文 人伦关系 价值取向
《礼仪问答写卷》伦理思想解析 被引量:2
作者 马琨 王东生 《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第3期91-94,共4页
关键词 《礼仪问答写卷》 伦理思想 历史地位
藏族传统的经济伦理思想探析 被引量:5
作者 张晓飞 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1997年第2期59-63,共5页
藏族传统的经济伦理思想探析张晓飞藏族传统的经济伦理思想是藏族传统文化中的重要部分,新中国成立以来藏区经济有长足发展,社会精神风貌焕然一新,但与汉区相比,仍存在很大差距。这与藏族传统的经济伦理思想束缚着人们的头脑不无关... 藏族传统的经济伦理思想探析张晓飞藏族传统的经济伦理思想是藏族传统文化中的重要部分,新中国成立以来藏区经济有长足发展,社会精神风貌焕然一新,但与汉区相比,仍存在很大差距。这与藏族传统的经济伦理思想束缚着人们的头脑不无关系。今天,我们要从事藏族地区的“两... 展开更多
关键词 经济伦理 藏族人 思想探析 佛教伦理 少数民族谚语 《礼仪问答写卷》 《萨迦格言》 《贤者喜宴》 生产伦理 西藏
作者 张兆芬 《天津教育》 北大核心 2003年第7期69-70,共2页
关键词 校本课程 《礼仪与思想品德》 思想品德教育 小学 教学研究
作者 刘纯 李玉平 《语文学刊》 2023年第6期24-31,共8页
宗福邦等先生主持编纂的《故训汇纂》是汇辑先秦至晚清古籍文献中故训资料的大型语文工具书,对于传统语言学的发展起到了重要的推动作用。然由于所涉典籍资料浩繁,整理过程中难免会有疏失。我们在使用《故训汇纂》过程中发现所收郑玄《... 宗福邦等先生主持编纂的《故训汇纂》是汇辑先秦至晚清古籍文献中故训资料的大型语文工具书,对于传统语言学的发展起到了重要的推动作用。然由于所涉典籍资料浩繁,整理过程中难免会有疏失。我们在使用《故训汇纂》过程中发现所收郑玄《仪礼注》语词训释方面存在一些疏失情况,约有漏收、脱文、衍文、讹文等四大类共十五个方面。本文整理出来,以供辞典使用者或辞典的修订参考。 展开更多
关键词 故训汇纂 仪礼注 郑玄 疏失
Mock Impoliteness and Co-Construction of Hudui Rituals in Chinese Online Interaction 被引量:1
作者 Linsen ZHAO 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第1期45-63,126,共20页
This paper examines an under-researched phenomenon of mock impoliteness in Chinese online interaction,namely,the practice of hudui(lit.reciprocal jocular abuse)as a solidarity enhancing device among acquaintances.Draw... This paper examines an under-researched phenomenon of mock impoliteness in Chinese online interaction,namely,the practice of hudui(lit.reciprocal jocular abuse)as a solidarity enhancing device among acquaintances.Drawing on data from Qzone interaction among Chinese university students,this study focuses on ritual features,sequential patterns and interpersonal functions of hudui through the lens of Kádár’s(2013,2017)interpersonal ritual theory.The results show that hudui is co-constructed by the online participants with the symmetric pattern of mutual abuse,which distinguishes it from previous studies of jocular abuse(i.e.,the asymmetric pattern of abuser–recipient).They also reveal that hudui accomplishes various kinds of relational work,including fostering intimacy,enhancing mutual affection-based face and creating amusement. 展开更多
关键词 mock impoliteness hudui rituals CO-CONSTRUCTION Chinese online interaction
作者 王金娥 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2018年第5期53-57,共5页
敦煌藏经洞所出吐蕃文书《礼仪问答写卷》颇受研究界重视,自其发现以来,有十几位学者从不同角度对其进行了研究,可见该文献的重要性。考察该文书的学术研究历程,有助于深度了解《礼仪问答写卷》中所反映的藏民族伦理思想、当时的社会风... 敦煌藏经洞所出吐蕃文书《礼仪问答写卷》颇受研究界重视,自其发现以来,有十几位学者从不同角度对其进行了研究,可见该文献的重要性。考察该文书的学术研究历程,有助于深度了解《礼仪问答写卷》中所反映的藏民族伦理思想、当时的社会风貌及阶级关系,有助于进一步探究汉藏文化接触及影响。论文介绍了《礼仪问答写卷》的定名以及王尧、陈践两位先生对该文书的译解,肯定了王尧、陈践两位先生对该文书开创性的研究贡献;进而综述了学界关于该文书的年代问题,还探讨了其内容方面的研究成果,认为主要有伦理思想、仁学思想以及综合研究三个方面,并对这些成果做了比较细致的分析。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌 吐蕃文书 古藏文文献 《礼仪问答写卷》 家训
作者 才项多杰 《青海民族大学学报(藏文版)》 2019年第4期164-171,共8页
关键词 《礼仪问答写卷》 汉译 错译
Training and Development of the International US Executive
作者 Yezdi H. Godiwalla 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第1期32-39,共8页
The international US executive in foreign assignments faces more obstacles than his counterpart for domestic assignments. He has to pursue better coping skills for: cultural, communication and language, self-capabili... The international US executive in foreign assignments faces more obstacles than his counterpart for domestic assignments. He has to pursue better coping skills for: cultural, communication and language, self-capability, stress management, and adjustment issues in the foreign settings. Premature return can be obviated through improved pre-departure training and post-arrival mentoring. US expatriates who are selected for foreign assignments in culturally distant and operationally different countries have an especially important need for their development and training. The challenge to adapt and become functional and fluent in the local surroundings in a very short time is very difficult for the expatriate. The expatriate's strange and difficult-to-fathom foreign environment causes him to be anxious as he works hard to adjust and be effective. The obstacles of dealing with the different business customs, social etiquette, and language differences make it difficult for communication, operating environments, and building professional relationships in an appropriate manner. He has to deal with the strangeness and unfamiliarity during the initial period after his arrival in the foreign country. This is further compounded by the pressing need for him to show good performance and produce results in his foreign assignment. He struggles to adjust and to perform the technical aspects of his task. 展开更多
关键词 training and development international management expatriate training training foreign subsidiary managers
Ancient Ceremonial Banquet Etiquette
作者 Ma Lan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第1期109-111,共3页
Since ancient world, there are many strict rules on eating to show the difference between up class and low class. And in China there are also many rules to show that.
关键词 CULTURE ETIQUETTE ancient China
Liturgical Ministers as Ministerial Leaders' Implications for Parish Worship in Nigeria
作者 Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第5期231-242,共12页
This paper explores liturgical ministers as ministerial leaders to embrace different liturgical functions as ministries of service. This is against the backdrop of Tridentine liturgy whereby the worship is looked up a... This paper explores liturgical ministers as ministerial leaders to embrace different liturgical functions as ministries of service. This is against the backdrop of Tridentine liturgy whereby the worship is looked up as an exclusive leadership function of the priests alone to lord it over others. It identifies lack of active participation by the lay faithful as one of the major factors escalating passive participation in the liturgical celebrations in Nigeria. In this way, the paper argues that rethinking ministerial leadership is a medium to promote active and parish liturgical participation. Their implications suggest the bishops and priests to ensure that the lay faithful take part fully aware of their ministerial leadership role, actively engaged in the rite and enriched by its effects. Employing descriptive and analytical methods, the mantra of the paper is that in a parish worship where liturgical ministers thrives well as ministerial leaders, it produces mature Christian faithful who know their faith, understand their liturgical roles and diligently exercise them. Such a parish community operates on a level of facilitative and participatory leadership where everyone is carried along through direct participation in directing the liturgical celebrations of the parish. 展开更多
关键词 Ministerial leadership Liturgical Ministers Parish worship
Ancient Ceremonial Banquet Etiquette
作者 Ma Lan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期449-450,共2页
Since ancient world, there are many strict rules on eating to show the difference between up class and low class, And in China there are also many rules to show that.
关键词 CULTURE ETIQUETTE ancient China
Post-occupancy Evaluation for Ceremonial and Public Buildings: A Case Study of Amman City Hall, Jordan
作者 Rami Al-Shawabkeh Mwfeq Ibraheem Alhaddad Firas Gandah 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第12期1373-1383,共11页
POE (post-occupancy evaluation) of buildings is one of the most important mechanisms which ensures that ceremonial and public building performance including its facilities is sustained. POE studies concerned with ef... POE (post-occupancy evaluation) of buildings is one of the most important mechanisms which ensures that ceremonial and public building performance including its facilities is sustained. POE studies concerned with efficiency of building performance after using and implementing with the end-user. It provides feedback on the current status of the building and proposes solutions to existing problems in addition to guidelines and design criteria for the best solutions in the future. Despite precedent research which have been undertaken in the context of building performance, aspects of evaluating building performance have not been specified and used widely in Jordan. At the commencement of this research, the concept of POE is still new in Jordan, and the local building practitioners are still unfamiliar with this approach for the evaluation of a building performance in Amman. Accordingly, there is a need to undertake this kind of research in Jordan to identify the main guidelines of POE to be applied effectively in ceremonial and public buildings. This study therefore applies POE of indoor environment of the public buildings by exploring the guidelines that can constitute a successful and effective framework for the public buildings in Amman. This was achieved using the learnt lessons from Amman City Hall building which was used as a case study and reflecting them on these where needed. Analytical and descriptive approach basis was applied, adopting a mixed method approach (qualitative and quantitative method) by using observation tool and a questionnaire survey with occupants. Context-derived data and statistics analyzed together were used to explore the guidelines of POE to be applied effectively in public buildings. A field visit and observation tool was adopted for gathering information leading to the findings and recommendations. A questionnaire was also used to extrapolate core findings of this research. This research provides a significant contribution of POE result towards improving indoor environment to ceremonial and public buildings in Jordan. 展开更多
关键词 Post occupancy evaluation Amman City Hall ceremonial and public building.
On Cultural Differences and Business Etiquette
作者 ZHAO Bin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第3期253-259,共7页
International business is a kind of cross-national boundaries activities. It can also be defined as a series of related economic measures that individuals, factories, or enterprises take so as to fixed profits, includ... International business is a kind of cross-national boundaries activities. It can also be defined as a series of related economic measures that individuals, factories, or enterprises take so as to fixed profits, including business management, finance, trade, etc.. Culture and intercultural communication lie in various social activities Therefore, international business is a kind of cultural activities and of intercultural communication as well. With the frequent exchange, cultural clashes have been paid more and more attention. In the presence of different views of space, time, value, and of thinking, people who are devoted to do business should acknowledge and understand cultural differences 展开更多
关键词 cultural differences BUSINESS NORM NEGOTIATION
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