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韩国电影《空房间》的浪漫主义生存观分析 被引量:4
作者 郝春燕 《电影文学》 北大核心 2014年第18期31-32,共2页
电影《空房间》是韩国导演金基德的力作之一,影片以都市边缘人泰石与家庭暴力受害者善花在空房间漫游的经历为线索,以空间为载体、家庭为单位阐述了都市人的生存状态,揭示并批判了其面临的普遍生存问题,包括真爱的缺失、人伦的异化、秩... 电影《空房间》是韩国导演金基德的力作之一,影片以都市边缘人泰石与家庭暴力受害者善花在空房间漫游的经历为线索,以空间为载体、家庭为单位阐述了都市人的生存状态,揭示并批判了其面临的普遍生存问题,包括真爱的缺失、人伦的异化、秩序的权威化、人性的机械化等,并分别从逃离都市、和谐存在、混沌的人性、挑战社会习俗、情感是生存的法则等层面阐释了浪漫主义的诗意生存理想。 展开更多
关键词 《空房间》 浪漫主义 生存观
《空房间》中的空间与人 被引量:2
作者 李莹莹 《电影文学》 北大核心 2011年第1期115-117,共3页
韩国导演金基德执导的电影《空房间》既获得了口碑,也赢得了市场。他在其中塑造了一个越界者泰石的形象,他不断闯入他人的私密空间。电影也通过这种特别的方式向观众展示了生活在都市中的人们的生活空间和生活状态,传达出导演独特的对... 韩国导演金基德执导的电影《空房间》既获得了口碑,也赢得了市场。他在其中塑造了一个越界者泰石的形象,他不断闯入他人的私密空间。电影也通过这种特别的方式向观众展示了生活在都市中的人们的生活空间和生活状态,传达出导演独特的对于人与空间关系的思索。 展开更多
关键词 《空房间》 私人空 越界 差异地点
反抗孤独,诠释真爱——影片《空房间》评析 被引量:1
作者 彭海云 《电影文学》 北大核心 2007年第21期83-84,共2页
关键词 金基德 《空房间》 唯美 隐喻 人文内涵
作者 郝飞婷 《电影评介》 2011年第16期49-49,55,共2页
关键词 《空房间》 沉默 热爱 反抗
让静默说话——金基德电影《空房间》的空间与叙事 被引量:2
作者 赵茜 《长春教育学院学报》 2015年第15期44-45,共2页
关键词 《空房间》 叙事
从《空房间》看金基德影片中的失语性与封闭性 被引量:4
作者 李天珠 《艺术科技》 2016年第8期104-,158,共2页
金基德的导演风格在韩国的导演中独树一帜,在影片中他经常运用隐喻和象征的表现手法,将自己的视角对准生活中的边缘人士,以及他们所面临的社会环境。主人公的"失语"与环境上的封闭异类空间,都是他影片中突出的特点。本文将从... 金基德的导演风格在韩国的导演中独树一帜,在影片中他经常运用隐喻和象征的表现手法,将自己的视角对准生活中的边缘人士,以及他们所面临的社会环境。主人公的"失语"与环境上的封闭异类空间,都是他影片中突出的特点。本文将从他的一部重要作品《空房间》入手,探讨金基德影片中的失语性与封闭性。 展开更多
关键词 金基德 《空房间》 失语 封闭
论电影塑造人物形象的艺术手法——以影片《空房间》与《这个杀手不太冷》为例 被引量:2
作者 朱峻江 《西部广播电视》 2018年第23期80-81,共2页
人物是电影艺术创作的核心元素,如何塑造形象丰满的电影人物,成为每个导演首先要解决的问题。不同国家与不同风格的导演对人物塑造都有独特的艺术表现策略,东西方的人物塑造在具体阐释上区别较大。韩国电影中的人物多通过细腻的视听语... 人物是电影艺术创作的核心元素,如何塑造形象丰满的电影人物,成为每个导演首先要解决的问题。不同国家与不同风格的导演对人物塑造都有独特的艺术表现策略,东西方的人物塑造在具体阐释上区别较大。韩国电影中的人物多通过细腻的视听语言表现烘托,西方好莱坞的人物塑造更注重情感的碰撞与叙事张力。对人物形象的细致分析,有助于对影片的全面把握和对普世情感的审美共情,是电影创作者研究的重要课题之一。 展开更多
关键词 《空房间》 《这个杀手不太冷》 人物形象
克制与放纵的空间依存感——以韩国影片《空房间》为中心 被引量:1
作者 喻爽 《艺术评鉴》 2018年第5期150-151,共2页
《空房间》作为一部描述情欲孤独的电影,它重点体现了人对空间依存感的克制与放纵。片中用"秤"隐喻主人公心灵的失衡和灵魂的重量,同时将"空间"作为主人公信仰的依托,将"高尔夫"喻示人性的克制与放纵,以&... 《空房间》作为一部描述情欲孤独的电影,它重点体现了人对空间依存感的克制与放纵。片中用"秤"隐喻主人公心灵的失衡和灵魂的重量,同时将"空间"作为主人公信仰的依托,将"高尔夫"喻示人性的克制与放纵,以"拍照"代表空间的自我认同。该片用无声的表达方式去审视每一个孤独的灵魂,在影片中蕴含着人类空间意识的传播,而在寻求空间的表象中描写了现实生活中一个又一个孤独的灵魂救赎体。 展开更多
关键词 《空房间》 孤独 隐喻
作者 王江荟 《电影文学》 北大核心 2019年第22期125-128,共4页
影片《空房间》是由金基德导演,李丞涓和在熙主演的一部韩国剧情片。整部影片围绕三个人的情感纠葛展开——无所事事的、四海为家的社会青年泰石,曾是模特后来成为家庭主妇、遭遇丈夫家暴折磨的善华,以及表里不一、残忍暴虐的善华丈夫... 影片《空房间》是由金基德导演,李丞涓和在熙主演的一部韩国剧情片。整部影片围绕三个人的情感纠葛展开——无所事事的、四海为家的社会青年泰石,曾是模特后来成为家庭主妇、遭遇丈夫家暴折磨的善华,以及表里不一、残忍暴虐的善华丈夫。一向擅长“玩弄”叙事技巧与情节安排的金基德导演,通过影片中的主人公与他们的流浪生活构造出四个完全不同的象征世界:平静温情的背后世界、冷漠痛苦的现实世界、虚伪偏执的矛盾世界以及亦真亦幻的梦境世界。四个世界,四种隐喻,混杂着暴力、女性、清新、温情等多种元素,最终呈现出《空房间》且荒诞、且真实的冲突本质。 展开更多
关键词 《空房间》 多重世界 自由 哲学
作者 张博文 《西部广播电视》 2018年第23期122-123,共2页
韩国"鬼才"导演金基德的影片《空房间》成功抓住"空"字,并赋予它诸多隐喻意义进行主题表达。通过镜头将都市无人居住的房间营造出空间的空荡感,也表现了一个奇怪的空间之空的城市现象;之后又利用具有金基德个人色... 韩国"鬼才"导演金基德的影片《空房间》成功抓住"空"字,并赋予它诸多隐喻意义进行主题表达。通过镜头将都市无人居住的房间营造出空间的空荡感,也表现了一个奇怪的空间之空的城市现象;之后又利用具有金基德个人色彩的声音之空刻画了两个"失语人"的形象,将"半默片"作为影片主要的叙事技巧;最后结合超现实主义表现手法的虚无之空,打造了一个梦幻迷离的世界,以此表达边缘人的孤独,批判都市人们感情的丧失、虚伪、冷漠和法律的形同虚设与只能保护部分人利益的主题。 展开更多
关键词 《空房间》 边缘人 孤独 批判人性 超现实主义
作者 胡可欣 《视听》 2020年第4期87-88,共2页
韩国导演金基德的作品大多选择关注边缘人的社会生活,凭借着对边缘人个体生命体验的完美展现和蕴含深意的镜头语言,引领观众陷入对人际关系和内心世界的思考。《空房间》中,金基德导演所偏爱的"暴力美学"依旧没有缺席,并且通... 韩国导演金基德的作品大多选择关注边缘人的社会生活,凭借着对边缘人个体生命体验的完美展现和蕴含深意的镜头语言,引领观众陷入对人际关系和内心世界的思考。《空房间》中,金基德导演所偏爱的"暴力美学"依旧没有缺席,并且通过主角失语化的手段再次加深了画面与符号为影片内涵表达的添色。 展开更多
关键词 金基德 电影 《空房间》 暴力 镜头语言 失语
作者 段本嵩 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2017年第7期93-93,共1页
关键词 叙事方式 视角 意象 蒙太奇 《空房间》
作者 崔睿 《才智》 2018年第15期181-181,共1页
时代脚步在变快,人们不停地接受新媒体引发出的新鲜事物。而这一改变也将传媒编导专业人才培养推向前沿。单纯的理论授课已经过时,开展创新课堂成为该专业教师的首要任务。本文以韩国导演金基德的《空房间》为例,讲述如何进行创新课堂... 时代脚步在变快,人们不停地接受新媒体引发出的新鲜事物。而这一改变也将传媒编导专业人才培养推向前沿。单纯的理论授课已经过时,开展创新课堂成为该专业教师的首要任务。本文以韩国导演金基德的《空房间》为例,讲述如何进行创新课堂和人才培养。 展开更多
关键词 创新 传媒 编导 金基德 《空房间》
作者 马婷 《新材料·新装饰》 2005年第11期92-92,共1页
世界上没有两片相同的叶子,自然也没有两对相同的情侣。见惯 了太多的门当户对,电影中的怪异搭配才够味道!也许还能给生活中 的你一些启示:反正怪异不是错,重要的是两情相悦,珠联璧合。
关键词 情侣 《史密斯夫妇》 《初恋五十次》 《空房间》 影评
Characterization of smooth muscle, enteric nerve, interstitial cells of Cajal, and fibroblast-like cells in the gastric musculature of patients with diabetes mellitus 被引量:11
作者 Kyung Sik Park Kwang Bum Cho +7 位作者 Il Seon Hwang Jae Hyung Park Byung Ik Jang Kyeong Ok Kim Sung Woo Jeon Eun Soo Kim Chang Sik Park Joong Goo Kwon 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第46期10131-10139,共9页
AIM To investigate histologic abnormalities in the gastric smooth muscle of patients with diabetes mellitus(DM).METHODS Full-thickness gastric specimens were obtained from patients undergoing surgery for gastric cance... AIM To investigate histologic abnormalities in the gastric smooth muscle of patients with diabetes mellitus(DM).METHODS Full-thickness gastric specimens were obtained from patients undergoing surgery for gastric cancer. H&E stain and Masson's Trichrome stain were performed to assess the degree of fibrosis. Immunohistochemical staining using various antibodies was also performed [antibodies against protein gene product 9.5(PGP9.5), neuronal nitric oxide synthase(n NOS), vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP), neurokinin-1(NK1) receptor, c-Kit, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha,(PDGFRα)]. Immunofluorescent staining and evaluation with confocal microscopy were also conducted.RESULTS Twenty-six controls and 35 diabetic patients(21 shortduration patients and 14 long-duration patients) were included. There were no significant differences in basic demographics between the two groups except in mean body mass index(BMI)(higher in the DM group). Proportions of moderate-to-severe intercellular fibrosis in the muscle layer were significantly higher in the DM group than in the control group(P < 0.01). On immunohistochemical staining, c-Kit- and PDGFRα-positive immunoreactivity were significantly decreased in the DM group compared with the control group(P < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in PGP9.5, n NOS, VIP, and neurokinin 1 expression. On immunofluorescent staining, cellularity of interstitial cells of Cajal(ICC) was observed to decrease with increasing duration of DM.CONCLUSION Our study suggests that increased intercellular fibrosis, loss of ICC, and loss of fibroblast-like cells are found in the smooth muscle of DM patients. These abnormalities may contribute to changes in gastric motor activity in patients with DM. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes mellitus Interstitial cells of Cajal Fibroblast-like cell GASTROPARESIS Enteric nerve system
Overlying strata movement rules and safety mining technology for the shallow depth seam proximity beneath a room mining goaf 被引量:20
作者 Wang Fangtian Zhang Cun +1 位作者 Zhang Xiaogang Song Qi 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第1期139-143,共5页
Aiming at the shallow depth seam proximity beneath a room mining goaf, due to that the shallow depth seam is exploited using the longwall mining and overlain by thin bedrock and thick loose sands, many accidents are l... Aiming at the shallow depth seam proximity beneath a room mining goaf, due to that the shallow depth seam is exploited using the longwall mining and overlain by thin bedrock and thick loose sands, many accidents are likely to occur, including roof structure instability, roof step subsidence, damages of shield supports, and the face bumps triggered by the large area roof weighting, resulting in serious threats to the safety of underground miners and equipment. This paper analyses the overlying strata movement rules for the shallow seams using the physical simulation, the 3DEC numerical simulation and the field mea- surements. The results show that, in shallow seam mining, the overburden movement forms caved zone and fractured zone, the cracks develop continuously and reach the surface with the face advancing, and the development of surface cracks generally goes through four stages. With the application of loose blast- ing of residual pillars, reasonable mining height, and roof support and management, the safe, efficient and high recovery rate mining has been achieved in the shallow depth seam proximity beneath a room min ing goal. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow depth seamRoom mining goafClosely-separated coal seamsLongwall miningOverlying strata movement roles
Midgut neuroendocrine tumor presenting with acute intestinal ischemia 被引量:2
作者 Ioannis Mantzoros Natalia Antigoni Savvala +6 位作者 Orestis Ioannidis Styliani Parpoudi Lydia Loutzidou Despoina Kyriakidou Angeliki Cheva Vasileios Intzos Konstantinos Tsalis 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第45期8090-8096,共7页
Neuroendocrine tumors represent a heterogeneous group of neoplasms that arise from neuroendocrine cells and secrete various peptides and bioamines. While gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors,commonly called carcinoi... Neuroendocrine tumors represent a heterogeneous group of neoplasms that arise from neuroendocrine cells and secrete various peptides and bioamines. While gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors,commonly called carcinoids,account for about 2/3 of all neuroendocrine tumors,they are relatively rare. Small intestine neuroendocrine tumors originate from intestinal enterochromaffin cells and represent about 1/4 of small intestine neoplasms. They can be asymptomatic or cause nonspecific symptoms,which usually leads to a delayed diagnosis. Imaging modalities can aid diagnosis and surgery remains the mainstay of treatment. We present a case of a jejunal neuroendocrine tumor that caused nonspecific symptoms for about 1 year before manifesting with acute mesenteric ischemia. Abdominal X-rays revealed pneumatosis intestinalis and an abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography confirmed the diagnosis. The patient was submitted to segmental enterectomy. Histopathological study demonstrated a neuroendocrine tumor with perineural and arterial infiltration and lymph node metastasis. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient denied any adjuvant treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Small intestine CARCINOID enterochromaffin cells JEJUNUM enterectomy Pneumatosis intestinalis
Airflow characteristics by air curtain jets in full-scale room 被引量:6
作者 尹海国 李安桂 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期675-681,共7页
A new air distribution pattern,air curtain jet ventilation was presented.The ventilation or airflow patterns and the air velocity produced by air curtain jet were investigated in detail.To identify the airflow charact... A new air distribution pattern,air curtain jet ventilation was presented.The ventilation or airflow patterns and the air velocity produced by air curtain jet were investigated in detail.To identify the airflow characteristics of this novel air curtain jet ventilation system,a full-scale room was used to measure the jet velocity with a slot-ventilated supply device,with regards to the airflow fields along the vertical wall as well as on the horizontal floor zones.The airflow fields under three supply air velocities,1.0,1.5 and 2.0 m/s,were carried out in the full-scale room.The experimental results show the velocity profiles of air distribution,the airflow fields along the attached vertical wall and the air lake zones on the floor,respectively.The current experimental research is helpful for heating,ventilation and air conditioning(HVAC) engineers to design better air distribution in rooms. 展开更多
关键词 air distribution air curtain ventilation airflow fields
Evolution of Jobs-housing Spatial Relationship in Beijing Metropolitan Area:A Job Accessibility Perspective 被引量:11
作者 HAN Huiran YANG Chengfeng +2 位作者 WANG Enru SONG Jinping ZHANG Meng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期375-388,共14页
With the urban expansion and economic restructuring, the jobs-housing relationship has become an important issue in studies on urban spatial structure. This paper employed a job accessibility model, which is an evalua... With the urban expansion and economic restructuring, the jobs-housing relationship has become an important issue in studies on urban spatial structure. This paper employed a job accessibility model, which is an evaluation instrument to measure the jobs-housing relationship in Beijing Metropolitan Area from a job accessibility perspective. The results indicate that the population in the central city is declining, whereas the population in the suburbs is consistently growing and forming new population centers. However, the distribution pattern of employment is still highly centralized. Job accessibility varies in different locations, but the inner-city areas(within the Third Ring road) have seen improved job accessibility over time while job accessibility in the suburbs(especially outside the Fourth Ring road) has decreased, and this has led it to become a primary area of residential and employment mismatch. At the same time, the new towns in the outer suburbs have not yet demonstrated great potential to attract more jobs. In addition we find that, to some extent, urban planning changes the jobs-housing relationship, but a polycentric urban spatial structure is not yet evident. The floating population and related housing policy also affect the jobs-housing relationship. We propose some measures to resolve the spatial mismatch as well as some future research directions. 展开更多
关键词 jobs-housing relationship job accessibility spatial mismatch population density employment density Beijing Metropoli-tan Area
Space for Hygiene in Housing Architecture
作者 Claus Bech-Danielsen 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第5期538-556,共19页
In this paper, the author focuses on spaces used for personal hygiene--the bathroom. The paper begins with a description of the hygienic movement in the late 19th century. At that time, urinating took place in semi-pu... In this paper, the author focuses on spaces used for personal hygiene--the bathroom. The paper begins with a description of the hygienic movement in the late 19th century. At that time, urinating took place in semi-public spaces outside the dwelling. Today, the WC has moved well into the dwelling, and in many dwellings, the bathroom has developed as the most private space. Thus, the bathroom can be regarded as the last domain of privacy in today's housing, and in a number of new dwellings this quality is exploited in new ways. The development of "space for hygiene" in the 20th century will be studied by analyzing the spatial organization of dwellings. 展开更多
关键词 HYGIENE HEALTH BATHROOM housing architecture modem housing everyday life.
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