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作者 周建军 《运动》 2012年第14期134-136,共2页
在学校新一轮的3年主动发展规划中,学校秉承"让每个学生都拥有成功的机会,让每个教师都拥有创新的舞台,让每个家庭都拥有回报的欢乐"的教育理念,把校本课程的开发和实施放到了重要的战略位置。在充分考虑学生的需求、教师的... 在学校新一轮的3年主动发展规划中,学校秉承"让每个学生都拥有成功的机会,让每个教师都拥有创新的舞台,让每个家庭都拥有回报的欢乐"的教育理念,把校本课程的开发和实施放到了重要的战略位置。在充分考虑学生的需求、教师的专业特点。 展开更多
关键词 校本课程 学校 《篮球》 课程开发 研究与开发 研究与发展
江苏省高职体育与健康课程《篮球》教学信息化平台构建的启示 被引量:2
作者 彭丰 《中国校外教育(上旬)》 2013年第7期155-155,162,共2页
关键词 江苏省 高职 《篮球》 信息化 启示
作者 董世忠 《黑龙江教育(中学版)》 2003年第11期15-15,共1页
关键词 《篮球》 教学设计 教学目标 教学内容 初中 体育教学
作者 黄永茜 魏成元 《声屏世界》 2023年第15期126-128,共3页
《篮球女王》是一部体育类纪录短片,真实纪录了露西娅,哈里斯的篮球生涯。该短片多维度展现了纪录片的纪实性,并且通过画面和音乐内涵意蕴,突显体育精神、女性魅力等创作意图。文章主要从影像的纪实性和电影的画面和音乐、同期声的表意... 《篮球女王》是一部体育类纪录短片,真实纪录了露西娅,哈里斯的篮球生涯。该短片多维度展现了纪录片的纪实性,并且通过画面和音乐内涵意蕴,突显体育精神、女性魅力等创作意图。文章主要从影像的纪实性和电影的画面和音乐、同期声的表意进行分析,为未来用影像纪实和建构女性运动员提供启示。 展开更多
关键词 《篮球女王》 纪实性 表意
篮球裁判员多媒体理论考核系统的研制 被引量:4
作者 赵晶 闫育东 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期99-102,F003,共5页
鉴于我国各级篮球协会及高等体育院系对篮球裁判员临场能力培养中遇到的种种实际问题,在进行调查研究的基础上,运用现代声像技术建立了《篮球裁判员多媒体理论考核系统》。研制结果表明:该软件系统具有简便易行、图文并茂、生动直观等... 鉴于我国各级篮球协会及高等体育院系对篮球裁判员临场能力培养中遇到的种种实际问题,在进行调查研究的基础上,运用现代声像技术建立了《篮球裁判员多媒体理论考核系统》。研制结果表明:该软件系统具有简便易行、图文并茂、生动直观等特点。 展开更多
关键词 运动训练 篮球裁判员 考核 多媒体 《篮球裁判员多煤体理论考核系统》
《篮球裁判教学系统》课件的设计和应用 被引量:2
作者 傅桂红 李强 《解放军体育学院学报》 2002年第1期122-123,共2页
关键词 《篮球裁判教学系统》 设计 应用
《新体育》 2010年第2期27-27,共1页
日前,由中国篮球协会唯一官方平媒《篮球》杂志主办的“‘回浦杯’2009中国篮球十大风云人物”评选活动揭晓,信兰成、姚明、易建联、郭士强、黄健华、巴特尔、朱芳雨、孙悦、刘炜和隋菲菲等十人当选。《篮球》杂志是中国篮球协会在198... 日前,由中国篮球协会唯一官方平媒《篮球》杂志主办的“‘回浦杯’2009中国篮球十大风云人物”评选活动揭晓,信兰成、姚明、易建联、郭士强、黄健华、巴特尔、朱芳雨、孙悦、刘炜和隋菲菲等十人当选。《篮球》杂志是中国篮球协会在1981年创办的,是我国创刊最早、时间最久、最专业和最权威的篮球类月刊, 展开更多
关键词 中国篮球协会 《篮球》 风云人物 杂志 评选活动 易建联 巴特尔 姚明
2010年《篮球规则》新条款对篮球运动技术的影响 被引量:2
作者 孟成 王朝军 《辽宁体育科技》 2011年第3期66-68,共3页
运用文献资料法、访谈法及比较分析法,对规则新条款进行研究,得出如下结论:限制区修改条款对内线队员力量提出了更高的要求,进攻中移动技术与背身进攻技术要更加出色;三分线修改条款对防守队员在防守中的脚步移动提出了更高的要求,外线... 运用文献资料法、访谈法及比较分析法,对规则新条款进行研究,得出如下结论:限制区修改条款对内线队员力量提出了更高的要求,进攻中移动技术与背身进攻技术要更加出色;三分线修改条款对防守队员在防守中的脚步移动提出了更高的要求,外线队员加强上肢力量并不断改进投篮技术;无撞人半圆区域修改条款对防守队员在防守中的补防、协防意识与脚步移动技术提出了更高的要求,进攻队员要有更好的传接球技术与突破技术;24s修改条款加快了比赛的节奏,对运动员在高强度比赛中的耐力提出了更高的要求。 展开更多
关键词 2010年《篮球规则》 新条款 篮球运动技术 影响
新媒体环境下电视体育节目特色探究——以《篮球公园》为例 被引量:1
作者 孙可欣 《新闻研究导刊》 2018年第9期123-123,共1页
关键词 新媒体环境 电视体育节目 《篮球公园》 节目特色
作者 吴波 《井冈山医专学报》 2008年第1期67-68,共2页
关键词 《篮球竞赛规则》 “假摔” 判罚 《足球竞赛规则》
作者 刘慧东 《出版参考》 2005年第08X期35-35,共1页
在一个人人都为篮球而痴狂的虚拟城市——“篮球部落”里,一群青少年在“永不服输,永不言败”的精神感召下,组建或加入球队,为理想、为信念、为荣誉而顽强拼搏。在激烈的“篮球部落争霸赛”中,他们懂得了如何树立自信、如何彼此信... 在一个人人都为篮球而痴狂的虚拟城市——“篮球部落”里,一群青少年在“永不服输,永不言败”的精神感召下,组建或加入球队,为理想、为信念、为荣誉而顽强拼搏。在激烈的“篮球部落争霸赛”中,他们懂得了如何树立自信、如何彼此信任与团结、如何对待挫折和屈辱、如何通过实际的努力去争取最后的胜利。欢笑与泪水夹杂着青春的脉动起伏跌宕,他们在奋斗中成熟,在竞争中长大。 展开更多
关键词 《篮球部落》 中国 小说 刘慧东 书评
作者 刘斌 《新作文(小学中高年级版)》 2011年第1期102-104,共3页
关键词 《篮球高手》 小学生 作文 语文学习
作者 刘珂 《广西教育》 2014年第45期73-74,共2页
一、指导思想本课努力贯彻“健康第一”的指导思想,体现“以学生发展为本”的教学理念,面向全体学生,为每位学生提供发展机会,做到既突出学生的主体地位,又发挥教师的主导作用。教学中通过篮球基础配合教学和合作互助式学练,培养学生分... 一、指导思想本课努力贯彻“健康第一”的指导思想,体现“以学生发展为本”的教学理念,面向全体学生,为每位学生提供发展机会,做到既突出学生的主体地位,又发挥教师的主导作用。教学中通过篮球基础配合教学和合作互助式学练,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,提高技战术水平的教学实效性;通过师生、生生之间的互动交流,建立和谐的课堂学习氛围,增强学生的学习自信心,以获得成功体验,激发其体育学习的情感。 展开更多
关键词 《篮球:传切配合》 教学设计
作者 李玉荣 《体育教学》 2009年第7期9-9,共1页
经过黑龙江省的选拔,哈尔滨市香坊区王兆新村小学李猛的《软式棒垒球》(小学组),南岗区69中学邴艳林的《篮球》(初中组),哈尔滨市第九中学刘丹羽的Ⅸ定向运动》(高中组),作为黑龙江省的部分优质课参加了在吉林市举行的“东北... 经过黑龙江省的选拔,哈尔滨市香坊区王兆新村小学李猛的《软式棒垒球》(小学组),南岗区69中学邴艳林的《篮球》(初中组),哈尔滨市第九中学刘丹羽的Ⅸ定向运动》(高中组),作为黑龙江省的部分优质课参加了在吉林市举行的“东北三省第七届体育教学研讨会”,受到与会专家和同行的一致好评,并分别获得一等奖。 展开更多
关键词 教学研讨会 哈尔滨市 东北三省 体育 黑龙江省 《篮球》 定向运动 初中组
珍视天下人的“武林大会” 被引量:1
作者 李平 《中华武术》 2007年第4期1-1,共1页
中午,碰上一位原来的同事,《篮球》杂志的记者,他很兴奋地叫住我说:“昨天我看中央电视台有个‘武林大会’,真不错。”我很惊讶,想不出他一个搞篮球的为什么这么激动。“我练过五祖拳啊,看着太亲切了,那些招式都是我从小在家练... 中午,碰上一位原来的同事,《篮球》杂志的记者,他很兴奋地叫住我说:“昨天我看中央电视台有个‘武林大会’,真不错。”我很惊讶,想不出他一个搞篮球的为什么这么激动。“我练过五祖拳啊,看着太亲切了,那些招式都是我从小在家练过的。那个擂主小伙子下盘功夫真好。”然后,他又接连说了几个“好”。他的家在福建泉州。 展开更多
关键词 《篮球》 中央电视台 “好” 中午
《江苏教育研究(职教)(C版)》 2015年第9期F0003-F0003,共1页
宿迁经贸高等职业技术学校坐落在虞姬故里——花乡沭阳。由江苏省沭阳师范学校升格转轨而来,是江苏省首批高水平示范高职校。学校以“立意高远、课程兴校、管理规范、特色创优“为发展理念,践行“一切活动皆课程,一切工作皆课程”的... 宿迁经贸高等职业技术学校坐落在虞姬故里——花乡沭阳。由江苏省沭阳师范学校升格转轨而来,是江苏省首批高水平示范高职校。学校以“立意高远、课程兴校、管理规范、特色创优“为发展理念,践行“一切活动皆课程,一切工作皆课程”的大课程观,积极开设选修课,先后开设了《音乐欣赏》《文学欣赏》《舞蹈》《钢琴》《书法》《足球》《篮球》等近40门选修课。 展开更多
关键词 高等职业技术学校 江苏省 经贸 宿迁 课程观 学校升格 《篮球》 《足球》
Effects of 3 months of full-court and half-court street basketball training on health profile in untrained men 被引量:5
作者 Morten B.Randers Marie Hagman +4 位作者 Jonathan Brix Jesper F.Christensen Mogens T.Pedersen Jens J.Nielsen Peter Krustrup 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第2期132-138,共7页
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether street basketball organized as 3 v 3 on either a half court(HC) with 1 basket or a full court(FC) with 2 baskets could improve fitness and health profil... Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether street basketball organized as 3 v 3 on either a half court(HC) with 1 basket or a full court(FC) with 2 baskets could improve fitness and health profiles of untrained men after 3 months of supervised training.Methods: Thirty-five untrained men(aged 20—42 years) completed the pre-and post-intervention testing(FC: n = 13, HC: n = 12, CO(control):n = 10). The training attendance was 2.0 ± 0.4 and 1.9 ± 0.3 times per week in FC and HC, respectively. Mean heart rate(HR) was 83.8 ± 6.0 percent of maximal heart rate(%HR_(max)) and 84.5 ± 2.9 %HR_(max) in FC and HC, respectively.Results: The 3 months of street basketball training on an FC with 2 baskets increased maximal oxygen uptake(2.4 mL/min/kg(95% confidence interval(CI): 1.0—3.9)), time to exhaustion(47 s(95%CI: 26—67)), lean body mass(0.8 kg(95%CI: 0.1—1.5)), and bone mineral density(0.021 g/cm^2(95%CI: 0.011—0.031)), whereas mean arterial pressure(—5.6 mm Hg(95%CI: —7.5 to 3.7)), body fat percentage(—1.6%,(95%CI: —2.5 to —0.7)), heart rate(—18 bpm(95%CI: —24 to —12)), and blood lactate(median: —1.4 mmol/L(interquartile range: —1.5 to —0.6)) during submaximal running were lowered. The changes were less pronounced after the training period when playing on an HC with 1 basket, but increases in maximal oxygen uptake(1.6 mL/min/kg(95%CI: —0.1 to 3.3)), time to exhaustion(28 s(95%CI: 9—47)), lean body mass(1.3 kg(95%CI: 0.3—2.4)), and lower body fat percentage(—0.9%(95%CI: —1.9 to —0.1)) were observed in this group.Conclusion: Three months of 3 v 3 street basketball training improved fitness and led to broad-spectrum improvements in variables related to overall health profile, with the most marked effects observed when playing on an FC with 2 baskets. 展开更多
关键词 Blood pressure Body composition Cardiovascular fitness Maximal oxygen uptake Muscoloskeletal fitness Physical demands Small-sided games Team sport
Temporal changes in physiological and performance responses across game-specific simulated basketball activity 被引量:3
作者 Aaron T.Scanlan Jordan L.Fox +2 位作者 Nattai R.Borges Patrick S.Tucker Vincent J.Dalbo 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第2期176-182,共7页
Purpose: The aims of this study were to:(1) provide a comprehensive physiological profile of simulated basketball activity and(2) identify temporal changes in player responses in controlled settings.Methods: State-lev... Purpose: The aims of this study were to:(1) provide a comprehensive physiological profile of simulated basketball activity and(2) identify temporal changes in player responses in controlled settings.Methods: State-level male basketball players(n = 10) completed 4 × 10 min simulated quarters of basketball activity using a reliable and valid courtbased test. A range of physiological(ratings of perceived exertion, blood lactate concentration([BLa~—]), blood glucose concentration([BGlu]), heart rate(HR), and hydration) and physical(performance and fatigue indicators for sprint, circuit, and jump activity) measures were collected across testing.Results: Significantly reduced [BLa~—](6.19 ± 2.30 vs. 4.57 ± 2.33 mmol/L; p = 0.016) and [BGlu](6.91 ± 1.57 vs. 5.25 ± 0.81 mmol/L;p = 0.009) were evident in the second half. A mean HR of 180.1 ± 5.7 beats/min(90.8% ± 4.0% HR max) was observed, with a significant increase in vigorous activity(77%—95% HR max)(11.31 ± 6.91 vs. 13.50 ± 6.75 min; p = 0.024) and moderate decrease in near-maximal activity(>95% HR_(max))(7.24 ± 7.45 vs. 5.01 ± 7.20 min) in the second half. Small increases in performance times accompanied by a significantly lower circuit decrement(11.67% ± 5.55% vs. 7.30% ± 2.16%; p = 0.032) were apparent in the second half.Conclusion: These data indicate basketball activity imposes higher physiological demands than previously thought and temporal changes in responses might be due to adapted pacing strategies as well as fatigue-mediated mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 CARDIOVASCULAR Game-play HYDRATION Rating of perceived exertion Simulation Team sports
Vision-based behavior prediction of ball carrier in basketball matches 被引量:2
作者 夏利民 王千 吴联世 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2142-2151,共10页
A new vision-based approach was presented for predicting the behavior of the ball carrier—shooting, passing and dribbling in basketball matches. It was proposed to recognize the ball carrier’s head pose by classifyi... A new vision-based approach was presented for predicting the behavior of the ball carrier—shooting, passing and dribbling in basketball matches. It was proposed to recognize the ball carrier’s head pose by classifying its yaw angle to determine his vision range and the court situation of the sportsman within his vision range can be further learned. In basketball match videos characterized by cluttered background, fast motion of the sportsmen and low resolution of their head images, and the covariance descriptor, were adopted to fuse multiple visual features of the head region, which can be seen as a point on the Riemannian manifold and then mapped to the tangent space. Then, the classification of head yaw angle was directly completed in this space through the trained multiclass LogitBoost. In order to describe the court situation of all sportsmen within the ball carrier’s vision range, artificial potential field (APF)-based information was introduced. Finally, the behavior of the ball carrier—shooting, passing and dribbling, was predicted using radial basis function (RBF) neural network as the classifier. Experimental results show that the average prediction accuracy of the proposed method can reach 80% on the video recorded in basketball matches, which validates its effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 covariance descriptor tangent space LogitBoost artificial potential field radial basis function neural network
Lower extremity injury in female basketball players is related to a large difference in peak eversion torque between barefoot and shod conditions 被引量:1
作者 Jennifer M.Yentes Max J.Kurz Nicholas Stergiou 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第3期227-232,共6页
Background: The majority of injuries reported in female basketball players are ankle sprains and mechanisms leading to injury have been debated. Investigations into muscular imbalances in barefoot versus shod conditi... Background: The majority of injuries reported in female basketball players are ankle sprains and mechanisms leading to injury have been debated. Investigations into muscular imbalances in barefoot versus shod conditions and their relationship with injury severity have not been performed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wearing athletic shoes on muscular strength and its relationship to lower extremity injuries, specifically female basketball players due to the high incidence of ankle injuries in this population. Methods: During pre-season, 11 female collegiate basketball players underwent inversion and eversion muscle strength testing using an iso- kinetic dynamometer in both a barefoot and shod conditions. The difference between conditions was calculated for inversion and eversion peak torque, time to peak torque as well as eversion-to-inversion peak torque percent strength ratio for both conditions. Lower extremity injuries were documented and ranked in severity. The ranked difference between barefoot and shod conditions for peak torque and time to peak torque as well as percent strength ratio was correlated with injury ranking using a Spearman rho correlation (p) with an a level of 0.05. Results: The ranked differences in barefoot and shod for peak eversion and inversion torque at 120°/s were correlated with their injury ranking. Ranking of the athletes based on the severity of injuries that were sustained during the season was found to have a strong, positive relationship with the difference in peak eversion torque between barefoot and shod (p = 0.78; p = 0.02). Conclusion: It is possible that a large discrepancy between strength in barefoot and shod conditions can predispose an athlete to injury. Nar- rowing the difference in peak eversion torque between barefoot and shod could decrease propensity to injury. Future work should investigate the effect of restoration of muscular strength during barefoot and shod exercise on injury rates. 展开更多
关键词 Ankle sprain Isoklnetic dynamometer Muscular imbalance Strength
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