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作者 顾晓璇 《今古文创》 2024年第6期115-117,136,共4页
社会成员在他们的社会生活中拥有许多身份,他们的身份可以由对话中的两方或多方在互动中通过谈话中的社会行为来构建和认知,也可以作为参与者取向和偏好的结果。本文的分析材料来自英国电视连续剧《维多利亚》,主要从三段不同的对话探... 社会成员在他们的社会生活中拥有许多身份,他们的身份可以由对话中的两方或多方在互动中通过谈话中的社会行为来构建和认知,也可以作为参与者取向和偏好的结果。本文的分析材料来自英国电视连续剧《维多利亚》,主要从三段不同的对话探讨主人公维多利亚作为英国女王和阿尔伯特亲王的妻子的多重身份的建构与认知。此外,文章还试图分析不同身份之间的关系,以及主人公在价值取向下如何表现出对不同身份的偏好和选择。 展开更多
关键词 英国电视连续剧《维多利亚》 身份建构与认知 身份偏好与选择
《维多利亚一号》中的性与审美快感 被引量:5
作者 黄璐 《东南传播》 2011年第10期106-107,共2页
电影《维多利亚一号》讲述"我想有个家"的城市生活主题,两条并行叙事线索井然有序的展开。影片大肆渲染性、暴力、血腥要素,性所产生的主体间巅峰体验、审美快感和示范效应,辅以暴力血腥的审美张力,迁移对等于家的痴狂和不懈... 电影《维多利亚一号》讲述"我想有个家"的城市生活主题,两条并行叙事线索井然有序的展开。影片大肆渲染性、暴力、血腥要素,性所产生的主体间巅峰体验、审美快感和示范效应,辅以暴力血腥的审美张力,迁移对等于家的痴狂和不懈追求,将"我想有个家"城市生活背后的沉浮人生与酸甜苦辣,及主体占有欲的心路历程,用电影艺术特有的表现力,描画得栩栩如生。影片力求与国际接轨的姿态,植根前沿的特异价值观的地方化改造,有效融入香港经济与社会文化认同,建构独树一帜的香港小众电影风格。 展开更多
关键词 情色电影 《维多利亚一号》 我想有个家 性快感 暴力美学
作者 史忆 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第3期115-119,共5页
中篇小说《维多利亚与斯塔夫尼家》是2007年诺贝尔文学奖得主多丽丝·莱辛的后期作品,因其写实的风格和细腻的文笔被誉为莱辛后期小说的精华之一。国内学者对莱辛作品的关注多集中于她的长篇小说和早期短篇小说,对该小说的评论极少... 中篇小说《维多利亚与斯塔夫尼家》是2007年诺贝尔文学奖得主多丽丝·莱辛的后期作品,因其写实的风格和细腻的文笔被誉为莱辛后期小说的精华之一。国内学者对莱辛作品的关注多集中于她的长篇小说和早期短篇小说,对该小说的评论极少。文章从后殖民女性主义视角对其进行解读,指出莱辛在小说中描述当代英国黑人女性困苦的生活状态,揭示她们所承受的男权与种族的双重压迫,展现她们艰难而又执着的寻梦之路,体现了莱辛给予白人世界中的黑人女性同情与关注的人文情怀。 展开更多
关键词 《维多利亚与斯塔夫尼家》 后殖民女性主义 父权社会 种族压迫
斯特拉奇和他的《维多利亚时代四名人传》 被引量:2
作者 乐乐 《中国图书评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第12期46-47,共2页
关键词 斯特拉奇 《维多利亚时代四名人传》 传记作家 传记文学史 曼宁 南丁格尔 阿诺德 戈登
作者 李治国 《荆门职业技术学院学报》 2002年第4期16-20,共5页
斯特拉奇在保持自己精神自由的思想的指引下 ,以平和的心态既刻画了维多利亚作为帝王的一面 ,又把眼光投射到维多利亚作为普通人的一面及其丰富的内心世界 ,故而其笔下的维多利亚内涵丰富而饱满 ;但是二月河却没有突破传统的束缚 ,只围... 斯特拉奇在保持自己精神自由的思想的指引下 ,以平和的心态既刻画了维多利亚作为帝王的一面 ,又把眼光投射到维多利亚作为普通人的一面及其丰富的内心世界 ,故而其笔下的维多利亚内涵丰富而饱满 ;但是二月河却没有突破传统的束缚 ,只围绕着权利的斗争展开描写 。 展开更多
关键词 《康熙大帝》 《维多利亚女王传》 帝王 人物形象 人物塑造 斯特拉奇 二月河 心理描写 小说
作者 安慧敏 《西部广播电视》 2017年第19期76-77,共2页
《维多利亚的秘密时尚秀》(以下简称《维密时尚秀》)作为女性内衣品牌为刺激产品销量而专门打造的真人秀类节目,从开播起就饱受争议。有学者将其定位为色情节目而抵制,也有人表示节目中女性表现出了自信、自由的一面。本文旨在对《维密... 《维多利亚的秘密时尚秀》(以下简称《维密时尚秀》)作为女性内衣品牌为刺激产品销量而专门打造的真人秀类节目,从开播起就饱受争议。有学者将其定位为色情节目而抵制,也有人表示节目中女性表现出了自信、自由的一面。本文旨在对《维密时尚秀》的镜头语言进行分析,就其如何令女性内化男性审美,借女性身体达成束缚女性自由之实进行解读。 展开更多
关键词 《维多利亚的秘密时尚秀》 镜头语言 女性
作者 姜启舟 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期75-82,159,共8页
《维多利亚郡史》是19世纪末以来英国最著名的大型地方史丛书。其纂修群体经历了从业余史家到职业史家的转变,这与英国现当代史学整体发展进程及英国地方史的成长进度密切相关。19世纪末20世纪初,由于英国史学尚处于专业化进程之中,地... 《维多利亚郡史》是19世纪末以来英国最著名的大型地方史丛书。其纂修群体经历了从业余史家到职业史家的转变,这与英国现当代史学整体发展进程及英国地方史的成长进度密切相关。19世纪末20世纪初,由于英国史学尚处于专业化进程之中,地方史还缺乏现代史学意识与学科独立能力,故丛书的纂修主要由业余史家负责;到20世纪30年代,地方史处于现代转型阶段,但随着以传统史学为主体的职业史学的确立,转入伦敦大学的丛书饱受职业史家鄙夷;二战后,伴随西方史学的革故鼎新,英国地方史成长为一门独立的史学分支学科,丛书纂修进而由职业史家全面掌舵。 展开更多
关键词 《维多利亚郡史》 业余史家 职业史家 传统史学 现代地方史
作者 老黑 《大众软件》 2010年第5期120-120,共1页
V2将带领我们来到1835年至1935年的欧洲和北美大地。通过工业革命和殖民扩张累积到的巨额财富,以及第一次世界大战的胜利。让英国成为了欧洲,乃至世界范围内的超级强权。而这一时期各个新型势力,则意图挑战大不列颠的霸权地位。除了... V2将带领我们来到1835年至1935年的欧洲和北美大地。通过工业革命和殖民扩张累积到的巨额财富,以及第一次世界大战的胜利。让英国成为了欧洲,乃至世界范围内的超级强权。而这一时期各个新型势力,则意图挑战大不列颠的霸权地位。除了维多利亚二世名义统治下的英国以外,玩家还可以扮演这一时期中的欧陆主要国家,与其一争高下。 展开更多
关键词 《维多利亚二世》 网络游戏 电脑游戏 开发
作者 又见柳叶青 《作家天地》 2010年第14期65-70,共6页
一 “事情大概就是这样了。黎警官,你看还有没有其它需要提供的材料了”
关键词 小说 文学作品 现代文学 《维多利亚的眼泪》
“一镜到底”的艺术特色 被引量:15
作者 吴婷 《艺术科技》 2016年第10期124-125,共2页
自2002年《俄罗斯方舟》通过真正的"一镜到底"带给观众一种不一样的视觉体验之后,越来越多的导演尝试拍摄"一镜到底"的影片。迄今为止,实践最成功的莫过于2015年的《维多利亚》,惊艳了德国柏林电影节。本文即通过... 自2002年《俄罗斯方舟》通过真正的"一镜到底"带给观众一种不一样的视觉体验之后,越来越多的导演尝试拍摄"一镜到底"的影片。迄今为止,实践最成功的莫过于2015年的《维多利亚》,惊艳了德国柏林电影节。本文即通过对《维多利亚》的视像分析来一窥"一镜到底"的艺术特色。 展开更多
关键词 电影 “一镜到底” 《维多利亚》 视像分析
No evidence for a genetic association between female mating preference and male secondary sexual trait in a Lake Victoria cichlid fish 被引量:3
作者 Inke van der SLUIJS Ole SEEHAUSEN +1 位作者 Tom J.M.Van DOOREN Jacques J.M.van ALPHEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期57-64,共8页
Sexual selection by female mating preference for male nuptial coloration has been suggested as a driving force in the rapid speciation of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. This process could have been facilitated or acceler... Sexual selection by female mating preference for male nuptial coloration has been suggested as a driving force in the rapid speciation of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. This process could have been facilitated or accelerated by genetic associations between female preference loci and male coloration loci. Preferences, as well as coloration, are heritable traits and are probably determined by more than one gene. However, little is known about potential genetic associations between these traits. In turbid water, we found a population that is variable in male nuptial coloration from blue to yellow to red. Males at the extreme ends of the phenotype distribution resemble a reproductively isolated species pair in clear water that has diverged into one species with blue-grey males and one species with bright red males. Females of the turbid water population vary in mating preference coinciding with the male phenotype distribution. For the current study, these females were mated to blue males. We measured the coloration of the sires and male offspring. Parents-offspring regression showed that the sires did not affect male offspring coloration, which confirms earlier findings that the blue species breeds true. In contrast, male offspring coloration was determined by the identity of the dams, which suggests that there is heritable variation in male color genes between females. However, we found that mating preferences of the dams were not correlated with male offspring coloration. Thus, there is no evidence for strong genetic linkage between mating preference and the preferred trait in this population [Current Zoology 56 (1): 57-64 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 SPECIATION Sexual selection Mate choice Genetic association Cichlid fish Lake Victoria
Mechanisms of species divergence through visual adaptation and sexual selection:Perspectives from a cichlid model system 被引量:3
作者 Martine E.MAAN Ole SEEHAUSEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期285-299,共15页
The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences aredirectly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can ... The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences aredirectly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can play a major role in this process,because selective mating is often mediated by sexual signals: bright colours, complex song, pheromone blends and so on. Whendivergent sensory adaptation affects the perception of such signals, mating patterns may change as an immediate consequence.Alternatively, mating preferences can diverge as a result of indirect effects: assortative mating may be promoted by selectionagainst intermediate phenotypes that are maladapted to their (sensory) environment. For Lake Victoria cichlids, the visual environmentconstitutes an important selective force that is heterogeneous across geographical and water depth gradients. We investigatethe direct and indirect effects of this heterogeneity on the evolution of female preferences for alternative male nuptial colours(red and blue) in the genus Pundamilia. Here, we review the current evidence for divergent sensory drive in this system, extractgeneral principles, and discuss future perspectives [Current Zoology 56 (3): 285-299, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 CICHLID Sexual selection Species divergence Visual adaptation
Changes in char reactivity due to char-oxygen and char-steam reactions using Victorian brown coal in a fixed-bed reactor 被引量:2
作者 张书 Yonggang Luo +1 位作者 Chunzhu Li 王永刚 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期321-325,共5页
This study was to examine the influence of reactions of char–O2and char–steam on the char reactivity evolution.A newly-designed fixed-bed reactor was used to conduct gasification experiments using Victorian brown co... This study was to examine the influence of reactions of char–O2and char–steam on the char reactivity evolution.A newly-designed fixed-bed reactor was used to conduct gasification experiments using Victorian brown coal at800 °C. The chars prepared from the gasification experiments were then collected and subjected to reactivity characterisation(ex-situ reactivity) using TGA(thermogravimetric analyser) in air. The results indicate that the char reactivity from TGA was generally high when the char experienced intensive gasification reactions in 0.3%O2in the fixed-bed reactor. The addition of steam into the gasification not only enhanced the char conversion significantly but also reduced the char reactivity dramatically. The curve shapes of the char reactivity with involvement of steam were very different from that with O2 gasification, implying the importance of gasifying agents to char properties. 展开更多
关键词 Brown coal Gasifying agent Char reactivity Fixed-bed reactor
Contributions of tropical-extratropical oceans to the prediction skill of ENSO after 2000 被引量:1
作者 SHI Liang DING Ruiqiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2020年第4期338-345,共8页
The skill of most ENSO prediction models has declined significantly since 2000.This decline may be due to a weakening of the correlation between tropical predictors and ENSO.Moreover,the effects of extratropical ocean... The skill of most ENSO prediction models has declined significantly since 2000.This decline may be due to a weakening of the correlation between tropical predictors and ENSO.Moreover,the effects of extratropical ocean variability on ENSO have increased during this period.To improve ENSO predictability,the authors investigate the influence of the extratropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans on ENSO during the pre-2000 and post-2000 periods,and find that the influence of the northern tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(NTA SST)on ENSO has significantly increased since 2000.Furthermore,there is a much earlier and stronger correlation between NTA SST and ENSO over the central-eastern Pacific during June-July-August in the post-2000 period compared with the pre-2000 period.The extratropical Pacific SST predictors for ENSO retain an approximate 10-month lead time after 2000.The authors use SST signals in the extratropical Atlantic and Pacific to predict ENSO using a statistical prediction model.This results in a significant improvement in ENSO prediction skill and an obvious decrease in the spring predictability barrier phenomenon of ENSO.These results indicate that extratropical Atlantic and Pacific SSTs can make substantial contributions to ENSO prediction,and can be used to enhance ENSO predictability after 2000. 展开更多
关键词 ENSO predictability Northern tropical Atlantic SST Victoria mode South Pacific quadrupole
A Brief Analysis on Women in Victorian Age --Based on Mrs. Warren' s Profession
作者 李雪 《International English Education Research》 2016年第2期70-72,共3页
George Bernard Shaw is one of the prominent playwrights in the world. His masterpiece Mrs. Warren' s Profession has an important effect on the world. This play is so influential that it injects a new thing into the b... George Bernard Shaw is one of the prominent playwrights in the world. His masterpiece Mrs. Warren' s Profession has an important effect on the world. This play is so influential that it injects a new thing into the black society. This play also inspires women to stand up to fight against the old power. Only by describing the suffering of Warren and Vivie can the writer expose the social root forming the brothel in the capital society. It also shows Shaw is critical and sympathetic towards women in the society. This work has been studied in different aspects by scholars. Based on women in Victorian Society, this paper mainly discusses the main characters Warren and Vivie Warren to form a distinctive contrast between submissive woman and new woman. Warren and Vivie serve an example to illustrate the features of Victorian women. War Warren, a symbol of the submissive woman who runs brothel, submits to the reality and makes a living by doing exploiting, while as a new woman and a positive figure, Vivie is brave enough to break away from all the traditional bondage and pursues a new life after knowing that her mother has been doing this kind of work. All the differences in the character lead to the break-up between the two. 展开更多
关键词 Victorian Age women Mrs Warren Vivie
Iron and Protein Content of Priority African Indigenous Vegetables in the Lake Victoria Basin 被引量:1
作者 M. O. Abukutsa-Onyango P. Kavagi +1 位作者 P. Amoke F. O. Habwe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第4期67-69,共3页
African indigenous vegetables have many nutritional and health benefits that have not been well researched and fully exploited. The objective of this study was to determine iron and protein contents of seven priority ... African indigenous vegetables have many nutritional and health benefits that have not been well researched and fully exploited. The objective of this study was to determine iron and protein contents of seven priority African indigenous vegetables found in Eastern Africa. The vegetables were planted at two sites, Maseno University, Maseno in western Kenya and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Juja in Central Kenya between 2006 and 2008. These vegetables were organically grown and edible parts of each of the vegetable harvested during vegetative growth stages just before onset of flowering and analysed for iron and protein contents. Nightshade and cowpea had high levels of both iron and protein. Pumpkin leaves and amaranths had high iron content while spiderplant and slenderleaf had high protein levels. Both iron and protein levels differed significantly between the seven vegetables at both sites. Nightshade and cowpea contained iron and protein levels that would provide 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) iron and 50% of recommended daily allowance protein for optimal human growth and health. These results help to demonstrate the nutritional value of African indigenous vegetables and their potential use in nutrition intervention programs. 展开更多
关键词 Hidden hunger nutrition security VEGETABLES
Interdecadal change in the lagged relationship between the Victoria mode and ENSO
作者 XIE Wei FAN Guangzhou +4 位作者 DING Ruiqiang LI Jianping LI Baosheng QIN Jianhuang ZHOU Xuejing 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第4期294-301,共8页
This paper investigates the interdecadal variability in the lagged relationship between the spring Victoria mode(VM)and the following-winter El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO).It is found that the relationship is str... This paper investigates the interdecadal variability in the lagged relationship between the spring Victoria mode(VM)and the following-winter El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO).It is found that the relationship is strong during high correlation(HC)periods,e.g.1957–1964 and 1981–2004,but weak during low correlation(LC)periods,e.g.1907–1924,1926–1956,1965–1980,and2005–2008.The surface air–sea coupling and the evolution of subsurface ocean temperature anomaliesh along the equatorial Paci?c associated with the VM are found to be strong during HC periods and weak during LC periods,which results in a stronger impact of the VM on the following-winter ENSO during HC periods.The interdecadal change in the relationship between the VM and ENSO is mainly due to the interdecadal change in the intensity of the VM,which is found to be in?uenced by the North Paci?c Oscillation.Our?ndings may improve the prediction skill for the onset of ENSO events. 展开更多
关键词 Victoria mode ENSO interdecadal change North Pacific Oscillation
The link between the Victoria mode in the preceding boreal winter and spring precipitation over the southeastern USA and Gulf of Mexico
作者 PU Xiu-Shu CHEN Quan-Liang +1 位作者 DING Rui-Qiang GUO Yi-Peng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第4期285-291,共7页
The sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) associated with the Victoria mode (VM) can persist into the following season and then influence climate variability in the tropical Pacific. This paper demonstrates th... The sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) associated with the Victoria mode (VM) can persist into the following season and then influence climate variability in the tropical Pacific. This paper demonstrates the connection between the preceding boreal winter VM and precipitation in the following spring over the southeastern United States (SE USA) and the Gulf of Mexico (GM). The results indicate that a positive (negative) preceding winter VM is usually followed by increased (reduced) precipitation over the SE USA and GM during the following spring. The corresponding mechanism is similar, but slightly different to, the seasonal footprinting mechanism. For positive VM cases, the preceding-winter VM-related SSTAs appear to persist into the following spring via air- sea interactions, which then induce low-level convergence and vigorous ascending motion, leading to an adjustment of the zonal and meridional circulation. This adjustment can then influence the local Hadley cell by weakening the downward branch. These anomalous patterns of vertical airflow enhance spring precipitation over the SE USA and GM under suitable moisture conditions. Hence, this work demonstrates that the preceding-winter VM has the potential to regulate precipitation over the SE USA and GM in the following spring. 展开更多
关键词 Victoria mode springprecipitation southeasternUSA Gulf of Mexico air-seainteraction
Integration of remotely sensed indices for land cover changes caused by the 2009 Victorian bushfires using Landsat TM imagery
作者 GUO Li LI Xiao-jing +1 位作者 XU Xian-lei GE Lin-lin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第4期400-407,共8页
In order to minimise the bushfires negative impacts on society, an efficient andreliable bushfire detection system was proposed to assess the devastated effects of the2009 Victorian bushfires.It is possible to utilise... In order to minimise the bushfires negative impacts on society, an efficient andreliable bushfire detection system was proposed to assess the devastated effects of the2009 Victorian bushfires.It is possible to utilise the repetitive capability of satellite remotesensing imagery to identify the location of change to the Earth's surface and integrate thedifferent remotely sensed indices.The results confirm that the procedure can offer essentialspatial information for bushfire assessment. 展开更多
关键词 the 2009 Victorian bushfires landsat TM land cover change detection image differencing post-classification comparison remotely sensed indices
Reduction in the Water Level of Lake Victoria and Its Implications on Livelihoods in Rwanjaba Lakeshore Community,Uganda
作者 Semakula Henry Musoke Boon E K 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第1期64-72,共9页
This paper examines the livelihood challenges experienced in Rwanjaba Lakeshore Community during the period of low water level in Lake Victoria between 2004 and 2007 and identifies the livelihood coping strategies tha... This paper examines the livelihood challenges experienced in Rwanjaba Lakeshore Community during the period of low water level in Lake Victoria between 2004 and 2007 and identifies the livelihood coping strategies that were adopted to address them.A total of 55 households were randomly sampled and the data collection methods included household questionnaires and participant observations.The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS) and the results presented with the help of descriptive statistics.The livelihood challenges experienced during the low lake water level included fish shortage(34.5%),household food scarcity(23.6%),sex for fish(18.2%),family breakdown(12.7%),increased theft(7.2%) and accidents due to the exposed rocks in the lake(3.6%).The livelihood coping strategies adopted to redress the challenges included causal labour(32.7%),maize roasting(23.6%),sand mining(18.2%),selling of snacks(12.7%),selling household property(9.1%) and resorting shop and market credits(3.6%).The paper proposes a number of recommendations for improving the livelihood of the community ranging from policy reforms to the diversification of activities. 展开更多
关键词 coping strategies Lake Victoria livelihoods waterlevel reduction
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