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作者 樊宇婷 《广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第3期19-25,共7页
上世纪90年代以来中国诗人对西方诗歌的翻译直接作用于自身写作。翻译之与女性诗歌具有女性意识的触发和理论自觉的推动的意义。具有"明确诗观"的女性诗歌民刊《翼》在翻译上用力甚笃。周瓒的写作与翻译典型体现了翻译与写作... 上世纪90年代以来中国诗人对西方诗歌的翻译直接作用于自身写作。翻译之与女性诗歌具有女性意识的触发和理论自觉的推动的意义。具有"明确诗观"的女性诗歌民刊《翼》在翻译上用力甚笃。周瓒的写作与翻译典型体现了翻译与写作的互文关系。周瓒翻译阿特伍德《吃火》,深受阿特伍德语言的简洁、克制的影响,但汉译的《吃火》也呈现出周瓒的声音和语言特点。翻译潜在地作用于写作,诗人翻译最终实现的是对汉语诗歌写作可能性的探索。 展开更多
关键词 翻译 《翼》诗群” 周瓒 阿特伍德 互文 诗歌写作
梅瑴成对江永:《翼梅》引起的中西天文学之争 被引量:8
作者 郭世荣 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期79-84,共6页
本文研究由江永《翼梅》(又名《数学》)一书引发的关于中西天文学的争论,详细说明了江永与梅文鼎之间的不同学术观点,分析了江永与梅成之间的争论以及钱大昕、阮元等人对江永的批评,认为这场争论的要害不在学术问题上,而是有其政治的、... 本文研究由江永《翼梅》(又名《数学》)一书引发的关于中西天文学的争论,详细说明了江永与梅文鼎之间的不同学术观点,分析了江永与梅成之间的争论以及钱大昕、阮元等人对江永的批评,认为这场争论的要害不在学术问题上,而是有其政治的、社会的和个人的背景。 展开更多
关键词 梅文鼎 江永 梅瑴成 《翼梅》 中西天文学之争
江永《翼梅》中的冬至时刻考证 被引量:2
作者 张祺 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 2007年第2期244-248,252,共6页
清代乾嘉时期,在考据学的盛行下,清代学人对中国古历多有研究,但研究方法多限于“以古考古”,着重于重现古历原貌.江永的研究方式则与众不同,他以西历算法计算古历数据,并以此为据,对中国古历中许多数据的正确性产生怀疑.对江永所做的... 清代乾嘉时期,在考据学的盛行下,清代学人对中国古历多有研究,但研究方法多限于“以古考古”,着重于重现古历原貌.江永的研究方式则与众不同,他以西历算法计算古历数据,并以此为据,对中国古历中许多数据的正确性产生怀疑.对江永所做的工作进行分析和评述. 展开更多
关键词 冬至 引数 均数 本轮 均轮 《翼梅》
金文套辞“严在上,翼在下”浅析 被引量:5
作者 张德良 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期44-46,共3页
西周晚期铜器铭文祝嘏辞中常出现"严在上,翼在下"等套语。根据对晋侯稣编钟和四十三年逨鼎等新出铜器铭文的研究,可以推断"严在上,翼翼在下"是此类套语的最完整表达,同时可省略为"严在上,翼在下",进一步... 西周晚期铜器铭文祝嘏辞中常出现"严在上,翼在下"等套语。根据对晋侯稣编钟和四十三年逨鼎等新出铜器铭文的研究,可以推断"严在上,翼翼在下"是此类套语的最完整表达,同时可省略为"严在上,翼在下",进一步省略为"严在上",或表达为"严在帝所","严"和"翼"均当训为"敬"。《诗经·六月》中与之对应的"有严有翼"也当释为"敬"。 展开更多
关键词 “严在上 在下” “有严有 《诗经·六月》
《风雅翼》叶音今音韵系及其与《中原音韵》的比较 被引量:1
作者 汪业全 张晓勤 叶桂郴 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期11-17,共7页
关键词 《风雅翼》 叶音 《中原音韵》
启蒙与救亡之争:从《翼教丛编》看湖南新旧两党的论争 被引量:2
作者 曹润青 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第5期133-138,共6页
1898年湖南新政运动成为激化湖南新旧两党矛盾的导火索,针对以康有为、梁启超为首的新党,张之洞撰成《劝学篇》,苏舆收集旧党文章辑成《翼教丛编》,叶德辉则刊行《觉迷要录》,三者都试图对康梁的学术思想及其维新思想进行系统批判,其中... 1898年湖南新政运动成为激化湖南新旧两党矛盾的导火索,针对以康有为、梁启超为首的新党,张之洞撰成《劝学篇》,苏舆收集旧党文章辑成《翼教丛编》,叶德辉则刊行《觉迷要录》,三者都试图对康梁的学术思想及其维新思想进行系统批判,其中,为学者关注较多的是张之洞的《劝学篇》,《翼教丛编》和《觉迷要录》两书则较少人论及。以《翼教丛编》为中心,借助于细致梳理旧党人士的思想观点可以呈现他们的学术宗旨及思想关切。需要指出的是,旧党人士对西方技艺大多抱持积极态度,因此,新旧两党论争焦点更多地焦灼在康有为对儒学所进行的改造是否合法以及是否应该在中国推行西方的政治制度上,并因此而呈现出不同于康梁的关于现代化的一种理解。 展开更多
关键词 《翼教丛编》 新旧党争 救亡与启蒙
《诗歌月刊》 2004年第4期29-30,共2页
关键词 女性诗歌 女性主义 翟永明 女性写作 《翼》
作者 郭召明 《长江文艺》 2017年第6X期86-86,共1页
关键词 《翼》
作者 刘湘平 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期44-50,共7页
《翼钱》三篇比较集中地体现了钱大昕、焦循伦理思想的区别:钱大昕可能无意破坏传统社会的伦理秩序,但建立在"实事求是"基础上的各种观点却时常闪现着现代性的光芒,对传统的伦理观念构成了严重的挑战;而焦循显然意识到了这种... 《翼钱》三篇比较集中地体现了钱大昕、焦循伦理思想的区别:钱大昕可能无意破坏传统社会的伦理秩序,但建立在"实事求是"基础上的各种观点却时常闪现着现代性的光芒,对传统的伦理观念构成了严重的挑战;而焦循显然意识到了这种威胁,并从维护传统伦理秩序的立场出发,对钱大昕的主张进行了反击。从启蒙哲学的角度看,钱大昕的伦理思想具有鲜明的启蒙特征,是万历至"五四"三百年启蒙学术思想发展历程中的一个环节;而焦循的伦理思想则更多地受到宋明理学的影响,反映了宋明以来的主流意识形态对清代学者精神世界和价值观念的形塑作用。 展开更多
关键词 钱大昕 焦循 伦理思想 《翼钱》
作者 陶政燮 《四川中医》 1987年第2期3-5,共3页
《翼经经验录》,余无言著。本书编纂,以条为纲,以案为目,计列内、外、妇、儿各科急难重症临床治验55条。陶氏对本书的学术思想进行了初步探讨,指出:余氏推崇子和,擅用下法,每将下法与温寒、润燥、清热、泻火、增液、凉血、行气、利水、... 《翼经经验录》,余无言著。本书编纂,以条为纲,以案为目,计列内、外、妇、儿各科急难重症临床治验55条。陶氏对本书的学术思想进行了初步探讨,指出:余氏推崇子和,擅用下法,每将下法与温寒、润燥、清热、泻火、增液、凉血、行气、利水、祛痰、化滞、辛散、补益等法结合运用,治疗多种疑难重症,皆获良效,扩大了下法的运用范围。 展开更多
关键词 《翼经经验录》 余无言 下法
作者 常志伟 杨丽 《语文学刊》 2019年第3期90-92,共3页
关键词 高中语文 《鸿门宴》
作者 吴春生 谢文乾 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2019年第9期148-150,共3页
《孟子·滕文公上》“辅之翼之”句,前人多据辞例以“辅”“翼”义同而释“翼”为辅助。考“劳”与“来”、“匡”与“直”仅义近,并非同义。而“翼”作为翅膀义时,亦可通过认知联想类推至保护义和辅助义,且保护义在一定程度上也是... 《孟子·滕文公上》“辅之翼之”句,前人多据辞例以“辅”“翼”义同而释“翼”为辅助。考“劳”与“来”、“匡”与“直”仅义近,并非同义。而“翼”作为翅膀义时,亦可通过认知联想类推至保护义和辅助义,且保护义在一定程度上也是辅助义,二者只是施动者与受动者身份变化所引起方向上的差别在语义上的反映。 展开更多
关键词 《孟子》 “辅之之” 辨析
Numerical Investigations on Dynamic Stall Characteristics of a Finite Wing
作者 JING Simeng CAO Chenkai +2 位作者 GAO Yuan ZHAO Qijun ZHAO Guoqing 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第4期444-457,共14页
The paper examines the dynamic stall characteristics of a finite wing with an aspect ratio of eight in order to explore the 3D effects on flow topology,aerodynamic characteristics,and pitching damping.Firstly,CFD meth... The paper examines the dynamic stall characteristics of a finite wing with an aspect ratio of eight in order to explore the 3D effects on flow topology,aerodynamic characteristics,and pitching damping.Firstly,CFD methods are developed to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of wings.The URANS equations are solved using a finite volume method,and the two-equation k-ωshear stress transport(SST)turbulence model is employed to account for viscosity effects.Secondly,the CFD methods are used to simulate the aerodynamic characteristics of both a static,rectangular wing and a pitching,tapered wing to verify their effectiveness and accuracy.The numerical results show good agreement with experimental data.Subsequently,the static and dynamic characteristics of the finite wing are computed and discussed.The results reveal significant 3D flow structures during both static and dynamic stalls,including wing tip vortices,arch vortices,Ω-type vortices,and ring vortices.These phenomena lead to differences in the aerodynamic characteristics of the finite wing compared with a 2D airfoil.Specifically,the finite wing has a smaller lift slope during attached-flow stages,higher stall angles,and more gradual stall behavior.Flow separation initially occurs in the middle spanwise section and gradually spreads to both ends.Regarding aerodynamic damping,the inboard sections mainly generate unstable loading.Furthermore,sections experiencing light stall have a higher tendency to produce negative damping compared with sections experiencing deep dynamic stall. 展开更多
关键词 finite wing dynamic stall aerodynamic damping 3D effects
Investigation of electrostriction appliance and its applicationfor bionics flapping aircraft 被引量:6
作者 金晓怡 颜景平 +1 位作者 夏雨阳 李德选 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期82-87,共6页
A novel design for an electrostriction appliance derived from the theory and application of electromagnetics is presented. The working principle, that is the application of gravitation and elasticity together to reali... A novel design for an electrostriction appliance derived from the theory and application of electromagnetics is presented. The working principle, that is the application of gravitation and elasticity together to realize the "shrinking" and "extending" effect from the distortion and transforming power into mechanical energy, is briefly explained. The characteristic parameter relationships are established and the experimental research is performed. Experimental results show that this sort of electrostriction appliance can perform well as regards driving force and beeline displacement, and furthermore, its self-weight is smaller. This makes it suitable for beeline drivers with a high application value, especially for the driver of the bionic appliance. In the application of the electrostriction appliance to a bionics-flapping aircraft, the wings can work with a flapping angle in the range of a certain value by controlling the "shrinking" and "extending" of the electrostriction appliance. It can reduce the startup power and the impact load of the driver. The flapping extent of the wings will change when the voltage which is put into the electrostriction appliance varies. This makes it more flexible as the bionics-flapping aircraft realizes different actions of flying. 展开更多
关键词 electrostriction appliance working principle bionics-flapping aircraft flapping-wing movement
Karyotypic evolution in family Hipposideridae (Chiroptera, Mammalia) revealed by comparative chromosome painting, G- and C-banding 被引量:5
作者 毛秀光 王金焕 +3 位作者 苏伟婷 王应祥 杨凤堂 佴文惠 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期453-460,共8页
Comparing to its sister-family (Rhinolophidae), Hipposideridae was less studied by cytogenetic approaches. Only a few high-resolution G-banded karyotypes have been reported so far, and most of the conclusions on the... Comparing to its sister-family (Rhinolophidae), Hipposideridae was less studied by cytogenetic approaches. Only a few high-resolution G-banded karyotypes have been reported so far, and most of the conclusions on the karyotypic evolution in Hipposideridae were based on conventional Giemsa-staining. In this study, we applied comparative chromosome painting, a method of choice for genome-wide comparison at the molecular level, and G- and C-banding to establish comparative map between five hipposiderid species from China, using a whole set of chromosome-specific painting probes from one of them (Aselliscus stoliczkanus). G-band and C-band comparisons between homologous segments defined by chromosome painting revealed that Robertsonian translocations, paracentric inversions and heterochromatin addition could be the main mechanism of chromosome evolution in Hipposideridae. Comparative analysis of the conserved chromosomal segments among five hipposiderid species and outgroup species suggests that bi-armed chromosomes should be included into the ancestral karyotype of Hipposideridae, which was previously believed to be exclusively composed of acrocentric chromosomes. 展开更多
关键词 Comparative chromosome painting Robertsonian translocation Paracentric inversion Hipposideridae CHIROPTERA
作者 王伟 杨伟 常楠 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2008年第2期94-100,共7页
An effective optimization method for the shape/sizing design of composite wing structures is presented with satisfying weight-cutting results. After decoupling, a kind of two-layer cycled optimization strategy suitabl... An effective optimization method for the shape/sizing design of composite wing structures is presented with satisfying weight-cutting results. After decoupling, a kind of two-layer cycled optimization strategy suitable for these integrated shape/sizing optimization is obtained. The uniform design method is used to provide sample points, and approximation models for shape design variables. And the results of sizing optimization are construct- ed with the quadratic response surface method (QRSM). The complex method based on QRSM is used to opti- mize the shape design variables and the criteria method is adopted to optimize the sizing design variables. Compared with the conventional method, the proposed algorithm is more effective and feasible for solving complex composite optimization problems and has good efficiency in weight cutting. 展开更多
关键词 composite structures shape optimization WINGS sizing optimization response surface method
Effects of Phosphate and Lime Application on Growth of Trifolium repens,Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropurpureum in Red Soils 被引量:3
作者 董春华 刘强 +3 位作者 文石林 曾希柏 徐震 高菊生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期640-644,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of P fertilizer and lime on growth of Trrifolium repens, Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropur- pureum, to provide references for cultivation of the three plant... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of P fertilizer and lime on growth of Trrifolium repens, Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropur- pureum, to provide references for cultivation of the three plants. [Method] Pot experiments were conducted with Trrifolium repens, Charnaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropurpureum in 2010 in order to research effects of lime and P fer-tilizer mixture on growth of the plants in southern hilly acidic red soils. [Result] With lime amount fixed, application of P fertilizer would enhance plant height, total tiller number and dry matter. When P fertilizer was not applied, however, plant height of the three plants achieved the peak by lime at 1.4 g/kg which proved best for improvement of acidity of red soils. With P fertilizer at 200 mg/kg was applied, biomass of Trifolium repens and Macroptilium atropurpureum achieved the highest by lime at 2.1 g/kg, but total biomass of Chamaecrista rotundifolia was the highest by lime at 1.4 g/kg. [Conclusion] The research provides references for planting and production of Trifolium repens, Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropur-pureum in southern hilly regions. 展开更多
关键词 Trifolium repens Macroptilium atropurpureum Chamaecrista rotundifolia P fertilizer LIME
A New Species of Mazarredia Bolivar (Orthoptera:Tetrigoidea:Metrodoridae) from China 被引量:4
作者 邓维安 郑哲民 韦仕珍 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期255-258,共4页
One new species of the genus Mazarredia Bolivar, Mazarredia nigripennis sp. nov. is described. This new species can be distinguished from Mazarredia brachynota Zheng, 2005 by: 1) width of longitudinal furrow narrowe... One new species of the genus Mazarredia Bolivar, Mazarredia nigripennis sp. nov. is described. This new species can be distinguished from Mazarredia brachynota Zheng, 2005 by: 1) width of longitudinal furrow narrower than width of first segment of antennae; 2) with a pair short longitudinal keels between shoulders; 3) hind process of pronotum slightly surpassing the top of hind femora and reaching the base of hind tibia; 4) hind wings reaching the top of hind process; 5) width of midfemur wider than the width of tegmina. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, China (2♂) and Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Hechi University, China (1 ♂). 展开更多
关键词 ORTHOPTERA TETRIGOIDEA Metrodoridea MAZARREDIA new species China
论江永与西学 被引量:9
作者 徐道彬 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期54-63,共10页
在清代数学和天文学史上,关于江永对待西学的态度及其贡献,历来颇有争议。及身而至的便有梅瑴成的不满、钱大昕的批评,其后更有钱熙祚的指责、钱宝琮的肯定。综观后人评说,大半出于政治立场的批评,而较少出于学术层面的求实评价。其中,&... 在清代数学和天文学史上,关于江永对待西学的态度及其贡献,历来颇有争议。及身而至的便有梅瑴成的不满、钱大昕的批评,其后更有钱熙祚的指责、钱宝琮的肯定。综观后人评说,大半出于政治立场的批评,而较少出于学术层面的求实评价。其中,"三钱"对江永的评判,就代表了不同时期人们的知识水平和政治意识。文章通过江永《翼梅》对梅文鼎学术的批评与总结,借以纠正人们对江永与梅文鼎关系的误解,进而发掘出江氏在清代天算学史上的地位与影响,并由此探讨"西学东渐"时期传统士大夫在学术与政治之间的艰难困境和应对策略。 展开更多
关键词 江永 《翼梅》 实事求是 “西学中源”
Two New Xanthones from the Stems of Securidaca inappendiculata 被引量:4
作者 杨学东 徐丽珍 杨世林 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第3期365-368,共4页
Two new antioxidant compounds, securixanthones C (1) and D (2) were isolated from the stems of Securidaca inappendiculata Hassk. The structures of the two new compounds were established on the basis of EI_MS, 1D_N... Two new antioxidant compounds, securixanthones C (1) and D (2) were isolated from the stems of Securidaca inappendiculata Hassk. The structures of the two new compounds were established on the basis of EI_MS, 1D_NMR and 2D_NMR, UV, and IR experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Securidaca inappendiculata POLYGALACEAE securixanthone C securixanthone D
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