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作者 李可 《甘肃教育》 北大核心 1995年第Z2期63-63,共1页
小学《自然》教学板书设计江苏省金湖县实验小学李可要点摘录法这是一种最常见的板书方法。它是把教学内容的要点摘录下来,其特点是化繁为简,重点突出,特别适用于概念、自然规律等方面的教学。例:光1.光源:能发光的物体叫做光源... 小学《自然》教学板书设计江苏省金湖县实验小学李可要点摘录法这是一种最常见的板书方法。它是把教学内容的要点摘录下来,其特点是化繁为简,重点突出,特别适用于概念、自然规律等方面的教学。例:光1.光源:能发光的物体叫做光源。如:太阳,……2.光的传播:光是... 展开更多
关键词 教学板书 《自然》教学 教学内容 板书设计 变化过程 小学 总结归纳法 直观演示法 江苏省 金湖县
作者 厦门英才学校自然教研组 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1997年第1期20-20,共1页
小学《自然》教材内容涉及的范围很广。新建的学校一时难以备齐所有教具,在这种情况下,如何巧妙地创造性地进行课堂教学设计,就显得十分有意义。这里将我们组所采取的一些办法归纳如下: 第一种;例如《星空》教材,我市尚未建立学生用的... 小学《自然》教材内容涉及的范围很广。新建的学校一时难以备齐所有教具,在这种情况下,如何巧妙地创造性地进行课堂教学设计,就显得十分有意义。这里将我们组所采取的一些办法归纳如下: 第一种;例如《星空》教材,我市尚未建立学生用的天文馆,课堂上讲授的星座知识,很难让学生实地观察。 展开更多
关键词 《自然》教学 课堂教学设计 教具 创造性 星座 生用 水壶 立学 星空 实验教具
作者 杨振社 《科学教育》 2002年第2期37-38,共2页
为了激发学生的学习兴趣,最大限度地培养探索事物的能力,强化学生的参与意识,本人多年来一直在探索好的教学路子,新的教学方法,在不断改革自然教学方法的过程中,摸索出自然教学的'问题——实验——探究'三步教学法。其含义是让... 为了激发学生的学习兴趣,最大限度地培养探索事物的能力,强化学生的参与意识,本人多年来一直在探索好的教学路子,新的教学方法,在不断改革自然教学方法的过程中,摸索出自然教学的'问题——实验——探究'三步教学法。其含义是让学生带着问题,有的放矢进入良好的学习情景;从实验观察入手,通过直观教学获取感性知识;然后经过分析探究转化为理性认识。该教学方法分为三个层次,即问题阶段、实验阶段、探究阶段。在多年的自然教学实践中。 展开更多
关键词 《自然》教学 小学 教学方法 质疑 新课导入 实验
作者 董翔 《科学教育》 2002年第2期19-20,共2页
长期以来,我国学校教育突出'应试教育'。从教育内容、教育方法以及各种竞争机制、政策导向上看,都是为了升学,把学生引向升学的'独木桥'。结果学生课业负担过重,直接影响了中小学生的身心健康,学校将一些低素质的学生... 长期以来,我国学校教育突出'应试教育'。从教育内容、教育方法以及各种竞争机制、政策导向上看,都是为了升学,把学生引向升学的'独木桥'。结果学生课业负担过重,直接影响了中小学生的身心健康,学校将一些低素质的学生送到社会;就是进了高等学府的学子们,也在不同程度上存在着高分低能的现象。所以,要扭转教育的这种被动局面。 展开更多
关键词 《自然》教学 素质教育 小学 教学思想 思想品德教育 能力培养
作者 王国发 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 1998年第2期107-110,共2页
为了适应时代的发展,我们更改了教材,实施了九年义务教育。义务教育教学计划中规定,学生从一年级开始学习自然学科。这个事例是前所未有的,既然开课,就要学好,那么如何上好小学自然课,成为教师们的新课题。 九年义务教育《自然》教学... 为了适应时代的发展,我们更改了教材,实施了九年义务教育。义务教育教学计划中规定,学生从一年级开始学习自然学科。这个事例是前所未有的,既然开课,就要学好,那么如何上好小学自然课,成为教师们的新课题。 九年义务教育《自然》教学大纲中指出:自然教育是小学阶段的一门重要基础学科,担负着对学生进行科学启蒙教育的义务。小学《自然》教学的目的是,使学生获得知识,培养他们爱科学、学科学以及用科学的能力。发展他们的良好的心里品质,同时受到科学自然观、爱祖国、爱家乡的思想教育。由此可见,《自然》教学的重要性,同时对于教师来说,《自然》教学也是一项比较艰巨的任务。作为自然课教师。 展开更多
关键词 小学自然 《自然》教学 教学的目的 九年义务教育 激发学生的学习兴趣 学的能力 电教手段 电化教学 科学启蒙教育 教学方法
作者 孙龙录 《甘肃教育》 1999年第5期30-30,共1页
把电教手段引入《自然》教学,既能化难为易,化静为动,变无形为有形,变抽象为具体,又能为学生学习提供和积累丰富的感性材料,有利于启迪学生的思维,调动学生学习的积极性。1运用电教手段,激发学生的学习积极性教学是教师和学... 把电教手段引入《自然》教学,既能化难为易,化静为动,变无形为有形,变抽象为具体,又能为学生学习提供和积累丰富的感性材料,有利于启迪学生的思维,调动学生学习的积极性。1运用电教手段,激发学生的学习积极性教学是教师和学生的“双边活动”。《自然》教学内容... 展开更多
关键词 电教手段 《自然》教学 教学效果 突破教学难点 学习积极性 幻灯片 操作要领 化难为易 动手操作 化静为动
作者 黄宗论 《小学教学研究》 2001年第8期37-38,共2页
《自然》教学中用得较普遍的电教媒体有:光学设备(投影、幻灯)、视听设备(录像、录音、VCD等)和多媒体计算机设备(计算机、多媒体投影等)。这些媒体各有所长又各有所短。根据不同教学内容的需要,恰当而合理地将上述媒体组合起来,就... 《自然》教学中用得较普遍的电教媒体有:光学设备(投影、幻灯)、视听设备(录像、录音、VCD等)和多媒体计算机设备(计算机、多媒体投影等)。这些媒体各有所长又各有所短。根据不同教学内容的需要,恰当而合理地将上述媒体组合起来,就有可能达到各尽所能、互相补充的目的,从而提高《自然》学科教学的质量。 展开更多
关键词 电教媒体 自然教学 《自然》教学 学科教学 幻灯 媒体组合 教学内容 投影
作者 薛祝和 《山东教育》 1998年第17期39-39,共1页
关键词 实验课 低年级儿童 观察实验 《自然》教学 纸盒 心理特征 《不倒翁》 培养能力 学习积极性 自己动手
作者 薛信龙 《教学仪器与实验》 2000年第X1期1-2,共2页
关键词 自然课实验 菜青虫 培养学生 实验教具 太阳能热水器 教学方式 气象环境 《自然》教学 《花的构造》 动手能力
作者 唐铂 《甘肃教育》 北大核心 1995年第4期31-32,共2页
学习小学《自然》新大纲问答(上)新疆吉木萨尔县一小唐铂1.学习新《大钢》有何意义?《义务教育小学自然教学大纲》是小学《自然》课教学的指导性文件。它是编写《自然》教材、进行《自然》课教学、教研、教学质量评估的依据。只有... 学习小学《自然》新大纲问答(上)新疆吉木萨尔县一小唐铂1.学习新《大钢》有何意义?《义务教育小学自然教学大纲》是小学《自然》课教学的指导性文件。它是编写《自然》教材、进行《自然》课教学、教研、教学质量评估的依据。只有认真学习和正确领会、理解、掌握、贯... 展开更多
关键词 《自然》教学 新《大纲》 新大纲 教学要求 科学启蒙教育 思想品德教育 义务教育 教学目的 科学活动 培养学生
把握新的教学理念 注重学生情感培养
作者 孔桂莲 《潍坊教育学院学报》 2003年第1期35-36,共2页
关键词 教学理念 情感教育 学生培养 小学 《自然》教学 科学态度
作者 植伟君 《教育信息技术》 2003年第11期26-27,共2页
一、学习软件环境的构建 笔者把学校的<自然>教学资源库分为在线资源和本地资源,通过校园网服务器的连接使本地资源能在校园网内做到资源共享,并通过互联网定期更新资源库资料.根据我校校园网硬件配置偏低的情况,笔者根据课程的... 一、学习软件环境的构建 笔者把学校的<自然>教学资源库分为在线资源和本地资源,通过校园网服务器的连接使本地资源能在校园网内做到资源共享,并通过互联网定期更新资源库资料.根据我校校园网硬件配置偏低的情况,笔者根据课程的需要有的放矢地调用资源库的资源,以提高网上在线的运行速度. 展开更多
关键词 小学 《自然》教学 探究性学习 学习模式
作者 傅成林 王洪续 《湖北教育》 1997年第6期9-10,共2页
16平方米的平房,一到四年级的层次,14名来自鄂皖两省的失学少年,在三省交会的山巅上孜孜求学。 山顶的第一个女高中生,饱尝求学之苦,为报答大山的养育之恩,白手起家创办了一所跨省“私塾”,向孩子们撒播知识的雨露……
关键词 四年级 女教 三省 毕业证书 《自然》教学 小孩子 维生素C 商城县 罗田县 小学
胶州湾北部软底大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的研究 被引量:17
作者 于子山 张志南 王诗红 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第z1期-,共7页
1995年3~11月对胶州湾北部软底海域进行了 两月一次的大型底栖动物调查。调查期间,大型底栖动物总平均丰度和总平均生物量分别为 1891.3 inds./m2和41.9 g.w.w/m2。与该海域有关大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的历史 资料相比较,本研究所... 1995年3~11月对胶州湾北部软底海域进行了 两月一次的大型底栖动物调查。调查期间,大型底栖动物总平均丰度和总平均生物量分别为 1891.3 inds./m2和41.9 g.w.w/m2。与该海域有关大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的历史 资料相比较,本研究所得到的大型底栖动物丰度值显著增加,生物量值则有较明显的下降, 初步分析了发生这些变化主要原因。丰度和生物量比较曲线表明,所研究海域底栖生物群落 处于中等干扰(即污染的影响 )状态。 展开更多
关键词 胶州湾 大型底栖动物 丰度 生物量
Language and Culture in Foreign Language Teaching
作者 Aigul Kadyskyzy 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第1期23-31,共9页
Culture plays a very important role in language teaching. A deep study of the relationship between language and culture is not only necessary but also urgent in language teaching and learning. The paper briefly points... Culture plays a very important role in language teaching. A deep study of the relationship between language and culture is not only necessary but also urgent in language teaching and learning. The paper briefly points out that in order to make teaching more effective, teachers should not only teach the language itself, but also teach the culture in the language while teaching the foreign language. It analyzes the differences of language customs reflecting in different cultures among different languages (between European languages such as English, Russian and Asian languages such as Kazakh, Chinese). The analysis of diversity of different social cultures and different language customs of commtmication shows that the culture has a great influence upon the language. It includes the next components: (1) diversity of different geographies, natural environment, and customs, (2) differences of the history, religion, and belief, and (3) diversity of different thoughts of understanding objectivities. Further suggestions concerning how to use culture factors in the teaching procedure are also introduced in detail, such as: (1) the teacher's role; (2) the way of explanation, (3) the way of contrast; and (4) the way of practice. In order to conduct foreign language teaching well, teachers must take up the teaching of culture and the teaching of language at the same time. As long as the emphasis is laid both linguistic skills and communicative competence, the goals of language teaching will be achieved satisfactorily. 展开更多
The Correlation Between Mathematics and Music---Practice With the Students of the Pedagogical Faculty in Sarajevo
作者 Sanela Nesimovic Mirsada Zeco 《Sociology Study》 2015年第10期800-808,共9页
In contemporary times, the principle of interdisciplinarity has been applied more and more, and based on that, the educational system allows a certain subject not to be confined any longer within the limits set by its... In contemporary times, the principle of interdisciplinarity has been applied more and more, and based on that, the educational system allows a certain subject not to be confined any longer within the limits set by its name and it also allows the cross-curricular connectedness. Led by that, the authors came up with the idea to examine the possibilities of the application of this principle within the courses of mathematics and music. This paper examines the relationship of correlation-integration-co-ordination, or linking-conjoining-harmonizing. The sample consists of the students at the fourth and fifth year of the Pedagogical Faculty in Sarajevo. The research topic is the correlation between mathematics and music. The research problem is the possibility to successfully realize a class in which mathematical and musical activities correlate. The aim of the research is to come up with some guidelines that would lead to a more successful application of the aforementioned correlation in practice. The conclusion is that we should work more on the possibilities of applying various forms of intercorrelation between subjects, to make the class content even more appropriate to the natural environment in which the child learns in a relaxed manner. 展开更多
关键词 MATHEMATICS MUSIC intersubject correlation teaching practice
The Nature, Philosophy, and Sustaining Factors of the Theology of Wealth in Africa: Theological Reflections
作者 Daniel Dei Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第6期391-402,共12页
This paper is a theological reflection on the theology of wealth in Africa--its nature, philosophy, and sustaining factors. Through the methodology of theological reflections, the paper finds out that the theology of ... This paper is a theological reflection on the theology of wealth in Africa--its nature, philosophy, and sustaining factors. Through the methodology of theological reflections, the paper finds out that the theology of wealth, though difficult to describe, is sustained on the African continent by economic hardship, the influence of some preachers of the theology of wealth, and the availability of improved facilities for disseminating the content of the theology of wealth. It also finds out that the entire philosophy of the theology of wealth is biblically, theologically, and ethically deficient. Biblically, it adapts parts of scripture to suit its teachings. Theologically, it puts forth viewpoints that are foreign to theological thought. Ethically, it is a means of exploiting congregants. The paper concludes with a recommendation that the content and nature of the theology of wealth must be highlighted and thoroughly explained to both clergy and membership of different denominations so that all will be safeguarded against the impact of this false gospel on their lives. 展开更多
关键词 AFRICA CHRISTIANITY WEALTH flamboyance THEOLOGY economic success MATERIALISM penteco-charismatic
Cultural Presence of the Cretan Biodiversity in the Minoan Period and nowadays: A Discovery School Teaching Approach
作者 Maria Kalathaki Anna Papastefanaki 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第2期75-82,共8页
The educational project prepared for students of High School 15-17 years old with the subject of Biodiversity in Minoan Period and Nowadays. It was an interdisciplinary approach of ecological and cultural views of bio... The educational project prepared for students of High School 15-17 years old with the subject of Biodiversity in Minoan Period and Nowadays. It was an interdisciplinary approach of ecological and cultural views of biodiversity. Special educational material was prepared with photos and texts of archaeological excavations and field sampling which was used in real and virtual environment, in t~ discovery teaching of Natural Sciences and History subjects. Students, in a scientific research project with constructive teachings, followed the procedures by which scientists gather, analyze, synthesize, process and evaluate information of organisms of Crete since 4000 years. Crete is located between the natural limits of three continents, having the unique privilege to host permanently or in migration, distinctive species of these three continents. After having the research questions, teachers collected the educational material, organized the work groups, implemented the didactic intervention in the classroom, had the field sampling of plants, recognized the synchronous local and scientific names of the plants, constructed the botany book, photographed the collected organisms and all the concentrated material was delivered to the team members. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY discovery teaching method minoan period distance education.
Simulations of Using Vectors in Natural Sciences Education
作者 Dijana Capeska Bogatinoska Linda Fahlberg Stojanovska Biljana Janakievska 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第9期455-459,共5页
The implementation of ICT (information and communication technologies) into the educational process is becoming a reality in the 21st century. Today's students grow up with technology. To keep their attention, scie... The implementation of ICT (information and communication technologies) into the educational process is becoming a reality in the 21st century. Today's students grow up with technology. To keep their attention, scientific problems should be solved through visualization, which is made possible using ICT in the educational process. In the modem educational process, students still have difficulties in learning science concepts. Also, it is a very common problem that students cannot apply mathematical language and concepts into other science areas such as physics, engineering, etc. For example, students start learning about vectors in mathematics in secondary school. Vectors are very important because they have a wide area of applications especially in physics, engineering and navigation to represent forces, tension, velocity, etc.. Using the free mathematical software GeoGebra, a simulation of using vectors in these areas is made. It will be shown that such simulations increase students' interest, keep their attention, and make this knowledge more real and more understandable and connected to the physical world and thus more applicable to their other studies. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION GeoGebra ICT vectors.
The Viewpoint of Categorization Theory on the Nature of Reading Comprehension
作者 LV Shao-quan HU Lan-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第8期615-619,共5页
This paper is intended to reveal the likelihood that conceptual categorization can be used to understand a text by reconstructing the semantic categories through which the author's meaning is conveyed, and proposes a... This paper is intended to reveal the likelihood that conceptual categorization can be used to understand a text by reconstructing the semantic categories through which the author's meaning is conveyed, and proposes an alternative way to look into reading comprehension. It is proposed that categorization can be taken as an alternative approach to second/foreign language reading instruction. That is, while reading comprehension is defined in terms of the ability to recognize the inclusion and membership properties of contextually determined semantic categories in a text, the learner needs to arrange the events, actions, or concepts into a structured unit, both horizontally and vertically. Categorization theory will be introduced in relation to Rosch famous studies (1973, 1975), examples taken from a graded reader will be illustrated as how to identify items with category structure, and finally issues that are not addressed in this paper will be discussed. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive linguistics CATEGORIZATION schema theory reading comprehension graded readers
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