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作者 江平 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期32-33,共2页
很多省份都办了文化刊物,深处内陆的湖南,财力、资讯两无优势,可是湖南省文化馆办的《艺术中国》,其视野与情怀,在同类刊物中都属难得。这与主编的理念直接相关,更与湖南特殊的人文传统分不开。中国第一位伟大诗人屈原,主要活动于湖北... 很多省份都办了文化刊物,深处内陆的湖南,财力、资讯两无优势,可是湖南省文化馆办的《艺术中国》,其视野与情怀,在同类刊物中都属难得。这与主编的理念直接相关,更与湖南特殊的人文传统分不开。中国第一位伟大诗人屈原,主要活动于湖北、湖南一带,但他的影响及其浓重的家国情怀,却远远超出了楚国区域,遍及整个华人世界。 展开更多
关键词 书法家协会 中国美术家协会 《艺术中国》 湖南省文化馆 中国美术学院 长沙市 曾国藩
作者 聂鑫森 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期62-63,共2页
名刊《艺术中国》,昂首阔步穿过了十年的春风秋雨。蓦然回首,干直枝虬,看不尽的春华秋实。这十年,正是网络媒体日渐兴旺而纸质媒体日渐式微之时,不少的报刊杂志如划过长天的流星,消逝了,留下哀婉的叹喟。但作为纸质媒体的《艺术中国》... 名刊《艺术中国》,昂首阔步穿过了十年的春风秋雨。蓦然回首,干直枝虬,看不尽的春华秋实。这十年,正是网络媒体日渐兴旺而纸质媒体日渐式微之时,不少的报刊杂志如划过长天的流星,消逝了,留下哀婉的叹喟。但作为纸质媒体的《艺术中国》却步履稳健,声名日显,受到圈内圈外人的拥戴和赞誉,这真是一个了不起的文化现象。 展开更多
关键词 中国书法家协会 《艺术中国》
作者 吴广 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期97-99,共3页
三十年前,我曾流落长沙以拾破烂维持家庭生计,在赤岗冲两年的艰难岁月里,没有沉沦为街头的问题青年,首先要感谢几位老艺术家,他们是蔚翁、聂南溪、易润芝、彭吟轩……也得感谢几份相伴我左右的报刊,像《中学生》《文艺生活》《散文诗》... 三十年前,我曾流落长沙以拾破烂维持家庭生计,在赤岗冲两年的艰难岁月里,没有沉沦为街头的问题青年,首先要感谢几位老艺术家,他们是蔚翁、聂南溪、易润芝、彭吟轩……也得感谢几份相伴我左右的报刊,像《中学生》《文艺生活》《散文诗》《今古传奇》等等,尽管有些刊物因我的身份更替而淡出我的生活和视线,也有些刊物因传统纸媒的生存窘况,而沉入她辉煌历史的帷幕之中,可有一份杂志却代有时风,一直伴随着扶掖着我的艺术人生——《文艺生活》,直至后来的《艺术中国》。 展开更多
关键词 书画印 《艺术中国》 文人书画 书法作品 回归古典
作者 个三 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期21-23,共3页
《艺术中国》杂志十岁了,有点不敢相信。一些事,好像就发生在昨天。那时常与刘广文、苏美华两位先生及朋友圈其他书画家聊起湖南古今书法都不乏杰作与人才,为何时下在全国的影响与地位总是落后于许多地方,最后大家都认同湖南缺少两个重... 《艺术中国》杂志十岁了,有点不敢相信。一些事,好像就发生在昨天。那时常与刘广文、苏美华两位先生及朋友圈其他书画家聊起湖南古今书法都不乏杰作与人才,为何时下在全国的影响与地位总是落后于许多地方,最后大家都认同湖南缺少两个重要的支撑:一是没有有影响的艺术院校;二是没有自己的传播媒体。2009年,机遇来了。 展开更多
关键词 书法家协会 刘广文 编辑部 《艺术中国》 流行书风 中国美术学院 陈白一 中华诗词学会 何继善 专题介绍
作者 刘鸿伏 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期48-49,共2页
忽然想起自己的朋友和朋友的朋友以及曾经的同事,已经差不多有一半从纸媒退了出来,离开曾经工作生活并为之打拼了大半辈子的报纸或者杂志,想必一定有许多遗憾和不舍、无奈和落寞。这些人从纸媒退出来之后,年龄已经老大不小,有的甚至只... 忽然想起自己的朋友和朋友的朋友以及曾经的同事,已经差不多有一半从纸媒退了出来,离开曾经工作生活并为之打拼了大半辈子的报纸或者杂志,想必一定有许多遗憾和不舍、无奈和落寞。这些人从纸媒退出来之后,年龄已经老大不小,有的甚至只差那么几年就要退休了。他们或者闷居家中,或者重新寻找生存的出路。但他们已经很难在当下从容地谋饭了,旧光景不再,心里的失落是不言而喻的。 展开更多
关键词 中国书法家协会 《艺术中国》 湖南省书法家协会 湘潭市 有温度
作者 刘犁 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期9-10,共2页
2008年5月7日,我再次回到文艺生活杂志社,担任副主编。形势远比我1996年8月重回杂志社严峻。那次是肖洁然老师当家(社长),虽然刊物发行量和鼎盛时期比不可同日而语,但尚能支撑。他放手让我干,我可以说是制造了一个小小的惊喜,光邮局发... 2008年5月7日,我再次回到文艺生活杂志社,担任副主编。形势远比我1996年8月重回杂志社严峻。那次是肖洁然老师当家(社长),虽然刊物发行量和鼎盛时期比不可同日而语,但尚能支撑。他放手让我干,我可以说是制造了一个小小的惊喜,光邮局发行量就比上年上升了一半以上。2000年年底,我是怀揣省政府的嘉奖令离开的。离开后的好几年我都有参加杂志社的邮局征订前的策划。 展开更多
关键词 中国书法家协会 《艺术中国》 湖南省文化厅 雁塔圣教序 肖洁然 杂志社 崔向君 中央美术学院 台中市
作者 钱海源 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期69-70,共2页
时间过得真快,一转眼功夫,《艺术中国》已创刊十周年了。自创刊就诚邀我做顾问的《艺术中国》,由于办刊经费不足,所以,我是当没有顾问费的'义务顾问'。我对此予以理解。为适应新时代需要,湖南省文化馆在上级鼎力支持下,创办《... 时间过得真快,一转眼功夫,《艺术中国》已创刊十周年了。自创刊就诚邀我做顾问的《艺术中国》,由于办刊经费不足,所以,我是当没有顾问费的'义务顾问'。我对此予以理解。为适应新时代需要,湖南省文化馆在上级鼎力支持下,创办《艺术中国》,是非常正确的决策。 展开更多
关键词 中国书法家协会 副会长 《艺术中国》 湖南工艺美术职业学院 欧阳中石 十周年 经费保障 中国人民大学 办刊经费
作者 何康泰 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期28-28,共1页
关键词 铜墨盒 《艺术中国》 十周年
作者 曹隽平 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期4-8,共5页
眨眼功夫,离开郴州湘南学院办刊物整十年。一切似乎都在进步,唯独我曾经茂密的头发日渐稀少。尽管这十年写过上百篇评论和考证文章,今天提笔来写这篇纪念《艺术中国》创刊十周年的文章,却颇有些茫然。十年办刊,甘苦自知,可从哪下手,写... 眨眼功夫,离开郴州湘南学院办刊物整十年。一切似乎都在进步,唯独我曾经茂密的头发日渐稀少。尽管这十年写过上百篇评论和考证文章,今天提笔来写这篇纪念《艺术中国》创刊十周年的文章,却颇有些茫然。十年办刊,甘苦自知,可从哪下手,写哪些人哪些事,是自我表扬一番,还是总结经验教训,我颇有些迟疑。 展开更多
关键词 杂志社 欧阳中石 《艺术中国》
作者 彭国梁 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2020年第2期72-79,共8页
人生有数不清的第一次。比如绘画,我的第一次绘画是2017年3月22日晚,这之前我的绘画语言为零。这一天晚上,我从一个朋友家归来,鬼使神差地用一支针管笔在一个精美的本子上猛画起来,没有任何的绘画基础,也不知道画些什么。就那么随心所欲... 人生有数不清的第一次。比如绘画,我的第一次绘画是2017年3月22日晚,这之前我的绘画语言为零。这一天晚上,我从一个朋友家归来,鬼使神差地用一支针管笔在一个精美的本子上猛画起来,没有任何的绘画基础,也不知道画些什么。就那么随心所欲,信笔由之:稚嫩、笨拙。但我觉得那笔画在纸上的声音,特别动听;画在纸上的线条,看起来也让人心情愉快。从这一天晚上开始,我天天画,天天画,一发不可收拾。 展开更多
关键词 文人书画 钢笔画 《艺术中国》
作者 张淑平 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期119-119,共1页
与《艺术中国》的谋面是在2010年,正好十年的时间,虽然中间不是每期都见面,就像知心的好友,即使长时间不见也不妨碍彼此的感情,但心里却总是挂念的。今天是老朋友十年的生日,是应该写点什么的。作家桐华说过这么一句话:'世上有许多... 与《艺术中国》的谋面是在2010年,正好十年的时间,虽然中间不是每期都见面,就像知心的好友,即使长时间不见也不妨碍彼此的感情,但心里却总是挂念的。今天是老朋友十年的生日,是应该写点什么的。作家桐华说过这么一句话:'世上有许多种遇见,最美好的,莫过于在我最美的年华里与你相遇,时光在每一秒的绽放与流动中变得珍贵而隽永。'我与《艺术中国》的遇见,在这种最美好之外,还有另外一种的美妙。把这种美好和美妙带给我的,便是曾冬先生。 展开更多
关键词 书法家协会 中国工笔画 中国美术家协会 《艺术中国》
作者 杨未君 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期110-111,共2页
《艺术中国》上刊有许多刻铜收藏的文章,是收藏爱好者不可或缺的参考资料,我经常学习翻阅,也偶有小文在上面发表。欣逢《艺术中国》创刊十周年华诞庆典,可喜可贺。今天,我把这几年来所收刊物都找了出来,摊开来铺满了书案,一册册翻阅,遥... 《艺术中国》上刊有许多刻铜收藏的文章,是收藏爱好者不可或缺的参考资料,我经常学习翻阅,也偶有小文在上面发表。欣逢《艺术中国》创刊十周年华诞庆典,可喜可贺。今天,我把这几年来所收刊物都找了出来,摊开来铺满了书案,一册册翻阅,遥颂祝福。翻看着这些装帧典雅、印制精美、编校严谨的书页,心潮起伏。 展开更多
关键词 中国书协 书法家协会 《艺术中国》
满树繁花 一眼千年——写在《艺术中国》十周岁生日之际
作者 丁文 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2019年第7期127-128,共2页
新刊驾到,油墨飘香;摩挲捧读,爱不忍释。嗯,《艺术中国》:一支拥有阔达视野、丰沛学养、慎终追远,破维迭代办刊理念的学者型团队,一卷穿越千年历史风云、记载中华美学艺术、训诂扎实、方家首肯的钩沉录,一本还原大家从艺成家的艰难不凡... 新刊驾到,油墨飘香;摩挲捧读,爱不忍释。嗯,《艺术中国》:一支拥有阔达视野、丰沛学养、慎终追远,破维迭代办刊理念的学者型团队,一卷穿越千年历史风云、记载中华美学艺术、训诂扎实、方家首肯的钩沉录,一本还原大家从艺成家的艰难不凡的心路历程、剖析解读传世精品的教科书,一册勾勒当代艺术家生机勃发的创作心经、妙趣横生充满时代气息的素描集,一座以弘扬中华美学传统为己任、苦心孤诣整十年、日臻隽永馥郁的大观园。 展开更多
关键词 湖南省美术家协会 中国美术家协会 《艺术中国》 中国书法家协会
Graphical Simulator for Chinese Ink-Wash Drawing 被引量:4
作者 王秀锦 焦景山 孙济洲 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第1期1-7,共7页
Simulating the traditional painting art by computer graphics is a challenging and attractive subject. Basing on the experience in the ink wash drawing, in this paper, we expound the artistic characters of ink wash p... Simulating the traditional painting art by computer graphics is a challenging and attractive subject. Basing on the experience in the ink wash drawing, in this paper, we expound the artistic characters of ink wash painting and particularly analyze the characteristics of the materials used in the ink wash drawing and the relationships between them. A simulation model is presented and some typical visual effects of the ink wash painting are realized. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese ink wash drawing computer art simulation model GRAPHICS
The Glazed Tile Techniques of the Seljuk and Beylik Periods
作者 ismail Yardlmci 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期42-51,共10页
The word "tile" originates from Persian and means "China" or "Chinese work". In the Ottoman language, the word "tile" also means "Chinese work", or "belonging to China". The art of Turkish tiles occupies a... The word "tile" originates from Persian and means "China" or "Chinese work". In the Ottoman language, the word "tile" also means "Chinese work", or "belonging to China". The art of Turkish tiles occupies a place of prominence in the history of Islamic art. Its roots can be traced at least as far back as the Uygurs of the eighth and ninth centuries. Its subsequent development was influenced by the Karakhanids, the Ghaznavids, and (especially) Iranian Seljuk art. With the Seljuks' victory over the Byzantines at Malazgirt in 1071, the art followed them into Anatolia and embarked upon a new period of strong development fostered by the Anatolian Seljuk sultanate. The first major development in the art of tile-making occurred primarily in Anatolian Seljuk architecture. Various techniques have been used in the art of tiles which gave hundreds of samples for centuries. This study explores the glazed tile techniques used in the production of the S elj uk and Beylik periods. 展开更多
关键词 Seljuk and Beylik periods glazed tile glazed brick tile decoration glazed tile techniques
The Spirit of the Age in Mathematics and Art: The Eastern and Western Perspective Painting
作者 Young Hee Kye 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第1期56-68,共13页
Both mathematics and art consistently reflect the spirit of the age in which they arise. Consequently, the mathematics in China and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, in contrast to the deductive western mathematics,... Both mathematics and art consistently reflect the spirit of the age in which they arise. Consequently, the mathematics in China and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, in contrast to the deductive western mathematics, does not function on the basis of proving something deductively. Rather, the Chinese mathematics from this period was based upon making observations about problems by combining patterns with specific examples. In this paper, this author attempts to compare the differences in mathematics between the East and the West, and also to study the different perspectives in art between the East and the West, in order to identify the relationship between civilization, culture and the spirit of the age. This will explain the reason why the Western 'One Point Perspective' had spread in China and the Chosen Dynasty, yet could not be permanently established in these countries. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern mathematics Western mathematics one-point perspective culture CIVILIZATION the spirit of the age
What is "Chinese Modem Calligraphy"? An Exploration of the Critical Debate on Modem Calligraphy in Contemporary China
作者 Adriana lezzi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第3期206-216,共11页
Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. Nowadays in China this artistic revolution has sparked a vivid debate among the art critics on three... Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. Nowadays in China this artistic revolution has sparked a vivid debate among the art critics on three main topics: (1) definition of the phenomenon; (2) analysis of its nature; and (3) classification of the artistic production. In this article, all these aspects are analysed in order to give a comprehensive view of the present theoretical discussion and of its future development. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Modem Calligraphy (CMC) contemporary China art critic critical debate modernity contemporary art modem art
Feminist Analysis of As for Me and My House
作者 LIU Ke-dong HU Huan-huan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第5期520-525,共6页
As for Me and My House (1957) is the first work by Canadian writer Sinclair Ross. Written in the form of a diary, it tells the story of the protagonist Mrs. Bentley whose subconscious feminine awareness goes through... As for Me and My House (1957) is the first work by Canadian writer Sinclair Ross. Written in the form of a diary, it tells the story of the protagonist Mrs. Bentley whose subconscious feminine awareness goes through a process of surrendering and awakening under the oppression of patriarchal society and the tribulation of daily life. The novel brings to light the protagonist's strong will when she is in the pursuit of spiritual satisfaction and of her importance of being within the framework of a society in which gender Bentley's different traits from her female peers are exhibited about her own mind, and has her own pursuit of dreams relation is unequal. In this way of depiction, Mrs. She is independent, strong, and optimistic, knows 展开更多
关键词 Sinclair Ross As for Me and My House feminine consciousness
Chinese knot development in the atmosphere of Modem decorative art
作者 Yan Xu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第7期37-39,共3页
As an art, Chinese knot is aged and refreshing. Those kinds of knots have come down from time immemorial. It exemplified the wisdom of the working people. The knots have the beauty of plainness and nature. Applying it... As an art, Chinese knot is aged and refreshing. Those kinds of knots have come down from time immemorial. It exemplified the wisdom of the working people. The knots have the beauty of plainness and nature. Applying it in modem decoration would give the Modem decorative art personality and all kinds of form are available. The two parts would interact and help each other forward. Through the research, this paper analyzed the styles and features of Chinese knot. As well as the development and application of Chinese knot in Modem decorative art. In order to make the theoretical bases, for the sake of inheriting and continuing fine folk arts. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese knot FEATURE Decorative art DEVELOPMENT
Three-Stage Six-Step Flue-Curing Technology for Viginia Tobacco Leaves and Its Application in China 被引量:1
作者 Hongfeng Wang Houlong Jiang +3 位作者 Chen Xu Daibin Wang Chao Yang Bojun Wang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第4期232-238,共7页
In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology... In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology. The field trail was conducted in Wulong county of Chongqing city in 2010, and Virginia K326 was the tested cultivar. The middle leaves were harvested and plaited after maturity, and then cured with the three-stage six-step curing technology and traditional three-stage curing technology, respectively. Three replicates were established for each of the two curing technologies. Then, chemical constituents, aromatic substances and smoking quality were analyzed. The results show that compared with the traditional three-stage curing technology, the three-stage six-step curing technology produces more suitable ratios of chemical constituents, higher aromatic component content and higher smoking quality grade of tobacco leaves. Therefore, the continuous improvement of corollary equipment and matching technologies is expected to widen the applications of the three-stage six-step curing technology in tobacco and provide a strong technical support for the development of the tobacco industry. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco curing technology quality index.
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