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作者 姚芮玲 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期100-104,共5页
受人道主义、宗教情绪和"卑污的说人"之说影响,托尔斯泰与中国革命文学及左翼文学的关联久被忽视。事实上,新文学主流在从"人生的文学"、"真的文学"到"革命的文学"、"血和泪的文学"... 受人道主义、宗教情绪和"卑污的说人"之说影响,托尔斯泰与中国革命文学及左翼文学的关联久被忽视。事实上,新文学主流在从"人生的文学"、"真的文学"到"革命的文学"、"血和泪的文学"演变历程中,托尔斯泰及其《艺术论》不容忽视,后者对艺术价值的拷问泛渲着"劳工神圣"的革命性内涵、对艺术本质基于人性共感的论断与郑振铎"文学通人类情感之邮"如出一辙,成为早期革命文学倡导的理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 托尔斯泰 《艺术论》 革命文学 非左翼文学
作者 向吉发 《俄罗斯文艺》 2023年第3期151-160,共10页
沈从文的《阿丽思中国游记》在《新月》连载后,因为讽刺色彩浓郁,被认作“革命文学”,沈从文也被认作“革命文学家”。他迅速向国民党右翼文人和左翼革命青年作出回应,一则强调写作的个体性,二则阐释自己的文学观,其中关于文学定义、目... 沈从文的《阿丽思中国游记》在《新月》连载后,因为讽刺色彩浓郁,被认作“革命文学”,沈从文也被认作“革命文学家”。他迅速向国民党右翼文人和左翼革命青年作出回应,一则强调写作的个体性,二则阐释自己的文学观,其中关于文学定义、目的、地位等基本问题的答案参借了托尔斯泰的《艺术论》。三四十年代,沈从文倡导和实践的人生艺术,奉持的文学之真假观以及进行的文学批评,也能溯源至《艺术论》。《艺术论》作为沈从文文学思想的重要影响源,对沈从文的影响不是短暂的,而是长久的,不是浅层次的,而是深入到沈从文文学思想的底层。 展开更多
关键词 沈从文 革命文学 托尔斯泰 《艺术论》
进化论在鲁迅后期思想中的位置——从翻译普列汉诺夫的《艺术论》谈起 被引量:5
作者 周展安 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期97-106,共10页
本文通过对鲁迅所翻译的普列汉诺夫的《艺术论》以及鲁迅后期一系列杂文的研究,论证了鲁迅所说的"救正自己只信进化论的偏颇"并不意味着鲁迅完全否定了进化论,而是一方面在后期仍然对于作为一种科学的进化论持肯定的态度,另... 本文通过对鲁迅所翻译的普列汉诺夫的《艺术论》以及鲁迅后期一系列杂文的研究,论证了鲁迅所说的"救正自己只信进化论的偏颇"并不意味着鲁迅完全否定了进化论,而是一方面在后期仍然对于作为一种科学的进化论持肯定的态度,另一方面又扩大了对科学的理解,将以马克思主义思想为主要内容的社会科学作为自己思考的重心。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 《艺术论》进化论 社会科学
“实际指导者”视野的引入——鲁迅译卢那察尔斯基《艺术论》《文艺与批评》 被引量:6
作者 阮芸妍 《文艺理论与批评》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期57-71,共15页
一、引言在中国无产阶级文学发展的历程中,1920年代中期到1930年代初由鲁迅、冯雪峰等带动了无产阶级文艺理论译介的热潮。他们将文艺创作理论与批评术语引入中国文坛的同时,也借日文转译介绍了苏俄文艺实践经验。鲁迅曾在《"硬译&... 一、引言在中国无产阶级文学发展的历程中,1920年代中期到1930年代初由鲁迅、冯雪峰等带动了无产阶级文艺理论译介的热潮。他们将文艺创作理论与批评术语引入中国文坛的同时,也借日文转译介绍了苏俄文艺实践经验。鲁迅曾在《"硬译"与"文学的阶级性"》中回顾"革命文学论争"之后他为何及如何展开译介工作。 展开更多
关键词 革命文学论争 无产阶级文学 文艺创作 卢那察尔斯基 《艺术论》 理论与批评 文艺实践 冯雪峰
耿济之译托尔斯泰《艺术论》与20年代中国文学批评 被引量:1
作者 邓瑗 《文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期134-142,共9页
1921年耿济之译《艺术论》的出版是托尔斯泰文艺思想在中国的首次完整呈现,该书因契合了20年代新文学批评"美"与"为人生"两方面的诉求而参与了现代文学批评的建构。这主要体现在《艺术论》引进的"传染性"... 1921年耿济之译《艺术论》的出版是托尔斯泰文艺思想在中国的首次完整呈现,该书因契合了20年代新文学批评"美"与"为人生"两方面的诉求而参与了现代文学批评的建构。这主要体现在《艺术论》引进的"传染性"概念将"平民文学"中的"平民"置换为可计算的现实群体,民众日益成为文学预想的审美主体;而托尔斯泰对"真诚"的看重强化了新文学彰显个人主体性的倾向及贵自然的风习。个体情感的推重与重视多数读者的审美趣味而向"民众文学"的靠拢,成了20年代中国文学呈现的两种矛盾趋势。托尔斯泰以宗教意识在个体与群体间搭建的沟通桥梁,在中国读者这里失去了效力,个与群的疏离预示了其后性灵文学与文艺大众化两条道路的分歧。 展开更多
关键词 托尔斯泰 《艺术论》 耿济之 20年代 俞平伯 周作人
蔡仪“典型论”美学观建构的日本资源 被引量:3
作者 李圣传 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期96-100,共5页
作为"唯物论全书"中美学研究的代表性著作,日本唯物论研究会重要成员甘粕石介的《艺术论》对蔡仪美学思想构成了重要影响,并成为蔡氏留日归国后建构马克思唯物主义新美学的样本参照。在资料奇缺的情况下,正是甘粕石介的美学... 作为"唯物论全书"中美学研究的代表性著作,日本唯物论研究会重要成员甘粕石介的《艺术论》对蔡仪美学思想构成了重要影响,并成为蔡氏留日归国后建构马克思唯物主义新美学的样本参照。在资料奇缺的情况下,正是甘粕石介的美学思想成为蔡仪先后构筑《新艺术论》与《新美学》的思想资源和理论底色。甘粕石介《艺术论》不仅在思维路径上为蔡仪提供了在"唯物主义立场"上重建"新美学"的入口,还在"美"与"真"、"现实主义"与"客观""典型"的观念方法上明示了方向。蔡仪与甘粕石介在美学谱系上的这种理论亲缘与代际关系,既呈现出特殊年代"异邦之音"在中国的回旋与延续,又在一定程度上表征着马克思主义美学理论自俄苏到日本再到中国的一条曲线流经历程。 展开更多
关键词 蔡仪 甘粕石介 唯物论研究会 《艺术论》 《新艺术论 典型
作者 易宋江 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2011年第5期34-36,共3页
关键词 托尔斯泰 《艺术论》 情感
有意味的形式 被引量:1
作者 陈嘉全 《书画艺术》 2005年第4期17-17,共1页
关键词 《艺术论》 英国 艺术理论 克莱夫·贝尔 美学观点
Giorgio Vasari and Mannerist Architecture: A Marriage of Beauty and Function in Urban Spaces 被引量:1
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第10期1159-1180,共22页
The first part of this essay deals with Giorgio Vasari's conception of architecture in sixteenth-century Italy, and the second part examines Vasari's practical application of one of his constructions, the loggia (o... The first part of this essay deals with Giorgio Vasari's conception of architecture in sixteenth-century Italy, and the second part examines Vasari's practical application of one of his constructions, the loggia (open gallery or arcade) or corridoio (corridor). The essay also discusses the merits of Vasari's open gallery (loggia) as a vernacular architectural construct with egalitarian functions and Vasari's principles of architecture (design, rule, order, and proportion) and beauty (delight and necessity) for the formulation of the theory of art in Mannerism, a sixteenth-century style of art. 展开更多
关键词 MANNERISM fine arts loggia (open gallery) architectural principles theory of art design BEAUTY necessity and functionality
A Tentative Study on Creation Theory of E.H.Gombrich's Art Theory 被引量:1
作者 Shangxue Gao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期9-10,共2页
There are two popular aesthetic trends in Europe in the 17th and the 18th centuries. The first one is continental rationalism which holds that people' s knowledge comes from inborn rationality. The other one is Briti... There are two popular aesthetic trends in Europe in the 17th and the 18th centuries. The first one is continental rationalism which holds that people' s knowledge comes from inborn rationality. The other one is British empiricism. 展开更多
关键词 Creation Theory E.H.Gombrich Art Theory
Richard Jack Canada's Battle Painter
作者 Lloyd James Bennett 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期527-538,共12页
As a study in art history critical theory, this paper looks at the appreciation and usage of art amongst interest groups at the time of the Great War and the subsequent legacy of the work of Canada's resident war art... As a study in art history critical theory, this paper looks at the appreciation and usage of art amongst interest groups at the time of the Great War and the subsequent legacy of the work of Canada's resident war artist Richard Jack. The Canadian War Museum's recent web page described Jack's standing officer in The Second Battle of Ypres 22 April to 25 May 1915 as one who "exemplifies the courage and resolve of the inexperienced Canadians in their first major battle". This comment showed a marked contrast to the contemporary art critic Richard Cork who described the first of the Canadian war memorials paintings as "a clich6-ridden bandaged officer ... shamelessly catering to public sentiment". Given these disparate positions, the author attempts to explain the gulf between these points of view and subsequently make the case that art has a broad application that might make us cautious of viewing a given work without due consideration of the context of its making and future merits. 展开更多
关键词 war art painting CRITICISM history First World War CANADA JACK
Jacopo Tintoretto's Female Concert: The Realm of Venus
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第5期478-499,共22页
This study aims to visualize Giorgio Vasari's statement in discussing Jacopo Tintoretto's Female Concert of 1576-86, now at the Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister in Dresden (see Figure 1). Two conceits (concetti) are ... This study aims to visualize Giorgio Vasari's statement in discussing Jacopo Tintoretto's Female Concert of 1576-86, now at the Gemaldegalerie Alte Meister in Dresden (see Figure 1). Two conceits (concetti) are considered in analyzing Tintoretto's female imagery: (1) a fanciful invention of musica extravaganza; and (2) a Venetian allegory of bellezza. The first part of the essay discusses the provenance of the painting and the second part presents an iconographical interpretation of the imagery. This essay also focuses on the iconography of the painting based on viewing the subject and does not postulate on its iconography based on disappeared paintings or on a speculative decorative cycle on the theme of Hercules. Relying on well-documented research on music in Venice, on Mannerist practices, and on art theories during Tintoretto's life, some intriguing observations are made about the painting. 展开更多
Controlling the Risk of Construction Delay in the Middle East: State-of-the-Art Review
作者 Omayma Hashim Motaleb Mohammed Kishk 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第5期506-516,共11页
The financial crisis in late 2008 arrested economic development in the construction sector in the Middle East, with the result that investors' confidence in the sector is severely depressed. Delays constitute one of ... The financial crisis in late 2008 arrested economic development in the construction sector in the Middle East, with the result that investors' confidence in the sector is severely depressed. Delays constitute one of the highest impediments to project success. In this respect, the traditional management is no longer sufficient for construction project success. The objective of this study is to conduct a literature review to identify additional effective measures for controlling the potential delays risks in construction projects in order to maximize the opportunities for success in those projects. Thirty-six scholarly articles published between 2000 and 2011 are reviewed to identify related MDRC (measures for delays risks control). This survey reveals that 60% of the studies are related to decision-making, performance, risk management variations and poor management knowledge of stakeholders and that 20% of these studies are undertaken in the Middle East. A further 25% of the studies are related to the lack of financial risk by stakeholders, and of these 14% are in the Middle East. A knowledge gap is identified in terms of project performance, stakeholder management and risk management, which are seen as significant measures of success in controlling project delay. 展开更多
关键词 Measures of delays risks control risk management project management STAKEHOLDERS Middle East.
Discussion of the importance of the stage art practice in the vocal music teaching
作者 SUN Xingyou 《International English Education Research》 2015年第12期31-35,共5页
As a special art of the music performances, the vocal music is different from the philosophy and the social sciences, which is reflected not through the theoretical explanation or the theoretical researches, but shoul... As a special art of the music performances, the vocal music is different from the philosophy and the social sciences, which is reflected not through the theoretical explanation or the theoretical researches, but should reflect the connotation of its own through the form of manifestation of the specific voices. At present, in the vocal music teaching in our country, different teachcrs will carry out the explanation combined with the related theoretical knowledgc and their own experience in the vocal music teaching. In the theoretical teaching, often they will use the related Irainlng methods, and the application of the training methods fully shows the quality of the teaching work, which will often under the influence of the stage art practice. The theoretical teaching is only to impart the theoretical knowledge of the vocal music to the students, but in the aspect of the specific practice, wc will need the support of the stage art practice. In this paper, with the importance of the stage art practice in the vocal music teaching as the research object, based on the analysis of the present situation ofthc vocal music teaching, this paper discusscs the relationship bctween thc stage art practice and the vocal music teaching, and the specific application of the stage practice in the vocal music teaching, and analyzes the importance of the stage art practice in the vocal music teaching, in order to promote the application of the stage art practice in the teaching of the vocal music art, and improve the levels of the vocal music teaching in China. 展开更多
关键词 Stage art practice vocal music TEACHING IMPORTANCE
Brief Introduction of Zang Jian
《China Population Today》 2015年第2期48-48,共1页
Zang Jian,also known as Wang Danqing,was born in the 1970s.Arts Agencies She was CEO of Nuo Bei Education and Culture Co.,Ltd,and art Chief Inspector of Qingdao.Federation of the Handicapped.She is keen on painting,wr... Zang Jian,also known as Wang Danqing,was born in the 1970s.Arts Agencies She was CEO of Nuo Bei Education and Culture Co.,Ltd,and art Chief Inspector of Qingdao.Federation of the Handicapped.She is keen on painting,writing and art review.Her abstract Chinese paintings, 展开更多
关键词 Qingdao painting ceramics Inspector writing engaged relief Shandong founded cutting
The development and research of art innovation in artistic practice
作者 Li Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期61-63,共3页
"Innovation" is the natural law of art creation, art works, and art development, is a major issue of art theory, aesthetic theory and art practice. This paper focus on the theme of artistic innovation, analyzes the ... "Innovation" is the natural law of art creation, art works, and art development, is a major issue of art theory, aesthetic theory and art practice. This paper focus on the theme of artistic innovation, analyzes the meaning of art innovative, delves into the type and the level of value of art innovation, and proposes some Reflections on artistic innovation. 展开更多
关键词 art practice artistic innovation Development Research
Structure, Passion and Dynamic Characteristics Study on Sergei Eisenstein's Thought of"Film Structure"
作者 Aikun ZHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期45-46,共2页
Sergei Eisenstein was labelled as a theory master of "montage" for a long time, but also film theory pioneer that seems to be somewhat "outdated" in the eyes of the modem people. In fact, he was one of the most im... Sergei Eisenstein was labelled as a theory master of "montage" for a long time, but also film theory pioneer that seems to be somewhat "outdated" in the eyes of the modem people. In fact, he was one of the most important figures who created a few of theories and also were good at film creation in the film history of over years. He was not only an outstanding master-level film director, but also film theorist who created rich thoughts to the world. He often discussed the film theories with intercommnnity by taking his own works such as Bronenosets Potyomkin for an example, and simultaneously connected paintings (especially the Oriental painting), music, literature and others with new arts in the writing of theories, so that the construction of his own film theories was accomplished. The focus of this paper is the later consideration of Sergei Eisenstein on the film works structure. Also, his theoretical system and contemporary significance are rethought by studying a series of thoughts such as "works structure" , "dynamic characteristics" , "logarithmic spiral" , "golden section" and "passionate structure" . 展开更多
关键词 Eisenstein STRUCTURE Dynamic Characteristics PASSION
Exploration of"the seven-eighths under the water": On Hemingway's short story Cat in the Rain
作者 FANG Yu 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第4期54-57,共4页
Ernest Hemingway is famous for his "mastery of the art of modern narration". This paper adopts his writing theory-"iceberg principle" and techniques of writing, especially brief repetitions and vague symbols to an... Ernest Hemingway is famous for his "mastery of the art of modern narration". This paper adopts his writing theory-"iceberg principle" and techniques of writing, especially brief repetitions and vague symbols to analyze his short story Cat in the Rain for the purpose of revealing the theme behind the plot. 展开更多
关键词 iceberg principle REPETITION SYMBOL
Negotiations of the "Female Gaze": Film Theory and Practice in Polish Women's Art and Cinema*
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第8期532-540,共9页
The paper discusses selected works of Polish women artists and directors who employ various forms of audiovisual presentation: film, video art, and new media. The author wrote it from the perspective of a film schola... The paper discusses selected works of Polish women artists and directors who employ various forms of audiovisual presentation: film, video art, and new media. The author wrote it from the perspective of a film scholar whose interests focus on women directors and problems of cultural and gender identity in the contemporary cinema. Nevertheless, she decided to expand her research area to include works of Polish female artists who utilise the media and these means of expression that can be analysed in regard to modern film studies. She adopted the theoretical, feminist, and gender perspective, also applying the methodology of cultural studies in their broadest definition. This enables the author to situate the movies under discussion in diverse contexts and theoretical concepts. The purpose of the paper is thus not to offer a comprehensive or historical discussion of women's input into audiovisual arts of Central and East European Countries, but to emphasise complexity and demonstrate dynamics of their artistic creativity in Poland particularly. In her analysis, Radkiewicz considers four different research approaches: historical, theoretical (which refers to film and media studies), artistic, and identity related ones. From this perspective, she investigates filmmakers' and artists' strategies of using the cinematic field, film conventions, and means of representations, which are the foundation of their narrative expression. 展开更多
关键词 women's cinema and arts gender identity post-communist transformations
The Female Resisters Under the Patriarchy in Song of Solomon
作者 JING Jing JING Xia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第9期734-738,共5页
The present paper is an analysis of the female resisters under the patriarchy in the African-American female writer, Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, which was published in 1977 and won the National Book Critics Circ... The present paper is an analysis of the female resisters under the patriarchy in the African-American female writer, Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, which was published in 1977 and won the National Book Critics Circle Award and American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award. The paper focuses on how the females in Song of Solomon--Ruth and her Daughters--resist the patriarchy. 展开更多
关键词 FEMINISM female resisters resist the patriarchy
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