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地方性写作的精神空间与心理势能——以周恺《苔》为例 被引量:6
作者 岳雯 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期115-120,共6页
本文在梳理地方性写作谱系的基础上,分析周恺的长篇小说《苔》的文本价值。作品在运用方言、民间风俗、仪轨等地方性知识塑造四川乐山一地的地方感的同时,建构了一种可以被“异乡人”所认识、理解的“地方生活”,寻绎一个地方的文化表... 本文在梳理地方性写作谱系的基础上,分析周恺的长篇小说《苔》的文本价值。作品在运用方言、民间风俗、仪轨等地方性知识塑造四川乐山一地的地方感的同时,建构了一种可以被“异乡人”所认识、理解的“地方生活”,寻绎一个地方的文化表情与性格。以讲述革命如何发生为主题,让“地方”与“世界”充分互动,《苔》缝合了“地方”与“国家”、特殊与普遍以及具体与抽象之间的裂隙,为以方志面貌出现的小说叙事赋予了抽象、普遍的意义。 展开更多
关键词 地方性写作 周恺 《苔》 革命 世界
作者 魏松根 李秋瑾 《语文教学之友》 2018年第8期36-37,共2页
2018年春节前袁枚一首小诗 《苔》 一夜间红遍大江南北, 没有经过任何包装, 却一下击中人们内心最柔软的部位.这是自2016年韦应物的 “我有一壶酒, 可以慰风尘” 续写之后, 中国传统文化再次以新的载体对国人心灵的深度叩击.国人诗性未... 2018年春节前袁枚一首小诗 《苔》 一夜间红遍大江南北, 没有经过任何包装, 却一下击中人们内心最柔软的部位.这是自2016年韦应物的 “我有一壶酒, 可以慰风尘” 续写之后, 中国传统文化再次以新的载体对国人心灵的深度叩击.国人诗性未死, 凭借着一壶浊酒, 一帧画卷, 或者一首歌谣, 就能摇荡出一树树繁花似锦. 展开更多
关键词 文化内聚力 《苔》 文化热度 多文本
薪火传大爱 苔花吐馨香——重读郑临川先生《苔花集》 被引量:2
作者 赵义山 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第2期23-34,共12页
《苔花集》是郑临川先生的诗文合集,也是一位秉承闻一多先生等先贤教泽而传递着人间真爱者的人生历程和情感世界的真实记录。《苔花集》中的诗文,从抗战爆发之初,一直延续到改革开放,其内容紧紧围绕着作者的漂泊生涯和时代感愤,带有鲜... 《苔花集》是郑临川先生的诗文合集,也是一位秉承闻一多先生等先贤教泽而传递着人间真爱者的人生历程和情感世界的真实记录。《苔花集》中的诗文,从抗战爆发之初,一直延续到改革开放,其内容紧紧围绕着作者的漂泊生涯和时代感愤,带有鲜明的时代印记,是我们认识过去时代的最可贵最真实的材料。《苔花集》源于真实人生纪录而蕴藏着的丰富的情感、诚挚的爱心,对读者具有难能可贵的熏陶感染作用;其丰富的想象力,高亢激越的遒劲之风和凝练活泼的语言之美,也给后人留下了难得的艺术享受。 展开更多
关键词 《苔花集》 郑临川 西南联大 闻一多 师生情
《中国丛书综录》补正——关于《苔岑丛书》的若干发现 被引量:4
作者 黄明 《上海高校图书情报工作研究》 2004年第2期61-62,共2页
关键词 《中国丛书综录》 《苔岑丛书》 诗社活动 近代 岑吟社 文献整理
在爱欲中沉浮——《失乐园》与《苔莉》唯美主义风格比较研究 被引量:1
作者 韩小龙 程金城 《社会科学论坛(学术研究卷)》 2006年第11期127-131,共5页
《失乐园》与《苔莉》产生于不同的文化背景,唯美主义风格是它们共同的价值取向,同时又表现出不同的审美特征:《失乐园》囿于日本传统文化的“物哀”意识,又以自然主义的文艺观实现其悲剧意义的超越;《苔莉》继承中国传统的悲剧精神内核... 《失乐园》与《苔莉》产生于不同的文化背景,唯美主义风格是它们共同的价值取向,同时又表现出不同的审美特征:《失乐园》囿于日本传统文化的“物哀”意识,又以自然主义的文艺观实现其悲剧意义的超越;《苔莉》继承中国传统的悲剧精神内核,又用自然主义的创作观对其做了大胆的颠覆。 展开更多
关键词 《失乐园》 《苔莉》 唯美主义 比较研究
作者 张云 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第11期139-140,共2页
关键词 斯达尔夫人 《苔尔芬》 自由婚姻 女性意识 女性主义
作者 李学阳 《法国研究》 2002年第1期58-64,共7页
Thérèse DESQUEYROUX, chef- d′oeuvre de Fran*sois MAURIAC, frappe par la sombre fascination et le "charme" exercé par l′héro*fne . Cette fascination émanée de l′authenticit... Thérèse DESQUEYROUX, chef- d′oeuvre de Fran*sois MAURIAC, frappe par la sombre fascination et le "charme" exercé par l′héro*fne . Cette fascination émanée de l′authenticité , révèle le secret de l′écriture de ce grand écrivain. Dans l′article qui suit, l′auteur propose une nouvelle analyse du personnage par la psychologie criminelle, lui conférant ainsi une nouvelle profondeur. 展开更多
关键词 现代文明 传统价值 弗朗索瓦·莫里亚克 《苔蕾丝·德斯盖鲁》 小说 文学研究
作者 谢丽萍 肖荔 《课程教材教学研究(小教研究)》 2021年第5期78-81,共4页
【教学目标】1.正确、流利、有节奏地读好每一首诗。2.借助注释大致说出每一首诗的意思。3.品读时抓住关键词,了解苔、青松、寒菊的特点。4.体会诗人托物言志的写作手法,抒发自强不息、不畏艰难、不屈不挠、忠于故国的品质与高尚情怀。... 【教学目标】1.正确、流利、有节奏地读好每一首诗。2.借助注释大致说出每一首诗的意思。3.品读时抓住关键词,了解苔、青松、寒菊的特点。4.体会诗人托物言志的写作手法,抒发自强不息、不畏艰难、不屈不挠、忠于故国的品质与高尚情怀。【教学重难点】1.了解诗句托物言志的写作手法。2.借助资料,联系作者生平,体会作者的志向。 展开更多
关键词 托物言志 写作手法 《苔》 咏物诗 群文阅读教学
作者 刘畅 《休闲》 2021年第2期0116-0116,共1页
关键词 教学 《苔》
《中国丛书综录·苔岑丛书》再补——北师大所藏二十一册本《苔岑丛书》初探 被引量:2
作者 高中正 《上海高校图书情报工作研究》 2013年第2期57-59,共3页
黄明先生在《〈中国丛书综录〉补正——关于(苔岑丛书)的若干发现》,给我们介绍了近代大型诗文丛刊《苔岑丛书》的出版、现存情况和苔岑吟社的活动情况,让我们了解到近代诗坛的一部重要丛刻文献,也为我们研究近代诗社结社活动提供... 黄明先生在《〈中国丛书综录〉补正——关于(苔岑丛书)的若干发现》,给我们介绍了近代大型诗文丛刊《苔岑丛书》的出版、现存情况和苔岑吟社的活动情况,让我们了解到近代诗坛的一部重要丛刻文献,也为我们研究近代诗社结社活动提供了更为广阔的空间。苔岑吟社的相关情况可参黄明先生的论述,此不赘述。 展开更多
关键词 《苔岑丛书》 中国 北师大 活动情况 近代 黄明 出版 丛刊
作者 邓书夏 《河北北方学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期74-76,共3页
以法国作品《苔依丝》为例,通过对文学原作与歌剧脚本间的跨文本比较,解析叙事方式的差异和结构细部的取舍;运用叙事学与诠释学等西方文艺理论分析法,探究跨文本体裁间的共同点与差异性,实现两种文本间的"互文性"阐释,并分析... 以法国作品《苔依丝》为例,通过对文学原作与歌剧脚本间的跨文本比较,解析叙事方式的差异和结构细部的取舍;运用叙事学与诠释学等西方文艺理论分析法,探究跨文本体裁间的共同点与差异性,实现两种文本间的"互文性"阐释,并分析不同文本的特征。 展开更多
关键词 《苔依丝》 文学原著 歌剧脚本 互文性 跨文本研究
Deep learning-based recognition of stained tongue coating images
作者 ZHONG Liqin XIN Guojiang +3 位作者 PENG Qinghua CUI Ji ZHU Lei LIANG Hao 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期129-136,共8页
Objective To build a dataset encompassing a large number of stained tongue coating images and process it using deep learning to automatically recognize stained tongue coating images.Methods A total of 1001 images of s... Objective To build a dataset encompassing a large number of stained tongue coating images and process it using deep learning to automatically recognize stained tongue coating images.Methods A total of 1001 images of stained tongue coating from healthy students at Hunan University of Chinese Medicine and 1007 images of pathological(non-stained)tongue coat-ing from hospitalized patients at The First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine withlungcancer;diabetes;andhypertensionwerecollected.Thetongueimageswererandomi-zed into the training;validation;and testing datasets in a 7:2:1 ratio.A deep learning model was constructed using the ResNet50 for recognizing stained tongue coating in the training and validation datasets.The training period was 90 epochs.The model’s performance was evaluated by its accuracy;loss curve;recall;F1 score;confusion matrix;receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve;and precision-recall(PR)curve in the tasks of predicting stained tongue coating images in the testing dataset.The accuracy of the deep learning model was compared with that of attending physicians of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Results The training results showed that after 90 epochs;the model presented an excellent classification performance.The loss curve and accuracy were stable;showing no signs of overfitting.The model achieved an accuracy;recall;and F1 score of 92%;91%;and 92%;re-spectively.The confusion matrix revealed an accuracy of 92%for the model and 69%for TCM practitioners.The areas under the ROC and PR curves were 0.97 and 0.95;respectively.Conclusion The deep learning model constructed using ResNet50 can effectively recognize stained coating images with greater accuracy than visual inspection of TCM practitioners.This model has the potential to assist doctors in identifying false tongue coating and prevent-ing misdiagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 Deep learning Tongue coating Stained coating Image recognition Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) Intelligent diagnosis
历史、方言、地方性知识——“地方性写作”的再反思 被引量:1
作者 赵荣 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期124-130,共7页
“地方性写作”是中国当代文学在与世界文学对话的同时构建中国主体意识文学创作和中国化现代文学批评理论体系的过程中形成的体现“时代性、民族性与地方性”的文学创作新走向。一批在地化书写的青年作家成为当下“地方性写作”的先锋... “地方性写作”是中国当代文学在与世界文学对话的同时构建中国主体意识文学创作和中国化现代文学批评理论体系的过程中形成的体现“时代性、民族性与地方性”的文学创作新走向。一批在地化书写的青年作家成为当下“地方性写作”的先锋力量,形成了风格化的地方文学创作。但是,随之也出现了地方性写作同质化、套路化、形式化等问题,而文学批评与理论研究又与写作实践产生错位,无法有效指导地方性写作突破写作窠臼。本文将以四川文学青年作家周恺及其作品《苔》为例,以历史、方言、地方性知识作为关键词,对当下地方性文学书写实践及其文学批评进行再反思,并在此基础上提出建立历史学、人类学、社会学、语言学、政治学等跨学科研究范式,对地方性写作进行历史微观书写、方言文化阐释和地方性知识的故事深描与理论深描,形成新的地方文学书写路径与批评模式。 展开更多
关键词 地方性写作 《苔》 方言 地方性知识
Spatial Variation and Sources of Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition in Nanchang 被引量:4
作者 朱仁果 肖化云 +2 位作者 谢志英 吴亮红 吴代赦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第3期162-165,共4页
[Objective] The paper aimed to discuss the relationship between sulfur contents of mosses and the concentration of SO2-4 and the source of Atmospheric sulfur in Nanchang.[Method] 29 moss samples (Bryohaplocladium mic... [Objective] The paper aimed to discuss the relationship between sulfur contents of mosses and the concentration of SO2-4 and the source of Atmospheric sulfur in Nanchang.[Method] 29 moss samples (Bryohaplocladium micriophyllum (Hedw.) R.Watanabe et Iwats) were collected from four sampling points,including North campus and Qianhu campus of Nanchang Power Station were determined.[Result] The results showed that sulfur contents of mosses tissues in North campus of Nanchang University (0.45±0.059%) were higher than Qianhu campus of Nanchang University (0.26±0.002%),which coincided with the changing law of the concentration of SO2-4.Sulphur isotope of mosses tissues was-0.64‰-9.71‰.Sulphur isotope of mosses tissues in Meling (4.02‰-9.71‰) was higher than Qianhu campus of Nanchang University (0.55‰-0.56‰) and power plant (-0.64‰-0.45‰).[Conclusion] Relationship between sulphur contents and sulphur isotopes of mosses tissues showed sulfur source of sulphur deposition in Nanchang city was mainly affected by 34S-enriched sulphur transported from northerly air masses and biogenic sulfur. 展开更多
关键词 Mosses tissues RAIN Sulphur contents Sulphur isotopes
Rapid Propagation of Chirita ophiopogoides in Vitro 被引量:3
作者 付传明 冼康华 +3 位作者 何金祥 唐凤鸾 石云平 黄宁珍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2677-2681,共5页
A method for in vitro culture and rapid propagation of Chirita ophio- pogoides was developed using leaves as explants in this study, The results indicat- ed that the medium MS+6-BA 0.1 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L was suitable... A method for in vitro culture and rapid propagation of Chirita ophio- pogoides was developed using leaves as explants in this study, The results indicat- ed that the medium MS+6-BA 0.1 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L was suitable for bud induc- tion and seedling regeneration from leaves in primary culture. The media MS+0.5 mg/L 6-BA+0,1 mg/L NAA+10% banana+5% potato and MS+0.5 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L NAA+2% banana were very suitable for callus multiplication and seedling hardening in subculture, and the proliferation coefficients were 7,9 and 5.6 per 60 d respec- tively. The optimal rooting medium was MS and the rooting rate was 100% on day 30 of culture. The rooted plantlets of C. ophiopogoides were transplanted in green- house with humus soil and 92.5% survived. Theoretically, using the rapid propaga- tion system, about 20 176 seedlings can be reproduced from a sterile plantlet in a year. 展开更多
关键词 Chirita ophiopogoides Fleshy leaves In vitro culture Rapid propagation
Floral Organogenesis of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae) 被引量:2
作者 潘开玉 李振宇 王印政 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第8期895-902,共8页
Floral organogenesis of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Hemsl.) Soler., the only species in the genus and endemic to East Asia, was observed under SEM. We found that the development of calyx, corolla and androecium belong... Floral organogenesis of Titanotrichum oldhamii (Hemsl.) Soler., the only species in the genus and endemic to East Asia, was observed under SEM. We found that the development of calyx, corolla and androecium belongs to pentamerous pattern. They come respectively from primordia of calyx, corolla and androecium, and all differentiated from the flower primordium. The zygomorphism of corolla and androecium is derived from quicker growth of the upper lip of corolla and delay in development of the staminode. Initiation of sepal primordia and their development are not consistent in order; the order of initiation is from adaxial central primordium, abaxial two primordia and finally lateral two primordia, while the order of development is first adaxial central sepal, lateral two and finally abaxial two. Sepals are valvate in flower bud. Initiation of corolla lobe primordia and their development are consistent in order, i.e. first abaxial central lobe (central lobe of the lower lip), lateral two (lateral two lobes of the lower lip) and finally adaxial two (two lobes of the upper lip). The aestivation of corolla is imbricate, and the order from outside to inside is the central lobe of the lower lip, lateral two of the lower lip, and finally two of the upper lip or lateral two lobes of the lower lip, two of the upper lip and central one of the lower lip. Stamen primordia are alternate to the corolla lobe primordia, with the anterior two primordia later than the posterior two in initiation; staminode primordium is simultaneous with the posterior two in initiation, but smaller, and opposite to the adaxial carpel (upper lip of stigma). Compared to the patterns of floral organogenesis of Rehmannia (Scrophulariaceae), Whytockia and Rhynchoglossum (Gesneriaceae), the present authors found that the floral organogenesis is diverse and does not form two distinct patterns among these four genera. Based on the results we tend to consider that the conventional demarcation between the Scrophulariaceae and Gesneriaceae using number of ovary locules (two vs one) and placentation (axile vs parietal) is questionable. 展开更多
关键词 GESNERIACEAE Titanotrichum floral organogenesis
作者 徐秉芳 梁世平 +1 位作者 周嫦 杨弘远 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1997年第6期489-493,共5页
Exine deprived pollen only coated with inline has been isolated and artificially germinated in Brassica L. In view of the lack of exine and germ furrows, the de-exined pollen is an interesting experimental system for ... Exine deprived pollen only coated with inline has been isolated and artificially germinated in Brassica L. In view of the lack of exine and germ furrows, the de-exined pollen is an interesting experimental system for studying pollen germination. This report focuses on the microscopic and ultrastructural changes in the aspects of polarization, predetermination of the germination site and new wall synthesis during the course of isolation and germination of the de-exined pollen. It was shown that the de-exined pollen was already in an active state and had established its polarity and germination sites prior to exine detachment. The germination sites were still localized at the region of the previous germ furrows even after exine detachment. The new wall deposited at the germination sites appeared to have an important morphogenetic role in setting a limit to the size of pollen tube diameter . These results support our assumption that the de-exined pollen may have an extensive application in the research of pollen biology. 展开更多
关键词 De-exined pollen Pollen activation Pollen germination BRASSICA
Effects of Biological Pesticides on Prevention and Treatment of Virus Diseases in Greenhouse Tomato in Autumn 被引量:1
作者 彭昌家 白体坤 +2 位作者 丁攀 冯礼斌 杨宇衡 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1921-1925,共5页
To alleviate the damage of tomato virus diseases, reduce chemical pesticide consumption and residue, and prevent environmental pollution, forecasting, randomized block design and statistical analysis were adopted to c... To alleviate the damage of tomato virus diseases, reduce chemical pesticide consumption and residue, and prevent environmental pollution, forecasting, randomized block design and statistical analysis were adopted to conduct field efficacy tests for Lentinan + Gibberellin-heteroauxin-brassinolide (GHB) and Ningnanmycin + GHB. The results showed that when the virus diseases in greenhouse tomato were serious, 0.5% Lentinan AS 3 000 ml + GHB WP 600 g and 8% Ningnanmycin AS 900 ml + GHB WP 600 g per hectare were applied 4 times with an interval of 7 days, and the control effects on the 10th, 17th, 26th and 35th day were above 88%, 87%, 78% and 67%, respectively. The difference in control effect of the two biological pesticides was insignificant, while their control effects were all significantly better than that of moroxydine hydrochloride (CK) + GHB. The obtained results indicated that Lentinan + GHB and Ningnanmycin + GHB were the ideal biological pesticides, which could be used not only for controlling tomato virus diseases, but also for realizing modern, pollution-free, green and organic agricultural production. 展开更多
关键词 Tomato Virus disease Biological pesticide LENTINAN NINGNANMYCIN Gibberellin-heteroauxin-brassinolide Control effect
Discovery of Enteromophites in the Chengjiang Biota and Its Ecological Significance 被引量:4
作者 徐兆良 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第8期863-867,共5页
The paper deals with a new species of megaalgal fossil-Enteromophites intestinalis sp. nov. found in Chenejiang Biota in the early Cambrian. A morphological comparison of the living Enteromorpha and fossil Enteromophi... The paper deals with a new species of megaalgal fossil-Enteromophites intestinalis sp. nov. found in Chenejiang Biota in the early Cambrian. A morphological comparison of the living Enteromorpha and fossil Enteromophites indicates that there probably is a close relationship between these two genera. Based on a study on the surroundings of living Enteromorpha, Enteromophites intestinalis sp. nov. might have lived in the environment of sea or salt water. 展开更多
关键词 Chengjiang Biota early Cambrian megaalgae
One new species of the genus Eudonia Billberg(Lepidoptera:Crambidae:Scopariinae) from China 被引量:1
作者 李卫春 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期267-269,共3页
Eudonia abrupta sp. nov. is described from Jiangxi, China. Photographs of the adult and the genitalia are provided.
关键词 LEPIDOPTERA CRAMBIDAE Eudonia new species China
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