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福西永与《西方艺术》 被引量:1
作者 陈旭霞 《艺术探索》 2012年第4期37-41,4-5,共5页
亨利·福西永是20世纪法国伟大的艺术史家,他的研究领域广泛,在中世纪和罗马式艺术研究方面独有建树。他的代表作《西方艺术》开创了当时研究中世纪艺术的新视角和新方法,将"罗马式"定义为一种风格。他是一位形式主义者,... 亨利·福西永是20世纪法国伟大的艺术史家,他的研究领域广泛,在中世纪和罗马式艺术研究方面独有建树。他的代表作《西方艺术》开创了当时研究中世纪艺术的新视角和新方法,将"罗马式"定义为一种风格。他是一位形式主义者,继承"形式的循环发展"理论,提出"形式的生命"理论,将风格的发展划分为实验时期、古典时期和巴洛克时期。 展开更多
关键词 福西永 形式 《西方艺术》 罗马式 风格循环论
高校公共艺术选修课《西方艺术鉴赏》教学探讨 被引量:3
作者 潘勇 《淮北煤炭师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第3期164-167,共4页
关键词 高校 艺术公选课 《西方艺术鉴赏》 教学
作者 谢兴伟 《中国图书评论》 CSSCI 2020年第3期118-120,共3页
一些艺术史论家常说,艺术史注定会以各种不同的方式被不断重写。在我看来,这种重写或者基于时代境况的变迁,或者基于理论视域的转换,或者基于书写方法的更新。这种重新书写会不断地进行下去,同时一个个新的视域也会不断地开启。艺术史... 一些艺术史论家常说,艺术史注定会以各种不同的方式被不断重写。在我看来,这种重写或者基于时代境况的变迁,或者基于理论视域的转换,或者基于书写方法的更新。这种重新书写会不断地进行下去,同时一个个新的视域也会不断地开启。艺术史的重新书写,常带有一种碰撞的意味,以一种新的力量去撞击已经结构化了的历史,犹如犁耙松动板结的土壤。 展开更多
关键词 美学理论 美术史家 《西方造型艺术美学研究》 美学研究
吸收外来资源 以资今日之鉴--孙晓霞《西方艺术学科史:从古希腊至18世纪》书序
作者 李心峰 《贵州大学学报(艺术版)》 2021年第4期18-21,共4页
孙晓霞的《西方艺术学科史:从古希腊至18世纪》是一部以西方古希腊到18世纪艺术学科的演进和发展历程为研究对象的学术史、学科史的专著,努力在宏大的历史叙事中探寻西方古代艺术在知识史层面一以贯之的内在本质和阶段性表征。该成果的... 孙晓霞的《西方艺术学科史:从古希腊至18世纪》是一部以西方古希腊到18世纪艺术学科的演进和发展历程为研究对象的学术史、学科史的专著,努力在宏大的历史叙事中探寻西方古代艺术在知识史层面一以贯之的内在本质和阶段性表征。该成果的完成,弥补了国内有关西方早期艺术概念、艺术体系、艺术学科之历史研究方面的薄弱与欠缺,尤其是作者以充盈丰富的文献史料的阅读与运用为基础,以西方艺术体系之演进作为考察中心与主线,着重运用"概念史""知识史"的研究方法,在艺术与技艺、艺术与科学等的发生学的、历史的真实联系中,在跨学科的宽广视域下,完成了这部西方艺术学科史研究的专著。其在论题选择、主要观点、研究方法等方面多有创获与开掘,是一部难得的、优秀的西方艺术学科史研究成果。它既是一部对既往学科史展开研究的历史著作,但也可以说是一部"当代史"。因为它具有一种相当明晰深邃的当下问题意识,能够直面学界有关中国艺术学尤其是艺术学理论(即一般艺术学)学科之学理与历史依据的质疑,坚持中国艺术学学科体系建设之立场,深入、系统开掘、梳理西方艺术学科之历史,为中国艺术学的当下构建与未来发展,提供有益的思想、学术资源以及突破某些学科规约的理论启迪。 展开更多
关键词 《西方艺术学科史:从古希腊至18世纪》 艺术 艺术体系
以《西方现代艺术赏析》为例探讨“互联网+”背景下高等教育美术学专业课程改革 被引量:1
作者 朱振华 《传播力研究》 2019年第17期195-195,共1页
《西方现代艺术赏析》作为一门重要的艺术类通用课程,是高校美术专业十分重要的一门基础课程,而在'互联网+'背景下《西方现代艺术赏析》在课程教学上也面临诸多改革压力。鉴于此,文章首先就'互联网+'背景下的《西方现... 《西方现代艺术赏析》作为一门重要的艺术类通用课程,是高校美术专业十分重要的一门基础课程,而在'互联网+'背景下《西方现代艺术赏析》在课程教学上也面临诸多改革压力。鉴于此,文章首先就'互联网+'背景下的《西方现代艺术赏析》进行简单介绍,然后具体论述'互联网+'背景下高等教育美术学专业课程改革,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 《西方现代艺术赏析》 “互联网+” 美术学专业 课程改革
作者 尹德辉 《中国文艺评论》 CSSCI 2022年第7期108-115,共8页
孙晓霞的《西方艺术学科史:从古希腊到18世纪》以新的学科立场和理论视角,梳理了从柏拉图的“技艺”直至巴托和康德“美的艺术”的概念演变史,论述了艺术的知识生产从其前科学阶段,发展到艺术科学,再到艺术学科产生的全部历史过程。西... 孙晓霞的《西方艺术学科史:从古希腊到18世纪》以新的学科立场和理论视角,梳理了从柏拉图的“技艺”直至巴托和康德“美的艺术”的概念演变史,论述了艺术的知识生产从其前科学阶段,发展到艺术科学,再到艺术学科产生的全部历史过程。西方艺术学科史对中国艺术学科的未来发展具有借鉴意义,也和中国传统艺术思想一并构成了中国艺术学科史的一个历史部分。全书史料详实充分,论证逻辑明晰,在理论基础上较已有研究尤显先进,对新时代的艺术学科建设具有基础性的建构作用。 展开更多
关键词 艺术概念 艺术科学 艺术学科 《西方艺术学科史:从古希腊到18世纪》
作者 刘晔 《艺术评鉴》 2019年第12期128-129,132,共3页
通识教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,也是当前高校研究的一个热点问题。本文主要围绕“通识教育模式下的《西方艺术史》课程建设”这一中心,从通识教育模式概论、通识教育模式下《西方艺术史》的教育现状、通识教育模式下的《西方艺... 通识教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,也是当前高校研究的一个热点问题。本文主要围绕“通识教育模式下的《西方艺术史》课程建设”这一中心,从通识教育模式概论、通识教育模式下《西方艺术史》的教育现状、通识教育模式下的《西方艺术史》课程建设以及通识教育模式下《西方艺术史》课程建设的具体实践这四个方面入手进行了研究和探讨,希望能为高校《西方艺术史》课程建设提供一定的借鉴与帮助。 展开更多
关键词 通识教育 《西方艺术史》 优越性 课程建设
《西方演剧史论稿》(第2版)《西方演剧艺术》(译文集)出版 被引量:1
《戏剧艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期44-44,共1页
本院吴光耀先生所著《西方演剧史论稿》的第2版已由中国戏剧出版社于今年1月出版。该版较第1版新增内容4篇,插图亦由原来的140幅增至321幅。该书系我国第一部研究西方戏剧形式的系列论文集。作者以渊博的学识、深厚的理论根底,论述了西... 本院吴光耀先生所著《西方演剧史论稿》的第2版已由中国戏剧出版社于今年1月出版。该版较第1版新增内容4篇,插图亦由原来的140幅增至321幅。该书系我国第一部研究西方戏剧形式的系列论文集。作者以渊博的学识、深厚的理论根底,论述了西方演剧的历史概貌,对于戏剧的起源、形成和发展,演剧形式的演变,各流派的艺术特点,有代表性的舞台美术家的创作等都有专文论述。史料丰富翔实,理论性、知识性并重是其两大优点。 展开更多
关键词 《西方演剧史论稿》 《西方演剧艺术》 戏剧艺术 舞台艺术 演剧历史
《美术》 北大核心 2004年第3期133-133,共1页
关键词 卢雨 《西方现代艺术中的怪诞形象和冷漠情感》 审美形象 造型风格 艺术表现形式
Conceptual Art: The Untold Story of African Art
作者 Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel Ebenezer Kwabena Acquah 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第10期1203-1220,共18页
Conceptual art is one of the twentieth century art movements that has gained popular attention in the contemporary artworld. It has received much scholarly prominence in the Western world, and perceived as an emergent... Conceptual art is one of the twentieth century art movements that has gained popular attention in the contemporary artworld. It has received much scholarly prominence in the Western world, and perceived as an emergent art of European origin. What has been given little or no scholarly attention is the African essence of root of conceptual art movement. This article addresses the historical epochs of conceptual art in Africa and delves into the critical question of whether or not conceptual art is an emergent art in Africa. With the help of the images of African artworks, this article attempts to fmd visual answers by examining the art-historical account of the art through visual analysis in simple narrative format in telling the African side of the story. It concludes that the adoration and idolization of Marcel Duchamp as the father of conceptual art is contestable since the art was many centuries old in Africa before the twentieth century artists began to practice it in the West. Duchamp's attempt at dematerialization of art, and showing distaste to the traditional aesthetics of Western art at the time through conceptual exploration had been in practice in African art and, therefore, not an invention. 展开更多
关键词 ART African art art movements conceptual art contemporary art
作者 吴冠中 《美术观察》 北大核心 2001年第8期68-68,共1页
从古代到现代,从现代再到后现代,人类文化和艺术以不以个人意志为转移的规律发展变化着,正如邓小平所说“发展是硬道理”(Deve1opment is absolute)。我们知道,继承与创新(遗传与变异)的矛盾始终为人类艺术所共同面临,然而,在不同... 从古代到现代,从现代再到后现代,人类文化和艺术以不以个人意志为转移的规律发展变化着,正如邓小平所说“发展是硬道理”(Deve1opment is absolute)。我们知道,继承与创新(遗传与变异)的矛盾始终为人类艺术所共同面临,然而,在不同历史时期尤其在不同民族的艺术之间,矛盾双方孰强孰弱却不尽相同,这种不同也是形成各民族艺术精神及其差别的原因之一。中国是一个注重守旧、注重师古的民族,以致造就了几千年不变、辉煌但却僵化、完美但却没落的封建文化,并形成了鲁迅先生所指出的“搬动一把椅子也要流血”的可怕的禁锢保守现象。与此相反,酉方文化以求变、创新为主旨,千变万化、奇异谲诡成为西方艺术特别是西方现代艺术的显著特色。中西艺术各有千秋,本无优劣高下之别,但不同艺术观念(意识形态)却会导致不同民族之间彼此不同的生存状态,导致国家之间生存竞争能力的强弱之别。正因为如此,反叛传统,学习西方成为一百多年来中国文化的主旋律,成为中华民族救亡国存的必由之道。我们认为,反叛传统不是抛弃文化遗产——我们强烈谴责阿富汗塔里班悍然炸毁巴米扬大佛的野蛮暴行;而继承传统又不是制造假古董——我们必须创造不同于前人的崭新的艺术。在我们看来,吴冠中在当代中国画坛上的意义。 展开更多
关键词 《西方后现代艺术流派书系》 书序 印象主义 印象派
Archer Jones兵种战术理论体系的应用尝试——秦与马其顿战术系统的比较
作者 王深 《程序员(游戏创造)》 2005年第4期24-32,共9页
一、简介。这篇东西的起源是因为经常看到网上流行的所谓“东西比较”,例如马其顿与秦.罗马与汉等等。虽然有人认为这类讨论属于毫无意义的行为,不过我对此一直颇有兴趣,所谓Art of war研究。无非是由历史事实总结出一般规律,然后... 一、简介。这篇东西的起源是因为经常看到网上流行的所谓“东西比较”,例如马其顿与秦.罗马与汉等等。虽然有人认为这类讨论属于毫无意义的行为,不过我对此一直颇有兴趣,所谓Art of war研究。无非是由历史事实总结出一般规律,然后用这个总结出来的理论来进一步分析具体问题, 展开更多
关键词 战术理论 《西方战争艺术》 系统 兵种战术
Beauty of Western Abstract Painting and Chinese Cursive Calligraphy A Comparison
作者 YING Yi-wen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第10期951-959,共9页
The Western Abstract Painting has a dynamic, constantly-changing, and non-entity beauty. It focuses on the visual process, artistic feelings, and beauty of form as its creative core. The Chinese Cursive Calligraphy ... The Western Abstract Painting has a dynamic, constantly-changing, and non-entity beauty. It focuses on the visual process, artistic feelings, and beauty of form as its creative core. The Chinese Cursive Calligraphy (草书), on the other hand, aims to create a vibrant beauty resulting from sweeping wrap-around and continuous changes. It also pays attention to the personality stretch, the lyrical and expressive, and the abstract beauty within images. In both arts, there is a rhythmic beauty running through the works, allowing the charm of lines to fully express the artist's creative thoughts and feelings, making them stand out impressively. 展开更多
关键词 abstract form intuitive beauty inner world spiritual pursuits
The Spirit of the Age in Mathematics and Art: The Eastern and Western Perspective Painting
作者 Young Hee Kye 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第1期56-68,共13页
Both mathematics and art consistently reflect the spirit of the age in which they arise. Consequently, the mathematics in China and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, in contrast to the deductive western mathematics,... Both mathematics and art consistently reflect the spirit of the age in which they arise. Consequently, the mathematics in China and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, in contrast to the deductive western mathematics, does not function on the basis of proving something deductively. Rather, the Chinese mathematics from this period was based upon making observations about problems by combining patterns with specific examples. In this paper, this author attempts to compare the differences in mathematics between the East and the West, and also to study the different perspectives in art between the East and the West, in order to identify the relationship between civilization, culture and the spirit of the age. This will explain the reason why the Western 'One Point Perspective' had spread in China and the Chosen Dynasty, yet could not be permanently established in these countries. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern mathematics Western mathematics one-point perspective culture CIVILIZATION the spirit of the age
The Discussion of Tibet's Paintings in Dunhuang During A.D. 786-907 And the Mural Painting on the North Side ofthe No.14 Cave of the Mogao Caves
作者 ZHANG Ya-sha LI Nan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第4期614-627,共14页
During A.D. 776 to 848, Dunhuang was occupied and ruled by Tubo political power, a special painting style, spread via the Tibetan silk road, appeared at same time, and which is related to the art style of India and Ne... During A.D. 776 to 848, Dunhuang was occupied and ruled by Tubo political power, a special painting style, spread via the Tibetan silk road, appeared at same time, and which is related to the art style of India and Nepal; It is worth noting that the Tibetan painting style during this period have no relative unified model actually, especially the mural and the silk painting preserved in Library Cave, the painting style of which had obvious difference between each other, and the reason behind this is very hard to explain. Until the late Tang Dynasty (A.D. 848-907), sheer Pala style of eastern India appeared in Dunhuang, however, whether those East India painting style still belong to Tubo remain for further discussion. The art style of East India appeared in Dunhuang during from the late Tang Dynasty to the early period of Northern Song Dynasty, probably propagated from the ways other than Tubo, and this art style was deemed as the one has nothing to do with Tibet's art in this study. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan painting system silk painting the mural painting on the west of the 25th cave of the YulinCaves the mural painting on the north side of the No.14 cave of the Mogao Caves
The Chinese Contemporary Ar Explosion at the Tate in Britain
作者 LEW BAXTER 《China Today》 2007年第6期56-58,共3页
TEN years ago the notion that Chinese contemporary art could so much as raise a flicker of interest in foreign climes - never mind drive Western cultural pundits into a delirious frenzy - would have been dismissed a... TEN years ago the notion that Chinese contemporary art could so much as raise a flicker of interest in foreign climes - never mind drive Western cultural pundits into a delirious frenzy - would have been dismissed as pure fancy. At that time Chinese art was assumed to be nothing more than classical calligraphy, 展开更多
关键词 Chinese art foreign clime Western cultural pundits Britain Art explosition
Discussion on the Inheritance and Development of Taoism's Simple Aesthetics Spirit in Contemporary Landscape Paintings
作者 Jian ZHAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期111-113,共3页
Nowadays, the landscape paintings dominated by Taoism' s thoughts are highly controversial among people in the aspects of theory and practice along with the constantly intensified collision and blending of the easter... Nowadays, the landscape paintings dominated by Taoism' s thoughts are highly controversial among people in the aspects of theory and practice along with the constantly intensified collision and blending of the eastern culture and the western culture, and the interaction of arts. In the process of development from the tradition to the modem times, the original source of contemporary landscape paintings' artistic spirit should be traced, and the corresponding historical stages should be objectively and rationally analyzed, so that contemporary landscape paintings can better adapt to the present conditions, and then their real existence and creative development can be really realized. 展开更多
关键词 TAOISM Landscape Paintings Simplicity and Plain INHERITANCE the Contemporary Times
Comparative Study on Freehand Brushwork Oil Painting and Expression Oil Painting in Chinese Painting Art and the Western Painting Art
作者 Guizhong MA 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期55-56,共2页
Through the comparative analysis of freehand brushwork oil painting and expression oil painting, the similarities and differences between the two sides are understood. As a result, when the characteristics of the two ... Through the comparative analysis of freehand brushwork oil painting and expression oil painting, the similarities and differences between the two sides are understood. As a result, when the characteristics of the two sides are effectively known, the blend and complementation of the two sides are realized, and also the space for expressing both freehand brushwork oil painting and expression oil painting is expanded, which are not the simple blend and mix of "freehand brushwork" and "expression" . 展开更多
Appreciation and Analysis of Traditional Chinese Painting's Freehand Brushwork Aesthetic Characteristics
作者 Jingnan CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期119-121,共3页
Traditional Chinese painting possesses its own unique artistic style in the world' s art circle. Compared with the western painting, the freehand brushwork characteristics are very significant in traditional Chinese ... Traditional Chinese painting possesses its own unique artistic style in the world' s art circle. Compared with the western painting, the freehand brushwork characteristics are very significant in traditional Chinese painting. In traditional Chinese painting, top priority is given to the expression of the creator's subjective interests, but not to the external colors and similar appearances. The masters in the world of traditional Chinese painting have always attached high importance to expressing the spirits with forms or appearance since the ancient times. In traditional Chinese painting, "similarity in form or appearance" and "similarity in spirit" are always dialectically unified with consciousness and unconsciousness, so that the art form with the "freehand brushwork" aesthetic characteristics is produced and significantly features Chinese spirit and oriental style. Also, the realm of art to express spirit with appearance is always pursued in traditional Chinese painting, and this is totally different from the "express appearance with appearance" in the western paintings. Moreover, expression is always stressed in traditional Chinese painting so as to express the feeling world of human using the "freehand brnshwork" aesthetics as the creation method. The "freehand brushwork" aesthetic characteristics of traditional Chinese painting are branded with a profound Zhuangzi philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese Painting Freehand Brushwork AESTHETICS
Music Education Advances Through Sino-Foreign Exchanges
作者 PAUL DORNIAN 《China Today》 2007年第6期22-23,共2页
MUSIC education in China and the West may differ in approach, but when combined are complementary in outcome. China's music programs excels in training young artists under 18, while the Western focus is on musicians ... MUSIC education in China and the West may differ in approach, but when combined are complementary in outcome. China's music programs excels in training young artists under 18, while the Western focus is on musicians no younger than 18. This explains why so many outstanding Chinese musicians study at, and are welcomed by, Western schools after receiving their initial training in China. 展开更多
关键词 Music Education young artists under 18 Western China training approach musicians no younger than 18
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