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作者 郑俊晖 《交响(西安音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 2011年第1期15-18,共4页
朱熹《诗》乐思想堪称中国《诗》乐研究史承上启下之重要环节:体悟雅、郑之辨,力主"诗皆入乐",将研究者《诗》三百皆雅乐的窠臼中解放出来;诠释"风、雅、颂"之义,启发研究者重视从乐歌本体的角度研究《诗》乐;发现... 朱熹《诗》乐思想堪称中国《诗》乐研究史承上启下之重要环节:体悟雅、郑之辨,力主"诗皆入乐",将研究者《诗》三百皆雅乐的窠臼中解放出来;诠释"风、雅、颂"之义,启发研究者重视从乐歌本体的角度研究《诗》乐;发现郑卫"淫诗",揭开了千百年来掩盖在大量情歌头上的盖头,从而使一度曾经迷失方向、甚至误入岐途的《诗》学研究回到正确的道路上来。 展开更多
关键词 朱熹 《诗》乐思想
作者 谭德兴 《中国文化研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期40-52,共13页
春秋时期的《诗》乐活动频繁,类型丰富。当时的人们往往会对这些《诗》乐活动进行评论。其中涉及的《诗》乐批评方法多样,有以礼仪论《诗》乐,以政教论《诗》乐,以言志论赋诗等。在形式和内容上确立了礼仪规范、风格和谐、政治兴盛、道... 春秋时期的《诗》乐活动频繁,类型丰富。当时的人们往往会对这些《诗》乐活动进行评论。其中涉及的《诗》乐批评方法多样,有以礼仪论《诗》乐,以政教论《诗》乐,以言志论赋诗等。在形式和内容上确立了礼仪规范、风格和谐、政治兴盛、道德圣明等明确的《诗》乐批评标准,展示了春秋时期诗、乐、礼、舞合一的《诗》乐特征,体现了春秋《诗》乐的体系弘大,制度完善,运作机制成熟。也在一定程度上显露出《诗》乐失所,礼崩乐坏的发展趋势。春秋时期的《诗》乐继承和发展了西周以来的诗言志、和乐、德文化等诗乐批评思想,揭示了声音之道与政通,诗乐与社会发展密切互动的文学批评思想,为《诗》学正变理论之发展、《诗》学艺术手法之分析打下了重要基础,对春秋以降的《诗》学发展产生了深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 春秋 《诗》乐 礼仪 言志 文学批评
杂赋与乐府诗的关系 被引量:3
作者 伏俊琏 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期29-31,共3页
关键词 杂赋 吟唱
从“诗声俱郑”到“诗声俱正”——论刘勰《文心雕龙》的乐府文学观 被引量:2
作者 徐宝余 《长江学术》 2014年第1期63-70,共8页
刘勰《文心雕龙》于诗歌分列有《明诗》、《乐府》二篇,《明诗》篇偏于褒赞,《乐府》篇重在批评,两者之间形成了明显的观点差异。究其原因有三:一,乐府歌诗作为礼乐文明的一部分,传统儒家的礼乐观必然会对其起到规范作用,这导致了刘勰... 刘勰《文心雕龙》于诗歌分列有《明诗》、《乐府》二篇,《明诗》篇偏于褒赞,《乐府》篇重在批评,两者之间形成了明显的观点差异。究其原因有三:一,乐府歌诗作为礼乐文明的一部分,传统儒家的礼乐观必然会对其起到规范作用,这导致了刘勰对汉代而下的乐府多所批评,诗声俱正的立场跃然而出;二,刘勰前后两篇意旨的不同,或许与《文心雕龙》的篇章结构安排有关,两者可能存在着结构与观点上的互补关系;三,汉魏以来的朝廷制乐和文人乐府创作这两者都存在着兼采新声的现象,特别是宋齐以来以休、鲍为主的创作风气,使得刘勰在《乐府》篇中于历代乐府多所贬斥,"诗声俱郑"的批评矛头直指当下,从音乐与文学双重层面对齐梁之际的文学生产提出批评。 展开更多
关键词 刘勰 《文心雕龙》
《全宋诗》补正 被引量:2
作者 叶舟 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2007年第3期52-59,共8页
关键词 《全宋诗》 《常州府志》
从新发现《永乐大典》本看《诗话总龟》的版本及增补问题 被引量:5
作者 张健 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期96-102,共7页
《诗话总龟》现存明嘉靖月窗道人刊本及明抄本,都经改窜。罗根泽先生甚至以为《诗话总龟》后集乃月窗道人所辑。明以前《诗话总龟》到底是何面貌?由于没有发现更早版本,前人难以回答。2003年,上海辞书出版社出版了《海外新发现永乐大典... 《诗话总龟》现存明嘉靖月窗道人刊本及明抄本,都经改窜。罗根泽先生甚至以为《诗话总龟》后集乃月窗道人所辑。明以前《诗话总龟》到底是何面貌?由于没有发现更早版本,前人难以回答。2003年,上海辞书出版社出版了《海外新发现永乐大典十七卷》,其中第八○三卷至八○六卷为月窗道人本《诗话总龟》后集卷二十至卷五十的内容。此本的发现证明《诗话总龟》后集为月窗道人所辑之说是错误的。月窗道人本及明抄本较之《永乐大典》本现存部分多七门,约十卷,计二百余条。《永乐大典》本代表了元明之际《诗话总龟》的面貌,由现存部分可以看出,明人改窜《诗话总龟》旧本的程度和规模远没有前人想象的那么大。 展开更多
关键词 《诗话总龟》 《永大典》
Tagore's Gitanjali: Reunion With God Through Songs
作者 Tinni Dutta 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第4期426-428,共3页
Tagore reaches his lord through his songs which uplift him above the meanness end of life. Music ennobles him to a level of friendship with the Creator. Tagore's poems are suffused with wonder at the melodies spun by... Tagore reaches his lord through his songs which uplift him above the meanness end of life. Music ennobles him to a level of friendship with the Creator. Tagore's poems are suffused with wonder at the melodies spun by the lord. These entrance the entire universe. The poet wants to sign the same way but cannot. He has been made captive in the meshes of his music. The objective of the present study is to show how Tagore unites with God through songs. Methodology adopted in this study is the dynamic analysis of the poems. The intrinsic idea is the recurrent theme in his songs using me as an offering of worship O Lord, even if thou inflict pain on me in the process. Numerous bereavements in his life, from early youth to old age, agonized him throughout. But the more he suffered, the stronger grew his faith so he could write this song. The refrain, re-iterated from the beginning to the end, enhances the musicality. Thus it can be concluded when the poet perceived the world through songs, then he knew the world and he recognized it. 展开更多
关键词 Rabibndranath Tagore GITANJALI psychodynamic analysis
Peering Into Culture of Ancient Bukhara
作者 Khudoev G. M. 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期630-633,共4页
Ancient Bukhara is the cultural and educational center of East which made huge contribution to a treasury of world art. Culture and art buildings were built in Bukhara and around its territory. Ancient Bukhara turned ... Ancient Bukhara is the cultural and educational center of East which made huge contribution to a treasury of world art. Culture and art buildings were built in Bukhara and around its territory. Ancient Bukhara turned out as one of the biggest centers of Middle East in the period (era) of outstanding Somoniy (in the IX-X centuries) and Temurids (in the XIV-XV centuries), particular, its developed literature, culture, architecture, and music art; especially, as being the capital of dynasty Mangits (at the beginning of the century XVIII-XX), served as the groundwork of forming Shashmakom samples in groups. This time among a number of poets and artists, lived Akhmad Danish--the most mature scientist, philosopher, poet, calligrapher, and painter, Abdurauf Fitrat--poet and writer, theoretician, musician and political activist. 展开更多
关键词 alace Ancient Bukhara archeological monuments architectural monuments CULTURE era of Temurids fine art music art Shashmakom
I Celebrate Myself & I Sing Myself: Romulus Bucur on Romulus Bucur's Ditties
作者 Romulus Bucur 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期16-19,共4页
The present paper, in spite of its quite scandalous title, is just a serious reflection, from the inside, on a certain part of the poetry of a contemporary Romanian poet (the author of the paper himself), in the lin... The present paper, in spite of its quite scandalous title, is just a serious reflection, from the inside, on a certain part of the poetry of a contemporary Romanian poet (the author of the paper himself), in the line of a tradition starting with Poe's Philosophy of Composition (1846), passing through the avant-garde and ending, for the moment, in Andy Warhol's self-promotion. The analysis from the inside and the honest reflection of the interplay between poetry, music, and contemporary popular culture might lead to a better understanding of the poetry made at the end of the 20th century--beginning of the 21 st century. The corpus analyzed is a series of poems written between 1994 and the present day, under the generic title of ditty, published in several books (between which a bilingual pamphlet, Ditties/Cfntecelce), 1998), and the paper speaks about their genesis, their poetics, and hopes to help the process of their interpretation, as well as to bring a new interpretation of the poetry/music relationship 展开更多
关键词 Ditty popular culture urban POETICS confessional poetry cultural quotation
20世纪上半期乐府研究史述评 被引量:5
作者 钱志熙 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期103-114,共12页
20世纪上半期的乐府研究,主要是在北大、清华及西南联大等学校和研究机构中展开的。黄节首开学院乐府研究之风气,但其方法趋向于传统;同时的歌谣运动、新文学运动也有力地促进了汉魏六朝乐府研究风气的形成,并且在研究方法与观念上都与... 20世纪上半期的乐府研究,主要是在北大、清华及西南联大等学校和研究机构中展开的。黄节首开学院乐府研究之风气,但其方法趋向于传统;同时的歌谣运动、新文学运动也有力地促进了汉魏六朝乐府研究风气的形成,并且在研究方法与观念上都与传统的研究有很大的不同。此后诸家,或主要是以平民文学、白话文学的观念阐述乐府,如郑振铎、陆侃如、冯沅君诸家,或力图将传统的乐府研究与新的美学观念相结合,以达到更加客观、历史的研究,如梁启超、罗根泽、萧涤非、王运熙诸家。但从诸家的实际情况来看,学院式研究方法、传统的研究方法与新文学家式的研究方法,其实是相互交结一起的。本文主要从这样一些角度出发,对20世纪上半期诸家乐府研究进行评述,试图建构20世纪乐府研究的学术史。 展开更多
关键词 府研究史 学院派 新文学派
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