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作者 王毅 《重庆电大学刊》 1993年第3期23-27,共5页
关键词 七月诗派 新诗发展史 审美倾向 主体意识 《诗神·炼狱·白色花》
超越差异:张隆溪与赵毅衡的中西比较诗学研究 被引量:2
作者 刘人锋 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 2006年第2期25-29,共5页
关键词 中西比较 诗学研究 赵毅衡 文化相对主义 《道与逻各斯》 西方中心主义 海外华人学者 《诗神远游》 比较诗学 非西方
Petersburg's religious myths in Dostoevsky's Crime and punishment
作者 吴倩 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第1期55-59,共5页
Many Russian scholars have expounded Dostoevsky's religious outlooks, which are embodied in Petersburg's religious myths. Dostoevsky describes the fantasy of Petersburg in the hands of the devil, and he also adds a ... Many Russian scholars have expounded Dostoevsky's religious outlooks, which are embodied in Petersburg's religious myths. Dostoevsky describes the fantasy of Petersburg in the hands of the devil, and he also adds a lot of mythological colors in his diction. This article expounds the above idea from the angles of both mythological atmosnhere and mythological poetics. 展开更多
关键词 religious outlook mythological atmosphere mythological poetics
LI Bai's Eight Poems About XI Shi
作者 LIANG Ying 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第3期158-166,共9页
The study traces Chinese poet LI Bai's eight poems about why none of these eight poems gets anthologized in Tang the mythical figure XI Shi and investigates the reasons Shi San Bai Shou ( 《唐诗三百首》), the most ... The study traces Chinese poet LI Bai's eight poems about why none of these eight poems gets anthologized in Tang the mythical figure XI Shi and investigates the reasons Shi San Bai Shou ( 《唐诗三百首》), the most popular poetry of Tang Dynasty anthology. Observations focus on the poems' departure from writing conventions, the poems' genre of huai gu (怀古), the general assumption that may block our understandings and evaluations of these literary works such as LI Po is clumsy at describing feelings and he shows signs of hasty composition and his risky experiments with the tonal effects. 展开更多
关键词 huai gu (怀古) BEAUTY Tang Shi San Bai Shou tonal effects
The Snake Goddess as Woman: De-Mythologization in a Folk Epic
作者 Saumitra Chakravarty 《History Research》 2013年第4期299-308,共10页
This paper deals with the Mangal Kavyas of Bengal, folk epics arising out of an oral tradition practiced by rural women. The female deities to whom these epics are devoted, like the snake goddess Manasa, are also part... This paper deals with the Mangal Kavyas of Bengal, folk epics arising out of an oral tradition practiced by rural women. The female deities to whom these epics are devoted, like the snake goddess Manasa, are also part of the folk tradition, far removed from the Hindu pantheon of gods or the Vedic ways of worship and are related to the particular fears of village life. There is therefore, a de-mythologized version of these deities represented in these epics, a crystallization of the desires, wants, and ways of life of the rural population through the figure of the goddess, a version these village women can readily empathize with, making these epics rich in social documentation of contemporary village life. 展开更多
关键词 folk epic Mangal Kavyas of Bengal snake goddess Manasa Mangal Kavya de-mythologization synthesis of folk and mainstream goddess cults
Religious Beliefs in Pre-lslamic Poetry
作者 Nader Masarwah 《Sociology Study》 2013年第7期531-542,共12页
The subject of this study is how pre-Islamic poets viewed religious beliefs and how the Arabs dealt with such beliefs in the period that preceded the emergence of Islam, known as the/ahiliyya. The study discusses Arab... The subject of this study is how pre-Islamic poets viewed religious beliefs and how the Arabs dealt with such beliefs in the period that preceded the emergence of Islam, known as the/ahiliyya. The study discusses Arab religious beliefs and rites, which were filled with mythical elements such as idol worship, treating some animals as sacred, and worship of the sun, plants, certain inanimate objects and birds. It describes the various stages through which these beliefs passed, from sanctification of trees and caves, through the worship of the sun and the stars, to idol worship and more. The study then proceeds to inquire into the traces of mythology to be found in Arabic poetry. It shows how humans did not only inherit their forefathers' beliefs, but also their ideas, and explains how poets were able to embody reality by means of artistic symbols that reflected such elements of their lives as emotions and objective mental states. Subsequently the study discusses the sanctity which the Arabs ascribed to some animals, and which they worshipped in the hope of obtaining a blessing, maintaining an intimacy with the animal or averting evil. Many Arabs in those days believed in the sanctity of animals, the sun, the moon and Venus, thought that trees and other p|ants possessed a spirit, and considered some animals to be deities with extraordinary powers, among them the viper, the crocodile, the bull, the gazelle and the goat. Finally, the study shows how pre-lslamic Arabic poetry can serve as a reliable document that reflects the society of the times, and how even the restricted amount of verse that has survived from those times can provide considerable information about mythical elements that go back to the remotest times. 展开更多
Comparing Two Latin Poetic Dedications by Anthony Munday and Robert Greene
作者 W. Ron Hess 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第11期1310-1335,共26页
This article compares two Latin poem dedications which may contain hidden sub-meanings and possible displays of a basic puzzle method called acrostics, each dedicated to the same nobleman. The Latin verse in 1579 by A... This article compares two Latin poem dedications which may contain hidden sub-meanings and possible displays of a basic puzzle method called acrostics, each dedicated to the same nobleman. The Latin verse in 1579 by Anthony Munday follows acrostic English poems and may refer to his patron as "a lover of Pallas Athena" (the Spear-shaker of Greek mythology). The Latin verse in Robert Greene's 1584 book may contain a Latin acrostic and appears to identify Cupid, the "winged Love," as a companion of the same patron as Munday's from five years earlier. That Cupid trope appears similar to "the little love god" allusions to Cupid in several of Shakespeare's sonnets (e.g., #s 153 and 154). More than these discussions, this article explores difficulties of translating from Latin into English, or vice versa, and the pitfalls which can occur. 展开更多
关键词 Latin Translations Anthony Munday Robert Greene Edward DeVere 17th Earl of Oxford Shakespeare's Sonnets
中国如何改变了美国现代诗——从叶维廉《中国诗学》到赵毅衡《诗神远游》 被引量:1
作者 张志国 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 2004年第3期181-185,共5页
关键词 叶维廉 《中国诗学》 赵毅衡 《诗神远游》 美国 现代诗歌
作者 刘向东 大解 《诗刊》 北大核心 2000年第11期50-54,共5页
燕赵大地,文采风流。在时间的淘洗下,一个个诗人倔强而绚烂地凸现着他们的精神气概。与以往不同的是,这篇广角文章不是精工细勒的雕塑,而是河北诗人的点将台。两位作者不断从记忆库中提取信息,将诗坛挚友们一个个点击放大,令人五色神速... 燕赵大地,文采风流。在时间的淘洗下,一个个诗人倔强而绚烂地凸现着他们的精神气概。与以往不同的是,这篇广角文章不是精工细勒的雕塑,而是河北诗人的点将台。两位作者不断从记忆库中提取信息,将诗坛挚友们一个个点击放大,令人五色神速。也许,千花竞放,异彩纷呈,这正是河北诗坛的本色吧。当然,作者的记忆难免有所跳跃,而且身为优秀诗人的他们有意忽略了自我和身边最亲密的若干朋友。也罢,这就算作我们对河北诗人群的初步测览,以后再添缺补遗,制作更多彩的诗人网页吧。 展开更多
关键词 张学梦 讽刺诗 萧振荣 《诗选刊》 《诗神》 青春诗会
《诗刊》 北大核心 2007年第22期38-40,共3页
关键词 《诗刊》 诗歌报 《诗选刊》 外一首 出版社 《黄河诗报》 《诗神》 《星星》诗刊
《诗刊》 北大核心 2006年第4期25-28,共4页
1958年10月27日,生于山西省太原市。1970年入太原铁路一中。系文艺宣传队队员。阅读劫后幸存的文学作品。1974年3月,赴河北省获鹿李村农场务农,系公社文艺宣传队队员。狂读数遍《红楼梦》,阅读凡能找到的外国文学作品。喜欢普希金、海... 1958年10月27日,生于山西省太原市。1970年入太原铁路一中。系文艺宣传队队员。阅读劫后幸存的文学作品。1974年3月,赴河北省获鹿李村农场务农,系公社文艺宣传队队员。狂读数遍《红楼梦》,阅读凡能找到的外国文学作品。喜欢普希金、海涅的诗,并模仿写作。1975年12月,入石家庄拖拉机厂,任车工。1976年于拖拉机厂当工人期间开始诗歌创作。与三位工友组成读书写诗小圈子。完成自制诗集《柳叶刀集》。1978年入大学,开始接触现代主义诗人作品,诗风发生很大变化。发起成立省会大学生诗歌社团"新松社",任社长,编辑《崛起》。完成自制诗集《解冻》。1980年4月,于《大学生文选》首次公开发表文章《做个人真实情感的歌手》。1981年1月8日,在《河北日报》首次公开发表诗作《未来》等。在《新地》《红豆》等发表短诗若干。1982年4月,于河北师大学报社科版发表《论鲁迅早期新诗创作》。完成自制诗集《给西西》。在《红豆》《长城文艺》《莲池》发表短诗。1983年2月,于河北师大学报发表《论闻一多诗歌艺术探索的得与失》。10月,于《飞天》发表《新的阻塞》,被《新华文摘》11期转载。1985年赴山东大学访学,主修现代诗学、美国现... 展开更多
关键词 《山花》 第三代诗 《诗刊》 诗歌报 《诗神》
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