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睡虎地《语书》与《淮南子·齐俗》篇--围绕着“风俗”的中央集权和地方分权” 被引量:2
作者 池田知久 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期5-17,共13页
我曾经就睡虎地秦简《语书》中有关"乡俗"的思想做过探讨,明确了《语书》中的"乡俗"思想是受战国末期秦国的墨家"尚同论"的影响而写成的一种强化中央集权的政治思想。本文就有关中国古代"风俗"... 我曾经就睡虎地秦简《语书》中有关"乡俗"的思想做过探讨,明确了《语书》中的"乡俗"思想是受战国末期秦国的墨家"尚同论"的影响而写成的一种强化中央集权的政治思想。本文就有关中国古代"风俗"所持的诸思想中的A与B的对立展开讨论。即:A主张严格管制地方独自"风俗"的《语书》、墨家、法家的中央集权思想以及儒家的"移风易俗"思想。B倡导天下、国家承认地方的各种"风俗",并且应该依照其风俗施行政治的《淮南子·齐俗》篇等地方分权思想。 展开更多
关键词 睡虎地《语书》 《淮南子·齐俗》 风俗 中央集权 地方分权 移风易俗
作者 韩高年 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期5-10,共6页
睡虎地秦墓竹简《语书》包含内容相关但性质不同的两个部分。其文本是由墓主人“喜”生前编缀而成,目的是显示其成功的文吏生涯及身为“良吏”的自豪感。《语书》文本同时显示了秦国基层官吏熟练的书写及编辑处理文书能力、良好的法律... 睡虎地秦墓竹简《语书》包含内容相关但性质不同的两个部分。其文本是由墓主人“喜”生前编缀而成,目的是显示其成功的文吏生涯及身为“良吏”的自豪感。《语书》文本同时显示了秦国基层官吏熟练的书写及编辑处理文书能力、良好的法律素养与司法实践能力,以及注重私德的修养观和强烈的职业自豪感。由以上细节,可以拓展或者纠正以往我们对秦文化和秦文学的认识。 展开更多
关键词 秦简《语书》 文本 秦文化 秦文学
作者 吕方 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第2期23-27,共5页
睡虎地秦简《语书》中论及"良吏"的判定标准,折射出秦王朝人才选拔标准,并且反映出秦统一前后复杂的政治军事的态势。首先,"良吏"最为突出的能力是通晓、贯彻执行秦律。其次,"良吏明法律令",秦将政治人... 睡虎地秦简《语书》中论及"良吏"的判定标准,折射出秦王朝人才选拔标准,并且反映出秦统一前后复杂的政治军事的态势。首先,"良吏"最为突出的能力是通晓、贯彻执行秦律。其次,"良吏明法律令",秦将政治人才选拔标准凝结为"法术"一端,与秦以法治国政策不可分割。最后,"良吏"之"人臣之忠",并非道义而是利益的连接。这种君臣关系模式对秦政的影响深远。 展开更多
关键词 《语书》 良吏 “明法” “法术” “人臣之忠”
睡虎地秦简《语书》拾遗 被引量:2
作者 郭成磊 《江汉考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期120-125,共6页
《语书》作为一篇珍贵的秦简文书史料,从中可缕析出人(墓主喜与南郡守腾)、地(南郡)、书(语书)三个要素。本文拟从这三个方面进行分析,希冀窥探出秦的"法律令"与新占领区"乡俗"间的冲突,不同文化背景的秦官吏对于... 《语书》作为一篇珍贵的秦简文书史料,从中可缕析出人(墓主喜与南郡守腾)、地(南郡)、书(语书)三个要素。本文拟从这三个方面进行分析,希冀窥探出秦的"法律令"与新占领区"乡俗"间的冲突,不同文化背景的秦官吏对于《语书》所宣扬的"法律令"的态度,以及文书行政对秦的行政体系的影响。 展开更多
关键词 《语书》 墓主喜 南郡守腾 行政
睡虎地秦简《语书》中有关“恶吏”的一段简文疏释 被引量:1
作者 范常喜 《中国文字学报》 2016年第1期131-138,共8页
睡虎地秦简《语书》中有六支简内容与考绩课吏有关,是秦时对'良吏'和'恶吏'行为表现的一般性说明,对于了解当时对官吏的基本要求有重要意义。这些简文自刊布以来,研究者甚众,解决了不少释读方面的疑难,但仍有一些字词... 睡虎地秦简《语书》中有六支简内容与考绩课吏有关,是秦时对'良吏'和'恶吏'行为表现的一般性说明,对于了解当时对官吏的基本要求有重要意义。这些简文自刊布以来,研究者甚众,解决了不少释读方面的疑难,但仍有一些字词未得确释。本文在研读诸家成果的基础上,对其中一段描写'恶吏'的文字试做疏释。 展开更多
关键词 睡虎地秦简 《语书》 简帛文字
作者 沈祖春 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第6期53-55,共3页
关键词 大字典 大词典
《汉语大词典》所收《史记·天官书》天文类名物条目辨正 被引量:1
作者 朱习文 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2014年第2期179-186,共8页
关键词 《汉大词典》 《史记.天官书》 辨正
《汉语大词典》误释辨正四则 被引量:2
作者 刘传鸿 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期86-88,共3页
关键词 大词典 误释
《晁氏客语》的版本及其《全宋笔记》本的若干点校失误 被引量:1
作者 罗宁 熊建月 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第1期57-66,共10页
《晁氏客语》是北宋晁说之撰写的一部笔记体小说。该书南宋时有黄汝嘉刻本,但已不传。现存版本主要分为两个系统,一是《百川学海》本系统,华氏重刊《百川学海》本、《四库全书》本、《丛书集成初编》本等属于这一系统;另一是黄汝嘉本系... 《晁氏客语》是北宋晁说之撰写的一部笔记体小说。该书南宋时有黄汝嘉刻本,但已不传。现存版本主要分为两个系统,一是《百川学海》本系统,华氏重刊《百川学海》本、《四库全书》本、《丛书集成初编》本等属于这一系统;另一是黄汝嘉本系统,《说郛》本、宝文堂本、《学海类编》本、日本刻本属于这一系统。从文本的质量上来说,嘉靖甲寅(三十三年,1554)所刻的宝文堂本较高。《晁氏客语》一书2003年点校出版,收入《全宋笔记》中,但此本由于采用《百川学海》本作底本,未作校勘,出现了一些点校错误。 展开更多
关键词 晁说之 《晁氏客 《程氏遗书》 《全宋笔记》
作者 董家寧 《简帛研究》 2022年第1期203-215,共13页
秦對楚地的治理是經由禮與法兩條路綫進行的。秦對楚地風俗治理予以特别重視,睡虎地秦簡“南郡守騰文書”記録了南郡守爲推行規範風俗法令而進行的政策調整,文書的實質内容是對基層吏治的監督、加强和整頓。秦在南郡的治理取得了正面成... 秦對楚地的治理是經由禮與法兩條路綫進行的。秦對楚地風俗治理予以特别重視,睡虎地秦簡“南郡守騰文書”記録了南郡守爲推行規範風俗法令而進行的政策調整,文書的實質内容是對基層吏治的監督、加强和整頓。秦在南郡的治理取得了正面成果,但同時也要認識到秦法與楚俗之間難以調和的矛盾。嶽麓秦簡“禁伐樹木詔”啓發了重新看待《史記》中的相關記載。秦始皇對楚地信仰與文化予以充分尊重,并採取兼容并蓄的方式,將之納入大一統體系之中。對於難以親身抵達的楚地邊緣,秦始皇通過“望”的禮儀形式,實現了統治權威的抵達。 展开更多
关键词 南郡 《語書》 “南郡守騰文書” “禁伐樹木詔” 國家治理
A text to speech interface for Universal Digital Library 被引量:3
作者 PRAHALLAD Kishore BLACK Alan 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1229-1234,共6页
The objective of Universal Digital Library (UDL) is to capture all books in digital format. A text to speech (TTS) interface for UDL portal would enable access to the digital content in voice mode, and also provide ac... The objective of Universal Digital Library (UDL) is to capture all books in digital format. A text to speech (TTS) interface for UDL portal would enable access to the digital content in voice mode, and also provide access to the digital content for illiterate and vision-impaired people. Our work focuses on design and implementation of text to speech interface for UDL portal primarily for Indian languages. This paper is aimed at identifying the issues involved in integrating text to speech system into UDL portal and describes the development process of Hindi, Telugu and Tamil voices under Festvox framework using unit selection techniques. We demonstrate the quality of the Tamil and Telugu voices and lay out the plan for integrating the TTS into the UDL portal. 展开更多
关键词 Text to speech (TTS) Indian language Universal Digital Library (UDL)
The Modals as Pragmatic Softening Devices: Evidence From Late Modern English Grammar and Manner Books
作者 Hiroshi Obara 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第8期518-524,共7页
In this research, the author considers the evidence provided by a corpus of Late Modem English grammars for our understanding of the development of the modals as politeness markers. It is possible to see how the modal... In this research, the author considers the evidence provided by a corpus of Late Modem English grammars for our understanding of the development of the modals as politeness markers. It is possible to see how the modals and their accompanied senses are explained in an official (and often either prescriptive or proscriptive) perspective. This is another aspect which cannot be ascertained from the usage based on corpora which seem to be popular as sources of evidence in historical pragmatics. In this sense, this research brings some novel perspective to this aspect of academic study. It is possible to notice that the significations involves concept or senses which extend across a semantic--pragmatic domain which includes politeness. We can see that certain softening senses are key elements to mark polite usage. The main data used come from the descriptions of the modal auxiliary verb in a corpus of grammar books from the period. Usage and manner books are also consulted as a secondary resource. The manner book in particular is quite helpful for our understanding of how linguistic politeness was regarded at the time. Such texts also help us to find a certain network of senses which are related to polite expressions. 展开更多
关键词 MODALS network of senses historical development politeness expression
Goal for language instruction: EFL learners' interlanguage
作者 ZHANG Li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第6期49-53,共5页
The goal of language instruction for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners has always been a hot topic in SLA (Second Language Acquisition). First, Alan Davies's view to regard native speaker's proficienc... The goal of language instruction for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners has always been a hot topic in SLA (Second Language Acquisition). First, Alan Davies's view to regard native speaker's proficiency as the goal of both L2 and EFL learners is retorted. And then another complete and realistic goal for EFL learners, that is, understandable and acceptable interlanguage of EFL learners themselves is sought out. Furthermore, the four characteristics of EFL learners' IL are to be summarized. Finally, one needs to notice the fact that interlanguage is dynamic and has a close relation to SLA and EFL study. 展开更多
关键词 goal of language instruction INTERLANGUAGE EFL study
An overview of the semantic class of the word groups of the industry terminology in "Exploitation of the Works of Nature"
作者 ZHAO Yue 《International English Education Research》 2018年第1期98-100,共3页
Since the printing and publication of the first carved edition of"Exploitation of the Works of Nature" in 1637 (the tenth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty), it has been 380 years of history. It is an encyclop... Since the printing and publication of the first carved edition of"Exploitation of the Works of Nature" in 1637 (the tenth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty), it has been 380 years of history. It is an encyclopedia describing China's ancient agricultural and handicraft technologies, which occupies an important position in the history of the world science and technology, and the author Song Yingxing is praised by the British expert on the world science and technology history Dr. Joseph Needham as the "Chinese Diderot". This book is of great value in the language and the cultural researches. From the perspective of the linguistics, the technical terminologies on the agriculture, the handicraft and other disciplines in this paper are classified and analyzed from the semantic point of view, so as to provide an empirical reference for the better dissemination of the book and the diachronic study of the Chinese terminologies. 展开更多
关键词 Terms RELATIONSHIPS word groups
Coherence through theme equivalence: With reference to text translation
作者 JIA Li-ping 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第9期30-33,共4页
Theme is the point of departure of a message, and it is a textual phenomenon. It can interpret the comprehension and production of texts. This paper first makes a thematic analysis of the English original text and the... Theme is the point of departure of a message, and it is a textual phenomenon. It can interpret the comprehension and production of texts. This paper first makes a thematic analysis of the English original text and the Chinese target text, and then makes a comparative study of them in terms of the textual properties. It is found that in reproduction of target text, theme equivalence can not only help to realize the coherence of the target text with the same effect on receptors but also can save translation efforts. It is unnecessary to change the theme-rheme arrangements of the original unless it is required due to the social and cultural differences between English and Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 text translation THEME theme equivalence
Rights of the Child in Greek Language Textbooks in the Greek Primary School: An Empirical Approach
作者 loannis Fykaris Aikaterini Moschopoulou 《Sociology Study》 2012年第9期688-695,共8页
The focus of this study is to investigate the school textbooks of Greek Language, particular emphasis being paid on the search via their content of the level of emergence of the Rights of the Child. The research focus... The focus of this study is to investigate the school textbooks of Greek Language, particular emphasis being paid on the search via their content of the level of emergence of the Rights of the Child. The research focuses on the specific topic, as school textbooks are utilized at the most during schooling and also, as they constitute the basis for the linguistic transfer of messages, values, and attitudes, which are used in all subjects and in the majority of teaching activities and actions. In addition, school textbooks of Greek Language contribute significantly to the cultural understanding and development of the child. This whole dimension is attempted to be highlighted in the present study, the main outcome of which is that via the school textbooks of Greek Language of the last three grades of the Greek Primary School, the emergence of the Rights of the Child is attempted at a satisfactory level. The present research is an empirical approach to textbooks of Greek Language of Greek Primary School on the Rights of the Child and it is innovative, for being the first evaluative approach on the aforementioned issue, since the last review of school textbooks in the Greek. 展开更多
关键词 School textbooks RIGHTS LANGUAGE
A simple approach for building transliteration editors for Indian languages 被引量:1
作者 PRAHALLAD Lavanya PRAHALLAD Kishore GANAPATHIRAJU Madhavi 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1354-1361,共8页
Transliteration editors are essential for keying-in Indian language scripts into the computer using QWERTY keyboard. Applications of transliteration editors in the context of Universal Digital Library (UDL) include en... Transliteration editors are essential for keying-in Indian language scripts into the computer using QWERTY keyboard. Applications of transliteration editors in the context of Universal Digital Library (UDL) include entry of meta-data and diction- aries for Indian languages. In this paper we propose a simple approach for building transliteration editors for Indian languages using Unicode and by taking advantage of its rendering engine. We demonstrate the usefulness of the Unicode based approach to build transliteration editors for Indian languages, and report its advantages needing little maintenance and few entries in the mapping table, and ease of adding new features such as adding letters, to the transliteration scheme. We demonstrate the trans- literation editor for 9 Indian languages and also explain how this approach can be adapted for Arabic scripts. 展开更多
关键词 Transliteration editor Indian languages Universal Digital Library (UDL)
Lower Intermediate Readers and Their Use of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies
作者 Parisa Daftarifard Parviz Birjandi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第10期757-761,共5页
Despite much research done on strategy, there still exist several questions unanswered. Not much research is done to examine lower intermediate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' performance on the readi... Despite much research done on strategy, there still exist several questions unanswered. Not much research is done to examine lower intermediate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' performance on the reading section of the First Certificate of English exam (FCER) in the post strategy instruction period. The results indicate that learners vary not only in terms of their performance on the FCER, hut also on the employed metacognitive strategy. Furthermore, metacognitive strategies are the only predictors that positively predict learners' performance in the FCER. 展开更多
关键词 reading comprehension cognitive and metacognitive strategies first certificate of English
Research on Teaching Design of TESOL
作者 Pan Siyang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期87-89,共3页
TESOL is the abbreviation of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The basic meaning is international English teacher qualification certificate, and the teaching objects are the students which uses English ... TESOL is the abbreviation of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The basic meaning is international English teacher qualification certificate, and the teaching objects are the students which uses English as the second language. The theme of TESOL is to observe the methods and theory of English teaching, which makes the teachers' level of English teaching improve. On the basis of course learning experience of TESOL, the paper observes the disadvantages and advantages of TESOL from teaching design and teaching ideas. And the paper discuses the enlightenment of it for domestic English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 TESOL RESEARCH teaching design
作者 曹嫄 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期465-470,512,共7页
韩国汉文辞书《方言类释》是一部多语多译的词汇集,其中所附《中州乡语》记录了当时中国多个省份的方言词。有学者据此评价该书记录了七大汉语方言和八大官话,是一份难得的方言学域外文献。我们经过考索发现,《中州乡语》抄撮自中土文... 韩国汉文辞书《方言类释》是一部多语多译的词汇集,其中所附《中州乡语》记录了当时中国多个省份的方言词。有学者据此评价该书记录了七大汉语方言和八大官话,是一份难得的方言学域外文献。我们经过考索发现,《中州乡语》抄撮自中土文献《古今图书集成》,并非韩国学者原创。目前学界对《中州乡语》文献性质的判断、学术价值的评价以及所收词语方言属性的分析均值得商榷。 展开更多
关键词 《方言类释》 《中州乡 《古今图集成》
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