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作者 王广义 张宽 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期56-59,共4页
王箬渔所撰《调查东北移民日记初稿》(一、二、三册),系未付梓之民国时期调查日记。此日记记录了作者"九·一八"之前对中国东北移民的调查日程,生动地还原当时东北移民的生活,对近代东北社会史、国际关系等的研究具有重... 王箬渔所撰《调查东北移民日记初稿》(一、二、三册),系未付梓之民国时期调查日记。此日记记录了作者"九·一八"之前对中国东北移民的调查日程,生动地还原当时东北移民的生活,对近代东北社会史、国际关系等的研究具有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 王箬渔 《调查东北移民日记》 史料价值 编纂特点
作者 乔生 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期56-59,共4页
近年外国企业利用技术性贸易壁垒,对我国企业产品与技术连续发起狙击,引发国民对破除国外技术贸易壁垒的关注。我国《调查规则》在诉诸报复威胁措施,构成贸易壁垒的“不合理”规定以及司法审查方面存在的问题与不足,应根据不断变化的形... 近年外国企业利用技术性贸易壁垒,对我国企业产品与技术连续发起狙击,引发国民对破除国外技术贸易壁垒的关注。我国《调查规则》在诉诸报复威胁措施,构成贸易壁垒的“不合理”规定以及司法审查方面存在的问题与不足,应根据不断变化的形势与特点,在司法审查、限制技术性贸易壁垒及贸易壁垒范围与可操作性方面,从国际贸易防卫法的高度对《调查规则》作出具创新意义的修改。 展开更多
关键词 贸易壁垒 技术性贸易壁垒 《调查规则》 TBR 立法创新
调查人 闪动的身影
作者 何孟春 《统计与经济》 2009年第2期64-64,共1页
调查人的身影 轻轻划过 城市的大街小巷 乡间的羊肠小道
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 现代文学 《调查人 闪动的身影》
抽样调查中无回答的影响及处理方法——兼对《调查技能教程》中无回答调整的方法与应用条件的扩展 被引量:11
作者 鲁志贤 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第12期43-47,共5页
The paper analyses the influence of non responding of sample survey,introduces to the relevant dealing method and extends the adjusting method and applying condition introduced in the “Course of Survey Technique”.
关键词 抽样调查 《调查技能教程》 应用条件 单元无回答 推理插补 均值插补 调整方法 定义 种类 二重抽样法 有效样本
作者 朱亚坤 《中国劳动关系学院学报》 CSSCI 2016年第5期73-79,共7页
新增录的列宁《调查提纲》是科学社会主义的重要文献。这一提纲涉及工厂和工人基本信息、工人劳动条件和生活条件等三大方面的内容,比较集中地体现了列宁有关工人运动的思想、情怀和方法。它既鲜明地展示了列宁实事求是、坚持阶级分析法... 新增录的列宁《调查提纲》是科学社会主义的重要文献。这一提纲涉及工厂和工人基本信息、工人劳动条件和生活条件等三大方面的内容,比较集中地体现了列宁有关工人运动的思想、情怀和方法。它既鲜明地展示了列宁实事求是、坚持阶级分析法,关注工人态度、关心弱势群体等思想特色,又综合地表现出多重意义,即在实际工作中对如何开展工人调查具有切实的指导作用;在理论上对探究列宁工人运动思想有重要的参考价值;在时代启发上对理解新时期的劳资冲突有借鉴和警示意义;在方法论上对倡导提纲式文本内容的研究具有一定的探索价值。 展开更多
关键词 列宁 《调查提纲》 社会主义 工人阶级 提纲式文本
作者 祁如玉 《新闻研究导刊》 2016年第14期157-157,共1页
《调查》作为山东卫视一档受欢迎的深度调查类栏目,在节目类型上与央视的王牌栏目《新闻调查》比较相似。本文将两个栏目进行对比,通过选取《调查》栏目中较为典型的一期,具体从叙事方式、记者角色、价值导向三个方面评析其不足之处,并... 《调查》作为山东卫视一档受欢迎的深度调查类栏目,在节目类型上与央视的王牌栏目《新闻调查》比较相似。本文将两个栏目进行对比,通过选取《调查》栏目中较为典型的一期,具体从叙事方式、记者角色、价值导向三个方面评析其不足之处,并以成熟的央视《新闻调查》栏目为标杆,针对不足提出进一步完善的建议。 展开更多
关键词 《调查 雾霾天气 评析
两个版本的《反对本本主义》——纪念毛泽东诞辰120周年 被引量:1
作者 倪德刚 《哈尔滨市委党校学报》 2014年第1期9-11,共3页
毛泽东1930年写了两篇文章,一篇是《反对本本主义》,一篇是《调查工作》,这两篇文章都是石印本小册子,革命时期这两个小册子都丢失了。1957年福建龙岩上杭县一位农民发现了《调查工作》小册子,被中央档案馆收藏。毛泽东看到这本小册子后... 毛泽东1930年写了两篇文章,一篇是《反对本本主义》,一篇是《调查工作》,这两篇文章都是石印本小册子,革命时期这两个小册子都丢失了。1957年福建龙岩上杭县一位农民发现了《调查工作》小册子,被中央档案馆收藏。毛泽东看到这本小册子后,认为极其重要,将名字改为《反对本本主义》并编入《毛泽东选集》第1卷,这就是说,真正版本的《反对本本主义》至今没有发现,考证这两篇文章的来龙去脉,对于纪念毛泽东诞辰120周年很有意义。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 《反对本本主义》 《调查研究》
作者 华友根 《衡水学院学报》 2016年第5期79-91,128,共14页
董康,清末曾四渡东瀛日本考察法制,聘请法律顾问和法律学堂教习,参观裁判所与监狱,并编撰成《调查日本裁判监狱报告书》。在他具体主持及在法律顾问指导下,翻译日本法典八种,拟定《大清新刑律》等七部法律草案。董康在北洋政府初期曾到... 董康,清末曾四渡东瀛日本考察法制,聘请法律顾问和法律学堂教习,参观裁判所与监狱,并编撰成《调查日本裁判监狱报告书》。在他具体主持及在法律顾问指导下,翻译日本法典八种,拟定《大清新刑律》等七部法律草案。董康在北洋政府初期曾到日本留学、访友、进修;回国后,刑律方面对日本顾问"签注"进行整理,讼诉法方面对日本"博士案"加以修正。后来,又从日本找回我国失落的法律、礼仪,获得日本丧仪、《和汉合律疏》等。南京国民政府时期,受邀赴日讲中国法学史,如《周礼》《春秋刑制考》等;参观日本刑具博物馆、控诉院、大审院等,并参加东京儒道大会,重获失传的祭孔仪式。总之,董康是清末向日本学习近代先进法制,形成最初"六法";而民国时期向日本介绍中国古代法律文明与近代法制改革情况的第一人。因而是中日法制交流的"巨擘"。 展开更多
关键词 董康 修订法律馆 日本法律顾问 《调查日本裁判监狱报告书》 前清考试制度 唐《龙朔散颁刑部格》 《春秋刑事诉讼法》 东京儒道大会 “六法”
作者 张品良 付昱 《教育传媒研究》 2024年第3期9-13,共5页
作为一种将马克思主义新闻理论同中国新闻实践相结合所产生的创新成果,马克思主义新闻观中国化首先是一种思想理论形态的“中国化”。苏区创建时期,毛泽东在与党内教条主义斗争及深入乡村寻乌调查的基础上,撰写了《调查工作》一文,他从... 作为一种将马克思主义新闻理论同中国新闻实践相结合所产生的创新成果,马克思主义新闻观中国化首先是一种思想理论形态的“中国化”。苏区创建时期,毛泽东在与党内教条主义斗争及深入乡村寻乌调查的基础上,撰写了《调查工作》一文,他从马克思主义认识论的高度,提出了马克思主义必须中国化的思想,要求党和红军必须在深入调查、了解中国的情况下开展工作。本文认为,《调查工作》一文首次提出了马克思主义中国化的思想,开启了马克思主义新闻观中国化的起始语境,它在中国共产党新闻思想史上具有里程碑意义。 展开更多
关键词 《调查工作》 马克思主义新闻观 中国化 理论溯源
Study on the Degradation Trend of Ryegrass-White Clover Artificial Grassland 被引量:12
作者 张建波 李相林 +4 位作者 万里强 陈瑞祥 赵相勇 陈伟 陈国南 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期26-28,88,共4页
[Objective] The study aimed to explore the degradation law and trend of artificial grassland. [Method] Taking the ryegrass (Lolium perenne) - white clover ( Trifolium repens) artificial grassland in Maiping Townsh... [Objective] The study aimed to explore the degradation law and trend of artificial grassland. [Method] Taking the ryegrass (Lolium perenne) - white clover ( Trifolium repens) artificial grassland in Maiping Township, Guizhou Province as the research object, the grassland vegetation of 40 quadrate from different areas (area around the sheep shed, hilltop, hillside, flatland at the foot of the hill) were analyzed by comparing the dominance and richness index. [ Result] Degradation of different degrees appeared in various areas of this artificial grassland. To be specific, the degradation of grassland around the sheep shed was not serious for less consumption by the sheep; however, the areas on the hilltop and hillside degenerated to the grassland types of dallis grass ( Paspalum dilatatum Poir. ) -Indian lovegrass ( Eragrostis pilosa) and dallis grass - cogongrass [ Imperata cylindrica ( Linn. ) Beauv. ], respectively, and the area at the foot of the hill degenerated to the grassland type dominated by garland chrysanthetnum ( Chrysanthemum coronarium L. ) and knotgrass ( Paspalum distichum L. ). [ Conclusion ] This study provided a basis for grassland improvement as well as the efficient and sustainable utilization of grazing-type artificial grassland in South China. 展开更多
关键词 Ryegrass Lolium perenne) White clover( Trifolium repens) Artificial grassland DEGRADATION
A National Cross-Sectio nal Survey Dataset on Com mon Disease and Influencing Factors of Chinese Internal Migrants in 2017 被引量:1
作者 Shengfa Zhang Wei Luo +5 位作者 Yuhuan Ma Zhili Wang Jjing Chen Fang Zhou Xiaoyu Zhang Wei Zhou 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2022年第3期234-239,I0009,共7页
This data article describes the dataset from a national cross-sectional questionnaire survey on Chinese internal migrants in 2017.The survey was part of the Chinese Migrants Dynamic Survey,which is an annually conduct... This data article describes the dataset from a national cross-sectional questionnaire survey on Chinese internal migrants in 2017.The survey was part of the Chinese Migrants Dynamic Survey,which is an annually conducted large-scale national questionnaire survey on internal migrants.The respondents in the described dataset were migrants and registered local residents aged over 15 years old.A multistage stratified probability-proportionalto-size(PPS) sampling method based on the 2016 annual report data of China Migrant Population was adopted.The questionnaire was designed to collect demographic information of respondents and their family members,intention of migration or settlement,health status,health services accessibility,social integration,and epidemic influencing factors of common diseases,including hypertension,type 2 diabetes,diarrhea,fever,rash,icterus,conjunctival redness,cold,and other illnesses or injuries.The sample population in this survey include 13,998 internal migrants and 14,000 registered local residents from eight domestic cities/prefecture/districts across China.It is the most widely covering and highly representative dataset on common diseases and influencing factors of internal migrants in China.The dataset can be used to study common diseases and influencing factors among floating Chinese population.It provides data support for government to improve healthcare accessibility and the equity of public health services for internal migrants in China. 展开更多
关键词 health services floating population population survey common diseases influencing factors China
Population survey and conservation assessment of the globally threa- tened cheer pheasant (Catreus wallicht) in Jhelum Valley, Azad Kas- hmir, Pakistan 被引量:1
作者 Muhammad Naeem AWAN Hassan ALI David Charles LEE 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期338-345,共8页
The cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi is a globally threatened species that inhabits the western Himalayas. Though it is well established that the species is threatened and its numbers declining, updated definitive esti... The cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi is a globally threatened species that inhabits the western Himalayas. Though it is well established that the species is threatened and its numbers declining, updated definitive estimates are lacking, so in 2011, we conducted a survey to assess the density, population size, and threats to the species in Jhelum valley, Azad Kashmir, which holds the largest known population of cheer pheasants in Pakistan. We conducted dawn call count surveys at 17 points clustered in three survey zones of the valley, 11 of which had earlier been used for a 2002-2003 survey of the birds. Over the course of our survey, 113 birds were recorded. Mean density of cheer pheasant in the valley was estimated at 11.8±6.47 pairs per km2, with significant differences in terms of both counts and estimated density of cheer were significantly different across the three survey zones, with the highest in the Chinari region and the lowest, that is the area with no recorded sightings of the pheasants, in Gari Doppata. The total breeding population of cheer pheasants is estimated to be some 2 490 pairs, though this does not consider the actual area of occupancy in the study area. On the whole, more cheer pheasants were recorded in this survey than from the same points in 2002-2003, indicating some success in population growth. Unfortunately, increasing human settlement, fires, livestock grazing, hunting, and the collection of non-timber forest products continue to threaten the population of cheer in the Jhelum valley. To mitigate these potential impacts, some degree of site protection should be required for the conservation of cheer pheasants in Pakistan, and more effective monitoring of the species is clearly needed. 展开更多
关键词 ABUNDANCE Habitat analysis Cheer Pheasant Jhelum valley Pakistan
Sarcopenia is associated with Framingham risk score in the Korean population: Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2010-2011 被引量:1
作者 Chae-Hwa Byeon Kee-Young Kang Se-Hun Kang Eun-Jin Bae 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期366-372,共7页
Background Sarcopenia is a risk factor for metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease, but the association between sarcopenia and cardiovascular risk factors according to age and obesity status in the general popu... Background Sarcopenia is a risk factor for metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease, but the association between sarcopenia and cardiovascular risk factors according to age and obesity status in the general population remains unknown. We thus investigated these associations in the Korean population. Methods We included 8,958 and 8,518 subjects from the fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) (from 2010 and 2011, respectively). The study was restricted to participants 〉 20 years old who had completed the health examination survey, including whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans. After exclusion, 7,366 subjects (3,188 men, 4,178 women) were included in our final analysis. Age was categorized according to three age groups (20-39, 40-59, mad 〉 60 years), and subjects were catego- rized according to their sarcopenic and obesity status. Cardiovascular risk was assessed with Framingham risk score (FRS). Results The sarco- penic obese group had a higher FRS than the non-sarcopenic obese group, which had a higher FRS than the non-sarcopenic non-obese group. Age-wise, the 20-39 year-old group showed a non-significant association between sarcopenia and FRS. In the 40-59 year-old group, regardless of obesity status, sarcopenic subjects had a higher FRS than non-sarcopenic subjects. In the 〉 60 year-old group, sarcopenic subjects had a higher FRS than non-sarcopenic subjects for the non-obese group. Conclusions Sarcopenia was associated with cardiovascular disease and may be an early predictor of its susceptibility in both elderly and middle-aged subjects. Thus, management of sarcopenia is necessary to prevent cardiovascu- lar disease. 展开更多
关键词 Age Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular risk factor Framingham risk score SARCOPENIA
Verification of Net Primary Production Estimation Method in the Mongolian Plateau Using Landsat ETM+ Data
作者 XIONGYan KanakoMuramatsu +5 位作者 MasahiroHirata KazatoOishi IchirowKaihotsu TamioTakamura ShinobuFurumi NoboruFujiwara 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2004年第2期117-122,共6页
We plan to estimate global net primary production (NPP) of vegetation using the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite\|Ⅱ (ADEOS\|Ⅱ) Global Imager (GLI) multi\|spectral data. We derive an NPP estimation algorithm from g... We plan to estimate global net primary production (NPP) of vegetation using the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite\|Ⅱ (ADEOS\|Ⅱ) Global Imager (GLI) multi\|spectral data. We derive an NPP estimation algorithm from ground measurement data on temperate plants in Japan. By the algorithm, we estimate NPP using a vegetation index based on pattern decomposition (VIPD) for the Mongolian Plateau. The VIPD is derived from Landsat ETM+ multi\|spectral data, and the resulting NPP estimation is compared with ground data measured in a semi\|arid area of Mongolia. The NPP estimation derived from satellite remote sensing data agrees with the ground measurement data within the error range of 15% when all above\|ground vegetation NPP is calculated for different vegetation classifications. 展开更多
关键词 NPP reflectance PHOTOSYNTHESIS canopy structure
Needs assessment and expectations regarding evidence-based practice knowledge acquisition and training activities:A cross-sectional study of healthcare personnel in China 被引量:1
作者 Janita Pak Chun Chau Wai Tong Chien +2 位作者 Xu Liu Yan Hu Yinghui Jin 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期100-106,共7页
Objectives Evidence-based healthcare contributes to the improvement of healthcare quality and informs healthcare decision-making.The provision of timely high-quality evidence is always required to fulfil the ever-chan... Objectives Evidence-based healthcare contributes to the improvement of healthcare quality and informs healthcare decision-making.The provision of timely high-quality evidence is always required to fulfil the ever-changing needs and expectations of healthcare personnel.This study aimed to assess the needs and expectations of healthcare personnel regarding evidence-based healthcare in China.Methods We conducted a cross-sectional online survey from December 8,2020 to January 15,2021 involving 901 participants across China.Healthcare providers,policy makers,researchers and educators,and full-time postgraduate medical and nursing students working/living in China were eligible to participate.A self-developed questionnaire was used.Results Participants generally agreed that health-related research evidence was beneficial.Evidence-based resources,such as Cochrane resources,were only known or used by about half of the respondents due to difficulties related to availability and accessibility.Various types of resources,topics of evidence,and themes of workshops were of particular interest to most of the participants.Conclusions The dissemination and translation of evidence,provision of more support in evidence availability,offering evidence-based training,and determining the most in-demand research areas have been identified as priority areas of work which could fulfil the needs and expectations of healthcare personnel in China. 展开更多
关键词 Administrative personnel Evidence-based practice Health personnel Surveys and questionnaires
《中国卫生质量管理》 2002年第6期17-20,共4页
关键词 《价格行政处罚程序规定》 法律 中国 执法人员 《检查登记表》 《调查询问笔录》
Tools and Algorithm for Concept Analysis Using Medical Data
作者 Boumedyen Shannaq Fouad Jameel Ibrahim AIAzzawi 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第7期346-350,共5页
Drug taxonomy could be described as an inherent structure of different pharmaceutical componential drugs. Unfortunately, the literature does not always provide a clear path to define and classify adverse drug events. ... Drug taxonomy could be described as an inherent structure of different pharmaceutical componential drugs. Unfortunately, the literature does not always provide a clear path to define and classify adverse drug events. While not a systematic review, this paper uses examples from the literature to illustrate problems that investigators will confront as they develop a conceptual framework for their research. It also proposes a targeted taxonomy that can facilitate a clear and consistent approach to understanding different drugs and could aid in the comparison to results of past and future studies. In terms of building the drugs taxonomy, symptoms information were selected, clustered and adapted for this purpose. Finally, although national or international agreement on taxonomy for different drugs is a distant or unachievable goal, individual investigations and the literature as a whole will be improved by prospective, explicit classification of different drugs using this new pharmacy information system (PIS) and inclusion of the study's approach to classification in publications. The PIS allows user to find information quickly by following semantic connections that surround every drug linked to the subject. It provides quicker search, faster and more intuitive understanding of the focus. This research work can pretend to become a leading provider of encyclopedia service for scientists and educators, as well as attract the scientific community-universities, research and development groups. 展开更多
关键词 CLUSTERING concept analysis drugs taxonomy visual data exploration.
Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Bilingual Educational Programs The Prospects of Pilot Programs in Georgia
作者 Shalva Tabatadze 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期93-109,共17页
Multilingual Education Programs Regulation was adopted and the implementation of bilingual educational reform started in Georgia in 2010. The paper presents research results on readiness of non-Georgian schools to imp... Multilingual Education Programs Regulation was adopted and the implementation of bilingual educational reform started in Georgia in 2010. The paper presents research results on readiness of non-Georgian schools to implement multilingual educational programs effectively. The research studied the important factors influencing the effectiveness of bilingual educational programs, specifically (1) type of program, (2) human resources of schools and teachers professional development, (3) bilingual education as shared vision for all school stakeholders, and (4) community and parental involvement in designing and implementation of bilingual educational programs. The following research methods were used during the research: (1) quantitative and qualitative content analysis of bilingual educational programs of 26 non-Georgian schools of Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti regions of Georgia, (2) quantitative survey of non-Georgian school principals through questionnaires, and (3) quantitative survey of non-Georgian schools' teachers of different subjective groups through questionnaire. The study revealed that schools are implementing mostly "weak" bilingual educational programs. The schools implementing bilingual educational programs do not have sufficient human resources, bilingual education is not a shared vision for all school stakeholders and parents and community are not actively involved in designing and implementation of the programs. 展开更多
关键词 Georgia bilingual education ethnic minorities bilingual program effectiveness non-Georgianschools
Obesity, metabolic abnormalities, and mortality in older men
作者 Rong ZHANG Sheng-Yong DONG +3 位作者 Wei-Min WANG Shu-Yang FEI Hang XIANG Qiang ZENG 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期422-427,共6页
Background Older adults are prone to obesity and metabolic abnormalities and recommended to pursue a normal weight especially when obesity and metabolic abnormalities are co-existed. However, few studies have reported... Background Older adults are prone to obesity and metabolic abnormalities and recommended to pursue a normal weight especially when obesity and metabolic abnormalities are co-existed. However, few studies have reported the possible differences in the effect of obesity on outcomes between older adults with metabolic abnormalities and those without metabolic abnormalities. Methods A total of 3485 older men were included from 2000 to 2014. All-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality were obtained during a mean follow-up of five years Metabolic abnormalities were defined as having established hypertension, diabetes, or dyslipidemia and taking the disease-related medications. All participants were stratified by the presence or absence of metabolic abnormalities. Results In the non-metabolic abnormalities group, all-cause and cardiovascular deaths were lowest in overweight participants and highest in obese participants. In the metabolic abnormalities group, mortality was also lowest in overweight participants but highest in participants with normal weight. After adjustment for covariates, hazard ratios (95% CI) for all-cause death and cardiovascular death were 0.68 (0.51, 0.92) and 0.59 (0.37, 0.93), respectively, in overweight participants with metabolic abnormalities. Furthermore, obesity was not associated with mortality risk in both groups. These findings were unchanged in stratified analyses. Conclusions Overweight was negatively associated with mortality risk in older men with metabolic abnormalities but not in those without metabolic abnormalities. Obesity did not increase death risk regardless of metabolic abnormalities. These findings suggest that the recommendation of pursuing a normal weight may be wrong in overweight/obese older men, especially for those with metabolic abnormalities. 展开更多
关键词 OBESITY Older men Metabolic abnormality MORTALITY
Migration Laws of Floating Population in Mianyang 被引量:1
作者 LiuPeng 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第1期49-53,共5页
Based on the overall analysis of the floating population among big and medium-sized cities in China,this paper, by means of statistics and questionnaires, makes a systematical study on the migratory features of the fl... Based on the overall analysis of the floating population among big and medium-sized cities in China,this paper, by means of statistics and questionnaires, makes a systematical study on the migratory features of the floating population in Mianyang, its employment structure, migrating causes and channels. According to the findings, the author finds a fact that with the strategy of Western Development, and with the construction of science and technology city of Mianyang, the migrating in Mianyang conforms to the general patterns of the migration, which has happened in those big and medium-sized cities in China.In addition,the city has a new but unique feature — economic factor, as the driving force of population migration, is quite distinct from that of those citiesin eastern areas of China. 展开更多
关键词 Mianyang floating population Migration Laws
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