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作者 王正冰 《神州》 2010年第10Z期5-5,共1页
我和海上的天空一样贫穷 向海边奔去无息无声 我没有衣裳没有梦 唯有黄昏海上的夕阳红
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 现代文学 《贫穷》
作者 卢科霖 《世界文学研究》 2024年第5期387-392,共6页
“新海外华语文学”通过跨文化背景的多元叙事,突破传统移民叙述,涵纳全球视角与在地参与,展现了华语文学在全球化语境下的创新性和世界性。新移民作家王梆的社科纪实类作品《贫穷的质感》通过书写真实的自我生活体验,揭示了英国社会真... “新海外华语文学”通过跨文化背景的多元叙事,突破传统移民叙述,涵纳全球视角与在地参与,展现了华语文学在全球化语境下的创新性和世界性。新移民作家王梆的社科纪实类作品《贫穷的质感》通过书写真实的自我生活体验,揭示了英国社会真实的“贫穷相”,并以异国人的身份对英国社会存在的经济、政治、观念等各方面问题进行了分析,并以在地者身份实际参与了社会建设。冷静而带有温度的创作,使以英国为代表的西方文化符码被彻底“祛魅”,文中的非虚构写作也成为新时代中国看世界的“新图谱”。该创作在陌生化写作中给我们带来震惊感与探索新视域的同时,展现出了“新海外华文文学”写作的叙事景观,它不在着力于身份焦虑、文化冲突等传统华文文学母题,而是消解国界、打破二元对立和以西方为中心的书写模式,以世界性的视角,表现出了更广阔的精神资源和的海外华文文学叙事形态。“New Overseas Chinese Literature” transcends traditional immigrant narratives through diverse storytelling rooted in cross-cultural backgrounds, embracing both a global perspective and local engagement to demonstrate the innovativeness and universality of Chinese literature within the context of globalization. The sociological documentary work “The Texture of Hard Times” by new immigrant writer Wang Bang articulates the stark realities of poverty in British society through personal lived experiences. Writing from the standpoint of a foreigner, she analyzes various aspects of British societal issues, including the economy, politics, and prevailing attitudes. By actively participating in societal construction as a local, her composed yet empathetic style demystifies the Western cultural symbols represented by the UK, offering a new “map” for contemporary China to view the world. Her nonfiction writing shocks and opens up new horizons, depicting the narrative landscape of “New Overseas Chinese Literature.” The work moves beyond focusing on traditional themes like identity anxiety and cultural conflict, dissolving borders, countering binary oppositions, and decentering Western perspectives. Instead, it adopts a global view to unveil broader spiritual resources and narrative forms of overseas Chinese literature. 展开更多
关键词 王梆 《贫穷的质感》 书写母题 世界性视角 新海外华语文学
作者 陈雪 《安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期79-81,94,共4页
山上忆良创作的《贫穷问答歌》是《万叶集》中唯一的一首反映贫苦人民生活的咏贫诗歌,具有很强的社会性。通过分析作品本身的深刻内涵,并结合山上忆良不平凡的人生经历,从而解读出《贫穷问答歌》这篇和歌的思想性。同时与中国相关古代... 山上忆良创作的《贫穷问答歌》是《万叶集》中唯一的一首反映贫苦人民生活的咏贫诗歌,具有很强的社会性。通过分析作品本身的深刻内涵,并结合山上忆良不平凡的人生经历,从而解读出《贫穷问答歌》这篇和歌的思想性。同时与中国相关古代文学作品作了比较,找出其中蕴含的中国传统文学思想。山上忆良运用质朴平实的笔墨,倾诉人民饥寒之苦,客观地反映了当时社会生活状态。其思想的深刻性在日本诗史上独放异彩。 展开更多
关键词 万叶集 山上忆良 《贫穷问答歌》 思想性
拥抱未来的思维实验——书评《贫穷的终结》 被引量:1
作者 吴晨 《中国对外贸易》 2019年第6期80-80,共1页
未来的生活和职场会是什么样子?凯恩斯在二十世纪上半叶给出了预言,他认为到二十一世纪上半叶,每个人只需要每周工作15个小时就能过上富足的生活,人类面临的最大问题是如何打发那一下子多出来的时间。只是,从目前看来,凯恩斯预言实现的... 未来的生活和职场会是什么样子?凯恩斯在二十世纪上半叶给出了预言,他认为到二十一世纪上半叶,每个人只需要每周工作15个小时就能过上富足的生活,人类面临的最大问题是如何打发那一下子多出来的时间。只是,从目前看来,凯恩斯预言实现的可能性很小,无论是在美国这样的成熟市场还是中国这样快速崛起的国家,普罗大众花在职场上的时间反而更多了,工作和生活的天平更偏向工作,而不是生活。 展开更多
关键词 全民基本收入 人工智能 《贫穷的终结》 思维实验
作者 王继杰 《现代日本经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第5期43-45,共3页
山上忆良生于公元7世纪60年代,是日本古代著名的平民诗人。他以批判现实的社会诗久负盛誉。其著名长诗《贫穷问答歌》、《哀世间难住歌》、《沉疴之时作歌》及《老身重病经年辛苦及恩儿等歌》等诗,描绘了下层人民的饥苦,道出了世间的不... 山上忆良生于公元7世纪60年代,是日本古代著名的平民诗人。他以批判现实的社会诗久负盛誉。其著名长诗《贫穷问答歌》、《哀世间难住歌》、《沉疴之时作歌》及《老身重病经年辛苦及恩儿等歌》等诗,描绘了下层人民的饥苦,道出了世间的不平,作品感情真挚,触及了比较广泛的社会问题,开辟了一条新的现实主义道路。他的光辉诗篇至今仍被日本人民所喜爱。《贫穷问答歌》是山上忆良的代表作之一。它基本上体现了山上忆良作品的思想艺术特色。 展开更多
关键词 日本 山上忆良 《贫穷问答歌》 思想艺术特色
作者 国国 《基础教育》 2005年第2期62-62,共1页
关键词 《贫穷不是理由》 中学 语文 散文 阅读欣赏
作者 李艳华 《水利天地》 2007年第11期44-44,共1页
人真是奇怪,生活衣食无忧了,却常常怀念那些贫穷的日子。 从十岁起,家里每年一头猪的猪草就由我承担起来。每天早上,天还没亮透我就得起床,先上山下沟割满一筐猪草回来才能吃早饭,再去上学。下午放学后,我再割一筐猪草回来才能... 人真是奇怪,生活衣食无忧了,却常常怀念那些贫穷的日子。 从十岁起,家里每年一头猪的猪草就由我承担起来。每天早上,天还没亮透我就得起床,先上山下沟割满一筐猪草回来才能吃早饭,再去上学。下午放学后,我再割一筐猪草回来才能吃晚饭,做作业。 展开更多
关键词 中国 当代 散文 作品赏析 《贫穷是一笔精神财富》
作者 雷其坤 《中学语文园地(初中版)》 2000年第9期44-45,共2页
关键词 《贫穷与富有》 文学欣赏 中学 语文教学
作者 修金来 《中国医院院长》 2008年第2期70-70,共1页
关键词 《贫穷的终结》 上海人民出版社 书介 杰弗里·萨克斯
作者 若溪 《发明与创新(高中生)》 2011年第11期61-61,共1页
关键词 《贫穷不卑贱》 中学生 语文学习 阅读知识
作者 李兰所 《写作(中)》 2011年第3期23-23,共1页
关键词 《贫穷 人生的另一种财富》 中学生 作文 语文学习
《论语》“屡空”新考 被引量:1
作者 庞光华 李凤娥 吴珺 《常熟理工学院学报》 2018年第4期104-106,共3页
关键词 屡空
作者 李刚 《南京晓庄学院学报》 2007年第1期11-15,共5页
晓庄学校被封闭后,陶行知遭到国民政府通缉。他匿居上海创办了《师范生》和《儿童生活》杂志。为了避免进一步的迫害,他不得不用笔名发表文章。从生活教育论的形成过程,对李一之、盛震叔生平资料,以及陶行知1931年关于中国及中国教育出... 晓庄学校被封闭后,陶行知遭到国民政府通缉。他匿居上海创办了《师范生》和《儿童生活》杂志。为了避免进一步的迫害,他不得不用笔名发表文章。从生活教育论的形成过程,对李一之、盛震叔生平资料,以及陶行知1931年关于中国及中国教育出路思考的发展过程等多方面的仔细辨析,可以确定在《师范生》中署名“李一之”的三篇文章:《生活教育论发凡》(创刊号)、《通讯·答复》(创刊号)、《贫穷与教育》(第2期,1931年5月15日)是陶行知先生所写。 展开更多
关键词 《师范生》 李一之 盛震叔 《生活教育论发凡》 《贫穷与教育》 陶行知
作者 陈岩 《日语知识》 2006年第9期38-39,共2页
孔子在《论语·阳货》中说:“诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨。”其中的“怨”是说诗歌可以干预现实,批判社会的黑暗和政治的弊端。“诗可以怨”已成为中国诗学的一个重要命题,成为古典诗歌的批判现实的优良传统。长期以来,... 孔子在《论语·阳货》中说:“诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨。”其中的“怨”是说诗歌可以干预现实,批判社会的黑暗和政治的弊端。“诗可以怨”已成为中国诗学的一个重要命题,成为古典诗歌的批判现实的优良传统。长期以来,“诗可以怨”对我国后世的诗歌创作产生了重大影响,许多诗人的作品都有批评和揭露黑暗现实的内容。古代的屈原、杜甫、自居易如此,现代的许多进步诗人,诸如郭沫若、闻一多、艾青等也是如此。日本诗歌虽崇尚“物之哀”,但由于受中国诗歌的影响,即使在古典诗歌中,比如《万叶集》中,仍然可以窥见“诗可以怨”的影子。像被称为社会诗人的山上忆良就有以《贫穷问答歌》为代表的一些充满刺世精神的作品。及至近现代,日本诗歌中,特别是工农大众的诗歌中,“怨诗”逐渐多了起来,诗人们(或者称为劳动者更合适)以诗歌为武器,揭露政治的黑暗与社会的不公,喊出心中的愤怒与哀怨,抒发自己的信心与自豪。从技巧上看,这种诗似乎登不上大雅之堂,有些作为墙报诗贴到墙上,或制成传单写成标语,甚至写在厕所里。然而,诗人的感情却是真实的,他们嬉怒笑骂,无拘无柬,把“可以怨”发挥到了极致。《“大”浴池无情歌》就是这样的作品: 展开更多
关键词 “大” 情歌 古典诗歌 《贫穷问答歌》 愤懑 戏谑 批判社会 诗可以怨
Analyzing Influencing Factors of Rural Poverty in Typical Poverty Areas of Hainan Province: A Case Study of Lingao County 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Jinping ZUO Feng +4 位作者 ZHOU Yanmei ZHAI Mengxiao MEI Lin FU Yidi CHENG Yeqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1061-1076,共16页
Rural poverty and poverty reduction are not only the focal issues that have attracted worldwide attention, but also the vital issues on people's livelihood that has attached great importance and aimed to be solved... Rural poverty and poverty reduction are not only the focal issues that have attracted worldwide attention, but also the vital issues on people's livelihood that has attached great importance and aimed to be solved by the central and local governments of China. Based on the survey data of 354 farming households, this paper, taking the national poverty county of Lingao County, Hainan Province for an example, examined the characteristics of rural poverty of the county. Moreover, this paper established the spatial lag model(SLM) from five dimensions, namely, status of the household head, household structure, health status, income composition and traffic accessibility, to analyze the main influencing factors of rural poverty according to the values of Moran's I and the diagnosis of spatial dependence of the OLS model. It is found that the poor farming households gathered mainly in five towns in the north and southwest of the county, and the rural poverty have the characteristics of low educational level of the heads, more minor children, high population of farming peasants, high incidence of disease and low proportion of household wage-equivalent income. The results also showed that the variables such as the number of minor children, the number of migrant worker, the number of farming peasants and the proportion of wage-equivalent income have significant effectiveness on rural poverty, while the status of the household head, health status and traffic accessibility have little influence. It is an important way to realize the goal of poverty alleviation by controlling the number of farmers' fertility, strengthening the vocational skills training of farmers, vigorously developing specialization and large-scale agriculture and increasing the employment opportunities of farmers. 展开更多
关键词 rural poverty targeted poverty alleviation spatial lag model Lingao County China
Multi-scale Spatial Patterns and Influencing Factors of Rural Poverty:A Case Study in the Liupan Mountain Region, Gansu Province, China 被引量:5
作者 MA Zhenbang CHEN Xingpeng CHEN Huan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期296-312,共17页
The important role of spatial scale in exploring the geography of poverty as well as its policy implications has been noticed but with limited knowledge. To improve such limited understanding, we mainly investigated t... The important role of spatial scale in exploring the geography of poverty as well as its policy implications has been noticed but with limited knowledge. To improve such limited understanding, we mainly investigated the spatial patterns and influencing factors of rural poverty(indicated by poor population and poverty incidence) at three different administrative levels in the Liupan Mountain Region, one of the fourteen poorest regions in China. Our results show that from a global perspective, poor areas are clustered significantly at the county-, township-, and village-level, and more greatly at a lower level. Locally, there is spatial mismatch among poverty hotspots detected not only by the same indicator at different levels but also by different indicators at the same level. A scale effect can be found in the influencing factors of rural poverty. That is, the number of significant factors increases, but the degree of their association with poverty incidence decreases at a lower level. Such scale effect indicates that poverty incidence at lower levels may be affected by more complex factors, including not only the new local ones but also the already appeared non-local ones at higher levels. However, the natural conditions tend to play a scale-independent role to poverty incidence. In response to such scale-dependent patterns and factors, anti-poverty policies can be 1) a multilevel monitoring system to reduce incomplete or even misleading single-level information and understanding; 2) the village-based targeting strategy to increase the targeting efficiency and alleviate the mentioned spatial mismatch; 3) more flexible strategies responding to the local impoverishing factors, and 4) different task emphasises for multilevel policymakers to achieve the common goal of poverty reduction. 展开更多
关键词 POVERTY spatial scale spatial patterns anti-poverty policy China
Contribution of ecotourism to poverty alleviation in Nyanga,Zimbabwe 被引量:2
作者 Leonard Itayi Chirenje 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第2期87-92,共6页
This paper assesses the contribution of ecotourism to local communities and the environment.Livelihoods of local communities are examined to understand the socioeconomic situation of people living in proximity to ecot... This paper assesses the contribution of ecotourism to local communities and the environment.Livelihoods of local communities are examined to understand the socioeconomic situation of people living in proximity to ecotourism areas and their participation in ecotourism activities. The impact of ecotourism on the environment in Nyanga is also examined. The paper employs both literature review(secondary data) and a field survey(primary data) to achieve these objectives. To gather socioeconomic data of households and tourist traits, questionnaires were administered to120 households and 30 tourists in the study area. Key informant interviews were held in the survey to gather expert knowledge about ecotourism trends and environmental data in the area.Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Descriptive and inferential analyses were used for quantitative data while content and structural-functional analyses were used for qualitative data. The research revealed that ecotourism offers the highest salaries when compared to other sources of formal employment. Ecotourism activities were shown to positively impact the environment through the protection, preservation, and management of natural resources. The study concludes that ecotourism is a useful and sustainable poverty alleviation strategy which has not yet been fully exploited in Zimbabwe. 展开更多
关键词 Ecotourism livelihoods poverty alleviation leakages environmental conservation
Human Security, Poverty Pattern and Social Order in Igbo Rural Communities of Contemporary Nigeria
作者 Iwundu Anthony Onyekwere 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第8期472-479,共8页
The Igbo have their homeland in seven states of Nigeria mainly Imo, Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Delta and Rivers. They are receptible to new ideas and adapt easily to change. The ramifications of human insecurity, poverty,... The Igbo have their homeland in seven states of Nigeria mainly Imo, Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Delta and Rivers. They are receptible to new ideas and adapt easily to change. The ramifications of human insecurity, poverty, social disorder, poor coherence and poor integration appear to haunt them and the gravity is felt more in the rural communities. The factors are traceable to many pathetic issues. The pathological consequences do affect Igbo stability and navigation in the Nigerian socio-economic environment. The causality constitutes the physical, human, natural, financial and social assets. It is recommended, among others, that the people should return to core values and norms, stick to their own noble identities, have a framework for tackling insecurity and hunger, target the youth in poverty reduction measures and tackle the herdsmen menace. Equally, the abused philosophies used to support dangerous and strange behavior should be tackled. 展开更多
关键词 human security poverty pattern social order rural community ASSETS integration
The Application of Developmental Social Policy in the path Choice of Urban minimum guarantee object to get rid of Poverty
作者 TANG Gaoyan 《International English Education Research》 2018年第2期85-86,共2页
China has entered a new era, in order to achieve economic growth and social transformation at the same time, China has established a coverage of urban and rural minimum living security system, but the problem of pover... China has entered a new era, in order to achieve economic growth and social transformation at the same time, China has established a coverage of urban and rural minimum living security system, but the problem of poverty has not been alleviated, it is not balanced, can not be fully reflected the development of restricting people for a better life, but also put forward high requirements for the work of the party and the government's poor governance. This paper introduces the development-oriented social policy, and in this paper, puts forward the countermeasures of getting rid of poverty and strengthening oneself from the perspective of development-oriented social policy. 展开更多
关键词 development policy POVERTY path application
The Social-legal Construction of the Poor Childhood: Social-historical Analysis in the Discourse of Cordoba
作者 Nidia Elinor Bisig 《Sociology Study》 2011年第1期65-74,共10页
This paper intends to perform an analysis of the academic production of the National University of Cordoba from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century that deals with the problem of the illegitimate, ... This paper intends to perform an analysis of the academic production of the National University of Cordoba from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century that deals with the problem of the illegitimate, abandoned, delinquent childhood, from a critical approach of the racism theory. One of the displacements this category underwent during the passed century is that it went beyond the field of race and it included women and young people. This aspect involves the discrimination of poor children that have been confined to the place of the "other". Racist characters can be traced in the discursive political practices that have created the category of childhood, being plausible to successfully perform this task by considering as the object of analysis of the theses and dissertations that discuss this subject matter in Cdrdoba. The paper will try to reconstruct the voices that, due to the sense of social belonging of the actors, refer to a certain class ideology. This provides a study of the constitution of the Argentine ruling elite, when the problem of social control, or the "social matter", was placed in the middle of all speculations. Analyzing both the characteristics of the discursive racism of the Argentine elite and the complex process of inferiorization of childhood that the discursive racism entails will allow to establish categories for an analysis of modern racism. In this way, elements to counteract the practices of domination will be presented. In order to do this, it is necessary to historicize them, reconstructing the discourses that support them and allow their continuity, since they persist in their functionality. 展开更多
关键词 Social-legal construction CHILDHOOD Cordoba ARGENTINA
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