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作者 王姝骅 《小学生作文辅导(语文园地)》 2011年第4期21-21,共1页
终于,我和妈妈坐上了西去的列车。 随着火车的一声轰鸣, 我的心也飞向了远方。 一排排的小树向后飞快地跑去, 碧蓝蓝的天空像水洗过一样, 一朵朵白云飘在空中。
关键词 小学 作文 语文教学 《路上》
作者 许德金 《英美文学研究论丛》 CSSCI 2014年第2期133-145,共13页
叙述视角是叙事进程中最为重要的因素。对叙述视角尤其是聚焦的研究是当代叙事学的热点问题。本文以左拉·尼尔·赫斯顿的《路上的尘迹》为例,聚焦作者对叙述视角的魔幻般的使用,并通过文本细读法结合实例对叙述视角在该自传第... 叙述视角是叙事进程中最为重要的因素。对叙述视角尤其是聚焦的研究是当代叙事学的热点问题。本文以左拉·尼尔·赫斯顿的《路上的尘迹》为例,聚焦作者对叙述视角的魔幻般的使用,并通过文本细读法结合实例对叙述视角在该自传第二章中的具体功用和实际效果进行了剖析,以期为国内相关的赫斯顿批评研究提供新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 叙事技巧 叙述视角 《路上的尘迹》 叙述自我 经验自我
作者 陈岩 《日语知识》 2006年第2期37-38,共2页
冈真史与金子光晴是除性别、卒年之外其它方面都很难说相同的作者。冈真史于31年前的1975年投水自杀,那时他还只是一个12岁的孩子,而金子光晴也卒于1975年,时年81岁,他是活跃于日本诗坛近60年的著名反战诗人。然而,这两位年龄、阅... 冈真史与金子光晴是除性别、卒年之外其它方面都很难说相同的作者。冈真史于31年前的1975年投水自杀,那时他还只是一个12岁的孩子,而金子光晴也卒于1975年,时年81岁,他是活跃于日本诗坛近60年的著名反战诗人。然而,这两位年龄、阅历、学识等迥然不同的人,却写出了体裁相同、感情相同的诗歌,这不能不引起我们极大的兴趣。 展开更多
关键词 冈真史 《路上偶遇》 金子光晴 《路旁的爱人》 日本 文学评论 诗歌
作者 庄洪廷 《现代畜牧兽医》 2012年第10期69-69,共1页
夏日清晨,郑程戴上大墨镜骑着电动车,飞奔在上班的路上。车速几乎达到极限,乍一看,不像赶路,却似逃亡。这是现实的无奈,路上早已硝烟弥漫,空气中混杂着尘土、尾气、化学气味,耳边充斥着各类鸣笛声、嘈杂声,让人几乎窒息。郑程除了加速,... 夏日清晨,郑程戴上大墨镜骑着电动车,飞奔在上班的路上。车速几乎达到极限,乍一看,不像赶路,却似逃亡。这是现实的无奈,路上早已硝烟弥漫,空气中混杂着尘土、尾气、化学气味,耳边充斥着各类鸣笛声、嘈杂声,让人几乎窒息。郑程除了加速,别无选择。 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《路上》
上尿路尿路上皮癌Slit引导配体3的表达与临床病理特征以及预后的关系 被引量:2
作者 吴西抗 王跃 贺慧颖 《首都医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期354-359,共6页
目的观察Slit引导配体3(Slit guidance ligand 3,Slit3)在上尿路尿路上皮癌(upper tract urothelial carcinoma, UTUC)中的表达及其与UTUC临床病理特征以及预后的关系。方法采用免疫组织化学方法检测Slit3在UTUC中的表达,并运用相关统... 目的观察Slit引导配体3(Slit guidance ligand 3,Slit3)在上尿路尿路上皮癌(upper tract urothelial carcinoma, UTUC)中的表达及其与UTUC临床病理特征以及预后的关系。方法采用免疫组织化学方法检测Slit3在UTUC中的表达,并运用相关统计学方法分析Slit3表达与UTUC临床病理特征(包括患者年龄、性别、组织学分级、分期和大片坏死等)以及预后的关系。结果在UTUC患者中,Slit3表达随着肿瘤组织学分级和分期的增高而减低(P=0.014和P=0.006),Slit3还与肿瘤膀胱复发具有相关性(P=0.011)。在单因素生存分析中,Slit3低表达与UTUC患者的较短无病生存期和癌特异性生存期均相关(P=0.006,P=0.015),但在多因素生存分析中无统计学意义(P=0.213,P=0.332)。结论 Slit3的低表达与肿瘤高分级、高分期以及膀胱复发相关,但不影响UTUC的预后。 展开更多
关键词 上尿路尿路上皮癌 Slit引导配体3 免疫组织化学 预后
路上有个小土坑——中班文学欣赏活动设计 被引量:1
作者 刘洪敏 《山东教育》 2002年第5期69-69,共1页
关键词 《路上有个小土坑》 教学设计 中班 文学欣赏活动
作者 水唇儿 《党政论坛》 2010年第24期43-43,共1页
关键词 《路上的你最美丽》 散文 文学 水唇儿
作者 宋利民 《农家之友》 2006年第08S期74-74,共1页
关键词 《路上遇到个漂亮妞》 宋利民 文学作品 故事 中国 当代作品
作者 曹嘉良 黎红(指导老师) 《语文教学与研究》 2018年第12期160-160,共1页
每个人的一生都可以看作一场单人旅途,成功成才便是路的终点。很多人为了尽快到达终点而匆匆赶路,来得也快,去得当然也快,最后并没有得到来自终点的美好;反之,也有很多人,愿意放慢自己的脚步,记录下沿路的每个风景,等到了终点,才发觉,... 每个人的一生都可以看作一场单人旅途,成功成才便是路的终点。很多人为了尽快到达终点而匆匆赶路,来得也快,去得当然也快,最后并没有得到来自终点的美好;反之,也有很多人,愿意放慢自己的脚步,记录下沿路的每个风景,等到了终点,才发觉,原来路上的风景独好。路,喻意着过程,过程就意味着我们要活在当下,当我们活在当下的那一刻,才能斩断过去的忧愁和对未来的恐惧。 展开更多
关键词 《路上风景独好》 中国 当代文学 杂文
作者 黄美瑜 《师道(人文)》 2009年第7期100-101,共2页
今夜我如此幸福 晚上,我在大街上散步。遇见一个孩子。她刚刚升上初一。近三个月不见,她理短了头发,那么漂亮的小女生,娇小可爱,水蜜桃一样的脸蛋,焕发着青春的光芒。
关键词 《路上的风景》 散文 中国 当代文学
作者 野鹤 《黄河之声》 2015年第19期103-103,共1页
是的 我是个行者 在路上 你总能看到我
关键词 诗歌 《路上本该有你的身影》 中国 野鹤
作者 陈光 《吉林农业(下半月)》 2012年第9期48-48,共1页
单位离家有15公里的路程,每天往返的路上,眼睛总是被车窗外美丽的景色所吸引,心情也难得的放松。春季里满眼绿色,像是一位独具匠心的画家用碧绿的颜料泼洒的一幅山水画,远看群山翠绿,近听泉水叮咚;夏季里百花盛开,各色野花都开... 单位离家有15公里的路程,每天往返的路上,眼睛总是被车窗外美丽的景色所吸引,心情也难得的放松。春季里满眼绿色,像是一位独具匠心的画家用碧绿的颜料泼洒的一幅山水画,远看群山翠绿,近听泉水叮咚;夏季里百花盛开,各色野花都开了,红的紫的粉的黄的,像绣在一块绿色大地毯上的灿烂斑点,成群的蜜蜂在花从中忙碌着,吸着花蕊,辛勤地飞来飞去;秋季里,看漫山遍野, 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《路上的风景》
作者 野鹤 《黄河之声》 2013年第7期96-96,共1页
只是为了献给这灵魂,所以人生只能是凡胎,生息在同一片天空下,经历着不相同的道路,但努力的目标总一样,为了更好的生活生存,所区别的是过程不同,感受到的体味有不同,在彼看来比蹬天还难,在此过来却易如反掌,所以人要知和谁去... 只是为了献给这灵魂,所以人生只能是凡胎,生息在同一片天空下,经历着不相同的道路,但努力的目标总一样,为了更好的生活生存,所区别的是过程不同,感受到的体味有不同,在彼看来比蹬天还难,在此过来却易如反掌,所以人要知和谁去比。话在耳边知足者常乐,这就是明白人比自己,就说比别人也要实际,喜怒哀乐谁都离不开,就如同穿衣吃饭睡觉,想开了过去了就会好,就是想不开也要去过,人不要整天怨气没完,心态可好可坏很正常,自我会调正就是高人。 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《路上有穿鞋的也有光脚的》
作者 周磊 吴宁 葛芬 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2011年第4期372-378,共7页
A 3-D topology architeeture based on Spidergon and its generation method are proposed. Aiming at establishing relationships between the topology architecture and the latency, the 3-D topology latency model based on pr... A 3-D topology architeeture based on Spidergon and its generation method are proposed. Aiming at establishing relationships between the topology architecture and the latency, the 3-D topology latency model based on prototype is proposed, and then the optimization topology structure with minimum latency is determined based on it. Meanwhile, in accordance with the structure, the adaptive routing algorithm is designed. The algorithm sets longitudinal direction priority to adaptively searching the equivalent minimum path between the source nodes and the destination nodes in order to increase network throughput. Simulation shows that in case of approximate saturation network, compared with the same scale 3-D mesh structure, 3-D Spidergon has 17% less latency and 16.7% more network throughput. 展开更多
关键词 network-on-chip(NoC) TOPOLOGY Spidergon routing algorithm
A 4.8GHz CMOS Fully Integrated LC Balanced Oscillator with Symmetrical Noise Filter Technique and Large Tuning Range
作者 杨丰林 张钊锋 +1 位作者 李宝骐 闵昊 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期448-454,共7页
This paper presents a fully integrated 4 8GHz VCO with an invention——symmetrical noise filter technique.This VCO,with relatively low phase noise and large tuning range of 716MHz,is fabricated with the 0 25μm SMIC... This paper presents a fully integrated 4 8GHz VCO with an invention——symmetrical noise filter technique.This VCO,with relatively low phase noise and large tuning range of 716MHz,is fabricated with the 0 25μm SMIC CMOS process.The oscillator consumes 6mA from 2 5V supply.Another conventional VCO is also designed and simulated without symmetrical noise filter on the same process,which also consumes 6mA current and is with the same tuning.Simulation result describes that the first VCO’ phase noise is 6dBc/Hz better than the latter’s at the same offset frequency from 4 8GHz.Measured phase noise at 1MHz away from the carrier in this 4 8GHz VCO with symmetrical noise filter is -123 66dBc/Hz.This design is suitable for the usage in a phase locked loop and other consumer electronics.It is amenable for future technologies and allows easy porting to different CMOS manufacturing process. 展开更多
关键词 VCO symmetrical noise filter radio frequency INDUCTOR switch capacitor
CMOS Quadrature Modulator and Up-Conversion Mixer for 802.11a Wireless LAN Systems
作者 李文渊 王志功 毛银伟 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期1364-1368,共5页
A quadrature modulator and an up-conversion mixer for an 802. lla wireless LAN system are designed and fabricated in 0.18μm gate length standard CMOS technology. A current feedback loop with a transconductor is used ... A quadrature modulator and an up-conversion mixer for an 802. lla wireless LAN system are designed and fabricated in 0.18μm gate length standard CMOS technology. A current feedback loop with a transconductor is used to improve the linearity of the quadrature modulator;An LC resonant tank is used as the load of the upconversion mixer to improve its gain and increase the voltage swing. The measurement results show that the input P1dB achieves -3.6dBm, the transducer power gain of the circuit is -3.6dB,and the current consumes about 45.8mA with a 1.8V power supply. 展开更多
关键词 RFIC CMOS technology quadrature modulator up-conversion mixer Gilbert cell
Exploitation of the nicotinic anti-inflammatory pathway for the treatment of epithelial inflammatory diseases 被引量:8
作者 David A Scott Michael Martin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第46期7451-7459,共9页
Discoveries in the first few years of the 21st century have led to an understanding of important interactions between the nervous system and the inflammatory response at the molecular level, most notably the acetylcho... Discoveries in the first few years of the 21st century have led to an understanding of important interactions between the nervous system and the inflammatory response at the molecular level, most notably the acetylcholine (ACh)- triggered,α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR)- dependent nicotinic antinflammatory pathway. Studies using the α7nAChR agonist, nicotine, for the treatment of mucosal inflammation have been undertaken but the efficacy of nicotine as a treatment for inflammatory bowel diseases remains debatable. Further understanding of the nicotinic anti-inflammatory pathway and other endogenous anti-inflammatory mechanisms is required in order to develop refined and specific therapeutic strategies for the treatment of a number of inflammatory diseases and conditions, including periodontitis, psoriasis, sarcoidosis, and ulcerative colitis. 展开更多
关键词 α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor Inflammation MUCOSA NICOTINE Nicotinic anti-inflammatory pathway Tobacco smoking
A High-Speed Bi-Directional Visible Light Communication System Based on RGB-LED 被引量:4
作者 WANG Yuanouan CHI Nan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期40-44,共5页
In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a bi-directional indoor communication system based on visible light RGB-LED. Spectrally efficient modulation formats (QAM-OFDM), advanced digital signal proce... In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a bi-directional indoor communication system based on visible light RGB-LED. Spectrally efficient modulation formats (QAM-OFDM), advanced digital signal processing, pre- and post- equalization are adopted to compensate the severe frequency response of indoor channel. In this system, we utilize red-green-blue Light emitting diodes (LEDs), of which each color can be used to carry different signals. For downlink, the low frequencies of each color are used while for uplink, the high frequencies are used. The overall data rate of downlink and uplink are 1.15-Gb/s and 300-Mb/s. The bit error ratios (BERs) for all channels after 0.7 m indoor delivery are below pre-forward- error-correction (pre-FEC) threshold of 3.8×10-3. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest data rate in bi-directional visible light communication system. 展开更多
关键词 visible light communication bi-directional transmission orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing light emitting diode
Topology Discovery Sub-Layer for Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Network Routing Schemes 被引量:6
作者 Zengyin Yang Hewu Li +1 位作者 Qian Wu Jianping Wu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期42-57,共16页
With the booming development of terrestrial network, scaling terrestrial network over satellite network to build Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Network(ITSN) and meanwhile to provide the global Internet access, has ... With the booming development of terrestrial network, scaling terrestrial network over satellite network to build Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Network(ITSN) and meanwhile to provide the global Internet access, has become ever more attractive. Naturally, the widely and successfully used terrestrial routing protocols are the promising protocols to integrate the terrestrial and satellite networks. However, the terrestrial routing protocols, which rely on propagating routing messages to discover New Network Topology(NNT) in the terrestrial network with rare topology changes, will suffer from overly numerous routing messages in satellite network whose topology frequently changes as satellites move. In this paper, a Topology Discovery Sub-layer for ITSN Routing Schemes(TDS-IRS) is firstly proposed to avoid the propagation of numerous routing messages by taking advantage of the movement predictability of satellite and the requirements of routing schemes to discover NNT in advance of topology change. Secondly, a Weighted Perfect Matching based Topology Discovery(WPM-TD) model is designed to conduct the NNT discovery on the ground. Thirdly, this paper builds a testbed with real network devices and meanwhile interconnect that testbed with real Internet, to validate that RS-TDS can discover NNT immediately with the less on-board overhead compared with optimized routing schemes. Finally, different network scenarios are applied to validate the WPM-TD, i.e., the core module of TDS-IRS. Extensive experiments show WPM-TD can work efficiently, avoiding the invalid NNT discovery and decreasing 20% ~ 57% of potential topology changes, which can also improve up to 47% ~ 105% of network throughput. 展开更多
关键词 integrated terrestrial-satellite net-work (itsn) routing scheme topology discovery topology discovery sub-hayer
The effects of oral smokeless tobacco administration on endurance performance 被引量:1
作者 Thomas Zandonai Enrico Tam +6 位作者 Paolo Bruseghini Fabio Pizzolato Loretta Franceschi Massimo Baraldo Carlo Capelli Paola Cesari Cristiano Chiamulera 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第4期465-472,共8页
Background: Smokeless tobacco is widely used by athletes to enhance performance. Nicotine is a central nervous system stimulant and acts on cardiocirculatory and metabolic systems, involving tissue blood flow and cir... Background: Smokeless tobacco is widely used by athletes to enhance performance. Nicotine is a central nervous system stimulant and acts on cardiocirculatory and metabolic systems, involving tissue blood flow and circulatory vasoreactivity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the oral smokeless tobacco (Swedish snus (SS)) on the perception of fatigue and time to exhaustion (TTE) during moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. Methods: Fourteen healthy non-tobacco male users were recruited for a double-blind, controlled crossover design (SS vs. snus placebo (SP)). Subjects were tested for 3 sessions: experimental session 1 (Exp 1) consisted of an incremental test to determine the maximal aerobic power out-put (Wmax), whereas Exp2 and Exp3 consisted of exercising at 65%Wmax until exhaustion in SS or SP conditions. During Exp2 and Exp3, muscle and cerebral oxygenation was assessed by means of near-infrared spectroscopy, and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded. Results: Comparing SS with SP tests, significant differences (p 〈 0.05) were found in the values of cerebral (-3%) and muscular tissues oxygenation (-4%) in the first 30 min of exercise. The RPE values were not significantly different between the 2 conditions (SS vs. SP). No significant difference was found in TTE (SS: 54.25 ± 21.84 min; SP: 50.01 ± 17.03 min). Conclusion: This study showed that muscular and cerebral oxygenation increased significantly with snus administration during an endurance exercise until exhaustion, but this did not affect fatigue perception and TTE. The results showed that snus could not be considered an ergogenic substance in non-tobacco users.2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 展开更多
关键词 Exercise endurance Maximal aerobic power NICOTINE RPE Smokeless tobacco SNUS Time to exhaustion Tissue oxygenation
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