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作者 贾君仪 《沈阳文旅》 2024年第9期79-81,共3页
地域文化是指在不同的地理环境下产生不同地区的文化。中国地域广阔,地形地貌复杂,各种类型的地势和气候等都有很大的差别。在历史发展过程中,由于政治经济发展的不平衡性,以至大到民族的传统文化、精神层面,小到方言、宗教、神话、风... 地域文化是指在不同的地理环境下产生不同地区的文化。中国地域广阔,地形地貌复杂,各种类型的地势和气候等都有很大的差别。在历史发展过程中,由于政治经济发展的不平衡性,以至大到民族的传统文化、精神层面,小到方言、宗教、神话、风俗、民情等都各不相同。 展开更多
关键词 藏族舞蹈 地域文化 《转山》 民间舞蹈创作 地理环境 精神层面 地形地貌 历史发展过程
作者 梁植睿 徐晓村 《电影评介》 2013年第6期31-34,37,共5页
电影《转山》是一部具有多义性主题的艺术影片,和众多艺术片一样,它具有特殊的场景设置,将故事放在神圣的西藏去发生发展,运用形象的象征性使主题得到无限提升,通过细节来展示人物内心深处的思想和灵魂,运用空镜头来表现非凡的意味。作... 电影《转山》是一部具有多义性主题的艺术影片,和众多艺术片一样,它具有特殊的场景设置,将故事放在神圣的西藏去发生发展,运用形象的象征性使主题得到无限提升,通过细节来展示人物内心深处的思想和灵魂,运用空镜头来表现非凡的意味。作为一部86分钟的艺术片,其所表现出来的积极向上的追寻梦想的意义和丰富的多义性,展现出西藏地区的神圣及信仰之美就已经实属不易。 展开更多
关键词 《转山》象征性 细节审美
作者 徐雅宁 范雪 《西安文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期10-13,共4页
公路电影是一种以交通工具和旅程为典型叙事元素的类型电影,在世界电影史上留下了许多部经典影片。公路电影是20世纪五六十年代美国社会迷惘、空虚、愤怒的社会氛围的典型表征,其精神实质与我国传统文化和现实政策相抵制。《转山》套用... 公路电影是一种以交通工具和旅程为典型叙事元素的类型电影,在世界电影史上留下了许多部经典影片。公路电影是20世纪五六十年代美国社会迷惘、空虚、愤怒的社会氛围的典型表征,其精神实质与我国传统文化和现实政策相抵制。《转山》套用了公路电影的类型外壳,然后精妙地将美国公路电影中所弥漫的冷漠和消极置换成了更符合中国现实语境的温情和积极,既是一次类型电影民族化的实践,也可视为一种跨文化交流的尝试。 展开更多
关键词 《转山》 公路电影 类型片 民族化
作者 许建涛 《戏剧之家》 2014年第6期208-208,共1页
关键词 《转山》 国产片 电影
作者 张文隆 《电影文学》 北大核心 2013年第22期68-69,共2页
近年来随着"户外运动"的兴起,诞生了一个新的名词"驴友"。指的是一个或一群,通过徒步或者骑单车的出行方式,进行探险等旅游活动的人。他们往往自带生存必需品和各种工具,去发现一些别人没有去过的美丽风景。国产电... 近年来随着"户外运动"的兴起,诞生了一个新的名词"驴友"。指的是一个或一群,通过徒步或者骑单车的出行方式,进行探险等旅游活动的人。他们往往自带生存必需品和各种工具,去发现一些别人没有去过的美丽风景。国产电影《转山》和美国电影《朝圣之路》描写的就是主人公骑车或徒步进行长途跋涉的故事,但他们上路不是为了旅游观光,而是寻找心灵的慰藉。两部电影从不同的视角,关注了小人物的内心,是典型的文艺影片。 展开更多
关键词 《转山》 《朝圣之路》 心灵 宗教
作者 于林涛 《对外传播》 2020年第11期34-35,共2页
中国西藏自治区一直是西方社会涉华舆论关注的热点话题,他们关注的重点往往偏重于宗教自由、民族压迫以及所谓人权等角度。受限于西方民众对西藏地区情况的信息源以及对中国政府和中国媒体的偏见,大部分西方民众不能对该地区实际情况形... 中国西藏自治区一直是西方社会涉华舆论关注的热点话题,他们关注的重点往往偏重于宗教自由、民族压迫以及所谓人权等角度。受限于西方民众对西藏地区情况的信息源以及对中国政府和中国媒体的偏见,大部分西方民众不能对该地区实际情况形成正确认知,从而强化了其对中国民族政策和中国政府的偏见与刻板印象。在目前国内媒体在西藏形象对外传播中国际话语权较为弱势的背景下,通过影视作品向国际社会展现真实的藏区社会,成为西藏对外传播的有效方法之一。 展开更多
关键词 西藏形象 对外传播 影视作品 写实风格 地区实际情况 《转山》 刻板印象 宗教自由
作者 朱红 《艺术评鉴》 2019年第10期69-70,共2页
作品《转山》以西藏地区传统宗教活动——转山为背景,在丰厚的民族文化中选取出"独具匠心"的舞蹈素材、提炼出"藏族风格"的舞蹈语汇、创作出"质朴向真"的舞蹈作品。本文立足于叙事舞蹈,对该作品的创作特... 作品《转山》以西藏地区传统宗教活动——转山为背景,在丰厚的民族文化中选取出"独具匠心"的舞蹈素材、提炼出"藏族风格"的舞蹈语汇、创作出"质朴向真"的舞蹈作品。本文立足于叙事舞蹈,对该作品的创作特点进行探讨,重点从人物塑造、戏剧结构和外在形式进行分析,试图解读该作品的创作手法和藏族文化。 展开更多
关键词 《转山》 人物形象 形式
作者 陈梦婷 喻可欣 《尚舞》 2023年第23期105-107,共3页
意境是我国古典美学传统中的一个重要范畴,意境的创造是引发人们无限思考与回味的重要手段。藏族群舞《转山》具有独特新颖的艺术语言,勾勒出了生动可感的艺术形象,给予了欣赏者味而无厌的绵绵意蕴。文章旨在通过分析纪事藏民《转山》... 意境是我国古典美学传统中的一个重要范畴,意境的创造是引发人们无限思考与回味的重要手段。藏族群舞《转山》具有独特新颖的艺术语言,勾勒出了生动可感的艺术形象,给予了欣赏者味而无厌的绵绵意蕴。文章旨在通过分析纪事藏民《转山》这一具有深厚内涵的信仰的舞蹈作品,探颐其意境的结构层次,进而提升中国民族民间舞蹈创作的审美价值,为创作符合当代审美需求的中国民族民间舞蹈作品明确方向。 展开更多
关键词 《转山》 意境 中国民族民间舞蹈
《转山》 被引量:3
作者 杜家毅 陈墨 +4 位作者 皇甫宜川 田卉群 王真 侯丹 李芳瑶 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期23-33,共11页
关键词 《转山》 陈墨 电影 导演
作者 荀丽洁 《艺术教育》 2019年第8期239-240,共2页
近几十年来,以藏族传统文化为题材的舞蹈艺术作品不断涌现。从上世纪60年代的《洗衣歌》到90年代的独舞《母亲》、20世纪初的《哈达献给解放军》,再到近几年的作品《天浴》《阿嘎人》《转山》等,其舞蹈作品的艺术风格和表现形式都发生... 近几十年来,以藏族传统文化为题材的舞蹈艺术作品不断涌现。从上世纪60年代的《洗衣歌》到90年代的独舞《母亲》、20世纪初的《哈达献给解放军》,再到近几年的作品《天浴》《阿嘎人》《转山》等,其舞蹈作品的艺术风格和表现形式都发生了不小的变化。文章以东北师范大学《转山》、中央民族大学《阿噶人》两部舞蹈作品为例,从编创手法及创作主题等方面展开深入探究,分析近年来藏族舞蹈题材发展的新态势。 展开更多
关键词 《转山》 《阿噶人》 藏族舞蹈题材
《电影》 2011年第11期10-10,共1页
关键词 台湾省 电影 东京 国际电影节 剧本改编 金马奖 现代人 《转山》
由2011年公路电影浅谈中国人的流浪情结 被引量:1
作者 于颖 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2012年第1期12-14,共3页
公路电影主要是以路途反映人生的一类电影。电影中行者们选择一种苦行僧的方式经历一段旅程,为的是追求理想中的高度。《转山》的主人公书豪在骑车去西藏的旅途中,完成生命体验,思想变化以及个人的性格塑造。行者们选择的前进方式是他... 公路电影主要是以路途反映人生的一类电影。电影中行者们选择一种苦行僧的方式经历一段旅程,为的是追求理想中的高度。《转山》的主人公书豪在骑车去西藏的旅途中,完成生命体验,思想变化以及个人的性格塑造。行者们选择的前进方式是他们一种流浪情结的体现,也是人与生俱来的一种集体无意识。他们坚信流动是生命的原生态。为了寻找理想、温暖和自我,行者们乐此不彼地在艰险的"路上"追寻。 展开更多
关键词 公路电影 流浪情结 寻找 《转山》温暖 理想 孤独
Construction and Identification of a Goat Pox Virus Transfer Vector to Express Peste des Petits Ruminants H gene 被引量:3
作者 邵长春 张强 +7 位作者 吴国华 颜新敏 李健 王建科 卢晓丽 赵志荀 崔丽凡 高世功 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第3期15-18,35,共5页
[Objective] This study was to develop a live vector vaccine of goat pox virus of Peste des petits ruminants(PPR). [Method] Using PCR amplification technique, PPR H gene was obtained, then ligated into pGEM-T easy vect... [Objective] This study was to develop a live vector vaccine of goat pox virus of Peste des petits ruminants(PPR). [Method] Using PCR amplification technique, PPR H gene was obtained, then ligated into pGEM-T easy vector; the recombinants were digested by Nhe Ⅰ and Hind Ⅲ, and ligated into pEGFP-N1-P7.5, yielding the recombinant vector pEGFP-N1-P7.5-H; next the expression cassette EGFP-N1-P7.5-H was first released from recombinant vector pEGFP-N1-P7.5-H by double digestion of Hind Ⅲ and Nhe Ⅰ and ligated into pUC119-TK that was digested by Kpn Ⅰ, yielding the transfer vector pUC119-TK-EGFP-P7.5-H. [Result] Identification and double enzyme digestion showed that the transfer vector pUC119-TK-EGFP-P7.5-H was correctly constructed. From the transfer vector transfected BHK-21 cells which infected GTPV AV41, specific fluorescence was observed at 48th h of transfection. [Conclusion] The construction of goat poxvirus live vector laid a foundation for the live vector vaccine of PPR vaccine. 展开更多
关键词 Goat pox virus H gene Transfer vector Construction Identification
当代剪辑师群像(二)——肖洋:只有真的喜欢 才能干电影
作者 杨玉洁 《影视制作》 2020年第10期38-42,共5页
肖洋自从2008年开始跟冯小刚导演合作《非诚勿扰》第一部开始,然后就正式走上剪辑的道路。对于这一点,无论是同行还是后辈,都认为这是一个非常高的起点,也都对此非常期待。然而肖洋在被电影制作人陈国富发现,正式从事电影剪辑之前,也曾... 肖洋自从2008年开始跟冯小刚导演合作《非诚勿扰》第一部开始,然后就正式走上剪辑的道路。对于这一点,无论是同行还是后辈,都认为这是一个非常高的起点,也都对此非常期待。然而肖洋在被电影制作人陈国富发现,正式从事电影剪辑之前,也曾经是一名无名的短视频制作者。他甚至认为大量拍摄时长3分钟能把人逗笑的影像对于自己后来走上电影之路是有相当的帮助的。有了第一部的高起点后,肖洋随后就一直跟着冯小刚导演、陈可辛导演以及陈国富老师等很多大牌导演、制作人合作,合作项目除了《中国合伙人》《画皮》《风声》等大制作外,还包括《转山》《太极》等文艺类型片,并就不同类型的作品和众多导演展开合作。 展开更多
关键词 《中国合伙人》 《非诚勿扰》 冯小刚 陈可辛 类型片 电影剪辑 《画皮》 《转山》
Recognition of Milankovitch cycles in the stratigraphic record: application of the CWT and the FFT to well-log data 被引量:8
作者 YU Ji-feng SUI Feng-gui +2 位作者 LI Zeng-xue LIU Hua WANG Yu-lin 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第4期594-598,共5页
The authors applied a the combination of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods to gamma ray well-log data from the Q3, G1 and D2 wells. This high-resolution stratigraphic study wa... The authors applied a the combination of Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods to gamma ray well-log data from the Q3, G1 and D2 wells. This high-resolution stratigraphic study was based on Milankovitch's orbital cycle theory. It was found that the CWT scale factors, ‘a,’ of 12, 24 and 60 match the ratios of the periodicities of precession, obliquity and eccentricity very well. Nine intervals of the Permo-carboniferous strata were recognized to have Milankovitch cycles in them. For example, section A of well Q3 has 29 precession cycles, 15 obliquity cycles and 7 short eccentricity cycles. The wavelengths are 2.7, 4.4 and 7.8 m for precession, obliquity and eccentricity, respectively. Important geological parameters such as the stratigraphic completeness and the accumulation rate were also estimated. These results provide basic information for further cyclostratigraphic correlation studies in the area. They are of great significance for the study of ancient and future climate change. 展开更多
关键词 Milankovitch cycle continuous wavelet transform (CWT) fast Fourier transform (FFT) well logs
Regeneration of transgenic loblolly pine expressing genes for salt tolerance 被引量:3
作者 唐巍 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期1-6,82,共6页
Salinity stress is one of the most serious factors limiting the distribution and productivity of crops and forest trees. The detrimental effects of salt on plants are a consequence of both a water deficit resulting in... Salinity stress is one of the most serious factors limiting the distribution and productivity of crops and forest trees. The detrimental effects of salt on plants are a consequence of both a water deficit resulting in osmotic stress and the effects of excess sodium ions on critical biochemical process. A novel approach to improve salt tolerance has been established by using the technology of plant genetic transformation and using loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) as a model plant. Mature zygotic embryos of loblolly pine were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 harbouring the plasmid pBIGM which carrying the mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase (Mt1D) and glucitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (GutD). Organogenic transgenic calli and transgenic regenerated plantlets were produced on selection medium containing 15mg/L kanamycin and confirmed by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA. Salt tolerance assays demonstrated that the salt tolerance of transgenic calli and regenerated plantlets were increased. These results suggested that an efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation protocol for stable integration of foreign genes into loblolly pine has been developed and this could be useful for the future studies on engineering breeding of conifers. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus taeda L. Agrobacterium tumefaciens Salt tolerance Genetic engineering
作者 吴淼 魏任之 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1996年第2期75-80,共6页
The dynamic load spectrum is one of the most important basis of design and dynamic characteristics analysis of machines. But it is difficult to measure it on many occasions, especially for mining machines, due to thei... The dynamic load spectrum is one of the most important basis of design and dynamic characteristics analysis of machines. But it is difficult to measure it on many occasions, especially for mining machines, due to their bad working circumstances and high cost of measurements. For such situation, the load spectrum has to be obtained by indirect determination methods. A new method to identify the load spectrum, cepstrum analysis method, was presented in this paper. This method can be used to eliminate the filtering influence of transfer function to the response signals so that the load spectrum can be determined indirectly. The experimental and engineering actual examples indicates that this method has the advantages that the calculation is simple and the measurement is easy. 展开更多
关键词 load spectrum indirect determination or identifying cepstrum analysis
Characteristics and Mechanism of Agricultural Transformation in Typical Rural Areas of Eastern China:A Case Study of Yucheng City,Shandong Province 被引量:11
作者 CHEN Yangfen LIU Yansui XU Keshuai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期545-553,共9页
Rural off-farm employment,rapid loss of agricultural land,and advanced technology popularization had led agricultural production in Chinese typical rural areas come at a critical transformation and upgrade stage.Based... Rural off-farm employment,rapid loss of agricultural land,and advanced technology popularization had led agricultural production in Chinese typical rural areas come at a critical transformation and upgrade stage.Based on sample survey data gathered from 401 households in Yucheng City,Shandong Province,this paper focuses on the characteristics and mechanism of agricultural transformation in typical rural areas of the eastern China.It was found that 74.3% of households surveyed kept at least one member engaging in off-farm employment,and 57.1% looked forward to expanding the operational scale of arable land,while just 13.7% had actually transferred their agricultural land.Since growing off-farm employment does not result in the collapse of traditional subsistence agriculture,therefore,agricultural production in Yucheng City is at an incomplete transformation phase from traditional small-holder farming to modern scale economy.It is caused by both macro environments and family characteristics,while urban-rural dual structure,imperfect rural development policy and agricultural technology popularization make peasant economy strengthen upon maintenance,and small-holder farming becomes peasant's natural response owing to pluriactivity,local off-farm employment,reverse elimination,etc.In order to achieve smooth agricultural transformation of typical rural areas in the eastern China,it needs to promote professional differentiation among peasants,under clear policies adopted by central government.Providing comprehensive services for agricultural production and improving production skills and knowledge of farmers who are still living in the countryside will effectively stimulate the process of agricultural transformation. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural transformation off-farm employment arable land management Yucheng City China
Impacts of long-term ridge culture on aggregate stability in purple paddy soil of Sichuan basin
作者 唐晓红 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2010年第4期185-194,共10页
Ridge culture is a special conservation tillage method, but the long-term influence of this tillage system on soil aggregate-size stability in paddy fields is largely unknown in southwest of China. The paper is to eva... Ridge culture is a special conservation tillage method, but the long-term influence of this tillage system on soil aggregate-size stability in paddy fields is largely unknown in southwest of China. The paper is to evaluate soil aggregate stability and to determine the relationship between soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil aggregate stability. Soil samples at 0 cm-20 cm layer were adopted from a long-term (16 a) field experiment including conventional tillage: plain culture, summer rice crop and winter upland crop under drained conditions (PUR-r); and conservation tillage: ridge culture without tillage, summer rice and winter fallow with floodwater layer annually (NTR-f), winter upland crop under drained conditions (NTR-r), and wide ridge culture without tillage, summer rice crop and winter upland crop under conditions (NTRw-r), respectively. Different pretreatments, such as slaking in fast wetting, wetting and subsequent slaking, were applied to simulate the breakdown mechanisms of aggregates in paddy soil. The results show that soil particles contents were mainly consisted of silt (0.050 mm to 1.000 mm) in fraction of 42.9% to 51.2%, sand (0.050 mm to 0.001 mm) in fraction of 28.0% to 31.8%, and clay (<0.001 mm) in fraction of 17.9% to 25.4%. The amount of aggregate-size was greatly observed in fraction of 2.000 mm-6.720 mm under ridge culture in paddy soil (more than 50$) under slaking and wetting pretreatment. The proportion of soil macro-aggregates (>0.250 mm) in conservation tillage was greatly higher than that in conventional tillage under subsequent fast slaking treatment. Minimal differences of aggregate stability between slaking in fast wetting and wetting were observed, while significant differences were found between ridge culture and plain culture. The aggregate stability under slaking treatment ranked in the order of NTR-r>NTRw-r> NTR-f > PUR-r, while under wetting was NTRw-r > NTR-r > NTR-f >PUR-r. There was a positive correlation between the aggregate stability and SOC concentration under wetting, and a low correlation was observed under slaking pretreatment. Soil exposure with tillage and lack of rice/rape-seed stubble inputs caused declines in aggregation and organic carbon, both of which make soil susceptible to water erosion. Adoption of ridge culture with no-tillage integrated with crop rotation and stubble mulch significantly altered soil organic concentration. It was a valuable conservation practice for soil aggregation and soil organic carbon sequestration on paddy soil. 展开更多
关键词 ridge culture ROTATION aggregate stability organic carbon paddy soil
Design and research on pneumatic vane motor roofbolter 被引量:1
作者 杜长龙 杨善国 杨秀 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2003年第2期109-112,共4页
On the basis of analysis of the present roofbolter’s structures, the pneumatic vane motor roofbolter was proposed and researched. Structure principle of MFT 80Y type pneumatic vane motor roofbolter was expounded, a n... On the basis of analysis of the present roofbolter’s structures, the pneumatic vane motor roofbolter was proposed and researched. Structure principle of MFT 80Y type pneumatic vane motor roofbolter was expounded, a new project of the rotary shearing mechanism with integrating pneumatic vane motor with epicyclic reduction gear unit was carried out, the mathematical model for optimum design of the rotary shearing mechanism was set up, and the optimum design for the rotary shearing mechanism was made by MATLAB Optimization Toolbox. Finally, performance of MFT 80 type pneumatic vane motor roofbolter made with optimum method and the on site experiment were introduced. 展开更多
关键词 ROOFBOLTER pneumatic motor optimum design
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