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作者 宋锦秀 郭子平 《山东教育》 2003年第19期100-100,共1页
关键词 《轻重》 教学设计 评析 小学 数学教学 北师大版 第一册
作者 杨凯明 《教学月刊(小学版)(数学)》 2002年第9期25-26,共2页
关键词 《轻重》 教学设计 小学 数学教学 教学目标
《管子·轻重》中的经济管理思想 被引量:1
作者 王同勋 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1987年第3期30-36,6,共8页
《管子》是先秦诸子中名著之一,它假托管仲之名,记述了管仲的思想及其施政主张。该书在战国时已广为流传,《韩非子·五蠹》说:“今境内之民皆言治,藏商、管之法者,家有之。”但《管子》此书,并非出自管仲之手,乃管仲之后,... 《管子》是先秦诸子中名著之一,它假托管仲之名,记述了管仲的思想及其施政主张。该书在战国时已广为流传,《韩非子·五蠹》说:“今境内之民皆言治,藏商、管之法者,家有之。”但《管子》此书,并非出自管仲之手,乃管仲之后,经过多人编写增删修改整理而成。宋代叶适认为:“《管子》非一人之笔,亦非一时之作”(《叶适集》)。 展开更多
关键词 《轻重》 经济管理思想 国君 《管子》 管仲 封建统治者 齐国 物价 粮价 奢侈性消费
《广雅疏证》“轻重”、“缓急”、“侈弇”解 被引量:1
作者 张其昀 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第1期101-105,共5页
文章考察论证了《广雅疏证》所使用的"轻重"、"缓急"和"侈弇"三类术语的含义和用法。"轻重"是指四声的不同;"缓急"近乎反切与反切倒用,亦可用如"轻重";"侈弇"... 文章考察论证了《广雅疏证》所使用的"轻重"、"缓急"和"侈弇"三类术语的含义和用法。"轻重"是指四声的不同;"缓急"近乎反切与反切倒用,亦可用如"轻重";"侈弇"是指呼与等的不同。 展开更多
关键词 《广雅疏证》 轻重 缓急 侈弇
《管子·轻重》篇的著作年代 被引量:2
作者 赵宗正 陈启智 《管子学刊》 1995年第3期3-6,共4页
《管子·轻重》篇的著作年代赵宗正,陈启智关于《管子》书及其《轻重》诸篇的著作年代,自晋代傅玄首先发难,《管子》书为后人所录说起,至宋代朱熹已断定:"只是战国时人,收拾仲当时行事、言语之类著之,并附以他书."(《朱... 《管子·轻重》篇的著作年代赵宗正,陈启智关于《管子》书及其《轻重》诸篇的著作年代,自晋代傅玄首先发难,《管子》书为后人所录说起,至宋代朱熹已断定:"只是战国时人,收拾仲当时行事、言语之类著之,并附以他书."(《朱子语类》卷一百卅七)叶适《习学记言》则... 展开更多
关键词 《轻重》 《管子》 轻重理论 司马迁 《史记》 桑弘羊 轻重之术 著作年代 官山海 《晏子春秋》
作者 叶飞 肖芳玲 《湖北教育》 2002年第1期13-14,共2页
一、说一说 师:你们去过游乐场吗?玩过什么? 生:我在游乐场玩过碰碰车、蹦蹦床。 生:我在游乐场玩过很多电动玩具,还有跷跷板。 师:游乐场有很多玩具,这幅图上小明和小红也在游乐场玩,你们看看他们在玩什么?
关键词 小学 一年级 数学教学 评析 《轻重》 教学设计 教学方法
论《管子》书系学派著作 被引量:1
作者 胡家聪 《管子学刊》 1997年第3期12-14,共3页
论《管子》书系学派著作胡家聪《管子》书出于稷下学,是学术界顾颉刚、冯友兰等先生的共识①。作为“百家争鸣”学术中心的稷下学官,伴随齐国威王、宣王变法改革、富国强兵从而兴盛起来。威、宣时争霸、称王又准备称帝,举着承继齐桓... 论《管子》书系学派著作胡家聪《管子》书出于稷下学,是学术界顾颉刚、冯友兰等先生的共识①。作为“百家争鸣”学术中心的稷下学官,伴随齐国威王、宣王变法改革、富国强兵从而兴盛起来。威、宣时争霸、称王又准备称帝,举着承继齐桓、管仲霸业的旗帜。上有行之而下有效... 展开更多
关键词 《管子》 稷下学 《轻重》 法家学派 政治思想体系 “百家争鸣” 军事论文 管仲 道家文化 轻重
作者 叶世昌 《管子学刊》 1994年第2期23-23,共1页
对《质疑》的答复叶世昌1993年第3期张汉东先生的《(国蓄)》作于西汉说质疑》一文,对拙文《研究古书著作年代的一个方法论问题》(《管子学刊》1990年第2期)提出了商榷意见。拜读以后,觉得有两点收获:一、对"玉起于吕... 对《质疑》的答复叶世昌1993年第3期张汉东先生的《(国蓄)》作于西汉说质疑》一文,对拙文《研究古书著作年代的一个方法论问题》(《管子学刊》1990年第2期)提出了商榷意见。拜读以后,觉得有两点收获:一、对"玉起于吕氏"作出了新的解释,言之成理,是我... 展开更多
关键词 著作年代 西汉说 方法论问题 字问题 基本准则 《轻重》 食货志 证据 货币流通 社会思潮
论《管子》的工商业思想 被引量:2
作者 宋玉顺 《管子学刊》 1994年第4期33-36,32,共5页
论《管子》的工商业思想宋玉顺《管子》工商业思想,是《管子》经济思想的重要组成部分,它是管仲工商业思想的继承和阐发;在中国古代经济思想发展史上占有重要地位。《管子》工商业思想,既体现开放发展,又注重务实管理.是当时较为... 论《管子》的工商业思想宋玉顺《管子》工商业思想,是《管子》经济思想的重要组成部分,它是管仲工商业思想的继承和阐发;在中国古代经济思想发展史上占有重要地位。《管子》工商业思想,既体现开放发展,又注重务实管理.是当时较为全面的经济思想。今天深入探讨之,有... 展开更多
关键词 《管子》 工商业思想 经济思想研究 齐国 商品交换 《轻重》 市场管理 官山海 商品流 《小匡》
试论《管子》与范蠡的经商思想 被引量:3
作者 王京龙 《管子学刊》 1995年第2期8-12,共5页
试论《管子》与范蠡的经商思想王京龙《管子》书中集中保存了先秦齐国的商业经济思想,范蠡是春秋末期出现的著名巨商,并且留下了一套很有价值的经商理论。本文试图就《管子》书中商业经济思想里的经商理论与范蠡传世的经商理论作以比... 试论《管子》与范蠡的经商思想王京龙《管子》书中集中保存了先秦齐国的商业经济思想,范蠡是春秋末期出现的著名巨商,并且留下了一套很有价值的经商理论。本文试图就《管子》书中商业经济思想里的经商理论与范蠡传世的经商理论作以比较,以求获得进一步的认识。一、管仲... 展开更多
关键词 《管子》 轻重之术 商业经营 范蠡 《史记·货殖列传》 《轻重》 商业经济思想 市场预测 商品 计然
《管子》书反映的商品经济意识钩探 被引量:1
作者 王京龙 《管子学刊》 1996年第2期7-12,共6页
《管子》书反映的商品经济意识钩探王京龙大量的资料足以证明,先秦时期的齐国具有十分发达的工商业。齐国工商业的发达,反过来说明了先秦齐国的统治者们较早的注意到了商品经济问题.《管子》书是经春秋、战国,甚或更晚些时候形成的... 《管子》书反映的商品经济意识钩探王京龙大量的资料足以证明,先秦时期的齐国具有十分发达的工商业。齐国工商业的发达,反过来说明了先秦齐国的统治者们较早的注意到了商品经济问题.《管子》书是经春秋、战国,甚或更晚些时候形成的关于齐国的治国方略论集,书中集中反... 展开更多
关键词 《管子》 商品经济意识 发展商品经济 齐国 工商业 商品生产基地 《轻重》 职业化 春秋战国时期 自给自足的自然经济
作者 王京龙 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 1995年第1期92-94,共3页
《管子》与范蠡经商思想比较王京龙从整体上看,《管子》的商业经营理论是一套高度中央集权下的商业经营过程中的宏观调控术。就《管子》一书记载的一些成功的事例来看,轻重之术的成功,在很大程度上依靠的不是市场的客观变化,而是靠... 《管子》与范蠡经商思想比较王京龙从整体上看,《管子》的商业经营理论是一套高度中央集权下的商业经营过程中的宏观调控术。就《管子》一书记载的一些成功的事例来看,轻重之术的成功,在很大程度上依靠的不是市场的客观变化,而是靠权术,人为的制造商品的余缺和价格的... 展开更多
关键词 《管子》 商业经营 范蠡 轻重之术 《轻重》 《史记·货殖列传》 市场预测 市场供求关系 理论认识 商品
作者 王京龙 《管子学刊》 1997年第2期8-12,38,共6页
《管子》书对现代经济理论的贡献王京龙现代社会的发展使我们充分的认识到,资源——产品——市场——社会的繁荣与发展,是一个至关重要的链条,而这一链条的诸环节当中,最为关键的是市场。由此便形成了以市场为中心的现代经济理论,... 《管子》书对现代经济理论的贡献王京龙现代社会的发展使我们充分的认识到,资源——产品——市场——社会的繁荣与发展,是一个至关重要的链条,而这一链条的诸环节当中,最为关键的是市场。由此便形成了以市场为中心的现代经济理论,谓之市场经济理论。春秋战国时期,伴... 展开更多
关键词 《管子》 现代经济理论 市场经济理论 工商业 发展市场 调控理论 商品的市场价格 商品的流通 《轻重》 经济管理思想
信以得众 权以应时
作者 刘斌 《管子学刊》 1994年第2期3-8,共6页
信以得众权以应时刘斌管仲佐桓公治齐国,功冠诸侯,名高天下。其致盛之道固然非止一端,但诚信以结人,权衡以处事,不能不说是他的独智之虑。太史公称道管仲"善因祸而为福,转败而为功",应主要赖于他善以忠信结于内外及其"贵轻重... 信以得众权以应时刘斌管仲佐桓公治齐国,功冠诸侯,名高天下。其致盛之道固然非止一端,但诚信以结人,权衡以处事,不能不说是他的独智之虑。太史公称道管仲"善因祸而为福,转败而为功",应主要赖于他善以忠信结于内外及其"贵轻重、慎权衡"(《史记·管晏列传》)的... 展开更多
关键词 《小匡》 诸侯 《管子》 《齐语》 忠信 《轻重》 存亡继绝 民富国强 发展变化 《淮南子·兵略训》
Relation of normal load with test temperature at mild−severe wear transition state for Mg−Gd−Y−Zr alloy 被引量:3
作者 Yuan-bo WANG Wei ZHAO +1 位作者 Liang LI Jian AN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期2986-2998,共13页
The wear behavior and mild−severe(M−S)wear transition of Mg−10Gd−1.5Y−0.4Zr alloy were investigated within a temperature range of 20−200℃.The morphologies and compositions of worn surfaces were examined to identify t... The wear behavior and mild−severe(M−S)wear transition of Mg−10Gd−1.5Y−0.4Zr alloy were investigated within a temperature range of 20−200℃.The morphologies and compositions of worn surfaces were examined to identify the wear mechanisms using scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer.The microstructure and hardness in the subsurfaces were analyzed to reveal the M−S wear transition mechanism.Under a constant loads of 20,35 and 40 N,each wear rate−test temperature curve presented a turning point which corresponded to the M−S wear transition.In mild wear,the surface material was plastically deformed and hence was strainhardened,whereas in severe wear,the surface material was dynamically recrystallized and consequently was softened.It has been found that the critical temperature for M−S wear transition decreases with increasing the normal load,and the normal load exhibits an almost linear relationship with critical temperature for M−S wear transition.This work reveals that the M−S wear transition of the studied alloy conforms to the surface DRX temperature criterion. 展开更多
关键词 Mg−Gd−Y−Zr alloy elevated-temperature wear microstructure recrystallization mild−severe wear transition
Influence of expanded polystyrene size on deformation characteristics of light weight soil 被引量:13
作者 侯天顺 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3320-3328,共9页
Deformation characteristics of light weight soil with different EPS (expanded polystyrene) sizes were investigated by consolidation tests.The results show that the confined stress-strain relation curve is in S shape,w... Deformation characteristics of light weight soil with different EPS (expanded polystyrene) sizes were investigated by consolidation tests.The results show that the confined stress-strain relation curve is in S shape,which has a good homologous relation with e-p curve and e-lgp curve,and three types of curves reflect obvious structural characteristics of light weight soil.When cement mixed ratio and EPS volume ratio are the same for different specimens,structural strength decreases with the increase of EPS size,but compressibility indexes basically keep unchanged within the structural strength.The settlement of light weight soil can be divided into instantaneous settlement and primary consolidation settlement.It has no obvious rheology property,and 90% of total consolidation deformation can be finished in 1 min.Settlement-time relation of light weight soil can be predicted by the hyperbolic model.S-lgt curve of light weight soil is not in anti-S shape.It is proved that there is no secondary consolidation section,so consolidation coefficient cannot be obtained by time logarithm method.Structural strength and unit price decrease with the increase of EPS size,but the reducing rate of the structural strength is lower than that of the unit price,so the cost of mixed soil can be reduced by increasing the EPS size.The EPS beads with 3-5 mm in diameter are suggested to be used in the construction process,and the prescription of mixed soil can be optimized. 展开更多
关键词 light weight soil expanded polystyrene (EPS) size effect one-dimensional consolidation theory compressibility index structural strength consolidation test
Tropheryma whipplei infection 被引量:5
作者 Hugh James Freeman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第17期2078-2080,共3页
Whipple's disease was initially described in 1907. Over the next century, the clinical and pathological features of this disorder have been better appreciated. Most often, weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal and join... Whipple's disease was initially described in 1907. Over the next century, the clinical and pathological features of this disorder have been better appreciated. Most often, weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal and joint pain occur. Occasionally, other sites of involvement have been documented, including isolated neurological disease, changes in the eyes and culture-negative endocarditis. In the past decade, the responsible organism Tropheryma whipplei has been cultivated, its genome sequenced and its antibiotic susceptibility defined. Although rare, it is a systemic infection that may mimic a wide spectrum of clinical disorders and may have a fatal outcome. If recognized, prolonged antibiotic therapy may be a very successful form of treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Tropheryma whipplei Small intestinalmalabsorption Abdominal lymphadenopathy Periodicacid-Schiff staining Whipple's disease
Development and application research of light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel 被引量:2
作者 Ma Mingtu Chen Gang +2 位作者 Ma Yuhao Li Zhigang Feng Yi 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第5期2-7,共6页
The light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel was developed through composition design and optimization based on multiplex alloying,multiplex micro-alloying design ideas and complex phase structure strengthe... The light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel was developed through composition design and optimization based on multiplex alloying,multiplex micro-alloying design ideas and complex phase structure strengthening theory.The puzzle how to avoid the quenching deformation problem of super high strength thin sheet was solved through heat treatment in a die with a set of cooling system.Such B-grade bulletproof steel plate has fine tempered lath martensite structure.The shooting and certification test results showed that the shoot resistance of B-grade bulletproof steel plate can meet the protection demand of Protection specification for cash carrying vehicles(GA 164—2005).In comparison with B-grade bulletproof steel plate made by one of the companies in Sweden,the weight of the developed B-grade bulletproof steel plate can be decreased by 8 %under the same shoot resistance condition.It will be meaningful for cash truck and anti-hijacking vehicle to realize light weight,energy conservation and emission reduction. 展开更多
关键词 alloying composition design die quenching super high strength B-grade bulletproof steel application research
Numerical analysis on the shoot resistance of heat treated light weight B-grade bulletproof steel plates 被引量:1
作者 Ma Mingtu Zhang Jingwen Zhang Junping 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第5期14-20,共7页
Bulletproof steel plates are widely used for the safety of special vehicles.This paper mainly researches on the shoot resistance of heat treated light weight B-grade bulletproof steel plates through numerical analysis... Bulletproof steel plates are widely used for the safety of special vehicles.This paper mainly researches on the shoot resistance of heat treated light weight B-grade bulletproof steel plates through numerical analysis.Based on the flow behavior of bulletproof steel plates and bullet at various high strain rates,finite element(FE) model has been set up using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software.The simulation results are compared with the shooting results,which show a good consistency and a high reliability.Therefore,the simulation results are efficient approaches and strategies to decide and select the mechanical property and thickness of bulletproof steel plates,saving a lot of work and the cost of experiments. 展开更多
关键词 bulletproof steel plates FE method shooting test
Light weight replacement and the optimization design of bumper beam based on crash safety 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Jingwen 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第5期67-72,共6页
Bumper beam is one of the key structural parts,which plays an important role in the frontal crashes of automobile.With the global trend of light-weighted automotive parts,the light weight of bumper beam attracts exten... Bumper beam is one of the key structural parts,which plays an important role in the frontal crashes of automobile.With the global trend of light-weighted automotive parts,the light weight of bumper beam attracts extensive attention of automobile manufacturers,and hot stamping technology with significant weight advantage has become one of the main light weight measures for bumper beam.The quasi-static press,low speed crash and frontal crash simulation models of bumper beam were established according to its actual working conditions in the automobile crashes.The feasibility of replacing normal steel bumper beam with hot stamping bumper beam was analyzed.Meanwhile,the stiffeners in the front face of hot stamping bumper beam were optimized with topography optimization in order to further improve its performances. 展开更多
关键词 hot stamping bumper beam performance analysis optimization design
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