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两种清初小曲总集与明清小曲之演进 被引量:2
作者 邓晓东 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期116-124,共9页
《万花小曲》和《丝弦小曲》是目前所见清代最早的两种小曲集,收录对象在沿袭和改编明代小曲的基础上又有新变。《西调》和《边关调》首见于清初。《西调》原是明末山西、陕西地区流行的小曲,其声调凄楚哀感,适宜表现悲情内容,传至中原... 《万花小曲》和《丝弦小曲》是目前所见清代最早的两种小曲集,收录对象在沿袭和改编明代小曲的基础上又有新变。《西调》和《边关调》首见于清初。《西调》原是明末山西、陕西地区流行的小曲,其声调凄楚哀感,适宜表现悲情内容,传至中原遂成为清前中期的流行曲调而广泛传唱于大江南北。《边关调》亦当兴起于明末,或发源于东北,原先以表现悲感哀吟的题材为主,至清代则演化出悲感哀吟、插科打诨、雄迈悲壮等不同风格,而又以儿女之私、靡靡之音为主。 展开更多
关键词 《万花小曲》 《丝弦小曲》 《西调》 《边关调》 演进
Controversy of International Carbon-motivated Border Tax Adjustment and Its Impact on China's Manufacturing Industries
作者 Shen Keting 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第4期59-70,共12页
Carbon-motivated border tax adjustment (BTA) aims to compensate for the loss of competitiveness of carbon intensive products due to carbon dioxide abatement actions. Based on the analysis of the international backgr... Carbon-motivated border tax adjustment (BTA) aims to compensate for the loss of competitiveness of carbon intensive products due to carbon dioxide abatement actions. Based on the analysis of the international background of carbon-motivated BTAs, this paper discusses the fundamental motivation leading to US policy transformation, the potential impacts of the policy on China's manufacturing industries, and the compatibility of the policy to WTO rules. Carbon-motivated BTAs violate the fundamental principle of the UNFCCC, and potentially conflict with the core WTO principle of non-discrimination reflected in the GATT Articles 1 and III. However, Article XX of the GATT may be applicable. Thus, the author suggests several measures to alleviate the impacts of carbon-motivated BTAs, and puts forward countermeasures based on carbon consumption per capita. 展开更多
关键词 climate change carbon-motivated BTAs manufacturing industry WTO rules
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