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超越生死的知己之爱——话说《连城》 被引量:1
作者 袁世硕 《蒲松龄研究》 2004年第2期77-83,共7页
关键词 《连城》 《聊斋志异》 爱情主题 小说 人物形象 艺术风格
从《连城璧》及其《外编》看李渔的两性观 被引量:1
作者 刘淑丽 《明清小说研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期191-198,共8页
关键词 《连城璧》 《连城璧外编》 李渔 两性观
甘肃永登连城鲁土司历史文化资源在当代旅游发展中的重大意义 被引量:1
作者 赵秀文 金锋 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2008年第32期220-221,共2页
关键词 永登县 连城 鲁土司 历史文化资源 旅游发展
作者 田馨悦 洪羽彤 +1 位作者 潘奕佳 吴婧妍 《汉字文化》 2022年第S02期158-159,共2页
才子佳人戏文,兴起于明末,盛行于清初,它是在话本杂剧的基础上发展而来的。因此本文旨在回归文本,通过《聊斋志异》中作品《连城》与元杂剧《西厢记》的对比分析,研究才子佳人戏文对于前代戏文的继承性及兴盛原因,指出其艺术特征上的演... 才子佳人戏文,兴起于明末,盛行于清初,它是在话本杂剧的基础上发展而来的。因此本文旨在回归文本,通过《聊斋志异》中作品《连城》与元杂剧《西厢记》的对比分析,研究才子佳人戏文对于前代戏文的继承性及兴盛原因,指出其艺术特征上的演变,并揭示才子佳人戏文在新阶段的文本创新之处。 展开更多
关键词 才子佳人戏文 《连城》 《西厢记》
升平署抄本《连城璧》及相关剧作考述 被引量:1
作者 饶莹 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 2015年第4期46-51,共6页
李玉《连城璧》传奇今仅存清升平署抄残本,剧演战国时期蔺相如得荐,继而奉璧入秦,最终完璧归赵的故事。与元明时期同类题材剧相比,《连城璧》既不以戏说历史的元杂剧《渑池会》为蓝本,也跳出了明传奇《箱环记》的才子佳人戏模式,是比较... 李玉《连城璧》传奇今仅存清升平署抄残本,剧演战国时期蔺相如得荐,继而奉璧入秦,最终完璧归赵的故事。与元明时期同类题材剧相比,《连城璧》既不以戏说历史的元杂剧《渑池会》为蓝本,也跳出了明传奇《箱环记》的才子佳人戏模式,是比较严肃的历史剧。清中叶之后,昆乱剧作主要按完璧归赵、廉颇争功、负荆请罪等三类情节演绎与完璧归赵相关的故事。清车王府曲本与内廷本所收剧作多由明清传奇改编而来,一方面体现出明清传奇对后世相关剧本的影响,另一方面,从后世演出剧本对前代作品的改编体现出同一题材戏剧作品在不同时期的面貌。 展开更多
关键词 《连城璧》 李玉 升平署抄本 连城璧题材剧
作者 马军鹏 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第3期128-133,共6页
《基度山伯爵》发表于1844-1845年之际,为法国著名作家大仲马的代表作。《连城诀》发表于1963年,是中国当代著名作家金庸的一部长篇武侠小说。对比《连城诀》和《基度山伯爵》,可以发现两书确实存在某种联系,《连城诀》在故事情节的安... 《基度山伯爵》发表于1844-1845年之际,为法国著名作家大仲马的代表作。《连城诀》发表于1963年,是中国当代著名作家金庸的一部长篇武侠小说。对比《连城诀》和《基度山伯爵》,可以发现两书确实存在某种联系,《连城诀》在故事情节的安排与人物形象的塑造方面与《基度山伯爵》非常相似。两书的主人公都曾蒙冤入狱,在狱中都遇到改变自己命运的人,并从他们口中得知宝藏秘密,后来成功越狱报仇后都和心爱的人远去。当然,由于历史背景和文化传统的不同,两书也有不同之处。《基度山伯爵》侧重对个人英雄主义和金钱万能的崇拜,而《连城诀》更倾向对人性的挖掘。 展开更多
关键词 《连城绝》 《基度山伯爵》 异同
作者 富敏 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2019年第6期45-48,共4页
李渔小说《连城璧》是清初拟话本的代表作,其中大部分篇目以描写女性为主,刘藐姑就是其中较为典型的形象之一。李渔通过刘藐姑形象的塑造表达了对广大女性寻求自身解放的支持和鼓励,这一形象的创造对女性意识的觉醒和女性解放的不断发... 李渔小说《连城璧》是清初拟话本的代表作,其中大部分篇目以描写女性为主,刘藐姑就是其中较为典型的形象之一。李渔通过刘藐姑形象的塑造表达了对广大女性寻求自身解放的支持和鼓励,这一形象的创造对女性意识的觉醒和女性解放的不断发展起着推动作用,也激励了广大女性同胞勇敢的同一切压迫势力作斗争,做一个有独立人格的人。 展开更多
关键词 李渔 《连城璧》 刘藐姑 女性观
作者 赖劲昊 《珠江论丛》 2022年第1期297-309,共13页
日本尊经阁文库藏《无声戏》是李渔小说《无声戏》(《连城璧》)存世六版本之最早。大连图书馆藏《连城璧》是研究李渔由杭州至南京改刻情况的较好版本。学界讨论的萧震对张缙彦“编刊无声戏二集”的弹劾乃是特指《无声戏》的第二集,李... 日本尊经阁文库藏《无声戏》是李渔小说《无声戏》(《连城璧》)存世六版本之最早。大连图书馆藏《连城璧》是研究李渔由杭州至南京改刻情况的较好版本。学界讨论的萧震对张缙彦“编刊无声戏二集”的弹劾乃是特指《无声戏》的第二集,李渔在《连城璧》午集中保留了《无声戏》二集中的情节。南京改刻本的回目调整体现了刊行者对经济效益与文化政策的矛盾调和。同时,大连图书馆藏《连城璧》也是研究李渔在日本早期传播、戏曲理论影响的重要资料之一,这一版本具有其独特的版本价值。 展开更多
关键词 李渔 《连城璧》 版本价值 改刻 明清小说
在情和欲之间飞舞——《聊斋·嫦娥》赏析 被引量:2
作者 孙巍巍 《蒲松龄研究》 2007年第3期78-81,共4页
在蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》的爱情王国里,《嫦娥》一篇很特别,甚至有些另类。说起文中所描绘的爱情,论纯洁美好,它不如《婴宁》;论缠绵悱恻,它不比《连城》;论婉约动人,它也远不及数百字的《绿衣女》。《嫦娥》中既有异性恋又有同... 在蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》的爱情王国里,《嫦娥》一篇很特别,甚至有些另类。说起文中所描绘的爱情,论纯洁美好,它不如《婴宁》;论缠绵悱恻,它不比《连城》;论婉约动人,它也远不及数百字的《绿衣女》。《嫦娥》中既有异性恋又有同性恋,三位主人公的感情纠葛错综复杂,扑朔迷离,令人困惑不已,也令人心旌摇曳。 展开更多
关键词 《聊斋志异》 《嫦娥》 赏析 《婴宁》 《连城》 感情纠葛 蒲松龄 同性恋
明清易代时期的士人立场:李渔的隐逸心态 被引量:1
作者 王委艳 《唐都学刊》 2020年第6期50-54,共5页
明清易代对于明代士人来说,既是一场政治鼎革,也是一场内心挣扎,摆在这些旧朝士人面前的道路并不多。隐逸、出仕、殉节无疑是最具代表性的三种方式。李渔作为在明朝没有出仕的读书人,其在易代之际的选择耐人寻味,他既没有选择殉节,也没... 明清易代对于明代士人来说,既是一场政治鼎革,也是一场内心挣扎,摆在这些旧朝士人面前的道路并不多。隐逸、出仕、殉节无疑是最具代表性的三种方式。李渔作为在明朝没有出仕的读书人,其在易代之际的选择耐人寻味,他既没有选择殉节,也没有选择出仕,而他选择的隐逸之路也别具一格:不合作、不抵抗,同时又不得不依附新朝权贵为稻粱谋。在其小说《连城璧》《十二楼》中集中体现了李渔的这种隐逸心态,这也是一种独特的隐逸方式。 展开更多
关键词 明清易代时期 李渔 隐逸心态 《连城璧》《十二楼》
Changing Connectivities of Chinese Cities in the World City Network,2010–2016 被引量:17
作者 Ben DERUDDER CAO Zhan +6 位作者 LIU Xingjian SHEN Wei DAI Liang ZHANG Weiyang Freke CASET Frank WITLOX Peter J.TAYLOR 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期183-201,共19页
Against the backdrop of the sizable economic growth of China in recent years, this paper uses the most recent data gathering of the Globalization and World Cities(Ga WC) research network to update and supplement earli... Against the backdrop of the sizable economic growth of China in recent years, this paper uses the most recent data gathering of the Globalization and World Cities(Ga WC) research network to update and supplement earlier research on the shifting global connectivity of Chinese cities. The update consists of an evaluation of the connectivity of Chinese cities in 2016, the supplement of an analysis of the changing position of Chinese cities in the world city network between 2010 and 2016. To this end, we build on a specification of the world city network as an ‘interlocking network' in which producer services firms play the crucial role in city network formation. Information about the presence of leading producer services firms in cities in 2010 and 2016 is used as the input to a bipartite network projection algorithm in order to measure cities' network connectivity. The first set of results discusses the geographies of urban connectivity in the world city network in 2016. The second set of results discusses standardized measures of change to reveal the major dimensions of the transformations between 2010 and 2016. We find that, with the exception of Hong Kong, Macao and Kaohsiung of Taiwan, all Chinese cities record connectivity gains. This wholesale rise in connectivity is nonetheless geographically uneven, with above all Beijing, Chengdu/Chongqing and Changsha/Wuhan becoming more connected. We conclude that the wholesale rise of Chinese cities in the world city network and their changing trajectories in the post-crisis era are embedded in shifting external and internal political economies. 展开更多
关键词 world city network producer services changing connectivities CITY China
作者 李慧 《新乡师范高等专科学校学报》 2004年第1期110-112,共3页
关键词 李渔 小说 创作 《十二楼》 《连城璧》
Measurement and Interpretation of Connectivity of Chinese Cities in World City Network,2010 被引量:48
作者 Ben DERUDDER Peter J TAYLOR +5 位作者 Michael HOYLER NI Pengfei LIU Xingjian ZHAO Miaoxi SHEN Wei Frank WITLOX 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期261-273,共13页
This is an empirical paper that measures and interprets the position of Chinese cities in the world city network in 2010. Building on a specification of the world city network as a′interlocking network′in which busi... This is an empirical paper that measures and interprets the position of Chinese cities in the world city network in 2010. Building on a specification of the world city network as a′interlocking network′in which business services firms play the crucial role in city network formation, information is gathered about the presence of global service firms in cities. This information is converted into data to provide the′service value′of a city for a firm′s provision of corporate services in a 526(cities)×175(firms) matrix. These data are then used as the input to the interlocking network model in order to measure cities′connectivity and its predominant geographical orientation. Here we focus on the position of some key Chinese cities in this regard, and discuss and interpret results in the context of the urban dimensions of the′opening up′of the Chinese economy. 展开更多
关键词 world city network advanced producer services SHANGHAI Hong Kong Beijing
作者 XULing SHANGJin-cheng WANGYu-mei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期145-150,共6页
Modern logistics is a new industry during the construction of national economy. Based on analyzing the environmental problem that was led by the limitation of the strategy during enacting the program of the modern log... Modern logistics is a new industry during the construction of national economy. Based on analyzing the environmental problem that was led by the limitation of the strategy during enacting the program of the modern logistics, SEA for modern logistics was implemented. In this paper, procedure and indicator system in the SEA are constructed, and Environmental Check List to identify environmental impact factors of SEA for modern logistics is established. And a conception that indicates friendly degree of logistics system with resources and environment, degree of green, is introduced. With the example of modern logistics program of Dalian in China, two methods are applied, AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method, in the implement of SEA for modern logistics development. It is concluded that degree of green of modern logistics in Dalian is high. However, several important factors should be paid much attention to in the SEA for modern logistics as well as in the formulation and implement of modern logistics in Dalian. 展开更多
关键词 modern logistics strategic environmental assessment (SEA) degree of green DALIAN
Simulating Mechanism of Interaction Between Ports and Cities Based on System Dynamics: A Case of Dalian, China 被引量:8
作者 LUAN Weixin CHEN Hang WANG Yuewei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期398-405,共8页
Port-city system is a complex and integral system, and it can be simulated by system dynamic method, which is used to be employed to solve nonlinear problems. Based on the causality of the every element in the port-ci... Port-city system is a complex and integral system, and it can be simulated by system dynamic method, which is used to be employed to solve nonlinear problems. Based on the causality of the every element in the port-city system, the authors analyzed the feedback relation and logical relation among the system variables and system structure. A system-dynamic flow chart and correlation equations were put forward with VENSIM software, the quantitative relation was described, and the model was debugged. The development trend of the main influence factors in port-city system was simulated. By changing the influence degree of each related factor. It is found the parameters values of variables in the model, we studied that: 1) Foreign trade throughput of port play an important role in the development of export-oriented economy. 2) The development of primary industry and secondary industry affects most of the water transportation demand. With the constant increase of tertiary industry proportion in the industrial structure, the demand of national economy for water transportation decreases gradually. 3) Water transportation presents a kind of oversupply development situation, so port construction should properly slow down. 4) With the development of ports, its direct and indirect contribution to urban economy has been continuously increasing, but contribution rate will be continuously decreasing. 展开更多
关键词 port-city system dynamics DALIAN China
Evolution Process of Urban Spatial Pattern in Hubei Province Based on DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data 被引量:4
作者 ZHENG Wensheng RUN Jiying +2 位作者 ZHUO Rongrong JIANG Yupei WANG Xiaofang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期366-376,共11页
This paper intends to investigate the urban spatial patterns of Hubei Province and its evolution from three different perspectives: urban nodes, urban connections and urban clusters. The research adopts nighttime ligh... This paper intends to investigate the urban spatial patterns of Hubei Province and its evolution from three different perspectives: urban nodes, urban connections and urban clusters. The research adopts nighttime light imagery of cities in Hubei Province, the viewpoint of ′point-axis-area′ in the ′point-axis system′ theory, and employs light index model, gravity model and social network analysis. The findings are as follows: 1) In terms of urban nodes, the urbanization process of Hubei has been carried out mainly on the basis of external expansion rather than internal increasing. The polarization trend of urban connection network is strengthening. 2) As for urban connections, the estimation of urban connections using light index model is capable of containing various actual flow, and the connections are getting increasingly closer. 3) In regard to urban groups, seven urban groups of varying sizes have formed. On that basis, three stable and relatively independent urban groups as the centers, namely Wuchang, Yichang and Xiangyang emerge as well. But the structures of ′Wuhan Metropolitan Area′, ′Yichang-Jingzhou-Jingmen City Group′ and ′Xiangyang-Shiyen-Suizhou City Group′, which are defined by local development strategy in Hubei Province, are different from the above three urban groups. 展开更多
关键词 Defence Meteorological Satellite Program′s Operational Linescan System(DMSP/OLS) urban spatial pattern point-axis-area Hubei Province China
Discussion on Urban Sewage Treatment Technology of Dalian
作者 Ma Renjiao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期14-15,共2页
Taking a sewage treatment project of Dalian for example, this paper studied the feasibility and characteristics of two sewage treatment technologies, analyzed the process, operation management and energy consumption, ... Taking a sewage treatment project of Dalian for example, this paper studied the feasibility and characteristics of two sewage treatment technologies, analyzed the process, operation management and energy consumption, and determined the hydrolytic sedimentation tank - biological filter - V-Filter technology as the final solution of this project. 展开更多
Beyond Public Spaces: Shared Spaces in the Contemporary City
作者 Giulia Setti 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第7期833-840,共8页
The text aims to investigate the relevance of the concept of"public space" and the continuous variations which have changed its meaning. Going beyond the concept of public space, the author can understand the semant... The text aims to investigate the relevance of the concept of"public space" and the continuous variations which have changed its meaning. Going beyond the concept of public space, the author can understand the semantic boundaries of this definition: Today, relational spaces and shared spaces are the forms with which people can express the concept of public space. The gradual spread of new forms of communication has transformed the static view of public space in a more dynamic condition, the distinction between square, street, garden has lost its meaning leaving space to fragments and residues. Contemporary public spaces are defined, as the residual places that come from the abandonment of industries. The large mono-functional voids, which originate from industrial dismantlement, should be strategically reconsidered as new shared public spaces, where the integration between different functions leads to reactivate new forms of re-using of built space. 展开更多
关键词 Time-space relational spaces shared public spaces HYBRIDIZATION degrees of publicity.
China's Global Shipping Connectivity:Internal and External Dynamics in the Contemporary Era(1890–2016) 被引量:6
作者 Cesar DUCRUET WANG Liehui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期202-216,共15页
China's global shipping connectivity had been somewhat overlooked as the bulk of related studies predominantly focused on the throughput volume of its own port cities. This article tackles such lacunae by providin... China's global shipping connectivity had been somewhat overlooked as the bulk of related studies predominantly focused on the throughput volume of its own port cities. This article tackles such lacunae by providing a relational perspective based on the extraction of vessel movement archives from the Lloyd's List corpus. Two complementary analyses are proposed: long-term dynamics with all ships included(1890–2008) and medium-term dynamics focusing on container flows(1978–2016). Each analysis examines China's maritime connectivity in various ways and on different spatial scales, from the global to the local, in terms of concentration, vulnerability, and expansion. The main results underline the influence of technological, economic, and political factors on the changing distribution of connectivity internally and externally. In particular, China has managed to reduce its dependence upon external transit hubs, to increase the internal connectivity of its own port system, and to strengthen its dominance towards an increasing number of foreign nodes and trade partners through the maritime network. 展开更多
关键词 China CONNECTIVITY maritime network port system vessel movements
Urban Green Space, Uneven Development and Accessibility: A Case of Dalian′s Xigang District 被引量:3
作者 YANG Jun LI Chuang +3 位作者 LI Yuechen XI Jianhao GE Quansheng LI Xueming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期644-656,共13页
This study examines the socio-spatial context of uneven development and the residential accessibility of green space in Dalian of Liaoning Province, China. The social fairness was analyzed with a community scale as th... This study examines the socio-spatial context of uneven development and the residential accessibility of green space in Dalian of Liaoning Province, China. The social fairness was analyzed with a community scale as the basis. We combined social scientific methods with a GIS method using a behavior accessibility model from the perspectives of fairness of urban green space allocation based on social geography, geographic information science, management science and many other related discipline theories. The results show that: 1) Most of the urban green space distribution presents an unbalanced phenomenon, and it does not match with the population distribution; 2) We found some differences in the accessibility of the population with different attributes and opportunities to use and enjoy the urban green spaces, mainly due to: the dual social and spatial attributes of the residents and the serious stratum differentiation generated were the internal causes; the residential space differentiation and the pursuit of economic and real estate development were the direct causes; and unreasonable planning, in regard to the fact that government policies did not give consideration to efficiency and fairness, was also an important factor. 展开更多
关键词 behavior accessibility fairness of green space behavior accessibility model Xigang District of Dalian GIS
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