美国的翻译理论家Peter Newmark曾经对英语中的新词以及旧词新义(Ne-ologisms)的现象作过这样的分析: Neologisms can be defined as newly coined lexical units or existing lexical unitsthat acquire a new sense.Unless they are o...美国的翻译理论家Peter Newmark曾经对英语中的新词以及旧词新义(Ne-ologisms)的现象作过这样的分析: Neologisms can be defined as newly coined lexical units or existing lexical unitsthat acquire a new sense.Unless they are opeque,obscure and possible cacophonous,展开更多
文摘美国的翻译理论家Peter Newmark曾经对英语中的新词以及旧词新义(Ne-ologisms)的现象作过这样的分析: Neologisms can be defined as newly coined lexical units or existing lexical unitsthat acquire a new sense.Unless they are opeque,obscure and possible cacophonous,