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制度侨易的“变”与“常”——从维兰德小说《金镜》谈起 被引量:2
作者 邓深 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期17-24,共8页
文章尝试从十八世纪德国作家维兰德的小说《金镜》出发,通过凸显这部小说所关联的跨文化语境下"制度侨易"现象中的"变化"与"不变"之维度,为"制度侨易"的理论概念提供文学世界与历史现实中的例... 文章尝试从十八世纪德国作家维兰德的小说《金镜》出发,通过凸显这部小说所关联的跨文化语境下"制度侨易"现象中的"变化"与"不变"之维度,为"制度侨易"的理论概念提供文学世界与历史现实中的例证。经过分析,文章认为:"亲耕"仪式于十八世纪由中国至欧洲的"制度侨易",其"变化"维度体现为这一制度所承载的重农主义思想其本质上的现代意义,其"不变"维度则体现为这一制度始终具有的"政治演示"属性;此二者即可视为这一"制度侨易"现象中的"变"与"常"。 展开更多
关键词 侨易 维兰德 《金镜》 亲耕 重农主义 政治演示
作者 林名垚 杨东方 《山东中医药大学学报》 2024年第4期494-500,共7页
许弘的《金镜内台方议》作为从方剂学角度研究《伤寒论》的重要著作之一,被日本所翻刻,其和刻本只有一种,即文政四年本。通过资料分析认为,《金镜内台方议》应是明末至1810年之间传入日本。因其学术价值和当时日本汉方医学发展的需求,... 许弘的《金镜内台方议》作为从方剂学角度研究《伤寒论》的重要著作之一,被日本所翻刻,其和刻本只有一种,即文政四年本。通过资料分析认为,《金镜内台方议》应是明末至1810年之间传入日本。因其学术价值和当时日本汉方医学发展的需求,在千田恭提议下,由丹波元胤主持翻刻。本文对早稻田大学馆藏文政四年本的版本情况进行介绍,并从保留原貌、修改明确错误、对许弘进行考证、避讳字四个方面对其特色进行论述。文政四年本具有更高的版本学价值,对《金镜内台方议》的保存和传播具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 《金镜内台方议》 许弘 文政四年 和刻本 版本特色 丹波元胤 考证
“君主镜鉴”还是“修养小说”?——从体裁史角度看维兰德小说《金镜》对《赵氏孤儿》的接受 被引量:2
作者 邓深 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期140-149,共10页
元杂剧《赵氏孤儿》作为18世纪传入欧洲的中国戏剧,在当时欧洲知识文化界产生了广泛影响。在18世纪德语文学作品当中,接受并化用"赵孤"题材的一个例子,是克里斯托弗·马丁·维兰德的小说《金镜》。本文试图从维兰德... 元杂剧《赵氏孤儿》作为18世纪传入欧洲的中国戏剧,在当时欧洲知识文化界产生了广泛影响。在18世纪德语文学作品当中,接受并化用"赵孤"题材的一个例子,是克里斯托弗·马丁·维兰德的小说《金镜》。本文试图从维兰德小说的文学形式入手,从体裁史角度考查《金镜》中"梯方成长故事"所体现的"君主镜鉴"与"修养小说"两种文学体裁的特征,并发掘这两种体裁传统在"梯方成长故事"中此消彼长的张力关系,以及由此折射出的18世纪下半叶德国文学的个体化与市民化倾向;以此为基础,进而分析"赵孤"题材在"梯方成长故事"中与以上两种文学体裁传统的具体结合方式,为研究维兰德对于《赵氏孤儿》的接受提供新视角。 展开更多
关键词 维兰德 《金镜》 《赵氏孤儿》 君主镜鉴 修养小说 体裁史
指涉现实、反思自身、诉诸道德--从维兰德小说《金镜》中的《自然之子故事》看18世纪下半叶的德语启蒙乌托邦文学 被引量:1
作者 邓深 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期86-96,158,159,共13页
在情节上几乎独立成章的《自然之子故事》是维兰德小说《金镜》(第一版1772/第二版1794)的重要组成部分;孤立来看,《自然之子故事》本身也是一篇相对完整的乌托邦小说。通过内容与形式两方面的分析,本文一方面尝试凸显《自然之子故事》... 在情节上几乎独立成章的《自然之子故事》是维兰德小说《金镜》(第一版1772/第二版1794)的重要组成部分;孤立来看,《自然之子故事》本身也是一篇相对完整的乌托邦小说。通过内容与形式两方面的分析,本文一方面尝试凸显《自然之子故事》与整部小说的有机关联,从而达致对维兰德小说《金镜》的更加全面、准确的理解;另一方面,本文尝试从《自然之子故事》出发,探讨18世纪下半叶的德语启蒙乌托邦文学在内容与形式上的特色所在,即这一时期的德语启蒙乌托邦文学所具有的现实指涉性、自我反思功能和道德诉求;同时,本文亦尝试凸显以上三种特色在《自然之子故事》中的交织与融合。 展开更多
关键词 维兰德 《金镜》 《自然之子故事》 乌托邦 启蒙文学
作者 邓深 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期82-90,共9页
德国作家维兰德的小说《金镜》(第一版1772/第二版1794)所探讨的核心政治问题之一是作为18世纪下半叶欧洲范围内重要历史事件的"开明专制"运动。本文聚焦于《金镜》第二版的"宫廷谈话"情节,经分析认为:该情节中的... 德国作家维兰德的小说《金镜》(第一版1772/第二版1794)所探讨的核心政治问题之一是作为18世纪下半叶欧洲范围内重要历史事件的"开明专制"运动。本文聚焦于《金镜》第二版的"宫廷谈话"情节,经分析认为:该情节中的叙事情境文学化地演示出了18世纪、尤其是"开明专制"时期欧洲/德国的启蒙运动与君主专制政权之间的互动关系;维兰德借该情节中哲学家与君主人物的视角,批判性地探讨了建构于该情节中的启蒙理性对专制权力的"规劝"模式的实践效果;该情节对"开明专制"内在矛盾性的鲜明的文学化演示,折射出维兰德在18世纪末期对于"开明专制"运动的一种明确的质疑与反思立场,这一立场不仅仅体现于小说结尾,而是贯穿于该情节的始终。 展开更多
关键词 维兰德 《金镜》 开明专制 启蒙运动
Influence of anodization conditions on deposition of hydroxyapatite on α/β Ti alloys for osseointegration:Atomic force microscopy analysis
作者 Rania E.HAMMAM Engie M.SAFWAT +2 位作者 Soha A.ABDEL-GAWAD Madiha SHOEIB Shimaa EL-HADAD 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期3629-3649,共21页
Integrating titanium-based implants with the surrounding bone tissue remains challenging.This study aims to explore the impact of different anodization voltages(20−80 V)on the surface topography of two-phase(α/β)Ti ... Integrating titanium-based implants with the surrounding bone tissue remains challenging.This study aims to explore the impact of different anodization voltages(20−80 V)on the surface topography of two-phase(α/β)Ti alloys and to produce TiO_(2) films with enhanced bone formation abilities.Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy(SEM−EDS)and atomic force microscopy(AFM)were applied to investigate the morphological,chemical,and surface topography of the prepared alloys and to confirm the growth of hydroxyapatite(HA)on their surfaces.Results disclosed that the surface roughness of TiO_(2) films formed on Ti−6Al−7Nb alloys was superior to that of Ti−6Al−4V alloys.Ti−6Al−7Nb alloy anodized at 80 V had the highest yields of HA after immersion in simulated body fluid with enhanced HA surface coverage.The developed HA layer had a mean thickness of(128.38±18.13)μm,suggesting its potential use as an orthopedic implantable material due to its promising bone integration and,hence,remarkable stability inside the human body. 展开更多
关键词 material science electrochemical anodization process atomic force microscopy α/βTi alloys hydroxyapatite deposition
Changes of Calmodulin Distribution in the Embryo Sac of Oryza sativa Before and After Fertilization: an Immunogold Electron Microscope Study 被引量:4
作者 杨军 赵洁 +1 位作者 梁世平 杨弘远 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第3期264-272,共9页
Changes of calmodulin (CaM) distribution in the embryo sac of rice (Oryza sativa subsp. Japonica) at various stages before and after fertilization have been investigated by using immunogold electron microscopy. Before... Changes of calmodulin (CaM) distribution in the embryo sac of rice (Oryza sativa subsp. Japonica) at various stages before and after fertilization have been investigated by using immunogold electron microscopy. Before pollination, both cytoplasm and vacuoles of the egg cell, synergids and central cell were labeled by gold particles. A small amount of gold particles were localized in the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and dictyosomes. From pollination to fertilization, CaM amount increased in these cells, especially rich in the starch of amyloplasts. Increase of gold particles in the central cell began about 2 h earlier than that in the egg cell. There was no distinct difference of CaM amount between the degenerated and the persistent synergids. It is interesting to observe an obvious change of CaM distribution form during pollination and fertilization from scattered single particles to clustered particles, and back again to single particles after the fertilization finished. CaM was also localized extracellularly in the embryo sac wall as well as in the wall and intercellular space of nucellus cells. The extracellular CaM also changes in its amount and form after pollination. These results suggest that CaM, either intra- or extra-cellular, may play important roles in fertilization and zygote formation. 展开更多
关键词 CALMODULIN POLLINATION FERTILIZATION rice embryo sac immunogold electron microscope localization
Micro-galvanic corrosion behaviour of Mg-(7,9)Al-1Fe-xNd alloys
作者 Kai-xuan FENG Tao LAI +6 位作者 Yang CHEN Zheng YIN Zhi-qin WU Hong YAN Hong-gun SONG Chao LUO Zhi HU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期2828-2848,共21页
The localized micro-galvanic corrosion process and the kinetic information of Mg-(7,9)Al-1Fe-x Nd alloys were investigated by in situ observation under electrochemical control and in situ atomic force microscopy(AFM)i... The localized micro-galvanic corrosion process and the kinetic information of Mg-(7,9)Al-1Fe-x Nd alloys were investigated by in situ observation under electrochemical control and in situ atomic force microscopy(AFM)in an electrolyte environment.The results revealed that the formation of the Nd-rich phase in alloys resulted in a decrease in the Volta potential difference from~400 m V(AlFe3/α-Mg)to~220 mV(Nd-rich/α-Mg),reducing the corrosion products around the cathodic phase and corrosion current density of the microscale area.The addition of Nd significantly improved the corrosion resistance,mainly due to the suppression of the micro-galvanic corrosion between the second phases and substrate.Finally,the corrosion mechanism of Mg-(7,9)Al-1Fe-x Nd alloys was discussed based on in situ observations and electrochemical results. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy scanning Kelvin probe force microscope micro-galvanic corrosion in situ observation atomic force microscopy
许宏对伤寒学的贡献 被引量:3
作者 刘德荣 《福建中医学院学报》 2009年第3期58-60,共3页
许宏(1341-1421),字宗道,建安(今福建建瓯)人,卒年八十一。幼业儒而隐于医,亥4苦钻研中医经典,学验俱丰,医之辄效,名噪一时,为明代福建省著名的医家。许氏对前代名方和民间验方颇为重视,并潜心于收集整理与研究,撰有《湖... 许宏(1341-1421),字宗道,建安(今福建建瓯)人,卒年八十一。幼业儒而隐于医,亥4苦钻研中医经典,学验俱丰,医之辄效,名噪一时,为明代福建省著名的医家。许氏对前代名方和民间验方颇为重视,并潜心于收集整理与研究,撰有《湖海奇方》、《金镜内台方议》等书。《湖海奇方》八卷是许氏搜集前代医家名方及民间经验方编撰而成,内容提纲挈领,简明实用,便于病家自检。 展开更多
关键词 明代 福建 《金镜内台方议》 许宏
作者 沈凯 尹志民 王涛 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第3期265-269,共5页
Mierostruetural development of a commercial 7055 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)alloy is studied by transmission electron mieroseope(TEM) during the process of single-ageing for up to 48 h. It is observed that Guinier-Preston (GP... Mierostruetural development of a commercial 7055 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)alloy is studied by transmission electron mieroseope(TEM) during the process of single-ageing for up to 48 h. It is observed that Guinier-Preston (GP) zones are formed on { 111} planes when the sample is aged for a short time and grows up gradually with increase of ageing time. η' phase is formsed after ageing for 4 h at 120℃, having the orientation relationship with the matrix as[0 0 0 1]η'//[1 1^- 1]Al and (1 0 1^- 1)η'//(1 1 0)Al.η phase starts to occur after 24 h ageing and has an orientation relationship with matrix as [1^- 1 0 0]η//[1 1 0]Al and (0 0 0 1)η// (1 1 1)Al. Since the density of both η' phase and η phase particles is much lower than that of GP zone on aged alloy, GP zones are important to control the properties of the alloy. 展开更多
关键词 7055 aluminum alloys ageing TEM
Texture of friction stir welded Ti-6Al-4V alloy 被引量:3
作者 周利 刘会杰 吴林志 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第2期368-372,共5页
Theα+βtitanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, was welded by friction stir welding using a W-Re pin tool, and the defect-free weld was produced with proper welding parameters. Texture of the Ti-6Al-4V friction stir weld was stud... Theα+βtitanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, was welded by friction stir welding using a W-Re pin tool, and the defect-free weld was produced with proper welding parameters. Texture of the Ti-6Al-4V friction stir weld was studied by orientation imaging microscopy. The as-received Ti-6Al-4V sheet mill annealed was composed of elongated primary α and transformed β. A typical rolling texture was observed in the base material. The microstructure of the stir zone was significantly different from that of the base material. The stir zone was characterized by the presence of considerable amount of equiaxed dynamically recrystallized grains and a texture around{Ф1=30°,φ=62°,Ф2=30°}was developed during the friction stir welding. 展开更多
关键词 friction stir welding titanium alloy TEXTURE orientation imaging microscopy
Closure of a persistent sphincterotomy-related duodenal perforation by placement of a covered self-expandable metallic biliary stent 被引量:11
作者 Antonios Vezakis Georgios Fragulidis +3 位作者 Constantinos Nastos Anneza Yallourou Andreas Polydorou Dionisios Voros 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第40期4539-4541,共3页
Retroperitoneal duodenal perforation as a result of endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy is a rare complication, but it is associated with a relatively high mortality risk, if left untreated. Recently, several endoscopic... Retroperitoneal duodenal perforation as a result of endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy is a rare complication, but it is associated with a relatively high mortality risk, if left untreated. Recently, several endoscopic techniques have been described to close a variety of perforations. In this case report, we describe the closure of a persistent sphincterotomy-related duodenal perforation by using a covered self-expandable metallic biliary (CEMB) stent. A 61-year-old Greek woman underwent an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and sphincterotomy for suspected choledo-cholithiasis, and a retroperitoneal duodenal perforation (sphincterotomy-related) occurred. Despite initial conservative management, the patient underwent a laparotomy and drainage of the retroperitoneal space. After that, a high volume duodenal fistula developed. Six weeks after the initial ERCP, the patient underwent a repeat endoscopy and placement of a CEMB stent with an indwelling nasobiliary drain. The fistula healed completely and the stent was removed two weeks later. We suggest the transient use of CEMB stents for the closure of sphincterotomy-related duodenal perforations. They can be placed either during the initial ERCP or even later if there is radiographic or clinical evidence that the leakage persists. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic sphincterotomy Complications Retroperitoneal perforation Duodenal perforation Metallic stent
Observation and Comparison of Pollen Submicroscopic Morphology of Seven Mulberry(Morus alba Linn.) Cultivars
作者 胡德昌 张萍 +3 位作者 王艳杰 左进城 王照红 陈传杰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2261-2264,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the submicroscopic structure and morphological characteristics of mulberry pollen. [Method] Mulberry pollen of seven cultivars were treated by glutaraldehyde fixing, alcohol... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the submicroscopic structure and morphological characteristics of mulberry pollen. [Method] Mulberry pollen of seven cultivars were treated by glutaraldehyde fixing, alcohol gradient dehydration, freeze-drying and metal plating to observe the size and surface ornamentation under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). [Result] The pollen surface characteristics and ornamentation were clearly visible, indicating that this method is suitable for SEM observation of mulberry pollen; experimental mulberry pollen was nearly spher- ical, with two germination apertures and processes on aperture membrane; polar axis was 15.99-22.63 μm long, and equatorial axis was 14.98-20.78 μm long; the pollen volume of "Yu No.2' was the maximum, while that of "Jinxuan No.7' was the minimum; the surface of mulberry pollen showed smooth and tumor-like protuberance ornamentations, covered with different densities of particles. [Conclusion] Glutaralde- hyde fixative-alcohol gradient dehydration is an ideal method for morphological char- acteristics of mulberry pollen. This study may provide useful information for palynology identification of Morus plants or even species-level systematic classification. 展开更多
关键词 MULBERRY POLLEN Submicroscopic morphology
Long-period stacking ordered structures in Mg-3Cu-1Mn-2Zn-1Y damping alloy 被引量:2
作者 黄雪飞 张文征 +1 位作者 王敬丰 魏文文 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期1947-1953,共7页
14H, 18R and 24R long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structures were observed in the as-cast Mg-3Cu-1Mn-2Zn-1Y damping alloy using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These LPSO structures contained Mg, Y, Cu ... 14H, 18R and 24R long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structures were observed in the as-cast Mg-3Cu-1Mn-2Zn-1Y damping alloy using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These LPSO structures contained Mg, Y, Cu and Zn and thus they were quaternary phases. Sharp diffraction pattern of the 24R structure was obtained and the angle between and g10024R was measured to be 5.03°. During high resolution TEM observations, lattice fringes with two characteristic spacings were observed within the 24R structure. Based on the experimental results, 6H, 7H and three 8H are suggested as the building blocks of 18R, 14H and 24R structures, respectively. The 24R unit cell can be interpreted as the stacking of 8H building blocks in the same shear direction with a shear angle of about 5.03°. The imperfect 24R structures are in order or disorder arrangements of principal 8H and minor 6H blocks. This double-block structure model is also applicable to other reported defects in LPSO structures. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloys long-period stacking ordered structure TEM building block
Microscopic phase-field simulation of Cr atom substitution character during formation of L1_2 and DO_22 phases in Ni-Cr-Al alloy 被引量:1
作者 褚忠 陈铮 +2 位作者 石云霞 卢艳丽 王永欣 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2008年第5期588-592,共5页
The simulations of Cr atom substitution character during the formation of L12 and DO22 phases in Ni-Cr-Al alloy were performed at 873 K based on microscopic phase-field model. It is found that the substitution of Cr i... The simulations of Cr atom substitution character during the formation of L12 and DO22 phases in Ni-Cr-Al alloy were performed at 873 K based on microscopic phase-field model. It is found that the substitution of Cr is affected by Cr and Al contents and limits of occupation probabilities of Cr atom in L12 phase are present. The precipitate is single L12 phase when the component is less than the limit, Cr atoms substitute the Al sublattices in Ll2 phase, and both of atoms Al and Cr occupy the β-sites and complex phases Ni3(Al1-xCrx) are formed; Cr atoms enter Ni sites when Al and Cr contents exceed the limit, and substitute β-sites or both of α- and β-sites. The DO22 phase is formed at the boundary of Ll2 phase. 展开更多
关键词 Ni-Cr-Al alloy microscope phase-field precipitation SUBSTITUTION simulation
Growth process and corrosion resistance of micro-arc oxidation coating on Mg-Zn-Gd magnesium alloys 被引量:6
作者 王萍 刘道新 +2 位作者 李建平 郭永春 杨忠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第11期2198-2203,共6页
A Mg-6Zn-3Gd(mass fraction,%) alloy,noted as ZG63,was coated by different micro-arc oxidation(MAO) processes,and the coating structure and corrosion resistance of the alloy were studied using scanning electron microsc... A Mg-6Zn-3Gd(mass fraction,%) alloy,noted as ZG63,was coated by different micro-arc oxidation(MAO) processes,and the coating structure and corrosion resistance of the alloy were studied using scanning electron microscopy(SEM),glancing angle X-ray diffractometry(GAXRD) and various electrochemical methods.The micro-arc oxidation process consists of three stages and corresponds with different coating structures.In the initial stage,the coating thickness is linearly increased and is controlled by electrochemical polarization.In the second stage,the coating grows mainly inward and accords with parabolic regularity.In the third stage,the loose coating forms and is controlled by local arc light.The looser coating is mainly composed of MgSiO3 and the compact coating is mainly composed of MgO.From micro-arc oxidation stage to local arc light stage,the corrosion resistance of the coated alloy firstly increases and then decreases.The satisfied corrosion resistance corresponds to the coating time ranging from 6 to10 min. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-6Zn-3Gd magnesium alloys micro-arc oxidation growth process corrosion resistance
Dispersion and STM Characterization of Au-CdSe Nanohybrids on Au(111) 被引量:1
作者 Bo Gao Yan-min Kuang +1 位作者 Yuan Liao Zhen-chao Dong 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期231-234,I0004,共5页
We report the dispersion and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) characterization of iso- lated Au-CdSe nanohybrids on atomically fiat Au(111) through surface modifications. The top terminal groups of spacer molec... We report the dispersion and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) characterization of iso- lated Au-CdSe nanohybrids on atomically fiat Au(111) through surface modifications. The top terminal groups of spacer molecules self-assembled on the surface are found critical for locking the nanohybrids into a well-separated state. The STM results indicate that both thiol and carboxylic terminals are effective in this aspect by making strong interaction with the Au portions of the nanohybrids. An argon ion sputtering technique is also proposed to clean up organic contaminants on the surface for improved STM imaging of individual Au-CdSe nanohybrids. These observations help to enrich technical approaches to dispersing individual nanostructures on the surface and provide opportunities to explore their local electroluminescent and energy transfer properties at the nanoscale. 展开更多
关键词 Metal-semiconductor nanostructure Nanoparticle dispersion Sputter cleaning Scanning tunneling microscopy Plasmon-exciton coupling
Treatment of malignant gastric outlet obstruction with endoscopically placed self-expandable metal stents 被引量:12
作者 Jill KJ Gaidos Peter V Draganov 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第35期4365-4371,共7页
Malignant gastroduodenal obstruction can occur in up to 20%of patients with primary pancreatic,gastric or duodenal carcinomas.Presenting symptoms include nausea,vomiting,abdominal distention,pain and decreased oral in... Malignant gastroduodenal obstruction can occur in up to 20%of patients with primary pancreatic,gastric or duodenal carcinomas.Presenting symptoms include nausea,vomiting,abdominal distention,pain and decreased oral intake which can lead to dehydration, malnutrition,and poor quality of life.Endoscopic stent placement has become the primary therapeutic modality because it is safe,minimally invasive,and a cost-effective option for palliation.Stents can be successfully deployed in the majority of patients. Stent placement appears to lead to a shorter time to symptomatic improvement,shorter time to resumption of an oral diet,and shorter hospital stays as compared with surgical options.Recurrence of the obstructive symptoms resulting from stent occlusion,due to tumor ingrowth or overgrowth,can be successfully treated with repeat endoscopic stent placement in the majority of the cases.Both endoscopic stenting and surgical bypass are considered palliative treatments and,to date,no improvement in survival with either modality has been demonstrated.A tailored therapeutic approach,taking into consideration patient preferences and involving a multidisciplinary team including the therapeutic endoscopist,surgeon,medical oncologist, radiation therapist,and interventional radiologist, should be considered in all cases. 展开更多
关键词 Malignant gastric outlet obstruction Endoscopic self-expandable metal stent Palliativetreatment ENDOSCOPY
A prospective cross-over study using a sphincterotome and a guidewire to increase the success rate of common bile duct cannulation 被引量:3
作者 Georgios Karamanolis Aikaterini Katsikani +5 位作者 Nikos Viazis Gerasimos Stefanidis Spilios Manolakopoulos Spiros Sgouros Efthimia Papadopoulou Apostolos Mantides 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1649-1652,共4页
AIM: During endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), selective cannulation of the common bile duct (CBD) is required in most of the cases.METHODS: From June 2001 till December 2002, all patients referred... AIM: During endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), selective cannulation of the common bile duct (CBD) is required in most of the cases.METHODS: From June 2001 till December 2002, all patients referred to our unit for ERCP were considered for entry into the study. Selective CBD cannulation was first attempted with a standard catheter with or without the use of a guidewire. In cases, where CBD cannulation was considered unsuccessful, patients were crossed over to a double-lumen sphincterotome and a guidewire. All patients were hospitalized for 24 h after the procedure in order to assess the incidence of post-ERCP complications.RESULTS: The study sample consisted of 158 patients.Selective CBD cannulation using a standard ERCP catheter with or without the assistance of a guidewire, was accomplished in 129 patients (success rate: 81.65%).From the 29 patients who were crossed over to a sphincterotome and a guidewire, selective CBD cannulation was achieved in 24; the overall success rate rising to 96.8%. Meanwhile, the use of this technique did not increase the incidence of post-ERCP complications.CONCLUSION: The use of a sphincterotome and a guidewire increases the success rate of selective bile duct cannulation in cases that this has not been accomplished with a standard catheter. 展开更多
关键词 Common bile duct CANNULATION Sphincterotome GUIDEWIRE
Effect of ageing temperature on precipitation of A1-Cu-Li-Mn-Zr alloy 被引量:4
作者 DENG Yan-jun HUANG Guang-jie +2 位作者 CAO Ling-fei WU Xiao-dong HUANG Li 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1340-1349,共10页
The precipitation behaviors of an A1-Cu-Li-Mn-Zr alloy at different ageing temperatures (120, 160 and 200 ~C) were investigated using Vickers hardness measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) charac... The precipitation behaviors of an A1-Cu-Li-Mn-Zr alloy at different ageing temperatures (120, 160 and 200 ~C) were investigated using Vickers hardness measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization. Age hardening curves show an increase in precipitation kinetics with increasing ageing temperature. The results of TEM show that for the samples peak aged at 120 ~C, the amount of g' (A13Li), GP zones/0' (A12Cu) and Z (A15Cu6Li2) phases is obviously higher than that of T1 (A12CuLi) precipitates; while the samples peak aged at 160 and 200 ~C are usually dominated by T1 phase with a minor fraction of GP zones/0' and g', and the Z phase almost does not form. In addition, quantitative analysis on the T1 platelets demonstrates that the samples peak aged at 200 ~C have larger plate diameter and smaller area fraction of T1, as compared to the samples peak aged at 160 ~C. Correspondingly, the possible reasons for such phenomena are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 ageing temperature PRECIPITATION A1-Cu-Li-Mn-Zr alloy T1 phase Z (A15Cu6Li2) phase
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