Twenty two fresh water fish samples namely Puntius sarana (Shawrputi), Cyprinus carpio (Karp), Oreochromis niloticos (Telapia), Channa punctatus (Taki), Wallogonia attu (Boal), Eutropiichthys vacha (Bacha)...Twenty two fresh water fish samples namely Puntius sarana (Shawrputi), Cyprinus carpio (Karp), Oreochromis niloticos (Telapia), Channa punctatus (Taki), Wallogonia attu (Boal), Eutropiichthys vacha (Bacha), Macrognathus aculiatus (Baim), Ailia coila (Kajoli), Mystus cavasisus(Gulsa), Ompok pabda (Pabdha), Corica soborna (Kachki), Mystus vittatus (Tengra), Glossogobius giuris (Baila), Macrobrachium malcolmsli (Chingri), Amblypharyngodon microlepis (Mola), Anabas testudineus (Koi), Macrognathus aculiatus (Baim), Channa striatus (Shole), Heteropnueste fossilis (Shing), Puntius sophore (Small Puti) and Pseudambassis ranga (Telapia) were collected from two rivers and one cultured fish pond. The samples were extracted by QuEChERS method, cleaned up with conc. H2SO4 treatment and cleaned extracts were analyzed by GC-ECD. Small size cultured rui fish sample which did show detectable amount of DDT and its metabohtes was used for the recovery experiments. Percent recovery was found to be in the range of 70%-113%. Amount of total DDTs were found to be 54.34, 48.81, 62.09, 54.72,78.81, 60.07, 47.0, 42.7, 26.31, 10.36, 25.32, 12.96, 20.10, 12.78, 17.65, and 4.71, 8.58, 11.3 and 19.01 ng/g in gulsa, pabhda, baila, bacha, baim, small purl, tengra, chanda, kachki, boal, taki, chingri, mola, shole, shing, koi, swarpurl, karp and telapia fish samples, respectively. However, the residual amounts of DDTs in all the fish samples were below maximum residue limit (MRL of DDTs in fish 5.0 mg/kg) according to Codex Alimentarius Commission. The ratios of 4,4'-DDT/DDTs were in the range of 0.03-0.44 which indicated that exposure to DDT is not due to recent use.展开更多
Over the last two decades, food allergens are being recognized as one of the food hazards. This serious food safety issue is being addressed in different countries not only in terms of their biological and clinical ch...Over the last two decades, food allergens are being recognized as one of the food hazards. This serious food safety issue is being addressed in different countries not only in terms of their biological and clinical characteristics, but also in terms of various standards of allergen management in food industries. This abnormal immune response caused by food allergens affects the quality of life especially in children and influences their overall health and retards normal growth, along with they suffer from ailments like eating disorders, depression, sometimes even death which is the most adverse impact of food allergy. Every country has their own set of guidelines to deal with the food allergens especially developed countries, food allergen guidelines is not well documented in developing countries. FAO/WHO is providing assistance to developing countries in strengthening their food safety guidelines. The Codex Alimentarius was formulated by the two organizations FAO/WHO in the year 1960; it is a collection of food standards in a integrated, codified style, together with associated material such as codes of hygiene and good manufacturing practices that should be followed by industries during various production stages of a food item. In both developed and developing nations, the Food Chemical Codex or the Codex Alimentarius aims to protect public health and implement fair trade practises for the trading of food items.展开更多
文摘Twenty two fresh water fish samples namely Puntius sarana (Shawrputi), Cyprinus carpio (Karp), Oreochromis niloticos (Telapia), Channa punctatus (Taki), Wallogonia attu (Boal), Eutropiichthys vacha (Bacha), Macrognathus aculiatus (Baim), Ailia coila (Kajoli), Mystus cavasisus(Gulsa), Ompok pabda (Pabdha), Corica soborna (Kachki), Mystus vittatus (Tengra), Glossogobius giuris (Baila), Macrobrachium malcolmsli (Chingri), Amblypharyngodon microlepis (Mola), Anabas testudineus (Koi), Macrognathus aculiatus (Baim), Channa striatus (Shole), Heteropnueste fossilis (Shing), Puntius sophore (Small Puti) and Pseudambassis ranga (Telapia) were collected from two rivers and one cultured fish pond. The samples were extracted by QuEChERS method, cleaned up with conc. H2SO4 treatment and cleaned extracts were analyzed by GC-ECD. Small size cultured rui fish sample which did show detectable amount of DDT and its metabohtes was used for the recovery experiments. Percent recovery was found to be in the range of 70%-113%. Amount of total DDTs were found to be 54.34, 48.81, 62.09, 54.72,78.81, 60.07, 47.0, 42.7, 26.31, 10.36, 25.32, 12.96, 20.10, 12.78, 17.65, and 4.71, 8.58, 11.3 and 19.01 ng/g in gulsa, pabhda, baila, bacha, baim, small purl, tengra, chanda, kachki, boal, taki, chingri, mola, shole, shing, koi, swarpurl, karp and telapia fish samples, respectively. However, the residual amounts of DDTs in all the fish samples were below maximum residue limit (MRL of DDTs in fish 5.0 mg/kg) according to Codex Alimentarius Commission. The ratios of 4,4'-DDT/DDTs were in the range of 0.03-0.44 which indicated that exposure to DDT is not due to recent use.
文摘Over the last two decades, food allergens are being recognized as one of the food hazards. This serious food safety issue is being addressed in different countries not only in terms of their biological and clinical characteristics, but also in terms of various standards of allergen management in food industries. This abnormal immune response caused by food allergens affects the quality of life especially in children and influences their overall health and retards normal growth, along with they suffer from ailments like eating disorders, depression, sometimes even death which is the most adverse impact of food allergy. Every country has their own set of guidelines to deal with the food allergens especially developed countries, food allergen guidelines is not well documented in developing countries. FAO/WHO is providing assistance to developing countries in strengthening their food safety guidelines. The Codex Alimentarius was formulated by the two organizations FAO/WHO in the year 1960; it is a collection of food standards in a integrated, codified style, together with associated material such as codes of hygiene and good manufacturing practices that should be followed by industries during various production stages of a food item. In both developed and developing nations, the Food Chemical Codex or the Codex Alimentarius aims to protect public health and implement fair trade practises for the trading of food items.