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作者 姚磊 《出土文献综合研究集刊》 2022年第1期141-154,共14页
文章綜合虎溪山漢簡《食方》的整理者意見、簡帛網上的討論意見,全面梳理了虎溪山漢簡《食方》的釋文,對學界的文字考釋意見進行了吸收,補充了一些整理者未釋的簡文或殘字、綴合了部分殘簡、訂正了整理者釋文中的部分錯誤,並對個别疑難... 文章綜合虎溪山漢簡《食方》的整理者意見、簡帛網上的討論意見,全面梳理了虎溪山漢簡《食方》的釋文,對學界的文字考釋意見進行了吸收,補充了一些整理者未釋的簡文或殘字、綴合了部分殘簡、訂正了整理者釋文中的部分錯誤,並對個别疑難字詞進行了考釋。 展开更多
关键词 虎溪山漢簡 《食方》 文字 考訂
作者 陳寧 《简帛》 2022年第2期185-194,共10页
虎溪山一號漢墓所出《食方》中有若干疑難字詞值得進一步探討。其中,“漬析榣■/漬析■”可與北大漢簡《醫方》“簡析”對觀,皆爲淘米的若干動作;“烝徹上”應指蒸氣向上冒氣使食物更快變熟;簡51的“渝”應爲“淪”的)字,當讀爲“掄”,... 虎溪山一號漢墓所出《食方》中有若干疑難字詞值得進一步探討。其中,“漬析榣■/漬析■”可與北大漢簡《醫方》“簡析”對觀,皆爲淘米的若干動作;“烝徹上”應指蒸氣向上冒氣使食物更快變熟;簡51的“渝”應爲“淪”的)字,當讀爲“掄”,表示挑選之義;“漌洒”應釋爲“謹洒(洗)”,與“苦洒(洗)”分别表示“仔細地”和“用力地”清洗。《食方》還有若干與烹煮方式、食物形態相關的難字,“芮”疑表示混製的一種食物或混製的烹煮方式;當釋作“爲某膲方”中的“膲”或爲“臇”字的)寫,表示少汁的肉羹。 展开更多
关键词 《食方》 動、副詞 烹煮 物形態
作者 王凱博 《出土文献综合研究集刊》 2022年第1期155-164,共10页
虎溪山漢簡《食方》殘損嚴重,通過核查圖版,作者補釋了一些整理者未釋的殘字,豐富了釋文内容。這些殘字分别見於77號、92號、100號、149號、150號、203號、265號、273號、296號和299號竹簡。在補釋殘字時,作者主要依據殘存墨迹和《食方... 虎溪山漢簡《食方》殘損嚴重,通過核查圖版,作者補釋了一些整理者未釋的殘字,豐富了釋文内容。這些殘字分别見於77號、92號、100號、149號、150號、203號、265號、273號、296號和299號竹簡。在補釋殘字時,作者主要依據殘存墨迹和《食方》辭例。在分析墨迹時,作者注意與同批簡中的完整字形進行比較。 展开更多
关键词 虎溪山漢簡 《食方》 校釋
作者 胡绮 《汉字文化》 2022年第21期168-174,共7页
沅陵虎溪山出土的汉简《食方》记载了西汉初年烹饪饮食的方法,展现出汉代湘地的饮食风貌。文章通过对简文中的食物和烹饪方法进行字频统计及梳理分析,得出汉代湘地多肉少蔬,善用调料的食材结构和以蒸、炙、鬻见长的烹饪结构,并挖掘食方... 沅陵虎溪山出土的汉简《食方》记载了西汉初年烹饪饮食的方法,展现出汉代湘地的饮食风貌。文章通过对简文中的食物和烹饪方法进行字频统计及梳理分析,得出汉代湘地多肉少蔬,善用调料的食材结构和以蒸、炙、鬻见长的烹饪结构,并挖掘食方背后蕴含的平和、养生、重质的文化内涵和中华饮食文化传统中的人民智慧。饮食文化在历史变迁中积淀、传承、改变,这也要求人们关注现代社会烹饪饮食传统的失落问题和饮食文化的普遍意义。 展开更多
关键词 虎溪山 《食方》 文化 汉代
食品添加剂在我国食品加工中的应用现状 被引量:5
作者 李其晔 《保鲜与加工》 CAS 2023年第4期68-73,共6页
食品添加剂在现代食品工业生产中占据着非常重要的地位,与人们的日常饮食安全和身体健康息息相关。综述了我国食品添加剂的定义、作用、种类、相关法律法规和加工特点等,提出了食品添加剂在食品加工应用中存在的问题及相应解决措施,对... 食品添加剂在现代食品工业生产中占据着非常重要的地位,与人们的日常饮食安全和身体健康息息相关。综述了我国食品添加剂的定义、作用、种类、相关法律法规和加工特点等,提出了食品添加剂在食品加工应用中存在的问题及相应解决措施,对进一步丰富我国食品添加剂理论研究,推动食品加工业高质量发展具有重要的社会和经济意义。 展开更多
关键词 品添加剂 使用规范 加工 生产 安全 监管
药食两用3号方对大鼠热证痛风性关节炎的抗炎抗氧化活性研究 被引量:5
作者 张伯瑞 薛崇祥 +4 位作者 何世勇 肖楠 田源 郁万刚 陶方 《风湿病与关节炎》 2019年第5期5-8,共4页
目的:研究药食两用3号方对热证痛风性关节炎的作用。方法:将32只SD大鼠随机分为空白对照组、模型对照组、秋水仙碱组和复方干预组,每组8只。除空白对照组外,其余各组均通过注射尿酸钠造成大鼠痛风性关节炎模型,并置于高温环境下制成热... 目的:研究药食两用3号方对热证痛风性关节炎的作用。方法:将32只SD大鼠随机分为空白对照组、模型对照组、秋水仙碱组和复方干预组,每组8只。除空白对照组外,其余各组均通过注射尿酸钠造成大鼠痛风性关节炎模型,并置于高温环境下制成热证模型,用秋水仙碱和痛风药食两用3号方分别对秋水仙碱组和复方干预组大鼠灌胃给药。检测踝关节周长增加百分比,末次给药后腹主动脉采血,检测大鼠血清中αN乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶、β-半乳糖苷酶、超氧化物歧化酶、尿酸、肿瘤坏死因子-α的水平。结果:与模型对照组比较,复方干预组踝关节周长增加百分比、αN乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶、β-半乳糖苷酶、尿酸、肿瘤坏死因子-α均明显降低,超氧化物歧化酶明显升高(P <0.01)。结论:药食两用3号方对热证痛风性关节炎大鼠有降尿酸、抗炎抗氧化的作用。其作用机制可能与降低超氧化物歧化酶活性,抑制肿瘤坏死因子-α、αN乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶、β-半乳糖苷酶合成与释放有关。 展开更多
关键词 痛风性关节炎 热证型 两用3号 抗炎 抗氧化 大鼠
作者 孙梦钰 李明晓 《现代语文》 2024年第2期47-51,共5页
在湖南沅陵虎溪山汉简1号汉墓出土的竹简中,涉及到《食方》内容,其中,亦不乏各种量词的使用。简11“黍一梯”“枣膏一柂”中的“梯”“柂”,均用为器物量词,它们的释义以及文字隶定,对于理解句意至关重要。“梯”可能与出土的节状木器有... 在湖南沅陵虎溪山汉简1号汉墓出土的竹简中,涉及到《食方》内容,其中,亦不乏各种量词的使用。简11“黍一梯”“枣膏一柂”中的“梯”“柂”,均用为器物量词,它们的释义以及文字隶定,对于理解句意至关重要。“梯”可能与出土的节状木器有关,为分层的、卷筒状的、类似于竹桶形的盛装粮食的器具。“柂”即为“匜”,应隶定作“柁”,亦是用于盛装食物的器具,在同墓中曾出土了一些品相精良的漆匜。药食同源,黍米与枣膏配伍,既反映出墓主人生前的饮食喜好,亦体现了时人的养生观念。 展开更多
关键词 虎溪山汉简 《食方》 “梯” “柂” 量词 释义
可食性膜在食品保鲜中的应用现状及研究进展 被引量:1
作者 曾仪雯 周恩弛 +3 位作者 黄高瓴 冯静秋 李丹 张春红 《保鲜与加工》 CAS 2023年第4期62-67,共6页
在食品保鲜领域,可食用天然抗菌保鲜膜是一种重要的可生物降解膜,具有易降解、成本低、来源广等特点。介绍了多糖膜、蛋白膜和脂质膜3种可食性涂膜在食品保鲜中的应用现状,综述了复合成膜技术、纳米颗粒制备技术及添加植物精油在制备可... 在食品保鲜领域,可食用天然抗菌保鲜膜是一种重要的可生物降解膜,具有易降解、成本低、来源广等特点。介绍了多糖膜、蛋白膜和脂质膜3种可食性涂膜在食品保鲜中的应用现状,综述了复合成膜技术、纳米颗粒制备技术及添加植物精油在制备可食性涂膜中的研究进展,以期为可食性包装材料在保鲜领域中的进一步研究提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 性膜 包装 多糖 蛋白质 纳米材料 品保鲜
作者 叶彬华 江铭倩 +5 位作者 邱晨 郑凯林 林莉 郭芳 梁艳彬 许容坤 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期153-158,共6页
目的观察莲实健脾食疗方干预糖耐量受损脾虚不运证患者的临床疗效及可能作用机制。方法将78例糖耐量受损脾虚不运证患者随机分为治疗组与对照组各39例。两组均予相同的营养及生活方式指导,治疗组每日早餐为莲实健脾食疗方+鸡蛋,对照组... 目的观察莲实健脾食疗方干预糖耐量受损脾虚不运证患者的临床疗效及可能作用机制。方法将78例糖耐量受损脾虚不运证患者随机分为治疗组与对照组各39例。两组均予相同的营养及生活方式指导,治疗组每日早餐为莲实健脾食疗方+鸡蛋,对照组每日早餐为馒头+鸡蛋,干预周期均为90天。治疗前后检测糖代谢相关指标[包括空腹血糖(FPG)、葡萄糖负荷后2 h血糖(OGTT2hPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)],人体测量学指标包括[体重、体重指数(BMI)、腰围、体脂率、肌肉量],胰岛功能指标[包括空腹胰岛素(FINS)、葡萄糖负荷后2h胰岛素(OGTT 2h INS)、胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)、胰岛素β细胞功能指数(HOMA-β)],糖脂代谢相关因子[包括成纤维细胞生长因子21(FGF21)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)、胰高糖素样肽1(GLP-1)]水平,干预后判定临床疗效。结果干预期间共脱落6例患者,最终纳入分析两组各36例。治疗组患者临床缓解率为61.1%(22/36),明显高于对照组的27.8%(10/36,P<0.05)。与治疗前比较,治疗组OGTT 2hPG、体重、BMI、腰围、体脂率、HOMA-IR、FGF21、FFA降低,肌肉量、GLP-1升高(P<0.05);对照组FGF21、BMI、腰围降低,GLP-1升高(P<0.05)。治疗后组间比较,治疗组OGTT 2hPG、HOMA-IR、体重、BMI、腰围、体脂率、FGF21、肌肉量、GLP-1水平改善均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论莲实健脾食疗方可改善糖耐量受损脾虚不运证患者糖代谢及胰岛素抵抗,其机制可能与下调FGF21、上调GLP-1水平有关。 展开更多
关键词 糖耐量受损 脾虚 莲实健脾 糖代谢 胰岛素抵抗
Investigation on Breeding Direction of Grain Crops——Taking Henan Province as an example
作者 解宗方 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1793-1799,1810,共8页
[Objective] This paper aimed to investigate the breeding direction of grain crops in Henan Province. [Method] Superior varieties are the basis of grain yield-increase, and a proper breeding direction is essential for ... [Objective] This paper aimed to investigate the breeding direction of grain crops in Henan Province. [Method] Superior varieties are the basis of grain yield-increase, and a proper breeding direction is essential for breeding of superior varieties. According to the actual situation and production requirements in Henan Province, by using statistical data of grain production, this paper analyzed the current situation and influencing factors of grain production in Henan Province, and summarized the breeding direction of current grain production. [Result] The increase of grain output in Henan Province mainly relies on the increase of grain yield per unit area and is achieved based on the increase of wheat and corn yield. There are several main factors affecting grain production in Henan Province, including the frequent meteorological disasters, low resistance to natural disasters, excessive chemical fertilizer inputs, decreased material conversion efficiency, aggravated pollution of the agricultural surface source, imbalanced quality and the distribution of cultivated land, emphasizing yield traits but neglecting related traits during crop breeding pro- cess, unitary dominant varieties resulting from narrow germplasm resources, and reduced grain-planting population with the migration of rural labor force. On this basis, the grain breeding direction is proposed with high yield, high efficiency, adaptability, stress resistance, specificity and safety, to enhance the grain crop breeding level, breed superior varieties, and realize the intensive use of cultivated land, intensive saving of materials, intensive substitution of labor force, intensive protection of environment and intensive efficiency of technologies by adjusting the breeding direction, thus promoting the sustained and stable development of grain production. [Conclusion] This paper provides basis for the breeding of superior varieties of grain crops and improvement of grain output in Henan Province. 展开更多
关键词 GRAIN Crop breeding YIELD Direction
Long-term follow-up after complete ablation of Barrett's esophagus with argon plasma coagulation 被引量:15
作者 Ahmed Madisch Stephan Miehike +6 位作者 Ekkehard Bayerdoerffer Birgit Wiedemann David Antos Anke Sievert Michael Vieth Manfred Stolte Heinrich Schulz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第8期1182-1186,共5页
AIM: To report the long-term outcome of patients after complete ablation of non-neoplastic Barrett's esophagus (BE) with respect to BE relapse and development of intraepithelial neoplasia or esophageal adenocarcin... AIM: To report the long-term outcome of patients after complete ablation of non-neoplastic Barrett's esophagus (BE) with respect to BE relapse and development of intraepithelial neoplasia or esophageal adenocarcinoma. METHODS: In 70 patients with historically proven non neoplastic BE, complete BE ablation was achieved by argon plasma coagulation (APC) and high-dose proton pump inhibitor therapy (120 mg omeprazole daily). Sixty-six patients (94.4%) underwent further surveillance endoscopy. At each surveillance endoscopy four-quadrant biopsies were taken from the neo-squamous epithelium at 2 cm intervals depending on the pre-treatment length of BE mucosa beginning at the neo-Z-line, and from any endoscopically suspicious lesion. RESULTS: The median follow-up of 66 patients was 51 mo (range 9-85 mo) giving a total of 280.5 patient years. A mean of 6 biopsies were taken during surveillance endoscopies. In 13 patients (19.7%) tongues or islands suspicious for BE were found during endoscopy. In 8 of these patients (12.1%) non-neoplastic BE relapse was confirmed histologically giving a histological relapse rate of 3% per year. In none of the patients, intraepithelial neoplasia nor an esophageal adenocarcinoma was detected. Logistic regression analysis identified endoscopic detection of islands or tongues as the only positive predictor of BE relapse (P= 0.0004). CONCLUSION: The long-term relapse rate of non neoplastic BE following complete ablation with high-power APC is low (3% per year). 展开更多
关键词 Barrett's esophagus Argon plasma coagulation Esophageal adenocarcinoma
Development of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for middle-aged inhabitants in the Chaoshan area, China 被引量:1
作者 Feng-YanSong TakezakiToshiro +8 位作者 KeLi PingYu Xu-KaiLin He-LinYang Xiao-LingDeng Yu-QiZhang Lai-WenLv Xin-EnHuang TajimaKazuo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第26期4078-4084,共7页
AIM:This paper aims to develop a data-based semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ) covering both urban and rural areas in the Chaoshan region of Guangdong Province, China, for the investigation of rela... AIM:This paper aims to develop a data-based semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ) covering both urban and rural areas in the Chaoshan region of Guangdong Province, China, for the investigation of relationships between food intake and lifestyle-related diseases among middle-aged Chinese. METHODS: We recruited 417 subjects from the general population and performed an assessment of the diet, using a 3-d weighed dietary record survey. We employed contribution analysis (CA) and multiple regression analysis (MRA) to select food items covering up to a 90% contribution and a 0.90 R2, respectively. The total number of food items consumed was 523 (443 in the urban and 417 in the rural population) and the intake of 29 nutrients was calculated according to the actual consumption by foods/ recipes. RESULTS: The CA selected 233,194, and 183 foods/recipes for the combined, the urban and the rural areas, respectively, and then 196,157, and 160 were chosen by the MRA. Finally, 125 foods/recipes were selected for the final questionnaire. The frequencies were classified into eight categories and standard portion sizes were also calculated. CONCLUSION: For adoption of the area-specific SQFFQ, validity and reproducibility tests are now planned tc determine how the combined SQFFQ performs in actual assessment of disease risk and benefit. 展开更多
关键词 NUTRIENTS Weighed diet records Contribution analysis Multiple regression analysis
Genetic polymorphisms of ADH2 and ALDH2 association with esophageal cancer risk in southwest China 被引量:14
作者 Shu-Juan Yang Hua-Yu Wang +5 位作者 Xiao-Qing Li Hui-Zhang Du Can-Jie Zheng Huai-Gong Chen Xiao-Yan Mu Chun-Xia Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第43期5760-5764,共5页
AIM" TO evaluate the impact of alcohol dehydrogenase 2 (ADH2) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) polymorphisms on esophageal cancer risk. METHODS;One hundred and ninety-one esophageal cancer patients and 198 he... AIM" TO evaluate the impact of alcohol dehydrogenase 2 (ADH2) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) polymorphisms on esophageal cancer risk. METHODS;One hundred and ninety-one esophageal cancer patients and 198 healthy controls from Yanting County were enrolled in this study. ADH2 and ALDH2 genotypes were examined by polymerase-chain-reaction with the confronting-two-pair-primer (PCR-CTPP) method. Unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate the odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). RESULTS; Both ADH2*1 allele and ALDH2*1/*2 allele showed an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer. The adjusted OR (95% CI) for ADH2*1 allele compared with ADH2*2/*2 was 1.65 (95% CI = 1.02-2.68) and 1.67 (95% CI = 1.02-2.72) for ALDH2*1/*2 compared with ALDH2*1/*1. A significant interaction between ALDH2 and drinking was detected regarding esophageal cancer risk, the OR was 1.83 (95% CI = 1.13-2.95). Furthermore, when compared with ADH2*2/*2 and ALDH2*1/*1 carriers, ADH2*1 and ALDH2*2 carriers showed an elevated risk of developing esophageal cancer among non-alcohol drinkers 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal cancer Alcohol dehydrogenase 2 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 Genetic polymorphisms
Rabeprazole test for the diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: Results of a study in a primary care setting 被引量:4
作者 Stanislas Bruley des Varannes Sylvie Sacher-Huvelin +6 位作者 Fabienne Vavasseur Claude Masliah Marc Le Rhun Philippe Aygalenq Sylvie Bonnot-Marlier Yves Lequeux Jean Paul Galmiche 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第16期2569-2573,共5页
AIM: To determine the diagnostic value of the rabeprazole test in patients seen by general practitioners. METHODS: Eighty-three patients with symptoms suggestive of GERD were enrolled by general practitioners in thi... AIM: To determine the diagnostic value of the rabeprazole test in patients seen by general practitioners. METHODS: Eighty-three patients with symptoms suggestive of GERD were enrolled by general practitioners in this multi-centre, randomized and doubleblind study. All patients received either rabeprazole (20 mg bid) or a placebo for one week. The diagnosis of GERD was established on the presence of mucosal breaks at endoscopy and/or an abnormal esophageal 24-h pH test. The test was considered to be positive if patients reported at least a "clear improvement" of symptoms on a 7-point Likert scale. RESULTS: The sensitivities of the test for rabeprazole and the placebo were 83% and 40%, respectively. The corresponding specificity, positive and negative predictive values were 45% and 67%, 71% and 71%, and 62% and 35%, respectively. A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis confirmed that the best discriminatory cut-off corresponded to description of "clear improvement" CONCLUSION: The poor specificity of the proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) test does not support such an approach to establish a diagnosis of GERD in a primary care setting. 展开更多
关键词 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Diagnostic tool RABEPRAZOLE Proton pump inhibitors Primary care
An Innovative Project of Wheat Breeding
作者 李邦发 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第12期1779-1782,1825,共5页
The objectives of wheat breeding in Sichuan and Chongqing were incon- sistent with the requirements of wheat production in 1980s. The new direction, to breed new wheat variety with high and stable yield, good quality,... The objectives of wheat breeding in Sichuan and Chongqing were incon- sistent with the requirements of wheat production in 1980s. The new direction, to breed new wheat variety with high and stable yield, good quality, resistance to dis- eases, tolerance to spike sprouting, large head, white and big grain and outstanding commercial property, was put out in this article based on the development of wheat production, market economy and the needs of people. Depending on the selection and breeding work of Mianyang Institute of Agricultural Sciences for more than 20 years, new wheat varieties Mianyang 25, Mianyang 26, Mianyang 27, Mianyang 28, Mianyang 31, Xikemai 1 and Xikemai 6 were developed successively, which made a great contribution to the wheat breeding wheat breeding and production in SJchuan and even in China and the national food security. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT Commodity variety Breeding direction Replacement in wheat variety Food security
Angina rapidly improved with a plant-based diet and returned after resuming a Western diet 被引量:1
作者 Daniele Massera Lauren Graf +1 位作者 Sofia Barba Robert Ostfeld 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期364-366,共3页
Atherosclerosis and its related cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. The roots of this disease may lie, in part, in dietary and lifestyle behaviors, indicati... Atherosclerosis and its related cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. The roots of this disease may lie, in part, in dietary and lifestyle behaviors, indicating that modifica- tion of these behaviors may lead to profound improvements. 展开更多
关键词 Cardiovascular disease Lifestyle therapy NUTRITION Plant-based diet
Technological insights:combined impedance manometry for esophageal motility testing-current results and further implications 被引量:1
作者 Huan Nam Nguyen Gerson Ricardo Souza Domingues Frank Lammert 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第39期6266-6273,共8页
This review focuses on current aspects of the novel technology of combined impedance manometry for esophageal motility testing. It presents methodological features, summarizes current results and discusses implication... This review focuses on current aspects of the novel technology of combined impedance manometry for esophageal motility testing. It presents methodological features, summarizes current results and discusses implications for further research. The combined technique assesses simultaneously bolus transport and associated peristalsis, thus allowing detailed analysis of the relationships between bolus transit and esophageal motility. Recent studies demonstrate that combined impedance manometry provides important additional information about esophageal motility as compared to conventional manometry: (1) monitoring of bolus transport patterns, (2) calculation of bolus transit parameters, (3) evaluation of bolus clearance, (4) monitoring of swallow associated events such as air movement and reflux, and (5) investigation of the relationships between bolus transit and LES relaxation. Studies with healthy subjects have identified several useful parameters for comprehensive assessment of eosphageal function. These parameters were found to be pathological in patients with classical achalasia, mild GERD, and ineffective esophageal motility. The technology of combined impedance manometry provides an important new tool for esophageal function testing, advancing both clinical and basic research. However, several important issues remain to be standardized to make the technique suitable for widely clinical use. 展开更多
关键词 Combined impedance manometry Esophageal function testing Review
Body weight, lifestyle, dietary habits and gastroesophageal reflux disease 被引量:10
作者 Davide Festi Eleonora Scaioli +4 位作者 Fabio Baldi Amanda Vestito Francesca Pasqui Anna Rita Di Biase Antonio Colecchia 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第14期1690-1701,共12页
While lifestyle modifications are currently used as firstline treatment for subjects with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the pathogenetic role of lifestyle factors and consequently, the efficacy of lifestyle ... While lifestyle modifications are currently used as firstline treatment for subjects with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the pathogenetic role of lifestyle factors and consequently, the efficacy of lifestyle measures is controversial. Our aim was to systematically review the pathogenetic link between overweight/ obesity, dietary habits, physical activity and GERD, and the beneficial effect of specific recommended changes, by means of the available literature from the 1999 to the present. Obesity, in particular, abdominal obesity, plays a key role in determining GERD symptoms and complications through mechanical and metabolic effects. Controlled weight loss (by diet or surgery) is effective in improving GERD symptoms. No definitive data exist regarding the role of diet and, in particular, of specific foods or drinks, in influencing GERD clinical manifestations. Moderate physical activity seems to be beneficial for GERD, while vigorous activity may be dangerous in predisposed individuals. In conclusion, being obese/overweight and GERD-specific symptoms and endoscopic features are related, and weight loss significantly improves GERD clinical-endoscopic manifestations. The role of dietary behavior, mainly in terms of specific dietary components, remains controversial. Mild routine physical activity in association with diet modifications, i.e. a diet rich in fiber and low in fat, is advisable in preventing reflux symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Food intake Food questionnaire HEARTBURN OBESITY Physical activity
Effect of a counseling-supported treatment with the Mediterranean diet and physical activity on the severity of the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 被引量:9
作者 Chiara Gelli Mirko Tarocchi +3 位作者 Ludovico Abenavoli Laura Di Renzo Andrea Galli Antonino De Lorenzo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第17期3150-3162,共13页
AIM To determine the clinical effectiveness of nutritional counseling on reduction of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) severity, weight loss, metabolic and anthropometric indexes and liver enzymes.METHODS Fort... AIM To determine the clinical effectiveness of nutritional counseling on reduction of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) severity, weight loss, metabolic and anthropometric indexes and liver enzymes.METHODS Forty-six adults with NAFLD received a 6-mo clinical and a dietary intervention(based on Mediterranean diet) carried out respectively by a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist with counseling license. The counseling process consisted of monthly meeting(about 45 min each). The effect of the treatment was evaluated monitoring liver enzymes, metabolic parameters, cardiovascular risk indexes, NAFLD severity [assessed by ultrasound(US)] and related indexes. All parameters were assessed at baseline. Biochemistry was also assessed at mid-and end-interventions and US was repeated at end-intervention.RESULTS The percentage of patients with steatosis grade equal or higher than 2 was reduced from 93% to 48% and steatosis regressed in 9 patients(20%). At the end of the treatment the end-point concerning the weight(i.e., a 7% weight reduction or achievement/maintenance of normal weight) was accomplished by 25 out of 46 patients(i.e., 54.3%). As far as the liver enzymes is concerned, all three liver enzymes significantly decrease during the treatment the normalization was particularly evident for the ALT enzyme(altered values reduced from 67% down to 11%). Several parameters, i.e., BMI, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, AST, ALT, GGT, HDL, serum glucose, Tot-Chol/HDL, LDL/HDL, TG/HDL, AIP, HOMA, FLI, Kotronen index, VAI, NAFLD liver fat score and LAP, showed a significant improvement(P < 0.01) between baseline and end-treatment.CONCLUSION Outcomes of this study further strengthen the hypothesis that Med Diet and more active lifestyle can be considered a safe therapeutic approach for reducing risk and severity of NAFLD and related disease states. The proposed approach may be proposed as a valid and recommended approach for improving the clinical profile of NAFLD patients. 展开更多
关键词 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Mediterranean diet Metabolic syndrome Therapeutic approach COUNSELING DIET LIFE-STYLE
Comparison between different reconstruction routes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 被引量:10
作者 Yu-Zhen Zheng Shu-Qin Dai +7 位作者 Wei Li Xun Cao Xin Wang Jian-Hua Fu Peng Lin Lan-Jun Zhang Bin Lu Jun-Ye Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第39期5616-5621,共6页
AIM:To compare postoperative complications and prognosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with different routes of reconstruction. METHODS:After obtaining approval from the Medical Ethics Committ... AIM:To compare postoperative complications and prognosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with different routes of reconstruction. METHODS:After obtaining approval from the Medical Ethics Committee of the Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, we retrospectively reviewed data from 306 consecutive patients with histologically diagnosed esophageal squamous cell carcinoma who were treated between 2001 and 2011. All patients underwent radical McKeown-type esophagectomy with at least two-field lymphadenectomy. Regular follow-up was performed in our outpatient department. Postoperative complica-tions and long-term survival were analyzed by treatment modality, baseline patient characteristics, and operative procedure. Data from patients treated via the retrosternal and posterior mediastinal routes were compared. RESULTS:The posterior mediastinal and retrosternal reconstruction routes were employed in 120 and 186 patients, respectively. Pulmonary complications were the most common complications experienced during the postoperative period (46.1% of all patients; 141/306). Compared to the retrosternal route, the posterior mediastinal reconstruction route was associated with a lower incidence of anastomotic stricture (15.8% vs 27.4%, P = 0.018) and less surgical bleeding (242.8 ± 114.2 mL vs 308.2 ± 168.4 mL, P < 0.001). The median survival time was 26.8 mo (range:1.6-116.1 mo). Upon uni/multivariate analysis, a lower preoperative albumin level (P = 0.009) and a more advanced pathological stage (pT; P = 0.006; pN; P < 0.001) were identified as independent factors predicting poor prognosis. The reconstruction route did not influence prognosis (P = 0.477). CONCLUSION:The posterior mediastinal route of reconstruction reduces incidence of postoperative complications but does not affect survival. This route is recommended for resectable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal carcinoma Route of reconstruc-tion Posterior mediastinal RETROSTERNAL COMPARISON
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