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作者 刘平 《怀化学院学报》 2007年第1期93-94,共2页
很多翻译者在翻译过程中只将文本的解析工作做到语义层面,而忽视了心理层面。要真正对文本做到定点、定位、定格,必须从文化心理角度对其进行深层次的挖掘,从而准确诠释语义,为翻译提供通道。选取《骆驼祥子》的一个译本为例,以文化心... 很多翻译者在翻译过程中只将文本的解析工作做到语义层面,而忽视了心理层面。要真正对文本做到定点、定位、定格,必须从文化心理角度对其进行深层次的挖掘,从而准确诠释语义,为翻译提供通道。选取《骆驼祥子》的一个译本为例,以文化心理为参照,对其词语语义的界定予以分析并重新进行界定。 展开更多
关键词 《骆驼样子》 文化心理 翻译 语义诠释
《现代语文(初中读写与考试)》 2005年第5期11-11,共1页
关键词 《骆驼》 初中 语文 阅读欣赏 故事
作者 姜铮 《电影文学》 1983年第1期90-94,共5页
在中国现代文学名著的电影改编中,影片《骆驼样子》堪称一部成功的上乘之作。它既尊重原著,又充分发挥了电影艺术的特殊功能;并且,在忠于原作基本精神的前提下,又进行了大胆的艺术再创造。它是原著的改编,也是完整独立的新的艺术... 在中国现代文学名著的电影改编中,影片《骆驼样子》堪称一部成功的上乘之作。它既尊重原著,又充分发挥了电影艺术的特殊功能;并且,在忠于原作基本精神的前提下,又进行了大胆的艺术再创造。它是原著的改编,也是完整独立的新的艺术品。它给广大观众以熟悉而又新鲜的深刻感受。它取得的成功应该引起人们的重视。当然,从改编的角度看,它也并非没有某些值得商榷之处。 展开更多
关键词 电影改编 《骆驼祥子》 得失 《骆驼样子》 艺术再创造 文学名著 中国现代 电影艺术
作者 张骏 卢凤萍 《语文建设》 北大核心 2007年第7期85-86,共2页
对老舍先生的名作《骆驼样子》的解读甚多,普遍的观点认为小说的创作目的是通过样子的故事来控诉不合理的社会秩序。这种观点固然有其科学性。但是解读文本可以从多侧面、多角度入手,我们认为,不妨从象征意义的角度来揭示作品中“人... 对老舍先生的名作《骆驼样子》的解读甚多,普遍的观点认为小说的创作目的是通过样子的故事来控诉不合理的社会秩序。这种观点固然有其科学性。但是解读文本可以从多侧面、多角度入手,我们认为,不妨从象征意义的角度来揭示作品中“人”为了理想与命运搏斗.而又不得不屈从于命运安排的寓意。虽然《骆驼样子》并不是象征主义文学作品. 展开更多
关键词 象征意义 《骆驼祥子》 《骆驼样子》 解读文本 文学作品 社会秩序 创作目的 象征主义
作者 浦小红 《江苏教育》 2004年第10B期45-45,共1页
关键词 《骆驼与仙人掌》 小学四年级 教学资源 教学方法 语文
作者 曾广灿 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1980年第6期49-49,共1页
老舍先生的代表作《骆驼样子》写于何年?文革前的现代文学史着作,文章,资料不算,单是近一二年的着作,资料中就说法不一,笔者所见,有如下几种; 一、写于1935年说。持此说者有田仲济、孙昌熙主编《现代文学史》,北京大学等九院... 老舍先生的代表作《骆驼样子》写于何年?文革前的现代文学史着作,文章,资料不算,单是近一二年的着作,资料中就说法不一,笔者所见,有如下几种; 一、写于1935年说。持此说者有田仲济、孙昌熙主编《现代文学史》,北京大学等九院校编《中国现代文学史》,扬州师院南通分院中文系编《现代作家和作品》等。 展开更多
关键词 《骆驼祥子》 《现代文学史》 《中国现代文学史》 《骆驼样子》 北京大学 现代作家 代表作 田仲济
作者 王珍文 《丝绸之路》 2004年第7期43-44,共2页
关键词 王珍文 《骆驼与民勤》 散文 艺术风格
作者 王三军 《商情》 2011年第28期75-75,共1页
关键词 《骆驼样子》 祥子 性格特色
作者 程钧 《剧影月报》 2000年第6期8-9,共2页
“六艺节”期问,京剧《骆驼样子》和川剧《金子》在进一步加工和完善之后再一次登场亮相。它们发挥了戏曲艺术在命运主题、写意手法、虚拟表演等方面的鲜明特色,以戏曲特有的优美身段和激扬唱腔述说往日的悲剧故事,同时又以开放性的... “六艺节”期问,京剧《骆驼样子》和川剧《金子》在进一步加工和完善之后再一次登场亮相。它们发挥了戏曲艺术在命运主题、写意手法、虚拟表演等方面的鲜明特色,以戏曲特有的优美身段和激扬唱腔述说往日的悲剧故事,同时又以开放性的艺术姿态积极探索传统戏曲与今日观众心灵沟通的途径,力求对旧时代的人物事件予以当代的诠释。二剧中,命运的起落浮沉和情感的悲喜交加形成了强大的戏剧性张力, 展开更多
关键词 京剧 川剧 戏曲创新 《骆驼样子》 唱腔 戏曲艺术 写意 《骆驼祥子》 述说 故事
Water Relations on Alhagi sparsifolia in the Southern Fringe of Taklamakan Desert 被引量:23
作者 李向义 张希明 +5 位作者 曾凡江 Andrea FOETZKI Frank M .THOMAS 李小明 Michael RUNGE 何兴元 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第10期1219-1224,共6页
Water relations of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. at the transition zone between oases and sandy desert were studied in the southern fringe of Taklamakan Desert. Results showed that A. sparsifolia maintained the positive tu... Water relations of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. at the transition zone between oases and sandy desert were studied in the southern fringe of Taklamakan Desert. Results showed that A. sparsifolia maintained the positive turgor during the summer. The steady high predawn water potential (psi(P)) indicated A. sparsifolia had sufficient hydration and water supply in growing season. In July, water deficit caused by drought stress had no effect on the transpiration of A. sparsifolia. Therefore, drought stress is not a main factor affecting the survival of plants. The physiological adaptation to drought of A. sparsifolia was shown mainly at the leaf level by significant difference (DeltaII) and relative water content (RWC) between the osmotic pressure at full turgor and at turgor loss, by occurring of osmotic adjustment, by high percentage of dry mass-related water content ( WCsat), by RWC at turgor loss point ( RWCp) in stable level and low RWC of the saturated symplast (RWCsym). However, the morphological features of transpiring surface reduction and deep root system seem to be the main way for the plant to adapt to the extreme drought environment. Result also suggests that one time of irregular irrigation in summer will not be helpful to recover water status of A. sparsifolia in location where the water table is very low. 展开更多
关键词 Alhagi sparsifolia water relation drought stress water potential PV parameters irrigation effect
Effect of Mixed Silage of Alhagi sparsifolia and Medicago sativa at Initial Flowering Stage on Degradation
作者 蒋慧 应璐 +2 位作者 张秀萍 陈宏伟 马金萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期4-6,113,共4页
[Objective] The influence of mixed silage of A.sparsifolia and M.sativa at initial flowering stage on degradation was studied to provide theoretical basis for production practice.[Method] Using A.sparsifolia and M.sat... [Objective] The influence of mixed silage of A.sparsifolia and M.sativa at initial flowering stage on degradation was studied to provide theoretical basis for production practice.[Method] Using A.sparsifolia and M.sativa at initial flowering stage as materials,the changes of in vitro degradation rate,gas production,pH value,ammoniacal nitrogen(NH3-N)and volatile fatty acid(VFA)content in degradation solution were analyzed by means of artificial rumen technique,and the effect of mixed silage of A.sparsifolia and M.sativa at initial flowering stage on degradation was studied in order to find out suitable mixed silage ratio of A.sparsifolia and M.sativa.[Result] Compared with single M.sativa,NH3-N content in degradation solution was very significantly decreased in the mixed silage of A.sparsifolia and M.sativa,and there was a reduction in gas production,while the content of acetic acid,propionic acid and butyric acid increased significantly;for the treatment of 70% A.sparsifolia and 30% M.sativa,NH3-N content(22.93 mmol/L)and gas production(40.50 ml)was lowest,while degradation rate(32.27%),acetic acid(5.48 mmol/L),propionic acid(2.08 mmol/L),butyric acid(2.52 mmol/L)and their total content(10.08 mmol/L)were highest,so its degradation effect was the best.[Conclusion] The mixed silage of A.sparsifolia and M.sativa at initial flowering stage could improve the utilization efficiency of protein and carbohydrate in M.sativa and the treatment of 70% A.sparsifolia and 30% M.sativa had the best degradation effect. 展开更多
关键词 A.sparsifolia M.sativa Mixed silage Degradation effect
作者 朱晓江 《现代中文学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期98-108,共11页
在经历了上半年的“三·一八”惨案及《京报》邵飘萍被害案后,1926年下半年北平的文化空气持续恶化。8月,枪杀《社会日报》主编林白水,逮捕《世界日报》主编成舍我,孙伏园、鲁迅、川岛等乃相继南下,而周作人留住北平如故。此亦可谓... 在经历了上半年的“三·一八”惨案及《京报》邵飘萍被害案后,1926年下半年北平的文化空气持续恶化。8月,枪杀《社会日报》主编林白水,逮捕《世界日报》主编成舍我,孙伏园、鲁迅、川岛等乃相继南下,而周作人留住北平如故。此亦可谓“苦住”矣。9月,任可澄率军警武装接收女师大,周作人仍为撰文批评诸事,且为女师大事奔走,然力量已趋低落,盖在高压的文化政策下,知识分子星散,批评的力量已然无法凝聚也。11月,作《陶庵梦忆序》一篇,表彰明朝文人反抗礼法的态度。这也是当社会的批评受到压制之际,周作人对于知识分子功能的一种自我调适。自此以后,他遂逐渐由社会的批评转向文明的批评,为1930年代的笔记体写作,提供了变化的基础。 展开更多
关键词 周作人 女师大 中日学院 《骆驼》 1926年
作者 刘鹏 《北京档案》 北大核心 2006年第2期48-49,共2页
关键词 婴儿死亡率 登记制度 变迁 《骆驼样子》 消毒措施 普通百姓 北京人 产妇 家庭
中国现代作家媚俗的改写 被引量:1
作者 刘再复 林岗 《华文文学》 CSSCI 2014年第5期5-12,共8页
二十世纪中国文学虽然距离今天并不遥远,但是它的版本复杂和由此造成的困扰并不亚于古典的研究,两者所不同的是古典文献的版本困扰多数是因流传过程中后人的传抄、删改、修订而造成的,而二十世纪文学的版本困扰则多因作者本人在不同... 二十世纪中国文学虽然距离今天并不遥远,但是它的版本复杂和由此造成的困扰并不亚于古典的研究,两者所不同的是古典文献的版本困扰多数是因流传过程中后人的传抄、删改、修订而造成的,而二十世纪文学的版本困扰则多因作者本人在不同时期的重编、改写而造成。许多现代重要的作家都曾经重编、改写过自己的有代表性的旧作,例如胡适重订《尝试集》;郭沫若屡次重编自己的新诗集,修订《女神》;曹禺改写《雷雨》;老舍删改《骆驼样子》等等。 展开更多
关键词 中国现代作家 改写 媚俗 《骆驼样子》 中国文学 二十世纪 古典文献 《尝试集》
Regeneration of plants from callus tissues of hairy roots induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes on Alhagi pseudoalhagi 被引量:3
作者 WangYM WangJB 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第4期279-294,共16页
The legume forage Alhagi pseudoalhagi was transformed by the Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 using cotyledon and hypocotyl segments as infection materials. Regenerated plants were achieved from sterile calli derive... The legume forage Alhagi pseudoalhagi was transformed by the Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 using cotyledon and hypocotyl segments as infection materials. Regenerated plants were achieved from sterile calli derived from hairy roots, which occurred at or near the infection sites. The regenerated plants from hairy root were characterized by normal leaf morphology and stem growth but a shallow and more extensive root system than normal plants. Opine synthesis, PCR and Southern blot confirmed that T- DNA had been integrated into the A. pseudoalhagi genome. Acetosyringone (AS) was found to be vital for successful transformation of A. pseudoalhagi. 展开更多
关键词 Alhagi pseudoalhagi Agrobacterium rhizogenes hairy root regeneration.
Thermal Degradation and Decomposition Kinetics of Freeze Dried Cow and Camel Milk as well as Their Constituents 被引量:2
作者 K. V. Sunooj J. George +2 位作者 V. A. Sajeev Kumar K. Radhakrishna A. S. Bawa 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第2期77-84,共8页
A study was conducted to evaluate thermal properties and degradation kinetic parameters of FD cow milk and camel milk powder. FT-IR was used to confirm the fat removal from the whole milk powder. Differential Scanning... A study was conducted to evaluate thermal properties and degradation kinetic parameters of FD cow milk and camel milk powder. FT-IR was used to confirm the fat removal from the whole milk powder. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the thermal transitions. DSC thermograms of WMP showed a two-step endotherm, the former at lower temperatures (cow milk 16-35 ℃, camel milk 25-60 ℃) and the later at higher temperatures (cow milk 75-125 ℃, camel milk 90-160 ℃). The main difference observed between cow and camel milk was peak maximum temperature for fat melting, AH and other decomposition temperatures. The enthalpy of fat melting was 2.314 J/g and 3.397 J/g for cow and camel milk respectively. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)/derivative thermogravimetric analysis (DTG) also showed two steps degradation. The first step involves lactose degradation and second step corresponds to combined degradation of protein and fat. Hence logβ vs 1000/T was plotted separately for individual components to determine cumulative value of activation energy using Flynn-Wall-Osawa method. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal degradation differential scanning calorimetry thermogravimetric analysis FT-IR Flynn-Wall-Osawa method.
Comparative Alternative Medicinal (CAM) Properties in Camel Milk for Treatment of Epidemic Diseases 被引量:1
作者 Yagil Reuven 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第8期575-580,共6页
This communication brings scientific evidence to explain the basis for efficacy of camel milk, especially on diseases where the immune system is compromised. Camels (Camelu sdromedarius) have very small and active a... This communication brings scientific evidence to explain the basis for efficacy of camel milk, especially on diseases where the immune system is compromised. Camels (Camelu sdromedarius) have very small and active antibodies, nanaobodies. Their special properties are being used by the USA Department of Homeland Security as bio-receptors to determine which substance could be used in a biological warfare attack. The antibodies are part of the "protective proteins" in camel milk. These include potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Camel milk antibodies are, in fact, "nanobodies". They are not destroyed in their passage through the stomach. These nanobodies are responsible for data concerning the use of camel milk in autoimmune diseases. Various diseases treated with camel milk are presented, as is the mode of action. The effect of pasteurization on activity of camel milk is presented as a way to overcome the need for heat. This is accomplished by presenting "pathogen-free" camel milk. The antibodies are part of the "protective proteins" in camel milk. These include potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. The effect of pasteurization on activity of camel milk is presented as a way to overcome the need for heat. This is accomplished by presenting "pathogen-free" camel milk. 展开更多
关键词 Camel milk AUTOIMMUNE IMMUNOGLOBULINS protective proteins ANTIBODIES Crohn disease autism.
Physico-chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Algerian Raw Camel's Milk and Identification of Predominating Thermophilic Lactic Acid Bacteria 被引量:2
作者 Merzouk Yamina Chahrour Wassila Zarour Kenza Zergui Amina Saidi Noureddine Henni Jamal Eddine Kihal Mebrouk 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第2期55-63,共9页
The dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) is a significant socioeconomic importance in several arid and semi-arid regions of North Africa and Middle East, and its milk constitutes an important component of human die... The dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) is a significant socioeconomic importance in several arid and semi-arid regions of North Africa and Middle East, and its milk constitutes an important component of human diets in these regions. The camel milk plays a vital role in the food of the Algerian nomads in the Sahara. During February and September, 20 samples of the raw camel's milk were taken starting from different livestock of camels from three different Sahariennes regions (Bechar, EI-Bayadh and Naama). These 20 collected samples were analyzed by physico-chemical and microbiological methods. The results of physicochemical analyze obtained from two hot and cold seasons are respectively the following: T ~C (35.83 and 33.95), pH (6.36 and 6.49), density (1.031 and 1.032), dornic acidity (18.6 and 18.3 ~D), dry matter (93.4 and 144.8 g/L), fat contents (30 and 52.1 g/L), total protein (26.3 and 33.1 g/L) and ashes (7.46 and 8.66 g/L). The protein profile obtained by electrophoretic analysis (SDS-PAGE) showed that camel milk contains several types of proteins and some have a molecular weight identical to major proteins of the cow's milk. The final results showed that camel milk has generally a comparable composition to that of bovine milk. The microbiological analysis, of these samples, detected a significant number of the total microflora, Staphylococcus aureus and total coliforms. The absence of Clostridium and fecal coliforms was observed. Several species of lactic acid bacteria were detected such as Lactococcus lactis subsp, lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp, lactis biovar, diacetylactis, Weissella cibaria and Enteroccocusfeacalis. 展开更多
关键词 Raw camel's milk physicochemical analysis MICROFLORA electrophoretic analysis proteins of milk.
Effect of Fortifying Camel Milk with Sheep Milk on the Processing Properties, Chemical Composition and Acceptability of Cheeses 被引量:1
作者 Abdl Whap M. A. Derar Ibtisam E. M. El Zubeir 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第4期215-226,共12页
This study investigates the properties of cheeses made from camel milk, sheep milk and their mixtures. Cheeses were made using Camifloc enzyme as a coagulant after addition of calcium chloride. Camel's milk was mixed... This study investigates the properties of cheeses made from camel milk, sheep milk and their mixtures. Cheeses were made using Camifloc enzyme as a coagulant after addition of calcium chloride. Camel's milk was mixed with sheep's milk at the levels of 25%, 50% and 75%. Then, the cheeses were stored for 21 days in the whey at room temperature (37-40 ~C). The study revealed that fortifying camel's milk with sheep's milk improved the processing properties of camel milk for cheese making. The addition of 50% sheep's milk to camel's milk reduced the coagulation time to about 46.15%. The addition of 25%, 50% and 75% sheep's milk to camel's milk revealed yield of 13.76%, 21.33% and 26.2%, respectively. However, the cheese made from pure camel's milk and sheep's milk revealed yield of 10.66% and 23.53%, respectively. There were significant (P 〈 0.001) differences in total solids, protein, fat, ash, acidity and overall acceptability among the cheeses made from different types of milk. The cheeses made from camel's milk after addition of 75% and 50% sheep's milk were the most acceptable compared to other cheeses. Hence sheep's milk could be added to camel's milk for improvement of cheese properties. 展开更多
关键词 CAMELS SHEEP MILK cheese processing composition sensory characteristics Camifloc enzyme.
Camel milk could be helpful in the treatment of asthma
作者 Mohammad Ravaghi Mahdi Yousefi +3 位作者 Seyed Mousalreza Hosseini Saeed Zibaee Zohreh Feyzabadi Roshanak Salari 《Traditional Medicine Research》 2018年第6期307-312,共6页
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease with excessive irritability and airway narrowing and inflammation plays an important role in it.There are 300 million asthmatic people in the world currently.Main treatments fo... Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease with excessive irritability and airway narrowing and inflammation plays an important role in it.There are 300 million asthmatic people in the world currently.Main treatments for asthma include two groups of bronchodilators and inflammation controllers.Researches was continued in order to reach new treatments to reduce drug side effects and treatment-resistant cases or the types associated with weak treatment response.Today,World Health Organization recommends the application of traditional medicine especially in underdeveloped countries because of insufficient health resources and spread of diseases.Iranian traditional medicine(ITM)or Persian medicine is one of the oldest comprehensive traditional medicines with thousands years history which could help us to manage different diseases.The aim of this hypothesis is to investigate the camel milk as a complementary treatment of asthma because this chronic disease is sometimes resistant or response weakly to the treatment.In this article,the administration of camel milk in lung inflammatory diseases was studied by searching the PubMed and Scopus scientific databases.The results of this study indicated that camel milk due to having anti-inflammatory,immunomodulatory and anti-oxidant effects could decrease the levels of inflammatory factors such as tumor necrosis factorα,interleukin-17(IL-17),IL-6,IL-1B and transforming growth factor-β1 in a human and animal samples with inflammatory diseases.Besides,based on ITM,camel milk was used in treatment patients with asthma.But,clinical studies are needed to validate the effectiveness of camel milk in asthma and its mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 Camel milk ASTHMA Iranian traditional medicine Camel whey protein
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