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《Design 360杂志》的数字化转型策略研究
作者 宋丹妮 《数码设计》 2020年第5期89-89,共1页
在信息大爆炸时代,设计杂志能否在激烈市场竞争中保持发展活力,取决于能否成功完成数字化转型。基于此,以国内外知名专业设计杂志《Design 360杂志》为例,从数字化出版、多元化经营和立体化体验三方面提出杂志数字化转型策略,探索传统... 在信息大爆炸时代,设计杂志能否在激烈市场竞争中保持发展活力,取决于能否成功完成数字化转型。基于此,以国内外知名专业设计杂志《Design 360杂志》为例,从数字化出版、多元化经营和立体化体验三方面提出杂志数字化转型策略,探索传统设计杂志数字化发展道路,为关注这一话题的人们提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 《design 360杂志》 数字化转型 多元化经营 立体化体验
基于Altium Designer软件的电子控制技术中电路设计探究
作者 陈卫群 《价值工程》 2025年第1期90-92,共3页
在正常的电路设计方案中,需要软硬件的互相搭配使用,普通的电路运用收稿方式或简单的办公辅助软件来完成绘制,但在面对复杂情况下的电路,专业的EDA辅助设计软件作用可以显而易见,以该辅助软件设计如SCH(电路原理图)与PCB(印制电路板)文... 在正常的电路设计方案中,需要软硬件的互相搭配使用,普通的电路运用收稿方式或简单的办公辅助软件来完成绘制,但在面对复杂情况下的电路,专业的EDA辅助设计软件作用可以显而易见,以该辅助软件设计如SCH(电路原理图)与PCB(印制电路板)文件方面的工作。电子控制技术中电路随着时代的进步而不断创新,新型器件的不断迭代更新,其中的电路设计也变得复杂且繁琐,传统的电路设计已无法胜任最新电路的完善和使用。此时运用AD16(Altium Designer)这款辅助设计软件进行电路设计就可以事半功倍,AD都是复杂电路设计中的高效工具。 展开更多
关键词 电路设计 EDA 电子控制技术 AD16
水田动力底盘逆向建模与质心验证——基于Geomagic Design X
作者 何剑飞 曾志浩 +5 位作者 郭梓游 李贵蓉 钟文能 钟顺 王在满 李庆 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2024年第10期248-253,共6页
针对目前农业机械仿真和优化模型精度不高的问题,提出了一种构建精确模型的逆向建模方法。应用光学扫描仪采集点云数据,基于Geomagic Design X处理点云数据并重构零部件模型,在SolidWorks中完成水田动力底盘的装配。以VP6D-CQ型水田动... 针对目前农业机械仿真和优化模型精度不高的问题,提出了一种构建精确模型的逆向建模方法。应用光学扫描仪采集点云数据,基于Geomagic Design X处理点云数据并重构零部件模型,在SolidWorks中完成水田动力底盘的装配。以VP6D-CQ型水田动力底盘为例,将测得的实际质心位置与所建的模型质心位置进行比较,并对提出的逆向建模方法进行了试验验证以及误差分析。结果表明:总质量、x坐标、y坐标、z坐标的误差值分别为4.55%、3.62%、2.23%、4.81%,误差值均在5%内。此方法可构建准确的三维模型,为后续仿真优化数据精确性奠定了基础,与传统的研发相比较,可缩短农业机械研发周期、降低设计成本。 展开更多
关键词 水田 动力底盘 逆向建模 质心验证 Geomagic design X 数字样机
作者 刘九庆 张天翼 +1 位作者 金攀 朱斌海 《森林工程》 北大核心 2024年第2期142-150,共9页
为提高电链锯的锯切效率,对电链锯锯齿的齿形结构参数进行研究,以单位锯切功为电链锯锯切效率的衡量指标,通过对电链锯锯切过程的仿真研究,得出不同结构锯齿的单位锯切功。以电链锯锯齿中的外形前角、侧刃楔角和顶刃楔角等结构参数作为... 为提高电链锯的锯切效率,对电链锯锯齿的齿形结构参数进行研究,以单位锯切功为电链锯锯切效率的衡量指标,通过对电链锯锯切过程的仿真研究,得出不同结构锯齿的单位锯切功。以电链锯锯齿中的外形前角、侧刃楔角和顶刃楔角等结构参数作为影响因子,采用Box-Benhnken中心组合试验方法设计多因素正交试验,使用Design-expert软件进行数据分析得出最优齿形结构参数组合。研究结果表明,所选取的齿形结构参数对单位锯切功影响程度由大到小顺序依次为外形前角、侧刃楔角、顶刃楔角,并获得最优齿形结构参数组合,外形前角为10.92°、侧刃楔角为45.7°、顶刃楔角为45.41°。 展开更多
关键词 电链锯 锯切效率 齿形结构参数 design-expert 单位锯切功
App Designer辅助教学方法探索与实践——以软件无线电课程为例
作者 向新 刘宇峰 +2 位作者 梁源 王瑞 何林远 《中国现代教育装备》 2024年第19期148-151,共4页
软件无线电作为通信学科的必修课程,具有承上启下的重要作用。因课程原理抽象、理论公式复杂,学员在学习过程存在理解掌握难、实践应用难等问题。通过对当前软件无线电教学过程中存在的不足与困难进行分析,提出利用MATLAB App Designer... 软件无线电作为通信学科的必修课程,具有承上启下的重要作用。因课程原理抽象、理论公式复杂,学员在学习过程存在理解掌握难、实践应用难等问题。通过对当前软件无线电教学过程中存在的不足与困难进行分析,提出利用MATLAB App Designer辅助课程教学,从教学准备、课堂互动、自主实验、反馈提升四个方面开展课程教学改革。实践表明,该方法对于提升学员的工程思维、系统思维具有显著效果,同时可以增强学员理论联系实际的能力。 展开更多
关键词 软件无线电 MATLAB App designer 教学方法改革 理实结合
以色彩为媒介的Design Thinking在艺术设计中的创新实践
作者 杨经纬 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2024年第12期79-81,共3页
色彩作为Design Thinking中的重要媒介,在艺术设计创新实践中具有重要潜力。本文探讨了以色彩为媒介的Design Thinking在艺术设计创新实践中的应用。色彩不仅在Design Thinking中占据重要地位,而且对人类的情绪和行为产生影响,同时在设... 色彩作为Design Thinking中的重要媒介,在艺术设计创新实践中具有重要潜力。本文探讨了以色彩为媒介的Design Thinking在艺术设计创新实践中的应用。色彩不仅在Design Thinking中占据重要地位,而且对人类的情绪和行为产生影响,同时在设计中起着至关重要的作用。将Design Thinking引入艺术实践领域,旨在培养艺术创新思维和问题解决能力,强调创新实践和跨学科合作。职业院校在艺术设计创新实践中面临着诸多挑战,但也存在机遇。通过案例分析,本文展示了如何实施基于色彩的Design Thinking艺术设计实践以及这种创新对艺术创新能力的积极影响。 展开更多
关键词 色彩 design Thinking 艺术设计 创新实践
双十字路口交通灯控制Stateflow和App Designer仿真
作者 张悦 周泽震 +1 位作者 颜秀铭 杨燕 《电气电子教学学报》 2024年第3期218-224,共7页
为培养学生能够独立从事自动化相关领域的工程设计、应用研究,解决自动化领域复杂工程实施过程中遇到的关键技术问题,以双十字路口交通灯为研究对象,为计算机辅助建模与仿真类课程设计了一个综合性教学案例。教学案例主要内容为双十字路... 为培养学生能够独立从事自动化相关领域的工程设计、应用研究,解决自动化领域复杂工程实施过程中遇到的关键技术问题,以双十字路口交通灯为研究对象,为计算机辅助建模与仿真类课程设计了一个综合性教学案例。教学案例主要内容为双十字路口Simulink/Stateflow建模与基于Matlab App Designer的交通灯控制可视化仿真。通过此教学案例的实施,明显提高了学生对Matlab的综合应用和工程设计能力,并为后续课程“单片机原理及应用”和“电气控制和PLC”作铺垫。 展开更多
关键词 双十字路口 交通灯控制 SIMULINK STATEFLOW App designer
OpenRoads Designer软件在云华水库下游灌区总干渠设计中的应用
作者 张春萍 《水科学与工程技术》 2024年第4期50-52,共3页
利用OpenRoads Designer软件,以云南省云龙县云华水库下游灌区工程为例,提出一套适用于线路工程的正向设计方法。实例证明:可精准统计结构工程量及土方开挖量,提高工作效率,降低手动计算的潜在出错率,为类似工程提供参考。
关键词 OpenRoads designer BIM 线路工程 正向设计
荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Urban Design工作坊教学模式对我国城市设计课程教学的启示
作者 王宇亮 《高等理科教育》 2024年第3期109-123,共15页
荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的Urban Design工作坊小组教学模式,为我国城市设计教育提供了创新路径。该模式强化学生跨学科思维与问题解决能力,通过项目实践培育评审、模拟、谈判、决策及冲突管理等技能,教师角色转变为引导者和促进者,激励创... 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的Urban Design工作坊小组教学模式,为我国城市设计教育提供了创新路径。该模式强化学生跨学科思维与问题解决能力,通过项目实践培育评审、模拟、谈判、决策及冲突管理等技能,教师角色转变为引导者和促进者,激励创新并深化团队协作与沟通。针对我国城市设计教育现状,建议加强综合能力的培养,促进理论教学与设计实践的深度结合,并构建均衡的课程评估框架。此模式的本土化将有力推动我国城市设计教育的创新与发展。 展开更多
关键词 Urban design工作坊 小组学习 创新性思维 城市设计 代尔夫特理工大学
基于Cast Designer的壳体铸件铸造工艺设计及智能优化
作者 巩红涛 张怀章 +3 位作者 杨磊 杨国超 马永健 李丰 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2024年第5期103-105,共3页
使用Cast Designer铸造仿真分析软件,通过可铸性评估系统DFM,完成浇冒系统的辅助设计,然后使用DOE技术和基于遗传算法GA的智能优化技术,评估不同工艺设计方案与铸造过程参数对壳体铸件质量的影响,分析在不同的冒口、冷铁和浇注温度条件... 使用Cast Designer铸造仿真分析软件,通过可铸性评估系统DFM,完成浇冒系统的辅助设计,然后使用DOE技术和基于遗传算法GA的智能优化技术,评估不同工艺设计方案与铸造过程参数对壳体铸件质量的影响,分析在不同的冒口、冷铁和浇注温度条件下得料率和缩孔量的关系。根据对DOE模拟结果的分析,发现顶冒口和侧冒口尺寸是影响得料率和缩孔量的关键因数,再利用遗传算法GA选择最佳设计方案和参数。通过帕累托曲线得到了生产壳体铸件的最优工艺方案。 展开更多
关键词 Cast designer 缩孔 质量控制 仿真分析
作者 刘钢 沈英 +2 位作者 倪建伟 唐传安 唐志杰 《船舶与海洋工程》 2024年第2期54-59,共6页
为有效避免在船舶产品设计过程中出现疏漏,研究挪威船级社船级符号Clean(Design)对轮机设备订货、系统设计和舱柜布置的最新要求,并对各设备和系统的特殊要求及设计原则进行梳理和归纳。用于处理污染物的设备主要包括油水分离器、污水... 为有效避免在船舶产品设计过程中出现疏漏,研究挪威船级社船级符号Clean(Design)对轮机设备订货、系统设计和舱柜布置的最新要求,并对各设备和系统的特殊要求及设计原则进行梳理和归纳。用于处理污染物的设备主要包括油水分离器、污水处理装置和焚烧炉,涉及的船舶系统主要包括舱底水系统、生活污水处理系统、泡沫灭火系统和艉管滑油系统等。该研究可供满足该规范要求的环保型船舶产品的设计参考。 展开更多
关键词 船级符号Clean(design) 设备订货 综合舱底水处理系统 系统设计
Optimization of Biofuel Formulation by Mixture Design
作者 Konan Edmond Kouassi Abollé Abollé +3 位作者 Kouamé Olivier-Marc Kouakou David Boa N’guessan Raymond Kré Kouassi Benjamin Yao 《Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science》 CAS 2024年第1期48-56,共9页
With the full growth of energy needs in the world, several studies are now focused on finding renewable sources. The aim of this work is to optimise biofuel formulation from a mixture design by studying physical prope... With the full growth of energy needs in the world, several studies are now focused on finding renewable sources. The aim of this work is to optimise biofuel formulation from a mixture design by studying physical properties, such as specific gravity and kinematic viscosity of various formulated mixtures. Optimization from the mixture plan revealed that in the chosen experimental domain, the optimal conditions are: 40% for used frying oil (UFO), 50% for bioethanol and 10% for diesel. These experimental conditions lead to a biofuel with a density of 0.84 and a kinematic viscosity of 2.97 cSt. These parameters are compliant with the diesel quality certificate in tropical areas. These density and viscosity values were determined according to respective desirability values of 0.68 and 0.75. 展开更多
Relative Efficiencies of Optimal Designs in Four Dimensions Constructed Using Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
作者 Kabue Timothy Gichuki John Gikonyo Kiguta 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2024年第5期439-449,共11页
Experimentally, the best design gives estimates of the desired effects and contrasts with maximum precision. Efficiency as a discriminating factor enables comparison of designs. The goal of Response Surface Methodolog... Experimentally, the best design gives estimates of the desired effects and contrasts with maximum precision. Efficiency as a discriminating factor enables comparison of designs. The goal of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is the determination of the best settings of the in-put variables for a maximum (or a minimum) response within a region of interest, R. This calls for fitting a model that adequately represents the mean response since such a model, is then used to locate the optimum. D-, A-, E- and T-Optimal designs of a rotatable design of degree two in four dimensions constructed using balanced incomplete block designs (BIBD) when the number of replications is less than three times the number of pairs of treatments occur together in the design and their relative efficiencies to general designs are presented. D-optimal design had 88 runs after replicating the factorial part twice and the axial part thrice with an optimal variance of 0.6965612 giving an efficiency of 97.7% while for A- and T-optimal designs they are formed with 112 runs each obtained by replicating the factorial part two times and axial part six times. Their optimal variances are 0.05798174 and 1.29828 respectively, with efficiency of 71.8% for A-optimal and 87.5% for T-optimal design. E-optimal design was found to be the most efficient design with an only 32 runs comprising only of the factorial part and with an optimal variance of 0.4182000, attaining an efficiency of approximately 1%. This study proposes the adoption of the E-optimal design in estimating the parameters of a rotatable second-order degree model constructed using BIBD for less costs and time saving. 展开更多
关键词 Response Surface Methodology Optimal designs Relative Efficiency
The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Roadway Design and Evacuation Routes in Delaware
作者 Jack Palevich Ardeshir Faghri Ahmet Karakurt 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2024年第1期69-82,共14页
As the global temperature continues to increase, the sea level continues to rise at a rapid rate that has never been seen before. This becomes an issue for many facets of life but one of the most impacted is the trans... As the global temperature continues to increase, the sea level continues to rise at a rapid rate that has never been seen before. This becomes an issue for many facets of life but one of the most impacted is the transportation infrastructure. Many people living in low elevation coastal areas can become trapped by flooding with no way in or out. With Delaware being a coastal state, this would affect a large portion of the population and will have detrimental effects over time if nothing is done to combat sea level rise. The issue with sea level rise in transportation is that once the roads become flooded, they become virtually unusable and detour routes would be needed. If all the roads in a coastal area were to be affected by sea level rise, the options for detours would become limited. This article looks at direct solutions to combat sea level rise and indirect solutions that would specifically help transportation infrastructure and evacuation routes in Delaware. There is not one solution that can fix every problem, so many solutions are laid out to see what is applicable to each affected area. Some solutions include defense structures that would be put close to the coast, raising the elevation of vulnerable roads throughout the state and including pumping stations to drain the water on the surface of the road. With an understanding of all these solutions around the world, the ultimate conclusion came in the form of a six-step plan that Delaware should take in order to best design against sea level rise in these coastal areas. 展开更多
关键词 Sea Level Rise Roadway design Evacuation Routes
Applying Design Thinking in Ecotourism Curriculum Design: The Educational Design Ladder
作者 Qingfeng Song Alaa Nimer Abukhalifeh 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第6期1454-1463,共10页
The design thinking approach transforms student’s learning process to connect with real-world experience, making connections between knowledge and improving critical thinking and problem-solving capability. Previous ... The design thinking approach transforms student’s learning process to connect with real-world experience, making connections between knowledge and improving critical thinking and problem-solving capability. Previous research has focused on what design thinking is taught (content) and how it is taught (learning modes and assessment). However, there needs to be an integrative approach in the context of ecotourism education. Therefore, applying Wrigley and Straker’s Educational Design Ladder mode, this study develops an Ecotourism Design Thinking Curriculum framework to combine the ecotourism content, teaching/learning mode and assessment. 展开更多
关键词 ECOTOURISM design Thinking PEDAGOGY Curriculum design
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of UAV Considering Development Costs
作者 Zhenxin Hong Xiaojia Zhao Hongxin Li 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2024年第4期1105-1125,共21页
The paper establishes a multidisciplinary design and optimization framework that aims at minimizing Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) development costs. This framework integrates development costs as an equally important... The paper establishes a multidisciplinary design and optimization framework that aims at minimizing Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) development costs. This framework integrates development costs as an equally important factor alongside weight and aerodynamic disciplines within the UAV design process. The OpenMDAO paradigm is employed to facilitate a standalone design and optimization application. A comprehensive multidisciplinary analysis module is developed, encompassing initial geometrical sizing, weight analysis, aerodynamic performance evaluation, and estimation models for development costs. The effectiveness of the framework is validated through a low-cost, high-performance UAV case study. The results demonstrate that neglecting the influence of UAV development costs would be imprudent. By appropriately adjusting design parameters using the optimization algorithm, significant reductions in UAV development costs can be achieved with minimal performance losses. 展开更多
关键词 UAV Development Costs Multidisciplinary design and Optimization design Application
作者 梁杨 杨兵 +3 位作者 王连盛 郭晶 姜广明 陈宝雨 《工程质量》 2024年第1期17-22,共6页
为了拓展工业固体废弃物粉煤灰的回收利用途径,减少对环境造成的污染,增加其在筑材料中回收利用率。在建筑外墙腻子中加入碱性激发剂(Ca(OH)_(2)、Na_(2)SiO_(3))、粉煤灰,研究碱性激发剂的激发效果。同时通过Design-Expert设计试验,分... 为了拓展工业固体废弃物粉煤灰的回收利用途径,减少对环境造成的污染,增加其在筑材料中回收利用率。在建筑外墙腻子中加入碱性激发剂(Ca(OH)_(2)、Na_(2)SiO_(3))、粉煤灰,研究碱性激发剂的激发效果。同时通过Design-Expert设计试验,分析主要组分对腻子漆膜粘结强度、吸水量的影响。结果表明:加入碱性激发剂5%,粉煤灰32.5%时,吸水量减少14%,粘结强度增加43%。乳胶粉对吸水量、粘结强度的影响非常显著(P<0.0001),其次是粉煤灰的加入量。通过加入碱性激发剂、提高乳胶粉占比,粉煤灰掺量能达到32%~65%,原配比中水泥的掺量相对减少0%~16%。 展开更多
关键词 粉煤灰 碱性激发剂 design-Expert 吸水量 粘结强度
OpenRoads Designer软件在渠道三维设计中的应用
作者 刘甲奇 代文凯 《海河水利》 2024年第12期65-70,94,共7页
在渠道三维设计中,由于渠道线长、占地范围广、断面形式变化多样,再加上渠道断面的衬砌、护坡、截水沟、检修道路等构造,传统三维建模软件不适用渠道三维建模。OpenRoads Designer软件能够快速、方便地实现各类渠道的三维建模,且用三维... 在渠道三维设计中,由于渠道线长、占地范围广、断面形式变化多样,再加上渠道断面的衬砌、护坡、截水沟、检修道路等构造,传统三维建模软件不适用渠道三维建模。OpenRoads Designer软件能够快速、方便地实现各类渠道的三维建模,且用三维渠道模型可以实现渠道的工程量统计、渠道断面出图以及实景建模等功能,有效解决引调水项目覆盖面广、场地大、无法建立三维模型的难题,为水利工程引调水及输水线路建设提供有效的技术支撑。以某渠道建设项目为例,详细介绍了应用OpenRoads Designer软件进行渠道三维设计的流程,以期为后续类似工程项目在渠道三维设计中提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 OpenRoads designer 渠道 三维设计 引调水工程
The Intersection of Privacy by Design and Behavioral Economics: Nudging Users towards Privacy-Friendly Choices
作者 Vivek Kumar Agarwal 《Journal of Information Security》 2024年第4期557-563,共7页
This paper conducts a comprehensive review of existing research on Privacy by Design (PbD) and behavioral economics, explores the intersection of Privacy by Design (PbD) and behavioral economics, and how designers can... This paper conducts a comprehensive review of existing research on Privacy by Design (PbD) and behavioral economics, explores the intersection of Privacy by Design (PbD) and behavioral economics, and how designers can leverage “nudges” to encourage users towards privacy-friendly choices. We analyze the limitations of rational choice in the context of privacy decision-making and identify key opportunities for integrating behavioral economics into PbD. We propose a user-centered design framework for integrating behavioral economics into PbD, which includes strategies for simplifying complex choices, making privacy visible, providing feedback and control, and testing and iterating. Our analysis highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of user behavior and decision-making in the context of privacy, and demonstrates the potential of behavioral economics to inform the design of more effective PbD solutions. 展开更多
关键词 Privacy by design Behavioral Economics Nudges User-Centric design Data Protection Cognitive Biases HEURISTICS
AAK Theorem and a Design of Multidimensional BIBO Stable Filters
作者 Bossoto Bossoto Gabriel Bissanga 《Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics》 2024年第2期9-15,共7页
Rational approximation theory occupies a significant place in signal processing and systems theory. This research paper proposes an optimal design of BIBO stable multidimensional Infinite Impulse Response filters with... Rational approximation theory occupies a significant place in signal processing and systems theory. This research paper proposes an optimal design of BIBO stable multidimensional Infinite Impulse Response filters with a realizable (rational) transfer function thanks to the Adamjan, Arov and Krein (AAK) theorem. It is well known that the one dimensional AAK results give the best approximation of a polynomial as a rational function in the Hankel semi norm. We suppose that the Hankel matrix associated to the transfer function has a finite rank. 展开更多
关键词 Multidimensional Filter design BIBO Stability Optimal AAK Theorem Transfer Function Hankel Matrix
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