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作者 毕泗建 《课堂内外(教师版)(初等教育)》 2016年第10期36-36,38,共2页
在中学语文教学活动中,在教学策略上,教师应变循规蹈矩为因文定法,保持刺激、新颖和变化,激发学生的学习欲望,引发学生的学习冲动.在教学过程中,老师应巧妙抓住并利用那些学生提出的超出预期的问题,激发学生主动地去开发这些资源,从而... 在中学语文教学活动中,在教学策略上,教师应变循规蹈矩为因文定法,保持刺激、新颖和变化,激发学生的学习欲望,引发学生的学习冲动.在教学过程中,老师应巧妙抓住并利用那些学生提出的超出预期的问题,激发学生主动地去开发这些资源,从而实现课堂教学的最佳效益.在作文教学中,培养学生关注现实、关注社会生活,积累写作素材,增进他们对现实生活的理解,触发了感情之弦的拨动. 展开更多
关键词 】语文教学 方法运用 课堂生成 联系生活
谈《马氏文通》到《新著国语文法》前中国的语法研究(下)——纪念劭西师《新著国语文法》出版九十年 被引量:3
作者 孙良明 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2015年第1期1-39,共39页
1898《马氏文通》到1924《新著国语文法》前中国语法研究分两个阶段。本文上篇谈前段"词本位"体系文法,已发表于本刊总第19辑。这里属下篇,谈后段"句本位"体系文法。"句本位"体系文法初建的原因和条件:国语运动的胜利,代替文言... 1898《马氏文通》到1924《新著国语文法》前中国语法研究分两个阶段。本文上篇谈前段"词本位"体系文法,已发表于本刊总第19辑。这里属下篇,谈后段"句本位"体系文法。"句本位"体系文法初建的原因和条件:国语运动的胜利,代替文言成为正式书面语;国外语言学类型理论、重句法文法体系引进,文法研究方法和文法与逻辑关系探索。所建体系基本内容:文法研究重视句中词的位置次序,以句子的结构和类型研究为重点。分词法(词类)、句法两部门,前者为后者服务;文法单位有词、语、句三级。词类继承前段研究分九品,继用"假借"说,说明词的转类;提出按句法成分位置辨分词品。句子整体结构分主语谓语:主语可含形容性附加语;谓语可含副词性附加语,谓语动词可带宾语、足语;谓语形容词和同动词后成分是表语。谈说句成分所任词语种类、变化和句子结构简式、复式及相互转化。认识句法结构蕴含语义关系并注意二者的结合分析。句子类型,按组织结构分单句、复句;按语气分直述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。用表格法、图解法显示文法分析结果。行文有"附则"、"注意",配合正文又适合教学需要。书后附标点符号用法,表现语法与标点符号关系密切;也反映新文化运动胜利,国语代替文言的一个成果。"句本位"文法体系的初建,是1922—1923年多位学者多年辛苦探索的成果;也为由《马氏文通》"词本位"科学体系发展为《新著》"句本位"科学体系奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 新著国语文 纪念 九十年 文法 句本位
谈《马氏文通》到《新著国语文法》前中国的语法研究(上)——纪念劭西师《新著国语文法》出版九十年 被引量:2
作者 孙良明 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2014年第1期1-32,共32页
1898年《马氏文通》出版到1924年《新著国语文法》出版前(1898—1923)中国语法研究分两个阶段:前段(1898—1919)是文言"词本位"文法产生,文法属于文章学,为了会通和写作文章。后段(1920—1923)是国语"句本位"文法创建,文法独... 1898年《马氏文通》出版到1924年《新著国语文法》出版前(1898—1923)中国语法研究分两个阶段:前段(1898—1919)是文言"词本位"文法产生,文法属于文章学,为了会通和写作文章。后段(1920—1923)是国语"句本位"文法创建,文法独立,为了教学研究和推广国语。本文谈前段:中国现代语法学文言"词本位"文法体系《马氏文通》和有文法内容的现代文章学《汉文典》两部开山之作产生。两部开山之作支配、影响下出现一本《言文一贯虚字使用法》外,五种文章学文法教科书:《中等国文典》《中华中学文法要略》《文法会通》《文法要略》《新体国文典讲义》。这个阶段"文法"有两义:一指Grammar(葛朗玛),一指文章学。五书前两种文法独立,是照《马氏文通》词法蕴涵句法内容的"词本位"文法,后三种文法内容结合在文章学中。五书共定汉语词法内容是:继《马氏文通》确立汉语九品词和每品的分类及其基本句法功能;确认汉语词类有"假借""变性"的转类和词的位置次序及虚词用法的重要性。提出汉语句法单位有词、短语、句三级,句法结构分主要成分、附属成分;主要成分分主语、谓语(谓语可有连带成分宾语、足语),附属成分分形容词性的、副词性的。句法成分可有移位、省略变化。汉语句子按语气分叙述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。这些为"词本位"文法嬗变下阶段"句本位"的创建创造了条件。 展开更多
关键词 《新著国语文法》 纪念 九十年 文法 词本位
在低年级语文教学中如何运用多媒体创设情境 被引量:1
作者 樊晨 《广西教育》 2013年第9期28-28,共1页
关键词 【关键词】语文教学 情境 多媒体
作者 梁华 《课堂内外(教师版)(初等教育)》 2016年第10期22-23,共2页
2011年版的《义务教育语文课程标准》指出“语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程.”这一表述,进一步明确了语文课程的核心任务是“学习语言文字运用”.西师版小学语文教材较好地关注了“读什么”和“写什么”,凸显了读... 2011年版的《义务教育语文课程标准》指出“语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程.”这一表述,进一步明确了语文课程的核心任务是“学习语言文字运用”.西师版小学语文教材较好地关注了“读什么”和“写什么”,凸显了读写结合的生长点.学习这样的教材,有利于让学生经历语言内容和语言形式相统一的学习过程,从读学写,读写一体,水乳交融。 展开更多
关键词 】语文 教材研究 读写结合
语文之工具性质疑 被引量:2
作者 滕树科 《贵州教育学院学报》 2003年第6期89-92,共4页
语文只是作为一门学科的名称来使用的 ,它不是指代语言文字 ,不是交际工具 ,不具有工具性 ,工具性不可能成为语文的本质特性。语文成为政治和别的学科教育的工具只是一种误导 ,是人们强加给它的。语文工具性的观点欠妥 ,语文科的本质特... 语文只是作为一门学科的名称来使用的 ,它不是指代语言文字 ,不是交际工具 ,不具有工具性 ,工具性不可能成为语文的本质特性。语文成为政治和别的学科教育的工具只是一种误导 ,是人们强加给它的。语文工具性的观点欠妥 ,语文科的本质特性有待重新商榷的必要。 展开更多
关键词 语文 工具性 语言文字 交际工具 学科本质
作者 顾海蓉 《中国科教创新导刊》 2009年第3期86-86,共1页
目前初中语文教学中实施综合性学习方式存在初中语文教师的教学理念尚未得到实质性的转变﹑对过程和主体的整体性关注不够﹑存在“唯语文”倾向等诸多问题。教师要切实转变教学理念、对过程和主体的整体性关注程度等措施的提出对初中语... 目前初中语文教学中实施综合性学习方式存在初中语文教师的教学理念尚未得到实质性的转变﹑对过程和主体的整体性关注不够﹑存在“唯语文”倾向等诸多问题。教师要切实转变教学理念、对过程和主体的整体性关注程度等措施的提出对初中语文教学中实施综合性学习方式具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 初中语文 教学 综合性学习
作者 张欣 《中国文字研究》 2024年第1期237-244,共8页
《传奇语录》是朝鲜时代的汉文写本词典,全书共收录、训释汉语词677例,所收词条口语性鲜明。经调查,全书有俗写、异构、记音三种异文,在归类、分词、书写、训释等方面存在讹误,对这些问题进行梳理考订,可以发现全书异文与讹误的形成与... 《传奇语录》是朝鲜时代的汉文写本词典,全书共收录、训释汉语词677例,所收词条口语性鲜明。经调查,全书有俗写、异构、记音三种异文,在归类、分词、书写、训释等方面存在讹误,对这些问题进行梳理考订,可以发现全书异文与讹误的形成与汉语俗字传承、本民族语言文字影响、抄写随意以求便捷有关。本书的汉语字词,在推动域外汉字研究、相关古籍整理等方面均有价值。 展开更多
关键词 《传奇语录》 讹误 异文 汉字发展史
A Cognitive Study on Politeness Intention Processing and Its Association with Pragmatic Failure in Cross-Cultural Communication
作者 Rong YAN Tengfei FENG Samad ZARE 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期481-497,525,共18页
Although a large number of studies have focused on various aspects of politeness,very little is known about how politeness intention is activated cognitively during verbal communication.The present study aims to explo... Although a large number of studies have focused on various aspects of politeness,very little is known about how politeness intention is activated cognitively during verbal communication.The present study aims to explore the cognitive mechanism of politeness intention processing,and how it is related to pragmatic failure during cross-cultural communication.Using 30 Chinese EFL university students who were instructed to finish a probe word judgment task with 96 virtual scenarios,the results indicate that within both mono-and cross-cultural contexts,the response time in the experimental scenarios was significantly slower than that of the filler scenarios.This suggests that politeness intention was activated while understanding the surface meaning of the conversation;however,the EFL learners could not completely avoid the negative transfer of their native politeness conventions when they were comprehending the conversational intention of the target language.Furthermore,no significant differences in response time were found between the groups with high and low English pragmatic competence,illustrating that transferring the pragmatic rules and principles into cross-cultural communication skills was more cognitively demanding.Overall,this study adds to the literature on politeness research and provides some implications for foreign language pragmatic instructions. 展开更多
关键词 politeness intention cognitive processing pragmatic failure cross-cultural pragmatics cross-cultural communication
Visualizing Aphasia in Linguistics From 2000 to 2019
作者 Huili WANG Shurong ZHANG +1 位作者 Hanning GUO Bo LIU 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第4期541-568,687,共29页
This paper aims to visualize the research of aphasia from a linguistic perspective for the two decades from 2000 to 2019,identifying the changes in research focus and the future emerging trends of aphasia studies in l... This paper aims to visualize the research of aphasia from a linguistic perspective for the two decades from 2000 to 2019,identifying the changes in research focus and the future emerging trends of aphasia studies in linguistics.Applying the bibliometric approach,the present study reviewed 3,004 publications with the topic word“aphasia”in the framework of linguistics.The dataset was created from the Web of Science database ranging from 2000 to 2019.Using the CiteSpace tool,document co-citation analysis,betweenness centrality(BC)measurement and citation burst detection were conducted to explore and determine the thematic patterns,critical studies,and emerging trends of this knowledge domain.Twelve thematic patterns in these two decades were identified,indicating that researchers have focused on language impairment in aphasia,aphasia therapy and other topics associated with aphasia.Meanwhile,papers with high BC reveal the connections among different research clusters.In addition,bursts of detected citations demonstrate that treatment aiming at the enhanced quality of daily life,the utilization of discourse tasks and treatments at the discourse level,deeper exploration of primary progressive aphasia in terms of clinical data and the application of working memory assessment,and the role of working memory(WM)training in rehabilitation will possibly attract more attention in the future.On the basis of the cluster landscape,BC and citation bursts,the review found that scholars paid extensive attention to the alleviation of communication deficits in the linguistic exploration of aphasia. 展开更多
关键词 CITESPACE APHASIA LINGUISTICS language impairment aphasia therapy COMMUNICATION bibliometric review
Region-Aware Fashion Contrastive Learning for Unified Attribute Recognition and Composed Retrieval
作者 WANG Kangping ZHAO Mingbo 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第4期405-415,共11页
Clothing attribute recognition has become an essential technology,which enables users to automatically identify the characteristics of clothes and search for clothing images with similar attributes.However,existing me... Clothing attribute recognition has become an essential technology,which enables users to automatically identify the characteristics of clothes and search for clothing images with similar attributes.However,existing methods cannot recognize newly added attributes and may fail to capture region-level visual features.To address the aforementioned issues,a region-aware fashion contrastive language-image pre-training(RaF-CLIP)model was proposed.This model aligned cropped and segmented images with category and multiple fine-grained attribute texts,achieving the matching of fashion region and corresponding texts through contrastive learning.Clothing retrieval found suitable clothing based on the user-specified clothing categories and attributes,and to further improve the accuracy of retrieval,an attribute-guided composed network(AGCN)as an additional component on RaF-CLIP was introduced,specifically designed for composed image retrieval.This task aimed to modify the reference image based on textual expressions to retrieve the expected target.By adopting a transformer-based bidirectional attention and gating mechanism,it realized the fusion and selection of image features and attribute text features.Experimental results show that the proposed model achieves a mean precision of 0.6633 for attribute recognition tasks and a recall@10(recall@k is defined as the percentage of correct samples appearing in the top k retrieval results)of 39.18 for composed image retrieval task,satisfying user needs for freely searching for clothing through images and texts. 展开更多
关键词 attribute recognition image retrieval contrastive language-image pre-training(CLIP) image text matching transformer
《纳氏文法》在中国的传播及其对汉语语法研究的影响 被引量:10
作者 陈满华 《汉语学习》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期67-75,共9页
关键词 《纳氏文法》 《新著国语文法》
Study on text analysis and advanced English teaching 被引量:5
作者 赵晓囡 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期19-23,共5页
This paper is attempted to explore advanced English teaching from perspective of text analysis. It involves the introduction of culture background, the application of genre-based approach, the appreciation of writing ... This paper is attempted to explore advanced English teaching from perspective of text analysis. It involves the introduction of culture background, the application of genre-based approach, the appreciation of writing style and the analysis of textual structure through sample studies. 展开更多
关键词 text analysis advanced English CULTURE GENRE STYLISTICS
汉语“语法”的源流 被引量:3
作者 姜望琪 《华文教学与研究》 CSSCI 2010年第3期64-70,共7页
本文讨论汉语的"语法"概念及术语的起源和流变。从中国的语言研究史看,中国传统的"语法"概念是广义的。它不等于单纯的"词法"加"句法",还包括"章法"和"篇法"。汉语"... 本文讨论汉语的"语法"概念及术语的起源和流变。从中国的语言研究史看,中国传统的"语法"概念是广义的。它不等于单纯的"词法"加"句法",还包括"章法"和"篇法"。汉语"语法"概念的狭义化是受西方影响的结果。 展开更多
关键词 语法 文典 文法 章法
A study on the feasibility of CET oral test based on automatic essay marking
作者 刘健刚 郑玉琪 +2 位作者 陈美华 姜浩 赵力 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第4期410-414,共5页
This paper discusses the approach to the CET (college English test) oral test based on automatic essay marking (AEM). The reliability and validity arouses a dispute on Internet-based CET (iB-CET) oral test in Ch... This paper discusses the approach to the CET (college English test) oral test based on automatic essay marking (AEM). The reliability and validity arouses a dispute on Internet-based CET (iB-CET) oral test in China, leading to the penetration into oral test contents in dialogue, description or comment, and question answering. Then, a probe into transformation from a spoken document into a textual document is touched on a conversion ratio of 72% adopted at the present time, AEM to be carried forward being a necessary hypothesis for Afterwards, this paper focuses on the pipeline in AEM with the content features and the language itself, which is established in two different models in marking for extraction and detection. Through experiments, this paper reveals the fact that an iB-CET oral test can be performed perfectly in the pipeline of spoken documents transformed into textual documents which can be automatically marked. Hence the design of the iB-CET oral test reaches its reliability and validity. 展开更多
关键词 reliability and validity spoken document and textual document automatic essay marking
Context-attributed graph grammar framework for specifying visual languages
作者 邹阳 曾晓勤 +1 位作者 韩秀清 张康 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期455-461,共7页
Since the specifications of most of the existing context-sensitive graph grammars tend to be either too intricate or not intuitive, a novel context-sensitive graph grammar formalism, called context-attributed graph gr... Since the specifications of most of the existing context-sensitive graph grammars tend to be either too intricate or not intuitive, a novel context-sensitive graph grammar formalism, called context-attributed graph grammar(CAGG), is proposed. In order to resolve the embedding problem, context information of a graph production in the CAGG is represented in the form of context attributes of the nodes involved. Moreover, several properties of a set of confluent CAGG productions are characterized, and then an algorithm based on them is developed to decide whether or not a set of productions is confluent, which provides the foundation for the design of efficient parsing algorithms. It can also be shown through the comparison of CAGG with several typical context-sensitive graph grammars that CAGG is more succinct and, at the same time, more intuitive than the others, making it more suitably and effortlessly applicable to the specification of visual languages. 展开更多
关键词 visual language graph grammar context-attributed PARSING CONFLUENCE
On the representation of roles
作者 于洋 王戟 +1 位作者 王挺 陈火旺 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期404-408,共5页
The related work to reveal the primary characteristics of roles underlying the existing approaches is analyzed. Then, it is demonstrated that the representation of roles is rather complex and error-prone in these appr... The related work to reveal the primary characteristics of roles underlying the existing approaches is analyzed. Then, it is demonstrated that the representation of roles is rather complex and error-prone in these approaches. Especially, the constraints among roles in the same context cannot be expressed by the current web ontology language (OWL). To solve these problems, a novel model of role is presented and a corresponding ontology language is provided for representing this model. The key idea underlying the solution is that a role should be regarded as an element of a certain context and a context as a structured thing which is comprised of some internal elements. The structure of context possesses inherent modularity and local semantics, whereby the representation of roles and context is significantly simplified. 展开更多
关键词 ROLE whole structure ontology language
A Study of ISA in Chinese Cultural Communication 被引量:1
作者 周华 韩晓惠 成城 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期66-69,共4页
The paper tentatively studies the function of the indirect speech act in Chinese cultural communication, namely, domestic communication. Two aspects are shown in this paper: communication between people of different ... The paper tentatively studies the function of the indirect speech act in Chinese cultural communication, namely, domestic communication. Two aspects are shown in this paper: communication between people of different social status, genders and casual relationships, and communication between people of same social status, genders and close relationships. Therefore, the study result can be concluded like this: whether the use of indirect speech act is successful or not always influences people's communication significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Indirect Speech Act Chinese cultural communication gender difference
Reducing semantic bias of annotations for semantic web service discovery 被引量:1
作者 魏登萍 王挺 +1 位作者 唐晋韬 王戟 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期48-52,共5页
In order to improve the effectiveness of semantic web service discovery, the semantic bias between an interface parameter and an annotation is reduced by extracting semantic restrictions for the annotation from the de... In order to improve the effectiveness of semantic web service discovery, the semantic bias between an interface parameter and an annotation is reduced by extracting semantic restrictions for the annotation from the description context and generating refined semantic annotations, and then the semantics of the web service is refined. These restrictions are dynamically extracted from the parsing tree of the description text, with the guide of the restriction template extracted from the ontology definition. New semantic annotations are then generated by combining the original concept with the restrictions and represented via refined concept expressions. In addition, a novel semantic similarity measure for refined concept expressions is proposed for semantic web service discovery. Experimental results show that the matchmaker based on this method can improve the average precision of discovery and exhibit low computational complexity. Reducing the semantic bias by utilizing restriction information of annotations can refine the semantics of the web service and improve the discovery effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 semantic web service discovery semantic bias CONTEXT restriction template similarity measure
The Processing Mechanism of Associative Meaning Under the Cognitive Context Based on Culture 被引量:1
作者 许葵花 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期48-52,41,共6页
Cognitive context is the cognitionalized context of language, situation and context of culture by the individual which is stored and stimulated in individual's mind when meaning is processed. The focus of this articl... Cognitive context is the cognitionalized context of language, situation and context of culture by the individual which is stored and stimulated in individual's mind when meaning is processed. The focus of this article is on context of culture cognitionalized by individuals. Cognitive context based on culture is the inner force of the processing of associative meaning. Cognitive context reflects the similarities and differences of the understanding of different cultural communities towards the world around them. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive context associative meaning CULTURE
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