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作者 莫海玲 《中国校外教育(上旬)》 2008年第S1期16-17,共2页
入学不久的女研究生在师大校园里无疑是一道引人注目的风景,然而,在当今复杂的社会背景下,及师范院校的特定氛围中,加上女生自身的一些特点,使得不少研一女师范生常会遇到一些心理上的困惑。为了能帮助这一群体尽快适应研究生生活,本文... 入学不久的女研究生在师大校园里无疑是一道引人注目的风景,然而,在当今复杂的社会背景下,及师范院校的特定氛围中,加上女生自身的一些特点,使得不少研一女师范生常会遇到一些心理上的困惑。为了能帮助这一群体尽快适应研究生生活,本文对她们遇到的心理问题进行了初步的梳理并提出若干心理咨询对策。 展开更多
关键词 一女师范生 心理困惑 心理咨询 咨询策略
作者 曹孚兵 《江西农业科技》 2005年第6期78-79,共2页
关键词 中国 当代 散文 一女二夫的惨剧》 曹孚兵
明清州县司法审判中的“人情”因素——以“一女二嫁”、“典雇妻女”、“买休卖休”案件为中心 被引量:3
作者 潘宇 《法制与社会发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期45-51,共7页
明清州县官员在审理有关"一女二嫁"、"典雇妻女"、"买休卖休"案件时,其判决结果有时与法律制度有较大的出入。判决结果与法律制度的冲突在明清州县司法审判中是较为常见的现象。这些判决体现了官员们&qu... 明清州县官员在审理有关"一女二嫁"、"典雇妻女"、"买休卖休"案件时,其判决结果有时与法律制度有较大的出入。判决结果与法律制度的冲突在明清州县司法审判中是较为常见的现象。这些判决体现了官员们"顺人情"、"体风俗"的观念,是中国传统司法文化的基本特点。 展开更多
关键词 一女二嫁 典雇妻 买休卖休 司法审判 人情
徘徊在神妖之间——论贾平凹小说的两性关系模式及女性形象变迁 被引量:2
作者 张川平 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2011年第2期105-112,共8页
两性关系在贾平凹的小说创作中是一个不容忽视的层面,作家所持女性观的特点和变化趋向对于小说人物命运的设置及其叙事目的的实现起着至关重要的作用,从"一女二(多)男"模式到"一男二(多)女"模式,贾平凹笔下的女性... 两性关系在贾平凹的小说创作中是一个不容忽视的层面,作家所持女性观的特点和变化趋向对于小说人物命运的设置及其叙事目的的实现起着至关重要的作用,从"一女二(多)男"模式到"一男二(多)女"模式,贾平凹笔下的女性形象也发生了从"神"到"兽"、"妖"的变化,在模式和形象的变化背后是其一以贯之的男性自我中心的观念、视角,新世纪以来,他的创作更加入了日益鲜明的城乡维度,将城乡关系这一中国现代化转型的显著标识纳入男女两性关系的叙事,使后者超越了单纯的两性关系,成为城/乡、现代/传统等对话的场所和发声的方式、渠道。 展开更多
关键词 贾平凹 两性关系 性形象 一女二(多)男模式 一男二(多)模式 城乡关系
作者 庞宇 《戏剧之家》 2017年第14期128-128,共1页
关键词 性主义 反窥视 一女二夫
《诗经·丘中有麻》新说 被引量:2
作者 侯素利 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第1期56-59,共4页
《丘中有麻》是《诗经·王风》中一首篇幅短小的诗歌 ,关于它的主旨历来争议较多。今人多认为它是一首情诗 ,是一女子自叙与一男子 (女子心上人 )的几次约会。笔者也同意此诗为情诗 ,但对于究竟是一女独唱还是数女合唱心存疑惑。通... 《丘中有麻》是《诗经·王风》中一首篇幅短小的诗歌 ,关于它的主旨历来争议较多。今人多认为它是一首情诗 ,是一女子自叙与一男子 (女子心上人 )的几次约会。笔者也同意此诗为情诗 ,但对于究竟是一女独唱还是数女合唱心存疑惑。通过对诗中各章内容的具体辨正 ,说明几次约会的地点、前来赴约的男子以及具体约会内容都不同。综合全诗 ,笔者认为此篇应为数女合唱 。 展开更多
关键词 诗经 丘中有麻 一女独唱 合唱
作者 糖醋 《车世界》 2004年第6期57-57,共1页
我是读消费心理学的研究生,由于"8-18万元班"的历史老师病休,于是由副修历史的我代课一段时间。初到"8-18万班"时,让我感觉看似平静的班级实际热闹得象战国。我偷偷地翻阅了班上所有学生(包括将要插班的和正在申请... 我是读消费心理学的研究生,由于"8-18万元班"的历史老师病休,于是由副修历史的我代课一段时间。初到"8-18万班"时,让我感觉看似平静的班级实际热闹得象战国。我偷偷地翻阅了班上所有学生(包括将要插班的和正在申请插班的)档案,忍不住来个全员大曝光。 展开更多
关键词 汽车班 历史老师 宣传委员 阿来 期末考试成绩 任正 体育强省 一女 乌如 菱帅
作者 雨人 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2007年第9X期4-6,共3页
干IT的将比尔·盖茨为偶像……企业经理人的偶像是杰克·韦尔奇……如果你生活在80年代末90年代初,还热爱摇滚乐,那么你的偶像可能是崔健或魔三杰……如果你生活在现在,是流行音乐的拥趸,那么你的偶像可能是周杰伦,或王力宏,或... 干IT的将比尔·盖茨为偶像……企业经理人的偶像是杰克·韦尔奇……如果你生活在80年代末90年代初,还热爱摇滚乐,那么你的偶像可能是崔健或魔三杰……如果你生活在现在,是流行音乐的拥趸,那么你的偶像可能是周杰伦,或王力宏,或超女……如果你幻想眼泪没完没了的爱情情节,喜欢"我哪里无情哪里残酷哪里无理取闹,你哪里不无情哪里不残酷哪里不无理取闹"的爱情对白,那么你的偶像只能是琼瑶阿姨了……如果你梦中的侠客是一个憨心憨脑、有点木讷、却会降龙十八掌,以及拥有一个神神叨叨的岳父,或身残志坚身旁有一个大鸟,以及一个不食人间烟火的女子,亦或丝毫武功没有、油嘴滑舌、却通天入地拥有七个老婆,那么你的偶像就是金庸了……如果你喜欢这样的电影--一男一女关在一个房间里,既不打仗也不亲热,就是聊了一个通宵,那么你的偶像可能是徐……如果你喜欢这样的电影--哲学的台词,孤独的气氛,流露出浓重的现代主义气息,看完以后有茫然的感觉,那么你的偶像可能是王家卫……篮球迷的偶像是乔丹、艾弗森、姚明……网球迷的偶像是费德勒、桑普拉斯、阿加西……开F1的做梦都想成为迈克尔·舒马赫……如果你来自足球世界,那么谁是你的偶像,标准又是什么呢? 展开更多
关键词 艾弗森 足球世界 费德勒 桑普拉斯 舒马赫 杰克·韦尔奇 一女 王家卫 企业经理人 八掌
作者 沈继培 《秘书之友》 2017年第6期11-12,共2页
明末清初散文家张岱曾说,"人无癖,不可与交,以其无深情也;人无疵,不可与交,以其无真气也。"张岱认为,不可以和没有爱好的人交往,因为他用情不会长久;不可以和没有痴迷之物的人交往,因为他用情不真。张岱的这番话有一定道理。爱好是个... 明末清初散文家张岱曾说,"人无癖,不可与交,以其无深情也;人无疵,不可与交,以其无真气也。"张岱认为,不可以和没有爱好的人交往,因为他用情不会长久;不可以和没有痴迷之物的人交往,因为他用情不真。张岱的这番话有一定道理。爱好是个人情趣和价值观的反映,有健康爱好的人大多是对生活充满信心的人,对生活充满信心,也必然会对家人、朋友和社会满怀热心、诚心和爱心。 展开更多
关键词 范朝利 党员干部 副司令员 书法作品 分管业务 贫苦人 国家领导人 牡丹图 一女 率先垂范
Rape in the South African Military: A Threat to Meaningful Women Participation in Peacekeeping Operations
作者 Makatipe Charles Kgosana 《Sociology Study》 2012年第7期511-526,共16页
The contemporary militaries have an increasingly high number of women than in the previous years. This is a positive development that resonates with the democratic dispensations. Despite of some resistance from certai... The contemporary militaries have an increasingly high number of women than in the previous years. This is a positive development that resonates with the democratic dispensations. Despite of some resistance from certain quarters of the society, overall women's presence is becoming acknowledged. This increase has a potential to make a positive impact on peacekeeping missions. Their utility is enhanced by their characteristics that are lamented for their incongruence to combat operations. The constructive and reconciliatory nature of peacekeeping mission makes them an important asset. However, their optimal productivity is threatened by the incessant rape that they experience from both their adversaries and the own force. This creates a stressor that compromises their performance. The situation is aggravated by the lack of support after their ordeal. The organisational culture and leadership are not making women's presence in operations tenable. Their experience post-rape is characterised by rejection and lack of support from the salient others. This situation requires to be changed urgently to provide a sense of security and care for women. Policies and practices need to be modified to allow optimal performance from the most productive group in the military force. 展开更多
Contesting Veterans' Identities" Reflections Upon Gender Roles and History in Pat Barker's Regeneration
作者 Denise Borille de Abreu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期822-830,共9页
This paper aims to reflect upon the approximations between literature and history in Pat Barker's novel Regeneration (1991). The novel fictionalizes the conversations held by three war veterans who wrote and fought... This paper aims to reflect upon the approximations between literature and history in Pat Barker's novel Regeneration (1991). The novel fictionalizes the conversations held by three war veterans who wrote and fought in the First World War (Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, and Robert Graves) during their stay at Craiglockart's Hospital--a war hospital for the treatment of shell-shocked officers, in Scotland. The paper addresses more emphatically how traditional male and female roles are renegotiated in Barker's metafiction. Finally, it provides some considerations on British women war writing of the First World War, a tradition in which Regeneration is rooted and emerges as a remarkable contemporary example. 展开更多
关键词 women war writing gender studies life writing First World War studies trauma theory
房屋的谱系——对扎坝社会组织的人类学研究 被引量:4
作者 陈波 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期193-218,246,共27页
长期的实地研究已证明扎坝不存在氏族组织,因此无法用原始社会理论进行解释。本研究转向列维-斯特劳斯的家产亲属制理论,把扎坝的基本社会单位界定为内含政治-经济功能的家屋,进而在对谱系的梳理和对家屋继嗣案例的分析中,辨认出他们深... 长期的实地研究已证明扎坝不存在氏族组织,因此无法用原始社会理论进行解释。本研究转向列维-斯特劳斯的家产亲属制理论,把扎坝的基本社会单位界定为内含政治-经济功能的家屋,进而在对谱系的梳理和对家屋继嗣案例的分析中,辨认出他们深层的社会文化理想乃是女系继嗣。家屋为实现这一理想而推崇一女生育制度,但女系继嗣理想内在的实践困境导致它与家屋继嗣深度互卷而不可分,这体现为双系的血缘亲属体和房系的家屋亲属体交互作用。借助理论化工作,本研究确定出房系社会的基本原子,从中挖掘出两种社会同源性类型,并认为它们是扎坝社会的高度开放性、包容性和多样性的源泉。 展开更多
关键词 家屋 血缘亲属体 家屋亲属体 一女生育制度 房屋谱系
作者 曹春雷 《当代矿工》 2019年第6期54-54,共1页
小时候,乡下邻居康叔有六个孩子,五男一女,都是长身体的年龄。康婶摊玉米煎饼,六张嘴等着,摊一张孩子们吃一张,一盆玉米糊糊摊完了,她面前的煎饼却一个也没剩。康婶对着康叔叹气:'哎.就怕以后咱俩累死,也喂不饱这六张嘴啊。'当... 小时候,乡下邻居康叔有六个孩子,五男一女,都是长身体的年龄。康婶摊玉米煎饼,六张嘴等着,摊一张孩子们吃一张,一盆玉米糊糊摊完了,她面前的煎饼却一个也没剩。康婶对着康叔叹气:'哎.就怕以后咱俩累死,也喂不饱这六张嘴啊。'当时康叔家的日子过得很窘迫,除了住着的三间屋,可以说是一无所有。但康叔并不着急:'别愁嘛,船到桥头自然直。'二十多年过去了。 展开更多
关键词 船到桥头 一女 康婶 煎饼 孩子 身体 年龄
Evaluation of Fertility Levels and Adjustment of Fertility Policy: Based on the Current Situation of the Chinese Mainland's Provincial Fertility Levels 被引量:2
作者 尹文耀 姚引妹 +1 位作者 李芬 Zhao Yuanyuan 《Social Sciences in China》 2014年第2期83-105,共23页
During the 11th Five-year Plan (2006-2010), the total fertility rate of the mainland of China was 1.481 and was stable with a slight decline, exhibiting a spatial pattern of moderately low fertility in the central a... During the 11th Five-year Plan (2006-2010), the total fertility rate of the mainland of China was 1.481 and was stable with a slight decline, exhibiting a spatial pattern of moderately low fertility in the central and western regions, very low fertility in the east and extremely low fertility in the northeast. Except for a rebound in a few provinces and regions with extremely low fertility rates, the ratio of actual fertility rates to policy fertility rates is still falling. The reduced fertility rate is mainly driven by development, notably the proportion of the total population represented by the exuberantly fertile women of child-bearing age and their greater urbanization, growing level of non-agricultural employment and outflow from rural areas, as well as the assimilative effect of urban production, lifestyles and culturalconcepts upon the agricultural population. Development has catalyzed an irreversible trend of declining fertility; existing fertility policy has proven insufficient to keep fertility rates stable at reasonably low levels. Policy-based rebounds may emerge in urban areas and the east and northeast, where family planning policy has been better implemented; on the other hand, a non-policy-based rebound may have been released. In the central and western rural areas, multiple births occur on average among only 4.12 percent of the younger generation of women. As fertility policy is adjusted and improved, fertility rebounds in transitional fertility policy adjustment can be effectively regulated through a gradual strategy which will not provoke a sharp rebound. The time is ripe for China to conduct a nationally unified adjustment of the existing fertility policy. 展开更多
关键词 policy fertility rate actual fertility rate provincial fertility rate regional fertilityrate one generation of one-child policy
Endocrine correlates of mate choice and promiscuity in females of a socially monogamous avian mating system with alternative male reproductive phenotypes 被引量:1
作者 Hubert SCHWABL Willow R. LINDSAY +1 位作者 Douglas G. BARRON Michael S. WEBSTER 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期804-815,共12页
While our understanding of male reproductive strategies is informed by extensive investigations into endocrine mechanisms, the proximate mechanisms by which females compete for mates and adjust reproduction to social ... While our understanding of male reproductive strategies is informed by extensive investigations into endocrine mechanisms, the proximate mechanisms by which females compete for mates and adjust reproduction to social environment remains enigmatic. We set out to uncover endocrine correlates of mate choice, social environment, and reproductive investment in female red-backed fairy-wrens Malurus melanocephalus. In this socially monogamous, yet highly sexually promiscuous species, females experience discrete variation in the phenotype of their mates, which vary in both plumage signals and level of paternal care, and in the composition of their breeding groups, which consist of either the pair alone or with an additional cooperative auxiliary; fe- male investment varies according to these social parameters. We found that androgen, estrogen, and glucorticoid levels varied with reproductive stage, with highest androgen and estrogen concentrations during nest construction and highest corticosterone concentrations during the pre-breeding stage. These stage-dependent patterns did not vary with male phenotype or auxiliary presence, though androgen levels during pre-breeding mate selection were lower in females obtaining red/black mates than those obtaining brown mates. We found no evidence that androgen, estrogen, or corticosterone levels during the fertile period were re- lated to extra-pair young (EPY) frequency. This study demonstrates clear changes in steroid levels with reproductive stage, though it found little support for variation with social environment. We suggest hormonal responsiveness to social factors may be physiologically constrained in ways that are bypassed through exogenous hormone manipulations. 展开更多
关键词 ANDROGEN Estrogen GLUCOCORTICOID Mate choice PROMISCUITY Alternative phenotypes
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