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作者 韩仲华 苑海涛 刘经纬 《现代电子技术》 2014年第19期33-36,共4页
提出了一种基于双收发信机三信道的移动互联网终端系统,并论述了设计实现此类高性价比的自组织移动互联网系统的关键技术。这种设计思想既考虑到了收发信机数量与移动终端物理受限条件间的平衡问题,也考虑到了频谱资源环境与频率复用效... 提出了一种基于双收发信机三信道的移动互联网终端系统,并论述了设计实现此类高性价比的自组织移动互联网系统的关键技术。这种设计思想既考虑到了收发信机数量与移动终端物理受限条件间的平衡问题,也考虑到了频谱资源环境与频率复用效率间的平衡问题,因此可以成为高性价比自组织移动互联终端的一类典型发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 收发信机 三信道 移动互联网 信标 邻居节点
作者 王磊 戴旭初 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期41-45,共5页
针对非协同性射频源,提出了一种基于Watson-Watt交叉环天线的短波测向新算法。该算法采用三信道模型,从3个信道接收信号的相关函数入手,得到了求解方位角的表达式,通过对相关函数的一系列处理,可以很好地解决调制方式兼容、低信噪比下... 针对非协同性射频源,提出了一种基于Watson-Watt交叉环天线的短波测向新算法。该算法采用三信道模型,从3个信道接收信号的相关函数入手,得到了求解方位角的表达式,通过对相关函数的一系列处理,可以很好地解决调制方式兼容、低信噪比下的测向精度以及信道间的相位失配等问题。计算机仿真实验结果显示了该算法的正确性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 信息处理技术 短波测向 Watson-Watt交叉环天线 相关函数 三信道系统
Ad hoc网络三信道接入方案的研究
作者 孙旺 《电子工程师》 2008年第1期63-65,72,共4页
给出一种基于三信道协作的方案TCMAC(Tri-channel-based MAC(媒体访问控制)),解决了已有MAC方案中具备收发条件的隐藏/暴露终端不能合理建立链路的问题,使节点能够相对及时地接入信道。通过专用信道传输确认分组避免了数据分组的重发,... 给出一种基于三信道协作的方案TCMAC(Tri-channel-based MAC(媒体访问控制)),解决了已有MAC方案中具备收发条件的隐藏/暴露终端不能合理建立链路的问题,使节点能够相对及时地接入信道。通过专用信道传输确认分组避免了数据分组的重发,以提高信道利用率。通过频分复用和时分复用两种方式的结合,使3个信道能够同时建立2路数据传输,平衡了新增信道的代价。 展开更多
关键词 AD HOC网络 隐藏/暴露终端 三信道 MAC
作者 马勇 郑佐月 +3 位作者 黎人溥 郭晓越 张振 郭俊启 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期217-224,共8页
太赫兹波在超材料表面结构中会发生电磁响应,使得特定频率的电磁波发生反射与透射。利用VO2的相变特性,设计了一种基于超材料的可调谐三信道太赫兹分波器。采用Drude模型,分析了该分波器两种状态下的仿真S参数曲线、等效参数曲线和群延... 太赫兹波在超材料表面结构中会发生电磁响应,使得特定频率的电磁波发生反射与透射。利用VO2的相变特性,设计了一种基于超材料的可调谐三信道太赫兹分波器。采用Drude模型,分析了该分波器两种状态下的仿真S参数曲线、等效参数曲线和群延迟曲线,并研究了分波器的工作机理。处于通信窗口的0.30、0.46、0.50 THz太赫兹波实现了分离,分波器的隔离度均大于22 dB,插入损耗均小于0.40 dB,群延迟低且性能指标受参数变化的影响较小,满足工作性能的设计要求。与传统的光子晶体和绝缘硅分波器相比,所设计的分波器具有隔离度高和插入损耗低等特点。与超材料二信道分波器相比,所设计的分波器提高了信道容量,实现了信道可调谐功能。所设计的分波器在太赫兹无线通信波分复用系统中,展现出实现多信道传输的潜力,具有较好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 太赫兹 分波器 超材料 二氧化钒 三信道
作者 牛俊坡 顾学迈 杨明川 《移动通信》 2008年第10期81-84,共4页
针对高空平台站通信系统中地面终端在大的环境范围内运动时的信道特性,文章提出了一种基于数字地貌的三状态切换信道模型,并且引入数字地貌模型,对仿真场景的地面特征进行了数字建模。仿真结果表明,该信道模型能够准确反映链路性能,对... 针对高空平台站通信系统中地面终端在大的环境范围内运动时的信道特性,文章提出了一种基于数字地貌的三状态切换信道模型,并且引入数字地貌模型,对仿真场景的地面特征进行了数字建模。仿真结果表明,该信道模型能够准确反映链路性能,对系统设计具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 高空平台站 状态信道模型 马尔科夫链 数字地貌模型
无人机数据链信道编码方法研究 被引量:15
作者 宋飞飞 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1602-1605,共4页
信道编码是提高通信可靠性的重要途径,针对无人机数据链传输遥控/遥测指令时的高可靠性要求,研究了无人机数据链不同码率的卷积码、Turbo码和LDPC码三种信道编码方法,结合无人机信道的特点,仿真验证了无人机数据链的三种信道编码与解码... 信道编码是提高通信可靠性的重要途径,针对无人机数据链传输遥控/遥测指令时的高可靠性要求,研究了无人机数据链不同码率的卷积码、Turbo码和LDPC码三种信道编码方法,结合无人机信道的特点,仿真验证了无人机数据链的三种信道编码与解码方案;三种编码方式都带来了较大增益,其中LDPC码的性能略优于Turbo码,卷积码性能相比最差,但三种编码方式都可以使数据链的误码率达到了10-5以下,满足了无人机数据链高可靠性要求。 展开更多
关键词 摘要:信道编码是提高通信可靠性的重要途径 针对无人机数据链传输遥控/遥测指令时的高可靠性要求 研究了无人机数据链不同码率的卷积码、Turbo码和LDPC码种信遭编码方法 结合无人机信道的特点 仿真验证了无人机数据链的信道编码与解码方案 种编码方式都带来了较大增益 其中LDPC码的性能略优于Turbo码 卷积码性能相比最差 种编码方式都可以使数据链的误码率达到了10.以下 满足了无人机数据链高可靠性要求.关麓词:无人机数据链I信道编码 卷积码lTurbo码 LDPC码
作者 章宝歌 李碧琦 《光通信技术》 北大核心 2015年第8期16-18,共3页
提出了将两种不同结构的2×2和3×3光纤耦合器按照一定方式级联构成的全光纤马赫-曾德尔干涉仪(MZI)型光学梳状滤波器。介绍了该器件原理,经数值模拟计算,得到了两信道不等带宽的输出谱和三信道等带宽的输出谱。分析了两种器件... 提出了将两种不同结构的2×2和3×3光纤耦合器按照一定方式级联构成的全光纤马赫-曾德尔干涉仪(MZI)型光学梳状滤波器。介绍了该器件原理,经数值模拟计算,得到了两信道不等带宽的输出谱和三信道等带宽的输出谱。分析了两种器件的分光比容差,结果表明,当器件耦合器分光比出现一定范围的偏差时,相应光学梳状滤波器的输出谱型无明显变化,说明该器件有较好的容差特性。 展开更多
关键词 密集波分复用 光学梳状滤波器 光纤耦合器 不等带宽 三信道
泄漏通信技术在煤矿机车运输调度中的应用 被引量:1
作者 孙涛 凌信东 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期48-49,共2页
关键词 机车运输 调度 泄漏通信 三信道
基于高空平台站通信的三状态马尔科夫信道模型 被引量:1
作者 朱子行 梁俊 《通信技术》 2009年第6期174-176,共3页
信道是设计一个通信系统需要考虑的重要因素。介绍了高空平台站通信的概况,提出了一种基于三状态马尔科夫过程的高空平台站通信信道模型。利用数值分析的方法给出了郊区和森林衰落环境下接收信号功率的概率密度函数和系统的误比特率,并... 信道是设计一个通信系统需要考虑的重要因素。介绍了高空平台站通信的概况,提出了一种基于三状态马尔科夫过程的高空平台站通信信道模型。利用数值分析的方法给出了郊区和森林衰落环境下接收信号功率的概率密度函数和系统的误比特率,并与仿真结果进行了分析和比较。对于当前高空通信平台的开发和研究等方面具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 高空平台站 状态信道模型 马尔科夫过程
Quantum Secure Direct Communication by Using Three-Dimensional Hyperentanglement 被引量:8
作者 施锦 龚彦晓 +2 位作者 徐平 祝世宁 詹佑邦 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期831-836,共6页
We propose two schemes for realizing quantum secure direct communication (QSDC)by using a set ofordered two-photon three-dimensional hyperentangled states entangled in two degrees of freedom (DOFs)as quantuminformatio... We propose two schemes for realizing quantum secure direct communication (QSDC)by using a set ofordered two-photon three-dimensional hyperentangled states entangled in two degrees of freedom (DOFs)as quantuminformation channels.In the first scheme,the photons from Bob to Alice are transmitted only once.After insuring thesecurity of the quantum channels,Bob encodes the secret message on his photons.Then Alice performs single-photontwo-DOF Bell bases measurements on her photons.This scheme has better security than former QSDC protocols.In thesecond scheme,Bob transmits photons to Alice twice.After insuring the security of the quantum channels,Bob encodesthe secret message on his photons.Then Alice performs two-photon Bell bases measurements on each DOF.The schemehas more information capacity than former QSDC protocols. 展开更多
关键词 quantum secure direct communication hyperentanglement Bell bases measurement
Generalized 3D Scattering Channel Model with MIMO Antenna Systems 被引量:5
作者 Jie Zhou Hao Jiang Hisakazu Kikuchi 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期66-81,共16页
In this paper, a generalized three-dimensional(3D) scattering channel model for macrocellular land mobile environments is considered. This model simultaneously describes angular arrival of multi-path signals in the az... In this paper, a generalized three-dimensional(3D) scattering channel model for macrocellular land mobile environments is considered. This model simultaneously describes angular arrival of multi-path signals in the azimuth and elevation planes in an environment where uniformly distributed scatterers are assumed to be present in hemispheroids around the base station(BS) and mobile station(MS). Using this channel model, we first derive the closed-form expression for the joint and marginal probability density functions of the angle-of-arrival and time-of-arrival measured at the BS and the MS corresponding to the azimuth and elevation angles. Next, we derive an expression for the Doppler spectral distribution caused by motion of the MSs. Furthermore, we analyze the performance of multiple-input multiple-output antenna systems numerically. The results show that the proposed 3D scattering channel model performs better than previously proposed two-dimensional(2D) models for indoor and outdoor environments. We compare the results with previous scattering channel models and measurement results to validate the generalizability of our model. 展开更多
关键词 3D scattering channel model angle of arrival Doppler spectra multiple-input multiple-output
作者 Kazi Takpaya 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第6期439-445,共7页
An increasing demand for high data rate transmission and protection over bandlimited channels with severe inter-symbol interference has resulted in a flurry of activity to improve channel equalization, In conjunction ... An increasing demand for high data rate transmission and protection over bandlimited channels with severe inter-symbol interference has resulted in a flurry of activity to improve channel equalization, In conjunction with equalization, channel coding-decoding can be employed to improve system performance. In this letter, the performance of the three stage turbo-equalization-decoding employing log maximum a posteriori probability is experimentally evaluated by a fading simulator. The BER is evaluated using various information sequence and interleaver sizes taking into account that the communication medium is a noisy inter symbol interference channel. 展开更多
关键词 Band-limited channel Inter-symbol interference Three stage turbo-equalization- decoding
Basic Research on Key Techniques Related to Urban 3D Pipe Network Modeling 被引量:1
作者 DU Guoming GONG Jianya XIONG Hanjiang 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2002年第4期41-45,共5页
A new geometric modeling approach is introduced in this paper.First the principle of modeling of 3D pipe network is discussed in detail.Then the procedures of implementing pipe network visualization and system functio... A new geometric modeling approach is introduced in this paper.First the principle of modeling of 3D pipe network is discussed in detail.Then the procedures of implementing pipe network visualization and system functions are presented.Last,several efficient methods for speeding up display of graphics are introduced.The new geometric modeling approach offers to people a new way to solve 3D visualization of complex urban pipe network. 展开更多
Quantum Dialogue Protocol Using a Class of Three-Photon W States 被引量:5
作者 DONG Li XIU Xiao-Ming GAO Ya-Jun CHI Feng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期853-856,共4页
A theoretical protocol of quantum dialogue is proposed,which uses a class of three-photon W states asquantum channel.After two-step security check,four-bit secret message can be transmitted to each other by transmitti... A theoretical protocol of quantum dialogue is proposed,which uses a class of three-photon W states asquantum channel.After two-step security check,four-bit secret message can be transmitted to each other by transmittingof single photon with the aid of two-bit classical information. 展开更多
关键词 quantum communication quantum dialogue W state
A novel 3-D spatial temporal channel model for high mobility HAPS-based communications scenario
作者 杨明川 Jiang Yicheng +1 位作者 Guo Qing Li Hanqing 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第4期356-362,共7页
A high altitude platform station (HAPS) based communications scenario for providing Intemet access and broadband multimedia services to the passengers on board of a high speed train (traveling up to 300km/h) is pr... A high altitude platform station (HAPS) based communications scenario for providing Intemet access and broadband multimedia services to the passengers on board of a high speed train (traveling up to 300km/h) is proposed. Regarding the addressed scenario, when the propagation link between HAPS and train is blocked by obstacles, a three-dimensional (3-D) geometrical single cylinder spatial-temporal channel model is presented, in which closed form, mathematically tractable space-time correlation functions are obtained. It shows that the correlation functions determined by the 3-D model are of significant difference with those of the conventional 2-D model. Based on the analysis model, the paper derives a realized simulation model using sum-of-sinusoids approach, and applies method of equal areas (MEA) and modified method of equal areas (MMEA) to determine the model parameters. The fitting performance of the simulation model with the analysis one is evaluated by two means-square error (MSE) performance criteria. Finally, numerical simulation results verify the mathematical analysis conclusion, when N ≥21, simulation model has an excellent fitness with the analysis one. 展开更多
关键词 high mobility high altitude platform station (HAPS) channel characteristic propagation scattering theory spatial temporal channel model angle of arrival
Polarization Projection for 3D Geometry-Based Stochastic Channel Model
作者 PANG Lihua ZHANG Yang +5 位作者 GONG Fengkui WANG Anyi XIAO Liyuan LIANG Xiao WANG Qiaofeng LI Jiandong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第10期52-63,共12页
Comprehensive radiation characteristics of polarized antenna are crucial in creating practical channel coefficients for next generation wireless communication system designs.Being currently supported within3 D geometr... Comprehensive radiation characteristics of polarized antenna are crucial in creating practical channel coefficients for next generation wireless communication system designs.Being currently supported within3 D geometry-based stochastic channel models(GSCM),field patterns are technically obtained by chamber measurement(or by its best fitting).However,in some channel related performance analysis scenarios,design insight can be crystallized better by starting the derivations with theoretical co-polarization and cross-polarization components.Specifically,these two components are mathematically linked with field patterns through the proposed polarization projection algorithm.In this manuscript,we focus on revealing the transformation criterion of polarization states between the antenna plane and the propagation plane.In practice,it makes retrieving the field patterns by electromagnetic computation possible.Meanwhile,the impact imposed by distinct antenna orientations is geometrically illustrated and consequently incorporated into the proposed algorithm.This will further facilitate flexible performance evaluation of related radio transmission technologies.Our conclusions are verified by the closed-form expression of the dipole field pattern(via an analytical approach) and by chamber measurement results.Moreover,we find that its 2D degenerative case is aligned with the definitions in 3^(rd) generation partnership project(3GPP)technical report 25.996.The most obvious benefit of the proposed algorithm is to significantly reduce the cost on generating channel coefficients in GSCM simulation. 展开更多
关键词 polarization 3D geometry-based stochastic channel model antenna orientation radiation characteristics dipole chamber measurement channel simulation
Estimate of NO_X production in the lightning channel based on three-dimensional lightning locating system 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Rong ZHANG GuangShu +4 位作者 LI YaJun WANG YanHui WU Bin YU Hai LIU YanXiu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1613-1625,共13页
Based on the VHF lightning locating system,a three-dimensional-space cell-gridded approach is used to extract the lighting channel and calculate the length of the channel.Through clustering of the located radiation so... Based on the VHF lightning locating system,a three-dimensional-space cell-gridded approach is used to extract the lighting channel and calculate the length of the channel.Through clustering of the located radiation sources and then extracting the lightning channel,it can accurately obtain the length of the channel.To validate the feasibility of the approach,a simulation experiment is designed,and it shows the length error is no more than 10%.The relationship between the NO production of per unit arc length and atmospheric pressure obtained in laboratory is applied to the NOX production of per unit flash length at different altitudes in this paper.The channel length and the NOX production of 11 negative cloud-to-ground flashes and 59 intracloud flashes in an isolated thunderstorm in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are calculated.The results show that the average channel lengths of per cloud-to-ground and intracloud flash are 28.9 and 22.3 km respectively;the average NOX productions of per cloud-to-ground and intracloud flash are 1.89×1025 and 0.42×1025 molecules,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 lightning-produced nitrogen oxides lightning channel VHF radiation source location cell-gridded
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