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作者 梅明娟 《语文课内外》 2022年第25期85-88,共4页
革命文学类文本在统编教材里的地位突出 。以高段革命文学类文本为例,设计三学单: 课前预学单、课中研学单和课后拓学单。通过作业单的任务驱 动,拉近生本距离,提高学生兴趣; 整合课内外资源,加深学生文本理解; 结合 实践,实现“文... 革命文学类文本在统编教材里的地位突出 。以高段革命文学类文本为例,设计三学单: 课前预学单、课中研学单和课后拓学单。通过作业单的任务驱 动,拉近生本距离,提高学生兴趣; 整合课内外资源,加深学生文本理解; 结合 实践,实现“文道统一 ”。在落实语文要素的同时, 加强学生的革命传统教育。 更好地促进学生的学习走向高品质的深度学习。 关键词:革命文学类文本;三学单;课前预学单; 课中研学单;课后拓学单 一、“小学语文高段革命文学类文本”的教学现状 实践内容去运用所学, 忽略了语文的人文性和思想【情境描述】 性, 也忽略了对学生情感 、态度和价值观的培养。 在教学六年级下册《金色的鱼钩》一课时,学生的 二、“小学语文高段革命文学类文本”的编排特点 提问让老师很无奈。文中写到一位红军老班长在经过草 革命文化类课文既要落实语文要素, 又要无痕渗地时,为 了照顾着三名生病的小战士, 他却把好不 透革命传统教育, 真正去践 行语文课程基本理念。容易钓到的一 条小鱼煮成汤, 毫不犹豫地全部给了 那么统编教材是如何对高段革命文化题材类课文进行编那三名小战士吃, 而他自 己却 因为长期饥饿, 排的呢? 笔者为此对统编教材高段革命题材类课文进最终壮烈牺牲在“一 望无边”的草地上。有学生提问 行了梳理, 如下图: “老师, 这 是真的吗? 为什么没人给他们送吃的呢? 为什么他们不和大部队取得联系呢? ” 其余同学也投来疑惑的眼神, 纷纷质疑故事的真实性。 【教学现状】 那么是什么原因让学生产生这样的质疑呢? 笔者在教学中发现此类课文的 教学现状主要存在下列问题: (一) 教学脱离实际 由于一些教师对革命文化题材类文本的理解不够深入,在教学此类文本时说 教性过强, 给人物“贴标签”, 教学时独立于单一文本, 不勾联学生的兴趣 点和 共鸣点, 脱离实际, 让学生无法真实地产生有 ( 一) 实现“双线并行” 效地阅读行为,使得学生阅读行为不能真实有效地发 统编语文小学教材的最大特点就是双线组元, 人生,丢失了对革命题材类文本的阅读兴趣。 文主题和语文素养相组合, 实现“双线并行”。高段的(二) 资源缺乏整合 教材主要选编革命文化主题单元, 每篇课文的“人文 一些教师专注于单篇课文的教学,带着学生一遍遍 内涵”与“语文要素”相结合, 在主题大单元中也集地咀嚼课文,教师狭隘地处理着教材,备课时没有课程 中体现人文要素, 充分体现 了语文学习的整体性 。的概念,课程资源得不到整合、重组,课外资源更是得 “双线并行”使得单元教学目标更加聚焦, 教学指向不到开发与利用。 更加 明确。 (三) 脱离实践运用 ( 二) 体现教学梯度 一些教师在教学环节设计中对学科定位不够明晰, 革命文化题材类课文的编排具有语文的整体性,此有时候只重视文本内容的 理解, 不注重结合相应的 类题材课文在各年段的教 材中的呈现是不一样的, 85 2022年第 25期 语 文 教 研 编排形式是由浅入深,有序推进的,呈现明显的梯度。 任务预习课文内的生字新 词,学生在课堂学习前主动第一和第二学段课文更多的是以单篇形式呈现, 贴近 探究字音字义,为深入学习课文做好铺垫。也便于老师学生生活, 注重学习中的熏 陶感染作用, 对学生 了解学生学习的起点,更全面地把握学情,为课堂教学的要求主要是字词的掌握和对课文的理解; 在第二学 指明方向。 段中, 三年级关注学段间的衔接,四年级则开始尝试 【案例 1】 《圆明园的毁灭》预学单 将革命文化题材类课文以一个单元 的形式集中呈现, 第二学段的“双线组元”特点开始突出, 对学生要求慢慢提高, 主要表现在要求学生掌握基本的阅读方法; 而第三学段则更加关注整体, 对学生 有更高要求了, 要求学生对人物的品质进一步加深细节体会, 对文章表达的思想 感情也要准确把握, 同时要结合相关资料去理解课文内容, 强调在融贯中提升。 三 、小学语文高段革命文学类文本的作业单样式 【反思评价】 与运用 借助“字词型预学单”,教师监测学生真实的学习《义务教育语文课程标准 ( 2022 年版) 》指出, 起点, 在课前,能有针对性地对孩子进行“预学”, “语文课程对继承和弘扬中 华民族优秀文化传统和革 预学单为学生腾出了学习空间和学习时间。通过自主识 命传统,增强民族文化认同感,增强民族凝聚力和。 展开更多
关键词 革命文学类文本 三学单 课前预学 课中研学 课后拓学
作者 许冉 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2023年第10期111-114,共4页
随着“双减”政策的落地实施,以优质轻量的作业达成教学目标,优化课堂教学,成为教研活动的重要话题。在初中数学教学中,基于学生学习知识内容的基础,落实大单元教学设计,促进学生知识体系的完善。在深化单元整体教学研究的基础上,以“... 随着“双减”政策的落地实施,以优质轻量的作业达成教学目标,优化课堂教学,成为教研活动的重要话题。在初中数学教学中,基于学生学习知识内容的基础,落实大单元教学设计,促进学生知识体系的完善。在深化单元整体教学研究的基础上,以“三学”作业单的开发为载体,深入实践单元视角下的教学设计与作业设计一体化实践研究,以提高数学教学质量,促学生数学思维发展。文章重点阐述了初中数学三学作业与大单元教学一体化推进的相关措施,以此更好地优化教育教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 初中数学 元整体教学 三学作业 一体化
作者 孙筱坤 戴西洋 《小学教学研究》 2022年第31期90-91,共2页
审视当下的课堂教学,学生存在着学习“不在场”“饭来张口、衣来伸手”的习惯。本文依据“三学”联动操作流程,贯穿启智课堂的始终,努力从启智课堂的研究状况、“三学”联动对启智课堂的价值意蕴、基于“三学”联动学习单的启智课堂实... 审视当下的课堂教学,学生存在着学习“不在场”“饭来张口、衣来伸手”的习惯。本文依据“三学”联动操作流程,贯穿启智课堂的始终,努力从启智课堂的研究状况、“三学”联动对启智课堂的价值意蕴、基于“三学”联动学习单的启智课堂实践路径三方面,借助“三学”联动学习单中先学单—问学单—拓学单为启智课堂导航,让教学目标清晰、教学任务清楚、教学评价精准,构建学生成长的场域,演绎师生启智课堂中的智慧生长。 展开更多
关键词 启智课堂 三学”联动 三学”联动学习
Triplexers Based on SOI Flattop AWGs 被引量:1
作者 安俊明 吴远大 +4 位作者 李健 王红杰 李建光 李俊一 胡雄伟 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1504-1506,共3页
Triplexers are designed based on SOl flattop arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs). Three wavelengths (1310, 1490,and 1550nm) operate at three diffraction orders of AWGs. Simulation shows that the 3dB bandwidth,crosst... Triplexers are designed based on SOl flattop arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs). Three wavelengths (1310, 1490,and 1550nm) operate at three diffraction orders of AWGs. Simulation shows that the 3dB bandwidth,crosstalk, and loss are 6nm,less than -40dB, and 5dB, respectively. The output optical fields of the device fabricated in our laboratory are clear and show a good triplexing function. 展开更多
关键词 integrated optics arrayed waveguide grating TRIPLEXER
作者 周光明 王鑫伟 乔新 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第1期8-14,共7页
As an advanced composite material, the 3D braided composite has received more and more attention in foreign countries. However, it has received less attention in China. The geometric unit cell which can describe the b... As an advanced composite material, the 3D braided composite has received more and more attention in foreign countries. However, it has received less attention in China. The geometric unit cell which can describe the basic structure and the relationship between the braiding angle and geometric parameters of the fabric and fiber volume ratio are given in this paper based on two 3D braiding processes, namely, the four-step and the twostep ones. Several existing mechanical models to predict groperties of the 3D braided comPOsites are discussed and their shortcomings are pointed out herein. Then a new model called the inclined laminal combination model is proposed, which is based on the classical laminated plate theory and can predict the basic mechanical behavior of the two 3D braided composites with four-step or two-step braid. In the model, each yarn in the unit cell is regarded as an inclined laminate and then a 3D analysis is performed. It is found that the predicted mechanical properties of the 3D braided composites by the proposed model are compared well with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 COMPOSITES mechanical properties unit cell mechanical model 3D braided
Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10T and Nylon 10T/1010 copolymers:Effect of sebacic acid as a third comonomer 被引量:6
作者 Zhongqiang Wang Guosheng Hu +2 位作者 Jingting Zhang Jiusheng Xu Wenbo Shi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期963-970,共8页
Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 samples were synthesized by direct melt polymerization. The non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 was investigated by means of differential scanning cal... Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 samples were synthesized by direct melt polymerization. The non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Nylon 10 T and Nylon 10T/1010 was investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). Jeziorny equation and Mo equation were applied to describe the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of the Nylon 10 T and the Nylon 10T/1010. The activation energies for non-isothermal crystallization were obtained by Vyazovkin's method and Friedman's method, respectively. These results showed that Jeziorny equation and Mo equation well described the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of the Nylon 10 T and the Nylon 10T/1010. It was found that the values of the activation energy for non-isothermal crystallization of the Nylon 10T/1010 were lower than those of the Nylon 10 T at a given temperature or relative crystallinity degree,which revealed that crystallization ability of the Nylon 10T/1010 was higher. The crystal morphology was observed by means of a polarized optical microscope(POM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD). It was found that the addition of sebacic acid comonomer not only did not change the crystal form of the Nylon 10 T, but also significantly increased the number and decreased the size of spherulites. Comparing with the Nylon 10 T, the crystallization rate was increased with the addition of the sebacic acid comonomer. 展开更多
关键词 Melt polymerization Nylon 10TNylon 10T/1010 Semiaromatic polyamides Crystallization kinetics Non-isothermal crystallization
Characterization of tricalcium phosphate solubilization by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia YC isolated from phosphate mines 被引量:1
作者 肖春桥 池汝安 +1 位作者 何环 张文学 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第4期581-587,共7页
The phosphate solubilizing characteristics of a strain YC, which was isolated from phosphate mines (Hubei, China), were studied in National Botanical Research Institute’s phosphate (NBRIP) growth medium containing tr... The phosphate solubilizing characteristics of a strain YC, which was isolated from phosphate mines (Hubei, China), were studied in National Botanical Research Institute’s phosphate (NBRIP) growth medium containing tricalcium phosphate (TCP) as sole phosphorus (P) source. The strain YC is identified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (S. maltophilia) based upon the results of morphologic, physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA sequences analysis. The results show that the strain S. maltophilia YC can solubilize TCP and release soluble P in NBRIP growth medium. A positive correlation between concentration of soluble P and population of the isolate and a negative correlation between concentration of soluble P and pH in the culture medium are observed from statistical analysis results. Moreover, gluconic acid is detected in the culture medium by HPLC analysis. It indicates that the isolate can release gluconic acid during the solubilizing experiment, which causes acidification of the culture medium and then TCP solubilization. S. maltophilia YC has a maximal TCP solubilizing capability when using maltose as carbon source and ammonium nitrate as nitrogen source, respectively, in NBRIP growth medium. 展开更多
关键词 tricalcium phosphate (TCP) Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (S. maltophilia) phosphate mines phosphorus (P) gluconic acid
作者 赵宁侠 郭瑞林 +2 位作者 任秦有 张周良 史恒军 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2004年第3期24-27,共4页
Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on simple obesity and cellular hemorheology. Methods: Thirty-two cases of simple obesity patients were enrolled into this study. Acupoints of the Stomach Meridian and Sp... Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on simple obesity and cellular hemorheology. Methods: Thirty-two cases of simple obesity patients were enrolled into this study. Acupoints of the Stomach Meridian and Spleen Meridian as Zhongwan (中脘 CV 12), Liangmen (梁门 ST 21), Tianshu (天枢 ST 25), Guayuan (关元 CV 4), etc. were punctured, once daily in the first 5 days, and once every other day afterwards, with 10 sessions being a therapeutic course. Before treatment and after 3 courses of treatment, the body weight, waistline, weight index, seam cholesterol (CH), triglyceride and aggregation index of red blood cell (RBC) were detected. Results: After acupuncture treatment, all the indexes of body weight, waistline, weight index, serum CH, triglyceride and aggregation index of RBC decreased significantly in comparison with those of pre-treatment(P< 0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture can apparently improve cellular hemorheology, reduce body weight, serum cholesterol and TG levels in simple obesity patients. 展开更多
关键词 Simple obesity Serum cholesterol Triglyceride Cellular hemorheology Acupuncture therapy
Selective suspension of single layer graphene mechanochemically exfoliated from carbon nanofibres 被引量:4
作者 Antonio Esau Del Rio-CastilloI Cesar Merino +1 位作者 Enrique Diez-Barra Ester Vazquez 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第7期963-972,共10页
This paper presents the first report of the successful ball-milling exfoliation of graphitic filaments (GANF~ carbon nanofibres) into single layer graphene. The addition of small amounts of solvent during the millin... This paper presents the first report of the successful ball-milling exfoliation of graphitic filaments (GANF~ carbon nanofibres) into single layer graphene. The addition of small amounts of solvent during the milling process makes it possible to enhance the intercalation of the exfoliating agent (melamine) between the graphene layers, thus promoting exceptional exfoliation. Advantage has also been taken of the fact that the Hansen solubility parameters of graphene are different from those of carbon fibres, which allows single and few-layer graphene to be suspended in a particular solvent, thus discriminating them from poorly exfoliated carbon nanofibres. 展开更多
关键词 carbon fibre GRAPHENE ball-milling EXFOLIATION Hansen solubilityparameters
Quantum Dynamics of Entanglement and Single Excitation Transfer in LH1-RC-Type Trimer
作者 潭庆收 匡乐满 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第9期359-371,共13页
In this paper,we study quantum dynamics of entanglement and single excitation transfer(SET) in an LH1-RC-type trimer which can describe a basic unit cell in the LH1-RC complex in the photosynthetic process.It is shown... In this paper,we study quantum dynamics of entanglement and single excitation transfer(SET) in an LH1-RC-type trimer which can describe a basic unit cell in the LH1-RC complex in the photosynthetic process.It is shown that there exists a sudden change of entanglement at the critic point of quantum phase transition(QPT) of the system at low temperatures,the entanglement sudden change caused by the QPT is suppressed at higher temperatures.We investigate the influence of environment on entanglement and SET.We show the generation of the dephasing-assisted entanglement between a donor and an acceptor and the existence of the steady-state entanglement,and demonstrate the entanglement transfer from donor-donor entanglement to donor-acceptor entanglement in the dynamic evolution.We reveal the close relation between the SET probability and donor-acceptor entanglement.Especially,we find that the SET probability is proportional to the amount of donor-acceptor entanglement under certain conditions. 展开更多
关键词 an LHi-RC-type trimer quantum dynamics quantum entanglement single excitation transfer
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