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作者 漆侠 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1998年第3期19-19,共1页
释智圆(976—1022)是北宋初年佛教天台宗的杰出代表人物,《佛祖统记》、《历代佛祖通载》均有传。释智圆居于杭州西湖孤山玛瑙院,所著孤山《闲居编》五十一卷,续藏经中收录。据书首吴遵路的书序,是书于乾兴元年(1022... 释智圆(976—1022)是北宋初年佛教天台宗的杰出代表人物,《佛祖统记》、《历代佛祖通载》均有传。释智圆居于杭州西湖孤山玛瑙院,所著孤山《闲居编》五十一卷,续藏经中收录。据书首吴遵路的书序,是书于乾兴元年(1022)正月编次成功,释智圆亦于是年故去... 展开更多
关键词 释智圆 雕板印刷 金刚般若 科举考试制度 新加坡国立大学 中庸之道 三家学说 儒释道 陈寅恪 代表人
儒、道、佛美学思想之比较 被引量:4
作者 张文勋 《思想战线》 1987年第3期31-42,共12页
在我国数千年光辉的文明史中,美学思想以其独有的民族特色而大放异彩。它的形成和发展,标志着我国古代文明发展的水平,也反映出我国历代学术思想发展和文学艺术发展的水平。在其源远流长的发展过程中,我国古代美学思想形成自己独特的传... 在我国数千年光辉的文明史中,美学思想以其独有的民族特色而大放异彩。它的形成和发展,标志着我国古代文明发展的水平,也反映出我国历代学术思想发展和文学艺术发展的水平。在其源远流长的发展过程中,我国古代美学思想形成自己独特的传统,从审美观念的形成。 展开更多
关键词 学说 思想形成 理想境界 三家学说 审美趣味 美学思想 无自性 儒学 佛教传入
The Parable of the Three Rings
作者 Claudio Tugnoli 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第3期146-154,共9页
Which is the true religion? In the Middle Ages, the parable of the three rings, in all its versions, is a subtle answer to this question, which uses a persuasive allegory. The allegory of the three rings refers to a ... Which is the true religion? In the Middle Ages, the parable of the three rings, in all its versions, is a subtle answer to this question, which uses a persuasive allegory. The allegory of the three rings refers to a previous allegory, represented by three gems, one real and two fakes. The religion of the philosophers was born from the hidden meaning of the same allegory: universalism, brotherhood of men as children of the one and only God, the transcendence of a single God that cannot be reduced to any particular representation, and love for one's neighbors. The three sons who receive the inheritance of the ring, given by their father, are all loved by him and all three receive a gem that could be the real one. The similarity of the position of the three sons is equivalent to the moral element shared by the three religions: All those who believe in God and his justice put into practice the fundamental teachings of the philosophers. The meaning of the allegory is evident: None of the three sons can claim with certainty the possession of the real ring, but precisely because of this their faith can remain clear, removed from the temptation of pursuing someone because of that person's religion. 展开更多
关键词 allegory of three rings the true religion transcendence of God the religion of philosophers religioustolerance UNIVERSALISM brotherhood of men
《参同契》炼丹功法初探 被引量:1
作者 顾启欧 《宗教学研究》 1985年第S1期32-38,共7页
《参同契》是我国古代介绍气功理论和功法的经典著作之一.作者魏伯阳,东汉会稽(今绍兴)上虞人.他博学多识,对道学造诣尤深,传说他得古人《龙虎经》,领悟其中妙旨,将周易、黄老、炉火三家学说融为一体,以易为经,以阴阳为纲,阐养生之道,... 《参同契》是我国古代介绍气功理论和功法的经典著作之一.作者魏伯阳,东汉会稽(今绍兴)上虞人.他博学多识,对道学造诣尤深,传说他得古人《龙虎经》,领悟其中妙旨,将周易、黄老、炉火三家学说融为一体,以易为经,以阴阳为纲,阐养生之道,述阴阳变化之理,创炼丹之功法,故亦称《周易参同契》.该书语言质朴,借事设喻,寓义宏深。书成后,秘而不传,后为其友所得,加以注释,遂公诸于世.由于文理深奥,历代注家蜂起,先后有后蜀彭晓撰《周易参同契通真义》三卷,宋代朱熹著《参同契考异》、明代王文禄撰《参同契疏略》和清代李光地作《参同契注》等……; 展开更多
关键词 周易参同契 阴阳变化 我国古代 阴阳二气 炼丹 三家学说 养生之道 变化规律 魏伯阳 博学多识
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