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三维模型模拟迭代成图技术在准噶尔盆地南缘复杂构造区构造转深中的应用 被引量:1
作者 肖立新 彭天令 +2 位作者 徐群州 阎桂华 郑新梅 《石油天然气学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期72-75,共4页
霍尔果斯背斜、玛纳斯背斜及吐谷鲁背斜同属准噶尔盆地南缘山前褶皱带第2排构造,这3大构造是早期褶皱与后期断层突破及中深部双层构造的叠加组合。对于这样的复杂构造,常规的速度分析与构造转深误差较大。针对存在的问题,三维模型模拟... 霍尔果斯背斜、玛纳斯背斜及吐谷鲁背斜同属准噶尔盆地南缘山前褶皱带第2排构造,这3大构造是早期褶皱与后期断层突破及中深部双层构造的叠加组合。对于这样的复杂构造,常规的速度分析与构造转深误差较大。针对存在的问题,三维模型模拟迭代这一变速成图方法非常适合南缘复杂构造的时深转换。该方法实现由地震叠加速度形成转深层速度模型,叠加速度谱的拾取强调解释层位与断裂的控制。三维模型模拟迭代变速成图方法提高了准南复杂构造成图精度,在霍、玛、吐背斜带构造成图的应用中取得了良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 高陡构造 变速成图 层速度 三维模型模拟迭代
作者 李颖 秦永 《淄博学院学报(自然科学与工程版)》 2002年第1期54-56,共3页
实现了在AutoCAD中绘制河床的数字模型图以及等高线和三维地面模型的相互转换问题 .
关键词 模拟三维地面模型 水利工程 应用 AUTOCAD 数字地面模型 河床
基于生态用水的地下水系统模拟与优化管理模型 被引量:12
作者 章光新 邓伟 何岩 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期611-618,共8页
通过对地下水系统与生态用水相互作用过程的研究,把生态用水作为重要的用水项目纳入到地下水系统模型考虑范畴,兼顾地下水的经济、环境和生态功能三者统一,在吉林省大安试验区建立了基于生态用水的地下水系统三维模拟与优化管理模型。... 通过对地下水系统与生态用水相互作用过程的研究,把生态用水作为重要的用水项目纳入到地下水系统模型考虑范畴,兼顾地下水的经济、环境和生态功能三者统一,在吉林省大安试验区建立了基于生态用水的地下水系统三维模拟与优化管理模型。采用该模型,分别模拟出试验区1998年和1999年地下水系统水资源各项均衡量,并确定了2000年地下水最佳开采利用方案,实现了地下水资源持续高效利用,取得了良好的经济、生态和社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 地下水系统 生态用水 三维模拟模型 优化管理模型 生态脆弱地区 环境
作者 胡喜玲 徐效美 +1 位作者 孙中红 于洪章 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第1期19-21,共3页
随着微型计算机的计算速度和存储量等性能的提高 ,采用计算机进行小型油藏数值模拟计算成为可能。本文建立了一个柱坐标系下的三维三相单井数值模拟模型 。
关键词 三维三相单井数值模拟模型 定解条件 高斯消去 VISUAL Basic 6.0
作者 张海涛 《新材料·新装饰》 2024年第6期91-94,共4页
BIM技术是一种基于三维数字技术发展而来的建筑信息模型,从设计到施工再到后期运行等环节,通过全景三维模拟的方式,为建筑工程提供完整的数据信息,其在帮助工程参建方减少因设计不合理引发的质量问题和安全隐患方面具有明显优势。近年来... BIM技术是一种基于三维数字技术发展而来的建筑信息模型,从设计到施工再到后期运行等环节,通过全景三维模拟的方式,为建筑工程提供完整的数据信息,其在帮助工程参建方减少因设计不合理引发的质量问题和安全隐患方面具有明显优势。近年来,随着BIM技术的不断优化和改进,其应用范围也逐渐拓宽,尤其在风景园林工程建设中的应用呈现出了无可比拟的优势。基于此,文章结合既往经验,分析BIM技术在风景园林工程建设中的应用优势,提出在碰撞检测、质量控制、成本控制、进度管理、三维可视化、协同管理等方面的具体应用策略,旨在为风景园林工程建设活动有条不紊奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 BIM技术 风景园林工程建设 三维模拟模型
拟三维酸压设计软件研究与应用 被引量:12
作者 胥耘 黄志诚 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期69-75,共7页
该软件建立了酸压相应的拟三维动态裂缝扩展、酸岩反应、井筒及缝中温度场等数学模型,可计算其动态裂缝扩展变化、酸蚀缝长及导流能力、增产倍比等参数,并可以根据需要输出各种设计计算参数随注液时间变化的各种相关变化数据及图形。... 该软件建立了酸压相应的拟三维动态裂缝扩展、酸岩反应、井筒及缝中温度场等数学模型,可计算其动态裂缝扩展变化、酸蚀缝长及导流能力、增产倍比等参数,并可以根据需要输出各种设计计算参数随注液时间变化的各种相关变化数据及图形。该软件可用于施工设计、模拟计算及参数敏感性分析研究,对酸压中的缝高扩展、酸岩反应机理等方面的理论性研究也有重要指导意义。该软件已获总公司开发局采油工程优秀软件开发奖;石油研究院科技进步二等奖。 展开更多
关键词 模拟三维模型 酸化压裂 油层 酸蚀裂缝 软件
引水隧洞施工通风Euler-Lagrange两相流大涡模拟 被引量:10
作者 王晓玲 朱泽彪 +2 位作者 刘震 刘长欣 禹旺 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期725-731,共7页
目前,地下通风两相流研究主要集中在矿井巷道通风且研究多采用雷诺时均法,无法准确获取湍流瞬态信息以及尘粒在湍流脉动影响下的瞬时运移规律.本文基于分子动理学理论,建立考虑热交换的三维非稳态EulerLagrange两相流颗粒轨道大涡模型,... 目前,地下通风两相流研究主要集中在矿井巷道通风且研究多采用雷诺时均法,无法准确获取湍流瞬态信息以及尘粒在湍流脉动影响下的瞬时运移规律.本文基于分子动理学理论,建立考虑热交换的三维非稳态EulerLagrange两相流颗粒轨道大涡模型,实现了对引水隧洞施工通风两相流的大涡数值模拟,揭示了引水隧洞风流场瞬态发展机制及颗粒在大涡结构影响下的运移规律,并验证了模型的准确性.运用该模型模拟某水电站引水隧洞施工通风排尘过程,结果表明:大涡模拟能捕捉到湍流脉动细节,结果较雷诺时均法更接近实际;通风可有效降低工作面附近温度;颗粒分布由初始的颗粒簇逐渐弥散,最终对隧洞全断面造成污染;通风3,700,s后,绝大多数颗粒从隧洞出口排出. 展开更多
关键词 引水隧洞 三维非稳态Euler-Lagrange两相流大涡模拟模型 湍流瞬态信息 粉尘颗粒运移 热交换
光学遥感三维计算机模拟模型的研究进展与应用 被引量:8
作者 卞尊健 漆建波 +9 位作者 吴胜标 王雨生 刘守阳 徐保东 杜永明 曹彪 历华 黄华国 肖青 柳钦火 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期559-576,共18页
三维计算机模拟模型是遥感辐射传输机理研究的重要内容,在复杂地表正向模拟和遥感反演中扮演着重要角色。经过最近20年的发展,三维计算机建模研究取得了显著进展,在地表辐射传输过程分析、模型和算法的验证及遥感反演等方面应用广泛。... 三维计算机模拟模型是遥感辐射传输机理研究的重要内容,在复杂地表正向模拟和遥感反演中扮演着重要角色。经过最近20年的发展,三维计算机建模研究取得了显著进展,在地表辐射传输过程分析、模型和算法的验证及遥感反演等方面应用广泛。为了更加充分理解三维计算机模拟模型的发展和模型间的差异,及探讨如何将其更好的应用于生活、生产,本文对三维计算机模拟模型在光学遥感的研究进行了综述。本文从模型的原理、应用和发展趋势3个方面展开了论述。首先,简要介绍了光线追踪方法和辐射度方法的原理及现有的模型;然后,对三维计算机模拟模型在遥感的主要应用进行了总结;最后,对模型未来的发展趋势展开了讨论,从运行效率、模拟精度和功能集成等方面存在的问题和需求出发,分析了三维计算机模拟模型发展和遥感应用的趋势。随着复杂地表遥感建模研究的深入,计算机技术的发展和多源遥感数据特别是高时空分辨率数据的应用,三维计算机模拟模型将在遥感理论研究和应用发挥更加重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 三维计算机模拟模型 光学遥感 光线追踪 通量追踪 辐射度
The numerical simulation for a 3D two-phase anisotropic medium based on BISQ model 被引量:3
作者 王者江 何樵登 王德利 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期24-34,共11页
Biot-flow and squirt-flow are the two most important fluid flow mechanisms in porous media containing fluids. Based on the BISQ (Biot-Squirt) model where the two mechanisms are treated simultaneously, the elastic wa... Biot-flow and squirt-flow are the two most important fluid flow mechanisms in porous media containing fluids. Based on the BISQ (Biot-Squirt) model where the two mechanisms are treated simultaneously, the elastic wave-field simulation in the porous medium is limited to two-dimensions and two-components (2D2C) or two-dimensions and three-components (2D3C). There is no previous report on wave simulation in three- dimensions and three-components. Only through three dimensional numerical simulations can we have an overall understanding of wave field coupling relations and the spatial distribution characteristics between the solid and fluid phases in the dual-phase anisotropic medium. In this paper, based on the BISQ equation, we present elastic wave propagation in a three dimensional dual-phase anisotropic medium simulated by the staggered-grid high-order finite-difference method. We analyze the resulting wave fields and show that the results are an improvement. 展开更多
关键词 BISQ model three-dimension numerical simulation staggered grid two-phase anisotropic medium.
应用趋势面分析研究煤矿地质构造 被引量:1
作者 于倩楠 《黑龙江科技信息》 2014年第15期115-115,共1页
李坨矿受区域构造及其演化过程的控制,形成的井田构造具有多期次、多性质、多方向和多级别的特点。选择李坨矿7#煤底板标高,利用钻孔勘探资料建立了构造趋势面分析数学模型。通过对7#煤层底板标高1-5次趋势面和偏差图的分析,展现了开滦... 李坨矿受区域构造及其演化过程的控制,形成的井田构造具有多期次、多性质、多方向和多级别的特点。选择李坨矿7#煤底板标高,利用钻孔勘探资料建立了构造趋势面分析数学模型。通过对7#煤层底板标高1-5次趋势面和偏差图的分析,展现了开滦矿区李坨矿的构造分布特征。 展开更多
关键词 构造应力场 三维模拟模型 趋势面分析
作者 李玲 《中国科技财富》 2002年第2期54-59,共6页
关键词 阿波罗登月计划 建筑工程监理 计算机技术 三维模拟模型 监理思想
Research on 3D Distribution of Meandering River Sand Body Using Sedimentary Facies Method and 3D Geological Modeling 被引量:8
作者 WU Jian CAO Dai-yong 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第3期349-352,共4页
Sedimentary facies study is an important method in describing the property and distribution of reservoir. 3D geological modeling is a powerful tool in 3D characterization of geological bodies. By combining the sedimen... Sedimentary facies study is an important method in describing the property and distribution of reservoir. 3D geological modeling is a powerful tool in 3D characterization of geological bodies. By combining the sedimentary facies study with 3D geological modeling to generate 3D sedimentary facies model, the 3D geometry and distribution feature of sand bodies can be more accurately characterized, particularly in 3D view. In Liuchu oilfield of Jizhong depression, the Ed2IV formation was recognized as meandering river deposition facies and five sedimentary facies were identified, which include point bar sand, levee, channel margin, abandoned channel and floodplain. All the 24 sand body facies in Ed2IV were mapped and the 3D sedimentary facies model established based on 2D facies maps. The result shows that the 3D sedimentary facies model is well matched for the research result of sedimentary facies. Being an extension of traditional sedimentary study, the 3D sedimentary facies model can be used to describe the 3D geometry and distribution orders of a single sand body more reliably and more accurately. 展开更多
关键词 sedimentary facies meandering river 3D model geostatistic simulation
基于流路设计的斜隔板引流喷射换热器研究 被引量:1
作者 李传玺 张婷 +3 位作者 郭凯 尹海蛟 刘辉 刘春江 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期41-49,共9页
为提高原油加热等壳程蒸汽冷凝换热工况的换热效果,本文基于流路设计提出了一种斜隔板层间引流喷射型换热器,并采用数值模拟方法进行分析.分别探究了斜隔板倾角、进口流速、层间引流喷射、换热单元层数对换热性能的影响,获得了换热器综... 为提高原油加热等壳程蒸汽冷凝换热工况的换热效果,本文基于流路设计提出了一种斜隔板层间引流喷射型换热器,并采用数值模拟方法进行分析.分别探究了斜隔板倾角、进口流速、层间引流喷射、换热单元层数对换热性能的影响,获得了换热器综合性能(JF因子)与倾斜角、进口流速的经验关联式.结果表明:壳程斜隔板结构能够提高换热器的JF因子,且倾斜角和进口流速的适当增大有利于换热器性能的提高;多段引流喷射能利用进料气引流上一层的乏汽,提高上层乏汽热品位;斜隔板引流喷射结构放大效应小,有利于工业生产. 展开更多
关键词 管壳式换热器 换热强化 壳程蒸汽冷凝 三维模型的流体力学模拟
Failure mechanism and stability analysis of the Zhenggang landslide in Yunnan Province of China using 3D particle flow code simulation 被引量:11
作者 SHI Chong LI De-jie +1 位作者 CHEN Kal-hua ZHOU Jia-wen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期891-905,共15页
Based on the principle of 3D particle flow code,a numerical landslide run-out model is presented to simulate the failure process of the Zhenggang landslide(in southwestern China) under the effect of water after a rain... Based on the principle of 3D particle flow code,a numerical landslide run-out model is presented to simulate the failure process of the Zhenggang landslide(in southwestern China) under the effect of water after a rainfall.The relationship between the micro-mechanical parameters and the macro-shear strength of the grain material is determined through numerical calibrations.Then the rainfall effect is considered in numerical simulations and rain-induced sliding processes are performed,which help us to discuss the mechanism of deformation and failure of this landslide together with field observations.It shows the Zhenggang landslide would most likely be activated in Zone I and would gain momentum in Zone II.In order to prevent the potential disaster,a tailing dam is advised to be designed about 175 m downstream from the current landslide boundary of Zone II.Verified by field observations,the presented landslide model can reflect the failure mechanism after rainfall.It can also provide a method to predict the potential disaster and draft disaster prevention measures. 展开更多
关键词 Back analysis Deposit avalanche Dynamic process LANDSLIDE Particle flow code
Simulation of quasi-dimensional model for diesel engine working process 被引量:1
作者 齐鲲鹏 冯立岩 +2 位作者 冷先银 田江平 隆武强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第4期868-872,共5页
In order to satisfy the demand of validity and real time operating performance of diesel engine model used in hardware-in-the-loop simulation system,a simplified quasi-dimensional model for diesel engine working proce... In order to satisfy the demand of validity and real time operating performance of diesel engine model used in hardware-in-the-loop simulation system,a simplified quasi-dimensional model for diesel engine working process was proposed,which was based on the phase-divided spray mixing model.The software MATLAB/Simulink was utilized to simulate diesel engine performance parameters.The comparisons between calculated results and experimental data show that the relative error of power and brake specific fuel consumption is less than 2.8%,and the relative error of nitric oxide and soot emissions is less than 9.1%.At the same time,the average computational time for simulation of one working process with the new model is 36 s,which presents good real time operating performance of the model.The simulation results also indicate that the nozzle flow coefficient has great influence on the prediction precision of performance parameters in diesel engine simulation model. 展开更多
关键词 diesel engine phase-divided spray mixing model quasi-dimensional model MATLAB/SIMULINK prediction precision
Simulated circulations off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth in spring and autumn 被引量:2
作者 朱建荣 戚定满 肖成猷 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期286-291,共6页
The circulations off the Changjiang mouth in May and November were simulated by a three dimension numerical model with monthly averaged parameters of dynamic factors in this paper. The area covers the East China Sea (... The circulations off the Changjiang mouth in May and November were simulated by a three dimension numerical model with monthly averaged parameters of dynamic factors in this paper. The area covers the East China Sea (ECS), Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Simulated results show that the circulation off the Changjiang mouth in spring and autumn is mainly the Changjiang runoff and Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). The Changjiang discharge is much larger in May than in November, and the wind is westward in May, and southward in November off the Changjiang mouth. The runoff in May branches in three parts, one eastward flows, the other two flow northward and southward along the Subei and Zhejiang coast respectively. The Changjiang diluted water expands eastward off the mouth, and forms a strong salinity front near the mouth. Surface circulation in autumn is similar to that in winter, the runoff southward flows along the coast, and the northward flowing TWC becomes weaker compared to that in spring and summer. The bottom circulations in May and November are mainly the runoffnear the mouth and the TWC offthe mouth, and the runoff and TWC are greater in May than in November. 展开更多
关键词 off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth CIRCULATION numerical simulation Taiwan Warm Current Changjiang runoff
Numerical simulation and analysis of solid-liquid two-phase threedimensional unsteady flow in centrifugal slurry pump 被引量:16
作者 吴波 汪西力 +1 位作者 LIU Hui 徐海良 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期3008-3016,共9页
Based on RNG k-ε turbulence model and sliding grid technique, solid-liquid two-phase three-dimensional(3-D) unsteady turbulence of full passage in slurry pump was simulated by means of Fluent software. The effects of... Based on RNG k-ε turbulence model and sliding grid technique, solid-liquid two-phase three-dimensional(3-D) unsteady turbulence of full passage in slurry pump was simulated by means of Fluent software. The effects of unsteady flow characteristics on solid-liquid two-phase flow and pump performance were researched under design condition. The results show that clocking effect has a significant influence on the flow in pump, and the fluctuation of flow velocity and pressure is obvious, particularly near the volute tongue, at the position of small sections of volute and within diffuser. Clocking effect has a more influence on liquid-phase than on solid-phase, and the wake-jet structure of relative velocity of solid-phase is less obvious than liquid-phase near the volute tongue and the impeller passage outlet. The fluctuation of relative velocity of solid-phase flow is 7.6% smaller than liquid-phase flow at the impeller outlet on circular path. Head and radial forces of the impeller are 8.1% and 85.7% of fluctuation, respectively. The results provide a theoretical basis for further research for turbulence, improving efficient, reducing the hydraulic losses and wear. Finally, field tests were carried out to verify the operation and wear of slurry pump. 展开更多
关键词 slurry pump solid-liquid two-phase flow unsteady flow 3-D full passage numerical simulation
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional combustion flows 被引量:1
作者 TAN Zhi-yong MU Yong ZHENG Hong-tao 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2005年第3期42-46,共5页
A finite-rate method is used to simulate the three-dimensional combustion process in a plasma generator with CH4 as the fuel. The simulation was run with RNG k-ε model to simulate turbulence, with eddy-dissipation-co... A finite-rate method is used to simulate the three-dimensional combustion process in a plasma generator with CH4 as the fuel. The simulation was run with RNG k-ε model to simulate turbulence, with eddy-dissipation-concept (EDC) model to simulate the combustion and with discrete ordinates model to simulate radiation. The numerical results show that the flow field characteristics and the parameter distributions are under the condition of rich fuels, and these results provide valuable information when optimizing the plasma generator design and organizing its flow fields. 展开更多
关键词 plasma generator turbulent flow finite-rate reaction discrete ordinates model numerical simulation
Three-dimensional simulation of sintering crunodes of metal powders or fibers by level set method 被引量:1
作者 谌东东 郑洲顺 +2 位作者 王建忠 汤慧萍 曲选辉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2446-2455,共10页
The difference of sintering crunodes of metal powders and fibers is discussed. The mathematical model of the surface diffusion described by the difference in mean curvature is defined as a Hamilton-Jacobi-type equatio... The difference of sintering crunodes of metal powders and fibers is discussed. The mathematical model of the surface diffusion described by the difference in mean curvature is defined as a Hamilton-Jacobi-type equation, and the model is numerically solved by the level set method. The three-dimensional numerical simulations of two metal powders and fibers(the fiber angle is 0° or 90°) are implemented by this mathematical model, respectively. The numerical simulation results accord with the experimental ones. The sintering neck growth trends of metal powders and metal fibers are similar. The sintering neck radius of metal fibers is larger than that of metal powders. The difference of the neck radius is caused by the difference of geometric structure which makes an important influence on the curvature affecting the migration rate of atoms. 展开更多
关键词 metal fiber metal powder sintering crunodes mean curvature three-dimensional simulation
DPM simulation in an underground entry: Comparison between particle and species models 被引量:10
作者 Thiruvengadam Magesh Zheng Yi Tien Jerry C. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期487-494,共8页
The diesel particulate matter(DPM) emission from diesel powered equipment in underground mines can cause health hazards including cancer to the miners. The understanding of the DPM propagation pattern under realistic ... The diesel particulate matter(DPM) emission from diesel powered equipment in underground mines can cause health hazards including cancer to the miners. The understanding of the DPM propagation pattern under realistic mining condition is required for selecting proper DPM control strategies and to improve working practices in underground mines. In this paper, three dimensional simulations of DPM emission from the exhaust tail pipe of a load-haul-dump(LHD) vehicle and its subsequent distribution inside an isolated zone in the typical underground mine are carried out using two different solution models available in Ansys Fluent. The incoming fresh air into the isolated zone is treated as a continuous phase and DPM is treated either as a continuous phase(gas) or as a secondary discrete phase(particle). Species transport model is used when DPM is treated as gas and discrete phase model is used when DPM is assumed to behave like a particle. The distributions of DPM concentration inside the isolated zone obtained from each method are presented and compared. From the comparison results, an accurate and economical solution technique for DPM evaluation can be selected. 展开更多
关键词 CFD Dead-end DPM Discrete phase model Species transport model
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