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作者 周蕾 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第15期102-104,共3页
本文在新时代背景下,针对大学生思想政治教育的重要性,探讨了“三能力全过程四维度”评价体系如何在提升思想政治教育效果和影响力上发挥积极作用。这个评价体系注重学生专业应用能力、双创能力和文化传播能力的全面提升,强调全过程评... 本文在新时代背景下,针对大学生思想政治教育的重要性,探讨了“三能力全过程四维度”评价体系如何在提升思想政治教育效果和影响力上发挥积极作用。这个评价体系注重学生专业应用能力、双创能力和文化传播能力的全面提升,强调全过程评估和四维度评价方式的使用。研究表明,这种评价体系在提升教学有效性、公正全面地评价学生学习表现以及增强教育目标透明度等方面都表现出显著效果,有效提升了思想政治教育的社会影响力。 展开更多
关键词 系统评价 思想政治教育 三能力 四维度
高素质农民培育的“三能力四模块”模式构建——以江苏农牧科技职业学院为例 被引量:8
作者 袁华根 丁丽军 +1 位作者 蒋平 刘健 《职教通讯》 2021年第3期83-89,共7页
高素质农民有情怀、有本领、能创新,是新型职业农民中的带头人、领头雁。在总结多年培育实践工作经验的基础上,针对不同产业、不同需求的高素质农民,以“优化技术传承能力、塑化产业发展能力、内化带动农民能力”为目标、以“教培资源... 高素质农民有情怀、有本领、能创新,是新型职业农民中的带头人、领头雁。在总结多年培育实践工作经验的基础上,针对不同产业、不同需求的高素质农民,以“优化技术传承能力、塑化产业发展能力、内化带动农民能力”为目标、以“教培资源聚合、中高职衔接培育、多元机制联动、培育质量保障”为核心,江苏农牧科技职业学院构建了“三能力四模块”高素质农民培育模式。 展开更多
关键词 高素质农民 培育模式 三能力四模块”模式 江苏农牧职业技术学院
工科院校MBA智能财务人才“三能力”培养模式研究——以西安电子科技大学MBA为例 被引量:3
作者 张蔚虹 徐婉莹 李玉梅 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期106-112,共7页
技术进步驱动MBA财务人才培养模式的变革,工科院校的技术优势为MBA智能财务人才培养创造了机遇,但是当前智能财务人才培养模式与社会人才需求尚存在差距。本文依据“认知-应用-创新”的思维模式,遵循STEAM教育理念,构建了工科院校MBA智... 技术进步驱动MBA财务人才培养模式的变革,工科院校的技术优势为MBA智能财务人才培养创造了机遇,但是当前智能财务人才培养模式与社会人才需求尚存在差距。本文依据“认知-应用-创新”的思维模式,遵循STEAM教育理念,构建了工科院校MBA智能财务人才“三能力”培养模式,并以西安电子科技大学MBA智能财务人才培养实践为例,通过学科交叉融合、创设智能财务实践情境和校内校外联合培养等实施路径,全面提升MBA学生“财会知识+信息技术”的基础能力、智能财务应用能力和智能财务管理决策能力。为工科院校MBA培养复合型人才提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 工科院校 MBA人才培养模式“三能力 智能财务人才
“双轨三能力”MPAcc人才培养模式探析——基于财务共享趋势 被引量:2
作者 洪荭 李婉嫕 谭欣 《财会通讯(上)》 北大核心 2018年第12期38-42,共5页
经营环境复杂性的大幅提高决定了现代企业财务人员的综合能力必须随之提升,一向以稳健为特性的会计行业面临着巨大的变革。作为主要人才输送基地的高等院校对MPAcc能力培养起着决定性的作用。本文在分析国内MPAcc教育现状的基础上对其... 经营环境复杂性的大幅提高决定了现代企业财务人员的综合能力必须随之提升,一向以稳健为特性的会计行业面临着巨大的变革。作为主要人才输送基地的高等院校对MPAcc能力培养起着决定性的作用。本文在分析国内MPAcc教育现状的基础上对其培养模式进行探讨;并以校企合作为平台,财务共享人才新需求为导向,构建了以理论课程、实践教学相结合来培养基础技能、管理执行与管理决策能力的"双轨三能力"MPAcc培养模式;最后针对财务共享各层面的能力需求提出了业务财务导向、共享财务导向、战略财务导向三条MPAcc人才培养路径,分别为财经类、理工类、综合类三类不同高校构建与优化其MPAcc培养模式提供了可借鉴的方法。 展开更多
关键词 财务共享 双轨三能力 MPAcc人才培养模式
基于“内外结合 三层双轨三能力”模式的会计综合模拟实训改革 被引量:2
作者 崔洁 《财会研究》 2013年第5期40-42,共3页
会计模拟实训教学是高职类会计专业实践教学环节的重中之重,也是高职教育的特色所在。针对目前会计综合模拟实训存在的问题,文章设计了"内外结合,三层双轨三能力"的新体系,以期能够采用新体系培养出适合社会需求的高素质技能... 会计模拟实训教学是高职类会计专业实践教学环节的重中之重,也是高职教育的特色所在。针对目前会计综合模拟实训存在的问题,文章设计了"内外结合,三层双轨三能力"的新体系,以期能够采用新体系培养出适合社会需求的高素质技能型会计人才。 展开更多
关键词 会计模拟实训 内外结合 三层双轨 三能力
作者 沈爱荣 《经济研究导刊》 2014年第33期251-253,259,共4页
多层双轨三能力的会计电算化教学模式在教学过程中把实验学生分成五个层次,尊重学生差异化,针对不同层次的学生确定不同层面的教学任务、采用不同组合的教学方式,达成不同层次的教学目标。以电算化会计为主、手工会计为辅的双轨方式进行... 多层双轨三能力的会计电算化教学模式在教学过程中把实验学生分成五个层次,尊重学生差异化,针对不同层次的学生确定不同层面的教学任务、采用不同组合的教学方式,达成不同层次的教学目标。以电算化会计为主、手工会计为辅的双轨方式进行,培养学生在工作岗位上所需的会计核算、会计审核、会计分析三种能力。通过比较发现,该模式显著地提高了教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 多层 双轨 三能力 会计电算化
人工智能环境下MAud“二元三能力”人才培养模式研究 被引量:2
作者 杜静然 《内蒙古财经大学学报》 2020年第1期77-81,共5页
随着人工智能的兴起,人机协同作业将成为未来审计方式的常态,给审计行业产生巨大冲击。作为高层次审计专业人才输送基地的高校,其教学培养模式对MAud环境适应能力起着关键性作用。本文首先分析了人工智能给审计带来的影响,以此为基础探... 随着人工智能的兴起,人机协同作业将成为未来审计方式的常态,给审计行业产生巨大冲击。作为高层次审计专业人才输送基地的高校,其教学培养模式对MAud环境适应能力起着关键性作用。本文首先分析了人工智能给审计带来的影响,以此为基础探讨了人工智能环境对审计人员专业胜任能力要求;其次分析了我国MAud教育存在的问题,进而构建了理论课程与实践课程并重,培养良好的沟通技能与表达能力、数据采集处理与分析能力以及独立思考与批判性思维能力的"二元三能力"的MAud人才培养模式,为当前高校MAud人才培养提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 二元三能力 MAud人才培养模式
小学科学“三思维、三能力”创新性教学探索 被引量:1
作者 刘国英 《求知导刊》 2021年第23期73-74,共2页
小学科学是一门以培养小学生科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程,肩负着培养小学生创新精神和实践能力的重要使命,倡导以探索为主的学习方式。科学探究学习阶段目标强调的八个要素模拟了科学家研究的过程,每个研究环节对学生的创新性思维都... 小学科学是一门以培养小学生科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程,肩负着培养小学生创新精神和实践能力的重要使命,倡导以探索为主的学习方式。科学探究学习阶段目标强调的八个要素模拟了科学家研究的过程,每个研究环节对学生的创新性思维都有促进作用。科学教师要巧设课堂教学,结合科学探究学习阶段目标,发挥小学科学课程对小学生创新意识培养的优势。文章提出的培养小学生“三思维、三能力”的创新性教学模式对小学科学教学具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 小学科学 “三思维、三能力 学段目标 创新精神
基于“两线三段三能力”模式的会计实训教学体系改革探索 被引量:5
作者 谭庆 杨荣明 《会计师》 2014年第6X期66-68,共3页
会计实训是会计专业学科建设和教学改革的重要内容。社会对会计专业人才的需求发生了较为深刻的变化,如何提高会计专业学生的实践操作能力,让学生实现"零距离上岗",以适应社会的发展变化,成为会计专业教育亟待解决的问题。文... 会计实训是会计专业学科建设和教学改革的重要内容。社会对会计专业人才的需求发生了较为深刻的变化,如何提高会计专业学生的实践操作能力,让学生实现"零距离上岗",以适应社会的发展变化,成为会计专业教育亟待解决的问题。文章针对目前我系会计实训教学体系存在的问题,设计了以学校和企业为两条主线全程参与实训教学各环节,分专业基础技能、专业专项技能、专业综合技能三阶段技能获取,培养学生会计核算、会计检查、财务分析三方面能力的"两线三段三能力"模式的实训教学体系,以期在新体系下能够培养更适合社会需求的高素质应用型会计人才。 展开更多
关键词 会计实训 教学体系 两线三段三能力
药物制剂专业实践教学模式探讨 被引量:7
作者 马远涛 罗国平 +2 位作者 赵宁 王黎 魏彩霞 《药学教育》 2011年第3期49-51,共3页
关键词 药物制剂专业 三能力五模块实践教学模式 教学改革
作者 夏丽 《科技信息》 2011年第13期152-152,147,共2页
关键词 信息类本科生 高水平实验室体系建设 三层次 四结合 三能力
Teleportation Capability of Six-Qubit Cluster State 被引量:2
作者 查新未 宋海洋 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第12期1007-1009,共3页
Recently Wei-Bo Gao et al.[Phys.Rev.Lett.104 (2010) 020501]; reported on the creation of a 4-photon6-qubit cluster state.It is shown this states can be utilized for perfect teleportation of arbitrary three qubit syste... Recently Wei-Bo Gao et al.[Phys.Rev.Lett.104 (2010) 020501]; reported on the creation of a 4-photon6-qubit cluster state.It is shown this states can be utilized for perfect teleportation of arbitrary three qubit systemsand controlled teleportation of an arbitrary two-qubit state.Therefore, the six-qubit cluster state as quantum channelsis equivalent to that of maximally six-qubit entangled state. 展开更多
关键词 six-qubit cluster state TELEPORTATION controlled teleportation
Maximum heat transfer capacity of high temperature heat pipe with triangular grooved wick 被引量:4
作者 沈妍 张红 +2 位作者 许辉 于萍 白穜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期386-391,共6页
A mathematical model was developed to predict the maximum heat transfer capacity of high temperature heat pipe with triangular grooved wick. The effects of the inclination angle and geometry structure were considered ... A mathematical model was developed to predict the maximum heat transfer capacity of high temperature heat pipe with triangular grooved wick. The effects of the inclination angle and geometry structure were considered in the proposed model.Maximum heat transfer capacity was also investigated experimentally. The model was validated by comparing with the experimental results. The maximum heat transfer capacity increases with the vapor core radius increasing. Compared with the inclination angle of0°, the maximum heat transfer capacity increases at the larger inclination angle, and the change with temperature is larger. The performance of heat pipe with triangular grooved wick is greatly influenced by gravity, so it is not recommended to be applied to the dish solar heat pipe receiver. 展开更多
关键词 high temperature heat pipe triangular grooved wick heat transfer capacity
Three-dimensional surface model analysis in the gastrointestinal tract 被引量:1
作者 Donghua Liao Jens B Frφk r +4 位作者 Jian Yang Jingbo Zhao Asbjφrn M Drewes Odd H Gilja Hans Gregersen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第18期2870-2875,共6页
The biomechanical changes during functional loading and unloading of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract are not fully understood. GI function is usually studled by introducing probes in the GI lumen. Computer mod... The biomechanical changes during functional loading and unloading of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract are not fully understood. GI function is usually studled by introducing probes in the GI lumen. Computer modeling offers a promising alternative approach in this regard, with the additional ability to predict regional stresses and strains in inaccessible locations. The tension and stress distributions in the GI tract are related to distensibility (tension-strain relationship) and smooth muscle tone. lore knowledge on the tension and stress on the GI tract are needed to improve diagnosis of patients with gastrointestinal disorders. A modeling framework that can be used to integrate the physiological, anatomical and medical knowledge of the GI system has recently been developed. The 3-D anatomical model was constructed from digital images using ultrasonography, computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (IRI). Different mathematical algorithms were developed for surface analysis based on thin-walled structure and the finite element method was applied for the mucosa-folded three layered esophageal model analysis. The tools may be useful for studying the geometry and biomechanical properties of these organs in health and disease. These studies will serve to test the structurefunction hypothesis of geometrically complex organs. 展开更多
Comparative Analysis of the Separation Variation Influence on the Hydrodynamic Performance of a High Speed Trimaran 被引量:1
作者 Khaled Hafez Abdel-Rahman El-Kot 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第4期377-393,共17页
This paper numerically investigates the influence of separation variation of the outriggers on the hydrodynamic performance of a high speed trimaran (HST) aiming at improving its applicability in diverse realistic d... This paper numerically investigates the influence of separation variation of the outriggers on the hydrodynamic performance of a high speed trimaran (HST) aiming at improving its applicability in diverse realistic disciplines. The present investigation was performed within the framework of the 2-D slender body method (SBM) by calculating the resistance of three symmetric trimaran series moving in a calm free surface of deep water. Each trimaran series comprises of 4681 configurations generated by considering 151 staggers (-50%≤a≤+ 100%), and 31 separations (100%≤β≤400%) for 81 Froude numbers (0.20≤Fn≤ 1.0). In developing the three trimaran series, Wigley-st. AMECRC-09, and NPL-4a models were used separately for both the main and side hulls of each individu;d series models. A computer macro named Tri-PL was created using the Visual Basic for Applications~. Tri-PL~ sequentially interfaced Maxsurfe then Hullspeed to generate the models of the three trimaran series together with their detailed hydrostatic particulars, followed by their resistance components. The numerical results were partially validated against the available published numerical calculations and experimental results, to benchmark the Tri-PL macro and hence to rely on the analysis outcomes. A graph template was creaLed within the framework of SigmaPlot to visualize the significant results of the Tri-PL properlv. 展开更多
关键词 high speed trimaran (HST) hydrodynamic interference factor (HIF) trimaran hydrodynamicperformance separation of outriggers
Three—Body Force Effects on EOS of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter and Proton Fraction in Neutron Star Matter
作者 ZUOWei A.Lejeune +1 位作者 U.Lombardo J.F.Mathiot 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期439-446,共8页
The three-body force effects on the equation of state and its iso-spin dependence of asymmetric nuclear matter and on the proton fraction in neutron star matter have been investigated within Brueckner-Hartree-Fock app... The three-body force effects on the equation of state and its iso-spin dependence of asymmetric nuclear matter and on the proton fraction in neutron star matter have been investigated within Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach by using a microscopic three-body force. It is shown that, even in the presence of the three-body force, the empirical parabolic law of the energy per nucleon vs. isospin asymmetry is fulfilled in the whole asymmetry range and also up to high density. The three-body force provides a strong enhancement of symmetry energy at high density in agreement with relativistic approaches. It also shows that the three-body force leads to a much more rapid increasing of symmetry energy with density in relatively high density region and to a much lower threshold density for the direct URCA process to occur in a neutron star as compared to the predictions adopting only pure two-body force. 展开更多
关键词 three-body force asymmetric nuclear matter ISOSPIN
The automobile steel of the third generation in B-pillar reinforced panel 被引量:2
作者 Du Huijun Li Shuli +2 位作者 Yang Jie Yang Hongxin Bai Kebin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第6期20-22,共3页
The fundamental research and industry, trials of the third generation automobile steel QP980 were introduced in this paper, including chemical ingredient, mechanical properties, microstructure, forming limit and basic... The fundamental research and industry, trials of the third generation automobile steel QP980 were introduced in this paper, including chemical ingredient, mechanical properties, microstructure, forming limit and basic perform- ance parameters. The application of QP steel of the B-pillar was researched, and the QP980, DP600 and hot forming steel were compared in the aspect of formability, safety and cost. The resuhs showed that the QP980 replacing DP600 steel single piece carl reduce the weight by 2.4 kg. The security and performance is basically the same as that of hot forming steel using 22MnB5, and the cost is reduced by 30 %. 展开更多
关键词 the third generation automobile steel B-pillar reintorced panel boron steel
Conditional Generation of Multiparticle Entanglement via Cavity QED 被引量:3
作者 XIANG Shao-Hua SHAO Bin SONG Ke-Hui 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期835-839,共5页
We propose a simple scheme to not only generate GHZ states and W states of the multiparticle but also form a new category of multiparticle entangled states by letting the A-type three-level atoms simultaneously intera... We propose a simple scheme to not only generate GHZ states and W states of the multiparticle but also form a new category of multiparticle entangled states by letting the A-type three-level atoms simultaneously interacting with a coherent cavity field followed by the selective measurements on the cavity mode. We investigate the influence of the cavity dissipation on the generated entangled state and discuss the experimental feasibility of our scheme. It is shown that the intensity of the coherent cavity field plays an instructive role in contribution to state preparation process while the cavity decay and the detuning between the atoms and cavity mode result in the deterioration of the generated entangled state. 展开更多
关键词 multiparticle entanglement gavity QED DECOHERENCE
Third-Harmonic Generated in EH32 Mode of a Gas-Filled WavegUide by fs Laser Pulses
作者 CHEN Bao-Zhen HUANG Zu-Qia 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期567-568,共2页
In this paper it is reported for the first time that the third harmonic generated in EH32 mode of a gas-filled waveguide by fs pulses has higher generation efficiency. The new finding contrasts with the experiment in... In this paper it is reported for the first time that the third harmonic generated in EH32 mode of a gas-filled waveguide by fs pulses has higher generation efficiency. The new finding contrasts with the experiment in It. G. Durfee Ⅲ, S. Backus, M.M. Murnane, and H.C. Kapteyn, Opt. Left. 22 (1997) 1565]. Some possible factors, which produce the contradiction, are discussed briefly. 展开更多
关键词 gas-filled waveguide fs pulses third harmonic energy-pressure curves
Performance prediction of gravity concentrator by using artificial neural network-a case study 被引量:3
作者 Panda Lopamudra Tripathy Sunil Kumar 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期461-465,共5页
In conventional chromite beneficiation plant, huge quantity of chromite is used to loss in the form of tailing. For recovery these valuable mineral, a gravity concentrator viz. wet shaking table was used.Optimisation ... In conventional chromite beneficiation plant, huge quantity of chromite is used to loss in the form of tailing. For recovery these valuable mineral, a gravity concentrator viz. wet shaking table was used.Optimisation along with performance prediction of the unit operation is necessary for efficient recovery.So, in this present study, an artificial neural network(ANN) modeling approach was attempted for predicting the performance of wet shaking table in terms of grade(%) and recovery(%). A three layer feed forward neural network(3:3–11–2:2) was developed by varying the major operating parameters such as wash water flow rate(L/min), deck tilt angle(degree) and slurry feed rate(L/h). The predicted value obtained by the neural network model shows excellent agreement with the experimental values. 展开更多
关键词 Chromite Artificial neural network Wet shaking table Performance prediction Back propagation algorithm
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