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作者 董晓光 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第2期29-32,共4页
关键词 三色图 充分条件
一类三圈三色本原有向图指数上界 被引量:1
作者 罗美金 侯宗毅 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第1期151-154,共4页
关键词 本原 三色图 有向 指数 上界
作者 施素娇 《温州文物》 2022年第1期90-96,共7页
加强文物安全工作是一项长期任务,也是当前重要而紧迫的基础工作。瓯海区通过政府购买服务,与软件技术公司合作,基于微信小程序平台开发了“三色图”平台,对全国重点文物单位、市(区)级文物保护单位、“三普”登录点等不可移动文物进行... 加强文物安全工作是一项长期任务,也是当前重要而紧迫的基础工作。瓯海区通过政府购买服务,与软件技术公司合作,基于微信小程序平台开发了“三色图”平台,对全国重点文物单位、市(区)级文物保护单位、“三普”登录点等不可移动文物进行分色、分类、分级管理,开展线上跟踪不可移动文物数据管理、日常巡查及管理、信息查询、宣传教育等,落实文物安全责任,使文物安全管理水平显著提高。 展开更多
关键词 三色图 不可移动文物 数字化管理体系 文物安全
基于模糊估计融合显著性检测的自动抠图算法 被引量:2
作者 裴晓康 王贵锦 林行刚 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期3945-3947,3955,共4页
提出了一种新的自动抠图算法框架。首先,估计输入图像各个区域的模糊程度;其次,对图像进行显著性的计算;然后融合模糊度和显著性信息,大致分割出前景和背景,从而自动生成标注前景、背景、未知区域的三色图;最后,采用基于采样的抠图算法... 提出了一种新的自动抠图算法框架。首先,估计输入图像各个区域的模糊程度;其次,对图像进行显著性的计算;然后融合模糊度和显著性信息,大致分割出前景和背景,从而自动生成标注前景、背景、未知区域的三色图;最后,采用基于采样的抠图算法就可以准确地完成前景目标物体的自动抠图。该算法无须人工辅助或附加信息。在标准数据集和实拍图像上的实验结果证明了该算法的准确性和实用性,可广泛应用于图像和视频的编辑合成。 展开更多
关键词 自动抠 自然背景 模糊估计 显著性检测 三色图生成
作者 周昕 《计算机时代》 2006年第7期14-16,30,共4页
介绍全自动彩色票据验印系统实现过程中的关键技术:预留印签属性的自动分析、不同外形印章的快速检测定位、待检测印章与预留印鉴图像的精确对齐、以及基于对齐的三色图和由预留印签属性分析阶段获取的笔画轮廓点的离散法向图进行印章比... 介绍全自动彩色票据验印系统实现过程中的关键技术:预留印签属性的自动分析、不同外形印章的快速检测定位、待检测印章与预留印鉴图像的精确对齐、以及基于对齐的三色图和由预留印签属性分析阶段获取的笔画轮廓点的离散法向图进行印章比对,组合最佳点匹配相似度和笔画可信度产生两枚印章的相似性比分,用于印章真假性判断。该系统能处理多种类型印章的自动识别、快速处理和印章检测,并具有较高的识别率。 展开更多
关键词 预留印签 提取 轮廓点离散法向 幅度谱特征向量 三色图
《科技创新导报》 2016年第5期177-177,共1页
提供了用于从输入图像中分割出前景对象的方法、装置以及系统。该方法包括:获取输入图像及其深度信息;基于输入图像的深度信息,对输入图像进行粗略分割以获得粗略前景区域;获取输入图像的运动信息,基于该运动信息根据该粗略前景区域生... 提供了用于从输入图像中分割出前景对象的方法、装置以及系统。该方法包括:获取输入图像及其深度信息;基于输入图像的深度信息,对输入图像进行粗略分割以获得粗略前景区域;获取输入图像的运动信息,基于该运动信息根据该粗略前景区域生成三色图;以及根据生成的三色图分割出前景图像。由此,基于深度信息以及运动信息生成三色图,从而能够根据该三色图更准确地将前景对象分离出来。 展开更多
关键词 像分割方法 装置 深度信息 运动信息 三色图 前景 输入 分割
作者 蒋嘉胜 王艳霞 +2 位作者 龚庆 张英 宋波 《安全》 2024年第7期38-42,共5页
为有效预警地下管线安全问题,满足现场对易观察的安全指标的需要,分析地下管线的损伤变形特征,基于现有的地下管线安全预警评价指标,结合管线的大变形和小变形特征,总结各常见损伤对管线安全影响较大的因素,提出针对地下管线的两阶段预... 为有效预警地下管线安全问题,满足现场对易观察的安全指标的需要,分析地下管线的损伤变形特征,基于现有的地下管线安全预警评价指标,结合管线的大变形和小变形特征,总结各常见损伤对管线安全影响较大的因素,提出针对地下管线的两阶段预警方法与地下管线变形过程安全预警三色图,并以地下管线下方出现空洞并逐渐扩大为例进行说明。结果表明:该方法能够直观、方便地判断管线在变形过程中的安全状态,为地下管线事故和隐患的决策提供参考信息,以便于决策方和施工方能够快速直观地判断管线安全。 展开更多
关键词 地下管线 损伤变形 管线大变形 两阶段预警 安全预警三色图
运动链的拓扑表示及其回路特性的研究 被引量:5
作者 李团结 曹惟庆 褚金奎 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第9期31-33,共3页
关键词 拓扑 三色图 基本回路 运动链
齿轮连杆机构结构分解的研究 被引量:3
作者 曹惟庆 褚金奎 +1 位作者 严天宏 吕传毅 《西安理工大学学报》 CAS 1998年第3期223-229,246,共8页
提出一种齿轮连杆机构的数学表达法——三色图法。将型转化理论拓广于齿轮连杆机构的分析中,使任一齿轮连杆机构都可以分解为单构件和广义双杆组。从而解决了齿轮连杆机构分析过程中高级杆组求解难的问题,为齿轮连杆机构的通用运动分... 提出一种齿轮连杆机构的数学表达法——三色图法。将型转化理论拓广于齿轮连杆机构的分析中,使任一齿轮连杆机构都可以分解为单构件和广义双杆组。从而解决了齿轮连杆机构分析过程中高级杆组求解难的问题,为齿轮连杆机构的通用运动分析奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 齿轮连杆机构 结构分解 三色图 型转化理论
齿轮系机构结构的数字表达 被引量:2
作者 饶建华 陈汉 +1 位作者 邓群 周传勇 《湖北工学院学报》 2002年第2期16-17,共2页
引用三色树描述齿轮系机构结构 ,讨论了从齿轮系机构三色图到三色树的要求 .提出用齿轮系机构结构三色树的双亲数组和叶子偶数组数字表达齿轮系机构结构 ,实现齿轮系机构结构信息的计算机识别和存储 .
关键词 数字表达 齿轮系机构 结构 三色图 计算机识别 双亲数组 叶子偶数组
基于栅格的空间连接查询 被引量:2
作者 李俊洁 郝忠孝 《哈尔滨理工大学学报》 CAS 2008年第2期1-4,共4页
空间查询的效率估计是空间数据库中一个重要问题.空间操作交运算是最常用的谓词.但是,两个空间对象的精确相交测试是空间连接过程中最耗时、最耗I/O的.空间对象近似的使用可以减少为了相交对象而检查空间对象的具体形状的必要性.本文提... 空间查询的效率估计是空间数据库中一个重要问题.空间操作交运算是最常用的谓词.但是,两个空间对象的精确相交测试是空间连接过程中最耗时、最耗I/O的.空间对象近似的使用可以减少为了相交对象而检查空间对象的具体形状的必要性.本文提出了一种新的栅格近似(三色栅格标识图-3CRS)来表示不同的数据类型,被用作查询处理中的过滤器.并给出了实际数据测试(多边形、线、点)的实验,结果表明,本文所提方法是有效的. 展开更多
关键词 栅格标识(3CRS) 空间连接 空间数据库
Automatic Defect Detection and Grading of Single-Color Fruits Using HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) Color Space 被引量:1
作者 Saeideh Gorji Kandi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第7期39-45,共7页
Machine vision has been recently utilized for quality control of food and agricultural products, which was traditionally done by manual inspection. The present study was an attempt for automatic defect detection and s... Machine vision has been recently utilized for quality control of food and agricultural products, which was traditionally done by manual inspection. The present study was an attempt for automatic defect detection and sorting of some single-color fruits such as banana and plum. Fruit images were captured using a color digital camera with capturing direction of zero degree and under illuminant D65. It was observed that growing decay and time-aging made surface color changes in bruised parts of the object. 3D RGB and HSV color vectors as well as a single channel like H (hue), S (saturation), V (value) and grey scale images were applied for color quantization of the object. Results showed that there was a distinct threshold in the histogram of the S channel of images which can be applied to separate the object from its background. Moreover, the color change via the defect and time-aging is correctly distinguishable in the hue channel image. The effect of illumination, gloss and shadow of 3D image processing is less noticeable for hue data in comparison to saturation and value. The value of H channel was quantized to five groups based on the difference between each pixel value and the H value of a healthy object. The percentage of different degree of defects can be computed and used for grading the fruits. 展开更多
关键词 Machine vision HSV color space FRUIT GRADING defect detection.
Pulse Amplification in Dispersion-Decreasing Fibers with Symbolic Computation
作者 LIU Wen-Jun TIAN Bo +2 位作者 XU Tao CAI Ke-Jie ZHANG Huan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1076-1080,共5页
The pulse amplification in the dispersion-decreasing fiber (DDF) is investigated via symbolic computation to solve the variable-coefficient higher-order nonlinear Schrfdinger equation with the effects of third-order... The pulse amplification in the dispersion-decreasing fiber (DDF) is investigated via symbolic computation to solve the variable-coefficient higher-order nonlinear Schrfdinger equation with the effects of third-order dispersion, self-steepening, and stimulated Raman scattering. The analytic one-soliton solution of this model is obtained with a set of parametric conditions. Based on this solution, the fundamental soliton is shown to be amplified in the DDF. The comparison of the amplitude of pulses for different dispersion profiles of the DDF is also performed through the graphical analysis. The results of this paper would be of certain value to the study of signal amplification and pulse compression. 展开更多
关键词 fundamental soliton pulse amplication variable-coefficient higher-order nonlinear Schrodingerequation symbolic computation dispersion-decreasing fiber
结合Kinect深度图的快速视频抠图算法 被引量:16
作者 何贝 王贵锦 林行刚 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期561-565,570,共6页
现有视频抠图算法主要存在人机交互繁琐、计算复杂度高的问题,为此,该文提出了一种利用Kinect深度图的新的快速视频抠图算法。首先结合彩色图信息改进区域生长算法,估计出三色图(原始图像被3种颜色标记出前景、背景和未知区域)以避免深... 现有视频抠图算法主要存在人机交互繁琐、计算复杂度高的问题,为此,该文提出了一种利用Kinect深度图的新的快速视频抠图算法。首先结合彩色图信息改进区域生长算法,估计出三色图(原始图像被3种颜色标记出前景、背景和未知区域)以避免深度图中遮挡区域的影响。其次,提出前景和背景样本点集二次筛选机制,保证估计精度的同时大幅降低计算复杂度。最后,采用深度、彩色和置信度图对抠图结果进行加权滤波,减少不透明度图像中低置信度的像素点和不平滑区域。实验结果证明了该算法精度高、速度快且交互简单。 展开更多
关键词 视频抠 Kinect深度 三色图生成 样本点集筛选 加权滤波
Relighting multiple color textures
作者 刁常宇 鲁东明 刘刚 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1284-1289,共6页
With the development of digital library technology, library books made of paper can be digital released and read, and Endangered Cultural Heritages can be preserved. Traditional library's contents and functions can b... With the development of digital library technology, library books made of paper can be digital released and read, and Endangered Cultural Heritages can be preserved. Traditional library's contents and functions can be greatly enhanced by digital technologies. For these new library objects, the primary key problem is precisely reconstructing their 3D models. When constructing complete 3D models, multiple color texture maps are often necessary. A commonly encountered problem uncounted during fusing of textures from multiple color images is color distortion. Each texture of a single 3D model may be obtained under possibly different lighting conditions and color response of the camera. To remove any visible seam and improve color consistency between the textures while avoiding color distortion, we propose a new efficient algorithm to relight all the texture images globally, spread residual light difference, and recolor each image by homogeneous transformation. A relative illumination model was adopted to obtain the relighting function. We choose lαβ color space with minimal correlation between channels for many natural scenes, for calculating the relighting result. Looking into two overlapped images A and B, we can pairwise relight B into A's luminosity condition in two steps. We first scale B's l channel by the lA/lB ratio of the overlapped region. We can assume A and B are in a same color plane now. Then a homogeneous transformation is applied to B's a and fl channels which moves B into A's hue and saturation condition. For multiple overlapped color textures, a patch based weighted global relighting method was proposed to minimize the total color difference. The pairwise relighting method was used between each two overlapped images, and the difference in every overlapped region after relighting was weighted and summed up to construct an energy value. We used Nelder-Mead method to find a minimal energy value and the relighting parameters for every image. After global relighting, textures become almost coherent. We simply blended the overlapped region along the texture border to remove small visual seams and get a final result. We illustrate our method by calibrating textures of a painted sculpture acquired with laser scanner. Experimental results were realistic and reliable and showed how this method can fuse multiple textures without color distortion. 展开更多
关键词 Texture relighting DIGITIZATION Color correction Texture blending
Area Variation Based Color Snake Algorithm for Moving Object Tracking
作者 Shoum-ik ROYCHOUDHURY Young-joon HAN 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第1期46-49,共4页
A snake algorithm has been known that it has a strong point in extracting the exact contour of an object. But it is apt to be influenced by scattered edges around the control points. Since the shape of a moving object... A snake algorithm has been known that it has a strong point in extracting the exact contour of an object. But it is apt to be influenced by scattered edges around the control points. Since the shape of a moving object in 2D image changes a lot due to its rotation and translation in the 3D space, the conventional algorithm that takes into account slowly moving objects cannot provide an appropriate solution. To utilize the advantages of the snake algorithm while minimizing the drawbacks, this paper proposes the area variation based color snake algorithm for moving object tracking. The proposed algorithm includes a new energy term which is used for preserving the shape of an object between two consecutive images. The proposed one can also segment precisely interesting objects on complex image since it is based on color information. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is very effective in various environments. 展开更多
关键词 color snake algorithm area variation moving object tracking snake energy SEGMENTATION
An equivalence canonical form of a matrix triplet over an arbitrary division ring with applications 被引量:4
作者 WANG QingWen van der WOUDE J. W. YU ShaoWen 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第5期907-924,共18页
We in this paper give a decomposition concerning the general matrix triplet over an arbitrary divisionring F with the same row or column numbers. We also design a practical algorithm for the decomposition of thematrix... We in this paper give a decomposition concerning the general matrix triplet over an arbitrary divisionring F with the same row or column numbers. We also design a practical algorithm for the decomposition of thematrix triplet. As applications, we present necessary and suficient conditions for the existence of the generalsolutions to the system of matrix equations DXA = C1, EXB = C2, F XC = C3 and the matrix equation AXD + BY E + CZF = Gover F. We give the expressions of the general solutions to the system and the matrix equation when thesolvability conditions are satisfied. Moreover, we present numerical examples to illustrate the results of thispaper. We also mention the other applications of the equivalence canonical form, for instance, for the compressionof color images. 展开更多
关键词 division ring linear matrix equation equivalence canonical form of a matrix triplet DECOMPOSITION
Colored 3D surface reconstruction using Kinect sensor 被引量:1
作者 郭连朋 陈向宁 +1 位作者 陈颖 刘彬 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2015年第2期153-156,共4页
A colored 3D surface reconstruction method which effectively fuses the information of both depth and color image using Microsoft Kinect is proposed and demonstrated by experiment.Kinect depth images are processed with... A colored 3D surface reconstruction method which effectively fuses the information of both depth and color image using Microsoft Kinect is proposed and demonstrated by experiment.Kinect depth images are processed with the improved joint-bilateral filter based on region segmentation which efficiently combines the depth and color data to improve its quality.The registered depth data are integrated to achieve a surface reconstruction through the colored truncated signed distance fields presented in this paper.Finally,the improved ray casting for rendering full colored surface is implemented to estimate color texture of the reconstruction object.Capturing the depth and color images of a toy car,the improved joint-bilateral filter based on region segmentation is used to improve the quality of depth images and the peak signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR)is approximately 4.57 d B,which is better than 1.16 d B of the joint-bilateral filter.The colored construction results of toy car demonstrate the suitability and ability of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 COLOR Color image processing Image processing Image segmentation Rendering (computer graphics) Signal to noise ratio
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