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作者 王连奎 《863航天技术通讯》 1992年第12期80-89,共10页
关键词 单级入轨 推进系统 分段上升结构
作者 赵飞 《中外企业家》 2015年第10X期206 208-,共2页
关键词 起重机械上升结构 正反向接触器 故障保护原理
上升段结构参数对流动密封阀运行特性的影响 被引量:1
作者 苏鹏翼 董鹏飞 +2 位作者 王小芳 邓朝阳 朱治平 《中国粉体技术》 CAS CSCD 2020年第3期31-38,共8页
针对循环流化床煤气化炉的传统流动密封阀在高循环流率工况下存在抗逆压差性能不足的问题,设计了3种具有不同上升段与下降段管径比和插深比的流动密封阀;通过开展冷态实验,研究了上升段结构的不同参数对流动密封阀运行特性的影响规律。... 针对循环流化床煤气化炉的传统流动密封阀在高循环流率工况下存在抗逆压差性能不足的问题,设计了3种具有不同上升段与下降段管径比和插深比的流动密封阀;通过开展冷态实验,研究了上升段结构的不同参数对流动密封阀运行特性的影响规律。研究结果表明:在正常运行工况下,增大上升段与下降段的管径比有利于提高流动密封阀的循环流率与抗逆压差能力;上升段插深比过大时不利于循环回路稳定运行;通过对比3种流动密封阀运行特性发现管径比为1.4、插深比为1.0时的流动密封阀具有最佳的返料能力与抗逆压差能力。 展开更多
关键词 流动密封阀 上升结构 运行特性 抗逆压差 循环流率
作者 陈永 《玻璃与搪瓷》 CAS 北大核心 1996年第3期19-22,共4页
上升道结构对高铅玻璃管条纹的影响陈永(石家庄宝石电子集团公司玻管厂050041)电子工业用的高铅玻璃管应具备耐高温、高频、高绝缘和防X射线等性质。条纹是玻璃管生产中常见的缺陷,主要是由于化学组成不均匀造成的,即玻璃主... 上升道结构对高铅玻璃管条纹的影响陈永(石家庄宝石电子集团公司玻管厂050041)电子工业用的高铅玻璃管应具备耐高温、高频、高绝缘和防X射线等性质。条纹是玻璃管生产中常见的缺陷,主要是由于化学组成不均匀造成的,即玻璃主体内存在异类玻璃夹杂物,因为两者化... 展开更多
关键词 玻璃管 高铅玻璃管 上升结构 条纹 熔炉
作者 任烈 王瑞红 《经济研究参考》 1996年第ZH期45-46,共2页
关税减让有利于逐步实现中国价格结构的调整,使其向合理化方向发展。因为国际市场价格结构基本上是在国际市场供求关系作用下形成的,是同种或同类商品市场竞争的结果。西方发达国家在国际市场上占主导地位,国际市场价格结构客观上反映... 关税减让有利于逐步实现中国价格结构的调整,使其向合理化方向发展。因为国际市场价格结构基本上是在国际市场供求关系作用下形成的,是同种或同类商品市场竞争的结果。西方发达国家在国际市场上占主导地位,国际市场价格结构客观上反映了产业结构、价格结构的国际化趋势。 展开更多
关键词 价格结构 关税减让 国际市场价格 国内价格 原材料 产品价格 基础产业 基础产品 国际化趋势 上升结构
作者 大愚和尚 《股市动态分析》 2012年第52期30-30,共1页
笔者在2012年1月3日提出了一组日线时间:"1月31日、2月24日(20日)、3月16日(29日)、4月18日、5月10日(4日)、7月13日、8月16日(22日)、10月26日、12月12日,其中,1月31日与5月10日(4日)前后特别重要。"此组时间虽然因计数及假... 笔者在2012年1月3日提出了一组日线时间:"1月31日、2月24日(20日)、3月16日(29日)、4月18日、5月10日(4日)、7月13日、8月16日(22日)、10月26日、12月12日,其中,1月31日与5月10日(4日)前后特别重要。"此组时间虽然因计数及假期等有所误差,但基本属有效,2012年度重要的大阳线或大阴线均在此组时间周期当中。应杂志社约稿,笔者重新计算了2013年出现大阳(阴)线的时间节点,敬请大家关注。市场在本周四个交易日中呈现出了续创新高后高位震荡的走势,整体表现强势。预期市场将会展开一段针对1949点上升的调整。 展开更多
关键词 上升结构 整体表现 猜想 交易日 点位 时间周期 重新计算 开始时间 节点 大阳
论志贺直哉《在城崎》中的死亡意识 被引量:9
作者 肖书文 《云梦学刊》 2006年第6期117-120,共4页
日本著名作家志贺直哉的名作《在城崎》描写了三个象征性的小动物的死亡过程。蜜蜂的自然死亡给人提供了一种对死亡的日常自然的“亲切感”,死亡意识尚未突显出来;老鼠临死亡前的拼命挣扎喻示了一种强烈的死亡意识,但仍然是自然层次上的... 日本著名作家志贺直哉的名作《在城崎》描写了三个象征性的小动物的死亡过程。蜜蜂的自然死亡给人提供了一种对死亡的日常自然的“亲切感”,死亡意识尚未突显出来;老鼠临死亡前的拼命挣扎喻示了一种强烈的死亡意识,但仍然是自然层次上的,导致死者与生者之间不能沟通;蝾螈的偶然之死则上升到对死亡的哲学思考,达到了对万物和众生的亲近感和慈悲心,但也带来一种悲观厌世的情绪。然而作者并未停留于这种情绪,而是在更深的层次上打开了一个对于死亡意识加以思考的广阔空间。 展开更多
关键词 死亡意识 平常心 自然态度 偶然性 上升结构
产教融合视角下实践教学体系构建研究 被引量:6
作者 张颖 李孟歆 许可 《科技与创新》 2020年第12期123-124,共2页
在一流本科专业建设和工程教育认证毕业要求的双重驱动下,从提高人才工程实践能力入手,以产教融合的视角,对实践教学体系的构建进行了研究。采用三元模式双螺旋上升结构构建了面向产教融合的培养模式,通过模块化的教学体系支撑人才培养... 在一流本科专业建设和工程教育认证毕业要求的双重驱动下,从提高人才工程实践能力入手,以产教融合的视角,对实践教学体系的构建进行了研究。采用三元模式双螺旋上升结构构建了面向产教融合的培养模式,通过模块化的教学体系支撑人才培养模式的实施,是解决人才培养工程实践能力的方案之一。 展开更多
关键词 产教融合 三元模式双螺旋上升结构 模块化教学体系 实践教学体系
作者 胡晓研 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第1期8-11,共4页
本文是从现代日、汉语言的异同点出发 ,对两种语言进行比较研究的纲要。这种比较不是两种语言共同点和不同点的全部 ,只是简要地就两种语言 (侧重语法 )的主要特点的比较。本文分Ⅰ、Ⅱ两部分 ,第Ⅰ部分从 1 8个方面比较了两种语言的共... 本文是从现代日、汉语言的异同点出发 ,对两种语言进行比较研究的纲要。这种比较不是两种语言共同点和不同点的全部 ,只是简要地就两种语言 (侧重语法 )的主要特点的比较。本文分Ⅰ、Ⅱ两部分 ,第Ⅰ部分从 1 8个方面比较了两种语言的共同点 ,第Ⅱ部分从 1 展开更多
关键词 共同点 上升结构 下降结构 主语
作者 陈亮 《股市动态分析》 2019年第15期22-23,共2页
市场本周运行的是上升周期,但上升的力度并不明显,仍然是在4月8日的高点3288点之下进行高位区间震荡。上证指数本周前四个交易日探底回升走强,离前期高点3288点仅一步之遥,但受制于量能无法持续有效放大的压制而并没有形成向上的突破,... 市场本周运行的是上升周期,但上升的力度并不明显,仍然是在4月8日的高点3288点之下进行高位区间震荡。上证指数本周前四个交易日探底回升走强,离前期高点3288点仅一步之遥,但受制于量能无法持续有效放大的压制而并没有形成向上的突破,盘中表现的不够果断、犹犹豫豫的。创业板指数本周前四个交易日从运行格局上与上证指数大同相小异,均是探底回升、高位区间震荡运行反弹. 展开更多
关键词 上证指数 创业板指数 上升结构
作者 陈亮 《股市动态分析》 2013年第21期34-34,共1页
关键词 周线 上升结构
Numerical evaluation of uplifting effect for upper structure by grouting 被引量:10
作者 章敏 王星华 汪优 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期553-561,共9页
A stratum grouting-soil-structure interaction model which simplified the grouted zone into a series of spherical grout bulbs was established using FLAC3D program. The hypothetical non-uniform expansion process to reac... A stratum grouting-soil-structure interaction model which simplified the grouted zone into a series of spherical grout bulbs was established using FLAC3D program. The hypothetical non-uniform expansion process to reach an assigned volume strain due to soil compression by grouting was achieved by imposing radial velocity on outer mesh nodes of these spheres. This new method avoids the repeated trial calculation needed in the traditional method which applied a fictitious expanding pressure in the grouting element. The deformation and additional internal forces of structure were investigated during each grouting strategy and the influences of various stiffness of grouting proof curtain and bearing capacity of pile tip were discussed simultaneously. The numerical model is proved to be effective to replicate general behavior expected in the field and is capable of modeling the uplifting effect for the surface structure by grouting. 展开更多
关键词 GROUTING ground uplifting soil-structure interaction numerical simulation
Biomarker Records of Phytoplankton Productivity and Community Structure Changes During the Last 14000 Years in the Mud Area Southwest off Cheju Island, East China Sea 被引量:11
作者 YUAN Zineng XING Lei +3 位作者 LI Li ZHANG Hailong XIANG Rong ZHAO Meixun 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期611-618,共8页
The ecological environment in the East China Sea(ECS)and the Yellow Sea(YS)has changed significantly due to sea-level rising and the Kuroshio incursion since the last deglaciation.In this study,biomarker records of co... The ecological environment in the East China Sea(ECS)and the Yellow Sea(YS)has changed significantly due to sea-level rising and the Kuroshio incursion since the last deglaciation.In this study,biomarker records of core F10B from the mud area southwest off Cheju Island(MSWCI)were generated to evaluate phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in response to environmental evolution during the last 14 kyr.The contents of diatom,dinoflagellate and haptophyte biomarkers(brassicasterol,dinosterol and C37alkenones)display similar trends,with increasing phytoplankton productivity during the last 14kyr due to the increased influences of the Kuroshio,and especially due to the eddy-induced upwelling during the late Holocene.On the other hand,the contents of terrestrial biomarkers(C28+C30+C32n-alkanols)and terrestrial organic matter(TOM)proxies(TMBR′and BIT)all reveal decreasing TOM input into the area around the sampling site for the 14 kyr,mostly due to sea-level ris-ing.Phytoplankton biomarker ratios reveal a shift from a haptophyte-dominated community at 6.2 2.5 kyr BP to a diatom-dominated community at 2.5 1.45 kyr BP,likely caused by a stronger cold eddy circulation system at 2.5 1.45 kyr BP in the MSWCI. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMARKER East China Sea PRODUCTIVITY community structure TMBR BIT
Direct reduction of carburized pre-reduced pellets by microwave heating 被引量:2
作者 胡兵 黄柱成 +1 位作者 易凌云 姜涛 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期351-357,共7页
A new iron-making process using carburized pre-reduced iron ore pellets and microwave heating is investigated. The pre-reduced pellets, with a porous structure, and fine particles are carburized homogeneously at 400-6... A new iron-making process using carburized pre-reduced iron ore pellets and microwave heating is investigated. The pre-reduced pellets, with a porous structure, and fine particles are carburized homogeneously at 400-650 ℃ in a CO atmosphere. The carburized carbon not only acts reaction as a reduction agent, but also absorbs microwave in the reduction process. Hence, the carburized pre-reduced pellets can be rapidly reduced by microwave heating. There are three procedures involved in the process, namely, gas-based pre-reduction, low-temperatttre carburization and deep reduction by microwave heating. Carburized pre-reduced iron ore pellets show a rapid temperature rise that is twice as fast as the results for pre-reduced pellets in the laboratory. This not only improves the efficiency of the microwave heating, but also accelerates the reduction of iron oxides. The temperature of the pre-reduced pellets rises to 1050 ℃ in 45 min when the carburization rate is 2.02%, and the metallization rate and compressive strength reach 94.24% and 1725 N/pellet, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 oxidized pellets PRE-REDUCTION CARBURIZING microwave heating direct reduction
The Properties of the Hyper Relation R_i
作者 MI Hong-hai,YAN Guang-xia (School of Science, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 30 0130, China) 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2003年第3期297-301,共5页
In this paper we discuss the basic properti es of hyper relationR i, which is upgraded from the base re lation R. The relationship between R i and R is con sidered.
关键词 RELATION UPGRADE hyper relation mathematics struct ure
Impact of Passive Heave Compensator on Offshore Lifting 被引量:2
作者 Arvind Keprate 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第4期166-180,共15页
Splash zone crossing of the structures with large horizontal surface (e.g. manifolds) and the structures having large weight variation in water and air (e.g. suction anchors) is a critical marine operation. This i... Splash zone crossing of the structures with large horizontal surface (e.g. manifolds) and the structures having large weight variation in water and air (e.g. suction anchors) is a critical marine operation. This is due to the large slamming forces and added mass of the structure, which results in high dynamic loads on the crane. The solution to this could be attaching a PHC (Passive Heave Compensator) between the crane hook and the payload. This paper analyzes the deployment of a subsea manifold with and without PHC unit in North Sea at a water depth of approximately 370 m. A detailed dynamic analysis is done for a seastate of 3 m significant wave height (Hs) over a range of zero up-crossing period (Tz) varying from 3s to 13 s. For better understanding of the result analysis has been done in two stages. The first stage covers the lowering of manifold through the splash zone while second stage covers the seabed landing of the manifold. Based on the results of the analyses it is concluded that PHC tends to reduce the dynamic peak load on the crane. Besides this, it also mitigates the risk of slack wire situations during splash zone crossing of the payload. Furthermore, reduction in both landing velocity and crane tip velocity is also achieved by using a well-designed PHC unit. 展开更多
关键词 PHC dynamic analysis Orcaflex.
Analysis of a Concrete Structure that Was Exposed to Fires in the Metropolitan Region of Recife
作者 Romildo Alves Berenguer Adauto de Holanda Barbosa +2 位作者 Eliana Cristina Barreto Monteiro Romilde Almeidade Oliveira Angelo Just da Costa e Silva 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第3期344-352,共9页
In large cities, news about fires in buildings are powered by problems such as old wiring and no maintenance. Accidents with chemicals and human error, which when added to the different characteristics of each fire an... In large cities, news about fires in buildings are powered by problems such as old wiring and no maintenance. Accidents with chemicals and human error, which when added to the different characteristics of each fire and structures can generate the factors causing these disasters. The gradual rise in temperature causes a different effect in mortar and concrete parts, verifying the change in coloring provided to loss of mechanical strength and surface crumbling, cracking and disintegration of the structure itself. This paper presents a case study in which a building that is located in the metropolitan region of Recife was exposed to a fire situation. The metropolitan region of Recife is composed of several old buildings that by virtue of their age may have delayed construction methods, and may expose the fragility of the concrete used in its construction on a fire situation. The concrete structures are recognized by the good resistance to fire because of the thermal characteristics of the material, however, the temperature rise in the concrete elements in characteristic causes a reduction in strength and modulus of elasticity of the material, the loss in stiffness leading to polyphase degradation of reinforced concrete, structural parts can lead to ruin, but when properly sized and executed, the concrete can serve as a proactive agent to be exposed to high temperatures, as the same may be subjected to high temperatures accidentally or they may be part of their normal work. 展开更多
关键词 AWNING pathological manifestations DURABILITY
The role of dynamic transport in the formation of the inverted charge structure in a simulated hailstorm 被引量:7
作者 XU Liang Tao ZHANG Yi Jun +2 位作者 LIU Heng Yi ZHENG Dong WANG Fei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1414-1426,共13页
The inverted charge structure formation of a hailstorm was investigated using the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF-ARW) model coupled with electrification and discharge schemes. Different processes may ... The inverted charge structure formation of a hailstorm was investigated using the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF-ARW) model coupled with electrification and discharge schemes. Different processes may be responsible for inverted charge structure in different storms and regions.A dynamical-derived mechanism of inverted charge structure formation was confirmed by the numerical model: the inverted structure was formed by strong updraft and downdraft under normal-polarity charging conditions such that the graupel charged negatively in the main charging region in the middle-upper level of the cloud. The simulation results showed the storm presented a normal charge structure before and after hail-fall; while during the hail-fall stage, it showed an inverted charge structure—negative charge region in the upper level of the cloud and a positive charge region in the middle level of the cloud—appearing at the front edge near the strong updraft in the hailstorm. The charging processes between the two particles mainly occurred at the top of the cloud, where the graupel charged negatively and ice crystals positively due to the strong updraft. When the updraft air reached the top of the storm, it would spread to the rear and front. The light ice crystals were transported backward and forward more easily. Meanwhile, the positively charged ice crystals were transported downward by the frontal subsidence, and then a positive charge region formed between the -10°C and -25°C levels. Subsequently, a negative charge region materialized in the upper level of the cloud, and the inverted charge structure formed. 展开更多
关键词 Severe storm Mesoscale model Inverted charge structure
Occurrence conditions of positive cloud-to-ground flashes in severe thunderstorms 被引量:6
作者 GUO Feng Xia LU Gan Yi +4 位作者 WU Xin WANG Hao Liang LIU Zu Pei BAO Min LI Ya Wen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1401-1413,共13页
The purpose of this study was to understand the reasons why frequent positive cloud-to-ground(+CG) flashes occur in severe thunderstorms. A three-dimensional dynamics-electrification coupled model was used to simulate... The purpose of this study was to understand the reasons why frequent positive cloud-to-ground(+CG) flashes occur in severe thunderstorms. A three-dimensional dynamics-electrification coupled model was used to simulate a severe thunderstorm to permit analysis of the conditions that might easily cause +CG flashes. The results showed that strong updrafts play an important role in the occurrence of intracloud flashes. However, frequent +CG flashes require not only strong updrafts but also strong downdrafts in the lower cloud region, conditions that correspond to the later phase of the mature stage and the period of the heaviest solid precipitation of a thunderstorm. During this stage, strong updrafts elevated each charge area in the updraft region to a higher level, which resulted in an inverted tripole charge structure. A wide mid-level region of strong positive charge caused largely by positively charged graupel, presented in the middle of the updraft region because of a non-inductive ice-ice collisional charging mechanism. The charge structure in the downdraft region was consistently more complex and revealed several vertically stacked charge regions, alternating in polarity. Much of the graupel/hail outside the updrafts was lowered to cloud-base by strong downdrafts. In this area, the graupel/hail was charged negatively because of the transportation of negatively charged graupel/hail from higher regions of negative charge in the updrafts, and via the inductive charging mechanism of collisions between graupel/hail and cloud droplets at the bottom of the cloud. Consequently, a large region of negative charge formed near the ground. This meant that +CG flashes were initiated more easily in the lower inverted dipole, i.e., the middle region of positive charge and lower region of negative charge. Frequent +CG flashes began almost synchronously with dramatic increases in the storm updrafts, hail volume, and total flash rate. Therefore, the occurrence of +CG flashes appears a good indicator of storm intensification and it could have some use as a predictor of severe weather in the form of hail. 展开更多
关键词 Severe thunderstorm +CG flash Updraft Downdraft Graupel Hail Charge structure
The rise of two-dimensional MoS2 for catalysis 被引量:9
作者 Jun Mao Yong Wang +1 位作者 Zhilong Zheng Dehui Deng 《Frontiers of physics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期1-19,共19页
Two-dimensional (2D) MoS2 is used as a catalyst or support and has received increased research interest because of its superior structural and electronic properties compared with those of bulk structures. In this ar... Two-dimensional (2D) MoS2 is used as a catalyst or support and has received increased research interest because of its superior structural and electronic properties compared with those of bulk structures. In this article, we illustrate the active sites of 2D MoS2 and various strategies for enhancing its intrinsic catalytic activity. The recent advances in the use of 2D MoS2-based materials for applications such as thermocatalysis, electrocatalysis, and photocatalysis are discussed. We also discuss the future opportunities and challenges for 2D MoS2-based materials, in both fundamental research and industrial applications. 展开更多
关键词 CATALYSIS 2D materials MOS2 non-precious metal electronic properties
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