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作者 赵建增 《档案与建设》 北大核心 1990年第2期24-24,共1页
为便于阅档者查找,档案室往往要将一些涉及生产工艺、设备维修等利用面较广的档案(或复制本),分门别类地陈列于档案阅览室的书架上。这些档案夹的背脊上,在离下端4公分处均贴有标贴,上面是档案的流水号、案卷号和存放位置号(如图1)。这... 为便于阅档者查找,档案室往往要将一些涉及生产工艺、设备维修等利用面较广的档案(或复制本),分门别类地陈列于档案阅览室的书架上。这些档案夹的背脊上,在离下端4公分处均贴有标贴,上面是档案的流水号、案卷号和存放位置号(如图1)。这样档案虽然上了架,但看不出案卷的内容,若要知道这案卷的具体名称,还必须先查案卷目录或目录卡片。 展开更多
关键词 卷目录 标贴 目录卡片 设备维修 生产工艺 上案 需要数量 开架阅览 工艺设计
作者 王铭奇 《学子(理论版)》 2015年第22期62-63,共2页
我校高三数学复习安排:2014年9月—2015年1月高三第一轮复习,主要使用教辅,备课组自编作业学案(题目以近三年高考题为主);2015年3月——2015年4月高三第二轮复习,主要按高考的解答题顺序进行复习,备课组自编课上案和作业案;2015年5月高... 我校高三数学复习安排:2014年9月—2015年1月高三第一轮复习,主要使用教辅,备课组自编作业学案(题目以近三年高考题为主);2015年3月——2015年4月高三第二轮复习,主要按高考的解答题顺序进行复习,备课组自编课上案和作业案;2015年5月高三第三轮复习,以山东省各地2015年一模及二模试题为主。作为县直高中,以农村住校学生为主体,他们对数学的学习不可谓不刻苦。 展开更多
关键词 备课组 住校学生 上案 变式 复习课 数形结合 复习备考 三年 思维过程
作者 吴广城 《中国地市报人》 2016年第1期68-69,共2页
关键词 理论联系实际 井冈山报 深入性 非法采砂 引水工程 地市党报 调查性 砂场 信息源头 上案
作者 卢振虎 《中国医疗保险》 2016年第8期61-62,共2页
《工伤保险条例》第十四条第(六)项规定:"在上下班途中,受到非本人主要责任的交通事故或者城市轨道交通、客运轮渡、火车事故伤害的"应当认定为工伤。当前实践中,因对交通事故的概念、内涵理解认识不同,往往引发争议,本案分... 《工伤保险条例》第十四条第(六)项规定:"在上下班途中,受到非本人主要责任的交通事故或者城市轨道交通、客运轮渡、火车事故伤害的"应当认定为工伤。当前实践中,因对交通事故的概念、内涵理解认识不同,往往引发争议,本案分析可供参考。 展开更多
关键词 事故伤害 城市轨道交通 内涵理解 人社 司法机关 公共停车场 上案 法律文书 损失事件 争议焦点
《今日中国》 1990年第12期46-46,共1页
寧夏回族自治區,位於中國西北部,面積六點六四萬平方公里,人口約四百五十萬,其中回族約一百五十萬,約佔全國回族總數的四分之一,是中國回族的主要聚居地@裏的回族源於公元十三至十四世紀,是由波斯等地東來的“回回客”痪盼灏四陮幭... 寧夏回族自治區,位於中國西北部,面積六點六四萬平方公里,人口約四百五十萬,其中回族約一百五十萬,約佔全國回族總數的四分之一,是中國回族的主要聚居地@裏的回族源於公元十三至十四世紀,是由波斯等地東來的“回回客”痪盼灏四陮幭幕刈遄灾螀^成立,下轄十九個縣、市,首府銀川市。 展开更多
关键词 族源 一百五 千人 二至 伊斯 南人 上案 一九 一所
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2005年第22期46-49,共4页
我看见《当代体育》的样子,有种特别的感觉,让我每一期不愿意错过你,我记得有一本,永远留在我心中,哪怕只能够这样的看你。如果真的有一天,我进编辑部看看,我会告诉编辑:“加倍努力工作,我会永远支持你,支持你……”(背景音乐——《老... 我看见《当代体育》的样子,有种特别的感觉,让我每一期不愿意错过你,我记得有一本,永远留在我心中,哪怕只能够这样的看你。如果真的有一天,我进编辑部看看,我会告诉编辑:“加倍努力工作,我会永远支持你,支持你……”(背景音乐——《老鼠爱大米》)伴随着这位球迷朋友的歌词改编,我们这一期俱乐部又与大家见面了,不知道各位好朋友还记不记得我,主持人——风(疯子的疯)。嘻嘻,该死的美编竟然敢说我不是淑女,让我一顿痛扁,住进了医院。打人的感觉还真不错,嘎嘎!!!书归正转,这位球迷朋友真的是很可爱,画了一个小朋友身穿21号森林狼的球衣,说道:“看了请回信,喔!谢谢!!!。”天呀,你没有留详细地址哦!各位球迷朋友记住了,无论什么来信一定要写清楚地址,有时字迹不清楚在给大家邮稿费的时候就会有麻烦D! 展开更多
关键词 森林狼 当代体育 老鼠爱大米 一本 美编 背景音乐 小孙女 上案 夕没 湖人
作者 聪之雅 MJ 《烹调知识》 2010年第6X期34-36,共3页
采访当天,邹志平上午还在忙于另一个新店开业,安排店内的各项事务。见到他时,已是下午,但是脸上仍然洋溢着工作的激情。很难想象眼前这位眉清目秀的年轻人,身上已经拥有着众多头衔和奖项。他更是电视里的"镜头人物",在多家电... 采访当天,邹志平上午还在忙于另一个新店开业,安排店内的各项事务。见到他时,已是下午,但是脸上仍然洋溢着工作的激情。很难想象眼前这位眉清目秀的年轻人,身上已经拥有着众多头衔和奖项。他更是电视里的"镜头人物",在多家电视台出镜,是厨师界里名副其实的"电视达人",曾获得当地政府授予的多项荣誉,享受政府特殊津贴。对烹饪的喜爱和执著,邹志平投入了全部的精力…… 展开更多
关键词 餐饮管理 湖北菜 食品雕刻 厨房管理 餐饮行业 上案 美食节 讲卫生 从那时候起 学习能力
作者 包晓泉 《南方国土资源》 2015年第4期49-50,共2页
千般爱,万般情,双双对对,终是屋檐夫妻。京家男女两情相悦到最后,自然也就是婚姻之局。传统的京族婚俗中,从联亲到成婚,复杂的渲染和铺垫必不可少。在“传歌”和“对屐”程序结束之后,接下来便是联亲。联亲的佳期,是由“蓝梅”代为选定... 千般爱,万般情,双双对对,终是屋檐夫妻。京家男女两情相悦到最后,自然也就是婚姻之局。传统的京族婚俗中,从联亲到成婚,复杂的渲染和铺垫必不可少。在“传歌”和“对屐”程序结束之后,接下来便是联亲。联亲的佳期,是由“蓝梅”代为选定的,而联亲的主要环节,俨然就是一场歌事。 展开更多
关键词 两情相悦 蓝梅 千般 母亲会 德信 第三天 窗下 这一天 上案 三拜
作者 李程莹 吴俊伟 《中华手工》 2016年第9期102-105,共4页
闲暇时拙手做一些菖蒲的茶景,养于陋室,闲时对视,开心。一个文人的无聊日常一个文人的日常其实并没有多有趣,诗词歌赋与人生哲学不过是一时兴起,更多的时候,生活会回归不加粉饰的样子:起床,洗漱吃饭,整理工作室,随手放点应景的音乐,然... 闲暇时拙手做一些菖蒲的茶景,养于陋室,闲时对视,开心。一个文人的无聊日常一个文人的日常其实并没有多有趣,诗词歌赋与人生哲学不过是一时兴起,更多的时候,生活会回归不加粉饰的样子:起床,洗漱吃饭,整理工作室,随手放点应景的音乐,然后开始漫长的盆景创作。有订单的话,下午四五点要开始打包,这是一个繁复的过程,会持续到晚上七点,收工后和女朋友吃吃饭散散步,或者约朋友打个球,晚上九点回家,逛逛网店添置一些需要的东西,12点就心无旁骛地睡去。这是吴俊伟生活的常态,看似无聊,但个中趣味自有体会。 展开更多
关键词 盆景创作 一时兴起 诗词歌赋 调整位置 铜钱草 林密 创作灵感 店名 上案 纱网
作者 王征宇 郝建光 《正气》 2002年第4期27-27,共1页
关键词 石灰粉 犯罪分子 抢劫 政府大院 违法犯罪 十三年 上案 离城 公安处 从任
Pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma and splenic metastasis 被引量:4
作者 Mao-Lin Yan Yao-Dong Wang Zhi-De Lai Yi-Feng Tian Hong-Biao Chen Fu-Nan Qiu Song-Qiang Zhou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第41期5239-5241,共3页
Only a few cases of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma (P-HCC) have been reported in the literature. The common sites of extrahepatic metastases in patients with HCC are the lungs, regional lymph nodes, kidney, bon... Only a few cases of pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma (P-HCC) have been reported in the literature. The common sites of extrahepatic metastases in patients with HCC are the lungs, regional lymph nodes, kidney, bone marrow and adrenals. Metastasis to spleen is mostly via hematogenous metastasis, direct metastasis to spleen was very rare. We report a case of P-HCC presenting as a left upper abdominal lesions which involved the spleen that was actually a P-HCC with splenic metastasis. This case is unique as P-HCC directly involved the spleen which is not via hematogenous metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 Pedunculated hepatocellular carcinoma Splenic metastasis Hematogenous metastasis Direct metastasis SPLENECTOMY
Rise and Fall of Recent Chinese Coastal Resort Development:Case of Beihai Silver Beach, Guangxi, China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Jun BAO Jigang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期245-254,共10页
Based upon a case study of Silver Beach coastal resort of Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, this article examines the rise and fall of Chinese coastal tourist resort development since the 1980s. It explores th... Based upon a case study of Silver Beach coastal resort of Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, this article examines the rise and fall of Chinese coastal tourist resort development since the 1980s. It explores the causes for and responses to the decline of Chinese coastal resorts. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with twelve local key information providers, and secondary information sources such as government archives, survey reports, and resort plans. It was found that the rise and fall of Chinese coastal resorts in the last three decades is closely linked to the transitional reform from a central planned economy to a market economy. Three stages of coastal tourism development were identified in a sequence of rapid growth, decline and redevelopment. It was government financial funds and high local government involvement that promoted the rapid expansion of coastal resorts during the 1980s. However, coastal resort decline occurred when transitional reform was intensified and deflationary policy executed af- ter 1992. Institutional failure is found to be the main reason of Chinese coastal resorts decline since the mid-1990s. The government-dominated pattern could not be sustained and should be restructured in forthcoming coastal tourism de- velopment in China. Revival strategies should emphasize enhancing market-oriented reform in the declining resorts on both suoolv and demand sides. 展开更多
关键词 coastal resort transitional decline Silver Beach Beihai
Influences of labor migration on rural household land transfer:A case study of Sichuan Province,China 被引量:5
作者 XU Ding-de CAO Sha +1 位作者 WANG Xu-xi LIU Shao-quan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期2055-2067,共13页
The influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer has been hotly debated in academic circles, which focuses on whether part-time employment leads to land transfer. Using survey data on rural households... The influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer has been hotly debated in academic circles, which focuses on whether part-time employment leads to land transfer. Using survey data on rural households in the Sichuan Province, and applying the theoretical framework of new economics of labor migration, this study explores the influences of labor migration on the direction and scale of land transfer from the perspective of rural household structure. The results indicate that: 1) the quantity of laborers has significant influence on the direction and scale of land transfer. The larger the on-farm labor variable(Labor), the lesser the possibility that land will be rented-out and the amount of land rented out will also be smaller. In addition, there is a greater probability that land will be rented-in and the amount of land rented-in will be greater. 2) The greater the ratio of off-farm laborers to rural household laborers(Off-farm) the greater the possibility that land will be rented-out. In addition the higher the ratio of on-farm laborers to the total household laborers(On-farm), the larger the possibility that land will be rented-in. Meanwhile, if the household has individuals at the age of 64 or older(Old) who are engaged in agriculture, there is a smaller possibility that land will be rentedout. 3) the ratio of part-time laborers to rural household laborers(Pluriactivity) have significant inverse U-shaped influences on the rent-in of land as well as the amount of land rented-in. The inflection points are 33.27% and 14.10%, respectively. Such findings confirm the significance of this study in better understanding the influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer. 展开更多
关键词 Labor migration Part-time employment Land transfer direction Land transfer scale Ruralarea Sichuan Province
The Existence of Positive Solutions for Volterra-Lotka Cooperating Model with Diffusion
作者 WANG Li-zhou MEI Li-quan 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2010年第4期522-529,共8页
In this paper,using the existence and comparison result for the quasi-monotone increasing system developed by C V Pao,the upper and lower solutions principle and an iterative method,we investigate the existence of the... In this paper,using the existence and comparison result for the quasi-monotone increasing system developed by C V Pao,the upper and lower solutions principle and an iterative method,we investigate the existence of the positive solutions of the Volterra-Lotka cooperating model. 展开更多
关键词 positive solution Volterra-Lotka model upper and lower solutions
Uplink user allocation scheme in cognitive coexistent cellular network
作者 刘婷婷 Wang Mao +2 位作者 Shu Feng Wang Jianxin Pan Ziyu 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第4期376-382,共7页
In order to address spectrum resource scarcity in traditional cellular networks,television(TV)white space is considered as a potential solution to offload a portion of network traffic and enlarge network capacity.This... In order to address spectrum resource scarcity in traditional cellular networks,television(TV)white space is considered as a potential solution to offload a portion of network traffic and enlarge network capacity.This paper describes a cognitive cellular network which allocates low geometry users to the TV white space based on a proportional fair criterion.An uplink user allocation scheme is proposed and the validity of the proposed scheme is established by simulation of the cellular network usage in conjunction with the TV white space.The simulation results show clear improvements in both the user and the system performance with the cognitive coexistent cellular network compared with the traditional cellular network,and that the performance of the proposed user allocation scheme is superior to other user allocation schemes. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio TV white space spectrum efficiency system throughput fractional frequency reuse
A Novel Resource Allocation Algorithm based on Downlink and Uplink Decouple Access Scheme in Heterogeneous Networks 被引量:4
作者 Laiwei Jiang Xuejun Sha +1 位作者 Xuanli Wu Naitong Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期22-31,共10页
Traditional cellular network requires that a user equipment(UE) should associate to the same base station(BS) in both the downlink(DL) and the uplink(UL). Based on dual connectivity(DC) introduced in LTE-Advanced R12,... Traditional cellular network requires that a user equipment(UE) should associate to the same base station(BS) in both the downlink(DL) and the uplink(UL). Based on dual connectivity(DC) introduced in LTE-Advanced R12, DL/UL decouple access scheme has been proposed, which is especially suitable for heterogeneous networks(Het Nets). This paper is the pioneer to take the DL/UL decouple access scheme into consideration and develop a novel resource allocation algorithm in a two-tier Het Net to improve the total system throughput in the UL and ease the load imbalance between macro base stations(MBSs) and pico base stations(PBSs). A model is formulated as a nonlinear integer programming, and the proposed algorithm is a sub-optimal algorithm based on the graph theory. First, an undirected and weighted interference graph is obtained. Next, the users are grouped to let users with large mutual interferences to be assigned to different clusters. Then, the users in different clusters are allocated to different resource blocks(RBs) by using the Hungarian algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can provide great promotions for both the total system throughput and the average cell edge user throughput and successfully ease the load imbalance between MBSs and PBSs. 展开更多
关键词 LTE-ADVANCED downlink and up-link decouple access scheme heterogeneous networks resource allocation graph theory
The effect of current and wave on whitecap coverage via relative speed:the Atlantic Ocean case
作者 于婷 邓增安 管长龙 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期924-930,共7页
Whitecapping plays an important role in many air-sea exchange and upper ocean processes.Traditionally,whitecap coverage is parameterized as a function of wind speed only.At present,the relative speed of ocean current ... Whitecapping plays an important role in many air-sea exchange and upper ocean processes.Traditionally,whitecap coverage is parameterized as a function of wind speed only.At present,the relative speed of ocean current to wind is considered to be important in the air-sea exchange parameterization which is the function of wind speed only.In this paper,the effects of ocean surface velocity (current velocity and wave induced velocity) and the wave parameters on whitecap coverage through relative speeds are investigated,by applying a 2-parameter whitecap coverage model to the Atlantic Ocean.It is found that the impacts of both current and wave on whitecap coverage are considerable in the most part of the Atlantic Ocean.It is interesting that the effect of wave is more significant than that of current. 展开更多
关键词 whitecap coverage drag coefficient CURRENT WAVE relative speed
The Case for Presupposition: On Kripke's Anaphoric Account 被引量:1
作者 Juan J. Colomina 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第4期258-264,共7页
According to Kripke, traditional approaches to presupposition and anaphora do not work in some compound sentences because traditionally, they have been thought to assign presuppositions to each clause in isolation. I ... According to Kripke, traditional approaches to presupposition and anaphora do not work in some compound sentences because traditionally, they have been thought to assign presuppositions to each clause in isolation. I agree with this criticism, but also think that context is required in order to determine the presupposition included in a complex sentence. To show the context role in fixing the utterance truth-conditions in those cases, this paper introduces the Kripkean anaphoric account on presuppositions (section 2), and then criticizes this approach because it is very restrictive (section 3). The paper concludes that to solve those difficulties, one should appeal to a two-dimensional framework, including a new parameter that focuses on the sentence according to the concrete features of the context: the speaker's point of view (section 4). 展开更多
关键词 PRESUPPOSITION ANAPHORA speaker's point of view MEANING semantics-pragmatics boundary Kripke
The scheme optimization on construction diversion with discharge control feature of upstream operational reservoir
作者 Liu Quan Hu Zhigen +2 位作者 Fan Wuyi Ni Jinchu Li Qinjun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第4期61-67,82,共8页
There is a discharge control feature of construction diversion system with the upstream operational reservoir. The risk evaluation model of construction diversion is established by taking into consideration the risk f... There is a discharge control feature of construction diversion system with the upstream operational reservoir. The risk evaluation model of construction diversion is established by taking into consideration the risk factors of construction diversion system with discharge control feature as well as their composition. And the risk factors include the upstream operational reservoir discharge control, the interval flood and branch flood and the diversion system itself. And then based on analyzing of the conversion relation between risk index and investment index of diversion scheme, the risk control and conversion principals of diversion system are put forward, and the feasible diversion scheme model is built. At last, the risk and economic evaluation and scheme economic feasibility analysis method of diversion scheme are shown by an example of construction diversion scheme optimization with the discharge control condition of upstream hydropower station. The study is valuable for establishment and optimization of construction diversion scheme with upstream reservoir discharge control. 展开更多
关键词 construction diversion cascade hydropower development risk analysis scheme optimization
Primary epithelial tumours of the appendix in a black population:A review of cases 被引量:2
作者 Rondell Patrell Darrell Graham Nadia Patricia Williams Kamille Aisha West 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1472-1474,共3页
AIM: To determine the and clinical features of prevalence, histologic types primary epithelial tumours of the vermiform appendix in a predominantly black population.METHODS: All cases of primary tumours of the appen... AIM: To determine the and clinical features of prevalence, histologic types primary epithelial tumours of the vermiform appendix in a predominantly black population.METHODS: All cases of primary tumours of the appendix identified by review of the histopathology records at the University of the West Indies between January 1987 and June 2007 were selected. Relevant pathologic and clinical data were extracted with supplementation from patient charts where available. Non-epithelial tumours were excluded. The total number of appendectomy specimens over the period was also ascertained.RESULTS: Forty-two primary epithelial tumours were identified out of 6 824 appendectomies yielding a prevalence rate of approximately 0.62%. Welldifferentiated neuroendocrine cell tumours (carcinoids, 47.6%) and benign non-endocrine cell tumours (adenomas, 45.2%) were most common with nearly equal frequency. The median age was 43 years, with no sex predilection. Carcinoid tumours occurred in younger patients (mean age 32 years), with a male-to-female ratio of 1.2:1. A clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis was the most common reason for appendectomy (57.1%) and was histologically confirmed in 75% (18 of 24) of cases. In total, 16.7% of cases were diagnosed after incidental appendectomy.CONCLUSION: Appendiceal epithelial tumours are rare in our experience, and are represented principally by carcinoid turnours and adenornas. Carcinoid tumours occurred in younger patients but were slightly more common in men than women. Tumours were not suspected clinically and were diagnosed incidentally in specimens submitted for acute appendicitis supporting the need for histological evaluation in all resection specimens. 展开更多
关键词 Epithelial tumours Appendiceal tumours CARCINOID ADENOMA APPENDICITIS
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