As the development of societies and progress of technologies, people’s requirements to telecommunications information services increase. Particularly, as the appearance of multimedia services, the multimedia services...As the development of societies and progress of technologies, people’s requirements to telecommunications information services increase. Particularly, as the appearance of multimedia services, the multimedia services’ characteristic of variable bit rates requires telecommunications networks to adapt its speeds quickly to support this kind of services within entire network. Current network technologies are not able to provide the capability. The need of development of telecommunications services induces telecommunications transfer. Moreover, the occurrence and ceaseless progress of Internet threatens the survival of telecom- munications industry. The challenge from heterogenous technology produces huge drive which induces telecommunications transfer.展开更多
文摘As the development of societies and progress of technologies, people’s requirements to telecommunications information services increase. Particularly, as the appearance of multimedia services, the multimedia services’ characteristic of variable bit rates requires telecommunications networks to adapt its speeds quickly to support this kind of services within entire network. Current network technologies are not able to provide the capability. The need of development of telecommunications services induces telecommunications transfer. Moreover, the occurrence and ceaseless progress of Internet threatens the survival of telecom- munications industry. The challenge from heterogenous technology produces huge drive which induces telecommunications transfer.
文摘在这错综复杂与风云变幻的国内外电信新环境中,如何把握好发展方向及战略决策已成当务之急。“领航论坛”这一栏目,即期望提供一种机会,使电信,特别是无线通信领域中引领潮流的重量级资深决策者发表战略决策真知灼见,为无线通信产业、市场及新技术、新业务的持续、快速、稳妥、健康发展领航导向。NGN(下一代网络)、3G、3G演进及NGBW(下一代宽带无线)是目前信息通信业界关注和探讨的热点话题,人们希望通过NGN及NGBW来解决目前各类网络中的许多问题,如网络安全问题、QoS问题、网络的移动性与汇聚及融合、前后向兼容平滑演进、建立增加ARPU值及纯利润率(APPU)与有效的多业务增值的可赢利商业模式等。ITU-T对此进行了标准化工作推进,取得不少进展,2004年6月的ITU-T第13研究组会议上专门组建了一个新的NGN专题组FGNGN(Focus GrouponNGN),以应对NGN发展的紧迫需要,集中加强和推进NGN方面的研究工作。如何避免滥用NGN这一名词以防制造泡沫;如何正确理解NGN的基本定义及实质内涵,NGN与NGI及3G的关系,FGNGN的作用、目标及战略价值,以及如何把握好NGN的正确发展策略等,均为全球信息通信业界所普遍十分关注的热点论题。对此,“领航论坛”有幸邀请到我国就任电联(ITU)第一最高级别高官现I T