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副词“不日”的历时演变与共时分布考察 被引量:1
作者 张言军 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第3期108-113,共6页
副词"不日"是由"不""日"所组成的句法结构固化并虚化而来的。从历时层面看,在魏晋南北朝时期,"不日"就基本完成了词汇化,但其副词化过程却要相对漫长一些,大致在宋元之后才彻底演变为一个只能... 副词"不日"是由"不""日"所组成的句法结构固化并虚化而来的。从历时层面看,在魏晋南北朝时期,"不日"就基本完成了词汇化,但其副词化过程却要相对漫长一些,大致在宋元之后才彻底演变为一个只能在状语位置出现的副词;从共时层面看,"不日"多用于描述未来事件的语句中,它通常位于主语之后来修饰谓词性词语,且对被修饰对象有形式和语义等多方面的要求。在语体分布上,它常出现在典雅的正式语体中。 展开更多
关键词 不日 词汇化 语法化 共时分布
西藏得不日错—拉果错湖链形态、水文与水化学特性 被引量:6
作者 饶娇萍 贾沁贤 +2 位作者 刘喜方 王洪平 罗玉虎 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期737-746,共10页
得不日错-拉果错湖链包括三个微小型上游淡水湖和一个92 km^2的末端盐湖,在青藏高原湖链中是一个微型湖链。研究发现,该湖链是一个陆地、湖泊和河流空间分布清晰的小流域;但湖泊的补水量与其隶属的次级集水盆地面积无正比关系,地下水对... 得不日错-拉果错湖链包括三个微小型上游淡水湖和一个92 km^2的末端盐湖,在青藏高原湖链中是一个微型湖链。研究发现,该湖链是一个陆地、湖泊和河流空间分布清晰的小流域;但湖泊的补水量与其隶属的次级集水盆地面积无正比关系,地下水对湖链进行了跨越空间顺序的补给,且明显与湖岸线发育度(SDI)有关。湖水潴留时间差异极大,源头湖泊得不日错仅为4.39天,而末端湖泊拉果错长达1 586.96天(4.35年)。在水质特征上,湖链中三个上游湖泊相似性极显著,而末端湖泊则与基布茶卡和扎布耶北湖极为相似,表明藏北高原湖泊水化学的演化具有相同趋势。湖链中,大多数湖泊水化学成分的含量,随着湖泊在湖链中位置的降低而逐渐增加;但K+在湖泊内是消耗过程,在河道内却是一个增益过程;Ca^2+的趋势是随着湖链水体下行浓度逐渐减少;与1978年对比,拉果错湖水盐度下降了23.98%,与青藏高原湖泊湖水淡化趋势相吻合;但SO4^2-和CO3^2-表现出含量大幅上升的异常变化,上升幅度分别为127.77%和288.95%,原因有待探明。总之,青藏高原湖泊的水源补给特征值得从事西藏湖泊水文研究者注意。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 不日错—拉果错湖链 水化学
作者 武映峰 《软件工程师》 2003年第4期18-19,共2页
关键词 不日而亡 认证分级体系 IT认证培训 思科网络学院 CCNA 商业价值 培训市场
作者 俞敦雨 《语文学习》 2008年第3期35-35,共1页
请看下面两个例子: (1)可是,没过多久,李準的老病——脑血栓发作,随即卧床,不日离开人世,终年72岁。那一年是2000年。(《文汇报》2007年10月12日)
关键词 不日 “不久” 语法 汉语
跟习爷爷学经典 不断突破,不断进步——《不日新者必日退》的体会
作者 人民日报少年客户端编辑部 《十几岁》 2019年第21期2-2,共1页
关键词 不日新者必日退》
古书词语考释四则 被引量:1
作者 韩传瑜 《济宁学院学报》 2017年第4期81-84,共4页
古人对《论语》中的"无宿诺",《孟子》中的"不日",杜甫《送路六侍御入朝》中的"不分",辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》中的"准拟"等四个疑难词语的注解莫衷一是。文章结合较为详实的语料,对这四个有争议的疑... 古人对《论语》中的"无宿诺",《孟子》中的"不日",杜甫《送路六侍御入朝》中的"不分",辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》中的"准拟"等四个疑难词语的注解莫衷一是。文章结合较为详实的语料,对这四个有争议的疑难词语作出了考释。 展开更多
关键词 无宿诺 不日 不分 准拟
作者 张海潮 赤列 《世界有色金属》 2022年第15期112-114,共3页
为查明阿娥作登地区成矿元素和矿(化)体分布特征,在1:1万土壤地球化学测量的基础上,对研究区内6种元素进行聚类分析和因子分析。通过对地表发现的辉铜矿脉进行异常查证,圈定Cu、Ag矿脉3条,铜银矿脉主要发育在火山岩破碎带及裂隙中;研究... 为查明阿娥作登地区成矿元素和矿(化)体分布特征,在1:1万土壤地球化学测量的基础上,对研究区内6种元素进行聚类分析和因子分析。通过对地表发现的辉铜矿脉进行异常查证,圈定Cu、Ag矿脉3条,铜银矿脉主要发育在火山岩破碎带及裂隙中;研究区具备寻找与火山岩有关的热液型铜银矿的矿找矿潜力。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 尼玛 不日 土壤地球化学 单元素异常 金异常 成矿预测
《中学教与学》 2001年第8期34-36,25,共4页
  一、语言积累和运用(30分)   根据原文将1~10题的句子补充完整.(12分)   1.君子于役,不日不月,______.……
关键词 文言文 不日不月 质量检测 语言积累 王侯将相
作者 晏鸿鸣 梅慧莉 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期72-73,共2页
关键词 入日 出日 夸父 不量力
Change in Extreme Climate Events over China Based on CMIP5 被引量:7
作者 XU Ying WU Jie +3 位作者 SHI Ying ZHOU Bo-Tao LI Rou-Ke WU Jia 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2015年第4期185-192,共8页
The changes in a selection of extreme climate indices(maximum of daily maximum temperature(TXx),minimum of daily minimum temperature(TNn),annual total precipitation when the daily precipitation exceeds the 95th percen... The changes in a selection of extreme climate indices(maximum of daily maximum temperature(TXx),minimum of daily minimum temperature(TNn),annual total precipitation when the daily precipitation exceeds the 95th percentile of wet-day precipitation(very wet days,R95p),and the maximum number of consecutive days with less than 1 mm of precipitation(consecutive dry days,CDD))were projected using multi-model results from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project in the early,middle,and latter parts of the 21st century under different Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP)emissions scenarios.The results suggest that TXx and TNn will increase in the future and,moreover,the increases of TNn under all RCPs are larger than those of TXx.R95p is projected to increase and CDD to decrease significantly.The changes in TXx,TNn,R95p,and CDD in eight sub-regions of China are different in the three periods of the 21st century,and the ranges of change for the four indices under the higher emissions scenario are projected to be larger than those under the lower emissions scenario.The multi-model simulations show remarkable consistency in their projection of the extreme temperature indices,but poor consistency with respect to the extreme precipitation indices.More substantial inconsistency is found in those regions where high and low temperatures are likely to happen for TXx and TNn,respectively.For extreme precipitation events(R95p),greater uncertainty appears in most of the southern regions,while for drought events(CDD)it appears in the basins of Xinjiang.The uncertainty in the future changes of the extreme climate indices increases with the increasing severity of the emissions scenario. 展开更多
关键词 CMIP5 extreme climate index climate projection UNCERTAINTY
Perturbation to Lie Symmetry and Lutzky Adiabatic Invariants for Lagrange Systems 被引量:1
作者 DING Ning FANG Jian-Hui WANG Peng ZHANG Xiao-Ni 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期57-60,共4页
Based on the concept of adiabatic invariant, perturbation to Lie symmetry and Lutzky adiabatic invariants for Lagrange systems are studied by using different methods from those of previous works. Exact invariants indu... Based on the concept of adiabatic invariant, perturbation to Lie symmetry and Lutzky adiabatic invariants for Lagrange systems are studied by using different methods from those of previous works. Exact invariants induced from Lie symmetry of the system without perturbation are given. Perturbation to Lie symmetry is discussed and Lutzky adiabatic invariants of the system subject to perturbation are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 SYMMETRY PERTURBATION Lutzky adiabatic invariant Lagrange system
Characteristics of diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation over Xinjiang Province in China 被引量:1
作者 Jie Cao Shuping Ma +1 位作者 Weihua Yuan Zhiyan Wu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2022年第2期13-18,共6页
Aimed at improving knowledge regarding the diurnal cycle of warm-season rainfall in northwestern China,this study investigated the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation with different durations in Xinjiang,C... Aimed at improving knowledge regarding the diurnal cycle of warm-season rainfall in northwestern China,this study investigated the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation with different durations in Xinjiang,China,using an hourly gauge–satellite merged precipitation product during 2008 to 2019.Results show noticeable diurnal variations with distinctive regional features.The primary peak is in the early evening.Rainfall events with duration less than 3 h occur more often across the whole of Xinjiang and contribute more than half of the precipitation amount over its northern and southern peripheries,while rainfall events with duration more than 7 h over the Tianshan Mountains are responsible for the primary peak in the diurnal variations of warm-season precipitation. 展开更多
关键词 Diurnal variation PRECIPITATION Rainfall duration Regional variation Arid and semi-arid regions
據出土文獻説“懸諸日月而不刊”及相關問題 被引量:3
作者 陳劍 《岭南学报》 2018年第2期57-94,11,共39页
今日尚常用之成語'懸諸日月而不刊',一般解釋作'和日月一同懸掛在天空,永不磨滅'之類。此語出自西漢末揚雄《答劉歆書》,可追溯到《管子·白心》'縣乎日月無已也'。'縣(懸)'如字解非其原意。從秦... 今日尚常用之成語'懸諸日月而不刊',一般解釋作'和日月一同懸掛在天空,永不磨滅'之類。此語出自西漢末揚雄《答劉歆書》,可追溯到《管子·白心》'縣乎日月無已也'。'縣(懸)'如字解非其原意。從秦漢出土文獻的字形、用字習慣和有關辭例來看,'縣'原本應解作緜延之'緜(綿)'。'緜'字本自'縣'字分化而來,兩字在漢代曾長期共用某些字形而未徹底分化開;東漢碑刻中有'緜之日月,與金石存'(婁壽碑),'功綿日月,名勒管弦'(帝堯碑)等辭例,與'縣(緜)諸日月'可相印證。古書校勘中的'縣''緜(綿)'糾葛問題,王念孫多已指出;今據本文的分析,還可進一步揭示出更多先秦古書和漢代簡帛中一些應讀爲'緜'的'縣'字,糾正舊説之誤。 展开更多
关键词 懸諸日月而不刊 緜諸/之日月而不刊 縣/懸 緜/綿 出土文獻
Daily Influent Quantity Forecasting Method for Sewage Treatment Plant Considering Uncertain Factors
作者 龙腾锐 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2002年第1期37-41,共5页
Daily influent quantity forecasting plays an important role in sewage treatment plant design and operation. Its uncertain factors are classified into three categories including day types, weather conditions and specia... Daily influent quantity forecasting plays an important role in sewage treatment plant design and operation. Its uncertain factors are classified into three categories including day types, weather conditions and special events, of which the latter two are considered with a BP (Back Propagation) model. On this basis, the daily period feature is taken into account in the presented model. The data from a practical sewage treatment plant utility is employed to show the effectiveness of the method. 展开更多
关键词 Sewage treatment Short-term influent quantity forecasting BP model Prediction robust
Interannual variations in energy conversion and interaction between the mesoscale eddy field and mean flow in the Kuroshio south of Japan 被引量:2
作者 马利斌 王强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期210-222,共13页
Using 19-year satellite altimetric data, variations in the eddy kinetic energy, energy exchanges and interaction between the eddy fi eld and mean fl ow are discussed for the Kuroshio south of Japan. In the seasonal cy... Using 19-year satellite altimetric data, variations in the eddy kinetic energy, energy exchanges and interaction between the eddy fi eld and mean fl ow are discussed for the Kuroshio south of Japan. In the seasonal cycle, the eddy kinetic energy level is a minimum in December/January and a maximum in April/May. In addition to seasonal variations, the eddy kinetic energy undergoes interannual changes. The energy transfers mainly from the mean fl ow to the eddy fi eld in the Kuroshio south of Japan, and dominant energy exchanges mainly occur along the Kuroshio path south of Japan in each year from 1993 to 2011. In addition, there is often barotropic instability south of Honshu. Regarding interactions between the eddy fi eld and mean fl ow, cyclonic and anticyclonic accelerations are also found along the Kuroshio path and they fl ank each other. There is cyclonic acceleration always imposed on southeast of Kyushu, and anticyclonic acceleration dominates south of Honshu from 2001 to mid-2005. Reynolds stress is used to explain the dynamic process of energy exchange. Furthermore, lag-correlation and linear regression analysis show that variability of the energy conversion rate and Reynolds stress involve responses to eddy acceleration at two time scales. The enhanced eddy acceleration induces large Reynolds stress, and enhanced Reynolds stress or barotropic instability further enforces energy transfer from the mean fl ow to the eddy fi eld. 展开更多
关键词 eddy kinetic energy energy conversion rate eddy-mean flow interaction Reynolds stress
Discontinuities effect on drilling condition and performance of selected rocks in Nigeria 被引量:1
作者 Adebayo Babatunde Bello Wasiu Ademola 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第5期603-608,共6页
The study examined joint discontinuity spacing effect on drilling condition and performance in selected rocks in llorin and Ibese areas, Nigeria. Five samples for each rock type (gneiss and limestone) were tested in... The study examined joint discontinuity spacing effect on drilling condition and performance in selected rocks in llorin and Ibese areas, Nigeria. Five samples for each rock type (gneiss and limestone) were tested in the laboratory for chemical, physical and mechanical properties. Dip direction and joint spacing were measured using compass clinometers. The chemical composition was determined using X-ray Fluores- cence (XRF) spectrometer. The results show that gneiss has SiO2 of 61.88g and limestone has CaO content of 52.3g. The average dry density of gneiss and limestone are 2.6 and 2.39 g/cm^3, respectively. The uniaxial compressive strength of gneiss and limestone are 195 and 93.83 MPa, respectively. These rocks are classified as strong and moderately strong rock. Gneiss and limestone have mean joint discontinuity spacing of 0.79 and 0.25 m, which classified them as moderate and wide joint spacing respectively. Joint spacing was correlated with specific energy, bit wear and uniaxial compressive using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The regression model has multiple coefficient of correlation of R^2 = 0.791 and R^2 =0.995 for gneiss and limestone, respectively. The variation in joint spacing could be attributed to spe- cific energy, bit wear and uniaxial compressive strength which affect drilling condition and performance. Ultimately, as joint spacing gets closer, the drilling velocity increases, drill string will be stable. 展开更多
关键词 Joint spacing GneissLimestone Regression Composition
Effects of Dietary Carbohydrates Sources on Lipids Compositions in Abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino
作者 WANG Weifang MAI Kangsen ZHANG Wenbing XU Wei AI Qinghui YAO Chunfeng LI Huitao 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2009年第3期254-258,共5页
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary carbohydrates on triglyceride, cholesterol and fatty acid concentrations in abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Six semi-purified diets with different carbohyd... A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary carbohydrates on triglyceride, cholesterol and fatty acid concentrations in abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Six semi-purified diets with different carbohydrates (dextrin, heat-treated wheat starch, wheat starch, corn starch, tapioca starch and potato starch, respectively), all containing a carbohydrate level of 33.5%, were fed to abalone (initial shell length: 29.98mm±0.09mm; initial weight. 3.42g±0.02g) for 24 weeks in a recirculation system. The results indicate that serum triglyceride concentrations were significantly (P〈0.05) higher in the abalone fed with dextrin, heat-treated wheat starch and wheat starch than those fed with corn starch, and serum cholesterol concentrations were significantly (P〈0.05) higher in the abalone fed with dextrin, heat-treated wheat starch than those fed with corn starch. Fatty acid C20:4n-6 in the foot mus- cles were significantly (P〈0.05) lower in the abalone fed with dextrin than those fed with wheat starch, corn starch, tapioca starch and potato starch. Fatty acid C20:4n-6 in hepatopancreas was significantly (P〈0.05) lower in abalone fed with heat-treated wheat starch than those fed with corn starch, tapioca starch and potato starch. Fatty acid C22:6n-3 in the foot muscles were significantly (P 〈 0.05) lower in the abalone fed with dextrin and beat-treated wheat starch than those fed with wheat starch and potato starch. 展开更多
关键词 ABALONE Haliotis discus hannai carbohydrates LIPID fatty acid
Improving performance of open-pit mine production scheduling problem under grade uncertainty by hybrid algorithms
作者 Kamyar TOLOUEI Ehsan MOOSAVI +2 位作者 Amir Hossein BANGIAN TABRIZI Peyman AFZAL Abbas AGHAJANI BAZZAZI 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第9期2479-2493,共15页
One of the surface mining methods is open-pit mining,by which a pit is dug to extract ore or waste downwards from the earth’s surface.In the mining industry,one of the most significant difficulties is long-term produ... One of the surface mining methods is open-pit mining,by which a pit is dug to extract ore or waste downwards from the earth’s surface.In the mining industry,one of the most significant difficulties is long-term production scheduling(LTPS)of the open-pit mines.Deterministic and uncertainty-based approaches are identified as the main strategies,which have been widely used to cope with this problem.Within the last few years,many researchers have highly considered a new computational type,which is less costly,i.e.,meta-heuristic methods,so as to solve the mine design and production scheduling problem.Although the optimality of the final solution cannot be guaranteed,they are able to produce sufficiently good solutions with relatively less computational costs.In the present paper,two hybrid models between augmented Lagrangian relaxation(ALR)and a particle swarm optimization(PSO)and ALR and bat algorithm(BA)are suggested so that the LTPS problem is solved under the condition of grade uncertainty.It is suggested to carry out the ALR method on the LTPS problem to improve its performance and accelerate the convergence.Moreover,the Lagrangian coefficients are updated by using PSO and BA.The presented models have been compared with the outcomes of the ALR-genetic algorithm,the ALR-traditional sub-gradient method,and the conventional method without using the Lagrangian approach.The results indicated that the ALR is considered a more efficient approach which can solve a large-scale problem and make a valid solution.Hence,it is more effectual than the conventional method.Furthermore,the time and cost of computation are diminished by the proposed hybrid strategies.The CPU time using the ALR-BA method is about 7.4%higher than the ALR-PSO approach. 展开更多
关键词 open-pit mine long-term production scheduling grade uncertainty augmented Lagrangian relaxation particle swarm optimization algorithm bat algorithm
Determinants of Capital Structure in the Nigerian Listed Insurance Firms 被引量:1
作者 Shehu Usman Hassan 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第7期672-681,共10页
The paper investigates the determinants of capital structure in Nigerian listed insurance firms using data obtained from annual report of the sampled firms for the period of 2001-2010. It used five explanatory variabl... The paper investigates the determinants of capital structure in Nigerian listed insurance firms using data obtained from annual report of the sampled firms for the period of 2001-2010. It used five explanatory variables to measure their effects on debt ratio. Multiple regression is employed as a tool of analysis. The result reveals that all the explanatory variables have statistically and significantly influenced the explained variable. The results approve the prediction of pecking order theory in the case of profitability and trade-off theory in case of tangibility variables. The growth variable supports the agency theory hypothesis whereas size variable confirms to the asymmetry of information theory. It is therefore recommended that the management of listed insurance firms in Nigeria should always consider their positions using these capital structure determinants as important inputs before embarking on debt financing decision. 展开更多
关键词 capital structure determinants leverage Nigerian insurance firms
作者 江志红 李杨 黄丹莲 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2016年第3期382-392,共11页
Climate effect caused by urbanization has been an indispensable anthropogenic factor in the research on regional climate change.Based on daily precipitation data,possible effects of precipitation on the development of... Climate effect caused by urbanization has been an indispensable anthropogenic factor in the research on regional climate change.Based on daily precipitation data,possible effects of precipitation on the development of three city groups in eastern China are discussed.With three classification methods(TP,PD and MODIS land cover),urban and rural stations are identified.The main findings are as follows.Climate effects caused by urbanization are different from place to place.In 1960 to 2009,the urbanization brought more precipitation to the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta city groups but had no obvious effect on the precipitation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan city group.The difference of precipitation is slight between urban and suburban areas during slow period of the urbanization from 1960 to 1979.It is more evident in the rapid period(1980 to 2009) that urbanization has positive effects on precipitation in every city group.The difference of precipitation between urban and rural stations is sensitive to the ways of distinguishing rural from urban area,which may cause uncertainties in 1960 to 1979,while it is very different in 1980 to 2009 in which urbanization favors more precipitation in all city groups and their differences in precipitation are not sensitive to the division methods. 展开更多
关键词 city group URBANIZATION precipitation trend extreme precipitation
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