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作者 高德慈 《北京测绘》 1995年第4期44-46,共3页
在建立涉及土地测量的地理信息系统时,测量点误差是一件值得重视的事情。坐标的可靠性,在诸多的因素中,取决于取得坐标的时期和测量它们的技术。在很多的应用中,边界线比点的位置更让用户关注。而且,用户只知端点可靠性与被确定的... 在建立涉及土地测量的地理信息系统时,测量点误差是一件值得重视的事情。坐标的可靠性,在诸多的因素中,取决于取得坐标的时期和测量它们的技术。在很多的应用中,边界线比点的位置更让用户关注。而且,用户只知端点可靠性与被确定的线段有联系,而没有定量地测量不确定,是连线的可靠性。本文建立这样一个模型,并说明如何将之修改为判定公式和特殊情况下的标准。 展开更多
关键词 土地测量 不确定点连线 可靠性模型
存在不确定灾害点的交通运输网络应急车辆调度研究 被引量:10
作者 杨海强 陈卫明 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 2017年第5期26-30,共5页
灾害的发生往往具有不确定性,容易造成意想不到的损失,对于未来灾害点的预防是很有必要的。由于各受灾点对应急资源的需求量不同,交通运输网络中的应急车辆调度能否及时对救灾也是至关重要的。对一般的应急车辆调度模型进行改进,结合实... 灾害的发生往往具有不确定性,容易造成意想不到的损失,对于未来灾害点的预防是很有必要的。由于各受灾点对应急资源的需求量不同,交通运输网络中的应急车辆调度能否及时对救灾也是至关重要的。对一般的应急车辆调度模型进行改进,结合实际中发生的灾害点及预测未来可能发生的灾害点,建立了以带权重响应时间成本最小和应急物资未满足量最少为目标函数的应急车辆调度模型,并提出了基于遗传算法的模型求解方法,最后通过实例计算分析验证了模型的有效性和实用性。该模型可以在灾害发生前后为应急车辆的调度提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 不确定灾害 交通运输网络 应急车辆调度 带权重响应时间成本 物资未满足量 遗传算法
“召唤结构”的特点与美学价值 被引量:5
作者 邹祖兴 《中南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第6期92-95,共4页
“召唤结构”是接受美学的理论基石,是原联邦德国的康斯坦茨学派的代表人物之一伊塞尔根据英伽登关于文学作品中的不确定领域在阅读过程中被具体化的思想发挥而来的。所谓“召唤结构”,是指文学作品中存在的不确定点或读者对作品进行艺... “召唤结构”是接受美学的理论基石,是原联邦德国的康斯坦茨学派的代表人物之一伊塞尔根据英伽登关于文学作品中的不确定领域在阅读过程中被具体化的思想发挥而来的。所谓“召唤结构”,是指文学作品中存在的不确定点或读者对作品进行艺术想象的空间。下面,仅就“召唤结构”的特点和美学价值,谈点看法。 1 “召唤结构”最主要的特点是它的不确定性。首先,这是由于文学作品特殊的存在方式——一种意向性客体所决定的。这就是说,文学作品必须凭借铅字。 展开更多
关键词 召唤结构 文学作品 美学价值 读者 不确定 理论基石 不确定点 接受美学 意向性客体 艺术想象
在线社会网络中一种基于时空相似性的多源点定位方法 被引量:1
作者 赵宇 汤红波 李丹浓 《信息工程大学学报》 2018年第4期404-409,共6页
针对在线社会网络中多源点定位问题,当源点数量不确定时,定位准确率有待提高。采用设置探查节点的方式,基于探查节点接收时刻序列分布与网络空间结构具有相似性的特点,提出一种基于时空相似性的多源点定位方法。首先,分析多次接收信息... 针对在线社会网络中多源点定位问题,当源点数量不确定时,定位准确率有待提高。采用设置探查节点的方式,基于探查节点接收时刻序列分布与网络空间结构具有相似性的特点,提出一种基于时空相似性的多源点定位方法。首先,分析多次接收信息节点的源点指向性,采用重启式随机游走算法确定源点备选集;然后,以非多次接收信息节点与备选源点的时空相似性为基础,将定位问题转化为聚类问题;最后,采用改进的近邻传播算法确定源点数量和位置。实验分析表明,相对于其他算法,该算法可提升源点定位的准确性,减少误差跳数。 展开更多
关键词 在线社会网络 定位 不确定数量 近邻传播算法
作者 李翌 曹家骏 《国外内燃机》 2015年第1期66-70,共5页
通过对风扇不同测距、不同转速56个测点的噪声测量,分析背景噪声对声功率测量的影响,采用统计方法计算测量球面声压级的平均值,寻找与测量球面平均声压级相同的法平面,比较不同旋转方向的风扇噪声,建立了测点布置不确定度、试验室环境... 通过对风扇不同测距、不同转速56个测点的噪声测量,分析背景噪声对声功率测量的影响,采用统计方法计算测量球面声压级的平均值,寻找与测量球面平均声压级相同的法平面,比较不同旋转方向的风扇噪声,建立了测点布置不确定度、试验室环境修正与声功率级不确定度的关系式。研究表明:45°法平面的1-2-3-4测点可以替代球面平均声压级且符合工程法要求;风扇正转噪声比反转噪声高,试验安装时应注意旋转方向;在消声室测量风扇声功率时,决定声功率级不确定度的关键因素是有限测点的不确定度。 展开更多
关键词 噪声测量 冷却风扇 布置不确定
具体化原则与文学翻译 被引量:15
作者 吕俊 《外语研究》 北大核心 1994年第1期51-55,共5页
具体化原则与文学翻译吕俊具体化原则是接受理论的一茶重要原则。接受理论(又称接受美学)是本世纪六十年代未到七十年代初出现的一种新的文艺理论。它以现象学美学和阐释学为理论基础,以“读者中心论”为核心。这一理论认为读者的阅... 具体化原则与文学翻译吕俊具体化原则是接受理论的一茶重要原则。接受理论(又称接受美学)是本世纪六十年代未到七十年代初出现的一种新的文艺理论。它以现象学美学和阐释学为理论基础,以“读者中心论”为核心。这一理论认为读者的阅读活动、接受程度对作品的意义、价值... 展开更多
关键词 图式结构 接受理论 译文读者 再创造 接受美学 文学翻译 艺术作品 文学作品 潜在意义 不确定点
接受美学的理论倾向 被引量:3
作者 袁金刚 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第4期38-42,共5页
我们知道,接受美学作为尧斯和伊塞尔首创的一种新兴的文学理论,它突破了欧洲传统的以作家、作品为研究对象的理论模式,把读者及其审美活动引进文学研究,注重揭示读者在接受活动中的主导地位以及能动的、创造性的机制,表现出鲜明的主体... 我们知道,接受美学作为尧斯和伊塞尔首创的一种新兴的文学理论,它突破了欧洲传统的以作家、作品为研究对象的理论模式,把读者及其审美活动引进文学研究,注重揭示读者在接受活动中的主导地位以及能动的、创造性的机制,表现出鲜明的主体性倾向。接受美学的主体性倾向首先表现在其成因上。一种理论形成的原因,表明了它所要担负的任务和追求的目标,往往体现出一定的倾向。众所周知,进入20世纪以后。 展开更多
关键词 文学作品 结构主义文学批评 接受美学 作家 欧洲传统 文学创作 洛夫 历史时代 研究流派 不确定点
文学的“接受研究”和“影响研究”——关于“接受美学”的笔记之二 被引量:4
作者 张黎 《文艺理论研究》 1987年第2期33-40,共8页
一接受美学作为一种理论,同样也是人类理论思维历史经验积淀的结果。在这方面,欧洲研究接受美学的学者,也进行过许多总结。人们注意到,关于基督教典籍的早期研究,只关心版本学,理论思维的重点放在编纂者身上,而并不注意接受者。即使亚... 一接受美学作为一种理论,同样也是人类理论思维历史经验积淀的结果。在这方面,欧洲研究接受美学的学者,也进行过许多总结。人们注意到,关于基督教典籍的早期研究,只关心版本学,理论思维的重点放在编纂者身上,而并不注意接受者。即使亚里士多德《诗学》传统的继承者们,如维达、隆萨、斯卡利格尔、彭塔努斯、海因修斯、布瓦洛、欧皮茨、高特舍特和莱辛等人的理论思维,也多集中在作者和作品身上,很少有人系统地从读者战略的角度思考问题。在欧洲文学史上,罗马诗人贺拉斯最早提出了文学“寓教于乐”、“劝谕读者”,把教益与娱乐结合起来的主张。这是欧洲文艺理论中明确地从读者角度提出问题的开端。后来的欧洲诗学家们,在这个问题上。 展开更多
关键词 文学作品结构 不确定点 贺拉斯 欧洲文学 基督教 接受美学 努斯 行动 永恒价值 真理
作者 张萍 《艺术家》 2022年第3期36-38,共3页
基因原是生物学的概念,但在国画中,文化基因是指画家所受到的文化思想的影响以及作品中所反映出来的笔墨表达、哲学理念、思想态度、人生观念等,这些文化因素由“召唤结构”体现出来。“召唤结构”是由伊瑟尔提出的用于文学理论批评的术... 基因原是生物学的概念,但在国画中,文化基因是指画家所受到的文化思想的影响以及作品中所反映出来的笔墨表达、哲学理念、思想态度、人生观念等,这些文化因素由“召唤结构”体现出来。“召唤结构”是由伊瑟尔提出的用于文学理论批评的术语,原指文学作品中存在的不确定点或读者对作品进行艺术想象的空间,具有召唤读者阅读的结构机制。 展开更多
关键词 召唤结构 人生观念 文学理论批评 吴昌硕 文学作品 哲学理念 伊瑟尔 不确定点
作者 晁真 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 1988年第4期106-112,共7页
源远流长的文学批评史上,虽然总的倾向是仅把读者视为文学的教育对象和文学这种特殊精神产品的享受者;但是,也有某些名家和某些学派有关于读者的论述,并注意到读者在文学欣赏中的主观能动作用。特别是接受美学,则主张评论的中心应转向读... 源远流长的文学批评史上,虽然总的倾向是仅把读者视为文学的教育对象和文学这种特殊精神产品的享受者;但是,也有某些名家和某些学派有关于读者的论述,并注意到读者在文学欣赏中的主观能动作用。特别是接受美学,则主张评论的中心应转向读者,研究读者的接受活动。本文就结合这些方面的有关论述,对读者在文学创作中的重要作用作一试探。 展开更多
关键词 文学创作 文学批评史 文学欣赏 林黛玉 罗敷 不确定点 享受者 香菱 精神产品 沈凤喜
Design for robust stabilization of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters 被引量:1
作者 赖旭芝 文静 吴敏 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2004年第1期102-104,共3页
Based on Lyapunov stability theory, a design method for the robust stabilization problem of a class of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters is presented. The design procedure is divided into two steps: the firs... Based on Lyapunov stability theory, a design method for the robust stabilization problem of a class of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters is presented. The design procedure is divided into two steps: the first is to design controllers for the nominal system and make the system asymptotically stabi1ize at the expected equilibrium point; the second is to construct closed-loop nominal system based on the first step, then design robust controller to make the error of state between the origina1 system and the nominal system converge to zero, thereby a dynamic controller with the constructed closed-loop nominal system served as interior dynamic is obtained. A numerical simulation verifies the correctness of the design method. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear system robust stabilization Lyapunov stability
Optimizing management in autoimmune hepatitis with liver failure at initial presentation 被引量:3
作者 Jonathan R Potts Sumita Verma 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第16期2070-2075,共6页
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a disease of unknown etiology,its hallmark being ongoing hepatic inflammation.By its very nature,it is a chronic condition,although increasingly,we are becoming aware of patients with acu... Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a disease of unknown etiology,its hallmark being ongoing hepatic inflammation.By its very nature,it is a chronic condition,although increasingly,we are becoming aware of patients with acute presentations,some of whom may have liver failure.There are very limited published data on patients with AIH with liver failure at initial diagnosis,which consist mostly of small retrospective studies.As a consequence,the clinical features and optimal management of this cohort remain poorly defined.A subset of patients with AIH who present with liver failure do respond to corticosteroids,but for the vast majority,an urgent liver transplantation may offer the only hope of long-term survival.At present,there is uncertainty on how best to stratify such a cohort into responders and non-responders to corticosteroids as soon as possible after hospitalization,thus optimizing their management.This editorial attempts to answer some of the unresolved issues relating to management of patients with AIH with liver failure at initial presentation.However,it must be emphasized that,at present,this editorial is based mostly on small retrospective studies,and it is an understatement that multicenter prospective studies are urgently needed to address this important clinical issue. 展开更多
关键词 Autoimmune hepatitis Liver failure Liver transplantation CORTICOSTEROIDS
Verified Solution for a Statically Determinate Truss Structure with Uncertain Node Locations 被引量:1
作者 Andrew P. Smith Jurgen Garloff Horst Werkle 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第11期1-10,共10页
We consider a statically determinate structural truss problem where all of the physical model parameters are uncertain: not just the material values and applied loads, but also the positions of the nodes are assumed ... We consider a statically determinate structural truss problem where all of the physical model parameters are uncertain: not just the material values and applied loads, but also the positions of the nodes are assumed to be inexact but bounded and are represented by intervals. Such uncertainty may typically arise from imprecision during the process of manufacturing or construction, or round-off errors. In this case the application of the finite element method results in a system of linear equations with numerous interval parameters which cannot be solved conventionally. Applying a suitable variable substitution, an iteration method for the solution of a parametric system of linear equations is firstly employed to obtain initial bounds on the node displacements. Thereafter, an interval tightening (pruning) technique is applied, firstly on the element forces and secondly on the node displacements, in order to obtain tight guaranteed enclosures for the interval solutions for the forces and displacements. 展开更多
关键词 Truss systems finite element method uncertain parameters interval arithmetic.
Development of NIS Two-Temperature Humidity Generator
作者 Mohamed Gamal Ahmed Said Mazen Doaa Abd El-Gelil 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第7期436-439,共4页
Abstract: This paper describes the development and characterization of a two-temperature (2-T), constant pressure humidity generator It relies on the saturation of a stream of gas flowing over a water surface maint... Abstract: This paper describes the development and characterization of a two-temperature (2-T), constant pressure humidity generator It relies on the saturation of a stream of gas flowing over a water surface maintained at constant, well-known, temperature. It was built in order to improve the uncertainties of the dew-point temperature and humidity scales realization at the National Institute for Standard (NIS) in the dew-point range from -50 ℃ to + 10 ℃. Several experiments were carried out in the above mentioned range in order to characterize the generator. Characterization comprised studies of its saturator efficiency, temperature stability and a comparison with a calibrated chilled-mirror hygrometer. The results of the efficiency tests showed good performance of the generator as described below. For uncertainty of measurements, a thorough analysis was also described representing estimations of contributions for all the sources that affecting measurements. 展开更多
关键词 Dew-point HYGROMETER two-temperature generator uncertainty.
Monte-Carlo based cascade control approach with focus on real overactuated space systems
作者 M.Shahi A.H.Mazinan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期3171-3182,共12页
The present research relies on a cascade control approach through the Monte-Carlo based method in the presence of uncertainties to evaluate the performance of the real overactuated space systems.A number of potential ... The present research relies on a cascade control approach through the Monte-Carlo based method in the presence of uncertainties to evaluate the performance of the real overactuated space systems.A number of potential investigations in this area are first considered to prepare an idea with respect to state-of-the-art.The insight proposed here is organized to present attitude cascade control approach including the low thrust in connection with the high thrust to be implemented,while the aforementioned Monte-Carlo based method is carried out to guarantee the approach performance.It is noted that the investigated outcomes are efficient to handle a class of space systems presented via the center of mass and the moments of inertial.And also a number of profiles for the thrust vector and the misalignments as the disturbances all vary in its span of nominal variations.The acquired results are finally analyzed in line with some well-known benchmarks to verify the approach efficiency.The key core of finding in the research is to propose a novel 3-axis control approach to deal with all the mentioned uncertainties of space systems under control,in a synchronous manner,as long as the appropriate models in the low-high thrusts are realized. 展开更多
关键词 Monte-Carlo based method cascade control approach overactuated space systems low-high thrusts models
Information fusion based on addition of unascertained rational numbers for recognization of spatial point targets
作者 张池平 宋向勃 崔祜涛 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期332-334,共3页
A new uncertain information model, i.e. unascertainment, which is different from randomness,fuzziness and grayness, has been introduced into information fusion to give a reasoning method,which is basedon addition of u... A new uncertain information model, i.e. unascertainment, which is different from randomness,fuzziness and grayness, has been introduced into information fusion to give a reasoning method,which is basedon addition of unascertained rational number and can be used to recognize spatial point targets. The validity ofthe method proposed is verified through an example. 展开更多
关键词 unascertained information information fusion
作者 庄盛文 叶顺夫 《物理实验(中学部分)》 北大核心 2004年第3期34-37,共4页
关键词 中等教育 物理教学 单摆运动 单摆衍变 圆锥摆 运动周期 双线摆 圆弧摆 复摆 扭摆 等效加速度 摆长变化 不确定 摆动不对称
NIS One-Temperature Dew-Point Generator Operating in the Ranae -50℃ to 0 ℃ 被引量:1
作者 Mohamed Gamal Ahmed Doaa Abd El-Gelil +1 位作者 Essam El-Din Mahmoud Said Mazen 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第9期335-339,共5页
This paper describes construction and characterization of a dew/frost -point generator developed at national institute for standards. It is intended to operate in the range from -50 ℃to 0 ℃. The air flows through a ... This paper describes construction and characterization of a dew/frost -point generator developed at national institute for standards. It is intended to operate in the range from -50 ℃to 0 ℃. The air flows through a saturator controlled by a regulated flow meter. The reference dew/frost -point temperature was measured by standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) connected to a resistance bridge. A comparative study between the saturator temperature of the new generator measured by SPRT and the dew/frost-point temperature of a calibrated chilled-mirror hygrometer was conducted. It helped to determine the uncertainty of saturator; this uncertainty was found to be between ±0.06℃ to -4- 0.15℃ at confidence limit of 95%.Several experiments were carried out in the mentioned range. Obtained results gave the confidence that NIS generator could be used as a primary humid air generator. 展开更多
关键词 Characterization standard dew/frost point generator measurement uncertainty.
作者 Qunjiao ZHANG Jun'an LU 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第2期207-217,共11页
Over the past decades, complex networks have been prosperous greatly in various fields of sciences and engineering. Much attention has been given to investigate the synchronization of complex networks in recent years.... Over the past decades, complex networks have been prosperous greatly in various fields of sciences and engineering. Much attention has been given to investigate the synchronization of complex networks in recent years. However, few work has done for the networks with uncertain parameters and unknown topology. In this paper, to further reveal the dynamical mechanism in complex networks with time delays, an uncertain general complex dynamical network with delayed nodes is studied. By constructing a drive network and a suitable slave network, several novel criteria for the networks consisting of the identical nodes and different nodes have been obtained based on the adaptive feedback method. Particularly, the hypotheses and the proposed adaptive laws for network synchronization are simple and can be readily applied in practical applications. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed synchronization criteria. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive feedback synchronization complex networks delayed nodes uncertain parameter unknown topology.
作者 Yao YU Yisheng ZHONG 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2009年第2期207-219,共13页
A 3DOF (three degrees of freedom) helicopter attitude control system with multi-operationpoints is described as a MIMO time-varying uncertain nonlinear system with unknown constant param-eters,bounded disturbance and ... A 3DOF (three degrees of freedom) helicopter attitude control system with multi-operationpoints is described as a MIMO time-varying uncertain nonlinear system with unknown constant param-eters,bounded disturbance and nonlinear uncertainty,and a robust output feedback control methodbased on signal compensation is proposed.A controller designed by this method consists of a nominalcontroller and a robust compensator.The controller is linear time-invariant and can be realized easily.Robust attitude tracking property of closed-loop system is proven and experimental results show thatthe designed control system can guarantee high precision robust attitude control under multi-operationpoints. 展开更多
关键词 Attitude control HELICOPTER MIMO multi-operation points robust tracking 3DOF.
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