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不锈钢-铝电极电絮凝处理含铜废水的试验研究 被引量:15
作者 徐旭东 王中琪 周乃磊 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 2010年第2期46-50,共5页
采用不锈钢-铝为电极的电絮凝法对含铜废水进行了处理试验研究,模拟废水铜离子浓度为150 mg/L,以废水中的铜离子浓度和COD去除率为考察指标,在电流密度为15 mA/cm2、极板间距为3 cm、pH值为7、电解时间为120 min的条件下,Cu2+的去除率... 采用不锈钢-铝为电极的电絮凝法对含铜废水进行了处理试验研究,模拟废水铜离子浓度为150 mg/L,以废水中的铜离子浓度和COD去除率为考察指标,在电流密度为15 mA/cm2、极板间距为3 cm、pH值为7、电解时间为120 min的条件下,Cu2+的去除率平均能达到99%以上,COD的去除率亦能达到97%;在此基础上,应用于实际的电路板腐蚀液废水的处理试验,发现Cl-浓度在200 mg/L以上时,对废水先进行相关预处理也能达到较好的处理效果,该研究对进一步探讨Cl-对电絮凝的影响机理有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 含铜废水 电絮凝 不锈钢-铝电极 去除率 氯离子
用侧向挤压法成形不锈钢-铝复合接触轨 被引量:2
作者 闫晓东 涂思京 +1 位作者 杨玉松 谢水生 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期35-37,共3页
不锈钢 -铝复合接触轨的研究具有重要的实用价值 ,但是现有的几种制造方法都存在明显不足。本文用侧向挤压复合法进行了实验研究 ,设计了一套适合于 10 0 0kN立式液压机的侧向挤压装置 ,并利用此装置进行了不锈钢 -铝复合接触轨的成形 ... 不锈钢 -铝复合接触轨的研究具有重要的实用价值 ,但是现有的几种制造方法都存在明显不足。本文用侧向挤压复合法进行了实验研究 ,设计了一套适合于 10 0 0kN立式液压机的侧向挤压装置 ,并利用此装置进行了不锈钢 -铝复合接触轨的成形 ,优化了工模具结构 ,得到了相关工艺参数。通过对复合效果的分析表明 :用侧向挤压法生产不锈钢 -铝复合接触轨是方便可行的 ,此模具合理高效。 展开更多
关键词 不锈钢-铝复合接触轨 侧向挤压 模具设计
纯铝-不锈钢异种材料惯性摩擦焊的研究 被引量:10
作者 张田仓 栾国红 +1 位作者 陈沁刚 吴谦 《航空工艺技术》 1998年第3期33-33,36,共2页
关键词 惯性摩擦焊 异种材料 焊接接头 -不锈钢
不锈钢铝复合材料表面微弧氧化陶瓷膜的研究 被引量:4
作者 杜继红 李争显 慕伟意 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期35-36,44,共3页
 采用微弧氧化的方法在不锈钢 铝复合材料表面获得陶瓷膜。对该膜层进行了断面形貌观察和X 射线衍射分析、耐磨分析,研究了膜层的厚度随微弧氧化时间的规律,结果表明:陶瓷膜层厚度随时间的增加而增加,但有一个极限值。陶瓷层主要由α A...  采用微弧氧化的方法在不锈钢 铝复合材料表面获得陶瓷膜。对该膜层进行了断面形貌观察和X 射线衍射分析、耐磨分析,研究了膜层的厚度随微弧氧化时间的规律,结果表明:陶瓷膜层厚度随时间的增加而增加,但有一个极限值。陶瓷层主要由α Al2O3和γ Al2O3组成。 展开更多
关键词 不锈钢-铝复合材料 微弧氧化 陶瓷膜 断面形貌 膜层厚度 Α-AL2O3 Γ-AL2O3 表面处理
304不锈钢/铝扩散焊接界面组织与性能 被引量:2
作者 史珂轲 刘德义 任瑞铭 《大连交通大学学报》 CAS 2014年第5期74-79,共6页
以304不锈钢钢板作为基材,工业纯铝板作为过渡层,用真空扩散焊接的方法制备304不锈钢/铝/304不锈钢复合试样.利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射仪对界面组织、化学成分、断口形貌和组成相进行分析.通过硬度和剪切试验... 以304不锈钢钢板作为基材,工业纯铝板作为过渡层,用真空扩散焊接的方法制备304不锈钢/铝/304不锈钢复合试样.利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射仪对界面组织、化学成分、断口形貌和组成相进行分析.通过硬度和剪切试验测定界面的显微硬度和剪切强度.结果表明,不锈钢/铝界面发生了原子互扩散,生成了多种脆性金属间化合物,并在原子扩散界面形成了不同层次的过渡组织.扩散层厚度随着加热温度的升高和保温时间的延长而增大.界面显微硬度值显著增大,剪切强度随着保温时间的延长先增加后降低. 展开更多
关键词 不锈钢-铝 扩散焊接 组织与性能
异质金属层状复合板分层应力-应变关系研究 被引量:8
作者 杨方方 皇涛 +5 位作者 陈拂晓 詹梅 郭俊卿 王锟 李艳阳 陈学文 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期187-191,205,共6页
为了准确获得异质金属层状复合板的应力-应变关系,引入了结合区的影响,通过对热轧复合而成的钛-铝-不锈钢复合板进行显微硬度试验,获得了各异质层和结合区的硬度值并确定了结合区区域宽度,基于混合法则和显微硬度-应力关系提出了一种精... 为了准确获得异质金属层状复合板的应力-应变关系,引入了结合区的影响,通过对热轧复合而成的钛-铝-不锈钢复合板进行显微硬度试验,获得了各异质层和结合区的硬度值并确定了结合区区域宽度,基于混合法则和显微硬度-应力关系提出了一种精确获得钛-铝-不锈钢复合板各异质层和结合区应力-应变关系的方法,通过单向拉伸试验数据结合理论分析获得了复合板各异质层和结合区的应力-应变关系曲线。结果表明:采用以上提出的方法可获得考虑结合区影响下各异质层和结合区的应力-应变关系,结合区材料的强化系数和应变硬化指数介于异质层之间。 展开更多
关键词 --不锈钢复合板 应力-应变关系 结合区 混合法则 显微硬度-应力关系
材料参数波动对钛-铝-不锈钢复合板V型弯曲回弹的影响 被引量:2
作者 李艳阳 皇涛 +2 位作者 郭俊卿 王锟 宋卓 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期18-25,共8页
通过回弹前后成形件与模具之间的相对几何关系,精确计算了回弹前后弯曲角度变化情况;基于有限元法,建立了钛-铝-不锈钢层状复合板V型弯曲成形及回弹有限元模型,并将有限元模拟结果与试验结果进行对比,验证所建模型的正确性,并研究了各... 通过回弹前后成形件与模具之间的相对几何关系,精确计算了回弹前后弯曲角度变化情况;基于有限元法,建立了钛-铝-不锈钢层状复合板V型弯曲成形及回弹有限元模型,并将有限元模拟结果与试验结果进行对比,验证所建模型的正确性,并研究了各异质层材料参数波动对复合板弯曲回弹的影响规律。结果表明,回弹角随不锈钢层和铝层强度系数增大而增大,随应变硬化指数增大而减小,随钛层强度系数增大而减小,随应变硬化指数增大而增大,随各异质层弹性模量增大而减小。结合多因素敏感性分析方法,对材料参数波动影响弯曲回弹规律进行了敏感性分析,发现钛层材料参数改变对复合板回弹角的影响最为敏感。 展开更多
关键词 --不锈钢复合板 回弹角 材料参数 V型弯曲 敏感度因子
铝-不锈钢复合过渡接头性能试验研究 被引量:2
作者 刘金涛 任江毅 +1 位作者 蒋晓博 田庆年 《材料开发与应用》 CAS 2019年第5期72-76,共5页
针对铝-不锈钢复合过渡接头使用要求,对不同材质组合及爆炸工艺的铝-不锈钢过渡接头的常温力学性能、焊接模拟力学性能、微观金相、气密性进行了试验分析,发现温度对接头的力学性能及气密性有一定影响,并确定漏气的主要部位为铝铝界面... 针对铝-不锈钢复合过渡接头使用要求,对不同材质组合及爆炸工艺的铝-不锈钢过渡接头的常温力学性能、焊接模拟力学性能、微观金相、气密性进行了试验分析,发现温度对接头的力学性能及气密性有一定影响,并确定漏气的主要部位为铝铝界面和铝钛界面,这为改善该接头的气密性提供了研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 -不锈钢复合过渡接头 爆炸焊接 气密性
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Fe meshing bonding interfaces manufactured by explosive welding 被引量:12
作者 Ming YANG Hong-hao MA +2 位作者 Zhao-wu SHEN Dai-guo CHEN Yong-xin DENG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期680-691,共12页
In order to improve the mechanical properties of Al.Fe transition joints manufactured by explosive welding,meshing bonding interfaces were obtained by prefabricating dovetail grooves in base plates.The microstructure ... In order to improve the mechanical properties of Al.Fe transition joints manufactured by explosive welding,meshing bonding interfaces were obtained by prefabricating dovetail grooves in base plates.The microstructure and mechanical properties of the meshing interfaces were systematically investigated.The microstructure observation showed that metallurgical bonding without pores was created in the form of direct bonding and melting zone bonding at the interface.Fractography on tensile specimens showed cleavage fracture on the steel side and ductile fracture on the aluminum side near the interfaces.The tensile shear test results indicated that the shear strength of the meshing interface 0°and 90°was increased by 11%and 14%,respectively,when being compared to that of the ordinary Al.Fe transition joints.The values of microhardness decreased as the distance from the interface increased.After three-point bending,cracks were observed at the bonding interface for some specimens due to the existence of brittle Fe.Al compounds. 展开更多
关键词 explosive welding meshing interface ALUMINUM stainless steel
Improving pulsed laser weldability of duplex stainless steel to 5456 aluminum alloy via friction stir process reinforcing of aluminum by BNi-2 brazing alloy 被引量:6
作者 Hossein ESMAILY Ali HABIBOLAHZADEH Mohammad TAJALLY 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第7期1401-1412,共12页
Effects of laser pulse distance and reinforcing of 5456 aluminum alloy were investigated on laser weldability of Al alloy to duplex stainless steel (DSS) plates. The aluminum alloy plate was reinforced by nickel-base ... Effects of laser pulse distance and reinforcing of 5456 aluminum alloy were investigated on laser weldability of Al alloy to duplex stainless steel (DSS) plates. The aluminum alloy plate was reinforced by nickel-base BNi-2 brazing powder via friction stir processing. The DSS plates were laser welded to the Al5456/BNi-2 composite and also to the Al5456 alloy plates. The welding zones were studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, micro-hardness and shear tests. The weld interface layer became thinner from 23 to 5 μm, as the laser pulse distance was increased from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. Reinforcing of the Al alloy modified the phases at interface layer from Al-Fe intermetallic compounds (IMCs) in the DSS/Al alloy weld, to Al-Ni-Fe IMCs in the DSS/Al composite one, since more nickel was injected in the weld pool by BNi-2 reinforcements. This led to a remarkable reduction in crack tendency of the welds and decreased the hardness of the interface layer from ~950 HV to ~600 HV. Shear strengths of the DSS/Al composite welds were significantly increased by ~150%, from 46 to 114 MPa, in comparison to the DSS/Al alloy ones. 展开更多
关键词 duplex stainless steel (DSS) Al5456 aluminum alloy BNi-2 brazing alloy friction stir processing pulsed laser welding
Microstructure evolution and corrosion behavior of Fe-Al-based intermetallic aluminide coatings under acidic condition 被引量:4
作者 Wen-juan LIU Yu WANG +4 位作者 Hong-bin GE Li LI Yi DING Ling-gang MENG Xing-guo ZHANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2028-2043,共16页
Two Fe-Al-based intermetallic aluminide coatings were fabricated on 430-SS(Fe-Cr)and 304-SS(Fe-Cr-Ni)substrates by pressure-assisted solid diffusion bonding with coating on pure Fe as control.The microstructure and in... Two Fe-Al-based intermetallic aluminide coatings were fabricated on 430-SS(Fe-Cr)and 304-SS(Fe-Cr-Ni)substrates by pressure-assisted solid diffusion bonding with coating on pure Fe as control.The microstructure and intermetallic phases of the coatings were characterized by SEM,EDS and EBSD.A network of Cr2Al13 with matrix of Fe4Al13 was formed by inter-diffusing of Al with the substrates.The corrosion behavior of intermetallic coatings was investigated in 0.5 mol/L HCl solution by mass-loss,OCP,Tafel plot and EIS.It was found that corrosion resistance was greatly enhanced by dozens of times after the addition of Cr and Ni compared with that on pure Fe.The presence of cracks in the coating on 430-SS provided a pathway for corrosion media to penetrate to the substrate and accelerated the corrosion rate.Moreover,the corrosion product was analyzed by XRD,demonstrating that the addition of Cr and Ni facilitated the formation of more corrosion resistant phases,and therefore improved corrosion resistance. 展开更多
关键词 INTERMETALLIC iron aluminide stainless steel hydrogen chloride CORROSION
TIG welding-brazing joint of aluminum to stainless steel with hot wire 被引量:1
作者 何欢 林三宝 +2 位作者 陈哲 范成磊 杨春利 《China Welding》 EI CAS 2013年第3期25-30,共6页
TIG welding-brazing process with high frequency induction hot wire technology was presented to create joints between 5A06 aluminum alloy and SUS32! stainless steel using ER1100 filler wire with different temperature. ... TIG welding-brazing process with high frequency induction hot wire technology was presented to create joints between 5A06 aluminum alloy and SUS32! stainless steel using ER1100 filler wire with different temperature. The joints were evaluated by mechanical test and microstructural analyses. The welding procedure using hot fiUer wire (400 ℃ ) significantly increases strength stability by 71% and average value of tensile strength by 30. 8 % of the joints, compared with cold wire. The research of microstructures in interfaces and welded seams reveals that using 400 ℃ hot filler wire can decrease the thickness of intermetallic compounds ( IMCs ) from 6 to 3.5 txm approximately, which is the main reason of mechanical property improvement. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy stainless steel WELDING-BRAZING hot wire high frequency induction INTERMETALLIC
Preparation High-Temperature Behavior of Conversion Coating of Alumina Film on FeCrAI (Ce) Stainless Steel
作者 H. Essom 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第12期1083-1092,共10页
FeCrAI (Ce) stainless steel was functionalized by a conversion treatment in order to allow alumina by diffusion coatings with strong interfacial bonding. The very porous conversion coating produced in a pack alumini... FeCrAI (Ce) stainless steel was functionalized by a conversion treatment in order to allow alumina by diffusion coatings with strong interfacial bonding. The very porous conversion coating produced in a pack aluminization technique had excellent adhesion and was conductive enough to permit conditions favorable for the precipitation of alumina oxyhydroxide during aluminum diffusion coatings. In this work, the bed was prepared as a mixture of A1, NH4C1 and A1203. In the high-activity bed were heat-treated at 1,173 K in an atmosphere made up of team with subsequent air-cooling. The effect of the bed content on the coating was examined. With the high-activity, the desired Fe2Al5 was formed as the outermost coating layer. The coating presented chemical composition gradients suitable for strong adhesion. The improvement of the thermal oxidation behaviour was studied at 1,373 K. Two different aqueous environments, which are (1) NaC1 and (2) H2SO4, are employed for using the technique of potentiodynamic polarization curve. The obtained experimental electrochemical parameters (Ecorr, Jcorr etc,) were used to compare the corrosion resistance of the tested steel state complemented by MEB (electronic scanning microscopy) in combination with dispersive analysis X in energy (EDS) or X ray diffraction indicated that the elements concentration maximum was located in the vicinity of the interface especially in the FeCrAI (Ce) coated by spherical A1203 powder. These results an discussed in terms of an addition effect on the development of the microstructure of oxide films. 展开更多
关键词 COATING ALUMINA corrosion MORPHOLOGY heat treatment adhesion.
Contact reactive brazing of Al alloy/Cu/stainless steel joints and dissolution behaviors of interlayer 被引量:10
作者 吴铭方 司乃潮 陈健 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1035-1039,共5页
Contact reactive brazing of 6063 Al alloy and 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel was researched by using Cu as interlayer. Effect of brazing time on microstructure of the joints, as well as the dissolution behaviors of Cu int... Contact reactive brazing of 6063 Al alloy and 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel was researched by using Cu as interlayer. Effect of brazing time on microstructure of the joints, as well as the dissolution behaviors of Cu interlayer was analyzed. The results show that the product of reaction zone near 1Cr18Ni9Ti is composed of Fe2Al5, FeAl3 intermetallic compound (IMC), and Cu-Al IMC; the near by area is composed of Al-Cu eutectic structure with Al (Cu) solid solution. With increasing the brazing time, the thickness of IMC layer at the interface increases, while the width of Al-Cu eutectic structure with Al(Cu) solution decreases. Calculation shows the dissolution rate of Cu interlayer is very fast. The complete dissolution time is about 0.47 s for Cu interlayer with 10 μm in thickness used in this study. 展开更多
关键词 Al alloy stainless steel contact reactive brazing MICROSTRUCTURE dissolution of interlayer
异种金属的钎焊 被引量:3
作者 庄鸿寿 《焊接》 北大核心 2009年第2期22-25,共4页
关键词 异种金属 - -不锈钢 - 不锈钢-钛合金 钎焊
Prediction and optimization of friction welding parameters for joining aluminium alloy and stainless steel 被引量:9
作者 R.PAVENTHAN P.R.LAKSHMINARAYANAN V.BALASUBRAMANIAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第7期1480-1485,共6页
Friction welding (FW) is a process of solid state joining which is used extensively in recent years due to its advantages such as low heat input,production efficiency,ease of manufacture and environment friendliness... Friction welding (FW) is a process of solid state joining which is used extensively in recent years due to its advantages such as low heat input,production efficiency,ease of manufacture and environment friendliness.Friction welding can be used to join different types of ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals that cannot be welded by traditional fusion welding processes.The process parameters such as friction pressure,forging force,friction time and forging time play the major roles in determining the strength of the joints.In this investigation an attempt was made to develop an empirical relationship to predict the tensile strength of friction welded AA 6082 aluminium alloy and AISI 304 austenitic stainless steels joints,incorporating above said parameters.Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimizing the friction welding process parameters to attain the maximum tensile strength of the joint. 展开更多
关键词 friction welding aluminium alloy stainless steel response surface methodology OPTIMIZATION
Development and characterization of hot dip aluminide coated stainless steel 316L
作者 Sehrish MUKHTAR Waqas ASGHAR +3 位作者 Zubair BUTT Zaheer ABBAS Mudaser ULLAH Rana ATTA-UR-REHMAN 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期2578-2588,共11页
Stainless steel(SS)grade 316L is used for orthopedic implants due to its biocompatibility;yet the effort should be done to minimize the carcinogenic and inflammatory effects related to SS 316L implants.In this researc... Stainless steel(SS)grade 316L is used for orthopedic implants due to its biocompatibility;yet the effort should be done to minimize the carcinogenic and inflammatory effects related to SS 316L implants.In this research,aluminide coating of Al–Si alloy on SS 316L is characterized by using optical microscopy,energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS),nano-indentation and corrosion testing technique.Hot dip aluminizing process is used to coat the SS 316L specimens at 765°C for 2 min immersion time.Half of the specimens are also diffusion treated in a Muffle furnace at 550°C for 4 h to produce diffused specimens of SS 316L.Microstructural examination shows the formation of flat coating/substrate interface due to Si addition.EDS analysis confirms the formation of complex intermetallic at the coating/substrate interface which finally results in increasing the hardness and corrosion resistance properties of coating. 展开更多
关键词 stainless steel aluminide coating MICROSTRUCTURE INTERMETALLICS nano-indentation corrosion testing
作者 葆新 《电动自行车》 2004年第2期17-17,共1页
日本Miyata Industry(宫田工业)公司新开发的轻量化PFT铝-不锈钢自行车车架,系采用其专利技术PFT(Pressured Fit Technology——加压密合工艺技术)研制生产。其方法是用加压装配和密合,把20多种专利技术和Miyata公司特有专利权的专门... 日本Miyata Industry(宫田工业)公司新开发的轻量化PFT铝-不锈钢自行车车架,系采用其专利技术PFT(Pressured Fit Technology——加压密合工艺技术)研制生产。其方法是用加压装配和密合,把20多种专利技术和Miyata公司特有专利权的专门技术(Knowhow)应用于133个不同的方面。 展开更多
关键词 日本MiyataIndustry公司 轻量化 PFT-不锈钢自行车车架 电动混合型自行车 加压密合工艺
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